M M M M TWENTYFOBR PAGES f FAUta 1 IU Id fc t t 'yeyyeirv VOL. XIX. NO. 5. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 4, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. WM. GOEBEL IS DEAD Assassin's Bullet Ended His Life at 6:45 Last Evening. i SCENES IN THE DEATH CHAMBER JL Brother and Sister Were Preaent- Another Brother Arrived a Fevr MlBHtcs Too Late. FRANKFORT. Ky., Feb. 3. The bullet flrei hy an unknown assassin last Tuesday ttormig ended the life or William Goebel j at 6 43 o clock thte evening. The only per sons present at the deathbed were Mr. Gjebel s sister, Mrs. Brawnecker, and his brvihcr, Arthur Goebel. of Cincinnati, who hae open m constant attendance at Mr. Gucbrls bedside, and Dr. McCormack. Jue as Goebel, a brother, who has been fcurrjjig from. Arizona, as last as steam v. md carry in a vain hope of reaching Ins Jjng brother in time for some token of rcogn'tlon, arrived 49 minutes too late. 1x3 gen was frequently administered to th aj.ng man during tne afternoon In an I eff n to keep him alive until lils brother's Justus Goebel pulled Into Frankfort. At the station to meet him were Urey "Wood son, Samuel J. Shackleford, clerk of the court of appeals, and Mayor BInoch, of Covington. They met Mr. Goebel at the car steps. "Is he dead. Tell me, is he dead?" were the first words he uttered. "He is not dead," was the assurance given him by the friends, who had no inkling of the truth. Brother Justus Too Late. The party entered a carriage, and five minutes later, at 7:25 o'clock, arrived at the Capitol hotel. "With tears streaming from his eyes, Mr. Goebel was conducted to the chamber where lay his brother. The rap at the door was answered by Arthur Goebel, who silently drew hlg brother within and closed the door. Five minutes later Arthur Goebel again opened the door and motioned to the two physicians. "He died at 6:46 o'clock, painlessly," was all he said, and then closed the door. There was no excitement In the corridor. Those who heard the words of Arthur Goebel were reverently silent, and did not disseminate the Intelligence. "Within a few minutes the following an nouncement had been prepared and was silently handed about the hotel and in thfe streets: "To the People of Kentucky: It is with the most profound sorrow that we an nounce the death of Governor "William Goebel. In his last moments he coun seled his friends to keep cool and bow to the law in all things. We, his friends and advisers, beg of the people of Ken tucky. In this hour of affliction, to care AUTHORITIES CLASH Civil and Military Powers Kentucky Face to Face. in TAYLOR IGNORES STATE COURTS Refused to Permit Service of a. "Writ of Habeas Corpus The Test Will Come Monday. anwa, but in vain, for by the cruel Irony of fate, the train on which Justus Goebel jully abstain from any act of violence or was traeling to Frankfort was delaed , any resort to mob law. It would be his scleral hours from various causes, and , wish, if he were alive, that there should whn Mr. Goebel finally reached here it De absolutely no stain on his memory by Tfji only to learn that his brother was OT,v mnrdnt act of any who were his "" - . j, deed Among bitter partisans of both parties deep grief is manifested, and already a ir, cment has been starJgd to erect a fit ting monument for Mr. eebel's memory ci th spot In the stetehouse grounds where he wae shot No arrangements havt as yet been made f r the funeral. Plunged in grief and lo kd In the death chamber of their brother, Arthur and Justus Goebel and Mts Brawnecker have given no Intima tion of their wishes, and no arrangements v. 1 be made until tomorrow. It Is under- h jod that a request will be made on be h x ? of the citizens of Frankfort that Mr. Goebe. s last resting place be in the ceme tery here, where lie buried Daniel Boone ar q ice-President Johnson. , A Cool. Frcm an early hour this morning until and Resolute Man. thp liour of his death, Mr. Geebel's con- wimnTn aoebel was the most remark v on grew steadily worse. Shortly before wk nollticlan Kentucky has had since the r after hypodermic injections of L. nf Henrv Clay and John C. Breckin- !e nehnme and whisky, and afterward of riQge. He did not smoke or drink. He iu. 'iumir imu dkh given nun, air. vjueuei waa ne enemy of the trusts ana corpuiu- ,f -i i inat uapi&m u. i. waiiace, oi tionJ, He had killed his man. An agnos- U" Kfr tucky penitentiary, an Intimate .i v,0 upnt nn his dead mother's mem- end be sent tor. and when the latter hershin in the church she belonged to. loone the two had a snort conversation, i -cvit'hniit a eolleeiate education, he was the i-k said Mr. Goebel, "I wish lo an- artlv tiartner of two of the greatest law- Ir urre to the world that I dp not hold yers 0j recent t.mes In Kentucky. He did n i y-i open THMaoon 10 we woru oi , not gamble, and was tne autnor oi uie u friends. The law. is supreme, and must in time be re-established, ana an i wrongs ie and his party have suffered will find heir proper redress. "J. C. S. Blackburn, "William S. Pryor, Urey Woodson, C. B. Lewis, J. B. Mc Creery. John K. Hendrick, James An drew Scott, Lewis McQuown. R. B. Bradbury, 3. J Shackleford C. D. Mc Cord. South Trimble, speaker of the house: L. H. Carter, president pro tem. of the senate." This was the first intelligence given the public of the death of Mr. Goebel, which had occurred 45 minutes previous. THE CAREER OF GOEBEL. Unscrupulous, Calculating The h-spodermle Injections afforded some It irpcrary relief, but the sufferer, for r first time In hte long, weary struggle 'p had apparently lost his Indomlt- ia'iii courage Doctor ' said ha, feebly, to Dr. McGor 5.. k who stood at the bedside. "I'm if raid now tfcrt Tfo9j3gfell!gg$ Told His Bhh