price wrm CEOTs. VOL. XIX. NO. 6. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1900. WILL FIGHT IT OUT Taylor Declines to Sign the Peace Agreement CASE WILL. GO TO THE COURTS Mllltla Hag Been Seat Home, and LenTislature Ordered to Recon- TCHe at Frankfort. FRANKFORT. Ky., Feb. M. "I have only this to say: After mature delibera tion and conference -with my friend from ery section of the state, I have concluded to au w this controversy to take its due ccre.., -vigorously contesting every Inch of gr und and upaoidiag the rights of the pevjie to the uttermost. If those rights be de'roed, the responsibility for that des'ru ion must rest with those who sit i la jj'gment. It is due to say that the eminent gen tle raer, mj friends, who secured the propo- j 6 t cms resulting from the Louisville con ference, acted in perfect good faith, from tc fc ghest motives of patriotism, and did lio iry best they could. "WILLIAM S. TAYLOR," "Governor of Kentucky." T1 a above proclamation was issued by G icrnor Taylor tatfght, and, according tD L.a oral sfaVEfSlt at the time of Us isfaix e, embsjMis caU be desired to say cernlng hlgpowefen at the present Lmc. The decision not to sign the Louisville !eyrjiawKit was reached by Governor Tay 2c r a Jew minutes after 1 o'clock this after- Fox over two hours he had been in c nfrence with fully 18 prominent repub licans from all parts of the state, includ ing county committeemen and four repub- 11 an raembew of the legislature. The meetirg was secret 1b the extreme, all t ose ho came from the hall before Gov- en or Taj lor himself refusing to say any t! -g concerning the progress of the dellb- ;ra.j.ons. Judge George Denny presided, and L. F. Pe' y acted as secretary. The members of t1 e "O"forence, with the exception of Gov-e-rr Taj lor, gathered in the legislative ha usually occupied by the state house cf rer resentatives. After the hall was f i.eO, Gknernor Taylor entered, and was greyed with a ringing burst of cheers. TV aoor was then closed, and the secret r. -ooeedings began. G ernor Taylor stated to the conference It1"?! there was two courses to be pur- First, to sign the Louisville agree- I inert, second, to withdraw the troops Quietly, allow the legislature to reconvene the caDltol building in Frankfort, call :ff the session now being "held in London ind ignore the Louisville agreement en- rcH" Several speeches were made, ana vas s, on apparent that the sentiment :f i he gathering was strongly in favor of the eecond course, and this was adopted. This action was decided upon at 1 o clocK, -nd the first information of the decision ras ghen to the outside world by G ov en or Tailor nimeeu. .tie came rapiqiy ugh i he doors. unattended and looKlBg i ,cu and haggard. He walked nastily ward the eapitol stairway, repeating sev- -e1 nies to the newspaper men who etooo. tn Ue halls "l don't sign," i oon i sign. Lvglslatare Reconvened. Frcn the eapitol he passed to the legls a t e bu ldlng. where he at once mado .p ard signed the following proclamation, r."tcntng the legislature at .rTanKion: rrankfort Kj'.. Feb. 10. The excite ment recently nrevelllng In this city hav- H'g to some extent, subsided, and there : j, , eering now to be no necessity tor ine reneral assembly to remain in session in .naon I do hereby by this prodaraa- j, reconvene tne same in j; raniuuri. k,y , February 12, WOO. at 12 o'ciock, noon. W. S. TAXljUit, "Governor of Kentucky." Or Its were at once issued to General cr to prepare for the departure o" troops, and in a very snort ume jt. Izre - umber or them were reaay 10 leave. t mpaiOes left tonight, and only a detachtoent will remain by Monday mm These will be retained only a peaqylMsrd, and wiM-4n no way be ir aeaaaxne preeeneeasiLjae legisia--1 was at once seat to the members :l - republican legislature now In ses- i at London that the next session will i r.arkfort, and a. prompt reply was to the effect that they would all " a body Sunday, and be In Frank- -v X. tday In time for business. After - r Taylor had left the hall, a res- tmbodylng the sense of the tneet- j w s adopted. Y" - he adjournment of the meeting It -5 pinion of the republicans that the a contest was practically over. j er6too4 the action of todaj to u It was Intended to mean that r- tr should now be fought out be- "" l mrts, the leeue there reached to d as Anal. There was no inten- i I king that a new vote should be u -i n the Goebel-Taylor contest, but - r Taytor stated to se'eral proml- t r pub lc&jHthat he would ask that v " mer rnoMilt be ratified by a vote " ' houses taken without passion. " '"formed of the action of the dem- ogislature at Loufeville In refus- S "'me to Frankfert, Governor Tay- kes me that their attitude Is - v'at inconsistent. They claim they - h,' protected at FraakfoTt, and '- s r ibody here to molest them. They . d to the presence of troops at a - - wl en there was ,ar greater excite r" d danger than fw. After things .u rd down, they refuse to return, - they say they cannot be jruaran .. T t etion " e "tion of Governor Taylor todav - he gubernatorial nght to the ex- ? r on It occupied the daj' following - jebel assassination, with the ad- "a. ompllcaUon that there was but " gslature and one governor in fact, v -eas there are pow two claimants for o!tlon and two separate bodies, each s.Tlng to-be the lawmaking power of ucky. DBMOCRATS TNDBCIDED. till iHTPBtijcRte Before They Accept Tajler Invitation. L T ISVILLK. Ky., Feb. M. The col ors or tne peace negotiations through trror Taylor's rejection of the Louls- p agreement, and the batter's action g oft the London legislature and r i -v - ithdrawtng the troops have left - .ght over the state ameers divested Turv of its warlike features, but la a -sr- legal tangle than ever. " ,- receipt