THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND-, 'JANTTAEY 14; 1900. FITXATION "WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. ' i.-'N. WVPirTY BT GOOD JAPAN for family or boarMag. in city. Ad-1 M Ofc case oregonaw. L.-L iOOOO HOT) WANTS EOU5H-tu-d plain cookine, la city. J. Shlo Z'i North Fourth st. WT LIFIED TO DEVELOP MINES, , jp uon. Eastern Oregon preferred. Ad- ,-aa u), Oregoman. AU, - ROUND MECHANIC WANTS A - , place. Call or address Carpenter, 234 k.,n?E BOY "WANTS POSITION TO v c xH aac. do housework. A OS, care Ore- '".-aa. TION WANTED BOY. 17. WISHES a- la drug- store. Address J CS. Orego- SITTATION WANTED FEMALE. Drcssmalccrs. smiENCED DRESSMAKER WlbttJiS i &S la families. Apply 3i siantex si. ITl.. Mi LADY WANTS SEWING BY THE jay, ?L Call on 430 Morrison st. :H DRESSES MADE AT REASONABLE .oea 129 10th, near Washington. Jatenojjrnpher and Typewriter. ; D EXPERIENCED, ACCURATE AND RE- lble jUung lady stenographers, mta poa jbxvi.cdsre of bookkeeping, desire positions. Cj, care Oregoman. -i t.a-tvt STENOGRAPHER. WITH Dme -experience, would like good position; jf refc-renoes. J w. uresosuan. Domestics. :l r;rD ghil wants ab So, k, can eive good reierences; gooo. wages EQU-rci Apply -IB iNonn .Mam su J C iRL WOULD LIKE SITUATION TO ;jnta Xight housework; no washing. C 69, egontan. tTT ATN WANTED BY GOOD COOK; .e ;.aee and. good wages, a u, care ure- ge S-a.vy.lmx. rnxOj -NURSES FURNISHED AT firecs - e prices, at io jaruuiero tu, uc ijksI oiirth and Fifth. Miscellaneous. . .w -- .-TT T ,T "Tn7 u a A." I,' ' "HI AV X JB.UJl.i, c "" Jf1'" - J largest and handsomest office in the city, and can a ways supply mate ana lem&ie ukiv tsicr rot'ce. Both phones. Canadian Enp. 1 Age- Cj , 226 iqorrlson. i.m A MONTHS PIANO LESSONS: USE OF ; t- -- a.A TirnoOeinc. no charges: competent. fc sprier. -ed te&cjter. 3M Fourth. Home Tues- ! C-jt, T ucsday Saturdays. rrwvm T.ATVr' WITHOUT INCUMBRANCE : w -shea posltioiyas a companion for elderly or lr.a a iaay; maii wages; reiereucra. j- ud, cre crcgomah. .AI Y "v OULP LIKE TO EXCHANGE WORK far cciple of housekeeping rooms. Address B C9, ffo Orecontan. CI HELP. R. G. J9RAKE, 2COW 152 'formerly 270 M.). Phones. (701 Clay L.rYYISHES SALESLADY'S POSITION OR offlcev-ork. Call at 264 Yamhill St., room 1. OTN WOMAN WISHES WORK BY THE r-y rS)ir addrera 71 Union ave.. room IB. WANTED AG ENTS. IW AN ED GOOD SALES AGENTS E EVERY t-w in the United States to take orders for TOa4-t-order clothing; fit and. workmanship ET.aate-d; prices the very lowest; agents ax from $2 to $50 per week; a fine liise f samples with carrying case and lots of awY'-Uslng free; spring and summer 1000 ensiles now xeaidy: experience desirable but n-t jer-cssary, owing to the comprehensive Irs ic'lons and methods. Apply at once to te , cton Tailoring- Co.. Dept. H, Chicago, 1.1 icase mention paper. I TV V.I.D-AGENTS, RELIABLE AND WIDE- avrai- men to represent the best ana mos: x Tlve line of medium-priced merchant ti.iurr.g. All garments made to order only. T t K.J satisfaction guaranteed or money rttuS' 1, Sample outfits containing 300 st j les cf 1w latest spring novelties free upon aprll cn . r V. rite for parriculars and exclusive t try at once. The ireat Northern Wool--e-' M 15 rnerchant tailoring department, 5th a c &. Van Buren st., Chicago, Ut. TvANTT: LADY OR GENTLEMEN AGENTS t- tk territory to soil the new and won eru. Aultlfarium Remedies. Agents only nered to purchase $10 to $2000 of the med ."'u awarding to the value of the territory Crs red. Big seller, and large profits and a v-derful cure of all diseases. Send for clr ciar and other information. Address M, box C2S, Denver, Colo. lA-FN'T ON SALARY OR COMMISSION: THE greteet agent's seller ever produced; every -sar .t pen aw ink buys It on sight; 200 to C ) per cent profit; one agent's sales amounted t) SO) In six d&ys: another $32 In two hours. M rj-se Mf. Co., X 44. La Crosse, Wis, ILArY CLEARED $8 EACH DAY ET DECEM- ber .ntrooucaig our lectrlc medical garter. Y u can do It, or we pay salary $75 a month cai xpenses. Circular free. ' Agents wanted c crywhere, especially in Portland. Electric Mc. "il Garter Workst Cincinnati, O. ( :Y CLEARED S820. MAN S11S2 LAST SIX s-.r.ths Introducing Holladai'a Man-el Water- Pn f S1' -e Polish, self shining, rus&et and 'k. Why not you? Demonstrated samples 2ee. Ho'iaday & Co., room 300, 1SS Monroe et , C icago, sole mnf rs. ESr VtS GUARANTEED $10 TO ?23 EASILY rr ice di. ly. I guarantee to teach any bright c:n or voman the noble profession of Mag r.'.la Healing by mall or refund the tuition fee. Send for particulars. Prof. S. M. Ax te.2, Seualla, Mo. ('WANTED AGENTS. WRITE FOR THE grrtest seller ever produced. Every user of . rv t Is interested and will buy on sight. L.g profits tenormous bales. For particulars a :-cs3 PERFECTION GAS LAMP CO.. St. L .,s, Mo. AGENTS ?3 TO ?6 A DAY TO INTRODUCE tre greatest discovery or economical lighting, ligtt fuJy equal to Incandescent electric light, wte a jetter; no postal answered: $4.90 outfit 1-ee. Royal Safety Wick Co., dept. C G., Chl- TW ") FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN TO REPRE- seni us amor.g the leading merchants of Ore gon cur ne 100; permanent position, liberal g-oarantee and commission. The Eastern Mfg. Co Manhattan Bldg.. Chicago. 1 1 AGENTS START THE NEW YEAR WITH Kcc est 2oc seller on earth. Star Harness Men It big profits; sample free; also other nc .esltles. Graham Novelty Mfg. Co., St. Lo.s. 1 JACVTS A WHIRLWIND OF DOLLARS; ac jrg entirely new; will make you more rvr v tor next six months than anything in mc-.ia. Manufacturer. S2 W. Broadway, N Y. lACrNTS WANTED-r-TO SELL BOER WAR " it 7 Dr. MacKonsle. famous missionary; T i Z ses. all battles Illustrated, $1.75. Out fit f-eo American Pubitshiner House, Chicago. JI ? iTZ New Peerless Gasoline Laura: easi er b ited. most satisfactory; knocks all com P' ; agents coining money. Peerless Lamp v 2T.9 Railway Exchange bldg.. St. Xouls. JAN r GATED, RESPONSIBLE REPRE- sc- e wanted In your county; position x--r "cr. $80 weekly assured. American ? Correpoadnce, Boston, Mass. V ANTT-'-AGENTS IN EVERY COUNTY TO e? 1 FaTjily Memorials"; good profits and e oaly v vrk. Address Campbell & Co.. 550 F i st. Klein; i. iAIETT WANTED EVERYWHERE FOR r.r irrpr ved gasoline lamps; generates with a Trait-., reat sellers. Uakn Gas Lamp Co.. C 1, -go, 111. C.,c LINE LAMPS. MANTELS, CHIMNEYS. . lowest prices. Columbian Gas Lamp 3 V. orcester building, Portland. I IT"!.: VBLF STATE AND COUNTY AGENTS .ne swung Je. uimea Toilet Mfg. Co.. Dc er, Colo. . ITY SOLICITORS WANTED. MALE cr 'rmal", good pay. Room 47 Washington 1 . nsr IT' try Gas Lamp Co. light 15 hours 3 cts. i - ts -p anted. It. w. Manning. Agt., 43 3d. "WANTED TO RENT. f.W.NTD BY MAN AND WD7E, WITHOUT c - n two Housetteeping rooms; best of TcZ'-Tcztces. Address K CS, Oregonlan. VAVFr COTTAGB FOR THE WINTER. cc 1 le e;y ruraisnea; state location ana terms. Ax-1. 