The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 04, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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Asked Her Advice.
He was a. -wealthy business mac, but stingy as
could be.
She wae a female lawyer, aad shrewd, as you
He thought be ttke te marry vhr, end cave
Me legal fees,
Be b went lot her effiee and fen upon his
tr dear," fee mU. "I've lately tbeaght to,
form. new eartiitr ties,
Aad of tflnc row te marry me now what
hmU rem advice?"
Bat she -was shrewd, a I have said, and knew
tote rt)eot welt,
8 she didn't loee a nemeat his illusion to
Said "A case ea simple can be settled In
It prem yoar suit you'll leee it,'and-en
dollar for advice."
V. R. Carter In Phnsoeiohia Inquirer.
Brilliant Success of the Second An-
hhhI Ball of Portland's Athletic
ClHb Other Events.
Th Mattaomah Amateur Athletic Club
gave- ic second annual ball at the club
house on Tuesday evening, and It was
one of the most brilliant events of the
season. Th decorations were on a very
elaborate scale. The entrance and main
hallway on the first floor were profusely
decorated with immense American flags
and a choice display of potted plants.
The reception-rooms were very attracts e.
the large mantel was decked with Oregon
grapevine, which, on one side, was car
ried up to the ceiling, while in the midst
were placed tall silver cups and trophies
of the club, making a most pleasing ef
fect. About the apartments were rare
exotic and evergreens, while on the em
brasures of the doorway was a very artis
tic conceit In the shape of Indian baskets
filled with sprays of Oregon grape.
The gymnasium was turned into a ball
room of rare beauty. Depending from the
balustrade of the gallery were flags of all
nations, caught up and held In place by
sprain jf Mssy evergreens. The side -walls
were completely hidden from view by tall
trees and bright woodland greens, while
at one end was constructed a beautiful
miniature forest, from which was served
Iced lemonade. Long, graceful garlands
of hemlock hung from the side balconies
and nt in graceful profusion over the
electroliers in the calling
Dancing was the principal feature of
the entertainment, the enjojment being
enhanced by the music of an excellent
orchestra. The guests were gracefully
received by the patronesses of the occa
sion Mrs. Joseph N. Teal, Mrs. James R.
McCraken, Mrs. James Laldlaw, Mrs.
Thomas B. Foster and Mrs. Henry W.
The spacious billiard-room was, for the
nonce, turned into a dtnlng-hall, and it
presented a most pleasing picture. The
billiard tables were arranged In three
groups, around each of which were raised
piatforms covered with heavy Turkish
rugs. In the center of each was a dainty
arrangement of tiny potted plants, soft
foliage and fragrant flowers, around
which which were garlands of smilax, the
pleasing effect being added to by candela
bra with shades of a delicate rose hue.
The supper was most palatable and ex
cellently served.
The gowns of the ladles occasioned much
favorable comment.
The committee in charge of the enter
tainment was untiring in its efforts, and
ail the arrangements were complete in
every detail. To the committee Is due
great credit for the brilliancy and success
of the ball. It was composed of the fol
lowing named gentlemen: Messrs. Lan
sing Stoat. George P. Dekum, J. C. Muehe,
C. JU Ottnland aad Captain C E. McDon
Pleasant Social Fimotion nt Resi
dence ef Pastor Forbes.
A very pleasant farewell was given
Mr. and Mrs. Harrj Miller at the resi
dence oi Hot. W. O. Forbes last Wednes
day evening. Mr. Miller, who has been
la the ofllce of Superintendent M. G. Hall,
of the Northern Pacific Express Company,
lor the past M years, has been promoted
from the position of chief clerk In the
ofllce to that of route agent of the com
pany, with headquarters at Spokane.
Wash., where he and Mrs. Miller will soon
take up their residence. Mrs, Miller is
one of Portland'; favorite contralto sing
ers, being a member of Mrs. Walter
Seed's ladles' quartet, and having for the
past two yeans sung at the Forbes Pres
byterian ehurch Both Mr and Mrs. Mil
ler will be greatly missed is East Side
church and society circles, and their
friends gave them a substantial remem
brance at the reeeptie.
IoMfehtfHl rMnner Party.
