K? 55ra-1 -fvr sj stsgjjws0? fBT'B7,!S?-"?'ira7'' 7xrS3!,,,isrTyi?,r-P5-r Ttr?i""??w;"i"'ff immfl (- imu1" , 9 THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAtf, PORTLAND. JANUARY- 14, 1900. 2CVUiaaAtMa.pi-B-V- ' ORTCANBYA "HAS BEEN" THBEC OLD BATTERIES OF HEAVT GTJKS ARE USELESS. PIctnrcsane Feature of tbe Old Post Soon to Be Cnansred to a. Modern Defense. Fort CanUy. as a fighter, .isi a. has been. Once It was a mlshty fort, vrith three powerful batteries located upon three commanding eminences at the jcry mmJ. ot the Columbia, on the north, or T7osh incton shore. Theao batteries, called the eak the center and the est. respectively, are ranged to a line from the easterly to the Tvesterly side of the gTeat promontory at the southerly extremity of Cape Disap pointment, Korxh Head being the northerly ,-., t rntip. The east battery has eight 10-inch smooth-bore subs, all mounted, and frowning over the parapet, but as harmless as Dundee Heeds bronze lions on Fourteenth street, Portland. This battery is about 200 feet above the sea level. The center battery has three guns mounted. Of these two are eight-inch converted rifles and one is a la-Inch Bmooth-bore. There are four Dismounted smooth-bores -within the emplacement. This battery is some COO feet above sta level and is a most commanding site. The west bat.ery-with a rOO-foot elevation above eea level, has five guns mounted; two eight-Inch converted and three 10-lnch smooth-bores. Also lour dismounted smooth-bores. At each one of theee bat teries is an old-fashioned magazine, and also huge conical piles of cannon balls ready to be rammed into the muzzle loaders of the days of long ago. It is a melancholy spectacle, this once powerful -enyf roid and rust and rot; unkempt grass and broken places; an air of desola tion everywhere. Upon the archway of the -wagon entrance to the cen-ter battery a sign reads, "Shut the Gate," and the gate itself is sprawled -wide open and In terlocked with creepers that seem to claim it to a forgotten era. Over the -wicket gate entrance is the prohibition: "Posi tively no admittance"; yet the gate is gone and the lizards dart around in surprise at the un-wdnted Intrusion. The old approach to these batteries is in like dilapidation. It comes up from the post on the easterly side of the fort. A wide graveled way through a romantic spruce grove that forks near the summit; one road leading to the east battery and the other to the center, and thence by a einuous course to the -west battery. Al most any day a romantic scene may be found along this neglected way. A youns girl with rarely beautiful golden hair flowing over her statuesque shoulders as she sits astride the old gray horse and wanders about the ruin. She is the daugh ter of the post engineer, an artist and pho tographer, by the way, of no mean ability, Of late yeaTs a new wagon way has been made with a better grade. It leads from the post past the lighthouse-keeper's home to the west battery. Intersecting the old road half way up the hill. In the emplacement of the west battery, n its extreme westerly margin, the Cape Disappointment lighthouse tower is erect ed. This light, once a first-class sea coast beacon, is now only a harbor light, a fourth-class revolvlrg lens. It was a "dis appointment" to the mariner because it was really Inside of the seacoast line, as was also true of Fort Stevens light; both of these lights have therefore been dis used as ocean beacons. Hard by the light house tower is a small caboose, with heat ing apparatus. The lighthouse department allows the life-saving crew to use this as e lookout. This frowning fortress has Tvlthin It nothing of danger beyond its frown. Tet the site Is unapproachable as an ocean de fense, and it will within two years be converted Into one of the most powerful of Uncle Sam's sea coast forts. It has lately "been turned over to the engineer's department. All of the garrison except 12 men. including a sergeant and corporal, hav iaeen transferred to Fort Stevens, and Fort Canby Is now only a sub-post, with the commanding officer of Fort Stevens in charge. It is expected that a 16-gun mortaT battery will soon replace the center battery- It may not be located in exactly the same spot. Most likely it will be further away from the rocky front which might possibly yield partially, to the most powerful naval ordnance of pres ent or future armament. It may be lo cated with its disappearing guns just over the brow of this highest point out of all possible danger. This is Wholly practica ble, as it is not necessary for the gunner to see the ship In firing at her. The en tire sea front, as far out as mortars