1 - i f TWENTY-FOUR PAGES f PAGES 1 TO 12 VOL. XIX. NO. 3. PORTLAND, 'OREGON,, SUNDAY MOKNItfG? JANUARY 21, 1900. PEICE FIVE CENTS. British and Boers Met Near iadysmith. RESULT IS UNDECIDED The Struggle Will Be Resumed This Morning UNLESS DUTCH HAVE RETREATED "Wfcrren'a Force Pushing Its Way to the Besieged City Casualties "Were Not BIcavy. LONDON, Jan 2L The -war office short ly after midnight posted the following dis patch from General Buller, dated Spear man's camp, January 20, evening: "General Clery, "with a part of General "Warren's force, has been in action from 6 A. M. till 7 P. M. today. By a judicious use of his artillery he has fought his way up, capturing ridge after ridge for about three miles. "The troops are now bivouacking on the ground he has gained, but the main force is still in front of them. 'The casualties were not heavy. About 100 wounded had been brought In hy 6:30 P M. The number of Wiled lias not yet toeen ascertained." It is evident from General Buller's dis patch to the war office and the advices to the Associated Press from Spearman's camp that a biff battle is now being fought. As far as can be gathered from these dispatches, the result remains unde cided, and unless the Boers withdraw dur ing the night, the engagement on which 3)angs the fate of Ladysmlth, and which may prove the turning point of the whole war, will be resumed this morning. PROGRESS OF THE BATTLE. Brigades of Lyttleton and Warren Are Engaged With the Boers. SPEARMAN'S CAMP. Jan. 20. il:15 A. j fX The .firing of field guns, was hearaJ eariy cms morning, on meieii, jBivmwmy General Watrennfes-commeneed the bom bardment of the "Boer trenches on Taban- A mjana mountain. There was also brier musketry fire. Among the prisoners captured Thursday wras a grandson-ln-law of President Kruger. Evening Che Boer trenches were shelled continually today. General Lyttleton's brigade advanced and occupied a kopje 2000 yards from the.' Boer position at Brakfontein. A company of xlfles ad vanced with a balloon in action, and was received wJth a heavy fire from the Boers. The artillery and musketry Are con txues from General "barren's position. The enemy lias not shifted Its position at the time this dispatch is sent, and shells have set fire to the grass. Lord Dundonald's force Thursday sur prised 850 Boers. The British, who were pagted on a kopje, allowed the Boers to advance leisurely before opening fire. The Boers did not reply, and a majority of them galloped off. It is reported that the remainder surrendered. Anxious Says for Ladysmilh. LADYSMITH, Jan. 20, via Spearman's Camp The enemy have placed In position new guns, throwing eight-nch shells, and have been bombarding more vigorously for the last few days, .although little damage has been done. Three of the British have feeen wounded. The troops are jubilant over General BuHer's successful advance. His gurs can be heard distinctly, and the bursting of shells can he plainly seen. CROSSING OP THE TUGELA. Tie British. Movement As Seen From a Boer Position. BCER HEADQUARTERS, Upper Tu gela, Tuesday, Jan. 1(5, via Lourenco Mar ques, Friday, Jan. 19 (afternoon). It be came known today that 300 English had crossed the Pont drift over the great Tu gela and were on the federal side. A dis play zn force had "been made toward Co lenso and another forward toward Oli ver's Hoeck bridge, which was blown up by us a few days ago. Toward 5 o'clook the alarm was given that the English were coming. The look pi.s observed long successive lines of in-fa-try moving down to the new British pes tion, a brush-covered chain of hills, Joicwn as Zwariskop. Their forces -were sometimes lost in the trees studding th'e river bank. At 6 o'clock they emerged in .open order and advanced in two lines to the low kopjes on the river hank. At 6 SO they took up a position amid com plete science on the Boer side, their horses tethered where there was the least danger from chance shells, and the men pre pared to make a night of it at their posts. Night had now fallen. "With the gloom came fitful flashes of lightning from the tfcurder clouds, which had been threaten ing all day. The clouds eventually sep arated, showing the moon. Simultaneous ly with the clearing of the sky, well kfown Dutch hymns were repeated from korje to kopje, with a strangely weird ef fect, highly Inspiring both to the grey bfr ards and the beardless youths. The battle He'd Is full of historical slg r "3ance. Splonkop hill, whence I am jiw writing, was a hill from which the Boer trekkers, after crossing the Drakens fcurg mountains, spied out the then bar baric Natal. PRETORIA Friday, Jan. 39. The Brit. Jsh troops this morning were still cross ire the Tugela and taking up positions. A battle Is expected shortly. THE SORTHWARD 3IARCH. Ladysmltli Can Hold Oat Until Buller Arrives. LONDON, Jan. 20. Telegrams from the t ror.t indicate' that the