'ess W 60. care Oregonlan. VANS En 5 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE. CEN- JrtJ7 ix?.ea; rem. rajraaie. Aaarcss ii CO. care Oregonlan. lU'lP "W. NiTV-SMALL HOUSE. J J. CAREFUL tfrz Fbout jss 01 e jelcuu; references. 2 70, Orggonlsn. TVAXTED-TO RENT. GENTLEMAN AND WIFE WISH TWO OH three famished rooms in private family, or part of house. Clean, healthful, reasonable. G 60, care Oregonlan. IMMEDIATELY. STRICTLY MODERN 5 OR G-room cottage or flat, close In. Address H 70, Oregonlan. WANTEDTO RENT HOUSE IN SUBURBS, with land for chickens; near cars. Y 70, caro Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WISHES ROOM AND BOARD In private family; references. N CS, care Oregonlan. . WASTED-MISCELLANEOUS. BEST PRICES PAH FOR HOUSEHOLD FUR altuie of all kinds. In large or small lots. Aiso packing and storage at low rates. Address J. Keppel. SSS Slsth. Phone Brown C02. WANTED-MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO CARE for Invalid old lady and do light housswork. Fair -wages to right party. Position perma nent. Catl at 352 Union ave. north. BODY OF LAND SUITABLE FOR IgS trlal association, manufacturing and agricul tural; Southwestern Oregon preferred. -W-dress P. O. box S77, Portland. ROOM, WITH BOARD; BUSINESS PERSON: private family or small boardlns-nouse; S-5 or 30; describe room and else family. J w, care Oregonlan. ' I WANT TO BUY A LOT. CORNER PRE ferred, south of Morrison U not too far out; rtate price and location. Address T 6S, care Oregonlan. LOAN WANTED-$17.C00WANTEp FOR FI E eara on flrstolass Income-bearing property. at lowest rates of interest. W J, care Ore gondaiH WANTED-TWO LOANS. $2000 EACH; ilE residence property; No. 1 security; . per cent. Collins, 270l! Washington ei. FURNISHED SOUTH. SOUTHEAST OR southwest room, with stove or fireplace; state price. L C9, care Oregonlan DIAMONDS: WILL TRADE LOT ON Im proved street for cno or two good diamonds, F G9, care Oregonlan. W1XL PAY CASH FOR COOD SUBURBAN cottage; also for good rental property. 223 Abington building. WANTED A HOUSE AND LOT OR VACANT lot; part cash; must be a bargain. O CO, care Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD LODGING-HOUSE; GIVE location, number of rooms and price. J 10, Oregcoian. WANTED ONE YEAR; HOUSE. SMALL grounds, near car line. Address D., 22S East 40th si. WANTED-A FD3E-B0X BOILER OF 20 TO 30 horse-power. A. Z. Malone, 1072 Macadam street. A GOOD SECOND-HAND FARM WAGON, not less than 3-lnch. Address M CO, care Ore gonlan. WILL EXCHANGE BICYCLE, IN FINE ehape, for phonograph. Y C7, care Oregonlan. NICE SUITES AND SINGLE ROOMS, 228 Washington. . FOR RENT. Rooxnu. THE SPALDING. S. E. COR. PARK .AND Alder sts., under the management of the owner, Helen F. Spaldlnc " most complete apartment - house la thfr Northwest; choice rooms, for gentlemen or gentleman and wile; furnished housekeeping suites a specialty. LADY AND DAUGHTER HAVE "UNFUR ndshed upper part of house to let; good neigh borhood; very central; no children; references; reasonable. Address J CS, care Oregonlan. THE PLEASANTON. 288 THIRD ST.-FINE furnished rooms, en suite, single or house keeping; sunlight In all rooms; bath included; most reasonable terms: transient solicited. AT72 WEST PARK STREET IN PRIVATE family, you will find neatly furnished front rooms. wth furnace heat and bath, also one back room: prices verj- reasonable. 414 YAMHILL ST.-rLEASANT ROOMS. FOR gentlemen: bath, steam heat, telephone, all modern conveniences. FURNISHED ROOM IN NICE RESIDENCE, near Couch school, for lady or gentleman, in quiet German family; references. Address B C8, care Oreconian. OCCIDENTAL, 215 FIRST AND MORRISON Board, by Southern cook; rooms, suites, sin gle; every convenience; family housekeeping; reasonable. THE NEWCASTLE. S. E. COR. THIRD AND Harrison sts. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; all modern conveniences; references. FOR RENT AN ELEGANT FURNISHED room, la good location, 10 minutes' walk from postofflce; boarder if desired. 513 Third. A SUITE OF ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR ONE or two gentlemen, In private family, with or without breakfast. Q CS, care Oregonlan. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, with bath and gas; for one or two gentlemen. 23 North Sixth et., cor. Burnside. THE GILBERT LARGE. WELL-FURNISHE D rooms; all modern conveniences. Talrd ana Taylor sts. entrance. 207 Taylor. THE RAEUER, 3S0 MORRISON. AND West Park Nicely furnished rooms, en suite or single; strictly respectable. THE DEWEY LODGUn'GS ROOMS. REFUR nlshed. comfortably; also housekeeping rooms; low rates. 320 Front st. THE CASTLE. 372 WASHINGTON ST. ELE gantly furnished rooms, for gentlemen; tran sient patronage solicited. 221 13TH, COR. SALMON DOUBLE PAR lors. furnished or unfurnished; single rooms; bath; telephone; central. 1S7 CHAPMAN FURNISHED ROOM; ground floor, suitable for two; use of piano, phone; private famllr. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, IN PRIVATE family, with heat, bath; rent $6; gentlemen preferred. 256 11th. 1C9 WEST PARK NICELY FURNISHED front rooms, en eulte or single; rent reason able; quiet location. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM; USE OF bath; private family; rent $5. Address H CS, care Oregonlan. THE QUINCY BLOCK ELEGANT ROOMS: modern conveniences. J. E. Miuard, Black, prop. 345 First- A MUSIC TEACHER CAN HAVE A FUR nished room in exchange for lessons. 302 Chapman, street. 375 14TH. COR. MONTGOMERY SUNNY rooms, furnished or unfurnished; telephone; gentlemen only. A SUITE OF ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UN furnished, near Hobart-Curtis. Call at 474 Jefferson st. ' XIGHT. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM, with stove and use of bath, first floor, $5. 291 Columbia. TWO FRONT ROOMS. FOR HOUSEKEEPING; bath; private family. SI Ninth st., corner Everett. 102 FIRST, COR. MORRISON NICELY' FUR nlshod large corner room, very reasonable; gas. Are, THE VANDERBUHT. 3S1 YAMHILL ST. Newly furnished; gas, bath, heat; prices rea sonable. ONE LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED. CHEER ful room, la private family; reference. 206 13th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE family; one or two gentlemen. 304 Madison. Gilman Hotel Brick bldg.. central; furnished rooms, $1 vr week and up. First and Alder. FOR RENT A FEWT PARTLY FURNISHED rooms, at The Vanderbullt. 3S1 Yamhill. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR rent; cheap to gentleman. 170 13th st. 1C6 10TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT . room; heat, gas, bath, running water. TWO WELL-FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR bedrooms; private family. 274 Sixth. PLAZA HOTEL, 207 THIRD ROOMS. 25c TO $1 per night; $1.50 to $5 per week. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; USE OF bath and phone. 164 Park et. THE OCKLEY FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR gentlemen. 390 Morrison. FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH USE OF BATH S5 Seventh st, near Stark. LARGE. FURNISHED ROOM; REASONABLE terma 205 Sixth street. NICE FRONT PARLOR, BEDROOM AND other rooms. 255 Fifth. l TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 207 THIRD. FOR RENT. Room Wltli-Bonrd. THE VENDOME FAMILY HOTEL ELE gantly furnished rooms. Including sLeam heat Ind baths vrfthout extra charge; the table Is the verj' best; prices for room and board. $1 a day and upwards; fiiet-claas trade solicited. Cor. 13th and Alder sts. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 12TJ1 YEAR; rocma with board: enameled bath tubs; uso of "braVyY Woman's Exchange; Industrial School. Addre Mr.. E. v.. George, auperln ttndent. 510 Flanders gtret. GENTLEMAN AND WD7E DESIRE ROOM and board in private family with a few boarders; references given and required, a CO, care Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN CAN SECURE BOARD AND lodging in private family, close In; refer ences. Address S CS, care Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; FURNACE heat: modern conveniences: for gentlemen or gentleman and -ntfe. 454 Clay at. PLEASANT ROOM WITH GOOD BOARD FOR two women; $3 a week each; references.. Ad dress X GO, care Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM AND alcove, with board. In private family; phono and bath. S30 Fifth street. PLAIN HOME COOKING FOR TWO, OR UN furnished front bay parlor, cheap. 3S5 11th, near Montgomery. PLEASANT ROOM AND BOARD, FOR TWO gentlemen, or man and wife. 20 East Sixth, cor. Burns! de. GOOD BOARD AND PLEASANTLY FUR nlshed rooms, at Mrs. Montelth's, 4GS Yam hill. 324 SALMON ST.. NEAR SECTH-NICE FUR r.lshed rcoms, with board; heat, gas; reason able. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS: good board; cen tral: also table board. 1C7 11th. near Morrison WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. WITH GOOD board 735 Hoyt street. References exchanged. A FRONT SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH FIRST Class board, at Mrs. Strykers, 163 11th et. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM; ALSO other rooms; with f.rst-class board. 25 lltn. FIRST - CLASS ROOMS, WITH BOARD; phone and bath; private family. 330 Fifth. NICELY FURNISHED, SUNNY ROOM. WITH board, after Dee. 25. 141 West Park. ROOMS. WITH BOARD; REFERENCES RD qulred. 343 10th st. ROOMS. WITH BOARD, AT MRS. FULLER'S, 105 10th st. 475 WASHINGTON ST. FURNISHED ROOMS, with" board. Houaelceculnjr Kooiui. FOUR WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, INCLUD lng piano, sewing matnme, gas range, etc. 270 Morrison St., room 41. Call after 4 P. M. TWO LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT able for light housekeeping; private family; no children,: also furnished rooms. 428 Yam hill. ELEGANT UNFURNISHED ROOMS; MAG nlflcent view; modem conveniences; reason able; on car line. Brick house, Mount Tabor. TWO DE3D3ABLE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, on ground floor; central; bath, telephone; reference. 44C Washington st. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR HOUSE keeplng; use telephone and bath. 131 10th et., between Washington, and Alder. 231 MARKET LOVELY SUITE CLEAN, light rooms, furnished complete for housekeep ing; reasonable; no children. CHEAPEST UNFURNISHED SINGLE OR housekeeping room In city; respectable. Call 330 GUsan, Bt, cor. Eighth. 205 WASHINGTON ST. FURNISHED AND unfurnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; also sleeping rooms. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; alcove, pantry and bath; no chil dren. CO North 13th st. 43 GRAND AVENUE, NEAR PE$E TWO OR three neatly furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable; no children. 372 FIRST ST. FOUR ELEGANT BAY WIN dow. furnished housekeeping rooms; ?10; re-, spectable people only. 26S OAK. TWO DOORS FROM THIRD NICE ly furnished rooms, for housekeeping; also other pleasant rooms. FOUR NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH or without housekeeping- privileges; bath and phone. 474 Alder at. 3CS FIRST ST. THREE .LARGE SUITES, furnished, for housekeeping; rooms for gen tlemen and transients. " TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR housekeeping. $10: in private family; no chil dren. 205 Fourth. 435 ALDER HOUSEEKEPING, ALSO OTHER rooms, first and second floor; bath, telephone; desirable location. , FOR RENT TWO FRONT ROOMS, FOR light housekeeping, 4; references required. 1S2 Caruthers. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING, WITH pantry, water and piano; $11 month. 5SS Fettygrove st. 328 PARK ST. WELL-FURNISHED HOIISE keeplng rooms, for two; bath, sink, closet; first floor. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED complete: centrally located. W. G. Beck, 321 Morrison. 240 FIFTH ST., COR. 