Was Scar. MfCormack endeavored to cheor the if a failing man. but the latter soon Te- d into a condition of semiconscious ness About 1 o clock he roused hlmselt x r and, calling Dr. McCormack to Ills aid Io tor, am I gotog to get well? I want k. ow the truth, for I have several -gs to attend to." Mr Goebel, you have but a few hours o i.e, replied Dr. McCormack. M" Goebel was silent for a moment, hr mllinp lilc hmthar ArtHir tn Vile c he asked that the physicians and 'ses retire Then, for 3 minutes, the S man was left with his brother and : t after this he fell Into a stupor, and odock hi6 condition was considered 0 a arming that as a last resort oxygen ;s gten in an endeavor to keep the dy- g tpav. alive. If possible, until the arri- lal " his brother. Justus Goebel. from z-ina, who was due shortly After 6 k T1 s treatment resulted in an improve- ', but the rally was so slight and that to the weary watchers at the ,e it was anarnt that the end" was l 'r off, and Rev. Dr. TaMeferro. of - 31 thodlst church of Frankfort, was I for, He came at once. Softly enter S e death chamber. Dr. TaHeferro - i oer to where Mr. Goebel lay rg for breath, and, kneeling at the f the bed, prayed earnestly. "With i e reaming down their faces, Mrs. "Ttt krr and Arthur Goebel knelt at - jiJe also. Then Dr. TaHeferro and, opening his Bible, read a few d eres from the epistle of St. :. As the words of the apostle were 1 vj he minister, the dying man "tH tghtly. tutckly leaning over his r, Arthur Geebet said: "Will, Dr. if rro is here." N j -c onse came from the dying man. :-t s-s Arthur Goebel leaned over him. g arxiously for some sign of recog a 1 iok of IntetUgeace came into ya t 'f-closed eyes", and it was apparent v Mr Goebel understood what was 1 - him r j- after this Dr. TaHeferro left - rr and descending the stairs, en . 3 ' e ladles reception-room, where, at " " la st of several ladles, wives of - c i rs he held brief services. Then "" r'ter aamin went to Mr. Gqebel's and about five minutes after ' ? -ok hlE departure. b v after 4 o'clock the dvlns man gain given oxygen, and again a t t '-a ly resulted, but It was only tem- Vt 10 P. IL Dr. Humo leff fhn flvlnff s bedside and reported to the "gs of anxious watchers In the corrl s f the hotel that death was a matter r v wt a few moments' time. The oxygen in was usea constantly In a des- a e effort to keen Mr Rnohoi ?iit. Justus Goebel's arrival, but no effort s nade to arouse the unconscious man s r- Hume departed fmm tha mnm amir ted brother and sister turned to M "ormack and requested that they c't entirely alone with their brother n was xaat approaching death. The 5l ans stlentty withdrew and closed :e l or softly behind them urton the s'Mcken brother and sister. Silently kne't at hit, bedside, their eyes fas- 1 upon the half -opened eyelids of the t- r ous man. while the life that had rer rattling so vallantty asratast th. or. ir s bullet since last Tuesday morn flickered out. h claimed its victim, and thi r and sister, bowed by sorrow. e panirs were InteBstned by the v ledge that a few miles away, hurry.. i o inera. was ineir orouier Justus, ould arrive too late, sat down upon deathbed alone with their dead Not ird wafted from the room to apprise jrxlous watchers in the hotel corrl- - -k thout that Mr Goebel had passed ' x The stndwn brother and sister - eft undisturbed, while the two phy- ,-if outside the door anxHtety looked eir watches as the minutes fled by, r the truth, yet wondering at the ' i ence, ;a y it 7:31 o'clock, the train, bearing law maklne earning a felony in the state, The feeling against Goebel has been caused largely by his course In the demo cratic convention last June and by the election frauds which the republicans as sert were carried on openly In the. voting last November under the shelter of the Goebel law. TnJs xeeimg nas oecome eape vittt l j-w-ihUtflfT-durlnin vtheas1Mf4iWAAWeeks;1 &tfrM?1 the hearing of fhe"Goeet oonrest case before ihe legislative commission. At the Convention Last Year. -M-onir Aumnnratti became Goebel's bitter enemies because of his method of securing the riomlnation for governor last ear. When GoeDfil went before the democratic convention In Lou sville in June ho was ap parently In a hopeless minority. There were two -other candidates before the con vention. Of these three candidates, Har din had 52914 votes, Stone 384 and Goebel only 167 votes, so that more than 900 of the delegates chosen were against Goebel. Then he united with StQne to defeat Hardin's candidate for the temporary chairmanship of the convention, and Judge Bedwlne, a friend of Goebel, was elected. He Tiad promised Stone to make him the candidate for governor, land he repeated the promise In order to secure Stone's assent that the temporary or ganization should be made permanent. Having accomplished this purpose, he secured the appointment of a committee on credentials, which not only decided the contested election cases against Hardin, but which Invented contests where none existed, until, finally, GoCbel had obtained a majority of the delegates and had se cured the nomination. Stone was dropped out of the contest by further manipula tion, and 225 votes were taken from Har din, and 169 from Stone. Thus was Goebel nominated, and the methods which he pursued, and by means of which he suc ceeded, marked him as one of the most brilliant and hardiest politicians of hlb time. It was said he hesitated at noth ing. A Bookmaker's Sheetvrriter There. His management of this convention ga a an insight into Ills cool and calculating character. Knowing the necessity of be ing posted as to the changes In the bal loting, he secured the services of a book maker's shcetn rlter of Chicago, and th s