northward masch ? the relief column moving towards Ladysmlth is proceeding steadily. Au thorities here seem satisfied that General Buller's forces are within sight of Lady emlth. The besieged ilace is safe at pres ent from serious attack. Advices from Cape Town say that Lord Roberts has -appointed. Lord Stanley, member of parliament for East Lanca shire and formerly member of the Grena dier guards, to be press censor. Prince Francis of Teck has gone to the front The Duke of Marlborough, In his capacity as a staff officer, left for South Africa today. The duchess and her mother, Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, accom panied him as far as Southampton. The duchess will not, however, go -with her husband to the Cape.. The duke does not take a large retinue of servants to the iront with him, as has frequently been Intimated, but is accompanied only by his valet. "There is every indication that a big fight for the western roads (leading to Ladysmlth) will take place "today," writes the London Leader's military critic In the Issue of today (Saturday), "though It may have hegun yesterday. All the artillery of Generals "Warren and Hildyard was not across the drifts yesterday, and the am munition train and most of the heavier guns were probably then south of the Tu gela. These indications, as well as Gen eral "Warren's longer march, point to the Berious effort being made today." The Morning Post's war critic says: "Sir Charles "Warren's intention is to turn the right flank of the Boers, presumably those facing General Lyttleton, but wheth--er he proposes o attack that flank, as he MAP OF THE THOVASIi && vjf W vVPv "5? 7 m sr n j? j Tho battle fought yesterday between, the English and the Dutch occurred at a point be tween Dewdrop and the crossing of the Tugela, marked by the lines on the above map. Bul ler's forces started from Cheveley and Frere, and are marching toward Lad smith in a round about way, so as to avoid: the Boers' fortified positions in the vicinity of Colenso. would by descending the valley of Blaau- ' hank Spruit, or to march right round it Dy the valley of Sand river, can hardly jet , be determined. The fighting, when it ' comes, may be expected to be heavy and continuous, and the losses may be severe. Far from their base at Cheveley, with the river behind' them, and with the enemy in large -numbers, between them and Lady- J smith, the position of the' British forces Is not an easy one." The war office is coming in for consider able criticism for Tef using" to accept of fers of private houses for the reception of the wounded from South Africa. This patriotic movement has been snubbed by the curt reply that the wounded would be retained in the hospitals until they were able to dispense with nursing. The war office has made public a brief report from Lord Roberts, under today's date, saying In substance that General French has extended his line to the east, further threatening the Boer lines of com munication. Knmrann Prisoners at Pretoria. PRETORIA, Friday, Jan. 19. Captain Bates Dennlson and 135 prisoners of the Kuruman garrison have arrived here. It appears that six Boers were killed and 18 were wounded during the fighting at Kuruman. SAILING OF VOLUNTEERS.. The Second Detachment of London Troops Left for the Cape Yesterday. LONDON, Ja. 20. The departure of the second detachment of the London volun teers for South Africa this morning led to a repetition of the scenes of enthusiasm of last Saturday morning along the whole route from "Wellington barracks to Nine Elms street. The Londoners commenced assembling before daybreak, headed by several bands, and the volunteers, num bering 700 men, left the barracks at 7:45, marching in fours. For a time the people contented themselves with cheering, and the column advanced In good order until It reached Great George street, where the friends, wives and sweethearts of the men Insisted on Joining them and marching arm in arm. Thus, in the midst of con stantly Increasing enthusiasm, the volun teers finally reached the station at 9:30. where the Duke, of Connaught, the -lord mayor, sheriffs and other military and clvia dignitaries had assembled. The vol unteers were rapidly entrained for South ampton, and steamed away to the strains .of "Auld Lang Syne" and "God Save the Queen." Large crowds met the volunteers at Southampton and gave them a ringing send-off as they embarked. Boers Leaving Colcsburg. BENSBERG, Friday, Jan. 19. A gentle man who has escaped from Colesburg reports that the Dutch inhabitants, who are sympathizers with the Boers, are pro ceeding to the Orange Free State, in. an ticipation of the evacuation of the town. Mr. Vanderwalt, member of the Cape assembly, has already gone. The Boer force there Is estimated to number from 5000 to 7000 men, besides a strong force at Norval's PruiL British shells did much execution eastward of