of the news from Frankfort afternoon was followed immediately a gathering of the democratic leaders ' f WlUard hotel. At this conference Senator Blackburn. Governor Beck (jcnerai Castlesaan. President Car f the senate. Speaker Trimble, and - At Its conclusion. Governor Beck "i sem to the legislature & message re g i he failure of the peace negotla- and the conditions existing at 'irm as seen by him, and recom mit g that the legislature continue Its E1.0US m Louisville, as he couM not guarantee their personal "security nor pro tect them from unwarranted interference at Frankfort. Acting upon this suggestion, the legis lature decided to remain in Louisville for the present, and both houses adjourned to meet at the courthouse Monday at noon. It Is probable a Joint resolution, which was offered today, will then be adopted, calling for the appointment of a commit tee to investigate the conditions at Frank fort, as far as they affect the safety of the legislators. The members do not ac cept Governor Taylor's action In ordering away part of the troops as restoring or der, under which they may return to the capital. They say they would feel safer with the mllltla there than with the "Irre sponsible armed mountaineers, who for weeks have been gathering about the state buildings," left to menace them. The democratic legislature held two ses sions today with a quorum In each house. At the first, some minor legislative busi ness was disposed of. At the second. Gov ernor Beckham's message was read. It follows: "Commonwealth of Kentucky, Execu tive Office, Louisville, Kj, Feb. 10. 1800. Gentlemen of the General Assembly: I desire to inform you as to the result of the attempt to settle the present unfortu nate state of affairs In the commonwealth by means of an agreement adopted by a conference of representatives of both par ties In this city last Monday night "We earnestly hoped thai by this agreement the differences before us would be re moved and thought peace and order would again be established in the state. "We have been ready at all times that this matter should be settled In conformity with that agreement. But Information has jnst reached me -that -the republican J claimant to the office of governor has re fused to sign that agreement, and conse quently all negotiations in that line are now at an end. We had been led to be lieve that the gentleman who now con trols, by armed force, the state depart ments at Frankfort, would abide by this agreement, and that your body would again be permitted to meet in their re spective halls peaceably and unmolested; but, having been disappointed in this hope, I desire to recommend to you that you continue your sessions for the present in the city of Louisville, where every pro tection can be given your members from any unlawful arrest or other unwarranted Interference with your proceedings. The capital buildings at Frankfort are now In possession of armed forces openly in de fiance of the law, held there by those who have no legal rights to do so, and for that reason I could not guarantee to you that safety and protection which you would need if in session there. "As the legally elected governor of the commonwealth of Kentucky, I promise to you to use every legal means In my power to restore as soon as possible order and peace at the state capital, that, as soon as you may deem It advisable, jou may -adjourn your meetings to that place. Ask ing your assistance and co-operation to bring about this result, I 6end this mes sage to you as a recpmmendatlon for your action at present. "J. C. W. BECKHAM, Governor." The senate at once adjourned until Mon day. I? the house the following Joint resolution was offered and went over un der the rules until Monday. "Whereas, one W. S. Taylor, who, with out right or legal authority and in defi ance of peace and good order, hslfe fSr several days Tast BUfrounded himself and the public huildlngs at the seat of govern ment at Frankfort with armed bodies of lawless, aTmed men and organized mllltla of the state and refused to permit the general assembly and court of appeals to meet at their accustomed and regular places of sitting, and has signified his purpose of ordering said militia now at the seat of government to retire from active service, without indicating that he would take any action with reference to Jihe armed men he has gathered around fiftn atthe seat of government; now, be It therefore "Resolved, by the general assembly. That a committee of two from the senate and three from the house be appointed, 'which committee Is hereby authorized to Investigate and report to the general as sembly whether it will be possible and advisable for the legislature to resume Its sittings at Frankfort and In the mean time the general assembly shall meet at Louisville." The house then adjourned until Monday. DEMOCRATS AT A DINNER. Gathering for the Purpose of Adjust ing Sectional Differences. NEW YORK, Feb. 10. A dinner wai given tonight by the National Civic Club to democratic congressmen at the Pouch gallerj". In Brooklj'n, and was intended as a harmonious gathering for the purpose of adjusting sectional differences before the opening of the presidential campaign. The idea was conceived by E. M. Shepard, the president of the club, who stated that It was Intended to have the democrats from various parts of the country come together In advance ot the national con ventions for an Interchange of views. There were about 300 persons present. Mr. Shepard presided, with Congressman J. D. RIchaTdson, of Tennessee, at his right and Congressman David A. De Armond, of Missouri, at his left. Others at the guests' table were: Congressmen James Haj of Virginia; Congressman H. D. Clayton, of Alabama; Congressman J. J. TTItipemU