can reach, has been surveyed by United States engineers and laid off into squares. It is only necessary for the lookout officer to direct the sunner by telephone to aim at a given square, the lookout officer having . his maps and marine glasses and Instru ments whereby the eract location of the warship can be determined promptly ana unerringly. Other modern guns, suitable for defense, will man the east and west batteries. The most picturesque and Interesting fea ture of Fort Canby. is its post, where tfro gairrison have their homes. It Is located -upon the westerly end of the shore ot Baker's bay and on the easterly side of the high promontory on. "which the batteries are erected. It is in a grand curve ot that bay and so hemmed in by the high hills as to shut off all view of the Co lumbia river except a glimpse to be had from the officers quarters at the upper end of th village. It is an ideal elte for a battery post. It is absolutely land locked against wind storms, securing not only protection from high sea -winds and sea swells, but also a perfectly quiet haven for bay craft. The contrast in this respect between it and Hwajco, three miles further up th bay, is most striking. At the lat ter place the winds and sea swells of win ter render it unsafe for bay craft, which at the same time would lie as still as a log at Fort Canby -wharf. But the im portant feature of this -site is its perfect protection from the attack of warships on the ocean. As Is well known, the guns on warships cannot be fired at an eleva tion exceeding 15 degrees, because of the fatal rebonnd against the deck. This fact prevent them from shelling the post. To gain distance enough to overcome the ele vation of the protecting promontory, the ships would have to get entirely out ot range of the fort. This sub-post has no flag and fires no salutes, which features constitute the dis tinction between it and a full post. Re cently, on the occasion of Vice-President Hobart's death, a salute of 17 guns was fired from Fort Stevens batteries and the United States flag was lowered to half mast at that post, but at Fort Canby nothing of the kind occurred. A United States flag was at half-mast there, it is true, but it was the one that flies over the life-saving station. Junior Sergeant W. B. McClennahan. batters' M, Thirteenth United States artillery, the officer a charge, will soon be promoted to the com mand of Fort Columbia, sub-port in place of Sergeant Bodal, whose term of enlist ment will expire Sergeant McCJennahan is a Milrcy. Pa., lad, 25 years of age, and enlisted in 1S97. He was a locomotive en gineer on the Baltimore & Ohio, but was suspended during the hard times then prevailing. He joined the army to avoid idleness. His alertness and talents secured him rapid promotion. But he will return to civjl life as a Baltmore &. Ohio engineer at the end of his term. This soldiers' village is a picturesque saot. It stretches along the shore of the bay for nearly a half mile, with the usual barracks and other buildings of a post, to the eminence at the aristocratic upper end. where the officers' quarters are located- It is nicely lawned and has one street "well macadamized and one plank sidewalk next to the bay. Beyond the guordhouse, the fiat or beach land widens n front of the officers' quarters into a mer. It Is also the parade ground for the fort. It likewise serves as the grounds for target practice by all the artillery men at the mouth of the river. It is some 400x1500 feet In area. A splendid tra ret is created at the upper end of the lawn with a high hill in the background. During target practice sentries are posted at the approaches to warn unwary pass ers aloes' the highways. This obstruction necessitates a detour for footmen and horsemen by way of a trail through "aiooneyvMe," a most Interesting suburb of this picturesque post. Some dispute has existed as to the cor rect name for thia suburb: "Mooneyville, "Moodyville" or "Mulyvllle." The post tailor, an old-time ex-soldler of the gar rison, says he built the second house there and that it is "Muleyville"; so named be cause of the many muley-head cows once kept there by the soldiers' families. Seven mules and one spavined cayuse that range th Tinf-nro tKprp nt this time might add a new theory to that of the one-eyed tailor as to the origin of the name. j."o . "Montfwillfi" hf.R no origin except a mis take in sound the idem sonans theory. The artist e the post says tho name is "MooneyviUe," after Sergeant 31ooney, who built the first house m this suburb. With this theory most of the old residents agree. The sergeant in command searched the post books for an official