the town. The Boer loss up to date In that vicinity is probably 200 men. Carefully compiled figures Irom republican sources, some of J which have been Investigated and found to be correct, show that the total Boer losses up to date are approximately 6425 men, including 2000 casualties during the siege of Ladysmlth. Mncrum Has Letters. BOMB, Jan. 20. Charles E. Macrum, ex-United States consul at Pretoria, who left Lourenco Marques December 18 and landed at Naples last Thursday, has ar rived here. Ho refused to he interviewed. LONDON, Jan. 2L A special dispatch from Rome, received this morning, differs from previous statements that Mr. Ma crum refused to be interviewed, and says: "Mr. Macrum, who arrived here yester day (Saturday), denies he left his post owing to a disagreement with President Kruger and State Secretary Reltz. He says he has a letter from President Kru ger to President McKinley, and also a message to President Loubel, but no mis sion beyond delivering them." Prominent Passengers on Transport. SOUTHAMPTON. Jan. 20. The trans port KInfauns Castle, with the Duke of Marlborough, Rudyard 'Kipling, BaTonesb Burdett-Coutts. Admiral Frederick A. Maxse and many army officers on board, hound for South Africa, sailed today. j Reports of the Committee That Investigated Roberts Case. HOW TO EXCLUDE THE MORMON I Majority Favors Keeping Him Out ( Hnflwlv. MlnnrttvWnTifn TTfm Ail xnittcd and Then Expelled. "WASHINGTON", Jan. 20. Reports of the special committee of investigation in tho case of Brigham H. Roberts, of Utah, were presented to the house today. The majority report, signed by Chair man Tayler and six of his associates, Is a voluminous document, and is accom panied by a summary of the law and facts. It gives the details of the hearing and ample opportunities afforded Mr. Roberts to present his case, hie refusal to testify SEAT OF WAR -and the unanimous, findings of facts here tofoie published. It proceeds: "The committee Is unanimous In Its be lief that Mr. Roberts ought not to remain a member of the house o representatives. A majority is of the opinion that he ought not to be-permltted to become a member; that the house has the right to exclude him. A minority Is of the opinion that tho proper course of procedure Is to permit him to be sworn in and) then expel him bv a. two-thirds vrntp under thA oonstltii- i." i ,. ,, .j. .j i-i -""1 ''Your committee7 desires to assert with the utmost posltlveness at this point that not only Is the proposition of expulsion, as 'applied to this case, against precedent, but that exclusion Is entirely in accora with principle, authority and legislative precedent, and not "antagonistic to any legislative action -which the house of rep resentatives has ever tak.en. For con venlence we present herewith, before pro ceeding to extended argument in support of the committee's resolution, the follow ing summary: "Upon the facts stated, the majority or the committee asserts that the claimant ought not to be permitted to take a seat In the house of representatives, and that the seat to which he was elected ought to be declared vacant. "The minority, on the other hand, as serts that he ought to be sworn in. In order that, if happily there Is a two-thirda vote therefor, he may be expelled. "Three distinct grounds of d squatifica tion are asserted against Roberts: "First By reason of his violation of the Edmunds law. "Second By reason of his notorious and defiant violation of the law of the land, of the decisions of the supreme court and ot the proclamations of the presidents, hold ing himself above the law and not amen able to It No government could possibly exist in the face of such practices. He is in open war against the laws and Institu tions of the country, whose congress he seeks to enter. Such an idea is intoler able. It Is upon the principle asserted in this ground that all cases of exclusion have been based. "Third His election as representative Is an explicit and offensive violation of th6 understanding by which Utah was admit ted as a state. Letter and Spirit of the Law. "The objection is made to the refusal to admit Roberts that the constitution ex cludes the idea that any objection can be made to his coming in If he Is 25 years old. if he has been seven years a citizen of the United States, and was an Inhab itant of Utah when elected, no matter how odious or treasonable or criminal may have been his life and practices. To this we reply: "First That the language of the consti tutional provision, the history of Its fram ing in the constitutional convention, and Its context clearly show that It cannot be construed to prevent dlsQualiflcatlon for crime. "Second That the overwhelming author ity of text-book writers on the constitution Is to the effect that such disqualification may be imposed by the house, and no com mentator on the constitution specifically denies