The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 14, 1900, Page 24, Image 24

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Commercial Club Gathers
'Round the Festal Board.
Captain Cofrhlan, of the Raleisrli,
Wm an Honored Guest Festiv
ities Continued Z.atc.
The Commercial Club's annual banquet
last cvenins tvas a very enjoyable aftalr.
There was a strong corps of speakers,
eamo of -whom are quite prominent in every
walk of life. The purpose of the club was
not one-sided. Commerce was not the eole
topic of the evening, nor even the main
one, although those In charge sought to
emphasize that primary object of the
club'e existence. Military men of promi
nence, distinguished members of the army
and navy, leading officials of the state and
city, as "well as professional men and man
agers of the great business Institutions of
tho city, joined In a cosmopolitan love
feast, in which Oregon was first on the
tongue and the nation second, with the
commercial supremacy deftly interwoven.
2Yoni the early hour it which the mem
bers of the club and their invited guests
took their seats, until long after midnight,
the large dining-room of the club resound
ed with music and hilarity. The toasts
were pleasantly blended. Business inter
ests alternated with jocularity In a man
ner well adapted to the occasion. Along to
wards the wee hours of the morning
spirits were high, and the staid, quiet
thought of business and duty were less
frequently heard. There was a glow of
patriotism when James Laldlaw, British
consul for Portland, took the floor In re
sponse to a toast to the queen, and one
could not mistake the predominate sym
pathy for England in her struggle with
the Boers. State patriotism was ram
pant when General Summers and Chaplain
Gilbert josponded to toasts peculiarly
adapted to their experiences during the
late war with Spain and the Filipino ln
eurrectlon. Decorations In the large dining-room of
the club were tasteful and appropriate.
State pride, national patriotism and city
traditions combined agreeably. All was on
the simple, yet plain order, attesting to the
taste of Steward Colson, who superintend
ed the preparations for the banquet and
the proceedings so far as art was con
cerned, and the wants of the inner man.
The decorations were more chaste and
beautiful In their purity than was the
menu In Its simplicity. Oregon cedar,
woven into pretty festoons, stretched from
pillar to chandelier, was draped along the
walls, and formed pretty spiral wreathes
around the columns supporting the celling.
In every niche and corner were numbers
of palms and potted plants, forming an
attractive nest of rich, green foliage. The
chandeliers were wreathed with delicate
vines, through which protruded numerous
email flags. Fine lines of bunting stretched
from one part of the room to the other.
The whole was pretty and yet plain.
The list of guests was quite long, but
all of them were not on the programme
lor speeches. Care was taken in selecting
those for this purpose to have such men
as had particular significance in the events
upon which they ppoke. Captain Cabell
spoke on the "Army": Captain Coghlan, on
the ''JJavy"; General Summers bn "Ore
gon and Her Soldiers in the Philippines";
James Laidlaw on "The Queen"; W. "W.
Cotton on "Columbia River and the Pa
cific Gateway to the Orient"; Bev. W. i5.
Gilbert on "'The Oregon "Volunteer," and
Colonel J. G. Day on "The Ladies." The
invited guests were: Governor Geer, Mayor
Storey, General Summers, C. W. Fulton,
W. W. Cotton, Bev. W. S. Gilbert, I.
2C. Flclschner, Sanderson Reed, Captain
C. "W. Langfltt, Captain Taussig, Lieuten
ant Olmstead, Captain Cabell, Captain
Coghlan, James Laldlaw, Secretary of
State Dunbar and the members of the
Boyer Glee Club, consisting of Messrs.
Boyer, Hogue, Zan and Montgomery. E.
T. Williams, president of the club, presided
in a very pleasant manner, while General
Charles F. Beebe, chairman of the recep
tion and entertainment committee, with
the other members, received guests and
made all feel most pleasantly at home
All guests were present by 8 P. M., and
a few minutes after that hour they were
conducted to their respective places. "When
everybody was seated, it was seen that
this was the most imposing banquet in
the history of the club. There was hardly
a vacant seat in the large dining-room,
which had been apportioned with especial
referenco to giving all opportunity to hear
tho speakers, who were arranged at the
toead of the tables, alongside of the presi
dent and his subordinate officers. The
menu, of course, was the first discussed,
and here the steward again came in for
praise. Hte arrangement consisted of the
following courses:
Eastern Oysters.
Celery. Salted Almonds. Olives.
Green Turtle aux Quenelles.
Black Cod a la New Bedford.
Haut Sautemo
B. & G 1874.
Potatoes Parislenne.
Croquette St. Hubert
St. Jullen
B. & G., 1S7S.
French Peas.