designation. He found the place only referred to as a cow pasture. On the whole, it Is safe to say the true name is "MooneyviUe," where years ago a number of married noncom missioned officers and soldiers had built houses for their families on me govern note that the 22 heavy guns of this fort win ba an entire loss. They have been condemned by the government and It is said they cannot even be given away a3 old iron. Bids will be called for to se cure their removal. It does look as if those guns could be let down the slopes upon barges and hauled away with profit by some man in the iron business. It seems not, however, according to good authority, and the guns at Canby consti tute an elephant a brown one on the hands of the ordnance department. FAVORS SHEEP GRAZING NO H0CH DER KAISER. " Captain CogMan Would Xot Recite fixe Famous Poem. Captain J. B. Coghlan. the former gal lant captain of the United States cru'ser Raleigh, now In charge Qf the Port Or chard naval station, Is spending two days in Portland. Captain Coghlan was a guest at the Commercial Club dinner last night, and when friends begged him for a rendi tion of the "Hoch der Kaiser" poem in the semi-privacy of the smoking-room, he smiled, sheok his head and said: "No Hoch der Kaiser.' " The captain said he was enjoying his two days of absence very much, as Port Orchard was not a very lively plaee. While malting no com plaint whatever for having to do shore duty, he said he would be rather glad when his turn again came to take charge of a ship. Some one asked the captain what would be tho final result In the Sampson-Schley 0K3ISBY SAYS TEEX SHOULD GO ON FOREST RESERVE. Says 200,000 Sheep Wonld Have to Go to ie Batcher If Reserve Range Be Closed. SALEM, Or., Jan. 13. In the opinion of Captain S B. Ormsby, United Stat superintendent of forest reserves, the clos ing of the Cascade reserve as a grazing ground will, f effected, prdve a terrific Viirvor rv tho 5hwwi industry. Sneaking of the matter tonight, Captain Ormeby said: "That nart of the Cascade reserve lying south of the White river, and now open to sheep grazing, will furnish pasture tue coming season for 2W.C00 sheep. These sheep are worth on an average 54 per head at the present time, or in the aggre gate $SOO,000. Next shearing time these 200,000 sheep will give an average yield of 7Vs pounds of wool per head, or a total of 1,500,000 pounds of unwashed wool. Be fore these sheep are started for the moun tain ranges in tho spring the v.ool will be worth 20 cents a pound, and the total value of the yield will be $300,000. Here is an Investment of four-fifths of a million dollars and more than $1,000,000 Is direct ly concerned in the industry. This com putation leaves out entirely the handling time after the opening of tho next term. In such a large structure there are hun dreds of small things to do. Yesterday one of the boilers In the basement was heated up and found to work very well. By this boiler two of the rooms in the old annex on the north side of the ground will be heated. The other boiler i3 not yet ready, but will be scon. In the main building the plastering has been prac tically completed in the rough. It re mains to put down the floors tleoughout, and this will take a long time. Tho court on the south side Is being partly covered with concrete. Wide walks will extena from the two main entrances to the street, leaving- a space In the center for a lawn. This arrangement is some what different from the court of the Thomoson building, in Central Albino, which is covered with a solid sheet of concrete, with nothing in the center to relieve the monotony. An effort will be made to get one or two rooms ready at least for next term, as the shifting of tho pupils will make it necessary to provide another room at once for the Holladay pupils. Some pupils come in that time, and there are transfers which will more than crowd the rooms at the disposal of the school. Dast Side Xotei. The Mount Tabor Military bind has arranged an interesting programme at the Orient hall. West avenue, for Thurs day evening.. The band 13 in a prosper ous condition. The wife of Jacob Deckenbach, who ha3 been in St. Vincent's hospital for some time, was reDorted yesterday as being oJ "the .sheep end the marketing of the slightly improved. She underwent a se wooL Now. if these 200,000 sheep be ex- , vere surgical operation jriev. jc, jv. .Linn-, yh-w tvnt, ujmvu .. a fall last Sunday morning, was much Improved yesterday, but it is uncertain whether he will be able to occupy his pulpit today or not. Mrs J. Keek, the wife of a farmer who lives IS miles from the city, near Pleas- jfjjj. n pi GSS2 