it. "Third The courts of several of tho states, in construing analagous provisions, have with practical unanimity declared against such narrow construction of such constitutional provisions. "Fourth The house of representatives has never denied that it had the right to exclude a member-elect, even when he had the three constitutional provisions. "Fifth In many Instances It has dis tinctly asserted its right so to do In cases of disloyalty and crime. "Sixth It passed in 1S62 the test-oath act, which imposed a real and substantial disqualification for membership in con greas, disqualifying hundreds of thou sands of American citizens. It remained in force for 20 years, and thousands or members of congress were compelled to take the oath It required. "Seventh The house, in 1SG9, adopted a general rule of order providing that no person should be sworn in as a member against Tvhom the objection was made th it he wa? not entitled to take the test oath, and if upon Investigation such fact ap. peared, he was to be permanently debarred from entrance. "Eighth The interesting proposition is made that the claim? nt be sworn in and then turned out. Upon the theory that the purpose is to permanently part company with Roberts, this is a dubious .proceeding. Such action requires the vote of two-thirds of the members. "We ask If such a v6te is possible or right, in view of the follow ing observations: "The expulsion clause of the constitu tion Is as follows: 'Each house may de termine thet rules cf its proceedings, pun ish Its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.' "No lawyer can read that provision with out raising in his own mind the question whether the house has any power to expel except for some cause relating to the con test. The ablest' lawyers from the be ginning of the republic have so insisted and their reasoning has been so cogent that these propositions are established, namely: "First Neither house of congress has ever .expelled a member for acts unie lated.,to him as a member or Inconsistent with his public duty as such- J "Second Both houses have many times refused to expel when the guilt of the member was apparent, where the. refusal to expel was put upon the ground that the house or senate, as the case might be, had no 'right toexpel for an act unrelated to the member as such, or because it was committed prior to his election." Strong "Language Against Roberts. The full report of the committee elab orates the summaries, and In some parts uses strong language against Roberts. As to his plural marriages, Itsays: "Prior to 18S2, B. H. Roberts had mar ried one Louisa Smith. She has borne him six children, and Is still living- About 1S85, when Utah was fairly ringing with the blows of the Edmunds act of 1SS2; while numerous prosecutions were going on and after the supreme court had passed upon the validity of the act; when the, American people supposed polygamy had received its death blow; when no man of the many whose cases went to the United 'States supreme court pretended the pro visions against polygamous marriages were invalid, with all these facts insist ently before him, Brigham H. v Roberts took another .wife, his first polygamous wife Celia Dibble, by name, who, in the following 12 years, bore him six children. "This second wife he married in defiance of the Edmunds law. He spat upo'n the law; he declared by his act that he rec ognized no binding rule upon him of a law of congress; he declared by it that he recognized a higher law. The congress of the United States was to him an ob ject ,of contempt. The supreme court of the United States might declare the law for others, but not for him. He laughed at its futile decrees and spurned Its ad monitions. The executive, which had de clared In solemn messages its gratifica tion that polygamy seemed gone forever, he defied and despised. Of what conse quence to him were laws of congress and declarations of the highest court and proclamations of presidents and his sen sual Interpretation of a sensual doctrine. And all the time the Edmunds law de clared not only polygamy, but cohabita tion with more than one woman unlawful. Roberts not only bigamously married a second wife, but he persisted In violating and defiantly trampling under foot every other provision of the act. "But he had not yet sufficiently pro claimed his utter contempt for the su preme court, for congress and its most solemn enactments A few years later he took a third wife. From the time of his second marriage to the third he co habited with two women. From the date of his thjrd marriage down to his election, and, we doubt not, to the present time, he has been cohabiting with three women. As recently as December 6, 1899; he de nned nis position as rouowsr c.