'MAIN TWO OR more rooms, furnished complete, for house keeping. " f 354 SALMON TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS, furnished, for housekeeping; gas range; no children. - 253 SIXTH ST.. COR. MADISON FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; all coneniences; best lo cation. 413 MAIN. COR. 11TH FINELY FURNISHED parlor and kitchen; telephone, bath; no chll drpn. SSS JEFFERSON Furnished flat. 4 rooms; 3 unfurnished rooms; other rooms; referenbes. S3 SEVENTH ST. TWO NICELY FURN1SH ed housikeeplng-rooms, with bath. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; very central. 213 Fifth st. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR HOUSE keeplng; lower floor. 170 Park st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, AT 26-1 Jefferson st., cor. Third. 72 OAK ST. FURNISHED housekeeping; upstairs. ROOMS FQR Houses. X FOR RENT MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE: GAS and electric light, all modern improvements, almost new, cement basement; 374 14th St., cor. Montgomery. Key next door. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH BARN, or barn for sale or rent separate. For partic ulars, call or address Package Delivery Co., 2C3 Washington st. FOR RENT CORNER HOUSE. 17TH AND Johnson, with all modern Improvements; 9 room. Inquire of A. B. Steinbach, Fourth and Morrison. ELEGANT 10-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE TO High school, to party wjio will buy new car pets In same at a sacrifice. V 68, care Orego nlan. FOR RENT SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. MOD ern, basement, electricity. Fourth street, cor ner. Pershln, 2CC JJadoay building. C-R. HOUSE, BARN ETC., C91 OREGON; also 31-R. house, $40, E. Side; one 15-R., with store, $25. R. G. Drake, 152 First. CENTRAL, NEW FLAT; COMPLETE IN every detail, $25. Inquire room 34, Russel building-. Fourth and Morrison. MODERN COTTAGE, EASY WALKING Dis tance from business center: cheap rent. 513 East Washington St., cor. 11th. $12 PER MONTH; 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ALL nicely furnished, complete for housskeeping; 2C9 East 37th et., near Taylor. NICE, MODERN CORNER COTTAGE. 325 Wheeler. McMillen'o addition, $12.50. Owner, 544 Overton, corner ICtn. FOR RENT FINE MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, South Portland. Furniture for sale. Cheap rent- Apply 235 Stark. FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, Belmont and E3fit 13th. Apply A. T. Webb, C03 East Morrison. FOR RENT QUARTER BLOCK. FOUR-ROOM cottage, stable; East 11th, corner Mill. In quire 320 Front. 264 14TH, NEAR JEFFERSON: FINE, NEW flat, modern and complete In every detail, LARGE MODERN RESIDENCE, EAST FORT- 1 ' land, $20. Manley & Rcuntree, 241 Btark Bt. FOR RENT. Furnished HonsoR. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED 10-ROOM house; favorably situated on Morrison street. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT, 6 ROOMS. FUR nlshed; rnt reaconattle to responsible parties. G 70, care Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED G-ROOM COTTAGE; gas and bath; 127 14th St., near High school. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 0-ROOM HOUSE; good location. G 60, care Oregonlan. Houm-n for ln-iH PurnltKre for Sale. THERE WERE QUITE A FEW BARGAINS In rooming and boardlns-houois listed with us the past week; - And i?sveral of those we had have reduced their price during the week. Two or three say they will give a little bet ter terms If they can sell this comings week. If you Intend buying a rooming, boarding or lodging-house, don't waste your time going anywhere else, but above all doa't buy until you see what we have to offer. JENNINGS & CO., 30D& Morrlsm st. A FEW GOOD HOUSES. WHICH MUST BE sold 11 rooms, very central, extra well fur nished, FS50; 13 rooms, near Hotel Portland, cheap rent, $700: that 22 rooms, nicely fur nished, all full, $1000; new. 20 rooms, steam heat, choice location, ?1530; several larger houses. Collins, 270 Washington st. FURNITURE OF 5 ROOMS EST A 7-RCOM house for sale: cheap rent; house near 12th and Yamhill. P CS, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW FURNITURE OF FIVE rcom cottage, house for rent. Inquire 167 Park. FURNITURE OF SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE TOR sale; house for rent. 2C3 Second street. Store. FOR RENT ALL OR A PART OF THE OS boroe brick warehouoe, 70x20 feet, with trackage facilities 17th and VauKhn streets. Inquire ft 225 Pine street, corner Second. 240 FIFTH. COR. MAIN FIRST-CLASS Lo cation for grocery store; good run of trade. Inquire upstairs. BUSINESS CHANCES. FIRST-CLASS LODGING-HOUSE, ELEGANT ly furnished and In line location; plenty of steady roomers, and Is a very desirable houpe for transients; steam neat and all modern convenience; best of reasons for selling. Party wishing to leave the city offers an exceptionally cheap snap in -a good, clean stock of groceries. JOSEPH M. HEALY, 200 Morrison st. ENORMOUS FORTUNES ARE BEING DE rived from the cultivation of coffee, rubber, oranges and other tropical products. Let us send you free a little book, showing how you may participate In these; profits without con flicting with your regular business. The Oax 'aca Co., 020 Fullerton bldg., St. Louis, Mo. FOR SALE TWO STOCKS OF MERCHAN dlse; a 515,000 stock of dry goods, and a $5000 stock of groceries. Both houses doing paying business; books open for inspection. Reason for Galling, we are going to embark in the wholesale business. Address Murphy & Stuohell, Baker City. Or. $600 FRUIT, CIGARS, TOBACCO, CONFEC tlonery, old stand, large stock, good fixtures, 3 rooms back. Also old-established grocery and bakery stock, fixtures, oven, team; about 51000; making money; owner in poor .health. Collins, 270 Washington st. WE EARN FROM 4 TO 9 PER CENT EVERY week on any Investment made with us. Not one dollar ever lest. Dividends paid WEEKLY. Beat of references and particulars furnished free. Write us. Co-Operatlve Trust Co. (In corporated), Chicago. WANTED-COMPETENT MAN WITH $2500 cash to establish and carry on branch busi ness; $150 pec, month and expeness; also ex tra percentage; permanent opening; refer ences required. Address Charles Miller, Boyce bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE "RESTAURANT; DOING LARGE business; not any better location in the city; want to sell soon, as present owner wishes to leavo city: Investigate Immediately. C. E. Bennett, 127 Fourth st. HOTEL FOR RENT PROPOSALS WILL BE received for a 3 to C-year lease of the Pen dleton hotel. Present lease expires July 1. For particulars address Frank B. Clopton, sec retary, Pendleton, Or. A FIRST-CLASS TAILORING BUSINESS FOR sale cheap, doing a good business in a town of 1500 inhabitant!. No opposition. Must sell on account of ill health. Address R 67, Ore gonlan. WANTED AN ASSOCIATE FOR A GOOD pajlng buslne3 In Cape Nome district; must have from $1000 to $1500. and not afraid of hard work. Address Y 00. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE THREE-ROLLER FLOURING mill, elevator and D acre3 land, Lincoln, Or. Hotel and feed stable, Silver Creek Falls (Ar gent!), Or. See Bozorth Bros., Salem, Or. PROSPECTOR, WHO HAS SEVERAL FIRST class mining properties which assay well, would like to dispose of one or more very cheap. V CO, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE GROCERY AND BUTCHER COM blned; seven years located, jvlth good cash trade; owner wishes to go East. Address IC C9. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE DRUG STORE; LONG ESTAB Hshed; good business; at one-half the price, on account of sickness. Addreta X G8, caro Oregonlan. SPECULATION: ?20 MARGINS 1000 GRAIN, 2c send for our booklet. Speculation free. J. K. Comstock & Co., 23 Traders' bldg., Chicago. BEST-PAYING OIL AND GASOLINE BUSI nefs In city for sale cheap, or will trade for part property. Call 104 Grand avenue. $250 CIGAR, TOBACCO AND FRUIT STORE, with back room; fine location, on Third St.; must sell. Collins, 270 Washington et. FOR SALE CANDY AND CONFECTIONERY store, doing a nice business, with tools for manufacturing, or not. 207 Morrison at. WANTED PARTY WITH CAPITAL TO JOIN advertiser .In laundry business; excellent op portunity. Q 57, care Oregonlan. ONE OR TWO STOREROOMS FOP. RENT: entire stock general merchandise for sale, or any part. 232-234 Russell street. FOR SALE NO 1 STOCK OF GROCERIES; cheap rent; fine Iocatlcii, none better. Ad dress C C8, care Oresonlan. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE; REASON able for cash; splendid Investment." Address H 06, care Oregonlan. EXCELLENT ROOMING-HOUSE, good income; a snap to a quick Abington building. NETTING Lsujer. 22a A FREE-MILLING GOLD CLAIM, 3 MILES 1 from Sumpter, for sale at a ov figure. V 59, care Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise; no fixtures. Address E. J., 2SG Sheridan st. $1200 MERCANTILE BUSINESS FOR $800, IF purchased soon; Investigate. Address A. E., box 273, city. FOR SALE FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY with wnall stock of groceries. Call at 150 Sixth street. GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE; NEW stock; fine location. Address D 58, care Ore gonlan. Exceptional business opportunity, bright, ener getic woman. 70 LeyIs building, 1 to 3 P. M. WILL INVEST $200 IN SOME BUSINESS AS partner or working Interest. Y 57, Oregonlan. IF YOU WANT A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND, call rooms 225 and 226 Abington building. LOST AND FOUND. LOST ONE LLEWELLYN SETTER; COLOR black and white, with Dlack spot on head; 1 year old. Reward will be paid on return to the Pacific Express Company, Fourth and Yamhill. LOST BETWEEN IRVINGTON AND MAR quam theater, Wednesday night, pair specta cles, In leather case. Finder will be reward ed, by returning to room S, 263 Yamhill. LOST A PAIR OF OPERA GLASSES. IN rose-colored bag, Wednesday evening, at Mar quam theater. Finder please return to 427 Washington st., and receive reward. LOST A LADY'S GOLD WATCH AND chain, between Burnside and Morrison, on Third. Suitable reward offered to finder. Re turn to Fred Fritz. 240 Burnside st. LOST TWO COWS AND A CALF. ABOUT mile south of Rockwood. Return or address John Antonio. Rockwood. Or. SPECIAL NOTICES. Masters' Notice. GERMAN SHIP NEREUS, CAPT. SCHULTE. from Kiantschour Neither the captain nor the undersigned consignees 'of the above named veese.1 will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted by the crew. Taylor, Young & Co., Agents. Portland, Or., Jan. 11, 1000. PERSONAL. EDISON CO.. AT 272 MORRISON. WILL have a, wonderful series of moving scenes, beginning Sunday, January 14, and contin uing all week, consisting of wonflerful scenes never before seen In America. Every lady, gentleman and child In Portland should see this wonderful exhibition. AdmUalon only 10 cents. Open from 1 P. M. to 10 P. M. daily. MME. ,ADWARDS. TEE GREAT ST. LOUIS inspiration medium; unites the separated, brings on speedy marriages to the one of your choice; results of law suit and business acu rateiy told; satisfaction guaranteed. 170 Third street, upstairs, room 1. Hours: 9 A. M. to S P. M., dally and Sunday. Feesv oOc LADIES. HAVE YOU WRINKLES. PIMPLES or a muddy skin 7" You can banish wrinkles and make the complexion clear and healthy by the use of our akin food. Formula ana full directions for preparing sent upon receipt of 10 cents and a stamped addressed envel ope. P. O. box 233, Portland, Or. GREEK RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC IS GUAR anteed to positively cure any and all forms of rheumatism, acute or chronic, very ciuickly. or money refunded. Imported directly from Greece, and can be had only from L. T. Lewis, 252 Washington St., Portland, Or. RIMLESS EYE-GLASSES. 1.25; NICKEL OR gold-lllled frames, with best leiwes, ?1; com mon glasses, from 25 to 50c. Eys tested fr.H by competent optician: lit guaranteed. Port land Jeweler and Optician, 132 Jirat St.. be tween Washington and Alder. WE PRINT 30 FINE VISITING CARDS FOR 25c: 50 In neat case 33c. Kh) 50c: visiting cards sent postpaid; 250 bu-sinais cards $1, 500 51.50. 1U00 ?2.50; other wori. in propor- , tion. Brown & Schmale, 220 First St.. Pert land, Or. ELECTRIC PARLORS. 193 FIRST STREET, treats all scalp diseases, removes dandruff and guarantees reetore gray hair to natural color without dye; removes wrinkles, and all blem ishes from face. Enlarging busts a specialty. MORPHINE-OR ANY OTHER DRUG HAB1T painlessly and permanently cured' at home. No detention from business or other Incon veniences. Trial treatment FREE'. O 5S, care' Oregcnian. VICTORY OF SCIENCE OVER DISEA5!