.X 4 V! THfi SUNBAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 21; 1900. ' , , ' ' - England Not in a Mood to Stop the War. SALISBURY POSITION IS SAFE Mnjor-Gencrol Corrlhjrion. Will Be ;2n.tmsted "With a Powerful In dependent Command. LONDON, Jan. 20. To appreciate thor oughly and conservatively the political conditions as they exist In England today; to understand the reflections that military successes or reverses in South Africa - create In the minds of the British public, 'and to gauge the task confronting ths government at the forthcoming session of parliament it is first necessary to realize the stupendous change that in the last few weeks has taken place in the national ' character. To put It briefly, since the Brit ish army in the field has found the Boer army -was its match or more, the British nation has become one huge stock ex change, not In the material sense, but in sentiment. The nation, as a -whole, governs Its opin ions by the happenings of the hours, va cillating, according to the news ticker, In , 'its traditions of centuries as easily as the most nervous market that ever operated In times of -uncertainty. Nothing so ade quately lends Itself to a ready and force ful simile of the prevailing temper of the British nation as the popular concep tion of the stock market. As on the floor there, there Is a certain email percentage ,with such huge Interests at stake that they re never budged by rumors that make or break the small fry. But these compose the very Inmost ring, and their tjxchislveness may be judged in the fact that one never knows when opening from day to day such .solid and -conservative Journals as the Times, the Morning Post or the Standard, whether they will Up hold or bitterly abuse the government. In a like manner does the majority of the public opinion sway as fanned by news from the front. Thus it is well nigh Impos sible to determine the real feeling towards the administration and the war, and It is 6ttil narder to forecast the result of the ddbatos In parliament Yet, in spite of this tremendous vacil lation, the Information which representa tives 01 the Associated Press have gath ered from all sorts of sources tends to wards the Impression that Lord Salisbury wrl! continue not only in power, but in the matter of votes, -with but a slightly di minished control, which Is tantamount to saying the -war against the Boers will ba pursued to the bitter end, regardless of foreign Interference and whimperings at homo. The selection by the war office of Major General Carrington for service at the front calls out the comment that the govern tfnont lias recognized this officer's claims at a very late day, considering the fact that his name Is most favorably known In South Africa, where he spent almost his who'e military career as a leader of expeditions. While General Carrington's billet Is at present a mystery to the English press, the correspondent of the Associated Press Js aWe to say that it was not after all at the Initiative of the war office that he was called, and, further, that he will he entrusted with what will he practically an independent command, of large propor tions, and will attempt to achieve by means of one of the most heterogeneous forces ever gathered on the face of th earth, the gallant objective hitherto held hy the commanders In the field to be an Imposslbalty. at the disposition of the admiralty, and will probably receive a command. But, though he Intimated that he was desirous of duty, with the Cape squadron, he will not attain his desire, for the same rea sons which prevented the Duke of Con naught .from going to the front No one -was more anxious to go out than the Duke of Cambridge. Beallzlng, how ever, that this- Is- utterly Impossible, he console himself by making life miser able for the? high war officers. He Is continually appearing with some new sug gestion, and Is generally turned over to General Sir Evelyn Wood, adjutant-general to the forces, who Is very deaf. So firmly is the Duke of Cambridge convinced that his advice is essential to the country's existence that he will not take his usual- winter trip to the Conti nent The .death of Lddy Alice Montagu, sis ter of the Duke of Manchester, resulted in many more families going into mourn ing, and the closing of one of the most important political salons the Duchess of Devonshire's. The loss of Ladles Salis bury and Ridley, and the Illness of Lady Lansdowne, bid fair to make the forth coming session of parliament one o the dullest in history from a social point of view. The army surgeons' employment of the Roentgen rays in field surgery has proved most successful, and has met with the highest commendation. Orders have been received for a fresh equipment and skilled nnpratnrs. nnti Hofnrn TTohrunrv tt "a hlkely that every column at the front will be furnished