and Edmnnfl H. Drlmrs. of Kings; Hon. F. E. Wilson. Henry Hentz and Andrew McLane and Augustus Van Wyck. Mr. Shepard made the opening address, followed by speeches by Richard son, Van Wyck, De Armond, Clayton, Hay and others. , California Legislature Adjourns. SACRAMENTO, Cai.. Feb. 10. The ex tra session of the California legislature, called bj' Governor Gage for the pur pose of electing a United States senator to succeed Stephen M." White, and to on act certain legislation for the state, ad journed todaj", after .the reading, of a farewell letter from the governor. Noth ing of importance was done at today's session. o GOVERNOR OF TUTDILA. Commander Schroedcr "Will Be Ap pointed by Secretary Loner. WASHINGTON, Feb, 10. It lias been practically decided by the secretary of the navy to appoint Commander Seaton 1 Sohroeder to be the first naval governor of the Samoan island of Tutulla. Com mander Sohroeder Is at present on duty in Washington as a member of the board charged with the revision of the naval regulations. This work is about complete, so that officer will be able to leave for his new post at an early day. o Coast Lines Not Endangered. NEW TORE. Feb. 10. A special to the Times from Washington says: While there arejsosae officers of the army and navy who are disposed to regard the conditions of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty as objectionable because it takes away from the United Stages the military control of the proposed canal, not all of them are willing to assent to the suggestion that failure to assume military control will endanger the east or west coasts of the United States in case of war. No Word From Buller Since He Recrossed the Tugela. ATTEMPTED DASH FROM LADYSM1TH General JIacDonald's Operations at Koodersberff. "Were Successful Wednesday's Fighting; in Natal. LONDON, Feb. 1L 4:10 A. M. The war office still maintains silence regarding the situation at the seat of war, announcing at 11:30 last evening that no further news had been received, and none has come from other sources which would give a clew to General Buller's movements since he recrossed the Tugela, or to the present positions of the forces. "WHITE TRYING TO GET OUT. Lndyemlth Troops Attempt to Force h Passage. BOER HEAD LAAGER. Ladysmith, Frldaj', February 9. It Is reported from the Upper Tugela that In yesterday's fighting, while driving the British across the river with heavy loss to them, the Boers had four men kliled and eight wounded. On retaking the kopje, 22 Boers were found killed. The alarm was given at midnight that the Ladj-smlth troops were trying to force a passage in the direction of the Free State laager. Heavy firing was heard, but no particulars have been received. ADVANCE "WAS IBIFOSSIBIiB. Buller's Operations North, of the Tu gela Wednesday. HEADQUARTERS CAMP. SPRING FIELD, Feb. 9. The position taken north of the Tugela river proved a.dlfflcult one to maintain. The regiments sent across as reinforcements went into the front line of trenches, but owing to the great strength of the Boers In the Brakfonteln hills to the left, it was found Impossible to advance without risking unnecessary loss. The Boers continued shelling the British position. Several "Long Tom" shells fell among the transport trains, and four burst at Slvaatkop, but the Boers could not get the range. The Brit ish guns posted there failed to silence the "Long Tom" or other masked guns. The Boers continued to work the Nordenfeldts on the British Infantry Intrenched on the hill. The fire was severe at times. Wednesday afternoon Buller resolved not to press the advance by this route. The transport train moved backr"and the infantry retired from "Vaalkrantz. Wednesday night the gunljuon Zwartkop replied to the Boers' shelling. When they commenced to shell the transport train, the Boers got a large, number of cannon Into position. Their superiority of shell fire rendered the advance impossible. ANOTHBK EXPLANATION. " Trap Laid by the Boers Discovered by a Bnlloonlst. LONDON, Feb. 1L A special dispatch from Bprlngfield Bridge, Under date of Frldaj, February gives a new explana tion of General Buller's retirement. Ac cording to this dispatch, a balloonist Wednesday discovered the fact that the Boers had developed extraordinary and unexpected artillery strength on Doom kloof, to the British right, where they had managed to draw up a dozen heavy guns, some fitted with disappearing mountings, and all cunningly masked. These, but for the balloonist, would never have been discovered In time to save the British from falling Into the deadly trap, as they commanded the road the British would have had to take In order to reach Ladysmith. These guns rendered the actual positions of the British untenable, and a further advance impossible, except at the cost of a terrible and useless loss of life. MACDONALD'S MOVE A SUCCESS. Captured and Holds the Drift at Koo dersbersr. MODDER RIVER, Feb. 9, noon. Gener al MacDonald scored a distinct success at Koodersberg. His original orders were to hold the drift and construct a fort. The position, however, was extremely dif ficult, a long range of high hills running northwest and terminating close to the drlftt on the north bank of the river. As it was Impossible to hold the whole sum mit. General MacDonald constructed strong works across the center, which were held by the Seaforth Highlanders and three companies of the Black Watch. While the Highland light Infantry held a small kojje on the right, the Ninth lan cers patrolled toward the river, General MacDonald's plan being to repel attacks. Things went quietly until Wednesday, when the Boers advanced along the ridge within 900 yards, mounting two mountain seven-pounders, which were Invisible in the plain. They