Individual kept a tally on the balloting in a manner similar to the way he kept his bete In the bookmaker's box. As a re sult, Mr. Goebel could tell at a glance at any time just how he stood and Just how his opponents stood. He also had a set of signals and a line of men scattered through the hall so that he could com municate secretly with every one of his lieutenants at any moment. He never al lowed himself to be' disturbed by the ex citing scenes with which the convention abounded, and at no time did he feel that he would lose the nomination. Toward the end of the convention the gigantic Ollie James, a Stone man, rushed up to Mr. Goebel, with his whole frame shaking with excitement, and exclaimed: "You must withdraw or we will nominate Hardin." James was the recognized leader of the Stone force, and he expected this wild declaration would move the Kenton county man. But Mr. Goebel never budged. He simply said in that quiet tone so well known to him: "All right If you can stand it I can." That was all, and James retired discomfited. The Goebel Election Law. The Goebel election law Is the measure for which he has been most severely criti cised. This measure was largely responsi ble for the bitter feeling at present. By this law the officers who receive and count the votes, with the exception of the Inspectors who represent the different parties, are appointed by the powers at Frankfort. The law proldes for the elec tion by the legislature of three state commissioners, who hold office for four years. These commissioners appoint the county hoard of election commissioners, who in turn appoint the election officers of the different precincts. The republican party Is supposed to be represented on the precinct boards, but the methods ,of evading the law are well known. Bepubllcans are appointed, for example, who are traveling n Europe or who are physically or mentally unfit for service, or who live at a great distance from the polls. Then the others select some one to fill the anticipated vacancy a man who might be a Goebel democrat or a complaisant republican. At any moment, and with or without cause, the state "board may remove aHy member of a county board or the whole (Concluded on Second Page.) FRANKFOBT. Ky., Feb. 3. Civil and military authority In Kentucky has come face to face at last, and unless the min isters of one or the other recede from the positions they occupy tonight there can be but one outcome, and that Is civil war. Governor Taylor must within 48 hours surrender to the circuit cdurt of Franklin county the person of Alonzo Walker, now held in custody "by him in the state execu tive build ng. Sheriff Sutter, of Franklin county, with a powerful posse at his back, will attempt his release by force, and It Is hardly within the range of possi bility that the attempt can be made with out bloodshed or loss of life. If once blood Is shed in an armed con flict In the streets of Frankfort, it is be yond the wisdom of any man to tell how far the flame of strife will spread. Back in the mountain counties of Laurel, Knox, Whitley, Pike and Clay are thousands of mountaineers, who believe that Governor Taylor has suffered grievous wrongs at the hands of his political opponents, and who are ready to lay down their lives In his cause. In numerous other counties of the state are democratic partisans ap parently more than willing to shed their blood that the successor of William Goebel shall hold the chair to which they believe the dead leader was legally elected. Governor Taylor this afternoon refused to acknowledge the existence or permit the service of a writ of habeas corpus issued by Judge Moore, of the county court. He thus tacitly suspends the writ of habeas corpus in the courts of Franklin county, something which, under the con stitution of the state of Kentucky, cannot be done legally except In cases of rebellion or Invasion. Judge's Warlike Attitude. When Sheriff Sutter returned his writ unserved to Judge Moore, the latter an nounced that he would see that the sheriff was given power sufllcient to enforce the mandate of his court. In so declaring he used the following words: "No attempt will be made to enforce the writ until Monday. At that time another demand will be made for the body of Alonzo Walker, and If It Is refused a suffi cient number of men will be given to Sheriff Sutter from Franklin county, and from adjoining counties as well, to enable him to take possession of the capltol grounds and carry out the purpose of the writ." The constitution of the state of Ken tucky provides as follows: 'Section 15. No power to suspend laws shall be exercised unless by the general WKmww&v&mFm& r. aH om&- .10, -aucsoDS snail d& cawaoie by sufficient Hurlty, unless for'capitol offenses, when the proof is evident or the presumption great, and the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be sus pended unless in case df rebellion or in vasion the public safety may require It." The democratic leaders do not entirely Indorse the attitude of Judge Moore, and while they assert that his stand is right and just, they do not consider it, at the present time, advisable. It is possible that before the time set by Judge Moore for the service of the writ, he may be Induced to alter his attitude. Unless he does this, or Governor Taylor acknowledges the ser vice of the writ and recognizes the ex istence of the state courts, an armed con flict In the streets of the capital of Ken tucky Is certain. The prisoner whose release Is demanded Is. Alonzo Walker, a stenographer, who was arrested and put Inio confinement yes terday after pinning a notice of a writ of Injunction on the door of Governor Tay lor's chambers in the executive building. Shortly