Filet of Bf-ef a la Chambord.
Mallard Duck au Cresson.
Asparagus Bavigotte.
Pommery & Greno
' Bruit
Napolitalne Ice Cream.
Cakes. Bon Bons. Cheese.
Fruit Coffee.
Liqueur. Cigars.
President's Address.
President E. T. "Williams arose at 10 P.
M. to deliver the president's address. Out
of courtesy to the numerous speakers on
the programme, his words were few and
strictly to the point He spoke of the
fact that the most successful year In tne
history of the club had just been closed,
which justified an unusual celebration.
He hoped that the banquets of the Com
mercial Club would develop until they
were as widely known as the annual feasts
of the chamber of commerce of New York
city. He also commented on the fact
that the committee of arrangements had
given place for two toasts of vital im
portance, which were concerning commer
cial development of the state and North
west At the close of his brief remarks
Jie asked those present to drink with him
to the toast, "The President of the United
States." Immediately the orchestra of
Emll Thlelhorn, which discoursed sweet
music throughout the evening, struck up
"The Star-Spangled Banner." The ban
queters arose with one accord, and toward
the close joined in singing the patriotic
lr. "When this was finished. President
Williams announced that the next toast
would be "The State of Oregon," to whicn
his excellency. Governor Geer, would re
spond. The Governor's Speech.
Governor Geer was humorous In much
of his remarks, as usual, his words con
taining many sound thoughts, that elicited
strong applause. He said in part:
"While those of us who are sitting around
these tables may differ as to the questions
of expansion, the currencj' problem and
many other questions that vex our minds
end make us prematurely gray, we are
as a band of brothers in the belief that
Oregon is tho best state in the Union, In
which we live, move and have our being,
and no matter whether through the chanct
which made us native sons or whether
through fortunate circumstance that has
made up adopted citizens, we are proud
of our heritage, and will religiously guard
its good name and interests. More than
that of any other country, perhaps, docs
the settlement of Oregon read like a Tell
Bustalned rotnaare. There was no well-
authenticated information as to Its peculi
arities and advantages, but with a sort of
Indistinct Intuition the pioneers of the
Western states seemed to reason that fur
ther west was a land better than yet oc
cupied by the human race. The belief In
Western emigration as a means of finding
a better country has dominated the minds
of men since the earliest history of the
race. Since the morning stars sang to
gether there has never been anything like
an eastward movement, and It Is very sel
dom that an individual goes East save as
a means, by contrast, of confirming his
loyalty to the West."
Governor Geer drew interest by reading
extracts from speeches delivered by Sen
ator Dlckerson, of Now Jersey, delivered
in 1S2S, when congress first took notice of
the Oregon territory. These were for the
benefit of the antl-expansionlsts, who op
pose the government's policy in the Phil
ippines and the West Indies. The sen
ator's remarks that it was impossible,
owing to distance and difficulties interven
ing, for Oregon ever to become an active
member of the Union, were particularly
appropriate, and he closed his speech be
fore the senate by stating that Oregon
would never be of any pecuniary advant
age to the United States. Mr. Benton's
fight for the distant territory was likened
to the effort of the expansionists of tne
present time. Speaking more directly of
the state's conditions. Governor Geer said:
"Oregon is bounteously supplied with
natural conditions, that, if intelligently
applied, will insure her a permanent place
among the most prosperous states. It Is
not necessary to enumerate them; this
has been done thousands of times. What
we need most now is helpful legislation
and business energy and acumen. Gentle
men, most of you are business men of
Portland, and I trust that you have an
adequate conception of the extent to
which the development of the state de
pends en the policy of the men who shape
your b"-Iness interests. There is no
rivalry c tween your city and tho re
mainder o the state, but Instead, a com
munity ot interest If such a feeling aver
existed, I am sure it has vanished now.
and that we who are grangers from habit
and choice and Interest are proud n cur
contemplation of your history until we
come to your last assessment roll, and
there we draw the line. Hereafter, when
a Seattle man asks me what is the mut
ter with Portland that the value of Us
property has decreased more than $10,000,
000 in the most prosperous year in the his
tory of the country known, I will reply
that she Is dominated by that same blush
ing modesty that constrains the average
wealthy man from publishing to a curious
world the sum total of his wealth, or any
thing near it But, now that we are talk
ing confidentially among ourselves, you
will find It will be money In your pockets
If next year you will voluntarily add $15,
000,000 or $20,000,000 to your assessment roll,
Instead of making a further decrease."
The Day We Celebrate.