with a Roentgen-ray outfit The wireless telegraphy Is rapid ly gaining ground. Marconi outfits are being installed on three vessels destined for active service. The southern coast towns are patiently awaiting the visit of the American fleet During the recent visit to Weymouth of the United States naval attache, Lieutenant-Commander Colwell, to test the wire less steering devices, the mayor of that place called , on him and informed the American officer that about 200 sub scribed by the town lay in the bank await ing the Americans' arrival, and that he (the mayor) had personally subscribed another 25 with a view of entertaining the visiting officers. FAVORS METRIC SYSTEM' SECRETARY GAGE BEFORE A HOUSED c COMMITTEE. Asked That the Trensury Be Allo-nre'd ' "3 . M " to Issue More Fractional , , 'Silver. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Secretary Gage was befpre the house comraltteeo coinage, -weights and measures today, and spoke In favor of' the adoption 'of the metric system. Mr. 'Gage also referred to the need ol fractional silver currency. He pointed out that at present the demand for fractional coin Is so urgent that the Issue has run considerably beyond the $50,000,000 author ized by law, and he recommended that this1 legal restraint be repealed, leaving tne treasury to determine the proportion of fractional coin necessary. " Unless Ladysmlth Is quickly Telleved, the International situation promises to be of more interest than the actual operations. The seizure of another German vessel, following so closely Count von Bulow's Business-like speech in the reichstag yesterday, will probably produce at least a- keen international press war and rumors damaging to steamer -values, if nothing more, though the discrepancies between Count von Bulow's speech In Germany and the representations of the German ambassador in London, the latter being extremely conciliatory, form a reassuring circumstance. While Great "Britain is being depleted ay-death and war service of representa tives of her best families, comes the an nouncement that the year 1900 -will give the queen several new great-grandchildren. Since the flrst of the year two have already made their appearance, the Crown Princess Henry of Prussia having been delivered of a son. In the spring the Duke of York expects again to become a father, while several other grandchildren, It is said, are entertaining similar ex pectations. The czar is also once more hoping for an heir, while the Crown Prin cess of Greece and Prince Fedora of Reusg will also probably add to the queen's long list of descendants. The young Duke of Westminster is coming home from South Africa, He will marry Miss West, youngest daughter of William Cornwallis West The duke -will return to South Af rica, almost Immediately after his mar Tlage as an officer of the imperial yeo manry, xne luture auchess Is a sister of Lieutenant Cornwallis West, whose name has so often been connected with Lady Randolph Churchill's. The greater part of the late duke's racing and breeding stud will be sold at auction March 8. Orme and Ben d'Or will not be sold, but Flying Fox will only he saved from the hammer by a stiff reserve price, which, according to general opinion, must be very high Indeed to prevent him changing hands. Mr. Whitney and Sir J. Blunde'U Maple are "both reported to be candi dates for the possession of this famous horse, and fast and furious hidding is an ticipated. The news" that Rudyard Kipling and his family are going to South Af rica came as a surprise, and It Is facetiously attributed to the fact that they have been driven out of Eng land by the ceaseless jangling In music and recitations of his "Absent-Minded Beggar.' A representative of the Asso ciated Press learns that the real reason which has prompted Mr. Kipling to go abroad is his desire to he "in at the death' He is especially desirous of meeting Cecil Rhodes, with whom he is on terms of close friendship, immediate ly after the relief of KImberley. More over. Mr. Kipling will utilize his trip in gathering good literary material. But he will not unnecessarily risk his safety, as he intends tG stay at Cape Town Tintil the conditions at the front assume a more pacific aspect Prince RanjltsinJI. the well-known In dian cricketer, exemplified Mr. Kipling's papular story. "The Man Who Was," at a dinner this week at Cambridge. Ex pressing regret at the fact that his coun trymen were not allowed to fight in South Africa, ho added: "When Russia comes blundering at the door of India, the world will see what Indian cavalry can do." Another distinguished Oriental has been stirring up British patriotism. In this case it is none other than the Chinese minister, who, when visiting the Man chester stock exchange, called for cheers for the aueen. The mayor notified her majesty of the occurrence and