also held a smaller drift three miles to the west. On receipt of this news. General Methuen dispatched a j larB"e force of cavalry and two horse bat- terles under General Bablngton with the purpose of surrounding the Boers. In or der to further thlB plan, General Mac Donald adopted merely defensive tactics. It was not attempted to force back the Boers right, which move might have re sulted In their general retirement soon. General Bablngton left Modder River at 11:30 In the morning, and arrived within two miles of Koodersberg at 10:30 P. M., too late to attempt the, turning movement. The next morning It was found that the Boers had fled from the lower drift, but still remained on the hill, where they per ceived Bablngton's movements. Early In the morning Bablngton vigorously shelled the retiring Boers. The whole British force is now returning to camp. This little affair reflects great credit upon General MacDonald's tactics and proves that the Highlanders have thor oughly recovered their old form and cour age. MAKING THE BEST OF IT. Result of Buller's Operations Causes No Keen Disappointment. LONDON, Feb. 10. Today's news by no means causes the acute disappointment at tendent upon other failures to relieve Lady smith. This can be attributed to three causes: First There Is a strong belief that Bul ler's last attempt was only a demonstra tion on a large scale. Second The wiser citizens had warned the public not to expect the Immediate re lief of General White. Third The nation has settled down to the realization that the war will last a long time, and they are not swayed as at first by minor reverses and victories. The second and third reasons are self explaining. The first requires considerable elucidation In favor of the opinion held by Spencer Wilkinson, the military crlt.c of the Morning Post, that Buller did not In tend Immediately rushing on to Ladysmith. There is overwhelming evidence to show that Lord Roberts ordered systematic ac tivity on the part of all forces. On this basis Buller's move may be' only a repe tition of MacDonald's and French's recon naissances. Mr. Balfour's ambiguous statement about waiting for the completion of plans Is an other strong reason for believing that Bul ler never intended making the main ad vance via. "Vaalkrantz, but was under the orders of Roberts. The usual appeal of Bennett Berleigh, war correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph, asking the public to suspend judgment and rely on Buller, also has considerable significance. On the other hand, Buller's speech to his troops, in which he said he hoped to be In Ladysmith within a week, tends, some people claim, to throw doubt upon the belief that he has only been demonstrat ing In force. - Methuen's force Is rehabilitated for a vigorous attack on General Cronje, and an attempt to relieve Klmberley may be looked for, more than likely superintended by Roberts, while the Seventh division and part of French's cavalry are occupied In a turning movement east of Jacobsdal. A dlsnatch from Rensberg, dated Febru ary 9, reports aggressive activity against all the British reconnoltering and sajs the Boers are In no sense surrounded at Colesberg, but aresimply set In check by a series of camps forming a seml-clrcle from the east to the west. The Boere. it Is added, are still In full possession of their lines of communication with the Free State and hold strong positions around Colesberg. During the morning ot February 9, a bombardment with lyddite occurred at Rensberg and the Boers' Maxims and Vickers guns are believed to have been silenced. A dozen dead Boers were found on the kopjes. Lord Roberts has addressed another let ter to Krugex and Steyne, complaining ol the wanton destruction of property la Natal. An extra cabinet council was held this afternoon, In response to a summons is sued esterday evening. The council lasted over two hours. Several members of the defense committee were present, and Lord Salisbury presided. The premier held a supplementary consultation after the de parture of the majority of his colleagues. A dispatch to the London Times, from Springfield bridge, dated February 9, says: "Our force at Vaalkrantz entrenched it self as well as possible, but, nevertheless, we continued to lose men, and no advance was made. The Boer artillery fired In cessantly, and as Wednesday proceeded it was increasingly apparent that, though the Infantry might make a determined as sault and force their way through the cen ter of the Boer position, it would be im possible, during the subsequent operations, to maintain the security of the lines, and evacuation was decided upon. Retirement commenced at 9 o'clock at night, the pon toon bridge being removed after General Hlldyard's force had crossed this morn ing. The whole force retired beyond the range of the Boer guns, which continued shellfng." A dispatch, dated Spearman's camp, Wednesday, says Buller's retirement was merely temporary, owing to a determina tion to change tactics. The force, the dispatch adds, will soon resume operations. The casualties were mostly slight wounds. Boers In Zulnland. jyrrRBAN. Feb. 10. The Boers have ftakens. Tr.kandla-, mZuIulanfoffiagistracy. The magistrate tne nigm w&mrjS? ploded the magazine and, wTtnwKis Btaff and police, evacuated the place and pro ceeded to Eshowe. REVIEW OF THE SITUATION. Boiler's Move a Part of Roberts General Plan. LONDON. Feb. 10. Spencer Wilkinson, the military expert, reviewing the South African situation for the Associated. Press at midnight, says: "Lord Roberts has now taken hold of the campaign. His strategy evidently Is to act In the western theater of war with energy enough to move the center of gravity thither. General Buller's move must therefore bo considered