The next toast on the programme was
"The Day We Celebrate." which was re
sponded to by H. M. Cake. Mr. Williams,
in announcing the speaker, was generous
in his praise of what was to be expected.
Mr. Cake devoted his time entirely to the
history of the Commercial Club, -weaving
eloquently into the duties of the club
some of the demands of the city and state.
He traced it from its early birth until the
present date, speaking particularly of the
first president, Henry Hahn, and the man
who, as chairman of the board of direc
tors, Dr. C. H. Wheeler, was to be cred
ited with much of the success of the pres
ent occasion. Mr. Cake spoke In warm
words of praise of the work accomplished
by the soldiers In the recent war, and the
wonderful opportunities opened to Port
land as a result of their work.
The Mayor Speaks.
Mayor Storey followed hdm in response
to the toast, "The City of Portland," In
which he enumerated numerous advant
ages possessed by the metropolis of the
Northwest He traced the growth of
Portland, particularly from the time he
came here, and suggested many of the Im
provements that ought to be made, such
as a drydock, woolen mill and various
other factories. He thought the present
value of city property rather higher than
the assessor had placed it on his rolls.
The Q,neen.
James Daidlaw, her majesty's consul
for this port, spoke in response to the
toast, "Tho Queen." Mr. La'dlaw was
heard with more than passing interest
by the thoughtful members of the assem
blage. The British national air, "God
Save the Queen," was played by the or
chestra when he arose, and every person
at tho tables arose and joined In singing
the tune so sacred to America's cousins
across the Atlantic Mr. Laldlaw devoted
most of his tlma to discussions of the
present difficulty in which Great Britain
was Involved. When he said, with much
force and fervor, that his country was
fighting in the Transvaal today for free
dom, there was a general clamor of assent,
and cries of "Hear, hear." He said great
mistakes had been made and might be
made, but the ultimate result would not
change for that reason. If it required 13
years of preparations and war, Great Brit
ain would establish freedom In all tho
South African possessions owing her al
legiance. During Mr. Daldlaw's remarks
there were frequent interruptions of as
sent, and before he finished everybody
rose to drink to the success of the English
troops in South Africa.
Oregon's Soldiers.
The next speaker was General O. Sum
mers, who responded to the toast of " Ore
gon and Her Followers In the Philippines."
The general gave a short history of this
regiment from the time it left Portland un
til Its arrival in San Francisco. He said
the Second Oregon was fhe first regiment
to leave the boundary lines of the United
States for foreign Invasion. It was also
the first regiment to land in the Philip
pines, and it was the Oregon band that
played "The Star-Spangled Banner" while
Old Glory was being raised- over Manila.
Ho paid a very high tribute to General
Dawton, under whom he served, and for
whom the country is now mourning. He
explained that General Dawton had an
equally good opinion of the Second Oregon.
On General Summers bidding him good
bye, just before leaving the islands, Gen
eral Dawton said: "Colonel, you are going
home, and you are going to take back
one of the best regiments I have ever seen.
I regret to lose you; but you do not follow
militarism as a profession. I do."
W. W. Cotton was then Introduced, and
spoke on "The Columbia River the Paclflo
Coast Gateway to the Orient" In a
good-natured way he upbraided the citi
zens of Portland in their lack of Interest
for the welfare of the city. He paid a
great compliment to General Beebe in re
gard to his trip to Washington, with the
well-known results. He explained to
those present the lack of transportation
facilities here, and told them they were
the men to correct this. 'It Tests on
you," he said. "If you don't do it, you
have yourselves to blame."
Captain Cogrhlan's Remarks.
Amid great cheering Captain J. B. Cogh
lan was Introduced and announced to
speak on the United States army. After
reminding the audience of the rivalry be
tween the army and navy, and, according
lngly his awkward position in speaking on
this topic, he said: "It Is not a sane man
who can read our history and compare It
to the history of other countries, who can
not say the army's record is the most
glorious In the world. The army has
always been victorious. It may here or
there have lost a battle, but It has always
come out victorious In the campaign. We
have always won and alwajs will win.
We always will win because, as all English-speaking
nations, we have one object
In view liberty to all nations."
After continuing in the strain for somt
time, he said:
"Gentlemen, now let me speak in favor
of the other service for a short time. Or
course, I am prejudiced in favor of the
navy, for I have been in It for 40 years.
We have been unsuccessful in but three
engagements a record anybody might be
proud of. Our greatest battles have been
with our own people. I come from Illi
nois, where I have always had to teach
my people that the navy wasn't one ship.