Kiss Frances Lewis gave a delightful
dinner party on Thursday at the residence
of her mother. The dining table was
ornate with a display of lovely glassware
and silver of exquisite fashion, while in
the center was an immense urn, filled with
filmy fotlage and large pink carnations.
At the conclusion of a sumptuous repast,
the guests repaired to the music-room,
whore vocal and Instrumental selections
were enjoyed. Those present were: Miss
Frances Lewis. Miss Frances Hoyt, Miss
Flanders, Mies M. Louise Flanders, Miss
M&rse&r. Miss Laurie King. Miss Alice
Hfttskw; Messrs. R. W Lewis. R. L. GU
ss. W. Bertrand Mackar. T. Scott
PwM. A. H. Wlthlngton, W. Btmke and
D. Xwta.
Various Happenings of the "Weeh: at
VsBWRver Barracks.
The engagement has been announced
of Miss Mary Laing WoWerton, second
daughter of Colonel and Mrs. W. D. Wol
oVtcn to Mr. Howard B. Green., of
M o J ire Orifflth. slater of Mrs. Leslie
B. ir- - alte from New York, hist
w 1 1 aid will spend several months in -J
ilrs. J. W. Jacobs, accoaspanlefl by her
two sons, returned last -week from a pleas
ant visit of several weeks in California.
Colonel P. J. A. Cleary has been grant
ed an extension to his leave of absence,
and will not return from his trip abroad
until the last -week In February.
Weddings of the "Week: in Portland
and at Other Points.
Malcolm E. Thornton, superintendent of
the Sumpter Electric Light & Power Co.,
and Miss Ida Turner, of Portland, were
married In Baker City last Saturday. The
young couple went to Sumpter Sunday
last, and were entertained at luncheon
by Mr. and Mrs. George Tedrowe. Cov
ers were laid for 12. Those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Thornton, Mr. and
Mrs. George Tedrowe, Mr; and Mrs.
Henry F, Cassidy, Miss Myers, Miss
Katherlne Myers and Miss Carrie Spauld-
ing; Louis Thornton, of Portland; J. F.
Shelton and L. Bush Llvermore. Mr.
Thornton, the groom, is one of the most
popular soung men in Sumpter, both In
social and business circles. The bride
is a charming and accomplished Oregon
girl, with many Portland friends.
A very notable wedding at Rossland,
B. C, last week, was the celebration of
the nuptials of Robert Hunter and Miss
Nettle Emelie Tuttle. The bride Is the
second daughter of Dr. Jay Tuttle, a pio
neer Oregonian, formerly, of Astoria, and
who Is well known in Portland. "Miss
Harriet Ayres, of Lawrence, Kan., was
bridesmaid, and Jules Laborthe, of Salt
Lake, was best man. Mr. Hunter, the
groom, is a successful merchant of Ross
land. Mnstcrson-Mackcy.
At the home of W. W. Redman, in Wil
lamette, Sunday last, at 2 P.. M., Miss
Gertrude E. Mackey, of Independence,
was united in marriage to M. E. Master
son, of the same city, Rev. H. D. Atch
ison, of Grace Methodist Episcopal
church, this city, officiating. Monday the
young couple left for Independence, their
future home.
Rev. James H. Dickson and Miss
Frances A. Hale were married on Janu
ary 23 at 6 P. M., in the First Congrega
tional church, of Oberlln, O. They leave
on May 1 for a tour through Europe,
after which they will be at home in Tilli
pally, Jaffna, Ceylon. The groom has
many friends in this city, his former
A very pretty wedding took place at
the home of William Housman, Wednes
day, January SL the contracting parties
being Miss Nellie Hembree and George
Housman. Rev. Dr. Black officiated.
Engagement Announced.
The engagement Is announced of Meyer
Marks, son of Mr. and Mrs, Morris Marks,
of this city, to Miss Leah Harris, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harris, of Oak
land, Cal.
The Cards Out.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Burckhardt have
Issued invitations for the wedding of
their daughter, Anna Henrietta, and Mr.
Benjamin F, Holman, to take place at
Trinity, church on Tuesday, February &
at 6 o'clock.
Minor Pleasurable Events of the
AVeek Just Past.