In Its place In a general scheme. The Idea seems to be that If General Buller cannot 'skin the bear' himself, he can hold Its leg while some one else does. Accordingly, General Buller Is not to risk his army, but short of that Is to give the Boers as much to do in Natal as he can. Looking at Gen eral Buller's action by itself, the Impres sion it makes recalls General McClellan, who, though cautious and knowing how to preserve his army, hardly ever dis played the Initiative power to run risks or the self-reliance of a great commander. To all appearances General Buller has given up his third attempt before his at tack was fully developed. "A telegram received this evening from Lourenco Marques speaks of a sor tie from Ladysmith the night of Thurs day or Friday. Such an attempt of Gen eral White to cut his way out was prob able, and may succeed, though the nature of modern weapons Is against him. and there would be heavy loss and many stragglers would be cut off. The likeli hood of General White's trying to fight his way out would explain the reticence of the war office. It would also explain the demonstration from Cheveley, of which we have heard only through a Boer telegram. "No decided opinion on the operations of the past week can he pronounced until a connected authentic account shall have been received." . STRATHCONA HORSE. British Columbia Volunteers Given a Hearty Send-Off. NELSON, B. C, Feb. 10. A big banquet was tendered to the 60 members of the Strathcona horse who left here tonight for the East. The mayor presided, and great was the enthusiasm marked. The men wero accompanied to the boat by the band, and hundreds of citizens, who made the midnight hour flng with cheers and wild outbursts of music. The men have had considerable experience of life oh the plains, and most of them have been In -the mllltla service, and aro expert horse men. REVELSTOKE, B. C, Feb. 10. One of the largest crowds ever assembled m Rev elstoke gathered at the railway Btatlon this morning. Although a very heavy storm prevailed. It did not stay the- clti zens of this burg from wending their way to the depot to see the "lucky ten" chosen for the Strathcona horse away and give them a hearty send-off and wish them Godspeed and a safe return from South Africa. A purse of $30 was given each vol unteer as a gift from the citizens. VICTORIA, B. C. Feb. 10.-G. P. Dear mour, G..V. N. Spencer, B. A. St George, G. S. Fall, W. H. Norrup, H. Q. Fraser,. W. S. Wlnkel, G. Elliott and H. C. Chail ders, were today enlisted for the Strath cona horse. The men have all seen service and are expert shots and horsemen. The Vernon recruita are McCullen, Symmlll, D. C. Cameron, J. W. Murray; Smith, 1 Bolton, Brixton, Brent Strickland, Ven ner, Jones, Shllllngfield, Ellis, Falder and Nicholson. Dnlly Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance $296,760,Oi Gold reservo .220,242,479 THE CANAL TREATY There Is a Growing Opposition to Its Ratification. DEMAND FOR ENTIRE CONTROL Disposition Not to Press the Ship Subsidy Bill at This Session of Congress. WASHINGTON, Feb. 10. Favorable ac tion upon the Nicaragua canal treaty does not seem as certain as when it was first presented. There seems to be develop ing a,dlstlnct desire that the United States shall have full control of the canal, and as the press opinions are vigorous In cer- laln sections, the senators hesitate to In dorse the treaty unless It 13 amended. The revivification of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty has been distasteful to many people, but the greatest opposition comes from those who Insist that a canal built by United States money should be absolutely controlled by this government. The friends of the canal, who hoped to, clear the way for the construction of Nthe canal bj adopting the treaty, say that opposition to the treaty Is the same as always ap pears as soon as there seems, to be any possibility of getting a bill through. Chairman Hepburn opposes the treaty because he thinks it will interfere with the canal, and also says there Is nothing in the claims of the concessionaires, who are also interposing tneir objection to the building of the canal by the United States. He says they are worth nothing, because the men who have got them can not raise money to build the canal. The United States will deal directly with Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and not settle with the concessionaires. The general belief 1b that many of these concession aires want a large appropriation from the United States in order that they may be able to sell out. Hepburn Insists that It will cost Nicaragua and Costa Rica but very little to settle with the concession aires, and if the United States under takes to dicker with, them the price will be high. Subsidy Bill May Go Over. A significant remark, credited to Sena tor Aldrlch, Indicates a disposition not to press the subsidy bill at this session o congress. He says: "It will give rise to discussion and en counter republican opposition, which should be avoided." Of course, Senator Aldrlch Is seeking an early adjournment, and knows, whatever may be his views on the merits of the bill, that a long fight over It in the midst of the campaign Is not desirable for the republicans. That the bill Is going 'over Is Indicated by the fact that little haste Is being made In getting It reported either In the senate or house. Tne American University. A great project, or great undertaking. thai;,, has bean, wavering and on the verge L gpIfGQllapse for some time, and yet wHoaf rajsnjust onougn support to Keep k irora Blhking, la 'the building In this city, or in its outskirts, of an American university. Several years ago this hugo undertaking was instituted by the Methodist church, the