I explained that we need a navy, r wltn
ships In different parts of the world, to
protect our commerce; but only the people
on the seacoast know this. That Is one
reason why I thank God for the Spanish
war. The people in the interior regard
us all as dudes and aristocrats. Yet our
greatest naval hero Is every bit a dude.
You know who I mean, Admh-al Dewey.
He paved tho way for your general In the
Philippines. He Is a real dude, as far as
dress Is concerned. He likes to dress
well. In fact, he likes to do everything
well, and he does It There is no man that
brought more glory to his country than
Admiral Dewey, not only In the battle
field, but also afterward." Some one here
shouted "Hoch der kaiser." Captain
Coghlan continued: "I spoke about that
once. I had to prove it wasn't a speech;
but I came out the little end of the horn."
He then spoke on the topic of the volun
teers. He greatly eulogized them and
showed how the country has always won
with them. "It is true, we did one time?
get men by draft, but the "wind was not
blowing our way," and thus he summed
up the situation with a pun.
"Our Sister City" was responded to by
C. W. Fulton, who began by compliment
ing everybody, including the queen. He
referred to Captain Coghlan as being "the
man who had the nerre to sing what wo
all thought." The principal part of Mr.
Fulton's speech was on the subject of the
Improvement of the Columbia river, which
ho said must have a 30-foot channel from
Portland to the 6ea.
Rev. W. S. Gilbert, former chaplain of
the Second Oregon regiment, spoke on
"The Oregon Volunteer." It was 1 o'clock
when he began, and said he was glad to
see the Commercial Club at a Sunday
morning service, and would omit the col
lection. He then paid an eloquent tribute
to the Oregon boys In the Philippines.
"Our Sister Clubs" was responded to by
Sanderson Reed for the Arlington, and
I. N. 'Flelschner for the Concordia Club.
Each of these gentlemen made happy
The last toast was "Tho Ladles." Colo
nel J! G. Day responded In a bright and
humorous speech of 10 minutes, during
which he paid a glowing tribute to woman,
who, he said, was day by day reaching
higher andhlgher ideate.
The Guests.
Those present were:
E. T. Williams J. Mel. Wood
Gov. T. T. Geer E. D. Taussig, U.S.N.
H. M. Cake Wm. D. Wheelwright
C. W. Fulton George Taylor
R. L. Durham Alfred S. Beebe
AV. W. Cotton Capt W. C. Dangfitt
F. I. Dunbar Murland Evan3
Rev. W. S. Gilbert Dr. A. Ti'ger
Gen. O. Summers Geo. T. Gerllnger
F. G. Buffum Norman Ellsworth
J. G. Day Dr. Sandford Whlt
33. M. Bi annlck lng
F. W. Isherwood Gen. C. U. Ganten
J. H. Lothrop beln '
W. C. Puffer E. E. Merges
J. W. Mathena E. C. Johnson
W. B. Steele Wm. Harder
W. L. Boise Ben. Neustadter
D. Walker C. E. Juston
W. H. Harris J. H. Kern
Alexander H. Kerr Wm. P. Llndley
J. E. Wolff Dr. W. B. Glafko
Mayor W. A. Storey Charles Collins
C. B. Williams Chas. L.. Mastlck
J. B. Coghlan, U.S.N.Fred Tj Keenan
Gen. Chas. F. Beebe F. A. Hugglns
James Laldlaw S Benson
Alfred Tucker Ralph Prager
C. Cleveland Fred H. Rothchlld
Al. Cleveland Ed. Ehrman
Captain Roberts M. Blumauer
E. Schiller S. B. Huston
Dr. R. D. Gillespie S. C. Spencer
N. Poston W. A. Cleland
G. A. Heidlnger Sanderson Reed
Chas. A. Burkhart I. N. Flelschner
Fred A Ballln C. H. Wheeler
Dr. E H. Thornton Chandler Bloom
Frank D Zimmerman C. J. Owen
S. H. Cawston Edw. R. Kimble
C. V. Cooper W. W. Phillips
M. J. Buckley H. W. Hogue
J. T. Graham W. H. Boyer
H. W. Goddard Dom J. Zan
C. H. Markham Wm. G. Oberteuffer
Lieut. P. N. Olmsted Henry Goodman
E. J. DeHart S. S. Diamond
Goorsre &. Balier to Entmee In Theat
ricals Blsevrliere.