Prospect camp, No. 140, W. O. W., gave
a "drive whist" party and social dance,
February 1. The hall was prettily deco
rated with bunting and Chinese lanterns.
A pleasant surprise party was given
Miss Josephine Beler, Saturday evening,
by a number of her friends at her home,
6S9 Savier street. The evening was spent
n music and games, after which supper
was served.
Mr. John Latta, of South Africa, enter
tained the following named persons at a
delightful chafing-dish party last Satur
day night: Mrs. F. G. Buffum, Mrs.
Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. Birrell, the Misses
Wallace, McCullom and Innls and Mr.
Last Wednesday evening the Mississlppl
avenue Congregational church gave a re
ception to its jiew members, which proved
one of the most pleasant social events in
that part of the city. The friends and
guests met at the parsonage, and after a
short programme of entertainment re
freshments were served. Those assisting
were: Mrs. E. L. Patton, Mrs. O. P.
Church, Miss Florence Rae and Miss Anna
Rev. Dr. and Mrs. N, Mosessohn and
family were pleasantly surprised by their
friends last Wednesday evening at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. M. Savransky.
After enjoying several games, the guests
adjourned to the dining-room, where a
repast was served. Mr. Joseph M. Ricen
acted as tostmaster, and presented Mrs.
Mosossohn with a fine gold watch, en
graved as follows: "To Mrs. Mosessohn,
from her Portland friends, January 8L
100." Merriment continued until a late
Ebb ana Flow of the Social Tide In
and About Portland.
Mr. R. H. Pease returned to San Fran
cisco on Tuesday evening.
Mr. J. C. AJnsworth has gone to San
Francisco for a 10 days' visit.
The Assembly Club will give Its next
ball at Parsons hall on the 16th Inst.
Mrs. L Holzman, of Denver, Colo., Is
visiting her son, at 2S7 Eleventh street,
this city.
Edward A. Jacobs returned Thursday
from a visit to relatives in Spokane and
in Murray, Idaho.
Mrs. John Gibbons has returned from
a four months visit to the Eastern
states and is At The Curt'e.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Shapiro will be at
home Sunday, February 11, at No. 21
Harrison street.
Mrs. Bmma Dorris Thompson and Miss
Stella Pitt Dorris, of Bugene, are visit
ing the family of Dr. E. G. Glark, 786
East Taylor street
Invitations will soon be issued for a
dancing party to be given by the
"Demoiselles" on Thursday evening, Feb
ruary IS, at Foreman's hall.
Mrs. E. H. Durgin and daughter, who
left this city last November to spend
the winter hi San Diego, Cal., have been,
detained in Los Angeles on account of
the very serious illness of Mrs. Dttrgin.
Mrs. Benjamin Latz and children have
departed for Salt Lake City to attend the
golden wedding of her parents on Febru
ary 26. and for an extended trip South
and East.
Among PortlandeiB in San Fxanoisco last
week. were: Mrs. Louis B. Neerga&rd. ac-
jcompanled "by. her two children and Mfcs
Marjorie Durham. They were stopping at
the Occidental hotel, en route to the City
of Mexico.
Dr. and Mrs. A. Tilzer .havo returned
from their wedding 'trip and will receive
their friends today "and rfrednesday, at
their home. 147 Tenth strjeet.
Mrs. G. B. Thompson and niece. Miss
Ha28l A. Williams, daughter of J. T.
Williams, of Portland Heights, left
.Wednesday for Tacoma, Wash., where
Miss Hazel will enter; Annie Wright sem
inary for a three years' course of study.
Arlon Society.
Will give Its annual masquerade ball on
February 22, at their hall. Secbnd and Oak.
Invitations can be secured from members.
Another beginners' class forming; elocu
tion taught. Mrs. Larowe, Foreman hnlL
'Phone, Brown 950.
One More Weelc.
Our great sale ends, Saturday night, Feb-
ill 111 K. - - .Jfc!3Ili 111
1m 1 fill t JC::"-',n
llHBiSfe"' k ' -7' "'! If I 111
oeooooeooooooeoooooooooooo oeooosoeoooooooeoooeoo
ruary 10. P.