she re plied that ehe had heard of It with much gratification. Incidentally, It is rumored that the minister will be recalled, not on this account, but to succeed Li Hung Chang as minister of commerce, a change that would be warmly greeted in England, though Chih Chen Lo Fengluh's depart ure wiH he regretted. The idea that the Indian government will shortly have to buy sliver has stimu lated the demand. Indications that the silver reserve of the Indian currency de partment has been heavily depleted and will be further reduced are found in the large sales, telegraphic transfers upon India, further ear-marking of gold for the account of the Indian government, and the dispatch of gold direct to India According to the Statist should a further $2,000,000 of gold be sent to India during the next two months, the silver holdings of the Indian government will be prob ably reduced to about four crores. Before such a figure is reached, purchases of sil ver for coinage ought to be made, unless the Indian government is prepared to incur risks which might bring disaster. The Statist insists that the .government must buy silver without delay and have it coined as quickly as possible, and rea sons that India ought not to be subjected to further trials on top of the famine, also pointing out that, if troubles occur on the Afghanistan frontier, silver alone will be usable. 1 A contract has been signed by M. La bori, counsel for Dreyfussduring the late trial at Rennes, to lecture for 13 weeks in the United States during the autumn of the present year. THE DAY 1 IN THE HOtJSE. Presentation of the Heparts o"h the Roberts Cnsq. WASHINGTON, Jan. . 20. The house spent an hour today in disposing of bills favorably reported, and among those passed were the measures to build the League island and Mare islapd drydo'eks of stone instead of timber. The reports on the Roberts case wfere also received. An hour was. given to pronouncing eulo gies on the late Representative Danford,' of Ohio. When the session opened, Tayler (rep. O.), chairman of the Roberts"investigat ing committee, presented the majority report in favor of excluding Roberts, and gave notice he would call the case" up next Tuesday. Littlefield (rep. Me.) pre sented the minority report in favor of seating Roberts and then expelling him. Five thousand copies of the reports were ordered printed for distribution. 'Resolutions were passed authorizing the', secretary of war to admit Almedo Alfero, of Ecuador, to West Point academy, and granting the Rock Island railway the right of way through Fort Sill and Fort Reno military reservations. The senate bill to authorize the build ing of Mare island and League island docks of concrete and stone was passed without division. The joint resolution appointing ex-Secretary Richard Olney to the vacancy on the board of regents of the Smithsonian Institution was adopted. , White (rep. N. C), colored, presented a petition signed by 2411 persons fcV national legislation against lynching and mob vio lence. At 1 o'clock the house listened to trib utes to the memory of 'the late Represen tative Dahfordj At 2 P. M., as a further mark of respect, the house adjourned. v Vi R B& JT J m KI ' fed W Ha - Hii! " 0 Hi M Sk i W fi I fiMJ-Off -f m PI H lis a .EA H kl liS p- mf m a at Ik & it wAB Ml m ft f MB H W Ifih'l i ITU IP", l 1 11 i M 1 v III I I I'tk I I ' I I 1 wB 'WrA.vS( id w Wfi kI t? m P P II i Si - a Q I I 1 I B jfl Wm 1 H I I t 1 livl s - 'ILI SLmJs I I IS lu III vyl I UlUI 7 S$k Greatest LivTO jg OmshL Diseases. w mmsmucsu vSsrfsyssyyySjV,syy,j'ssyysssysvsjv,SAf .octSAvaKvysssssssssSiSVKX - xmztw&zr m.m IfVintep'cataprh pre vaUsosCnbrth. S g. vtt4u'"i wiwuiu prevails most souilu SSigf HlelilyTavored sfip.irtinis& 2 of 5 deaths from catarrh. KLess fYivni'Afl BonfftriQs juess lavorea sec lliO of 20 deaths r om catarrh., Catarrhal disp.np nrovaii 1 1 9of 40 deaths from catarrh Greatest fatalitv fvtm rnoi;iK j5.of 10 deaths fromcatarrh. TrVmter'eatarrh pre vaUsosCnbrth. T Summer catdrrh prevails most south. The Cause of Most Bodily Ills Is Catarrh. Catarrh of head. Catarrh of ear, ' Catarrh of eye, Catarrh of throat! Catarrh of lungs, Female catarrh. Summer Catarrh. Catarrh of stomach Catarrh of liver, Catarrh of bowels. Catarrh of kidneys; Catarrh of bladdejv Female catarrhv BRYAN IN BALTIMORE. Spoke Under the Auspices of a Free Silver Association. BALTIMORE, Jan. 20. Hon. W. J. Bryan delivered an address here tonight upon the political Question of the day, to an audience which filled Music hall, the biggest auditorium in the city, to Its full est capacity, and which greeted hlm'and his remarks with the greatest enthusi asm. The meeting was held under the auspices of "the Maryland Democratic As sociation, one of the free-silver wings of tho democratic party of the state, and was not, encouraged in any manner by the regular democratic organization. In fact, the latter held strictly aloof from any participation in the affair. At the con clusion of Mr. Bryan's address he was the guest at a banquet given in his- honor b5' his admirers In this city and vicinity. 