George I. Baker, assistant manager of
the Marquam theater, and councilman
from the third ward, has decided to leave
Portland and embark In the theatrical
business elsewhere. Mr. Baker's deter
mination was made after receiving a num
ber of tempting offers from theatrical
managers, as well as from several well
known stars, who were desirous of secur
ing his services. Although these offers
aro still under his consideration, however,
he has not fully decided to accept any of
them, having always cherished a desire to
manage a company of his own. His plans
for the present are indefinite, beyond the
fact that he Is fully determined to leave
Portland and to try his fortune elsewhere.
for a time at least Portland, he says,
will always be his home, as he has many
Interests here, and during 11 years' con
tinuous residence here has made many
friends. His family will remain here, and
as he expects In the future to bo on the
road, he will return at frequent inter
vals. The relations between Mr. Baker and
Manager Heillg have always been most
pleasant, and both regret that they are
now to be severed. Mr. Baker has been
connected with the Marquam for the past
10 years, during the last three of which
he has been assistant manager. In this
capacity, as well as that of councilman,
and. superintendent of the exposition, Tie
has come into close touch with the pub
lic, and has made hundreds of friends.
He has also formed the acquaintance of
theatrical people from all over the. coun
try, and on a recent trip to New York
these acquaintances resulted In his receiv
ing several good offers which he has since
been considering.
Mr. Baker will not leave Portland till
the end of the season, as his term In the
council does not expire till July. In leav
ing Portland ho gives up political pros
pects which many men would stay here
years to gain, but he says he Is now out
of politics entirely. In such leisure as
he may have between now and July he
will look around and see if anything of
fers more suitable than the plans he is
now formulating, for he is anxious to em
bark on an enterprise which will yield
returns when he leaves his home in Port
land. ConEp?cgntlonaIists Not First.
DA GRANDE, Or., Jan. 11. (To tho Ed
itor.) Permit me to offer a correction of a
slight inaccuracy In the otherwise excel
lent letter of your correspondent, the Rev.
Arthur W. Ackerman.
He wrote: "We (1. e., the Congregational
church) were the first on the ground in
America." Now I am quite willing to con
cede that New England has played a
largo part both in politics and religion.
But "there are others!" I believe that
the Mayflower arrived December 22, 1620,
but the settlement of the colony of Vir
ginia was begun at Jamestown In 1607,
and the colonists were mainly church
men and built a church for divine ser
vice, according to the use of the Church
of England.
Dot me explain that the use of the
word "churchmen" Is historical and not
arrogant. Neither the Pilgrims nor Purl
tans would have had any use for such a
name as the "Congregational church."
They were called, and were quite content
to call themselves, "Independents," "non
conformists" or "dissenters," although, of
course, under new conditions, the use
afterwards of the word "church," as well
as "society," may have been natural
Rector of Str Peter's Episcopal church.
0 E
Praise for Greater Sew York.
Mrs. Adams road a delightfully interest
ing paper on "New York as a Metropolis"
before the Congregational Literary Cub
on Wednesday afternoon, dweUng most
particularly upon the noble philanthropies
directed toward the women bread-winners
of that city. Miss Mav Berdori presented
"Old New York," dwelling upon the days
of New Amsterdam, and thus the great
city was reviewed from its birth to the
present. Mrs Frank J. Raley sang two
contralto solos In charming style. Re
freshments and a social hour closed a
pleasant afternoon.
She Wants $1000 Damages Because
He Cnused the City- Water to
Be Shut Oft.
Dinah L. Dudley has sued Perry G.
Baker for $1000 damages in the state cir
cuit court because she was ejected from
a lodging-house by alleged unusual means.
For cause of action she avers that Novem
ber 23, 1S99. the defendant let her the
premises known as 123 Eleventh street for
the purpose of conducting a lodging-house,
the tenancy being: from month to month,
and she fitted up the house with furniture
valued at $105. On January 2, 1900, w4tn
the rent for the coming month duly ten
dered, Mrs. Dudley states that Baker un
lawfully trespassed upon the premises, and
abusively ordered her to vacate forth
with, and threatened If she did not obey to
turn off the water and leave her and the
tenants without such supply. Being un
willing to leave, the plaintiff avers that
the defendant carried his threat Into exe
cution. Further to annoy her, the plaintiff al
leges that Baker locked, the door of the
toilet and carried off the key, and she
also charges that he requested the city
authorities having control of the water
to refuse her the use of the same. The
w ater, she avers, was turned off by means
of a. stopcock In the first story of the
building occupied by one Malone. Mrs.
Dudley asserts that she paid the water
Tent on January 2, and Frank T. Dodge,
superintendent of the city water depart
ment, sent an employe to turn on the
water, and Baker, declined to permit It to
be done, and said he would Immediately
and repeatedly turn It off. Malone, acting
under defendant's instructions, it Is al
leged, refused to allow plaintiff or her
agent or the city authorities to turn on tne
water. The water closet, it Is asserted,
became offensive, and the plumbing in
spector was called' in and he notified
Baker to abate the nuisance, which tne
latter would not do. The plaintiff avers
that she was accordingly compelled to va
cate the house on January 8, and sold her
furniture at forced Bale, wherefore dam
ages are asked.