E. Brjgham, Seventh ana'
The Jolly Xeighliors.
Fifth party, Friday evening, Burkhard's.
For graduates Choice gifts, at Gill's.
Third and Alder streets.
Good books, the best gifts to graduates.
Large stock at Gill's, Third and Alder sts,
School books, for Portland academy and
all schools, at Gill's, Third and Alder sta.
Events of the IVcelc at the Stnte Uni
vcrslty EIsew here.
The recital at Villard hall, state uni
versity, Saturday evening, given by the
pupils of W. Gilford Nash and Miss Mar
garet Hansen, was a very enjoyable affair.
The Treble Clef Club sang several num
bers, responding to repeated demands for
The academy of science met in Deady
hall Saturday evening. The principal pa
per of the evening was op "The Use of
Electrlclty In Chemical Manufacture," by
Dr. Arthur Lachman. H
The Laurean Societymot Friday evening
and discussed the question: "Resolved,
That contested election cases in congress
should be tried before the United States
supreme court!" The Phllologlans 'debated
the question: "Resolved, That United
States senators should be elected by direct
popular vote." Professor C. A. Burden
delivered an address before the society.
Tho threo literary societies are plan
ning the publication of a weekly news
paper, which will be devoted to general
college news. The university Is large
enough to support a weekly paper, and the
students, faculty and friends will do all
In their power to malts It a success.
Tho 'Varsity Republican Club met In the
Lane county courthouse Tuesday evening
and was addressed by Dr. Wiuiam Kuy-
kendall, Hon. S. H. Frlendley. S,
m. Yoran, A. C. Woodcock,
i '82,
and C. A. Wlntennlre. '. H. D. An
gell, '00; a N. McArthur, '01, and C. M.
Bishop. '03; will represent the club lnthe
state league convention at Portland, next
Examinations began Thursday, and-will
continue until next Friday.
The local oratorical contest will be liold.
In Villard hall, Friday evening, February
9. The winner will represent the Ur of O.
at the Intercollegiate contest, which is to
be held at Monmouth. March 9.
Professor and Mrs. Thomas Condon left
Wednesday for California, where Profes
sor Condon will make a thorough inspec
tion of the geological museum at Berke
ley and Palo Alto.
At Mount Ansel.
Another Interesting fortnightly enter-
talnment was given by the athletic club
Saturday"1 a week. It .surpassed the pre
vious onefi In variety and Interest.
The secretary of the Mount Angel Ath
letic Club has filed an application for
admission to the I. A. A. A. 0.. with a
view to thfi club's participation in the
events of the forthcoming annual field
Congressman 'Thomas Tongue has pre
sented the college with some very val-
luable publications, among them the re
ports oi tne secretary or the smitnsonian
Blnger Hermann, commissioner of the
general land office in Washington. D. C.,
J has presented the college with a. large
cession map of the United States.
Rev. Frowin Epper, O. S. B., pastor of
Mount Angel parish church during the
past three years, left last week for Le
Grand mission. He temporarily replaces
Father "Moore, who was compelled to re
sign on account of ill health. Father
Berchtold, O". S. B., will fill his place here
during his absence.
Blonmouth Notes.
The flrst half year's work at Monmouth
normal school is finished, and with this
week ends the examinations.
The student teachers who taught in the
various grades of the normal training
school gave a reception last Friday even
ing to the members of the faculty and
tnoi training-school teachers, who tako up
the work of teaching on Monday.
On January 27 there was given in the
normal chapel an entertainment, consist-
e -o osoooooeeoooooeoeoeae
lngr of lectures on musicians, illustrated
by stereopticon. .
Varlqus Events of the "Wcclc In the
State of Oregon.
The ladles of the local Degree of Honor
gave a social dance in their hall Thursday
Mrs. B. B. Colbath, who has been vis
iting friends in Winlock for some time,
. returnee! Jiome Sunday.
Dr. L. A. Port returned this week from
a trip through California and the South
ern and Eastern states.
Movay L. Applegate, who has been In
Salem undergoing treatment for a disabled
eyo, has returned to ills duties at the
state university.
The Capital City Qalety Club gave the
second of Its series of pleasant dancing
parties last Friday evening. The dance
was well attended, despite the attractions
of a near-by show.