-:. Cancer baffling general practitioner's skill yleids readily to our scientific methods. Mason Medi cal Co., 121 W. 42d St., New York. Book and advlco free. ' GOOD-LOOKING YOUNG WOMAN, OWNING landed estate, wants husband competent to manage same; must be good-natured and kind. "Miss May," 177 E. 40th St., Chica go. III. WATCHES CLEANED, Toe; MAINSPRING. 75c; clocks called for and delivered. All watch and clock repairing warranted one year. The Portland Jeweler.- 132 First st. Phone Black 937. ONE SUIT CALLED FOR. PRESSED, sponged and delivered every week, $1 a month. Also steam cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Unique Tailoring Co.. 347 Washington. Fhonea. $5 UPWARDS. SET OF TEETH. WARRANT ed; painless filling and extracting, from 50o up. Dr. Patton, northeast cor. Third and Washington. Open, evenings and Sundays. PARTIES SHIPPING HOUSEHOLD GOODS IN small lots to or from the East can learn some thing of advantage by addressing J. D. Hawes. 520 East 15th St., station A. Portland, Or. MEN-"GRAN-SOLVENT" BOUGIES WILL dissolve, absorb and forever remove stricture in 15 days. Cures while you sleep. TreatUs free. Dr. B. C. Carter. Bond Hill. O. FOR SALE-BOOK & STATIONERY STORE In good location; paying; must sell quickly. Investigate If you mean business; no reason able offer refused. P. O. box 009. city. BRIGHT YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WANTS to meet ihdy or gentleman with $100 to start paying office business; striotly confidential. Address E CS, care Oregonlan. MORPHINE, OPIUM. LAUDANUM, COCAINE habit. Myself cured. Will inform you of harmless, permanent home-oure. Mrs. Bald win, box 1212. Chicago. LADIES YOUR BUST ENLARGED 0 INCHES, failure Impossible; harmless; $100 cash guar antee; proof free. 'Leonard Medicine Co., Kansas City. Kan. MARRY LOVELY- WOMEN AND-HONORA-ble men. Many vlch. Send 2c for big list, de scriptions, residences. Kansas City, Mo. Mutual Exchange. OLD POSTAGE STAMPS. COINS. ARROW heada, Indian baskets and curiosities bought for cash. D. M. AyeriU & Co.. 331 Morrison st. "PALMISTRY" TAUGHT; THOROUGH PRAC tlcal manner, (wrlutii book included), reason able terms. Room V. 1S0 Fourth street. WANTED BY GENTLEMAN. A LADY FART ner; one who can hV manage a small place near city. Address W 57, care Oregonlan. PORTLAND ELECTROLYSIS PARLORS 15 1G Lewis building. c."jr. Park and Morrison. Lady operator. PhyskVans references. WHISKY. TOBACCO AN1V DRUG HABITS; cure guaranteed: new method; painless, per manent. Address M. D.. P. O. box 710. GUARANTEED CURE FOV. SYPHILIS AT any btago. Correspondence strictly confiden tial. T. C. Co., box 560. WANTEDLADY WHO CAIN SING AND play, as entertainer for genileman. Address J 70, care Oregonlan. LADIES, TRY ELECTRIC TREATMENTS. Room 31 Labbe building, ccr. Second and Washington. Wrnkles and all facial blemished removed hy electricity, cup. roller and Fponpt . Lewis big. REOPENED The Franclt roominn -house, for merly The Snowden batnhouse. 129 Fourth. SELECT MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC- LADY from Sam Frnrcco. Parlor 2G. 2CSV. Stark st. Otto Kllrijbell. mnjrr.etlc healer, 307 fist Sixth St., treats any sickness. Ore. phone Hcctt C93. Mrs. Dr. McCoy, electric treatments. La Porte houre, cor. Third and. Yamhill sts.. ro-jm 14. CLOTHES MENDED FOR L VDIES AN 0 GEN- tinmAn Arlv nt rnftTTi 4?i T.a-h-bo hull lins. tlemen. Apply at Carlott."'" Dream S'ip"ccl' s(MtIc; harmless: sure. 7: rj for Indies; antl 2 Marquam. WHV SUFFER LONGER- CALL AT H 3D north, matnet'c healer. Weltmer system. DOUBTFUL DRTS COLLECTED, where. 31 $ Chamber of Ccmrnerre. ANY- FOR MAS?iVGE BVTHS. Washington st.. room 3S. CALL AT 313 LOCK3LEY SLL. SEASIDE. OPEN ALL WIN- ter FINANCIAL. LIFE INSURANCE' POLICIES BOUGHT FOR cash or tajen as security mr ien iuuu. Eugene D. White &. Co.. 420 Commsrclal-bllc. Eugene ONE TO FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS TO . ..,!. ,iiir!tv 7 ner cent. '22(1 Ablnir- per cent. 226 Ablns , ton building. MONEY TO LCAN on any good security; strict ly private." Call "Mann C04 Dekum building. MONET TO LOAN on furniture or good securi ties. S. W. 3;ing, room 45 Washington blilg. LONS on real, personal, chattel or salary se curity. C. W. Pallett '-tlS Commercial block. WRITE ME; I'll loan ou monev on your furni ture, privately; low rate. S 43, Oregonlan. W4.NTED TO LOAN 53000 OR $4C00: GOOD iscurlty. Addi csj V 66. care Oregonlan. S1000 TO LOAtC ON GOOD INSIDE CITY property. 410 Vancomer avenue. Money loaned on chattels and real property, rea sonable. 012 Commercial bldg.. 2d and Wash. CHATTEL LOAMS ON low rates; private party. GOOD SECURITY; 319 Allfcky building. Loans on bicycles, ,-ilanoa and personal proper ty. W. A.- Hathaway, room 10 AV'aah. bldg. AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY TO INVEST $25,000 on lncome-leartng property. For par ticular address X 57, care OregOLian. $300 TC- LOAN AT S PER CENT FOR ONE year; irlvo description of property. H U9, care Oregonlan. $1000 O-A LESS TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city pj-operty. at B per cent; no commission. Addre3 O 66, Orectnlan. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON FURNf rare, ptano3. salads, etc. Can be paid la Installments, reducing Interest. Rates lower thsn tee lowest. F. W. Oraves, Mgr.. 2&j Aider, near 4th. ground floor. Tel. Green 444. S"00.000 TO LOAN AT 5. G. 7 PER CENT. City ar d suburban property for sale and rent. Agent t or Westchester Fire Insurance Cu. Wm. G. l?efk. 32l Morrison at. MONEY TO LOAN U SUMS FROM $25 TO $500. -on all classes of security. R. L. Ecker son & Co.. room 5 Washington building. MONICA LOANED on suburban real estate, or good tecurlty of all kinds: In sums to suit. W. H. I7unn 311 Macleay bldg. Phone Main 622. MONEY TO LOAN. HARTMAN. THOMPSON & POWERS, , 3 Chamber of Commerce. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agrlcultpgal Implements, Machinery. RUSSELL & CO ENGINES, BOILERS. SAW mills, threshers, horae-povers. Ji ueumouu JOHN POOLE; Newton wagons, buggies, wind mills, pumps, macalnery. Foot Morrison st. Art Goods and Picture Frames. BERNSTEIN'S ART STORE, 307 WASHING tonst.; great clearance sale; special bargains. Assayers and Analyst. J. H. FISK. MINERAL ASSAYER AND chemist; gold dust bought.' 