Probate matters.
A copy of the probate papers from
Kenanneo county, Wis., In the matter of
the estate of Wenzel Pohl, deceased, was
filed here yesterday. The estate is valued
at about $4000. The widow, Anna Ponl,
and Emll and Rudolph Poht sons of the
deceased, reside In Portland.
Tho will of Frederick Deverell, de
ceased, was admitted to probate, and Jane
Deverell, the widow, was appointed exec
utrix; She is the devisee of the real and
personal prbperty, valued at $2000.
The final account of Georgo Tuttle, ex
ecutor of the will of John Tuttle, de
ceased, was filed. The receipts were $1122;
disbursements $312; attorneys' fees $50; ex
ecutor's commissions $S6, leaving $667 to
be distributed to the legatees, being $166
to each.
Pauline Rolosky, guardian of Moses and
Samuel Rolosky, minors, petitioned for
authority to, sell 160 acres of land in
Clackamas county to provide means for
their support. She states that the land
brings in no Income and is a burden to
the estate.
Tho inventory of the estate of George
H. Freeman, deceased, was filed. The
valuation Is $416.
The final report of S. W. Simmons, ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry Wil
son, deceased, was filed. The receipts
were $S25 and the disbursements $S09. The
principal item was the funeral bill of F.
S. Dunning, $591. The estate altogether
Is valued at about $12,000, and proceed
ings to escheat the property to the state
were recently begun by Attorney Chester
V. Dolph.
Albin Floss, administrator of tho estate
of Frederick Adler, deceased, was author
ized to sell the personal property.
A petition for leave to sell the personal
property of William McKenzle, deceased,
valued at $222, In Multnomah county, and
$146 In Klamath county, Or., was sub
mitted. Fannie Wheeler, guardian of John Tall
man Wheeler, a minor, was empowered to
sell lots In Marshall's, and Stephens' ad
ditions. R. W. Patterson was appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Nellie Cohn, de
ceased, on petition of the husband, Her
man Cohn. The estate is valued at $400.
Isaac L. White, administrator of the
estate of Ella White Tichner, deceased,
and Moses L. Tichner, guardian of Hen
rietta M. Tichner, a minor, were "author
ized to consent to a lease of two lots in
block 281, Couch addition, in which the
estates haye an undivided one-third in
terest, for $75 per month.
Robert Livingstone, administrator of
the estate of Kenneth Macleay, deceased,
reported the sale of lots 6 and 7, block
15, Couch addition, to Anthony Neppach
and Hannah NIcolal, for $2400, and $100
was paid as a deposit. He stated that the
purchasers now demand an abstract of
title to the property, and the administrator
asks for Instructions from the court.
In response to the petitions of Lena Col
lins and Eliza Shlpman, devisees of the
will of Annie Voos, deceased, the court
ordered the executor to file hl3 final re
port on or before February 1.
Benjamin I. Cohen, administrator of the
estate of S. Clinton Hastings, deceased,
petitioned for leave to sell 50x100 feet at
Twenty-first and Gllsan streets, In order
to pay $314 charges of administration.
The heirs all reside in San Francisco,
Maurice Liebman, administrator of the
estate of Charles Guttman, deceased, filed
his report, which was approved. The at
torney's fees were $250 and the executor's
commissions $133. Some litigation was con
ducted without avail. The heirs reside
In Germany. Guttman unfortunately had
"If you could hear all the experiences
I have been at some pains to Investigate,
you would put a warning In the largest
type on the boxes of Grape-Nuts ahd
beg (?) consumers to limit themselves to
the amount mentioned in the directions.
"True, you do say 'Grapa-Nuts food is
condensed; eat but three or four heaping
teaspoons at a meal; but the food seemed
to fill such a long-felt want, and every
one found It so delicious, either alone or
in combination with some other material,
that, overlooking the small type announce
ment of Its being condensed, they have
eaten too much, and when tho body Is
repeatedly given more food than It can
use. even If that food be most delicious,
there is a natural revulsion and the long-looked-f
or- and valuable food Is laid as'de.
