The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 14, 1900, Page 19, Image 19

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Mother on the "Hill" Do Xot Talco
at All Kindly to tlie Doctrine
of Original Depravity.
""Mrs. McCline is one of those good
Christian -women who, having successfully
:rought np her own family to years of
iccountablllty and reduced her husband
a. state of permanent weakness, jroes
ibout instructing her neighbors how to
l-kewlse. Indeed, she regards herself
p the light of a home missionary, and
said neighbors are the heathen at her
"She has leng looked upon the HiU
a field white for the harvest and has
lade more than one attempt to 'enlighten
jut ignorance and convert ns, Indlvid-
:a..y, to a knowledge of the error of our
iys. These efforts, I feel free to con
fess, were not crowned with success, and
less determined woman would have giv
en up and left us to our fate. But Mrs.
:CIine is not a person to be discouraged
?y failure. The difficulty and Indiffer-
3nce which she encountered served only
a spur to further action, and when
Jclas boy arrived and Kittys baby
:ame, a welcome third to her little flock.
ta say nothing of Fulton, jr., and my own
sonny infant, she saw an immediate and
imperative need for reformatory meas-
"About this time, Mrs. Becksmith, "who
young and pretty and gentle, a combi
nation of lamb and dove and kitten.
scved into the Hubbard house, across the
Istrcet, and modestly acknowledged herself
Itho mother of Ave boys, the oldest not
yet 9 years of age.
"And the need grew. Something must
ibe Czt.o, and lrs. McCline was the person
fto do it. and thai is why the 'Child-Cul-Itvo
C:ib' was started." Mrs. Ingoldsby,
3who is herself the prettiest, as well as the
ly ur"est of the mothers on the "Hill,"
flaugl-pd gleefully.
Weil," I cried impatiently: go on!
ITThat did you do?"
Knew Wbnt They "Wanted.
"Wo haven't got any further than the
E first meeting yet, and we didn't do any
fthlng. It was Mrs. McCline who did It
I Mrs. McCline and Mrs. Farley-Haus, who
I agisted. They began by calling on Mrs.
jF-',ton and asking for the use of her
parlors, on a certain afternoon, when they
Irroposed to organize a "Child-Culture
Ciib.' Mrs. Fulton's parlors, being the
srost spacious on the H111,' they explained
that It seemed advisable to come to ber,
rather than to any of the rest of us.
Tley suggested that it would add to the
i Treasure of the occasion if she would
S serve refreshments at the close of the
business part of the meeting. She need
!txt S3 to a great deal of trouble tea and
wafers, or if the weather should turn
out warm, ice cream and cake or some
thing of that sort, you laiow. Refresh
ments always broke up the stiffness and
put people at their ease, and they wanted
the mo .hers to f eel at home. Since the af
fair was to be at Mrs. Fulton's house,
they said it was proper that she should
send out the invitations. Taking cog
nizance of the fact that all of the moth
ers in the neighborhood were their own
nursemaids, she was further requested
particularly to instruct them to secure
the services of a small girl for the after
noon. Tne babies, tney explained, couia
be collected at one of the several resi
dences on the 'Hill and the small girl
j .a.ced in charge.
' Mrs. Fulton is always obliging, you
i knov; so she said, certainly, they could
have her parlors for the meeting, and she
v J" 1 invite the neighbors. But she fol
lowed the fashion of the locality by doing
her own work, her baby was just get
'ng over the wbooping cough and was
trr - ng besides, and she could not possl
1 .y manage the refreshments, notieyen -tea
ar J rake. So they omitted that part of
tvo programme and set Thursoay of that
week for the meeting.
' Mrs. McCline said the Invitations had
better be written ones. But it isn't an
ccy matter to write with a teething
ba'oy hanging over one's arm, and so Mrs.
Fulton threw a lace scarf over her head,
ticked Fulton, jr., into his perambulator
and silvered them verbally, as she gave
her infant his dally airing, going up one
side of the street and down the other. I
em her nearest neighbor on this side and
she came here first. Of course. I said I'd
be lvppy and so on.
"She mentioned the advised provision of
tv.e small girl, but said she wouldn't trust
Ful'on, jr., to any girl living, large or
small, and she knew the rest of us well
enough to know that we felt the same
way, and so she was going to ask us to
bring our children. And we, every one
of us, did.
Not One Korgroitcn.
