THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAN, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 4, 1900. W ANTED A GE2TTS. i avranjuMevr avtj SOLICITORS YOU nan make moiwv hMIh coed watches, chains. charms and tee rings. Manufacturer guar antee wtta every article Sead far catalogue. U J Mtetaa & Co.. Ltecote Trast Bid.. St. Leota, Mo. brST OrT New Peerless Gasoline Lamp: easi est tghted, meet satisfactory, ktocks uiwm peuon agents coming money Peerless Lamp -A 200 Hallway nxraangc b. iiui. iMANTLELEBS as baraers. Maatleless GAS- rLlE Lamps DKFSMAJlis. .aiaiuie amp fajtires OVERCOME Morey Patentee, La grange UI $20 A DAT EASILY MADE WITH ODR'NEW book. YKalogy" Address Northern Pub j.Jhing House. Portia, Or. I SOMETHING NBW TK MAPS. .WRITE AT to re Edward Foster. 203 jhbsi rt., Ban Francisco iGnnrt crrr solicitors wanted, male cr female, good pay. Beam 47 Washington bu.idlng Economy Gas Lamp Co. light IB hours & cts. Afept wanted a. w. jtaBiung, aci., -ts -m. I RELIABLE AGENTS WAN'MID. APRLY v t 22 Fmllton bulMlng. l TBlra St. "WANTED-TO RETT. ;avteiv-to RENT FROM MARCH 1. A t. oeiy furnished modern house, in geod Ioca- on. for three or tour meatns. Address E s. .hregonian. 1 4TTED TO RENT MODERN HOUSE 7 OR 8 rooms, wl'h yard, good location, rent must be reasonable. K. M. HaMer, care Spencer ..arke Co. WANTED BY MAN AKD "WIFE, TWO OR tirse unfurnished er partly tarnished roams, for housekeeping, ettnei side of river. W 8 Oregonlan. " rANTED TO RENT 2 "UNFURNISHED -Doma must be centrally wealed. Acaress H Q, care Oreannlnn. "RNIEHED BUIfC WITH BOARD. FOR "avciing man's -wile and child. Address W I' care Oregoalaa. IV.ANTETj TO HFVT MOKRN FURNISHED 2jcuse 6 room. Bast Side, reasonable. L C rare Oregon ten. jBY A LADY TBACHER. ROOM AND BOARD r" pnvats xanutr ar heaMaag-teettse. Address FOtKsWi. F- BKIBHED HOO&SKB&PING ROOMS. HOD. r-E Trim heat and gas .Address W F, care Oregonlan 7.V TED DOWN-TOWN OUTSIDE ROOM IN p-od business Hock for office. Address P. O. bOX rae. rA""TED A 4 OR 6 - ROOM FURN1SHLU Ullage or Sat. Address X3 7. Oregonlan. WANTKB MISCELLANEOUS. ITT AN TFD BOARD FOR XADY AND TWO tie boys, m private family, without chil dren preferred, near good school. Address room 406 Goodnaugh butletog. IW ANTED SIDE LDJgB; COMMERCIAL tiiok w aBian vjregan ana wssningxon desire good side Mae. Address P 10, care Orsconian. i TV ANT TO Bt'T A HOIIRK ASO TjOT SOITTI? of Morrin et.. aea too far out, stale price una uouee numoer. ArecB is , care Urcgo- n.n. " VNTED ONE OR TWO SMALL CHILDREN i board 4 isare fr 'Mrs. 'Xannle Dun can, Cioerdale, P. O 'Vfeodlaivn. 7 4VTV"Ti ft tzmiLrv wtt a nroT. t "ru. -rcs oil to board a3 go vo sobaol, clothes fur Wwa Inquire KM Rrtt t. ?AVTTTVi ft 1A.isn Tno.AOT xr-n-t Ponland or a. small fatn near a. good town, Addraas M 6. care OragDlAn. TOT RAVE nnoii jsnrrur unTiTnpe cr o&Imi to sU tor cash, address Crabb & G fforA 202 Washington at. 5AVTED-88ft ACRJ6 yORE1 RBSHRVE .and Hartman. Thotmtaan : Pm.rc .1 rkum. ber of Commerce J ANTED HOC8EKEiaiM'a Rnnva mil vrhlcb vrM do mU1 wftAw At any kind. V 8. care Oregonlan ' KS TED FROM 1 TPk snft PHmrc'rc. a ate price and teeatioa. AOirCEs 261 Front, i-amano fAVTKD TO IMTVft nf ttodt?itp riearo boer Adree.-firing paraculara, 91 IIRTHANTJ STTTDBkT'TYi ORTT fYiTt T. yerleoce aUte time in college. R 7. Oregonlan, )SH PAID for Wueehold furniture Tel North 11 Currle & Pag Auctloners, 262 First EMALL OR ATTIC ROOM. NEAR 14TH AND Auuuni, tur ecnooiDoy, $1. c iu, oregonlan. L 4rrn vt irrrtoirf iLcyMfvr ,vt-it rcw-power Address J B, care Oregonlan. ATHD KM AT J. CATPT7- xrTicn. rua ti perfect condition. 3W Commercial Wocft. "T P TISSKR S TOfWSJ WiVTuri atv. d-em F 8, care OfesonJan. WTED PKrTTTfc TT wn ft vn time einclair 308 KaH at. FQR REST. Reaaa, IE BPALDCNG. 8. E. OOR. PARK juvn Alder iu. adar the management of the owner Helen F. Spaldlnc The meet complete aparunent-hottae in the Northwest, choice rooms, for genUemea or gentleman and tvlfe, furnlKied bouaekeafing suites a specialty. PLEASANTON. 38Si THIRD ST. FIVE tJXlared roosui, en suite, single or house keeping sunlight in alt room, bath Included; moat reasonable terms, transient sollcted. tl YAMHILL ST. PLEASANT ROOMS. FOR gentlemen, bath, steals heat, telephone, all modern conveaUMtea. MTTfiertv e " rma tirron -v.t l.Uhed all roodort sotivenlences. references. OANTLY FURNISHED SUITE. GOOD corner for proteceteaaJ geMleatan, ateo e4n- g;e rooms. Mnu s nth. oor. Everett OCtlDENTAL S16 FIRST AND MORRI- eon Rooms sultee, etegle. housekeeping. ex cry convenience, 1 ureex and upwards. FEASANT SUNNT PARLORS "WITil srt. e furnUhed or uBfurnlahed. modern con- rtcea terms rtJale. 21 13th st. :R RENT TO 0&NTLk.MEN. WECIFIIR. zx.shed room, urtvaie fanriU . alcoie room. enable for two. 4W4 Washington st. CHE GILBERT LARGE. ELL-FURNISHSD rocms ail modern conveniences. Third and Taj.Lr at entraaee, SW-"Bailor. rO CR THREE UXFURN1SHBD ROOMS .l r-ri V. nMirifHala.ta clButir BnjaakAnnt cc-ne r Second and. SaasiseB. IH ST aaou KLEOAXTLT FURKISHEn "fWrrtft T mlts. -tf. sfaieia atcs Vnnaat a .!.. 1 -ooss. Opposite City XS.iL CHOICE FURNISHED OR TXNFURN3BHBD i flaia, modem, batlu bo children. Janitor, 230 on at , near staonc. GCNTLEMKN PfjEA&iaJCT "ROOMS. WITH 1 ga. tath telephone, reasonable to desirable .rua--&. a IStn st KlCii. l.Tt.KI (VkVBnBTiar.T' triik.teti lee room, with, stave, use ot bath, ?5, 300 i.E OT TVMT f VirWT tsn a fn TArt?. modem ccatmiMMces. j. x, mnarfi" BUck. jr p S6t First. - CJ tSbAT Vr t vn.m.. - .1 . x ttrcnrlivrnr Vmmi. a ka . . Sth Third eT ''" w "" " UlXnfinup p.vni vw. .A.. ... . pianc hi prtvnte rAMenee. central. C 7. "ELY TT'ItTfflillll'n Uuic xj.f ti-,x. I -.Tl " . KxT famfiy. EO SOWJBS. WEST - FURNISHED "SMAemT "Wfc ueatleasn M hO FURNISHED HROKT ROOMS 470 preferred "- "" KTRSfiV. 3MBW-nrV'BTJTHiarzc.v:Tciirr jgV rooms, te 4wiUe ees. iSut; ngie & ft RENT ALCK BOOK. FOR. GENTS,. man xtfcs r r mkhe 1 Krviafl utiotw rw .-.