"I advise persons who have had this ex
perience to put Grape-Nuts on their menu
again and eat never more than four tea
spoonfuls at a time. Then one gets the
powerful rebuilding strength of the food
and looks forward with zest to each com
ing meal It-has been a great blessing to
our family." Mr3. W. P. Baker, Los An
geles, Cal. i
Sensible Hint :
3 on FoodL
js From a
H California
1 Woman S
51-plece Imported English semi
porcelain dinner set, latest y
shapes and elegant decoratlons.$5.90
Glass set sugar, butter, spoon
holder and creamer worth $1.. .70
Peppers-salts, each .05
45c pitcher 30
40c drinking glasses, doz 25
25c large glass dish 15
Furniture Coverings
4Qc damask, reduced to 32
60c tapestry, reduced to 48
75c velours, reduced to 60
EOc corduroys, reduced to 63
This elegant suit, never before sold
for less than $13.00, with bevel mir
ror most of his money In the Portland Sav
ings and other banks which have since
Trying: to Collect Jndgrment.
Lucetta Beers, who obtained a Judgment
against Robert Hanlln for $500, amounting,
with costs, to $680, for personal injuries
is still trying to collect the money. Yes
terday morning the case was before
Judge George for hearing upon garnish
ment proceedings against C. A. Ayls
worth, a merchant at Latourell Falls.
The court took the matter under advise
ment Counsel for Mrs. Beers attempted
to show that Hanlln owns a part of the
stock of goods. The answer filed admits
that prior to January 12, 1S99, Hanlln and
C. R. Aylsworth, a son of C. A. Ayls
worth, were proprietors of the store, but
on that date, it Is alleged that the firm,
being indebted to the elder Aylsworth, he
took over the property and has since
retained Hanlln as manager. Mrs. Beers
avers that Hanlln disposed of his partner
ship Interest to defeat the collection of
her claim.
Nerr Mining Companies.
Articles of incorporation of the Blue
Mountain Tellurium ' Mining Company
were filed yesterday in the office of the
county clerk. The capital stock Is $1,000,
000; Incorporators, A. D. Charlton, H. C.
Bowers and James A. Clock. The objects
as announced are to operate mines In Ore
gon and to do all things necessary thereto.
Articles of incorporation of the Lost
Horse Gold Mining & Exploration Com
pany, Baker county, Or., were filed. The
objects are to locate, acquire and operate
mines. The incorporators are J. H. Mar
shall, E. A. Clem and O. S. Ohlson,
and these, with A. C. Young, F. E. Don
aldson, Al Hudson, C. M. Russell, Otto
F. Olson and A. S. Dresser, constitute
the managing trustees.
v .Divorce Suits.
Maggie Barger has sued Jame3 Barger
for a divorce in the state circuit court,
and for the custody of the two minor chil
dren. She accuses the defendant of having-
abandoned her in September, 1893, and
of not contributing anything to her sup
port or that of the children since that time.
The plaintiff avers that she Is owner or
land In Clackamas county, in her own
right, and asks the court to so decree.
Jennie Bruce has begun suit against
Robert W. Bruce for a dissolution of tne
matrimonial bonds, and asks to be re
stored to her maiden name, Beals. The
litigants were married at Vancouver,
Wash., in 1891, and tho plaintiff says her
husband abandoned her in March, 1896.
Edith G. Hunt seeks to obtain a divorce
Fourth and Morrison Streets
New Zylonite Plate, Double Suction New Flexible Adhering Plate
Hove your teeth out In the morning and qo home
with new ones the same day.
A Full Set $5.00 We Guarantee a Perfect
Fit or No Pay.
AU dental work examined by professional manager.
J. S. Walter, registered dentist.
Set of Teeth $5.00 Best Teeth, S. S. W. .$8.00
Gold Filling $1.00 Gold Crown $5.00
Silver Filling .. 50c ,
We do not compete with cheap dental work, but do all work at prices as low as consistent with first
class work. We have always INSURED ALL OUR WORK FOR 10 YEARS with a protective guarantee.
N. E.
Lace Curtains
95S3 Nottingham 75c to 50c
S7S7 Nottingham $1.25 to $1.00
8S02 Nottingham $1 25 to $1.00
8S23 Nottingham $1.75 to $L25
8821 Nottingham $1.50 to $1 15
SS11 Nottingham $1.75 to $1.25
S744 Nottingham $2.50 to $1.95
1106 Nottingham $3.60 to $2.00
900 Ruffled muslin $1-25 to $ .95
1011 Ruffled muslin $2.25 to $1.70
9SC Fish net $2.00 to $1.60
6S0 Ruffled net $3 50 to $2.75
391 Ruffled net $3.00 to $2.50
451 Ruffled net $4.50 to $3 50
All Swiss and Irish point curtains
at similar reductions.