after 4 o'clock, Mrs. Lizzie G. Walker, the wife of the Imprisoned man, appeared before Judge Moore, of the coun ty court, and applied for a writ of habeas corpus for the release of her husband, making affidavit that he had been deprived of his liberty without due process of law. Judge Moore at once directed that a writ of habeas corpus be Issued against Gov ernor Taylor and Adjutant-General Collier, demanding the release of Walker, and the writ was placed In the hands of Sheriff B. F. Sutter with directions to serve Im mediately. Sheriff's Demand Refused. Outside of the capltol grounds the sheriff was met by Captain Walcutt, provost mar shal of the state troops guarding the state building, and together the two walked to the entrance of the grounds. Sheriff Sutter explained the nature of his mis sion to Captain Walcutt, who at once went to the executive building to notify Gov ernor Taylor and Adjutant-General Col lier of the matter, and learn their wishes in regard to the matter. Sheriff Sutter, In the meantime, Btood without the gate close to the sentries, whoso crossed bayo nets formed a bar to his accees. In the meantime an Immense crowd had gathered around the sheriff without the gate, In the apparent expectation of trouble. No one was allowed to enter the grounds, however, except a mall-carrier with a sackful of letters, for whom the bayonets were uncrossed. When, In a moment or two, Captain Walcutt returned, he was also Immediately surrounded by a number of the members of the state militia. Cap tain Walcutt then Informed the sheriff that he could not enter. The sheriff again demanded admittance, and again was re fused. Throughout the parley, both men were smiling, and there was an utter ab sence of Ill-feeling. The sheriff turned away and slowly walked back to the Capltol hotel, where he found Judge Moore and reported his Inability to serve the writ An Injunction Granted. Judge Cantrlll, of the circuit court, thl3 morning granted a temporary Injunction, restraining Governor Taylor from Inter fering with the meeting of the legisla ture and from removing the seat of the legislature to London, Ky. The tempo rary Injunction is to remain blndlns until February 8, when the hearing to make It permanent will take place before Judge Cantrlll, at Georgetown, Ky. At the open ing of court Judge Prlcer said: "Your honor, we desire to offer a pe tition, signed by South Trlmbell and oth ers, against William Taylor. The petition has been filed and Is now a portion of the Tecords of this court" He then produced the petition, which has already been published, and read it in fulL When he had concluded, Judge Prlcer said: "I do not suppose It is necessary to prove the case of the plaintiff, and your honor, having read the petition in cham ber, and there being no counsel present for the other side, I ask that the follow ing order be Issued.' He then read an order In accordance with the petition, and It was entered by Judge Cantrlll. No attempt will be made to secure per- 1 sonal service on Taylor. Judge Cantrlll instructed Sheriff Sutter to make no ef fort to present the order of court The judge directed that It be allowed to re main binding, without service, because of the danger threatening the man who should undertake the task and results that might ensue owing to the excited state of the public mind. Republicans Going; to London. There was a general exodus of republi can senators and representatives this morning in the direction of London. Adjutant-General Collier forwarded several cases of rifles and a large quantity of am munition to London last night Governor Taylor will remain in Frankfort Chair man Barrett issued a call for a republican caucus In London at 4 P. M. Monday. A leader of the republican party said: "We will elect all legislative officers and elect Governor Bradley to the "United States senate, thereby getting a contest In the senate, which will bring a decision from competent authority." United States Senator-elect Blackburn arrived from Washington this morning, and Immediately held a conference with prominent democrats of the state. He strongly urged the necessity of preserving peace at all hazards, and to allow no act of violence to occur; but to allow matters to proceed to a conclusion In the courts. Mr. Beckham has appointed General John B. Castleman adjutant-general of the state. He will enter upon the duties of the office immediately. FRONTAL ATTACK General Buller's Army Probably Again Engaged. HE HOLDS A NUMBER OF FORDS Move Expected to Be an Advance on Lyttleton'a Risb. at Pot- Cleter's Drift. lease of Commandant Pretorius, whose leg has been amputated.. Lord Roberts says he does not wish to detain so gal lant a soldier, and a9ka where he shall send him The reply to thte correspond ence asks him to send Pretorius to Gen era! Methuen, stating that General Cronje will arrange for his conveyance home. Plenty of Kooa at Ladysmlth. DURBAN, Friday. Feb. 2. A gentleman named Gourton, who left Ladysmhh af ter news of the retirement of the British from Splonkop had become known there, succeeded, with the aid of KaSirs, In reaching Estcourt. He says the garrison ls on the whole, very quiet, and hope ful. Provisions are ample to last for a considerable time, and fresh meat Is served out dally. EFFECT ON POLITICS KENTUCKY TROOPS ORDERED EAST Will Take Part in the Funeral of Major-General Law-ton. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. That the mili tary authorities have no Idea of using federal troops In Kentucky in the near future is clearly indicated by the action iaken by Major-General Merrltt, com manding the department of the East, with the concurrence and approval of the war department in arranging for an appro priate military display on the occasion of the funeral of Major-General Lawton, In this city next Friday. The only federal troops stationed within the boundaries of Kentucky ore four companies of the Sec ond infantry at Fort Thomas, near Cov ington. All of these companies are under orders to proceed to Washington, and it is expected the movement will begin in a day or so. Although their stay In the national capital will be brief, not extend ing beyond next Saturday, at the latest it Is not at all reasonable to suppose that the administration would withdraw them from their regular station if there were the least probability of the necessity of employing federal troops in the solution of the critical political troubles now agitat ing the state of Kentucky. Goebel Killed for Revenge. COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 3. A dispatch to the Dispatch from Wellston, O., says: A stranger arrived here last night and announced that he was In Frankfort the day Goebel was shot He gave Rodman as his name, and claimed to know all about the shooting of Goebel. He said: "A trap had been set for a long time, and the opportunity was anxiously await ed to kill Goebel for his killing of John Sanford. The party who fired the shot was a near friend and Intimately con nected with Sanford. Politics had nothing to do with the affair." r ,, jDeljoe, Advises Taylp; GHICAGO, Feb. 3. A. speciatdlspatch from Washington says: Senator Deboe, of Kentucky, has sent a telegram to Governor Taylor, at Frank fort, advising him to allow the legislature to meet at that point." LONDON, Feb. 4. Spencer Wilkinson writes the following review of the situa tion In' South Africa for the Associated Press at midnight: "It Is morally impossible for Buller's army, so long as there Is any fight left to It, to sit still while Sir George White Is Invested at Ladysmltli. Better than that would be to lose 10,000 men in an attempt at relief. Accordingly, It is probable that General Buller will try again, and, In deed, that he Is now on the move and fighting. "As he has kept General Lyttleton's brigade north of the river, the probabil ity is that his next move will be an ad vance on Lyttleton's right He would hardly go to Lyttleton's left, because that would only lead to a fresh attack on Splonkop and the range of which it is a part He would not go to the east of Co lenso, except with his whole force, less Barton's brigade. The retention of Lyt tleton's brigade at Potgieter's drift may therefore be taken as proof that the new move will not be to the east of Colenso. East of Potgieter's there are several drifts, one or two of which General Bul ler's guns command, and he can there fore cross the river, but the Boers have had ample time to prepare positions be yond the river. "A frontal attack would, a3 usual, be costly, but unless the general Is prepared for a heavy loss, he has little chance of breaking through the Boer defenses. "The right plan would be that made by General Sherman when he pushed back Johnson from Chattanooga to Atlanta, Sherman entrenched along Johnson's front and then extended his line to one of the flanks. By the time Sherman was readyto move a forcearound behind his entrenched line to attack Johnson in the flank lend Ihreaten his retreat, the Con- federatefeefieral withdrew. Such tactics are pracWjaplO only with a force numer ically supfpr. "We do not know the strength of the Boers In Natal. Winston Churchill esti mates them at only 19,000, of whom 7000 are besieging Ladysmlth. This would give Buller 25,000 against 12,000, and should render possible something like Sherman's maneuvers. But there is reason to be lieve that Buller's own estimate of the Boer forces is much higher. "Lord Roberts will certainly not hurry his move from the Cape. He will first complete the assembling of his forces, which will not all arrive for another three weeks. Then he will have transports properly organized and In working order before he will start After that he will "prflratbiy- make- &. raptcrqmayemeats- !ri3aButcrv will induce- hlmfto start To Cneck Roberts' Advance. MODDER RIVER, Feb. 3. The Boers yesterday were busy destroying the rail way between here and Langeburg, from a point 2000. yards from the British ad vanced position. Taylor Urged to Leave His Case With the Courts. ADVICE OF REPUBLICAN LEADERS MADE FOR AMERICAN READERS. An Appeal of the Transvaal State Department. LONDON, Feb. 3. The papers here pub lish extracts from a remarkable document emanating from the office of the secre tary of state at Pretoria, dated Decem ber 16. The document comprises 18,000 words, and is countersigned by Secretary of State Reltz, It seems specially writ ten for the American public. It says: "We to a great extent depend on Amer ica and Europe for our foodstuffs. It will be criminal on the part of the great pow ers to suffer this little nation to perish by famine since the sword has failed. Since 1870, when the president of the United States acknowledged our republic as a sovereign state, Americans have flocked here in numbers. In every in stance the hand of fellowship has been extended to them. Not a single case of disagreement is on record, but with the first war note of the oppressor we are la formed that America Is acting In league with the enemy. If our sister republic has no sympathy for us: If the boasted condescension of the British Is to be pre ferred to sincerity and truth, we will no longer believe In the justice and Integrity of the American nation, ana ner proies- slon of Christianity we will consider empty." Secretary Reltz further say3 the Boers have never abused the white flag, and that the British murJered women, chil dren and American citizens at Derde FIGHTING