- y, sStaTssua. r KStna - A.T5.Y I'S.NISHBS SOTkVfi IT YAM- one from ssfi. ftrst o4r. boose inged ",T.V1 BflTGByV Oil- -M. ... -nisbid r5i-:-rasa" sr s3AideV i. : .BUT j rojma, tor FOR RE7TT. Rao ism. Unfurnlshod suite of rooms; cultable for office. Also 'housekeeping rooms, 270 Morrison. MRS. M. OSVOLD, 221 MORRISON ST. Nicely furnished rooms, rent reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR BED room. private family. SI 7th, ccr Oak. 1C 10TH ST.NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, heat, gas, bath, running vrter. t 429 SALMON ST LARGE. NICELY FUR nished rooms, gas, bath and telephone. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. 120 10th, between Washington and Alder. 207 PARK STi NICELY FURNISHED FRONT parlor, downstairs, bath, reasonable. PLAZA HOTEL. 207 THIRD ROOMS. 25c TO $1 per night; 1 SO to $5 per Ti-eek. 471 ALDER FURNISHED. ROOMS, WITH board, "bath, telephone Brown 5BL. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; BATH AND phone. 101 Park, near Morrison. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM, AT 212 Seventh St.. oor. Salmon. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR GEN tlemen. 034 Morrison, at. Rooms "With Bonrd. THE VENDOME FAMILY HOTEL ELE gantly furnished rooms. Including steam heat and hatha without extra charge; the table is the 'very best; prices for room and board, ?1 a day and upwards; first-class trade solicited. Cor, 13th and Aider sts. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 12TH YEAR; rooms with board; enameled bath tubs, use, of library: Woman's Excange; Industrial school. Address Mrs. E. C George, superin tendent, C10 Flanders street. FOR RENT WITH BOARD; WELL - FUR nlshed room, terms reasonable; location cen tral, good home board. Southwest corner of 12th and Burrelde. TWO PLEASANTLY FURNISHED ROOM! with board; furnace heat, bath, phone a.l,d other modern, conveniences Call 543 Third st, LARGE FRONT PARLOR, WITH BOARD, furnished or unfurnlrtied, can accommodate a. few day boarders. 501 Yamhill et. WANTED A YOUNG- MAN ROOM-MATE; centrally located- Toom and board, $J5 pet month. Address L 7, car; Oregonlan, 175 12TH ST. PLEASANT ROOM, ySOTfT' suitable for one or two gentlemen; first-class board; use of bath and telephone. PLEAgANT ROOM, WITH BOARD. IN PRI vate family, home privileges: use of phone., terms reasonable. 410 Sixth st. SUITE OF ROOMS. FURNISHED, FOR housekeeping, first floor; UBe phone and bath. 331 loth, nor Aiarr. ONE PLEASANTLY FURNISHED ROOM now -vacant at Mrs. Montelth's; flrsNclass board. 46S Yamhill. fXHE VANDERBILT. 381 YAMHILL STREET NcAvly furnished; modern conveniences prices reasonable. i- ROOM 'AND BOARD FOR GENTLEMEN OK laaies. strictly private. Bath, telephone and gas. 215 13th. SUITE FINE ROOMS. WITH BOARD. FOR three or four emplbjedi ladles or gentlemen. . 191 11th. CITY VIEW HOTEL-SIGHTLY LOCATION ; flrst-class 203 Union aJe. W. -S. Smith., FURNISHED FRONT SUITE: ALSO SMALL er room; .with good home choking, 414 Main street. " HANDSOMELY BURNISHED MEDIUM sized foom, with or without board. 431 Main street. FRONT ROOM, WITH ALCOVE AND BOARD, for elderly couple or gentleman. 33j) Filth, NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM: AL.S0 other rooms; with Hrst-class board. 223 11th. NICE SUITE, WITH OR WITHOUT BOARjj, gas and bath; references, 3S$ Jefferson st- NEAT5LY FURNISHED RDOMSi HEAT AND bath, board if desired. 75: West Park ot. DHSIRABIJ?, NEWLY FURNISHED ALCOVE room, also single, ro$m. 290 JelTerson st. FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD. FOR VEG etarlacs. 467 ljth st., near Morrison. TRY tUR FINE BREAD. CAKES. PIES AND pastry; hom-made, 361 Yamhill, THREE PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS. WITH board. ?1S. 270 Fourth st. NICE, PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH GOOD board, at 1C& 11th St. NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY ROOM, WITH board, 141 West Park, IIopsnUeepinK Rooms. TWO ROOMS. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP log. furnlphed neat, gas stove, bath, phone, private entrance, no cbllereu. C33 Yamhill HOUSEKEEPING. NEWLY PAPERED , 3 rooms, connected, unfurnished, others fur nished, large and singly 320 Front. FOp, RENT 308 FIFTH ST . ONE OR TWO housekeeping rpomn: suitable for business col lege students or mother and. daughter. 847 HALL ST. TWO OR THREE DESIRA ble. rooms, furnished comp'.utA, for housekeep ing, pleasant location, reasonable. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, near Eighth and East Ankeny. Ad dress T 6, care Oregonfah. THREE VERY CONVENIENT ROOMS, EUR nlshed, for housekeeping- central; bath and phone; nrat floor. 08 "Park. FOR RENT TWO FRONT ROOMS FUR nlshed for light housekeeping; $4 month. 182 Caruthers. Private family. THREE OR FOUR. UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplhg rooms, with alcove, elhk, bath, use of tele-phone. 350 Clay. UNFURNISHED LARGE ROOM. WITH large closet? suitable, for housekeeping; brick building. 269 First st. . w TWO LARGE. SUNNY S.UCDES OF R'v neatly firalieS. for ioueekefieplng; no chll I'rrn. 30H Third t 435 ALDBR PARLOR SUITE. FIRST FLOOR: furnished flat, second floor, bath, telephone, desirable location. KOR NICELY IfURNISHBD HOUSEKEEEINa rooms a?e 43, Grand av., near Pine, reason able, no children. 429 SALMON 6T TWO OR THREE NICELY furnshed rooms, for housekeeping, use of bath, telephone. FURSjSHED FRONT ROOjS. S5 A MOXTli slso two liousekeeping Tpoms. 304 Madison St., near Fifth. 3r2 FIRST ST. TWO NICELY "FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, reasonable, resnectable people onl- FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. COM gletely furauaied; first floor, no children. ZS& Tajlpret. THREE SUNNY BOOMS, FOR H0USEKBEP ing. all conveniences, references. 431 Everett street. 37T. WASHINGTON TWO NICE ROOMS, FOR housekeeping; hot and cold water, also other rooms. 123 11 TH ST. GOR. WASHINGTON FUB- nishod rooms, for housekeeping, reasonable rent. The Graham Housekeeping apartments a spe cialty, gas ranges and, telephone. 545 Wash. rciR RENT FIVE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng roomq; cheap. 