The members of Salem lodge, B. ,P. O.
E., entertained the Georgia minstrels last
Thursday evening at their hall. The,
troupe- was given a special Invitation to
meet with Salem Elks, and at the close
of the performance, at the opera-house,
all repaired to the Elk hall, where the
usual hospitality was dispensed.
A delegation of 25 members of the lo
cal lodge of Foresters of America went
to Albany last Tuesday evening, to assist
in the organization of a lodge at that
place. After the close of the exercises
tbV visitors were tendered a sumptuous
banquet by the new lodge, which, by the
way, stars off with tho largest charter
membership of any lodge of Foresters in
I Oregon.
Mrs. Tallant entertained her friends at
.a.n afternoon tea on Tuesday.
.Mrs. UDshur srave a dellgh'tful afternoon
Ltea.iifcQ.iseyerl friends on Wednesday.
Invitations are out for a party by the
Chrysanthemum Club on February 9.
Attorney Johan Young left on tho Cali
fornia steamer Sunday for an extended
Southern trip for the benefit of his health.
Mrs. J. G. Megler, of Brookfield, gave a
most delightful house party on Thursday
of last week. About 20 ladies left on the
early morning boat from Astoria and en
joyed the hospitality of their hostess at
her home at both breakfast and luncheon.
The afternoon was spent very pleasantly,
at games and music, and the Jadies re
turned to Astoria In the early evening.
At the Odd Fellows hall on Saturday
evening, the Native Sons and Daughters
entertained the Pioneer and Historical
F Society. Addresses were made by Gov
ernor1 Goer; Grand President, Blumauer,
of ',th yatlye Sons; Mrs. Robert" Sillier,
grand president of the Native Daughters;
Grand Orator CoL R. A Miller, Judge F.
J. Taylor and 'S. B. Smith. "Mlse Reba
Hobson and Master Reeves Bmerson 'each
sang a solo, and Mr. Terry McKean gave
a recitation. The remainder of the even
ing was -spent in dancing and social con
verse. A luncheon wa3 served.
The Dalles.
The Columbia Dancing Club held its
fortnightly party Frlda evening. It was
largely attended.
Truman Butler returned Monday from
the East, where he and Mrs. Butler have
been visiting relatives.
A pleasant "stag" party was given last
Wednesday night, m. honor of Attorney
Frank Menefee, at the residence of C. L- J
Mrs. C. L. Phillips left Wednesday for
Hillsboro, where she will visit a short
time before going to spend the winter
in California.
For the first time during the 40 years
of their parents' married life, the 14 liv
ing children of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Cooper,
of The Dalles, met under the parental
roof last week. At the dinner table there
were, besides the parents: Dr. Belle
(wife of Dr. Rlnehart, deceased, Charles,
Mary (Mrs. James Thompson), Nathaniel,
Nan, Prudence (Mrs. Fred Baylay). Cyrus,
Ruth, Daniel, Virginia, John, James, Ken
neth and Mildred, nine grandchildren and
Sirs., Charles Cooper and Fred Bayley.
President H. L. Boardman returned from
Brownsville this week, where he has been
In the interests of the college.
Miss Mary Feely and Miss Gilmore, of
Astoria, are visiting in McMinnviUe, as
the guest of Mrs. E. H. Willis.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eksteln arrived
Monday from their wedding tour in Cal
ifornia. They will make this place their
future home.
Professor A. M. Brumbaek and famHy
returned Thursday from Idaho, where
they went to attend the burial of-the pro
fessor's mother.
Mrs. Jacob Wortman entertained at her
pleasant home in this city Friday even
ing a number of friends at whist. The
evening was enjoyably spept. Refresh
ments were served. .
Mrs. William Scott, of College Side, en
tertained the Brockwood Club Thursday
afternoon, "at her heme, In a very pleasant
manner. Those present were: Mesdaraes
Hibbs, Asbury, Hunsaker, Hunsaker,
Wright, Ferguson, the Misses Reed and
Mrs. Jasper A. Stevens, of La Grande,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank grazier.
The Misses Moorhouse entertained the
High-Five Club on Saturday evening at
their' home on Water street.