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST. Gold dust bougnt. 22S Stark st. Attorneys. H. K. SARGENT; general practice, collections. Phone Hood 832. 718 Chamber of Commerce. EMMONS & EMMONS. Attorneys-at-Law, 623 025 Chamber of Commerce. Both phones 4. a. PAXTON. BEACH Sz SIMON. ATTORNEYis-at-law. 510 Chamber of Cora., Portland, Or. Bakeries. U. S. Bakery, Matschlner Bros., props. ; treads, calces, pies, pastry and crackers. 101 N. in. cor. Flanders. American Bakery; all kinds of bread, cakes. ple3 Gu3 Mankerty, prop., 500 Williams ave. Uarher Shops. HOWARD'S BARBER SHOP; FES'EST BRAND, cigars; ! expurt workmen. 206 Aider at. Barbcra' Supply B-ouae. G. N. W. WILSON CO.. BARBERS' SUP plles. SO Sixth st. Oregon phone Back 2000. Bnslcets. GRAND RONDE INDIAN SHOPPING BAS kfts. Res.. 121 13th. cor. Washington. Baths. DEKUM Bathrooms; popular baths, massage, electricity. 714-15-16 Dekum. Phone Red 215. Boole Stores. New and aecond-hahd school and other books. 03 Morrison at., between First and Front. ilovrlinc Alleys. THE BROWN BOWLING ALLEY, FOR LA dtes and gentlemen. 248 Grand aye. Complexion Specialists. Beautify and regulate your features; scientific mt-aioas. Madame Steele. 722 Marquam. Corniees SUyllsrhts. METAL SKYLIGHTS. GALVANIZED IRON cornlce3. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second street. Creameries. WASHINGTON CREAMERY; PURE BUTTJ-.K. cream; bakery goods. Both phones. G. G. Aiujyur. 42' Washington. Chinese Medicines. Dr. Ding Chong, 191 2d at.; Chlnete root medi cines cure all diseases. Examination free. Chiropodists. WM. DBVENY & MAUD DEVENY, THE 6nly scientific chiropodists, room 301 AUsity bldg., 3d and Morrison. Oreg. phone Urant lb. L. MITCHELL. PAINLESS CHIROPODIal. Olf flee 160 5tn at., opp. postoiflce. Tel. Hood Ul4. Miss Dart, chiropody and manicuring, room 50 Union block, 1st and Stark. 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Commission Merchants. HERMAN -METZGER, PURCHASER Ol? hides," pelts, fura, wool, mooair. tallow, oid rubber and old metal, and general commision merchant. Front st., near iiam. Pori-dna. Or. Cash advances on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO., SHU1 BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock building, Portland, Or. ALLEN &r LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duee merchants, Front & D sta., Portland, Or. EVERD1NG & FARRELL, commission, butter, eggs, chickens and farm produce. Portland. H. TUKE & CO.. 231 FRONT; FLOUR. HAY, produce, feed and groceries. Cisar Dealers. RAILROAD CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE; cigars and tobaccos. Fred G. Lent. 250 Alder. Dancing MlaaEd alATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANC lng, 269 14th. Private lessons by appointment. Dentists. HENRY P. O'CONNOR, D. M. D., 602 MAR quam building, Morrison St.. bat. 6th and 7th. DR. C. B. BROWN; tel. Ore. Red 2846; res.. White 634. 514-15-16 Dekum building. DR. FRANK I. BALL, DENTIST, ROOM 413 Dekum building. Phone Brown 4U4. Dental Supplies. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., Cor. Fourth and Washington sts. Dressmaking-. MRS. SADIE A. McKIBBEN. MODISTE: FINE uv tiling and street costumes a specialty. Tel. Scott 10I. 372 East Morrison. N. L. GUSTIN. FIRST-CLASS WORK. REA sanble prices, perfect flu 270 Morrison. MItS E. MCDONALD; FASHIONABLE DRESS making: tit guaranteed. 627 Washington. MADAME McINTYRE. PARLORS. 233 ttTH .-t.. cor. Maiilson, jSerfect lit guaranteed. Dycinjr and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, PROFESSIONAL DYER AND cleaner, i.ul 17:n. Telephone Red 131. Educational. Mrs. G. Smythe, late of Royal Academy, Lon don, Eng., will receive pupils for stage course, aloeutioii and music; stagu practice; club rates teciuced. A. O. U. W. bldg., studio 17 and 18. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fifth and Yamhill; A. P. Armstrong, Prln., J. A. Wescc. Sec. upen ah the year. Students admitted at uny time, catalogue free. HOLMES' ENGLISH AND BUSINESS COi-r-iee. 414- iarohtll St. English course; com nier.;al and shorthand Courses, send for cat alogue. Spanish lessons; Mrs. Wm. Webb Robinson, nee 15. McDonald. Selllng-Hirech bldg.. room 33. ALL ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT; twach erj prepared fur exaininaziort- 261 Yamhill. Electrical Engineers. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS, 302 - Wash. Ail kinds electrlca: supplies and repairs. Fence and Wire Worlds. PORTLAND WlRE & IRON WORKS: WTIRB and Iron fencing, office railing, etc. S34 Aider. OLD EAST. PORTLAND FENCE AND WIRE Works; A. Carlson: 2&9 East Morrison st. Harness and Saddles! THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. HAR ness and sole leather, saddlery, hardware, find ings and shoe store supplied. 73 Front st. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. WHOLE aale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and taddlery hardware. 72 Front st. Hotels. Hotel Vlllard; newly remodeled and refurnish ed; modern. J. E. Munsey, prop. 575 N. Front. Insurance. HAMBURG - BREMEN FIRE INS. CO.. 102 First st. Bojd Si Arnold. General Agents. Job Printers. CALLING AND WEDDING CARDS; FINEST quality, lowest prices. Rogers. 323 Mosrison street. Kindergartens. Miss Annie Mattlngly's afternoon Frobel Kin dergarten, 2C0 14th st. Tel. Brown 318. Laundries BEGIN THE NEW YEAR ARIGHT; HAVE the Model .Laundry do your work. Leather Findings. J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stocTc shoemakers' supplies. 207 Washington st. Lojrjrin;r Machinery. NEW DEVICE FOR SAVING WIRE CABLE on logging engines. E. Turner, 507 E. Oalcot. Magnetic and Electric Massage. MRS. ABBIB C. FRENCH CURES NERVOUS women without drugs. Co Lewis buildlnjf. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. aiarblc and Granite Works. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS; marbte. gran ite and stone work. Schanen & Neu. 2S 1st. ZUidfvivea. MRS. EHL. GRADUATE MIDWIFE, North 14th st. Telephone West 867. Mlnlntr. MONTANA METALLURGICAL WORKS. IN corporated. Sampling and assuylag; small kt of high-grade ores bought: gold and silver e lined, aunt rates allowed for gold: ebargej ores. alloy3. etc. gold $1.6. silver $I.SO, gold and sliver $2. lead $1.50. copper $1.30, slno $2.50, Iron $1.50, retorting amalgam $1.50. 