30 fourth, sj. 93 11TH STREETMSNE FRONT ROOM AND kitchen, furnished, far housekeeping. FOR RKNT-3JO0D. UNFURNISHED HOUS& keeping rooms, 351 Gllsan'stT " 9? OA?iSI- VPSTAIRS-TWa PLEASANT furnished housekeeping rooms. FOOR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, FORHOUSE keeping. 335 Clay st. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 05 Irjt fijfe. nqtth. - - FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 344 fiames, xAY RENT TO YOURSJMJF. SMALL EAY raents down and monthly lnstaJlments not ex ceeding rent, will make you owner ot a house. Damweler, 611 Marquam. FOR RENT VERT DESISABLE. NEW 8 rooa modern cottsge, nise lawn, some fruit Sloe, yose In, price 5S5. Address X 9. care Oregonlan. FOR RENT CORHKR HOUSE. I7TH. AND Johnson, with all aodera. InmrsremenU; 8 tnd Morrlsoa. S-ROOM HOUSE. RATH AXTJ BAW.V TS I Hcsd.,-?15, 3Bjulre 424 Third. eU ' FOR REXT. tiouses. FOR RENT GHBAP, 6 MONTHS OR A YEAR 8-roemea nause, paruauy rumisnea; good lo cation, large yard; inquire 596 West Madi son st. FOR RENT THE CAPACIOUS G-ROOM COT tage home. 704 Everett street. Apply Sext door. west, or at room 42& Chamber ot Com merce. C-R HOUSE. G91 OREGON (BARN). 512 A few ouburban stores with, living rooms, 525. S-R house. X. lOtfi, $10. R G; Drake. 152 First. FOR RESET JJICE, ROOMS. TQ GENTLEMEN. $1, private family, that owns their own home. Call 374 Roae, cor. Broadway. HOUSE AND 5 ACRES IN PRUNES. ON Oregon City car line, at Midway. Address E. R Brawn, The Brown, Eajt Side. FURNISHED 5-RQOM HOUSE FOR RENT, ajl Sunday, between and 2, 434 Mill? during week, 403 Washington. EOR RENT NEW 7-ROOM. COTTAGE: GOOL location; electric cars, reasonable. $41 Mls slssjDpl Aftlna. FOR RBNT QUARTER BLOCK. 4-ROOM cottage, stable; East llth. and Mill. Inquire. 880 Front street, 9-ROQM HOUSE. NEARL1 NEW. COR UTH and Montgomery; an modern improvements. Owner. 472, Park. i 9-ROdM HOUSE, HOLLADAYS AD&ITIQN. East Xlnth st. Apply the M. S. "Rentery, Sherlock building. 6-ROOM HOUSB, COM1JLETELY FURNISH ed, on Mount Tabor car line, rent ?J4. T $, caVe Oregonlan. ONLY ONE OF THOSE? BEAUTIFUL MOD srn flats left opposite Hobart-Curtls, 14th L, near Jefferson. C-ROOM COTTAGE. 010 RODNEY AVENUF Call Sunday afternoon, or telephone Oregon Hood-8(55, FOR RENT 7-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH bath: 308 Columbia st. Call at 310 Columbia street. FOR RENTr-NICE COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS, AND garden. 734 ICearney sv., "between 22d. and 23d. 6VROOM HOUSE, 7SQ HAST ANKENY ST., SJ4 per month. Inquire 227 Washington. Janitor. A NEWLY PAPERED 7-ROO"M HOUSB: CEN tral and reasonable. Arply 33? 'Harrison sU NFW. JJODERN 7 -ROOM COTTAGE, 743 Kearney, "between 22d and 23d. Call 10 to 3. 7-ROOM. HOUSE. $$ PER MONTH; UNTVEH. slty. H. B. Compson & Co., 618 Marquam. FDR RENT NEAT 5-ROOM HOUSE: DRY basement, largo back yard. 337 Sherman 8RO0M HOUSE. ALL MODERN COifVEX lences; 390 Park. ApRly 80J S,eenth. Faxnlsbd Houses. JllJ PER MONTH FURNISHED HOUSE. HOT and cold water, yard. Inquire on, premises, 815 E. Stark, or $00 Union aveTnear Beach. COMPLETELY FURNISHED COTTAGE suitable for small family: modern conven iences. Inquire 15 j. East J2th. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM COT tage, with, donate. iJantry And bath. Inquire, al 548. Seventh st. tor Reit Furnitni;c for Snle. I AM ON THE SICK L.J3.T A FEW DAYS. Will not advertise any specialties. My of fice wll bfj. open, and c.lerk redy ta chow you furnished, lodging ind boarding-Jiouses, sJl sizes and prices, aa usuaU Collins, 270 Washington st. 23 ROOM. 4 BLOCKS FROM P. O.; MUST BE sold. 12 rooms, furniture nearly1 new, clcse In; a, bargain, See my lis. tefoi&. buying. Also hav-some twod-pajlng boarding-houses, C E. Bennett, 127 Fourth at. x HOUSE FOR KENT AND FURNIPTORE FOR ile cheap, centrally located; rent reasonable. Call on or address room SOS Alisky building. FURNITURE 10-ROOM BORriNG - HOL'SC. full, paying; first-class bargain; ho agents C 8, care Qregonjan. FIVE ROOMS Or FURNITURE Jfi SEVEN roqm house, near 12th and; Yqinhlll. Addreaj D 10. care Oregonlan. COTTAGE FOR RENT AND FURNITURE for sale. Inquire 450 J6hnson "stT HOtSE FOR RENT AND FURNITURE FOK salt 3j4 Bumsjflg, cor. SevYe,njth. Storps. rS RENT 128 FIFTH ST., BETWE'EN WaslUngton anl Alder. Apply at 75 16th st. north. ' - BUSINESS CHANCES. MANUKACTURERS, CAPITALISTS, INVEST ORS and promoters should notice this, list' of lnvontlons for sale at reasonable figures: Van Namee's Framing Square, Barcus' Water Hold Back Fastener, Allen's pjow Attachment for Regulating Depth of Furrows, Macj'e Road Graders, Otto's Imgroyfrment In Inva,ljd Beds, HuBbard's Parlor Grate tor Healing "by Hot Water. Bate's Tin-Clad Shingle Roof, Rosen kruhz's Combination Rule. Other valuable pat ents for sale. Persons desiring to purchaa x any particular line should State requirements. We aid" inventors to get capital, and assist capitalists to find meritorious Inventions, W hove clients seeking partners to furnish money with, which to patent their Ideas; $20 000 is of fered for an Invention. Address THE PAT ENT RECORD. Baltimore, -Md. PATENTS! PATENTS! PATENTS' PATKXTH' FREEI Valuable Book op Patents. Tolls hpw to pocure them at low cost. Gives Mechanical Movement Invaluable to Inventors and Me chanics. Overflowing mlth Money - Making Patent information. BIG BOOK FREE! BIG BOOK FREE' O'MEARA & CO . Patent Attorneys. Opp. Patent Ofllce, 873 G. st., Washington, D. C f500 NICELY FURNISHED BOOMING house of 10 rooms, within 3 blocks of the. postofflce. This is a snap. Nice, little grot eery store, with living-rooms, cheap rent; stock Is new shd" good, will run about ?S' Have, one, ot the best-paying poultry, veg. ctable and grocery noaiKeU In Che. city. This place Is paying big and will bear the closest investigation: will require about $1200. Josepo Ml Hoaly, 290 Morrison rtreet. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WILL SELL MY complete Motion Picture Bublla EntertaIn,- ment outfit, with large advertising bills and everything needed, cheap for cash. AH first class and will show large motion pictures natural as life. No experience required to operate 11. Have mode $C0 to $300 per week. Best of reasons for selling. Send this. ad. and address. Drawer 146, Chicago, WANTED BUSINESS MANAGER WHO IS able to Invest 200 Tor half interest in an en terprise paying 535 per day. To. take full control for 0 months, No poheme, and no. schemer need -apply. Must have good business tact a,nd, good, appearance. Address. B & care Oregonjan. BUSINESS CHANCE IN LIVE wirSTW town; a dry goods, shoe and clothing busi ness, doing 3, business of $70,000 to $80,000 a year, for sale at a rare bargain, parties, com pelled to- quit business on account of ill health. Address H 03, care Oregonlan. WANTED-COMPETENT MAN WITH $2500 cash to establish and carry on branch busi ness; $150 per rapnth and expenses, ajso. extra, percentage, permanent opening, references re quired. Address Chas. Miller. Boyce, build ing. Chicago. WOOD SAW, WITH. TEAM, $375; THREE restaurants. $615. $450, $350. part cah; 14. J?Q,a tofelng-house. $700, 15-room lodging hol!?,.?s&JPprcsUraSon 560: 6-room house and lot, S12Q0. H. Hjglej-, P. O. box 033. city. HOTEL FOR RENT-PROPOSALS WILL BE received for a 3- to 5-jrear lease cf the, Pen dleton hotel. Pre?wnt lease expires July L For particulars address Frank B. Clopton. s&c retary. Pendleton, Or, MAN FROM EAST WANTS LOCATION. GEN eral store, hardware, or fu-rilture. would like BltuaiJ.oni bforft k-eeUs ?25CO as partner; or will Bttyi good courilrj town preferred. D 6, care Oregonlan. A SOLID. LEGITIMATE AND PRACTICAL monthly investment, bank and other good references. Write at once far further-particulars. Mo. C & R Co.. 210 Lacleda building. St. Louis. Mo. SATISFACTORY ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE made bv the right party with exclusive agency far sals ot our celebrated remedies, Renand Drug Co.. 161 La Salle St., Chicago. PROFITS IN STOCKS. WHEAT1 AND COT tcn. Mackeys modern methods make mo&ey. Write for our fn book. C. E Mackey & Co., 29 Braadwaj, New Yrk. FOR RENT OR FOR SALE CHICKEN OR milk ranch, three blocks south of Willam ette Heltrhts car Atidress W, M. Scheave, box 324 Rni Savler ste. WBLIr-PAYING, ESTABLISHED BUSINESS watft branch-house manager, bright, capable, woman cr man and wife, security required. O 2. care Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE -FOR SMALL COUNTRY store; a. modern suburban cottage, beautiful location, renting at $ per month. C. E. L.. 206 OMtomWa. St. RACKET STORE FOR SALE-COrnCTV sbat i Vtllletown. Address. J 9, care Ocegonlaa. BUSINESS CHAXCES. PRINTING OFFICE OUTFIT, COMPLETE, $000. STOCK OF GROCERIES AND FEKTURE3, $275. FINE-PAYING LUNCH COUNTER, $375. STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE. $10,000. SAW" MILL AND PLANING MILL, SALE OR TRADE. ?20CO. WE HAVE ALSO A FEW BAKERIES AND OTHER BUSINESS OPENINGS. IN ROOMING AND BOARDING-HOUSES WE HAVE FOR $1400 A FLAT OF 30 ROOMS. $1500 CORNER RESIDENCE, 20 ROOMS, $1000-CORNER RESIDENCE, 14 ROOMS. $900-CORNER FLAT OF 15 ROOMS. $700 GOOD RESIDENCE. 14 ROOMS. $500 NEAR POSTOrFICE. 12 ROOMS. $2400-ELEGANT ROOMING AND BOARDING-HOUSE, NEAR HOTEL PORTLAND. OF 28 ROOMS. $550 NEAR CITY HALL. 10 ROOMS. $400-NBAR COURTHOUSE, 9 BROOMS. $1250 COR.NER BRICK. 60 ROOMS. WE CAN ALSO LOAN YOU MONEY AT LOW RATES OF INTEREST. JENNINGS & CO.. 30Q MORRISON ST. FOR SALE A WELL-ESTAJ?LlSHED ANP paying business at a low figure: to be sold un account of slckncsa Addrss G 10, care.Ore gnlan, FOR SALE OB TRADE-OLD-ESTABLISHED, well-located city grocery buslnsrs. Call ot address room 205 Ablngton building, I to. 2 P.M. A GOOD-PAYING BUSINESS FOR LADY OR man and1 wife? ability and a small capital re quired. Address J 10, care Oregonlan. BOOK AND STATIONERY BUSINESS; GOOD Iteotlod; cheap Tent, trade Increasing; cheap if taken quickly. P. O. box 609. city. FOR SALE-kA SMALL. PAYING BUSJNFf" must seJi on account of other business, $125 will buy It. Address P. O. box 479. FOR SALE ESTABLISHED FIRE INSUR ance and real estate, business; also office fix tures. Insurance, care, Oregonlan. IF YOU WANT A NEWSPAPER OUTFIT OR press, rtieap and. easy terms address Outfit, room 39 LfCranc bouee., San Josg. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE, 2 BLOCKS from Portland hotel: bargain, no agent. In quire at 421. East Morrison. CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, house, with two living 100ms, for sale at sac rifice, 431 Morrison. $1100 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN A well-paying, established business. Address D 7, care Oregonlan. OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS: INVOICES about $20, 000: want to retire from business. B 53, Oregonlan. GROCERY STORE, VALLEY TOWN OF 600: good business.; stock $SO0; cash only. L 9, cur Oregonlan. , FOR SALE-THE WHOLE OR ONE-HALF OF a profitable manufacturing buslntes. B 7, care Oregonlap. $1500 SECURES HALF INTEREST IN GOOD general mercantile business, Addrws K 10, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE PRINTING PRESS, TYPE. COM plete outfit, ?260 great snap. 420 Comnter daj building FQR SALE ONE OF THE BEST-PAYING hotels In Oiegort City. V7m. Canttvell, Ore-' gon City. Or. FOR SALE FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY, with small stock ot groceries. Call at 150 Sixth street FOR SALE 10-room houaa, newly furnished, full roomers. -SSOO, Address B 9$, Oregonlan, Manufacturing busineps, clearing ?2B0 a month, low rent. $1200: leaving -state B 59. Oreg GOOD BTJSINFf S OPPORTUNITY. BRJGHT, energetic wenftn. 70 Lewis building. FINANCIAL. ANY. AMOUNT LOANED ON FURNITURE, planes, real estate and- all kinds of security 0. H. Thompson. 128 3a st. Phone "Main 028. $2500 OR LESS SUM TO LOAN AT 6 PER cent on Inside residence property, no com mission. H 4, care Ofgonlap- $3000 TO -J54O0O TO LON ON INSIDE IM nroved real estate-. 