IN SAMAR. Kobbe Defeated the Rebels, Captur, Ing Five Guns. MANILA, Feb. 3. General Kobbe has occupied the Islands of Samar and ieyte. In the fight at Catbalogan, 10 lnsurgants were killed and the Americans captured five cannon, with their artillerymen. Ifiutcry will induce; him fdnsTders alfis reatif. BARD'S CHANCES GOOD. His Friends Confident He Will Have Enougrb. Votes to Elect. SACRAMENTO, Feb. 3. At present It looks very much as though Thomas B. Bard, the nominee of the republican cau cus last night, will be elected to the United States senate Tuesday next After the 33 who are supporting Daniel Burns had bolted the caucus, 52 remained, who give It as their Intention to stay by Bard to the end. They claim that the 33 bolt ers are bound by the terms of the call to vote for Bard, and that, even though they do not, enough democrats will vote for him to secure his election. The senate judiciary committee decided this afternoon to report back resolutions expressing sympathy for the Transvaal republic and Orango Free State, with the recommendation that they be not adopted. "Last week's report that Maf eking had been relieved seems to have arisen from Colonel Plumer's skirmish near Croco dile pool. The report came from Boer sources, and this origin of it seems to show that the Boers are not sanguine of success in the northwest. They have probably reduced their forces In that re gion In order to strengthen themselves against General "Methuen and General Buller." DimjH LEAVING LADYSMITH. Thomas Bard's Career. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 3. Thomas B. Bard, who has been named in caucus of the California legislature for the sen atorship to succeed Stephen M. White as United States senator, was born in Chambersburg, Franklin county. Pa, in 1841, the son of Bobert M. Bard, an at torney of acknowledged ability. At the breaking out of the civil war Mr. Bard enlisted In the federal ranks, and showed such pronounced ability that Colonel Thomas A. Scott took him under his com mand. Later Colonel Scott Induced Mr. Bard to come to California to look after Colonel Scott's Interests, he owning 3000 acres of land In Ventura and adjoining counties. He managed the Scott estate until Colonel Scott's death, when he be came administrator, being obliged to give bonds in the amount of JL500,000, all within the county of Ventura. He had no diffi culty In obtaining the necessary bonds, many of his sureties being farmers, who staked their all on his character. At the present time Mr. Bard Is largely Inter ested In the petroleum Industry of South ern California, and Is one of the chief executives of the Union Oil Company. Probably Engaged In Opposing Bul ler's Advance. LONDON, Feb. 3. An officer of the war office at midnight says that no news has been received from South Africa, and that none will be given out during the night The war office is silent as regards Buller, but there Is every reason to believe he Is continuing his movement upon Ladysmlth. Those who are In a position to know con firm his reported recrosslng of the Tugela river, and believe he was engaged yester day. The message from Ladysmlth Thursday, saying the Boer forces were leaving again, and that the besieging force was considerably diminished, tends to confirm this. Field Marshal Lord Boberts has notified the war office that 40 Highlanders who J were previously reported killed at Magers fonteln are prisoners at Pretoria. A dispatch from Ladysmlth, undated, via Spearman's Camp, February 2, says: "Native deserters report the following field cornets killed In last week's fight ing: Lombard of Waterburg, Grobelair of Bremersdorp, Opperman of Pretoria, Daniel Erasmus, of Magallersberg, and one Free State cornet The British ar tillery broke seven Boer guns. The Boer casualties were approxlmatly 1000, though this information Is not confirmed of ficially." A dispatch to a London paper from Pletermaritzburg Bays: "Tho appearance of the flying column of scouts In Zululand has created some uneasiness among the Boers over the bor der. A number of Boers have been hur riedly withdrawn from Ladysmlth and Dundee to Vryheld to protect that place and oppose any British advance. The Boer force there is about 1000 strong, with three guns." General Otis' Report of It. WASHINGTON, Fefb. 3. The following from Otis has been received ltW-4hutar3&artaTU"rr. - -tr-m -".- m I itiff iffia, ,Flb. 3?-KoTba reporfl r& Cetm that insurgents endeavored to burn Calabayog and Catbalogan without success except slight destruction In the last town. When the fire was put out by the troops from this point Kobbe drove the insur gents, under General Lukban, into the mountains, capturing a large arsenal, powder-house, Lukban's baggage and money and all his artillery. Insurgent loss In killed, 10; no casualties. Kobbe cap tured 30 pieces of artillery, a good many rifles, stores and ammunition. There ara large quantities" of hemp at the ports at the points seized, and 30 merchant vessels are engaged in transporting the same to Cebu and Manila." PRESnENT MAY NOT WATT. Burns Will Support Caucus Choice. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 3. The Exam iner this morning prints a statement over .the signature of D. M. Burns, in which he formally withdraws his name from con sideration as a candidate for the office of United States senator. This insures the election of Thomas B, Bard, the republi can caucus nominee. After thanking the members of the leg islature who have supported him, he re views the incidents of the senatorial con test and the proceedings of the caucuses held yesterday, stating that the action ot the meeting of his opponents which har monized on Bard virtually controlled the action of the full caucus, and abridged the right of individual members to vote as they pleased. He states that a hearing was refused a committee of his supporters, but without comment states that he Is a loyal republican, and submits the matter to the party for consideration. Bryan in Massachusetts. CHICOPEE, Mass., Feb. 3. W. X Bryan spoke in the city hall for an hour today to an audience of 2000 people. He then took the 3:05 train for Springfield, arriv ing there at 3:15, and spoke to an audi ence of SO0. At Holyoke he was met at the station by a brass band and escorted to the city, and after a reception spoke to an audience of over 3000 people. Every Inch of standing-room was occupied, and the aisles were filled to the platform. 1 0 Strike at Cramps Declared Off. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Feb. 3. The strike at Cramp's shipyard, which has been in progress since August, has been officially declared off. BOERS HARD PRESSED. On the Point of Retiring: Front Stoxmbersr STEBKSPBUrr, Jan. 29. Commandant Olivier, of the Orange Free State, In a speech to the Boers at Ladygrey, said that hl3 men were almost surrounded at Stormberg, and unless recruits were forth coming he would be compelled to aban don the position. It is admitted that In the recent fight at Ladysmlth the Boers lost 1100 killed and 600 wounded. Many colonists who fought at Storm berg have gone back to their farms, and refuse to return to active service, though threatened with death. Among thqse are some conspicuous burghers. Boers Again Building Trenches. SPEARMAN'S CAMP, Friday, Feb. 2. The Boers Are occasionally at the troops on the right flank. It is reported that they have dug up the roads leading to Lady smlth in order to make the progress diffi cult and have made several trenches along the route, and are busy strength ening those In front of their position. May at Once Take Up the Question of Government of Philippines. NEW YOBK, Feb. 3. According to the Washington correspondent of the Tribune, President McKlnley has decided not to wait for congress to act upon the matter of replacing the military government by a civil administration In the Philippines, rec ognizing that much time will be consumed In deliberating over details before any comprehensive plan for the government of the Islands can be adopted, and that more than a month will be required after that time for the officials to reach their sta tions. It has been decided, therefore, to send? out three, or at most five, commis sioners, to establish provisionally the form of territorial government recommended in the report of the Philippine commission, sent to congress today. According to present Intentions, the head of the new commission Is eventually to be come governor of the territory of the Phil ippines, Its secretary will become the sec retary of the territory, and a third mem ber Is to be selected with a view to hla qualifications to becoming the presiding justice of the territorial supreme court when It Is established. Among the men who have been already canvassed for mem bership of this commission are Governor Roosevelt President Schurman, Robert P. Porter, Colonel Denby, General Fred erick D. Grant and ex-Mlnister Barrett It has been found that Governor Boose velt and President Schurman cannot be In duced to accept, and various objections have been raised to the others as possible governors of the territory. General Grant Is said to be most favorably regarded Just now, but It is desired to avoid choosing a military man. The leading candidate for the secretaryship of the territory Is said to be John B. MacArthur, secretary of the present commission. The president has given his hearty ap proval to the recommendations of the Phil ippine commission, especially as to the ad vlsablllty of Immediately supplanting mar tial law in those portions of Luzon and the other Islands which have been effect ually pacified and In which the Inhabitants are not only capable of some measure of self-government, but are bitterly opposed to all forms of militarism. Disbarment ef the Governor TVUM React in Favtr ef the Party; Threagheat the Country. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. RaawMteaa leaders are of the optetoa that Gcor Taylor eaa well afford to rest Ms oaa upon the law and atttborltlea, no Matter If R. goes against Mm. The telcgraaM wIMah have been sent from Washington to Tay lor ought to tend towards th luateinlUn of order, and should fe heed them It b Heved that Kentucky will escape wttfeoot any mora violence. It is atoo WtovaA thai If he persists In methods baltarved by many to be wrong, it sy seriously erft pie the results of the next pMMstM election, especially so far as Kentucky is concerned, while if he is dteoarxfta through the Goebel law and the. Kentucky sowrja from an. omce to which he has beem aloat ed, the republicans here hensve that It will react m their favor, net only hi Ken tucky, but throughout the Uaten. The fact that Kentucky repubUcaas. ateter consulting with the leaders here, have? se, advised Taylor, is an Important teoifaino of the case. It is not known whether Taylor would be willing to saerhlee htov seif for the good ef the party as seen from Washington. RaHdall's Alaska Troops. Senators Sfnon and MeBrtie wee to day informed that the troops iloutluud to Alaska, next spring would sail from. Soot tie, but would spend the winter hi their present quarters and not be sent t aMher Vancouver or Seattle until they were ready to embark. Thte determination had been reached by the department the day previous to that on which the petttson e the Portland Chamber of Commoree reached here. During the winter Colonel Bandall and some of his staff wBt he tike only part of the