3. Chase. President; J. T. Gove. Manager 92 First st.. Portland. Mining- Investments. OREGON EXPLORATION Cdl OFFERS SPE clal Inducements to Investors In Its wWe, rich field of operations, with no risks la pur chase or the worklns of mines. The eompMty owns a group of eight uuartz qlalme of gftt .promise. Only a smalt amount of stock ta n the market at a low price and easy tarras, as a large per cent Is held as treasury stock for the benefit of every share. E. A. Clem & Co., 515. 516 Oregon tan building, Portland. Or. SUMFTER MINES The greatest gold camp In North America. Keystone Btte. 10c; Ohio. 20c; Dtedem. lc; Northern Light. 5c- Developed awl undevel oped claims for sate. We can giv you the moat reliable Investment In mine. Damn McDowell Co.. 41 Sherlock bldg.. Portlaad. Or- FOR SALE MAGNOLIA MINING STOCK: W Btamp mill now in operation; will pay divi dends from now on. Call on or addrees C. S. Bilger. 33 Grand ave., Portland. Or. Minlnc Machinery. TATUM & BO WEN. 29 TO 35 FIRST 3-T.i mining-, sawmill, wood - working machinery; pumps; Hoe" saws. Medical. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE GREAT COL ored specialist of all kinds of diseases of both men and women. Every disease of the human body. Eyes, ears, consumpi'" asihma, ca tarrh, cancer, wen and ail other chronic dis eases positively cured In three weeks. Th dee tor can be seen at his new sanitarium. 174 Green ave.. 23d and Washington. Ladlesl ChJehestera Isngllsh Pennyroyal Ptlfc urn the best. Safe, reliable. Take no ottwr.. Send 4c. stamps, for particulars. "Relief r ladles." In letter by return mall. At Drug tUti. Chlehecrtr Cnerplcal Co.. Phlla.. Pa. DR. FLORA A. BROWN MAKES SPECIALTY of asthma and dUeasesof womn and children. Consultation and diagnosis free. 517-1S Tha Dekum. Portland. Or. Musical. ANCIENT TYROLESE VIOLIN FOR SALBr suitable for lady. Violin, viola and eornet les iwns; music furnlshd. Emll Thlelhorn. 269 Jefferson. Telephone West 10O4. EXPERIENCED TEACHER WILL MX change piano lessons for a bicycle, guitar or mandolin. Address M 90, eare Oregonlan. Lewoas 50c; piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, vio lin. Instruments for sale. Mrs. Martin. HH 1st.. MUSIC STUDIO. 141 WEST PARK, COR. AL der; piano, violin, guitar; terms reasonable. BERTHA V. CROSSE, TEACHKR VIOLIN, mandolin and guitar, room IS. 342ft First. Osteopathy. W. ALLARD ROGERS. D. O. OF A. S. O.. THE Portland Institute of Osteopathy. Marquara bulldin?. Hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. exeept Sun days. Investigation respectfully solicited. Con sultation free. OREGON INFIRMARY OF OSTEOPATHY: under the mtnas;mnt of L. B. Smith. D. , Suite 409 Oregonlan building. Examination free. Lady osteopath. DRS. NORTHRUP & ALKIRE. osteopathia!, rooms 415-16-17 Dekum block. Oregon phosa Main 3-19. Consultation and examination free. Orecoti Vlavi Company. Lewis bids.. Park and Morrison. Free Health lectures to women Thursday, at 2:20 P. M. Painters and Deilgncrs. Wm. Boog. practical painter, 22 Third at-Two-coat work. Hie per aq. foot. Estm. free. Palmistry. Miss Marie White, scientific palmwr. reads pasi and future correctly. Lewis b'dg.. room 68. Patents. T. J. GEISLER, 010-611 CHAMB3R OF COM.. Registered attorney U. S. patent ofllee. Photosrraphers. Bums, leadtns photographer. Sth and Morrison makes reliable photos at reasonable prices, f PhotoRraphle Supplies. WOODARD. CLARICE & CO.. WHOLESAL3I and retail, cor. Fourth and Washington. Real Estate. Loans and Rentals. J- ATKINSON. WAKEFIELD & CO.; ESTAJl lished I860. 227 Stark st. Restaurants. Strouse's Cafe: best 25c meal; famous coffee a ii4 cake. 10c. 222 Washington, bet. 1st and 2t"C Sanitariums. HOME FOR THE SICK: MRS. ELLEN TxJ UT. nurse; confinement cases a specialty. 255 F fta. Saw Mill Machinery. Chrlstenson-McMaster Machinery Co.; new ami second-hand machinery. E. Water & E T firr Sccond-Rnnd Goods. We buy everything clothing; furniture, etjq. Call or address 52 Third at. Telephone Hood 35. ShoTvcnses and Store Fixtures. DIXON. BORGESON & CO.. FRONTi" AND Washington sts. Spiritualists. MRS. WALLACE. RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT and psychic life-reader, consult her ta baal nwu9 affairs. love troubles, absent jfrtaKter good advice on mines; reading dally. OOc and up. 1G7V First street, office 7 and 3. , LARSEN. THE PALMIST. WILL TEI.L TH3 year when all leading events In life taj;e place; past and future readings. 50c. 285 Fl rst st. MRS. J. A. SMITH. MEDIUM AND MAGNET IC Iwaler, card reader; ores read ajid mlsea located. Room S. 22S Avasalngton. MADAM CATHERINE, THE GREAJT MBDI ura and clairvoyant, gives readings dally. Consult her. 280 Clay st. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. TEST MEDIUM; SIT- tlngs dally. 'Alisky bldg.. Third an Morrison. MRS. STEVENS, Psyhic. Inspiration writings. 25c. Sittings dally. 50c up. 342 First st. ASTROLOGY, reliable delineations afl30 taught. 0 to 9. L. K. Adams, S3 Park- Store and Office Fixtures. F. GROB & CO. FURNITURE MAJDE TO OR dr, 30-1 East Burnside. Storage. OVERLAND STORAGE WAREHOUSE. Fourth and Dals. Merchandise a specialty.. Insuranco rates low; storage raten reasonable. Careful attention given to cc entry consign ments. TeL Or. Main 777; Coloaibia 6.6. Storage and Transfer. SAFES PIANOS. FURNITURE MOVED AND packed for shipping. C. M. Cea. 12S First. Tel. office. Main 10S7: Black JM1. STORAGE AT LOW RATES CAN BE HAD at Fred Blckel's storehouse. 3S. iXbrth Front. Transfer and Storase. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED. A. I. Mirphy. First and Taylor. PS one Black 2303. Veterinary Surgjeon. G. W. Vaughn. V. S.; all diseases: special at tention horses teeth. Tel. Hood 723. 122 60. TVatchranfcers and Jewelers. CHAS. A. GIRT. WATCH CLEANING. 3b; other work, in proportion; guaranteed. 302 1st.. "Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sta.. Portland. Or. "Wholesale DrxtSTKisti. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO.. WHOLESALU drucglsts. corner Fourth and Washington. "Wines and IJquors. Fine wines, liquors and cigars: free hutch; everything first class- Tola Perkins, 329 Frsn. WILLIAM TELL SALOON; CHOICE WINES and liquors; Sao lucch;bcer, 5c 211 AKSr 1