-JThrse-reemSnJ(liavfestood bv- "me.The" areiroodsand true women. Th'e law has said I shall part from them. My church has bowed to the command of congress and relinquished the practice of plural marriages. But the law cannot free me from obligations assumed before it spoke. No power can "do that. Even were the church that sanctioned these marriages and performed the ceremonies to turn Its back upon us and say the marriages are not valid now and that I must give these good, and loyal women up, I'll be damned If I would.' "In this statement he adheres to the audacious assumption that the law of 1S82, did not speak to him and that he did not recognize it as a rule of conduct to, him. "We assert before the house, tha country and history that it is absolutely and Jm pregnably sound, not to be effectively at tacked, consonant with every legislative precedent, In harmony with the law and with the text-books on the subject. "That B. H. Roberts' persistent, noto rious and defiant violation of one of the most solemn acts ever passed by congress, by the very body which he seeks now to enter, on the theory that he Is above the law, and his defiant violations of the laws of his own state necessarily render him ineligible, disqualified, unfit and unworthy, to be a member of the house of repre sentatives. And this proposition is as serted, not so much for reasons personal to the membership of the house as because it goes to the very Integrity of the house and the republic as such." Duty of the House. The majority report concludes as fol lows: "If there Is any fact apparent in this case, it is that the constituents of Roberta knew all about him before his election. Can there be room to doubt the proper action of the house? Is it prepared to yield up this salutary power of exclusion? Will It declare Itself defenseless and ridic ulous? "Nor are those who assert that expul slon Is a remedy necessarily barred from voting for a resolution declaring the seat vacant. He must. Indeed, be technical and narrow In his construction of this constitution who will not admit that If a vote to declare the seat vacant Is sus tained by a two-thirds majority, the con stitution Is substantially complied with. He may not agree with the committee that a mere majority can exclude, but he can reserve the right to make a point of order that the resolution is not carried if two-thirds do not vote for it. "If the house takes the action which a minority of the committee insists It ought to take, it will for the first timejln Its history part with the most beneficent power which it has often exercised, a power that ought rarely to be exercised, but which the house has never declared It did not possess. Mindful of the gravity of the question, and realizing the respon sibility Imposed upon us, we recommend the adoption of the following resolution: ' " 'Resolved, That under the facts and circumstances of this casa, Brigham H. Roberts, representative-elect from the state of Utah, ought not to have, or hold, a seat In the house of representatives, and that"the seat to wh'ch.he was elected Is hereby declared vacant.' "Robert "W. Tayler, Charles W. LandiS, Page .Morris, Romeo H. Freer, Smith Mc Pherson, Samuel L. Lanham, Robert "W. Mlers." The Minority Report. The minority report' says: "The undersigned memoers of the spe cial committee appointed to Investigate and report on the prima facie final right of Brigham H. Roberts to a seat in the' house as the representative from Utah, be ing unable to agree with the conclusions of the committee as to the constitutional questions Involved, very respectfully sub mit our views: "Assuming that Mr. Roberts had been and Is now a polygamist, unlawfully co habiting with plural wives, and the house of representatives is -fof , that reason of the opinion that he otignt not to be a member thereof, what course should it rightfully pursue under the constitution, the supremo law of the iftiid exclude him -(Concluded oh Tkird Pace.) E Great Arthritic and Passes' Away.- Writer IN HIS ErGHTY-FIRST YEAR SUctcn o the Author's Career and a List o His Contributions to Literature. LONDON, Jan." 20. John Ruskln died this afternoon ofMrilluenza, aged 81 years. He was born In London, February 8, 1819. His taste for art was early manifested, and after graduating at Oxford he studied under Harding ' and 'Fielding. From the JOHN study of painting he took up that of ar chitecture. His first work, "Modern Paint ers,'" was written in 1843-60. His other wetfrknown works are "The Seven Lamps of Architecture," "Stories of Venlcer" "Lectures on Architecture and Paintlngy IWTMnmtn t4 T"Wi TIT 02JIOIAt;m.3 LJJLj, J-Cfc "MI Crown Of "Wild Olives," "Sesame and Lilies," "Ethics of the Dust," "Queen of- the Air," "The King and the Golde'n RIVer," "The Eagle's 'Nest," ''Prosperina," "Love's MeinIe,"-"Fors Clavigera," "Val d' Arno," "Pleasures of England," "Mornings In Florence," "St.-Mark's Rest," "Arrows of the Ohace."