r C Hi eluded from the reserve, they will be sent to the butcher, for they cannot do pas tured on winter jranges The Industry, then, to the extent here given, would ceas and it would be a blow to the ma tciial' interests of this state, which, it seems to me, is needless to Inflict.' -0 OFFICERS WERE INSTALLED CAXBY CAVE Z.OOKIXG FK03I CAVE, TO BEACH. meit reserve by permission of the officers. ' controversy and would both of them be At this tfme! however, there arc only two , promoted; if so when etc There was habitable houses In the suburb, outside of more smiling and headsaklng ; but no the Chinese garnener's. somewhat further I opinions were given Captain Coghlan will rpmnvpfl nnd located adjacent to tre cem- . reiurn u x-iul wiuiu . tfrv riT r.ltv of the dead. Only one of these houses is occupied and the occupant Is tho post tailor, with his family. "Moon eyviUe Is located on a stretch of flat land a quarter mile wide and some half mi:a long, extending from Canby promontory to McKenzie head, and abutting upon the fine little sheltered beach where Columbia, lightship No. 50 was stranded. It lies on the seaward side of the cape, and to the westward of Canby promontory, tnrougn VftDOWS AND ORPHANS. No Xeed of Needy Ones In the Nortlx-ivest. G. A. B. Campfire and Beanbnke on East Side. At Pleasant Home yesterday afternoon and last night the M. A. Boss post and Woman's Belief Corps, G. A. B were in evidence in their hall. It was tho oc casion of the annual installation of offi cers of both post and corps, which took place in the afternoon, and the annual MmfirA n.nd beanbake in the evening. Early in the afternoon the members of both organizations were on nana, wnen the newly elected officers wpre duly In stalled by George Older, past post com mander of Sumner post, Portland. The officers of the Belief Corps are: President, Lizzie Jacks; senior vice-president, Annie Pool; junior vice-president, Ella Shutterly; treasurer, Ora Lusted; secrotary, H. F. Stephens; chaplain, Liz zie Otis; conductress, Lucinda Wheeler; guard, Mrs. Marls; color-bearer No. I, Lizzie Cluggett; color-bearer No. 2. Anna Heard; color-bearer No. 3, Maud Ma narey; color-bearer No. 4, B3ny Leslie; delegates to department encampment. Anna Oraswell and May Leslie; alter nates, H. F. Stephens and Ora. Lusted. Thft afternoon was a sort of reunion for the members. In the evening the hall I was ooened to the public, when the campfire took place. The committee did not provide a formal programme, but the event was highly enjoyable. The members of ooth post and corps endeav ored to make their guests welcome. An abundance of well-baked beans and hot coffee, together with other good things, had been provided, and were served to all. The addresses that wore delivered by Past Pot Commander J. G. Stephens, Colonel Bobert Pool, Merrill Ball and others were patriotic and interesting. The remarks were also woll spiced with reminiscences of the civil war. Ma Stephens spoke particularly of the growth of the post and corps during the year, which he said had been highly -satisfactory. The new year had found both or ganizations stronger than cyer before in their history. During tho year they moed their hall to their own lot, re paired the building and arejn their own home. The sad spectacle of a woman and her little children being suddenly thrown upon their own resouices and facing the stern realities of life, with little or no money tv.o nenir nf which It is reached by way ot on hand, is one that appeals strongly to a low pass. A plank fence (with a gate), human sympathy. Happily such sights across the mouth of this pass, constitutes are becoming less frequent, for the New the enclosure for the government pasture -y0rk Life Insurance Company makes it and separates MooneyviUe from the re- posSible to protect the family. It issues malnder of the reservation. a. new incontestible policy at lowest pos Winding along the western slopes of sjble prmium, -which should be invest! the cape, but on much higher ground, the gated by all The company Increased its first-class plank roadway, extending from business 9117,000.000 last year. Consult a the .fort to the lighthouse staVon at North New York Life agent before Insuring. TtnA nvprlooks the entire valley of Moon- , -a--..