idea, being to erect a targe institution for the higher education of American men and women, glvkig them an educa tion equal to that to be obtained in any colleges of the Old World. The church got behind the scheme, and for a time boomed it But, Hke many other pro moters, they aspired to too great an ac complishment, and, after a futile effort to raise the funds necessary for this institu tion, decided to drop tho Methodist fea ture and make It a Protestant institution, thereby soliciting the aid of the other re ligious denominations. It was then that the name was changed to tho American university. Up tp this time, one build ing of the 23 contemplated has been erect ed, and a few others ore in course of erec tion, but there Is an end in sight. The college is magniflcenttly located, overlook ing the city, and, with a campus of 93 acres, has natural advantages possessed by few colleges. But it is the material backing that is needed. Tle state of Pennsylvania has finally promised to erect one large building, the largest of the group, at a total cost of $450,000. Ohk contributes another building, to cost $200, 000. To Illinois has been assigned the erec tion of a third, and funds for all of these are to be raised by popular subscription and donations of Individuals. Otlher states and other institutions have undertaken to raise, funds necessary to erect these buildings, all to be of marble, but if there Is no further Incentive offered, or If the project does not have a second boom it li hard to see how It will be completed within tiie-present generation. To Raise the Maine. A few weeks ago mention was made of the project to float tho wreck of the bat' tie-ship Maine by the aid of liquid air, but the manner of applying this new physical agent was not very clearly described. Ac cording' to tho proposal of the persons who wlsn to raise the Maine, they will surround the wreck with two rows of ordi nary two-Inch pipe, 15 Inches apart, closed at the lower end, and forced down Into the sllmo and mud as far as possible, a sort of double picket fence. Sandbags 10 feet long and 15 inches wide, with eye hooks on one end, will be strung- on tho pipes, and lowered m pairs and stacked on the bottom like two rows of cordwood, being only loosely filled, so that they will pack. Each pair will be connected with a double eye bar to prevent the fences spreading. This 21-foot battlement will be within a few feet of the ship, but will spread out around the ship to make the requisite room for the builders of the new hull, and to avoid scattered wreckage. When, tho caisson Is completed and has got through settling, the remaining 15-mch spaed between the two rows of pipes and enormous tiers of pillow bolsters will be filled in and packed by special delivery tubes, with a composition of blue day and water cement, -Which will effectually enter and close any possible crevices between the flabby sacks so heavily weighted heavy enough, in fact, when frozen, to compare with many railroad foundations and, if thought advisable, would be in creased to 30 or 60 feet in foundation width. Applying: the Liquid Air. Pipes will then bo forced down In a multitude of places in the soft mud be neath the hull and wrecked portion and filled with liquid air at 312 degrees below zero. The pipes of which the fences are composed will then be filled wWt liquid air, heavy timbers will be placed across on top to relieve any fciward strain, mov able stays will be adjusted from the sides of the ship to the caisson, and the pumps may then be applied to draw the water from the wreck, it being Inclosed In a water-tight casing. It is claimed that this caisson, made by liquid air. is more easily constructed than one of piles, and when thawed out will leave no debris In the harbor. It can be constructed in one tenth the time, and for one-quarter the price of a pile caisson besides being safer, more novel, and a far healthier employ ment than spiking, plank under the water of Havana harbor, that could only with I enough to prevent the mud from, cwamg in and burying everything in a nasty, sticky ooze, Instead or nitny, muuay wa ter. Magnitude of the UndertalUng. To build this frozen bowl to raise the Maine will require 760,600 feet of sand and 75,000 feet of day, and to transport these to the wreck will require 41 barges 40 feet wide, 70 feet long and eight feet deep. Over 2000 barrels of cement will mingle with tho clay, and upwards of 100,600 feet of pipe will convey the liquid air to toe points where used. The cost of the new hull, which It Is proposed to eonetruet around the wreck In order to float R te American waters, will vary according t the amount that can be raised for the purpose. Thore is an Idea of carrylag the wreck as far as Cnicago, and if that is done, which Is hardly practicable, if not altogether impossible, the wreck will have to be cut in two to get it through the St. Lawrence locks. There would be no diffi culty about the draft, which, when fully equipped was 21 feet, but which, without arms and stores, will hardly be over 14 feet. If this scheme receives the sanction of congress, and the projectors ask merely for that, it may be that the Maine wreck will be exhibited at points along the At lantic coast, but It Is hardly possible tlwrt It wlH get so far into the interior, unless some now power is discovered which will transport huge weights overland. FRANCE IS NOT INTERESTED Paylns; Little Attention to the Hay Pauncefote Treaty. PARIS, Feb. 10. The Anglo-American convention, which permits American con struction of the Nicaragua canal, has not yet attracted the keen attention here which its Importance warrants, consider ing the heavy French financial interests thereby affected. The Panama canal baa been a well in