- Rusliln in Literature.. It is not given to every man to date an epoch front himself, to turn aside old con ceptions, and to swing the whole current of thought 'into a new channel. The epoch-making men are few-in any century; they themselves seldom realize the value of the work they are doing, and the public recognizes it perhaps last .of all. Each one of them, as he appears, undergoes the usual misunderstanding at the hands of both friends and foes. There ''are asser tions and denials, attacks and defenses, adulation and abuse; "until at last It has passed Into a proverb that a man cannot be summed up justly by contemporary thought. Perhaps no one in the 19th century has suffered so much from mis understanding and indiscriminate criticism as John Ruskin. The world persists In considering him only as an art critic; while he himself thought his best endeavor to have been In the field of political econ omy. It is not Impossible that both of these conclusions are wide of the mark. One may venture to think that his great est service to mankind has been his reve lations of the beauties of nature; and that his enduring fame will rest upon no theories of art or of human well-being, but upon his masterful handling of the English language. "Whatever feature of his activ ity maybe thought the best, it cannot be denied that he has been a powerful force in many departments: a prophet with a denunciatory and enunciatory creed, a leader who has counted his fol lowers by ihe thousands, a writer who has left a deeper stamp upon the language than almofet any Englishman of this cent ury. Mr. Ruskln tells us that his literary work was, "always done as quietly and methodically as a piece of tapestry. I knevv exactly what I had got to say, put the words, firmly in their places like so many stftchest hemmed the edges of chap ters round with what seemed to me grace ful flourishes, and touched them finally with my cunnlngest points of color.1' His poems are all youthful and of small conse quence. His prose is marked by two styles. The first Is dramatic, vehement, rhetor ical, full of Imagery, some over-exuberance of language and long-drawn sen tences. This is the style of "Modern Painters" and the "Seven Lamps." After 1860, when he took up political writing, he strove for more simplicity; and his "Fors Clavigera" is an excellent example of his more moderate style. But he never at tained reserve either In thinking nr in writing. It was not In his temperament. He had almost everything else purity, elasticity, dramatic force, wit, passion, imagination, nobility. In addition, his vo cabulary was almost limitless, his rhythm and flow of sentences almost endless his brilliancy in illustration, description and argument almost exhaustless. Indeed, his facility in language has been fatal only too often to hi3 logic and philosophy. "Words and their limpid flow ran away with his sobriety, lusciousness in illustra tion 'and heaped-up imagery led him Into rambling; sentences, and the long, rever "b'eratinc, roll of numbers at the close of rhls chapters often smacks of the theater. Alliteration and assonance, the use of the adjective In description, the antithesis in argument, the climax In dramatic effect all these Mr. Ruskln has understood and used with powerful effort Expect a Volcanic Eacnption. SAN DD3GO, Cal , Jan. 20 A letter from Strawberry valley, near Hemet. Riverside county, where tho recent earth quake was heavy, says that smoko and steam aire pouring from between tho rocks and boulders of the basin of Mount Taquitz, and that the people of that sec tion are looking for an eruption of the big volcano of hundreds of years ago. It Issaid th&t ever since the shake the i ' morning of December 25 the whole moun tain has been in a state of quiver, and that by night and by day the rumbling Is being heard and the trembling plainly felt. .q a " AMERICANS WERE AMBUSHED Pack Train Attacked liy Filipinos, "With. Some Loss. y MANILA, Jan. 21, 1 A. M. Thursday, a ; pack train escorted by 50 men of company tC, Thirtieth Infantry. Lieutenant Ralston commanding, was' ambushed by Insurgents near Llpa, province of Laguna, and two i Americans were killed, four wounded and nine axe missing. The Insurgents fired three vollevs at close range, and the escort was obliged to retreat after killing 15 of the Insurgents. Several animals of the pack train were killed and 'their packs looted. General Otis' Account of It. "WASHINGTON, Jan. 20 The first un toward happening In the highly success ful campaign now going on In Luzon is RUSKIN announced In the following cablegram from Gerferal Otis: "Manila, Jan. 20. A pack train of 20 ponies, transporting rations between Santo Tomas and San Pablo, Laguna province, escorted by 50 men under Lieu- tpnnnt "Rnlotnn TVfi.Mnfri vti)tv trnci1 adne'Famb Ushedyesrerday. -! AkUrlVVtlf kJ iirsTjjv ffer-jys r'm jj!""