-" eyvilleu Just below this plank drive at the b---sa of the hills is a long salt lake or tarn, extending from McKenzie Head to the Canby promontory, just beyond the gate, near -which point a rustic bridge gives access to the reserve grounds and pasture and seabcach of MooneyviUe. An interesting feature of these grounds Is the soldiers' cemetery, where usually only dead privates and noncommissioned offi cers are found interred. Still, several lieu tenants have here found a last resting- place. All the graves have neaaouarus. with nnme and company, and date of birth and death Inscribed, and some have stone or marble monuments erected to their memory. The cemetery Is kept in decent order. Looking out upon the beach from under the bold Canby cliffs Is a great cavern or ca-ve, running far into the hill and full of mysterious nooks and crannies. The beach itself, at low tide, is very wide and looks up happily at the lighthouse tower on the one side of the bald cliff of McKenzie Head, a half mile away on the other. In Canby village, besides the military post, there are also the lighthouse sta tion and the llfesavlng station. Tho sightly residence of tho lighthouse-keeper 'ssome distance up the canyon on the road to the tower and is a conspicuous feature of the scene. It is an old house, built many years ago, but it is well pie served. The house of the captain and crew nf nin'a men In charge of the lifesavlng station has been recently built, and H a J DAILY CITY STATISTICS. Beal Ti'itv.tc Transfer. Heirs of Catherine O'Brien to Michnel O'Brien, lots 1, 2, block 97, Steph ens' addition, ard parcel of land on Marquam road; June 27 1899 $ 1 George W- McCoy ard wife and Bich ard Clinton and wife et ai. to C. M. Barieto. lots 1. 2, block 2, Mt. Tabor Place addition; January 11.. 900 George W. Thatcher to J. H. Thatch er, lot 1, block 205. ITolladay's ad dition; December 27, 1897 1 L. A. Crane and wife to W. B. Morse, Int 2. block 13. Canitan addition: January 10 100 Sheriff to Dora Corbin, lots 3, 4. block 10. Garrison's subdivision; January 12 2000 P. T. Smith and wife to N. D. Si mon, lots 1. 2, 3, -i, 33, 34. 35, 3C, block. 24, Point View; January 11 400 Title Guarantee & Trust Co. to N. D. Simon, lots 5, G, 7, 8, 9. 28, 29. 30. 31, 32, block 24, Point View; January 10 5C0 Mrs. L. E. S. Taylor to Annie M. S. Macartney. SW. of SW. , sec tion 2, T. 1 S B. 3 E ; Januarv 10 2C0 Sheriff to Allen & Lewis, lots 2. 5, 7, block 1, Troutdale", January 11 375 O. B. Caswell and wife to Joel C. Hlbbard, lots 1. 2. block C, Clinton addition: January 9 203 Wm. B. Griffith and wife to Samuel E Henderson, lot 4. block 8, Glencoe Park; November 23 900 Bnildingr Permits. w to MV.TTniinnrl -Rast Nineteenth, be- very comfortable home. It is hard by the tve"en East Everett and Sandy road; two- government whan, wnere me ubmyi g story dv,elling, $1500. boats are housed. Tho quamt little white j - McHolland, East Nineteenth, be- house on the hillside, under the eaves of tween East Everett and East Davis; two- the east battery, has long been the home story dwelunSi 51500. of P. J. Glaus, tho chief engineer (and Drs A aRd E. C. Brown, Sixth artist) of the post. Since the removal street between Washington and Alder, of the commissioned officers ho and other to rebuild house destroyed by fire, $3500. heads of departments have taken their -mri., more conifortable and accessible quarts q at l? 2& n2 and 2nSt brick 448 Columbia street, a boy. square, yellow-painted and anc.entb we D b t 'lh wife of Martin L. building one story "?. that sAnds be , God Bamaritan hospital, a tween the two roads leading to tne ions, , " is the oldest and loitlat house at anby ho riost"ifi.thLLlne' pnt Gray, a boy, Horn :n 1S52 and made into a llfesavlng uen"8, . - station. A wooden addition has been put January 10. Samantha C. Thayer, aged to It and the family of the barracks' 65, residing at Oatman station; erytlp- nnnlr nnrc n(V11Trtpl t I5 n hnfflG. AltO- 1 eldo, gether there are 77 people (Including five at Norih Head lighthouse stat.on) resid- j Ing on Cape .Disappointment, v.nicn is cu- Lcnscu Quarter 1.2ock:. The parties who purchased the Star brewery piant. of Vancouver, and the Portland property, have leased for five years the quarter block on the northeast corner of East Third and East Burnsidc streets, from E. H Virgil. , on tne grounds stands a one-story brick build ing, cut up into storerooms. It will re quire from $2000 to $3000 to change the building for the purposes of the com pany. A cold-storage room will be ar ranged, and the whole building will like ly have to be rearranged before the new company can use it. A franchise for a railway switch from the jfortiana j;ian way Company's line has been secured, and the spur will extend into the build ing from the street. It is understood that the buildings of the old Star Brewery Company, on Union avenue and Bussell street, will be abandoned as soon as the new supply depot has been made ready. This will take some time, but work will be commenced at once on the