Miss H. H. Strickland leaves soon for
Sumpter, where sho has interests, that
will require her residence there.
E. H. Clarke left the latter part of the
week fcr San Francisco, where he will
join Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Taylor and Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Cohen for a trip to the
City of Mexico.
Mrs. R. Alexander entertained the Cur
rent Literature Club at her home on
Water street Friday evening. A musical
programme was rendered and light re
freshments served.
Mrs. C. S. Jackson gave a serlbs of
afternoons at hlgh-flve at her home on
Webb street. Thursday the prize was
won by Mrs. W. L. Shiverick, and on
Friday afternoon by Mrs. Frank B. Clopr
Mrs. W. H. Kern Is the guest of rela
tives at Cottage Grove.
, Elmer Clark pleasantly entertained
Messrs. Patterson and Bryant, at his
home, Tuesday evening. Mr. Patterson
left Wednesday for Eastern Oregon.
The Ladies of the Maccabees gave an
afternoon tea, at the home of Mrs. Mary
Weber Friday, from 2 to 5. The affair
was in honor of Mrs. John Gellatly, who
departed next day fortistimpter to join
her husband.
A pleasant wedding occurred at the res.
ldence of I. M. Hunter Tuesday morn
ing. The contracting parties were Mis"3
Abbie Wilkinson, of Corvallis, and J. F.
Hunter, until recently of Texas. .The
ceremony "was performed by Judge Hol
gate, In the presence of a few intimate
friends and relatives. Immediately after
the ceremony the newly-wedded pair took
the train for Texas, where they will re
side. Woodbnrn.
Miss Hatlo Dorsey left last 'Saturday
for her home In Dayton, after a two
weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. L. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, of Mos
cow, Idaho, left Wednesday morplng for
Salem, where they will be guests of rela
tives and friends.
Mr. P. L. Kennedy and wife entertained,
at dinner, Tuesday evening, a few friends,
in honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Gilbert, of Moscow, Idaho. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Ken
nedy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Settlemeler, Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Cornwall, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Tooze, Mrs, Mary Kennedy and Miss Eva
Charles H. Pierce has arrived with his
family from San Francisco to make a
permanent home in Medford.
The reception tendered Mrs. R. C.
Brooks, of Eugene, by Mrs. E. B. Plekel
and Mrs. W. J. Vawter at the home of
Mrs. Plekel, Saturday, from 3 to 5 o'clock,
was the event of tho season. The spa
cious parlors and dining-room were deco
rated with ivy, while pinks and other cut
flowers were tastefully arranged about
the rooms. Mrs. Brooks entertained the
company with songs and Impersonations.
The hostesses were aided In receiving by
Mrs. H. E. Boyden; Mesdames Bllton and
Warner "and Miss Worman served refresh
ments, while Miss Alleen Webber pre
sided at tho piano.
Oregon City.
Charles U. WJlson left Saturday for
Spokane, to reside permanently.
Mrs. S. "M. Meldrum, of Waltsburg,
Wash., Is' visiting her children here.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed F. Story returned Sat
urday from a month's visit to California.
'Miss Ethel Gabbert left yesterday for
Colfax, Wash., to reside with her broth
er. James Church, who has been In Wa
tertown, N. Y., for the past year, returned
La. Grande.
Mrs. J. H. Pear gave a pleasant whist
party Monday evening.
Mrs. J. Foley and Mrs. Cerkey enter
tain the High-Five CIud Thursday,
Friday evening Mrs. H. Aiken enter
tained numerp friends, as a farewell to
Mrs. Quackenbush.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. White returned
Wednesday evening frem San Jose, Oal.,
where they spent several months.
Forest Grove.
Colonel R. Pollock and family moved to
Portland last week, to remain permanent
ly. Miss Mabel Hlnman, of Portland, is visit
ing the family of ex-Mayer A. Hinman, in
this city.
Various Events of the Weelc In the
State of Washington.
The Vancouver High Five Club met
with Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bowles thfe
Mrs. Mi A. Ewlng, of The Dalles, spent
tho week In the .city as the guest of her
son, W. H. Metcalf, and his wife.
J Capj&Jn M, F, BHricht Lieutenant H.