! - g - -JiWQ men' were killed. fivf wniinrfPfl nnrl n!n nm miss- ing. The pack train was lost. Lieutenant Ralston and 34 men returned to Santo I of the delegation have previously agreed Tomas with the killed and wounded. The upon appointments of Oregon men, but It affair Is being Investigated. I Is also recalled that Governor Lord was "Captain Doret, of the Fifth infantry, I appointed solely upon Simon's recommen found some insurgents In the Batangas , datlon, none of the other members joining mountains prepared In ambush to meet him. He killed eight, .wounded three and captured 17 Filipinos "and one Spaniard, and six rifles. His casualties were two men slightly wounded." Scindia Goes to Guam and Manila. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. The trans port and collier Sclndia sailed today for Manila, via Guam, with S00O tons of freight, including 5000 tons of coal for Guam. She has also a large boiler on board for Guam and a set of tubes for the Montgomery's boiler. The Sclndia has 100 apprentice bova. all of whom were sent here from tho v.nzt and who are to be distributed among the fleet at Manila. She carries a crew of 125" men. GENERAL ANDERSON RETIRED General "Wade Now in Command of the Department of the Lakes. CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Brigadier-General Thomas M. Anderson, commander of the department of the Lakes, has been re lieved from active service, under, regula tions which require army officers to be retired at 51 General James "Wade, com mander of the department of the Dako- tas, has been assigned to assume com mand. (General Anderson is well known in Portland. For 10 years he was stationed at the neighboring post of Vancouver bar racks as colonel of the Fourteenth In fantry, going from there to the Philip pines, where he was promoted to the rank of major-general of volunteers. General Andersons first military service was as a & ,. an Io reStaient, in April, 1S61. Three weeks later he was commls- sioned lieutenant in the Second cavalry, was soon transierrea io tne miantry, ana has since been with that branch of the service.) o UNITED MINEWORKERS. Voted Down a Resolution of Sympa thy With the Boers. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Jan. 20 The convention of tho United Mineworkers of Ame'rica today voted down two important resolutions. The Tlrst one provided that hereafter all national conventions be held in mining towns. The second was one sympathizing with the Boers of Sou.h Africa. A free-silver resolution was ta bled. A resolution favoring weekly pay ment of wages was voted down. Ryan, of the scale committee, filed his report and the scale proposition was de bated. Ohio miners have demanded an Increase of 20 cents per ton; West Vir ginia, 15 cents; Illinois, 15 cents: Penn sylvania averages 15 cents; Indiana, 15 and 20 cents. John Mitchell denied officially today the report that he Is a candidate for the posi tion now held by ex-President Ratchford on the national Industrial commission. o P Will Accompany- Randall. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Captain Willis P. Richardson. Eighth Infantry, and First Lieutenant Howard R. Hlkok, Ninth cav alry, have heen ordered to this city. They will accompany Colonel George M. Ran dall, Eighth Infantry, to Alaska, Cap tain Richardson as acting adjutant-general of the department, and Lieutenant Hlkok ag aid-de-camp to Colonel Randall. o Trentlse on Bubonic Plague. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. An interesting and valuable brochure, giving a complete history of the bubonic plague, together with means which have been adopted for Its prevention, has been prepared and made public by Surgeon-General Wyman, of the marine hospital service. Hepburn Believes the House Will Pass the Canal BilL HENDERSON PROBABLY FRIENDLY Practically No Opposition Among Congressman to the aieasure The Alaska ColIectorjhIp. "WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. Representative Hepburn, who reported the Nicaragua canal bill in the house, is confident of passing that measure in that body, whteb. has alwajs been the place where the bill has been held up. Hepburn has consider able confidence In the rulings of Speaker Henderson on the subject. He says ha may get a special order if it Is necestary but he does not think it will be. Under the rules of the house there Is what Is known as a call of committees, and he thinks that Speaker Henderson will hold that the Nicaragua canal bill ie eligible, for consideration under this rule, whteh is something that Reed never would al low. Hepburn say3 he can find but little op position In the house to the bill, but. on the contrary, he finds that its strength is greater than ever before. He has been, assured of practically every Southern vote, and none save a few men has In timated any Intention of opposing the bill. Hepburn says that It Is useless to ralsa the quession of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty now upon this project. That treaty wa3 made at the time that England and tha United States were equals on the sea, and was for the purpose of preventing other nations obtaining a direct route to tho East. Since then, England ha3 abandoned her right and has violated the treaty In other respects, and consequently It Is terminated. Unless the friends of the canal bill are very much mistaken, there is better prospect of it passing now than ever before. The Alaska Collectornhlp. The selection of a collector to succeed Ivey in the Alaska district is still held In abeyance, and It Is unaerstood awaits such representation as Senator McBrkia desires to make to tho president. There Is considerable feeling engendered over the matter in the Oregon delegation. Mc Bride and the house members feel that they should have been consulted before any recommendation was made by Senator' Simon. On the other hand. Senator Simon says that notwithstanding this appoint ment has been given for many years to Oregon men, it was In no sense an Oregon appointment, and it was promised to hkn a long time ago by the president, without any suggestion as to having the Oregon delegation agree upon it. That was whn the charges were first made against Ivey. Afterwards, when Ivey came here and It became apparent that there should b a vacancy, the matter waa again taKen P( between the president and Senator Sim' and, in, accordance with tha promote rHHvftiT - - -rnuflo. RSrtatrir Slmnn " ratadjStthm-t r "?. .... . recommendation. I There Is talk about how the members h-m. One Vacancy In the House. According to the records of the house., there is at present only one vacancy in that body, caused by the resignation of Governor Smith, of Maryland. There have been a number of vacancies by deaths,, which have been filled. Those who have died are: DIngley of Maine, Greene of Ne braska, Baird of Mar v land. Bland of Mis- sourl, Danford of Ohio, Ermentrout of f Pennsylvania, and Settle of Kentucky. Reed of Maine, and Hooker of New York. have resigned, and these vacancies have also been filled. Sherman has not re- signed, and does not Intend to. The story that he was to accept the secretaryship of the senate was a part of the Mind guesswork that often occurs In Washing ton. The status of Roberts and Wheeler ia peculiar. Roberts Is a member-eleet and recognized as such, and up "to the time congress met drew his salary on tho certificate of the clerk of the house. Since that time he has drawn no salary, as the speaker refused to certify his pay ac count. Wheeler never presented hlq pay certificates to the sergeant-at-arms from the time he was first appointed In the army. There is no vacancy In his case, nor is there. a vacancy in the case of ! Roberts, as the house has not so declared But it la known that Roberts will not bo seated, and It Is doubtful if Wheeler would be, should he present himself. Printing of Census Reports. The printing of the census reports will be done at the government printing office, which employs union printers. The fight in the committee was over the proposition v,a riipSptnr tn -hmr rh worv anna hv c0ntract, to which the unlou printers ob jected, fearing that It would go to soma b-g noRuni0n office. The government printing office won as against the census director. Jones' Pro-Boer Vle-ws. Congressman Jones has notified the New York representatives of the Boers that he will serve as a vice-president at the mass meeting January 23, at Grand Central Palace, New York. He sajs In his letter of acceptance: "Because a man assists me when in dis tress is no reason why I should assist him in burglarizing the house of my neigh bor or of his neighbor.' This Is to Illustrate his view of what should be the attitude of the United States toward England. Seattle Pulllc Building. The supervising architect of the treas ury department believes Seattle should have a Jl.OOO.OOO public building, and will recommend that not less than $775,000 or JS0O.0OO be expended. Convalescent Hospital Congressman Jones states that Surgeon General Sternberg admits Vancouver Is the best site for a convalescent military hos pital, but will oppose any hospital what ever, either at Puget sound or at Van couver, as in his judgment It is unnecs sary. BATTLE WITH YAQUIS. Mexicans Defeated the Rebels, Kill ing 200 and Captnrlnjr GUO. NOGALES, Ariz , Jan. 20 New3 was re ceived from tho south this morning that General Lorenzo Torres had engaged, the Yaquls at Macoyata on Thursday, kilHng over 200 and taking 500 prisoners. Father Beltran and several sisters of charity who have been held as prisoners of war by the Yaquls for the last six months wera rescued by the victorious Mexican troops and are now with General Torres. It is expected that this last Important victory of General Torres will have the effect of scattering the YaquLi and will result In ending the war.