which nine French peas ants out of every 19, attracted by specious promises, invested some part of their savings wrung from the French soiL At the first glance, the assured neutrasHy of the canal seems so satisfactory to the po litical Interests of France that the govern ment's acquiescence appeared to be a foregone conclusion. The government is not anxious at the present moment to reallzo any obstacles which would estrange the two countries and turn Amer ican sympathies toward England. An offi cial of the foreign office has authorized the Associated Press to make the follow ing statement: "Far from making any objections to the Hay-Pauncefote convention, France hails with the greatest satisfaction its prob able ratification. Its terms coincide pre cisely with those of the convention signed by the powers at Constantinople In 1868, regarding the neutrality of the Suez ca nal. It was France that proposed those terms. Though only theoretically in effect now, they represent France's wishes. If irrance Is satisfied with the regutatiou controlling a canal closely identified wKh her interests, she cannot but be pleased that the same terms apply to a canal m a section of the world where her interests are not involved. "Efforts to connect Panama interests with the convention will be fuWle, because they are not Involved, as the treaty does not select a route, but only opens vmv- teruanfAjBSEtsaa- canal isthmus, and iees wst designate Ks posi tion. In no way does it conflict with Pan ama. White individuals in Franca are deeply interested financially in Panama, it is a private corporation, and not a government concern. France's consent to the Hay-Pauncefote convention will be readily and wlWngly forthcoming." The suggestion that France shall clakn indemnity for the Panama canal interests is scouted in unimpeachable circles. Such a demand. It Is pointed out. would have no legs to stand on, according to inter national law, as the construction of the Nicaragua canal could only be regarded in the light of a legitimate competition. The word "alliance-," as used In the Hay-Pauncefote convention, naturally has not passed unnoticed in political cir cles, but too great importance Is not at tached to it. Many politicians point out that the United States senate ha3 not yet ratified the Hay-Pauncefote agreement, and tho precarious position of the Franco American reciorocity treaty encourages them in the opinion that the introduction of the word "alliance" may jeopardize it. However, there is no desire In French po litical spheres to do aught to fan the flame of any Anglo-Amerlcah entente, es pecially at a moment when France's in terest might be better served by adding to Great Britain's difficulties. , Great Britain's status in Egypt, as af fected by the revolt of the native troops. Is treated here as extremely serious. This news, which was first announced from Cairo January 31, has now become an Important feature In the French press, and receives full confirmation. Its sig nificance will be realized when it is ex plained that Egypt is a tindsr-box whence a spark may set into flame the Anglo French animosity. The hope is freely ex pressed in the French press that Eng land's difficulty In overcoming the insur rection may justify the international! re opening of the Egyptian question, in which France could not form a passive spectator. The reported negotiations to replace tne English garrisons In Egypt at the present juncture by Italian troops Is denounced here as contrary to the international agreement- The stories of conferences be tween Lord Currie, the British ambassa dor at Rome, and Sir Edmund Monson, British ambassador at Paris, regarding this movement are obviously Invention, but Sir Edmund Monson's departure to tho Italian Riviera was certainly, as an nounced in the Associated Press dis patches, duo to the pique of the English eovernment at the bitter anti-English feeling reflected everywhere here. Officially, Sir Edmund Monson has gone south on account of his health, but, it Is pointed out, the climate on the French Riviera Is just as good as that of the Italian Riviera, and If health Is the only question, the British ambassador could have gone to Nice or Cannes, and also saved the $30 a day which he is now com pelled to pay the British charge d'affaires, according to diplomaticregulations, dur ing his absence from" tho country to which he is accredited. The celebrated Russian nihilist, Peter Lavrosi, died In Paris thte week. He came of a noble family, and was at one time a colonel ha the Russian artillery. The staff of Commissioner-General Peek, of the Paris exposition, was Increased this week by the arrival of Fred. J. V. Skiff, director of mines and metallurgy; Alex S. Capeheart, director of tools and print ing machinery; unaries .tucnara uoage, director of agriculture? Lieutenant A. C. Baker. United "States navy, and Casper Crownlnshleld,. France Favors Reciprocity Treaty. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. !. William M. Bunker, a San Franeiseo newspaper man. who is now in Paris as honorary com missioner of the local chamber of com merce, has written a letter to that body. In which he speaks of the Kasson reci procity treaty as follows: "The French opposition to the treaty la more apparent than real. If the Ameri cans Injuriously affected by the treaty were to leave Its defeat to the French they would malr- - rkus and probably fatal mistake." the greatest difficulty be foreed down tor A HEALER ARRESTED n For Practicing MecHc!ie oat & fcteetose. PATIENT IS Dfijfflr- AND BURIED Jts Bible Text No Regarded as a eed Defease, and He "Was Heidi ite Giraal Court. ORBGOX C1TT. Fob. aa.-CroscX. 