troops that wfll he quar tered at Seattle. Salem Public Building. Senator McBrJde today talked ever the matter of the Salem public but!Hg weife. the treasury department officials, and. was assured by them the Oregon material would be used In the building. It Is their hope that bids will be such that steae may be used, as that will be coiled for in the specifications, but If that corooo teo high, they will resort to Oregon brisk. Colonies Instead ef Territories. There is no intention anywhere, unison it be among a few democrats, te treat the islands acquired from Spain as an in tegral part of the United States. The as tkwv of both house and senate committees has settled thte question, as thers is net the least doubt that their action w4K ha fcnth liMM mt 11 ti mill' .Ito-fa fefttnan udtBulau testa4 tt territories wiftt possibly future rights' as states. It fct tone that the fear that the products of the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto RJeo would be a. dangerous, competitor to the United States and. the interests of the people of this country has governed largely In the decision reached. It Is beHeved that the Puerto Rico Mil as reported will be adopt ed. The Game Roy Worked. In investigating charges preferred, against E. J. Roy, ef Portland, Or., the officials of the postottee department have brought to light an apparent ease of fraud, which is based on singularly latter day methods. By some means this Boy obtained the names of soldiers embark ing from Portland and Seattle on trans ports bound for the Philippines, together with the names of several relatives. He then addressed to the latter & postal sard from 238 Fourth street Portland, saying that upon receipt of 39 cents he would forward a photograph of the soldier. Al though many sums were sent, me pictures m&teriaUaed, send complaints soon found their way to the postomce department The investigation developed, the officials say, not only that Roy had defrauded the persons who sent mm money, hut re mained out of the department's reaeh in Victoria. He Is now supposed to be aomo where else in Canada, and the DoratBfem authorities are to co-operate with the United States m securing hte arrest. Amendments te the Indian Bill. Representative Tongue today seettred an amendment to the Indian appropriation, bill authorizing the secretary ef the inte rior to pay to such Alsea and other In dians on the Stletz reservation as shall be found to be competent and eapahte of managing and taking oars of their own affairs, their pro rata, shares ef the permanent fund of Heo,W appropriated, fey the act of August. ISM. Congressman Jones secured fen amend ment to the Indian appropriation hill al lowing the Yahlma Indians to lease lands for M Instead of five years, as at present. The amendment Is considered, important to farmers leasing these lands; Strong; Quay Lobby. There Is a strong lobby here hi favor of Quay, among them being friends e men who hope te he appointed irom. Dela ware and Utah, if Quay is saata. The probability of the election of a senator te California te detrimental te Quay's ohanees. It Is not believed that the sen ate will reverse Its aotion of the last esa grese. mmmmm ROBERTS ARRESTED; Tariff for Guam. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. The president has Issued a proclamation fixing a tariff of duties and taxes for the island of Guam. The proclamation is based upon the Philippine tariff, with such modifica tions as seem proper. Buller's Column In Motion. BEBLIN, Feb. 3. A special telegram from the seat of war, via Brussels, says General Joubert has received intelligence of a movement by the British in the di rection of Hongerspruit Release of a. Boer General. CAPB TOWN, Feb, 3. Correspondence has been exchanged between Lord Bob erts and the commandant-general of the Boer forces at Pretoria regarding the re- Manauense Arrives. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 3. The trans port Manauense arrived tonight from Ma nila. e England's Bis; Coal Purchase. NEW YOBK, Feb. 3. There Is a rumor current to the effect that the British gov ernment has contracted with the Philadel phia & Beading Railroad Company for 1,000,000 tons of coaL At the New York sales department of the Philadelphia & Beading Coal & Iron Company, John Edmonds, sales agent, said that be bad heard the rumor, but he bad no official verification. "While such a contract may have been made," he said, "there Is no one In this city connected with the company who can speak authoritatively on the subject." Tne Greeting Extended te Blaa & His Arrival at Salt Lake. SALT LAKH, Utah, Feb. 3. Brlghaa H. Roberts arrived here thte afternoon, aaa was driven from the depot te the oWeo of his attorney, J. H. Moyle. While Jr the office he was arrested for unlawful eohahi tatioR with Dr. Maggie Shtpp. Be was te leased on hte own recognizance te appear Monday morning next for a prettastaary bearing. a Appraisal ef Devrey's Captures. WA8H5HQTOH, Feb. X The secretary of the navy has transmitted to the su preme court of the District of CeiwnMa a eopy of the report of the beard ef ap praisal and survey, which was convened at Cavite, June 9, 1MB, to place a value on the property captured by Admiral Dewey's fleet im. Manila bay. The estimated value of these captures ta MM,ltt. The largest Items In the statement are: "SMS and beat equipment, 3ML5W; ordnance materials. $14,24, and fuel, mMft." The appraisal was called for as evidence in the suit brought by Admiral Dewey for the award, of prtee money. e Released From Quarantine. SAN FRAMCI8CO, Feb. 3. The passen gers and mafl brought from BoaofcLK by the steamer Australia, which arrived here three days ago, were released front quar antine today.