6 per cent interest; no bonus. H 7. care Oregonian. ONE TO FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO loao: realtj security, 7 per cent. 22u,Ahln8' ton building. MONEY TO LOAN, 6 per cent, farm or city, property. O. M. Smith, 814 Cb. of Commerce. CHATTELS; LOWEST ' RATES iN "CITY. Como and see. 310 Allsky bulldlngS? MONEY TO LOAN. HARTMAN, THOMPSON g. POWERS, 3 Chamber of Commerce, MONEY TO LOAN on any good security; strlet Ij private. Call "Mann," 604 Dexum building. MONEY TO LOVN on furniture or good securi ties. S. W. King, ropm 45 Washington b!d LOINS en, rral personal, chattel or ealtry ae curity. C. W. Eallett 315 Commercial block. Money loaned on chattels and real property, rea sonable. 612 Commercial bldg,. 24 and. WasH. Loans on bicycles, pianos and personal proper ty. W A. Hathaway, room 10 Wash. bldg. State funds loaned at G per' cent. W. E. Thomas. State Agt. for Mult. Co.. 400 Chamber of Com! LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNI ture, pianos, salaries, etc. Can be paid In Installments, reducing Interest. Rate lower than, the lowest, F. W. Graves, Mgr., 285 Alder, near 4th ground floor. Tel. Green, 444. $200,000 TO LOAN AT 5, 6, 7 PER CENT. City and suburban property for sale and rent. Agent for Westchester Fire Insurance CO. Wm. G, Beck, 321 Morrison st. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS FROM $25 TO $500, on nil classes of security. R. I Ecker con & Co . room 5 Washington building. MONEY LOANED on suburban real estate, or good security of aJL kinds: la sums to suit W. H. Nunn 31 1 Macleay bldg. Phone Mtln C22. LOST AND FOUND. LOST JAN. 30, NEAR THE CORNER OF Slth and, Washington ats,, a. pair of eye glasses, with black string attached. The loser needs them, ana finder will receive thanks by leainS same, at The Oregonlan ot-, flee window. LOST BETWEEN MEIER & FRVNK'S AND Ablngton building, pookrt-book, containing money and money order, return 420 Ablngton building. Reward. ' LOST A LADY'S SILVER-MOUNTED RID lag whip, near riding academy. Return to 71"! Flanders st., and receive reward. LOST PAUl OPERA GLASSES. EVENING, Jan. 27. Cordrays theater. Return J. W. Fuller, Hotel Portland, lteward. LOST J2TH ST, BETWDN EAST MORRl eon and Belmont, stlck-pin. containing five pearls. Reward. 535 Belmont. FOUND A PURSE; OWNER CAN HAVE same by proving property and paying for this "ad," Meier &; Frank Co. LOST: LADY'S BROOCH. WITH; LITTLE bfrd In. center. Return to 1C1 West Park, and receive reward. LOST A GOLD AND QUARTZ WATCH EOB, ailached to black ribbon. Reward. 71S Cham ber of Commerce. FOUND ON 20TH INST.. GRAY HORSE. Gall ft address W. H. Hardy, Mount Calvary cemetery. LOST BLUE SILK COLLAR WITH F.TBBON bow and two lace ornaments. Return C6 21st north. SPECIAL. fcOTICES. Proposals Insetted. STEAMER FOR SALE SEALED BIDS WILL be- received for the 6tern.-wh"el steamer known as Dredger No. 1. up till noon of February 10. 1900. at the office- of the under signed. The. steamer Is now lying in the. Dji wamlsh river, about three miles from Seattle, where she can be seen. Terms of sale, cash. The- owners reserve the right to reject anv and all blrfp. Further particulars on appllca" tlon, Cllse & KTng. Attorneys for Misscuri Alafika Dredging- & Mining Co,, room 53i Bost6a. block. Seattle. Wash. Stoclcholders Sleetlnir. NOTICE OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Snake River Valley Railroad Company Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting cf the. stockholders of the Snake River Valley Railroad Company will be held, pursuant to the by-laws, on Mondaj. the- 0th, day of February, 1900. at 12 o'clock, noon, at the ofiice of the secretary o the company, room 314 Worcester building. Portland, Or HENRY F. CONNER. Dated January 15. 1900. Secretary. NOTICE OF" THE ANNUAL MEETING OF the Stockholders of the Washington Railroad Company Notice Is bet-coy glv en that the an nusl meeting of the stockholders ot ths Washington Railroad. Company will be held nt the ofllce of the ruropany. room 314 Worces ter bulUlng. Portland, Oregon, oa Monday, the 5th day. of February, 1900 at 12 o'clock coqn. HENRY F. CONNER. Secretary, Dated January 15. JWO, BUSIKES3 DIRECTORY. Asrrlealtoral Ixnplcaaeats, Machinery EDWARD HUGHES. WAGONS, CARRIAGES ...u iiwtuittcty os. ail Junaa. iuv rivou RUSSELL & CO ENGINES. BOILERS. SAW mills, threshers, horse-powers. 224 Belmont. JOHN POOLE, Newton wagons, buggies, wlnd mllls. pumps, machinery. Foot Morrison st Art Goods and. Picture Frames. BERNSTEIN'S- ART STORE, 307 WASKING-ton-st., great clearance sale; special bargains. Asaayers and. Analysts. PORTLAND ASSAY OFFICE. 229 Stark st. As saying and analytical wwrk. Gold dust bought. J. H. FJSK. MINERAL ASSAYEK AJ.O chemist, gold dust bought. 204 Wajshlngtoa. PAUL BAUMEL, AS3AYER AND ANALYST. Gold dust bought. 228 Stark- at. Attorneys. H. K. SARGENT; general practice, collection Phone Hood S32. 718 Chamber of Commerce. PA3CTON, BEACH & SIMON, ATTORNEYS-at-laW. 510 Chamber of Com.. Portland. Or. JEFFREYS & WHITE; attorneys.-at-law, prac tice in all courts. -420 Commercial block. PIPES & TIFFT. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, 7Q8 711 Chamber of Commerce. BnJjterle. U. E. Bakery, Matschlner Bros., props.; breads, cakes, pies, pastry and crackers. 101 N. llth, cor. Flanders. "Barber Shops. HOWARD'S BAHBER SHOP. FINEST BRAND cigars; 0 expert workman. 260. Aldr U Baths. DEKUM Bathroams; popular baths, maasage, electricity. 714-15-16 DeKum. Phons Red 2345. Book Stores. New and second-hand school and other books. 203 Morrison St.. between First and Front. Cracker Factories. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co,, rofrs. biscuits, crack ers, ship bread, cenfectibnery. llth. and Pa.vls. Carpenters, and Builder.". JOHN A. MELTON, carpenter, builder, office and store fixtures Ore. tel. 747. 28S Staik. Complexion. Specialists. Beautify ar.d regulate your features, scientific methods. Madame. Steele, 722 Marquam. Cornices Sky Ujglitn. METAL SKYLIGHTS, GALVANIZED IKON -cornices. J. C Bayer, 265 Second strest. Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUmitf, cream; bakery goods. Both phonos. Q. G. Mivgt;r, 4,MJ vaalnton. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Bins Cheng, 191 2d st.; Chinese root medi cines cure all. diseases, Examination i rte, Chlrououistt. WM. DEVENY &. MAUD DBVENY, THE" only scientific chiropodists, room J01 AWJ" V.t, 9.J ...4 IT.. .I...ii ,--. ..t..... ... , i. U.Ufe., UU AMU 1UWA&A0VU, VTACg, JJUtfeit VLUU W L, Mtl-CHELL. EXPERT CHIROPODIST. OF fice lby 5th st-. pp. pusttfice. 