0. Strickland today toQO41 remains of Mrs, Sk B. Quint, geagyd at Gladstone last Thursday, bMh1 verdict that Mrs. Quint, wiflgni 83 years, cane to her dtVBffl5 of medical attendance, and HP confidence in the ability to jaaqfapgijiSa of one A. W. Hertska, a sP"!H5Eif tian Science pfmctttioner of rttfM Hertska wag ft PWsst'LNg- F his age as O, iW tmf a bookkeeper iifr 9p5 t9. awl had later taken up ttt Jkllllnai,.5"fy disease by the QtttotMui liclosas plan. He admitted he ha af Bcsswo to pcaetim medicine, and all tftrooeh ate ImHtwiany he quoted Scripture to show that Cfccfet cured disease by faith and prayer, aad averred that be was following the aaae method. H said that he had glvea Mm. Quint no medlcnw whatever, and had usad no means except the mind. It was brought out in the evidence that Hsctaka bad paid Mrs. Quint thrss or feu "tete, and had made a contract to tmt her fee $8 per week. Dr. S. A. Sommar testtfled that the woman's death was caused by ucaesste coma, whfeh eetrtA have bee beeeght about by heart trewMe. kidney dteoaoo. er other disorder. When be was salted bt he said it was toe late w gtwe a serxeet diagnosis. After the tnouest was eoneludeft Mertatea was arrested on a warrant etaurgtMa; ban with practicing medletoe without a Messes. He was examined before Justine Mmest, who held the defendant to the efcewt court, fixing Ms bonds at $. It wee some time before Hertzaa cettld ftad a surety. Mrs. George Herroa essae te the Tescue and signed Ms soncte. PltAYBO FOR TOT SPIRIT, Christian Soleaee Treatment ef Woman Wk Passed Away. "Let us pray for the Sfefett," saM fee Quints, of Gladstone, "and let the eM body go." The body went; but whether the Sefclt came is another story. The Quint family was btvektag the aid of Christian Science in the ease of Xvs. S. B. Quint, .who was in the last stages of heart disease, and. havtog renounced all forms of materia medics, bad put her self under the treatment of Abraham W. Hertska, a young apostle ef CltrKUSJB Sclaada, who has an office in the -snav bulHBKS, m una citjf. u&Hste. Recently they became convertw to the doctrine of Christian Science, but are still a little hazy regarding the dte tkiguishing points of the great doctrines of occult power Mrs. Quint, the women who died, was sick, while she was a Spiritualist, and was under the treatment of various and sundry physicians. Xr. Qumt, the father of the family, beeasse sick. It is alleged that bis trouble was Brtght's disease. Be consulted Mas. George Herron, of Oregon City, who Is a leader of Christian Science there, and while she was treating htm he Improved; at least, he is living yet. The wbeie family then became "Scientists." It la not claimed that they know a great deal of the principles enunciated by Mother Eddy, for Mis. Herron says their .faJsa is as blind as a bat. To be strictly can did, the Quints are not highly cultured people. But they still aver then- beMef in Christian Science, and think that Jer some reason young Hertska did net have a fair -show. The fact remains that Mrs. Qumt Is dead and buried. Mrs. George Herron said yesterday that she had cured old man Quint, and Intimat ed that her plan of exterminating death and wiping sin. sorrow and disease off the map never failed. She said she could cure people by two plans the absent treatment and the present treatment. Either was efficacious. In other words, she could remain at Oregon City and quash one of death's indictments at the uttermost conftnes of Clackamas county with as much ease and sang from as if she was kneeling by the bedside of a sick patient. She was m nowise disconcerted because the focus could not be fixed ea Mrs. Quint. "There Is no such thing as sin, trouble, sickness or death." said 3tss. Herron, "It Is all erroi-all a mistake." The suggestion was made that Mrs. Quint's death was sufficiently realtstte to cause burial a hygienic necessity; but the Christian Science teacher only turned a pitying look en her interrogator and went on talking about arror" and "goo" After Hertaka bad given a bond for Ms appearance before the circuit court of Clackamas county, he returned to Port land, and was seen last night at his board ing-house, Nmteenth and Lovejoy streets. He is not a prepossessing youtlKfM.e. says he is 23 years old, but he looks It. When asked about his to the death of Mrs, Quint, he lndigj refused to say a word. 'T have no statement to make." he earS. "Was a criminal charge made against yeu at Oregon City?" he was asked. "You can't worm any lnformauon out of me," replied the youth. "Did you treat Mrs. Quint for kWaey trouble Srst and then change your prayers for heart disease?" "I haven't a word to say," There is considerable feeling agassotr the Christian Scientists at Gladstone and at Oregon City, and It is said that Hertska may be arrested on a charge of awa slaugbter. It is said that the Quints came down from Barlow in order that the woman Iwho Is now dead might have the of the Christian Science treatmealCJ Herron accompanied her on her tn is not known why this leader did, MSTprrbat Mrs. Ouint. Mrs Herron say site eured her own husband against his win, and that she rarely fails. THATTK-OFFERIHG FU1H). Methodists in This Country Prsaeae te Raise Twenty Millions. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. tt. Begardiag the intention of the Methodist episcopal church tn this country to collect 20O0t 9m as a "2eth-ceatury tank-offertegr fund." Dr. Thomas FUben today stated that the work is progressing smoothly and that the entire sum will doubtless be uloetl bv the end of 1901 It is ex- l neeted England will raise a similar fund amounting to jio.uw.uw ana tanana to j 999, This immense sum will be used far educational, charitable and church our poses, and a convention will be hekl m this city next June to devise- a prose 1 method for its dstrlbution.