changes. It Is considered probable that the pew com ivmv will finally occupy the half block on East Third, between East Burnside and East Couch streets. Repairing Holladay Senoolhonse. At the Holladay sehoolhouse the con tractor Is pushing the work as energet ically as possible, but it is not consid ered possible to have it ready until some . . ,.. IM ,3 ant Jtiome, is very aonserouaiy m, mu It is feared may not recover. She has been sick for some time, under the care of Dr. Powers, of Grerham. Dr. T C. Humphrey was called in consultation Friday. Matt Pouvlets was arrested on com plaint of John McDonald and brought before Justice Vreeland yesterday on a charge of assault He was found guilty and fined $5. E A. Kltson, employed in the store of H. Baumor, on Ea'Jt Morrison street and Union avenue, met with a painful acci dent yesterday while cleaning a large lamp. While handling the- lamp. It broke, and the sharp edge of the glass cut a long and deep gash along the thumb and wrist, severing the main artery. The blood poured forth for a time. A physi cian was called and the gash sewed up. o PERSONAL MENTION. Governor Geer Is at the Imperial. G. E. Blew, of Boseburg, Is registered at the Perkins. Dr. R. C. Coffee, of Colfax, Wash., Is at the Portland. Jamen Bryant, of Albany, Is registered at the St. Charles. N. Merrill, a merchant of Clatskanle, Is at the St Charles. A. L. Grant, a mining expert of Baker City, is at the Perkins. W. M. Bidpath, of Spokane, is regis tered at the Portland. E. Oaklay and wife, of Denver, acre guests of the Imperial. Mrs Otis Patterson, of The Dalles, is a guest of the Imperial. W. F. Corson, of Walla Walla, is reg istered at the Portland. Attorney A. P. Tifft left last week for Junoau, Alaska, on a business trip. D. S. Dent, a Lewlston, Idaho, drug gist, is registered at the Perkins. If. C. Nicolai, a San Francisco hide and wool dealer, is at the St. Charles. T. G. Wlckstrom. a Kalama. Wash., sawmill man. is at the St. Charles. Dr. George H. Chance has returned from a two weeks' trip to California and Mexico. R. Bums, Walla Walla representative of the O. B. & N., is registered at the Imperial. R. C. Beach, a prominent merchant of Lewlston. Idaho, is at the Perkins, ac companied by his wife. Captain Schulte, of the German ship Nereub, Is a guest .of his brother-in-law, Dr. Meesman, 606 Second street. F. L. Stinson started last night on a two-weeks' trip to New York on business connected with tho interests he represents. The operation performed on J. L. Mitch ell by Drs. Rockey and Tllzer was suc cessful, and the patient Is rapidly re covering. A. K. Bentloy has returned forom Hel ena, Mont., where his firm has been fig urine to bid on the new postofilce build ing, for which the sum of 5350,000 has been appropriated by congiesb. He says the work of erecting the new state capital Is proceeding very slowly in Helena. 0- r And Wornout Worried Mothers Find Comfort in CUTICURA, OME MONTHS AGO OUR BABY'S HEAD GOT SORE. Wo took him to tho doctor, who pronounced it poison and gavo us somo mediolao which did no gnod. His hood Rot so saa ho would cry all night, and my wife coaki sleep none, and began to look ghostly. His head got so sore that wo put a night cap on him, and folded a white cloth four thicknesses instdo of it, and just through tho night a kind of matter would ooze out from his head, soaked through tho cloth and cap and on to tho pillow. Tho top and back of his head was almost a sottd sore, and looked so badly that words would net describe it. Almost in despair I told my wife I had seen Cuncuiu. Remedies advertised and recommended very highly and I was going to try them. I bought tho Coticcba Resolvejjt, Ccticuha Soap, and Ccticuka Ointment. We gavo him half o the Resolvent, used part of tho cake of Soap, and before wo had used tho second box of Coticuka Ointment ho commenced to got better, and is now as well and hearty as anybody's boy. Ho is a3 merry as a lark, sleeps soundly all night, and his hair look3 glossy, thick, and soft, while my wife looks hko a different woman, I look at him and think I owo it to you and to suffering mankind to write and toll you of this almost wonderful cure. W. W. & J. E. MYERS, Box SO, Munroe City, Iad Complete External and I Jnorna! Troatrri muGui; I fr i..i ..if.,, ti,hinP inflnmmauon. and Irritation, and tooths and heal; and Ctrriruuv Resolvent (50c), to cool and eloanse the btood. TI!C OCT CI rTL and humiliatinc skin, scalp, and blood humors, with lo of hair, wnea "How to Cure Baby Huraora," free, -( added to the nretty effecL A most dell clous menu was provided. Those present were the following: Mrs. I. "White. Mrs. A. J. Meier, Mrs. A. "Wolfe, Mrs. S- J. Mayer, Mrs. N. Metsser. Mrs. C. Bosenfeld, Mrs. P. Stelhart, Miss Bosener, Mrs. C. Felden hcimer, Mrs. I. N. Lipman, Mrs. G. Simon, Mrs. Abe Meier, Mrs. A, Feldenheimer. rMs. S. Frank, Mrs. S. Rosenfe'd, Mrs. L Lang. c-p ' THE MONOTONY OF TRAVEL ING BY RAIL lovely nlaza. that has been 3odded with 1 Ere lone they will be succeeded by the blue sra-s. which is Kept neauy mramea. On this lawn a beautiful lawn tennia ,rt hn been made within a sear past. for the recreation of the garrison in sura- J bor in the West It Is interesting to incident with the government reserve of some 700 acres of land on that penmsu'a. It Is an interesting community, albeit of a motley (though first-class) nature. De toils of the life at this quas -village wou d furnish many themes of Interest. In the summer time, too. this peninsula is full of attractions for summer idlers at Lorg or North Beach, as well as at Clatsop, or South beach. The bay steamer Nahcotta carries the mail daily from Astoria Ii Ilwaco, and tho government boat It. Milcr makes three trips there from As tor'a each week. This picture of Uncle Sam's dominions at Fort Canby is not Inopportune. Soon a great renovation, to put U1I3 fort in tune with the progress of the times, w.ll have effaced these interesting features. snir-and-snan new features of a great modern fort, that will de ferd the mot important har January 10, Cora May Perkins Roberts, aged 23, 511 Grand avenue: brain fever. January 10, George Boutz, aged 4S, Multnomah county hospital; gangrene of the lung; to be shipped to Hamilton, On tario, Canada, for interment. BIrtrriajrc Licenses. Jhn P. Small, aged 22, Ivy McMurray, aged IS: E. L. Woife. 21, Rosalie Gumdl, 17; K. Calif, 21, Ida Rosenbloom, 18. Contagious Disease. Anna Steward, SG2 Mallory avenue, aged 29; diphtheria. -g-o Our GrovrlJiS IVnvy. Indianapolis Press. According to a table in the report of the secretary of the navy, four battleships should be finished early this year and one in October. The three others under construction should be available, one in 1001 and the other two early In 1902 The cruiser Albany, now building in England, and most of the S3 torpedo craft should be available during the coming year, and the lour monitors In 1001. J5H, 'M Luncheon nt the Portland. The ladles' bowling team, of the Con cordia Club gave an elabotTtte, luncheon party Wednesday, at the Hotel Portland, in honor of Mrs. Isam White, which proved a very delightful affair. The pri vate dining-room presented a charming appearance, with its decorations of calU lilies and ferns. The luncheon was served at a round table exquisitely decked for tho occasion. Over the board were scattered filmy sprays of soft foliage and ferns Epergnes were filled with sweetly scented violets, while there was also a profusion of superb bride roses. The chief orna mentation was a tall vase of calla lilies. From the center to the guests' p'ates were long, crimson satin streamers, with the names in gold lettering at each end. Lighted candles in red and silver shades Is Done Away "With, to a Great Ex tent, by the Introduction ot Improved Eailmcnt. To a passenger traveling from Portland east by the "Portland-Chicago special." the tedium of the Journey is relieved by a visit to the library car. This car con tains a buffet, library, writing-desk, etc., for the accommodation of sleeping-car pas sengers. Here one may select a book from the largo assortment contained In the library. The current magazines and dally papers are also on file, and a writing-desk, supplied with stationery and all facilities for correspondence is at the dis posal of the occupants of this car. While perusing the papers, or the latest novel, the train Is rushing steadily on ward, without perceptible Jar, and you reach your destination before you are aware of It. Full Information regarlng the two routes to the East offered by the O. P.. & N. Co. can be had by applying to Mr. V. A. Schilling, city ticket agent, 25-1 Washington street. o G. A. It. Installation. Public Installation of the officers-elect of George Wright post, No. 1, and George Wright Relief Corps, No. 2, took place Friday evening at G. A. R. hall. Com mander Greenlcaf presiding. Past Pres ident Mrs. Mary E, Chamberlin. assisted by Mrs. Minnie Livingston, as conductor, installed the following officers: President, Ida E. Harkleroad; senior vice-president, Ada Ditchburn; Junior vice-president. Laura Smith; chaplain. Laura D. Hoogh kirk; conductress, Carrie White; guard, Charlotte York; assistant conductress, El eIc May Dolan; assistant guard. Isabella Emken; treasurer, Millie E. Morse; color bearers, Mattle