Requests to Remain
Save been forced tipcm-me o steengty
and by so-many of Portland's hest people
that I hare decided to caned my engage
ments in Seattle for the present ttL ft--main
in Portland.
The World's Greatest Clairvoyant
lalSffis.., , j'ffiiffiffiffiffi'ffi rflKilsssi
llf iiSllaW Amm
No practitioner of occultism can equal her tests. She guarantees to Teveal every
Incident of your life, to give full name aad description of the oqe you will mir-rr
what you are best adapted for, etc. Love, cow$Ip, marriage, divorce, proper y
speculations, sales, etc.. stand ot as clear as crystal when once browght befo-p hi r
far-seefag eyes. If another share the love wMefe should be yonrs, K you ar- li
doubt about your mining property, or h yon are. hi troobhi ef say kd, you carno
do better than visit this gifted medium. She tparanteec nbsotote sWstton nr w V
refuse any remuneration. Her charges are within reach of aJH. TO TKI SICTC ES
PECIALLY HSR ASSISTANCE IS PRICBLW5. AH dtooaeee assgnoeed astronom
ically, according to the time of birth.
To accommodate thse in the country or neighboring ehtos, er aaxr who may not
wish to call, the Madam will make
Just as good and correct as if you called in person. MaH $4 a an oh) a o one 2-rert
Btamp for reply, giving date of birth, ami you will receive by Botnsn, mall full l.f -
reading, neatly written. Address all mail plainly to MADAM M. M. 0RAHAM, 121
Seventh street, corner Washington, Portland, Or.
TtoatMntr ttior. are mnnv Twonle in Portland and vhJnHry who sennet afford a
L .. .. ... . ..
full readlne. and vfet have a few ouestions
has decided to make the following offer for OWE WB1TIC OUTLT:
any one question for 10c; any three questions for. ,26c: and any seven
BY MAIL ONLY. When sending questions, send dnte of birth, 8
for reply. Postage stamps taken same as esah.
Office hours-9 A. M. to 8 P. M.; Sunday hoars. 1 to 7 P. M.
Cut this out, as it will not appear every day.
Remember, 121 Seventh street, corner Washington, Parloes 1
Relgle andV C. D. Bowles, who have been
on tha siek list, are all convalescent
MDtiH. SWart' and F. H. Crosby and wWi
left on Wednesday for their now stati
at the Presfettej. - San Franclsejs. Mrs.
Stuart and children will follow later.
The leading society event in Vancouver
social circles was the afternoon tea. giv
en by ilrs. W.. W- McCredle and Mrs. H.
Hrgglns, at the McCredle residence hwt
Wednesday. Covers were laid for 49. The
decorations -were trailing ivy- and , es
flowers. Parlor games, guessing contests,
music and recitations furnished enter
tainment for the guests.
Perhaps the most unique entertainment
of the season here was the "belated pic
nic party," given by Miss Elizabeth
Brant, last Friday evening. Ther numer
ous guests were an areseeu m !ra"""
attire, and each eouple was' provided
tv. r, ii.rtr.Vi Uaibft -whlfh was 'brought
filled in true picnic' style. The. evening
was beguiled with games and music and.
Dr. and Mrs L. G. AHfcr entertained
a party of frlend3 Friday evening, h
honor of Miss AliiS.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sloan and Wirt Conra-
yer nave returnea 10 mwir j...
send, moi., aner a. vjdiu . c
... . .. .- ni..i i
with relatives in wikbhu.
Company F, of the National Guard, win
nt.tnn tho a. A. R. veterans and soV
diers of the late Spanish, and Fplno
wars, at a "smoker," on February W.
H. L. Weir has returned from, a vie
to Tacoma and Seattle. ,
M. L. Strange, of 0kesdale, Wash., Is
In the eity, visiting his daughter, M.
W. H. Reetor.
Mrs. A. B, Raynor, who has bees visit
ing relatives in this eity, returned Wednes
day to Tacoma.
Evening of MhsIc Kext Wednesday
nt St. Helen's Hall.
Fnllnwlns- is the programme for a con
cert to be given at St. Helen's Hall next
Wednesday evening- by the Tremolo Cteb:
pi... nt ViacMnnarg. Santember. 138e.