2VEW POIilTICAIi IJ3AGOE. To Take the Place of McKInley Clubs of Four Years Ago, CHICAGO, Jan. 20. The Illinois state organization of the National Commercial and Industrial League was perfected to day. The league Is a political organiza tion in the interests of sound money and a protective tariff. It believes in the principles, of the republican party, its abil ity to deal, with trusts, currency and oth er questions, indorses the administration of President McKinley, believes in the expansion of trade and the establishment by congress of a department of commerce and Industries. It is Intended by the projectors that this organization will take the place of Mc Kinley clubs organized In 1S96. It will pub lish a- monthly magazine, commencing with February 1, entitled "American Commerce and Industries." Consular re form will be advocated, and there will bo a department devoted to commercial travelers. COMMERCE WITH PUERTO RICO. Amgnxments Before Senate Commit tee Against Free Tratle. "WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The senate committee- on Puerto Rico and the Pacific islands held a long session today and lis tened to arguments for and against free trade between Puerto .Rico -and the United States. The Puerto Rlcan commission, appointed by .the .federal j5arty, which recently ar rived In this country, was heard. These gentlemen were all for free trade wltn the United, States, wanted a territorial form of government, desired United States currency as" the standard, and wanted a, loan authorized. Most of them favored an extended suffrage, and believed that under tho United States laws fair elec tions could be held. Henry Oxnard, of Nebraska? argued against free trade, because of the "effect it .would have upon the beet-suar inter eats. Mr, Hill, of Louisiana, representing,, the cane sugargrowers, took the same1 view. Mr. Frye, of Conneciicu't. opposed4 free trade on account of the effect upon tobacco interests. Herbert Myrick made a general argument against free trade be tween the- United States and Puerto Rtnn because of the effect It would have upon the agricultural Interests of the United States. MOST WINTER ILLS: COUGHS, COLDS AND LA GRIPPE ARE TYPES OF CATARRH. for to- Democratic Traveling: Agent. CHICAGO, Jan. 20. The Chronicle morrow will say: "W. H. Hlnrlchsen, ex-secretary of state, ex-congressman from the sixteenth district and editor ofthe Illinois Demo cratic Bulletin, has been appointed'general traveling agent of the national democratic ways and means committee, and will as sume his duties at once. Early this week he will start on a tour of the Southern states. The precise functions of a travel ing agent of the ways and means com mittee are not stated, but it is understood that Mr. Hlnrlchsen will be given the as signment of feeling the pulse of the people in doubtful states, and he will report from time to time as to availability of candi dates and the intensity of feeling as to the various national party issues." 1 & AGAINST A SOUTHERN 'ROAD Ruling: of the Interstate Commerce Commission. "WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The Interstate commerce commission, in an opinion by Commissioner Clements, has announced its decision of the case of the Savannah bureau of freight transportation and-others against the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company and others. The carriers' rates on sugar and other commodities from New 3Tork to Chipley and various other stations in Florida, and their rates on bacon and other commodi ties from Savannah to such stations Iri Florida, are found not to be unlawful. The commission rules that a carrier cannot lawfully establish . and maintain an ad justment of rates, which in practice pre vents shippers on its line from availing themselves of a principal market which they have long been using, and confers a substantial monopoly upon a new market, in which, for reasons of its own, it haa greater interest. Another ruling is that when a carrier makes rates to wo competing markets, which gjve the one a practical monopoly over the other, it goesr beyond serving its fair interest and disregards the statu tory requirement of relative equality as between persons, localities and particular descriptions of traffic. CDS In Manila the Presbyterian missionaries hold services every Sunday In the Young Men's Christian Association tent, and on Thursday evenings in the private resi dence cf a Fllinino. who himsplflins ViPPn The Duke of York has placed himself a Bible reader for many years. 2W3W BIIAS IX THE HOUSE. Colored Congressman's Measure SnjiprcH.sins- 1ynchingH. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20, Representative White, of North Carolina, the colored representative in the house, today re ported a bill for "the protection Df all citizens of the United States against mob violence," etc. It provides that all per sons shall be protected from being mur dered, tortured or burned to .death by mobs knoiSm as "lynching bees,' whether spontaneous or premeditated, and all par ties participating, -aiding or abetting in such affairs are made guilty of treason against the United States1 government and subject to prosecution in the United States courts. Cummings, of New York, introduced a bill for the purchase of 20 torpedo-boats, of the Holland type, of which five are to be assigned for the protection of New York city. Other house bills" Introduced were: By Loud, of California, for a codification of the postal laws; by Lamb, of Virginia, fixing the number of nrmy chaplains at one for each regiment Alabama Contest' Ctttie. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. The house committee on elections, No, 1, divided on party lines today, and by a vote- Of 6 to 2 decided to Tecommend the seating of Will lam F. Aldrich, republican, who contested the seat now held by G. A. Robblns, demo cratic, for the fourth congressional district of Alabama. The above map has been carefully compiled from United States documents by the Peruna Medicirie Company, oJ Columbus, O. Tho figures were taken from the latest mortal statistics published by the government and entirely agree with the archives kept at the Hartman Sani tarium. The map is made in four shades. Tho lightest shade shows the stated which have tho lowest per cent of deaths due to catarrhal diseases. In these states very olose to 42 per cent of all deaths in 1890 were due to catarrhal diseases. That Is to say, over four out o'f every ten deaths were from catarrhal affections. In the states of next darker shade tho per cent varies from 42 to 45. In the next darker shade, 45 to 48 per cent of the whole number of deaths resulted from catarrhal diseases. In the darkest shade .we have Indicated the states In which over 50 per cent, or one-half or more, of alL the deaths were directly traceable to catarrh as the cause. This Is an appalling state of affairs. This nation has got to confront tHe fact that catarrh has become a national curse. Catarrhal diseases tht-ontnn th Hfo nf i our people. ' Over one-half bf the people suffer from gome form or degree of ca tarrh. Fully 85,000,000 people are pers6n ally interested in the discovery of a rad ical catarrh cure. Hon. Dan A. Grosvenor, of the well known Ohio family. In a letter written from Washington, D. C, says: "Allow me to express my grati tude to you for the benefit derived ffom one bottle of Peruna. One week haa brought wonderful changes and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one qt the very best spring tonics It is an excel lent , catarrji remedy." Attorney Simeon Armstrong, Suite 326, Reaper block, Chicago, -IU., writes in re gard to Peruna; "I was affected with catarrh for seven years. I tried many remedies without any profit. My catarrh was located mainly In the head. I ap plied to several doctors, butthey were not able to cure me. "I learned of the medicine, Peruna, through a medical pamphlet. I can warm ly praise Peruna as a certain remedy. It has been three years since I was cured, and I consider my cure lasting. "I crave to express, for the benefit of the public, my experience with the re nowned catarrh medicine, Peruna. I took It for 17 weeks, and am now completely cured. It cures when all others fail." Hon. W. V. Sullivan, United States sen ator from Mississippi, In a letter recently written to. Dr. Hartman, says the follow ing of Peruna as a catarrh remedy. "Fdr some time I have been a sufferer fromcatarrh in its in cipient stage, bo much so that I alarmed as to, my general health." But, hearing" of Peruna as a good remedy, I gave It a fair trial and soon, began to im prove. Its effects 7kSna' amoving the v annoying symptoms, and was particularly good as a tonic. "I take pleasure In recommending your great national catarrh oure, Peruna as the best I have ever tried." Catarrh Is a systemic disease of, cli matic and nervous origin. With Peruna 'the nerves become strpng and the mucous membranes are consequently strengthened, thus protecting the person from the bad effects of a changeable climate. This is why some people' dp not have catarrh, Hon. H. W. Ogden, congressman from Louisiana, In a letter written at Wash ington, D. C, says IP 5 EM 25 S3 Dan A.