'XeL Hqcki -jl-i. Miss Dart, chFropody and manicuring, room 5u Union block, 1st and Stark. 0 A. M. to 5 P. M. Gomnjlj&sion Merchants. HERMAN METZGEK, PUHCHASEIt OK hides, pelts, furs, vruol, nwna.r. titdow, old rubber and old metal, and general commiilon merchant. Front at . uear iuain. r-oct-ana. Or. Cash advances on consignments. J. C. LENSCH. COMiMISSION MERCHANT, produce ana poultry. L.urre3yondence solicit ed. Both phones. J64 Front. TAYLOR, iOUNG & CO., $dlf BROlvfi,Atj and commission merchants, aneriock building. POttlaiid. Or. W. N, Sayre &. Co , commission &. produce mer chants, advances on consignments. 140 Fruut. ALLEN &, LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO dU(,e merchants, Front L u ,ta., Portland, Or. D. F. 'Wagner & Co., brokerage and commission, canned goods, cil&d fruits, etc: 20a Vtasn. st. bV'LRDlNG & FARRELL. commission, butiar. eggs, chickens and farm prodiiue. Portland. H. TUKK A- CO., 234 FRONT; FLOUR, HAY. produce, feed and groceries. ClRur Dealers. RAILROAD CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, cigars and tobaccos. Fred G Lent. 250 Alder. Dancing. MISsEa MATTINGLX ACADEMY OF DANC lng, 2C9 14th, Private lessons by appointment. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR. D. M..D-, 602 MAR- quam bu.lldlng. Morrison. St.. b2t. 6th and 7th. DR C. B. BROWN; tel. Ore. Red 2840. res White 634. 514-15-16 Dekura building. DR FRANK L BALL, DENTIST. ROOM 413 Dekum building. Phcne Brown 494. Dental Supplies. "ftOODARD, CLARKE & CO.. Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dressmaking. MRS. M. E. HAWKER. DRESSMAKER. HAfa moved from 446 Hoyt to 371 Ross, where she will be pleased to see all of her old friends. Take Lower Albino, car and get off. at Broad way. MRS, SADIE A. McKIBBEN. MODISTE. FINE evening and street costumes a specialty. Tel Scott 701. 372 East Morrison. N. L- GUSTIN. FIRST-CLASS WORK, REA oonsblo prices, perfect fit. Roam 3 270 Mor rison, MISS HAWKINS. LADIES' TAILOR ANxJ dressmaker; good fit guaranteed 424 Wash. Dyolnjr and Cleaning. H, W. TURNER. PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner, 301 17th. Telephone Red 13. Bdncatipnnl. Mrs. G. Smythe, late of Royal Academy. Lon don. Ens., w 111 receive pupils for course, elocution and music, stage practice, club rates reduced. A. O. U W. bldg.. studio 17 and IS. PP.OE. W. M. RASMUS" SCHOOL OF ELO cutlon, oratory and dramatic- art, offers splen did opportunity for development, physical cul ture, thorough stage training. 230 Stark St. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGK Fifth and Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong, Prin.. j. A. Wesco, Sec Open all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogua free. HQLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COi lege, 414; Yamhill at Englisn course; com mercial and saorthand courses. Send for cat alogue. Spanish lessons; Mrs. Wm. Webb Robinson, nee B. McDonald. Selllng-Hirsch bldg.. room 53. ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT, teach ere prepared for examlnauon. 361 YamhlU. PRIVATE LESSONS GIVEN IN SHORT hand; Graham system.. M L M 43, Oregonlan. Electric Belts. DR SCHRAMECK7S ELECTRIC BELTS ARE tae nest; examine $3 belts. Z0 Front st. Harness and Saddles. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO, HAR ness and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find' ings and shoe store supplies. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE, sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Electrical Unsrineers. FOBTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS, 392 Wash. All kinds electrical supplies and. repairs.. Fence and Wire Works. PORTLAND WIRE &, IRON WORKSt WIRE and Iron fencing, offlcs railing, etc 334 Alder. OLp EAST PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE vt;rU9. .A. .ainujt, cu x.ach vsruiua tn.. TREMONT HOUSE, newly furnished rooms SL50 a week up. J, E. Clark, 348 Everett Insurance, HAMBURG - BREMEN FIRE- INS. CO, 103 Fjrst st. Boyd 4 Arnola. General Agents Eugene D. White &. Co . Agts. German Alliance Fire- Insurance. Co.. 420 Commercial block. Leather Findings. J A. RE1D, mfr. boot and shoe uppers, full stock-shoemakers1 supplies, 20? Waanlnstca st. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Iron Foaaaers aad Hachlalstii. Smith W,a&og Iroa Works; eagtoes,aad boil ers; legging esgiMs a specialty; quartz and saw mlfis; mlsev machinery. Front and HaJL Willamette Iroa fc Steel Works, James, Lataa. mgr,; Iron-workers, steamboat bldrs, E&rtlasa. Job 1'rtBtera. CALLING AND vp:DDDG CARDSt FINEST quality, lowest prices. Rogsrs, 223 Morrlsoa street. Ladder "Works. LADDERS OF ALL KINDS. ANDKECCHKN convenlencea. CQr. East Stxtb, and Qk. Lsjanaxiea. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR ARIGHTj HA-YE the Model Laundry do your work. lilqnor and Tohncco Institute. Keeley Institute. 314 0th. ouxaa liquor, opium and tokaccQ addiction!. No other In. state, LoBIns Machinery. SEW DEVICE FOR SAVING; WIRE CABLE on, legging engines, E. Tumey, 5gt E. Oak si. Slarfale and Granite "Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS marble, Iran ite and stqpe work. Schanen. & Neu. 268 1st. Massase. "THE SNOWDE" BATHROOMS REOPSJiBO at 131 4th eu. formerly ''The Nelson"; tb and Vapor baths, massage. TO. Red 421. FOR MASSAOn. BATHS. CALL AT 343. vvas.-iisgvon sirev room. . MldTvIvcs. MRS. EHL. GRADUATE MIDWD7E, 124 North 14th at. Telephone West 667. M,lnlnjr Machinery. TATUM & BOWEN. 20 TO 35 FIRST ST.; mining, sawmill, wood"- working, machinery; pumps. Hoe saws, Mlalne. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS. IN corporafed. Sampling, and. assaying;. smalV lots of high-grade ores, bought, gold and slbrer flnedt mint rates, allowed for gold, charges, ores, atdys, etc , goip $L5Qt Blljer JL00, gotd and- silver $2. lead $l0. copper 51 50. sine $2 50, iron $1.50. retorting amalgam, $L6Q, S. Chase, President, J. T. Gove. Manager. 