"A Friendly Talk" Btodermaiui
Tafl "Hawson.
Study Ne. 10 Lebert and Stark
A1JS6 Java. ooou. ,..
Caroline Wilson,
"After Sehool" ...LJehner
Clara Lorentzen. t
"Little Piece" .--- KoMer
Hvelvn Wilson. 1
Sonatina Beethoven
Mies Swartz.
Barcarolle., - Meyer
Miss Thompson,
Duo for vioMns.. Dnnols,
Misses Fenneil and Brents.
"Bridal Procession" .....Orteg
Mies Habersham.
"Dream of Paradise".., ., .Twite
Miss Goes.
Valse etude Llebltag
Miss Harsh.
.Nocturne, arranged for vioMn Chopin
Miss Brents.
"Country Donee'.. Nevm
Misses Farnsworth and B. Smith.
"Dream of a Summer Night. ,. Tost!
Mies SsotL
Impromptu .....Retahold
Mies Hartman.
"Danee of the Dragon -Files"...
f G. d'Hartetet
Miss Brents.
Valse JUuS
Mies Amos. ,
Vatee.., . .Moszhowski
Misses M. and N. Dice.
A Jfevr Magazine,
"The Children of the United States" fe
the novel title of a new monthly maga
zine, whoso nrst number reaches us from
Omaha. Tho editor is Miss Grace Soren
son. will known m Portland. Tho maga
zine is announced to be "by and for the
children of the United States." and Us- aha"
Is to provide good readlrg, and incidental
ly to promote interest in composition
amonc the youth of the land For this
J purpose prfc ara offered for contrJlMt.
.. . Mk -- V.TM flmha-m
they would Mho
iMte will answer
iMinrtlnrtn f r "3c
d Inclose stamp
and X COME
flima frim viaUitKs under 18 years of as"
Tho new journal is bright and readao.e,
Jmu, nava wisy sopwaricy
Mt "Was Like a First Night's Rccen-
tlen at Cerdray's.
It looked like a ftrst-night crowl atl
rrnrdrav'a huit nhtht. Peoole were - lard
ing in the rear end of the allies and!
throughout the back part of the house tai
see Nonce CNeil's CamiUe. i
Whom the curtain went down on fh3
fourth set. the lara audience ven'"1 I
emotional enthusiasm In a storm t! rj-
steose for the brilliant young w mail
whose weeornss nnd moaning? w loses
picturing of the tragedy of d
A fining less than art near
i .,
picturing of the tragedy of despair wer
its per: c-i
Never In Portland has Armand Duva J
tho. hooelsssrv Infatuated lover cf ( z
mule, been given with tho magnlfr nt f s
and form iwl sin coavtncinirH rL3 C
Clement played that role last night. I
ment makes of the port a greater m
afiter and a-ives it hhrher treatment ' j.
It usually receives. Perhaps be Ta'-
tuk Ttmmtianit vorolnn nf tint "IfLlv f
Camelia." and bestowed upon It the Fn n
. , -.- -- -
k- -.- - -- :, -, . c . r ,
k. hIs-vm! ft er.t!vl'v- anil hetwpfn M.3
'. vr ,
i CNeil's real tears and Clemeni s worl
, tho audience was wrought up to, a te-
pitch of excitement. Ctement share i w al
Miss CNeil the plaudits of the much., J
Tonisht Cordray's patrons wrl se;
Nance O'Neil for the test time in A.mfi
Wtthtn 10 dava the eoaraanv will d oi
the way to Australia. The play t ngit
will be tne great tragedy, "jaacDeti1
"fPresertes HeaM'
Prolongs Life'
"Knew the world over.
. . . Received the highest in- '
doTsements from the medica' ,
practnwser, the nurse and
the mteltteent housekeeper
and caterer." Duiriic and
Hygum (bush.
TnsVMark '
BE os Ever Package ZstebHthed 1780.
' 101I11II11
J Far TWO Weeks on
'' ' RotMn needed for new goeds, -ni
some Rues most be closed -"iA
a Watch ouc window this v.e?
for efcgast bridal sets and dream
- robes.
: i