Jaq-ues. Eva Agnes Wil son. Ma:y E. Russ, Louise Schroder. Tha secretary, Mary E. Chamberlin, was in stalled by Mrs. Mattie Jaques. The In-coming president presented the retiring president with a very handsome W. R. C. pin. Miss Foss presided at tne piano. After a short musical programme. H. Sutcliffe, of uncoin-uarneui post, as sisted by N. K. Rankin, as officer of the day, Installed the officers of the post as" follows: Commander. J. S. Foss: senior vice-commander, I. G. Garr; junior vice-commander. E. E. Covey: adjutant. A. C. Sloan; quartermaster. Chanes Hel ler; chaplain. Rev. C. E. Cllne; surgeon, C. E. Dubois: officer of the day, P. J. Newberg; officer of the guard, P. S. Thomas; sergeant major, W. H. H. Blaney; quartermaster sergeant, P. P. Bodley. At the close of the installation service. Chaplain Cllne congratulated Past Com mander Greenleaf upon his successful administration of lva anairs ot tne pest for the past year. Past Department Com mander Grannis made a short but Im pressive speech, and" the singing of "Amer ica" by the audience and the benediction by Rv. Mr. Grannb closed a very pleas ant evening. Aft rnrss abb tixx owr are made by the pio TOOXd TOO'tl. 3D, "4V " - J v . ncers oi tne pneumatic tire industry. The Dun lop Detachable Tire Is the embodiment of the widest experience, the best skill, and the re sults of innumerable experiments. .Jt Is known and sold all over the world and furnished on their wheels by .every prominent bicycle manufac turer. If you are well ported you will insist on Dun lops at the same price as other tires on the bettet class of wheels. Booklet efary dealer or ef ns. The American Dunlop Tire Co.7 BcSIcvillc, N. J. Chicago, HI. Dunlop Tires are made for Automobiles, Carriages and Bicycles. Distributors for Portland. MITCHELL LEWIS & STAYER CO. GRATEFUL COMPORTING Distinguished Everywhere For Delicacy of Flavor. Superiority In Quality. Grateful and Comforting to the Nervous or Dyspeptic. IN'ulritlve Qualities Unrivalled Your Grocer and Storekeeper Sell It In Half-Pound Tins only. Prepjrcd by JAMES EFP5 5 CO., ltd. Hsmocopathlc Chemists. London, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER B"Wr&A. Thp California Missions were founded In the healthiest parts of the. State. San Mi guel Ml'Von was located In the beautiful Salinas Valley, not far fro-n Paso Robles Hot Spr'rrfcs. The climate Is dry, warm rd fnvtco-atlnc Hot Mineral. Mud and Sulphur Springs bubble up In abundance to heal tne sick to Keep tneneaitnvaiwsysso Pullman cars to doari- Write for booklet. JS OTTO Z- NEVER, P-w. Paso Robles, Cal. j N Is a genuine specific for dis eases of the stomach and organs o digestion and nutri tion. No other medicine has had so remarkable a success iu I curing diseases affecting the f heart, liver and luugs, 'hen v ever thene diseases, as is coui- monlv the case, were caused by " v?eak stotaach " and im nure blood. Food imperfectly digesteu cannot oe peneuuy acsimilated. " Golden JkTedical Discovery " restores the organs of digestion to perfect working order. Foul blood must re sult in a foul body. TheUis- roverv " -minnes tne bloou ana increases the activity of "the blood-making glands, so in creasing the quantity and qual ity of "the blood, supply. It Tia-s been tried by over half-a-million people. It has cured ninety-eight out of every hun dred v,-ho have tried it. WHY NOT LET FT CUR& YOU? ffcftr Call at rny offke today if possible and see what I have to offer in the Dr. San den Electric Belt. It is a home self-treatment for all weakening disorders which result from youthful errors or later ex cesses. FREE BOOK If you live at a distance too far to call y,nte for my little book, sent sealed free. It describes the Dr. Sanden Electric Belt and gives valuable information of a private nature. I answer letters person ally, and by properly filling in my symptom blanks I am emoled to advise accurately by mail. You put the Dr. Sanden Electric Belt comfortably around your waist at night. It gives strength white you s'.erp and takes the weakness out of your back. It sends a pleasant soothing current through the affected parts. SUSPENSORY The new suspensory attachment for men acts directly upon the prostate gland, bladder, spermatid .cord and ail surrounding parts. Either writs or call today and get free of charge the benefit of my thirty years experience as a specialist. ' DR. A. T. SANDEN, Russel Bldg., cor. Fourth and Morrison, Portland, Or. "OFFICE HOURS: O TO O; SUNDAYS, O TO 1. I o S99000OO 090000O00998e9000O03e80Oee9000090900009e0000090C00900009e9e d-t . -Ssssfti3!ii'2a j - ift'XJ-f' 44S .-Uj-c:. i.i 1-.V,- SaSSs-SlOjfr-jS' - s'1l!"ajlfcj-4.wil.. "V