92 First St.. Portland. Barton & Curtis, 229 Btark st. mining engi neers, and stock brokers; mines, examined and reported, upon, machinery furnished; plants erected Tel. Clay 763. MInin$r Investment. EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS THE Safety Deposit Gold Mining Co., capital $200, 000. shares par value $5 each, offer the public part of thefr stock at 50c per share. The mine Is well developed, exposing. large quanti ties of ore. The aala of tnls ttocK.wJH enable, the management to place machinery on the property, after which dividends can be de pended upon. Prospectus, etc.. E. A. Clem & Co., 515-516 Oregonlan building, Portland, Or. Phone Red 2S22. SUMPTER MliiES. The greatest gdld camp in North America. Kevstdne Belle, 10c, Ohio, 20c. Dlddera. 16c. shortly ship ore. Developed and, updefefapsd claims for sale. We can 'give, yoa the most reliable investment in mines E-VWSON-Mc-DOWELL CO., 41 Sherlock, big.. Portland, Or. Weatherby-Bonaqiza has fully equipped stamp mill, good record a a producer, foiir. parallel elne, of high-grade oref- 20 feet' develop ment work. Small block stock E- A. Clem& Co.. 515-510 Oqeganljtn bldg,, Portland. JAMES M. COLE & CO.- Baker City. Mines bought, sold, developed. Special bargains is- buropier quartz -ciaimaaec sale. Musical. Violin, viola, cornet lesscxis. music- famished; Italian strings and old violins, fox sale, mn Thlelhorn. M. P. S. OrchJ, 269 Jefferson. T cat 4VUt, PROF. VAILLANT DE LA CROIX, formerly baritone of French and Italian opera, Italian method: voices, tested free, Goodnaugh bldg, Lessons 50c, piano, guitar, ban jo. mandolin, vio lin. Instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. 101 1st, Medical. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE GREAT COL ored specialist of all kinds of diseases, ot; both man and women. Every disease, cC the human body. Ees, ears, consuropii, asthma, ca tarrh, cancer, wens and atf other chronic dis eases positively cured. The doctor can be seen athis new sanitarium. 171 Green aye 23d amTWashlngton. GREEK RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC IS GUAR anteed to positively cure itny and all forms of rheumatism, acute or chronic, very quiokly. or money refunded. Imported directly frem Greece, and can be bad oaly from L. T. Lewis, 252 Washington st., Pertfand. Or. Ladles. Chichester's English Pennyroyal PHls are the best. Safe reliable. Take no other. Send 4c, stamps, for. particulars, "Relief far Ladlesi" in letter by return mall. At-Drug-gtatiC. Chichester Chmical Co., Phlla.. Pa- DR. FLORA A BttOv. ilAKi!.3 StcIAi-i 1 of asthma, and. diseases of women, and children. Consultation and diagnosis free. CT7-I8 T& Dpkum. Portland, On. Osteopathy, TREATMENT W. A. ROGERS. OSTEOPATH. Marquam building, rooms 632.533-034. Hours. 0-12 A. M., 2-5 P. M. Phone Main 27, Call and Investigate our method of treat ment. Consultation and examination trte. OREGON INFIRMARY OP OSTEOPATHY; under the masagtment cf L, B. Smith D. O. Suits 400 Oresontafl building. Examination, free. Lady osteopath. DRS. NORTHRUP & ALKIRE, osteopathUts, rooms 415-10-17 Dekum- block. Oregron. phone Main 349 Lady osteopathlst. Examination free. Oretron Vlavl Company. Lewis bldg., Park and Morrison. Free.HeaUo, lecture. 10. woroeo apurioay, a; xuu f.. M. Palmlatry. Miss. Marls White, scientific palmi?:, rfads pass and) f nturp correctly Lewis bldg., room B3. Paper-ffox Factories. OREGON PAPIER -BOX FACTORY, MFG. paper boxes of all descriptions. 170 Seeond. Patents- T. J GBISLBR. 610-611 CHAMBER OF COM. Registered- attorney U. S. paunt offlce. FhotosrapUeys, BUrns. leading photographer. Cth and Morrison, makes reliable photos it reasonable prises. Photographic Supplies. WOODARD. CLARKE & CO. WHOLESALE and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. ItenL Estate, Loan and Rentals. ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; E3TAB. lUhed 1866, 227 Stark st. Restaurants Strouse'ti Cafe, best 25c meal, famous coffee and caKe, 10c 2Z2 Washington, bet. 1st and 2d. Riding Clubs. The Portland Riding Club, fljte livery, saddle horses a. specialty. Park. -and Jefferson, Safes. SAFES. SAFES, BANK WORK. LOCK DBP'T. opening, loweuu repairs. Jt b. uavts, 6B 3d, Sanitariums. HOME FORTHP SICK; MRS. ELLBN TOUT, nursejtConflneraent'cases-a-speclalty. 255.Fllh. Splrltaalists. MME. ADWARD- THH GREAT ST. LOUia medium, can be consulted on business, lave ana matrimony; unnt-a tne aeparati, na matter how far the distanee, brtess speedy marriage- to the one of your choice, locales maaen trsssute usurs, v a m. to 8 P. M-, dally and Sunday Fee. 50r. MRS. WALLACE, RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT ana psyeme ute-resaer; consult her on busi ness, affair. love troubles, absent frleads: good advice on mines, reading-dally, 56c and up. un? tftm street, omee 1 asd-a. LARSEN. THE PALMIST. WILL TELL THE year waen an leading: events ia He take places pest and future readings. 54c. 2&6 Firsc-st, MRS. J- A- SMITH- MEOIirM AKt) MiOstBT. ie healer, card reader, ores read and micas locatea. Kootn s, K vtasMngtos MRS. ELSIE REYNOLD3. MATBBUUJSUIG nc. Suniav ovonlncr 41 -11 at cjanin $L ladiea 5 cts. j MADAM CA-THERINS. THE. CELEBRATK clairvoyant, reads your IHe correctly. 2M uiay st- MRS. C CORNELIUS. TBST MEDIUMf.Sjr- uusb aaiiy Aiuey otcs.. ABira ana iuornssn. MBR STEVENS, Psychic InspIraUea nrlttsgs. 25C SltUnjs daily, 50e ap. ZiZb First U BUSINKS6 DIRBCTORT. ' Sa-pr Mill Machinery. Cri3i!Mea-Meiii Mashjtig- Ce.ijea ajk secee'BaBd asaebfeeryV Kr wivr AS Tf jm Shevrcaaea sumI SMxe, Fi-ctareit. DlXj . BQNT AifP Store aa? datee Kiistares. f grob & co -rMPrrnrKsf mad to or- StaraT. OVERLAND &NMUUUL WUUtKHGOSE. Fourth asd Cavts. MerchasAM a specially. Issarane rales lew: itawge rales rsueaaMe. Carsfal attea'tos gives ta esuaay aailgB meats, SI. Oc Maliv 7771 CshmaS? "VViaes axd Llqaors, Fine wises, ltveta, aad olmcst Jre kafe eivtrytbbMCSest eteas. Tem fkMiSj(.3W BrsM. WILLIAM TELL SALOON: CHOICX and hatters, ffce lanes, seer. 2 AMec Seeead-BaBdr Gaeds, We- bay everything dotMa. nwalttKe, t.T Call or address 5 Tirtrrf sc Tefesheae Eee ass. Sterase 4 "Praaafer SAFES. PIANOS, FURNTTORS MOVED AflCIV packed fer sWfiptog, C. M Olsea. 