- Grosvenor, of Ohio. ST5S the following of Pe- Tuna, the national catarrh remedy: "I can conscientiously recommend your Pe runa as a fine tonio and all-round good medicine to those who are In need of a catarrh remedy. It has been commended to me by people who have used It as a remedy particularly 1 effective in the cure Cone??n?n fden- u -r:i o -Louisiana, of catarrh. For those who need a good catarrh medicine I know of nothing better." Hon. J. Courtney Hixson, ex-United States consul at Foo Chow, China, of Washington, D. C, sas the following of Peruna: "I join .with my distin guished friend, Gen eral Wheeler, of my state, in recommend ing your preparation, Peiuna. Friends who have used It recom mend it as an excel lent tonic and partic ularly good as a ca tarrh cure." Mr. J. Orpe, corner Twenty-seventh and. Market streets, Galveston, Tex., writes: "I was afflicted with a case of chronic ca tarrh of 20 years' standing. I had been partially deaf on the left side for 12 years. Six months ago I had to be propped up In bed at night and He on my side for fear of choking. I did not think I could be cured. I began taking Peruna, however, and now believe myself to be thoroughly cured. My breathing Is nerfe'ctly free became and easy, and I cannot too highly recom mend your remedies." , John "V. Wright, Law Department, General Land Office of Tennessee, In a letter written from Washington, D. C, says the following of Peruna for catarrh: ' "I have used Peru na" in my family and can- cheerfully rec ommend it as being all you represent, and wish every one who is suffering with catarrh, general de bility, or prostration could know of It. I would advise all such to take it In time and forestall the terrible consequences. J re- Gen. X. V. Wright, sard It as a most val ' uable remedy, - and, mosljCheerfully recommend It." Hon. Porter Johnson, who has served four years as State Senator from the Fourth District In the city of Chicago, 111., and who also Is the first Democratic Senator ever elected from that d strict, says: "I learned of the catarrh cure. Peru- n a. tnrougn Hon. J. Cf. Hixson, Consul to China. &S3 your advertise ment. I can heartily rec ommend Peru na as acatairh eradicator. It cures when all other remedies fall. I applied to several doc tors, but they were not able to euro me. I took the rem edy for fif- State Senator Johnson, teen week3and Chicago, in. am now entirely cured. It has been a year and -a half since I was- cured, and I consider my case durable, I desire to announce, for the benefit of the public, my experience with the famous catarrh remedy, Peruna. I was afflicted with ca tarrh for five years. My catarrh was chief ly located In the stomach." The Women recommend Peruna also. The following are testimonials from thankful women prominent In society and business, who use Peruna: Mrs. Jane Gift, of Hubbardsvllle, O.. writes: "I think I would have been dead long ago had It not b;en for Peruna. I havo used it in my family for coughs and e atarr seisms tac colds and la grippe. I would not be with out it in the house. I really think that it has added years to my life." Mrs. Theoohlle Schmltt. wife of ex-Sec retary German Con sulate, writes from Chicago, 111., 3417 Wa bash avenue: "I suf fered this winter w.A a severe attack of la grippe, and heard c the value of Peruna in such cases. Atl.r using only three bct tles I not only found that the a grlrrs had disappeared. Lut my general hetl h Mrs. Schmltt. was much better. United States Senator Warren's wife, in a letter from ISIS Wyoming avenue, Washington, D. C, says: "The sample bottle of Peruna sent to my husband camo when I was suffering from a cold, and I used It with good results." Mrs. Grldley. mother of Captain Grid ley, who was In command of Dewey's flagship, Olympia, at the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Manila, says of our remedy. Peruna: "Mtthersolicitatiaa at asriend X van Peruna-, and can truthfully say Ir"B s grand tonic, and Is a woman's friend, and should be used In every household. After using it for a short period I feel like a now person. Ann E. Grldley. Mrs. G. Brlggs, of Minneapolis, Minn., Treasurer and Conductor Wm. Down Corps, No. 43, Wom- ans Keller Corps, writes from 2110 Cen tral ave., Minneapo lis, Minn: "A few months ago my health seemed to break down all at once. I found no re lief from the pre scription of my physi cian. I began the use of Peruna, and before I had taken the second bottle I was completely restored." Any one who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh. Catarrh ia well-nigh universal; almost omnipresent. Peruna Is the only absolute safeguard known. A cold is the beginning of ca tarrh. To prevent cokls. to cure colds, is to cheat catarrh out of its victims. Peru na not only cures but prevents catarrh. Every household should be supplied with this great remedy for coughs. cold3 and so forth. A book on catarrh sent free to any ad dress by the Peruna Medicine Co., Colum bus, O. "Ask your druggist for a fret Peruna almanac for the year 130O.'r e rviLJJ lira. G. Brlggs. SHOT BY A CUBAN. Collector ol Cnstoma Smitli, at GI barn, Is Dead. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Assistant Sec retary Meiklejohn, of the war department, received today from Colone? T. H, Bliss, of the commissary department In charge of the custom service in Cuba, a report on the case of Collector James W. Smith, at Gibara, who was shot the 'pth Inst, by a Cuban named Cannldaty, editor of the Las Clarides, a newspaper published at Gibara, and who died last night. Colonel Bliss eays that the 10th Inst, he received a tele gram from Collector Smith giving an ac count of his trouble with the" Cuban editor, In the following words: "I was shot in the left thigh yesterday afternoon by the editor of. a local paper in an encounter resulting from personal insults and lies published byihlm ia regard to the management of the custom-house. I was unarmed at the time and disarmed him after being shot. I was operated on and the doctor thinks I will bo bi. return to my duties in about three weeks. Meanwhile, the Interpreter, is managing the affairs, of the custom-house." In his telegram to the war department announcing the death of Smith, which Is dated Havanai January 20, Colonel Bliss said that Smith's leg was amputated Jan uary 18, and he died the following even-' Ing. Smith served In the Spanish war as second lieutenant, Second United States volunteer infantry. He resided in.Nev.. Orleans. GBXERAL WOOD'S REFORMS. Order Relating: to the DtitieM of Civil and Military Authorities. HAVANA, Jan, 20. The full text of thfl LscQrks a military engineer officer continu order relating to the duties of civil and military authorities -was issued todifytj The most 'important provisions in adm-1 tlon to those already cabled are thtCt after February 1 all communications be tween civil and military officials will be transmitted through civil channels. Secretaries and members of the cabinet having charge will present the matters they have under advisement which will require Immediate action, to the governor of the Island personally for final discus sion; civil officials are charged with the conduct of civil affairs under the super vision of the military governor alone; department commanders are charged with the maintenance of public order in the general sense of the term. Mili tary officers, the order directs, are not to Interfere with the civil authorities, oxcept Under extreme conditions where In their opinion public order, life and property are in serious danger. In this dase they are authorized to suspend the offender temporarily, reporting immedi ately by wire and letter to the governor of the island. The military authorities aro also, charged with tho inspection of prisons throughout their districts at least once a month, reporting on the same Independ ently of the civil reports. Military offi cers must not interfere with the publio press unless such action shall be abso- Jutely necessary to prevent the continued Tublicatlon of matter tending to provoke a seribus disturbance of the public peace, or unless necessary to prevent obscene publications, menacing public morals. Tho order declares that the civil law will be found ample to right private wrongs. The military are cnargea witn tne cap ture of bandits, hd are to be turned over to the civil authorities, the military supplying the judges with all the evi dence possible. Department commanders shall cause once each quarter an inspection of the public schools In their respective depart ments by army officers. Tho chiefs of public works In each t province, and the military engineers in :each department, will be associated for the purposes of Instruction In the meth ods employed by the engineering depart ment of the United States iri estimating upon construction arid contracts. After April 1 the public works of the various provinces will be -under the direct con trol of the provincial chiefs of nubllo- zas, finding himself unable to sell his cattle, started in the butcher business, -j square feet under glass, and the area of of plants and flowers; the total area in in qn ,du.tyx in each province solely for The" bakers' have gone out on strike, demanding ?45 in gold per month, without 1 f dod, instead of J$2o in silyer, with food. Civil Governor Nunez says he does not thfnk the strike, important, and expects that the difficulty Will soon h6 art-ane-ed. An- American cattle importer at Matan- j loworlng the price of meat from 25 cents to 10 cents a pound. This gratified tho people of Matanzas, but the other butch ers promptly bought up his stock, In or der to get him out of the way. He says the undertaking was profitable, and that he may kill in Havana. If he could suc ceed in lowering the price of beef here, It would bo very welcome, as the present prides are considered exorbitant. This morning 150 persons who had been imprisoned on excessive sentences or. beerr held for an unreasonable time awaiting trial were released. On emerging from 1 prison they were greeted by many frientla and an affecting scene ensriod. General Wood has issued an order ap pointing a commission to Ipok after and to control the archives of the Island. The commission will consist of four mem bers. 0 CENSUS OF FLORICULTURE. Arrangements for Talcing: It in Ad vance hy Mall. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Owing to the unusual intelligence of florists as a class, and the fact that the statistics of their business which the census office Tequlre3 relate almost entirely to the year 1S99, a plan has been formed for taking an. early census of floriculture by mall, on special schedules, and to tabulate and publish the returns thereof early, while other branches of the great work of enumeration are in progress, each crop or variety raised thereunder: the number of persons employed and tho total wages paid to them; the amount ex pended for catalogues, postage and fertili zers, respectively, and the gross receipts from the sales in each subdivls.on of the 4 business. No private individuals will be permitted to have access to the schedules after they have been filled out and returned, nor will the names of persons or firms giving in formation be published in the census re port. Figures only will he used and pub lished, and the entire process and record of gathering Information will be confiden tial. As the law requires the regular enu merators to obtain certain information as to tenure, value, etc., during their vis its In June, the next census of floriculture, if the florists themselves shall be prompt and conscientious in filling dut and return ing the special schedules soon to he sent to them, will be the most perfect In his tory. They will be put to no expense, a3 the necessary stationery, with envelopes prop erly" franked, will be provided for their use. McGrew, Allen K. Ford, Captain Thoma3 Wilson. W. M. Rayne. Rev. Dr. R. Moftett, Rev. J. D. Williamson. John Ralph Owens. Rev. John D. Nutting and Rev. Dr. Charles F. Thwlng. Rev. Mr. Nutting is In New York Interesting v-a of that city in the project. Anti-Mormct literature will be circulated in abundance, and tlie plan Is to send out 2000 mission aries to counteract the efforts of Mr mon missionaries, who have become nu merous and very active. "IMBe. Strokes Fell Great Oaks." The giants of the forest must yield at fast to ihe continual bt&cos of the ivcods' man. When the human btoodhas hecont dogged' and impure the tittle drops cf Hood's SarsaparUIa, properly taken, a'U fell ihe oak of had Blood. Ranger Carries Orders. SAN FRANCISCO. Jon. 20. The United States steamship Ranger left this port I today for Panama to make Important sur , veys. In addition to this, she has or ders to drop into Magdalena bay and de liver Instructions to the Iowa, Marble- head and Philadelphia, all of which are at that place by this time. These -instructions are for the Philadelphia to ' come to San Francisco and the Iowa and 1 Marblehead to go to San Diego harbor and there await orders from Washington. a Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: There are approximately 10,500 florists in the United States. The names and ad dresses of a majority of them have been secured and classified by the division of agriculture In the census office, and each known proprietor will soon receive a copy of the special schedule devoted to this Interest. It will be accompanied by a list (so far as ascertained), of all the flor-i lsts In his section, to be by him corrected, nrlrtpfJ tr nnrl rfnrnfrl in thp riJinrtrtmonf' for use in making the record complete and 1 Available cash balance S2S8,91S.374 reliable. This special schedule Is riot elaborate or complicated. It may be filled out easily and "quickly by any -florist who keeps a reasonably accurate run of his , business. It asks for tho (1699) acreage devoted to floriculture, and tf each crop or variety Gold reserve 221,444,043 no Crnsndc Against Mormonlsn, CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 20. The Utah gospel mission has been Incorporated for tho "purpose of fighting- Mormonism all over the country, by ReY. Dr. George H, JVemTyJSwpwu Deafness and Catarrh Cured In Alt Its Forms. Also chronic affections of the stomach, liver, kidneys, bladder, blood and skin. Entirely new treatment for catarrh. It cures; come try it. free. Dr. Darrin, 2C3 Morrison street, Portland. Or., is the most reliable specialist for every form of weak ness and disease of men and women. He guarantees to cure varicocele or hydro cele in one week; stricture in 10 days. N3 Inconvenience; no detention. Consulta tion free and charges reasonable. Homo treatment successful- in many cases. Tes timonials and question blanks sent free. Hour3r 11-12, 2-5r and 7-8 dally. I .Sv -aaa.