Fine suit 8 pieces, antique ash,
French bevel mirror, worth $18.50,
special for
from George W. Hunt because of cruel
treatment There are three children as
the issue of the union, of whom she de
mands the legal custody. Mrs. Hunt
avers that the defendant has been guilty
of outrageous and contemptible conduct,
applying to her tho most infamous and op
problous epithets, and cursing and swear
ing at her and her mother and the chil
dren. She states also in her complaint
that her husband has frequently struck
her and worked himself into such par
oxyisms of rage that she has feared for
her life. The parties were married in Iowa
in 18S9. Mrs. Hunt filed an affidavit to tho
effect that the defendant has threatened
to take the children from her If she ap
plied for a divorce, end the court Issued
a restraining order, enjoining him from
In any manner Interfering with her or tha
children, or going about the premises oc
cupied by the plaintiff.
Court Notes.
The Schuman-Wager tombstone case
occupied the time In Judge Sears depart
ment yesterday,, and at the adjournment
hour was continued until Tuesday, Mon
day being motion day. The plaintiff called
witnesses In rebuttal yesterday to prove
that the sandstone used was of good
quality, to contradict the evidence of de
fendant's expert witnesses that the stone
wa3 very poor stuff. There was much
other evidence about the breaking of the
monument, and considerable sparring was
Second and
Needles and Fixtures Kept.
who have had years of experience in all prominent
cities, and who are without equals anywhere in the
world. These men make the most beautiful work
known in this line of work, not only beautiful, but
natural, durable, and, moreover, most comfortable to
Pleased and grateful people are loud In their
praises of their work, and every day finds new pa
tients in our parlors, sent there by former patients,
who feei that they owe it a duty to their friends to
send them to the very best place to have their work
done where they will-receive the best work and most
courteous treatment.
Aside from the specialists In bridge work, we have
specialists In plate work, who are world-renowned,
men of superior Intelligence, who have devoted their
whole lives to this work.
OTnATTIflMC branch. He is employed from
I"A I K Al I I 111 1 morning until night every day in
Ll I lirtV HviWthe year at this one branch, simply
because his fame In this line has gone abroad to
such an extent that people from far and near crowd the
office to have their teeth extracted at the only place
where It Is done absolutely without pain.
His reputation comes from years of successful practice.
Tapestry Curtains
J 711 Stripe, worth $2.75, for $2.23
S75 Tapestry, worth $2.50. for.. ..$1.95
301 Tapestry, worth $4 00, for.. ..$2.90
500 Tapestry, worth $3.75, for.. ..$2.30
9S9 Tapestry, worth $4.75. for.. ..$3.50
1633 Tapestry, worth $4.75, for.. ..$3.50
725 Tapestry, worth J6 00, for.. ...$3.50
1900 Tapestry, worth $7.00, for.. ..$5.50
5200 Tapestry, worth 56 00. for.. ..$4 25
2069 Tapestry, worth $10.00. for.. ..$3.75
605 Chenille, worth $3 00, for $2.30
uo jnenme, worm -.w, ior.. ..$s.3
874 Chenille, worth $5.00. for $4.10
746 Chenille, worth $2.50, fee.. ..$2.00
TemDtine: reductions in couch covers
and rugs.
m Suits
Regular $25 00 suit, beautiful dark
golden finish. 24x30 French-plate mir
ror, while they last
Indulged In by Attorneys Ed Mendenhall
and R. R. Dunlway. The trial will doubt
less close on Tuesday, although mora
evidence Is still forthcoming.
Of Handsome Far Garments Will Be
Sold. Itegnartllena of Cost,
The underslgnedvwlll sell the entire stock
of handsome fur garments of every de
scription at retail, together with the store
fixtures of Applegath & Prasll, 143 Third
street. Portland, Or. The sale commences
tomorrow (Monday), January 15, 1900, and
will continue from, day to day until tho
entire stock Is sold". This will be a rare
opportunity to secure a fashionable fur
cape, collarette or neck boa at less than
manufacturer's cost. Tha goods must bo
sold, and exchanged for cash to satisfy
the creditors. The stock is new and
strictly up to date.
A. C. Emmons, Attorney for Creditors.
If Baby Is Cnttinj? Teeth,
B sure and tiao that old and wall-tried reined?.
Mrs. "Wlaslow's Soothing" Syrup, for children
tethlnT' It soothes the child, softens the sums,
allays all pain, cures wind colic and diarrhoea.
OOC99O08OO9O9OOO9tlO090fl4 9
Morrison Streets
Of gold -which take the
place of plates are handled
in our olHce by specialists
Of teeth Is a featuro of our work
In the hands of a specialist who
devotes his entire time to this