12ff Ftnt. TL offlee, 3Stn WBk Baek. SMv STORAGE. AT LOW RATES. CAIf 96 ao i i-ra jstextrs stertaowe, m sm iwiu Veteirtaary Sarsen. ieBtiea-hsnea teeth. TW. HfedM! OftBM. "Wall Paper, and Faints. STROWBRHX3E PAINT A C4L CO.; WALJD paper, sash, deois, btnlders Ivtrdrware. 1W Grand ave Whplfssle Orecerir. ALLEN &.LXKK, WHOLESALE OROCSMW ccr. N. Frost asd Davis st.. PertUad. r. "vhelesa.le EvrBxlt. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO.. WHOLBSALS drujfstlals. esfaer fswtti asd Waahlagton. "Weed and Ceal. DRY WOOD FIR. OAK, LONG OR SAWED. NIckuni 342 WMr st. Beth trfienes. PBRSOXALS. INDIAN SEER AND MBDtUM; Mg,WHBAT-iy-Howe, the wsnderlwl. gtlted IMIaa stjaajr; phreaoiogist. mlad reader, patanist as4 bcial sUtvrat. reveate. all secrets asd eBnesseat bora with two veils over face; wsseer el 19th eentun. treats all diseases by the see e& Iadtaa herbs. Separate parlors, tar a4teyMcV gentlemen. 271 Fifth st opposite City Ball, downstairs, first floor. Tells from the ep&gla to grave Strictly ceasdeattalt 27 women wasted suCermg fras& Irregular pain ful or steppage of periods, ieueerrfoea (whites), and alt cenpUeated diseases perlal ing te changes of Hfe eared by o!4 Dn Kess Ier ccr. Second and Yanihtlt sts, 3SweseA called last naiah. Consu tatlon free. au. pjl vate rooms for Tadies. If can't call. wn, ir.efcslnsr 1 3c stamps. Hundreds treated at home by bis sew system. LADY. DO YOU WAXT YOU BOD? braeed If yea do, g to J. A. Cwmasmw. dntggist. set Yamhtfl sC. bet. F4ft aidSee ond Portland. Or . aod get the Katacal Bedf Brace It U ten tlsaee- cheaper thais we4f cice. and cures wdfere mboacine unt. gfvis relief at once Try it free THE FAMOUS X VOWOLLV. BLOSftOiC. AND Wonderful Royal Tea cares sure asd peatM.? nefetTy. all FEMALE DISSASEg. A simfje. lnexpensfve home treatment. 3sr partMvnkrs and. samples!, oall oa Bacbara Greear. gsascal aaitSowth Bead RetBedy Ccv, li.ytrsb9t. ELECl-RJC PARLORft 19ffn: FIHeT Smm&V. treats alt state- dleeiaees. api gtMaae&. t restore gray hair to natnaal celar. wijaYaut. dye, removes wrinkles and alt Wnatehesf trsrn faee, also rsyaoves saperiKtaiis bah- free the face without pain, enUgmgr buat a tfr clalty RIMLESS BlHM3LAae86. $4 2S'. KK3GSL OR fWW.fttted ttamg, with best- leases, $1, ea mon, glaeees. &m 2f to SWs, JBJpea mrtinjtsi. by competent ostlcia; Hi gtfaraafeeaV ? land Jeweler as OytMa. 13R FlrA st Be tween W-aablagtsB sad AWer. LAST CHANCE' MADAME STBB$E, AfWNT lor the. mas MaCsme Tttly eseawUes. will remain but 10 days longer Special IHqma menta la all ladies who- call at bee garter, 722 MaiuABi. Offloe hews, 10-12 awfl-'. WATCHES CLKAWB&. TSe; MAiySglHWg. 75c; clocks caBed fer asd delivered. All aMh asd. clocS. T9ftaJteg wacranted oee year. TfM Portland Jewuler. 132 First at, Phsae Eteelt !A7. ONE SUIT CALLED FOR, PX8fl0alD, sponged asd delivered", every week. $1 a mwita. Also steam cleaning, dyeing and rewlrtag Unique Tailrring Ce.. 347 asMegtos. Pheaea, DISEASES OF MEN ACCURATELY 1LLUS trated treaties, priceless ptesricloR ftr sore cure absottaely freo upen apleatios. Br. ft. C. Carter. Bend Bin. Obis. LADIES- YOUR BUST ENLARGED (t Inches, failure Impossible, harmless; $A09 cash guarantee, proof free. Leonard- Medi cine Co.. Kansas, CKy. Kan MORPHINE. OPIUM. LAUDANUM. COCACfB habit Myself cured. Wnl iaferm yea ot harmless, permanent home-ewe. Mrs. Bald Win, box 1212, ChlMze. MARRY SEND 2e FOR aiONTHLY MATfU monlal paper, wealthy, patrenst, etabfeed tw.ejyva years. My. 8c. Mrs Drake, M6 Wafih-lngtoo- st , Chicago. - MARRY LOVELY WOMEN AND HOORA We men, May rich. Send. 2e for Mg Met, descriptieas. resWeaees. Mutual Exsfcange, . Kansas City. Me. 30 FINK VI3ITING CARDS, 2e: 50, 36, PT paid; 290 bwatoees eards. $1; 50v JL90. Brown 3c Schtaale. printers, 3S First street Portland. Or. JAMES-KIDDSR-HANTOaD TICKETS WILL be Sought by party wh wlM be hv Mae early at 25e each, no money In advanes. O 8, ears OregpaJan, PARTY W0 WILL BB IN LINB RABloY' will buy tiekets for Jasnes-Kidaer-Haafsrd at 25c each, no money la advance. W 6, ears Oregonlan. W NT3D THE ACQUADTA3Cm OF YOONO . lady, reftoed. iatelitesHt, branaUe and awol claa preferred, ofejeet. Iv. T 9. OngMhs. A YOUNG. ATTBACnVB WBDOW TOSHM to meet elderly gantlaiiaii ot means, cbjest. frlesdshlp. Address A &, care OregoaikiB. FOR SALE BOOK JVKJ STATIONBRY ness; airt seH qalekly. Investigate; ne-raa-sofiabie offer refused. P O box 409, city. PORTLAND iLYSIS PAHLCMB. M- 16 Lewis bul esr. Park asd Merrtsoa. Lady opatator. referesees. COMMON SRK8B BEAUTY PARLORS, FA ctal blemishes remewed by eleetrldty. sun. roller sad eyosge. Lewie Bldg. AMERICAN WIDOW. 3& WAWP& M MST & reaaM. Ameriean gentleman. Obeaf. m sults. A 7 ears Oregontna. DRSSQM.KIN DOME AT BAfABLH prteas. chMdrefl's clothes . npftshilty. Mrs. Harklse, 436. Baraside aC YOUNG MAN. VOCALWT, WMHW TOPORAC aeqaaiitlanee of ycang lady plflaiot. K V cire OrettenMa MARRY-LABOB8T XATitSMOSaAf. PA3, 2. sent settled; many wealthy. B. L, Lave, Deaver, Csifc LADIES. FREE. KAJOtLSfle ragalatsr, caaast fall. Mrs. D. 55ax. kee ls. WANTED LADY WHO CAN PLAY AMD tour well, to entertain gentlemen. C 9. Or- BTLLY LEA'S Picvrxr HORPIT4X. 1& 4. Phose Cfciy 641. Whesto- enlled tor; delivered. Otto KBngbell. mapneHe bealer 307 S4BCR st.. treats any sisnnetio. Ore. passe..; Mrs. Dr. McOsa, etoetrie treatmenta. Lat Pacta hease, oer. TMrd and YsmhUl eta. warn 14. SELBCT XASSAOS AND MAWBTK!; LADY frest San Frandsaa. Parlor 2 336, Stark st. RKOPENED THE FRANCO BOQaOMI- heaeev 134 Fmtrtk, rao-rt-w CUT RATES-Ovaasn- Dye Woils; cleaagaad dyeing linntrHa, sear Othv. Tet Bed- 28W. CLOTHB6 MENDED TOR LADU38 AND OB3I tfemeB. AnpUr at ream 4 Laahe liiljJiBsife FRBBV SA,MPI CATARBM. Wtf CALL Cleaiesgans Drag Store, 227 Yataaf at. DOCBTFtrL DEBTS COLLECTED. ANY whwe. agChBwixic oCCmawnMi. WAED-AYOtTNCILAlTr TO GIVE BATMi. at ttlFeactw st imr YOUR flHOBS HALV SOLED 35c VJI up, at 30 Bhctb. LOTHSLBY HAL. SBASaDaV OBN ALL WIN- to.