"Three o'clock was the hour, and we
oil went early. Delia took her two; Mrs.
Carter was there with the twins they are
just beginning to talk and are the sweet
ex t, cutest darlings Kitty had her little
flc.k, and Mrs. Fulton's cousin brought baby. Mrs. Becksmith was the last
to arrive, with her five boys, crowding
and clinging to her skirts. Johnny, next
to the baby, had fallen off the back porch
the we'ek before and broken his arm, and
In consequence required particular atten
tion. "That front parlor fairly swarmed with
young ones, and we were all having the
mest delightful time, comparing notes
and babies and commenting and admir
ing, whn the doorbell rang and In sailed
Mrs. McCline, with Mrs. Farley-Haus in
her wake.
"They looked somewhat surprised and
nonplussed at sight of the children. But
Mrs. McCline recovered her self-command
at once and said she would advise the re
moval of the juvenile portion of the au
dience to the back parlor.
"Delia let her little girl go, but kept
the b y he is just six months old and
trrlng to talk already. Mrs. Fulton re
fused to banish Fulton, jr., on account of
his teeth, and I held on to my baby, of
course. I explained to Mrs. McCline. and
to everybody in general that my Flossie
was the quietest child In the world and
wouldn't disturb even a Quaker meeting.
I guess Kitty and Mrs. Fulton's cousin
fe't the same way, for they sat perfectly
st..i, while Mrs. McCline and one or two
of the mothers proceeded to herd the tim
id 1'ttle flock into the back parlor and
close the doors. Mrs. Becksmlth's Johnny
refused to be parted from his 'ma,' and
I.fted up h's voice and wept, when Mrs.
Mcw"llne took hold of bis arm to facilitate
his exit. It happened to be his lame arm
that she touched, and I suppose she hurt
it Anjiay, Mrs. Becksmith gave her a
look that meant whole volumes, and said,
with a firmness not to be misunderstood,
I will keep him with me.' Mrs. Beck
smith is new to the 'Hill, but we all
felt acquainted with her after that, and
liked her.
Mrs. McCline Explains.
"Well, after the excitement, growing out
of the removal of the kids, had cooled
down, the meeting opened in regular or
der and Mrs. McCline explained the aim
and object of a 'Child-Culture Club,'
dwelling at length upon the pressing need
for just such an organization in this par
ticular locality, a-t this particular time,
and the great benefit which we would de
rive from It.
"We were all young mothers, she said,
and naturally inexperienced and ignorant
of the troubles and trials in store for us,
and for all motherhood. Then she read
some tracts.
W. C. T. U. leaflets?" I suggested,
ic- I knew Mrs. McCline.
"Perhaps so; they looked like tracts,
nowevc" and they treated of the dangers
and incidentally, of the duties awaiting
young women wbo were rash enough to
rush Into matrimony, without prayerful
preparation. She plainly implied, by her
tone and manner, that she held us accused
of just such thoughtlessness.
"Kitty whispered to me, behind Mrs.
Carter's chair, that we might as well
plead guilty. Her previous petitions, she
was willing to acknowledge, had been
solely for a chance to 'rush.'
"Mrs. Farley-Haus followed Mrs. Mc
Cline. with, something out of the Union
Signal, on the disastrous effects of alco
hol upon the offspring, when Imbibed by
nursing mothers. Though doubtless true,
this did not impress us as being much
to the point, we were, none of us, given
to alcoholic indulgences.
"Mrs. McCline said that young mothers
could not be too particular about the
food they provided for their children. She
argued that food Influenced character, and
that a coarse diet produced a coarse na
turefor instance, if you fed your child
on pork, he would develop the nature of
a pig; If you gave him roast beef, he
would grow up stupid and dull a regular
bovine, in fact; tea and coffee affected
the brain and were absolutely dangerous.
"I was in some doubt as to the diet
which I was just then keeping my own
baby upon, and I thought this an oppor
tune time to ask for advice.
" 'I am giving my baby rice Jelly and a
little milk I said.
Effect of Rice.
"Oh! exclaimed Mrs. McCline; 'I
would not feed her rice. You know the
Japanese live almost exclusively on rice,
and see how diminutive they are in size.
"What -would you do lf,I tried to kiss your
"Call for help."
"That would be entirely unnecessary. I shouldn't want it." West End.
I would not advise rice for an infant; it
will surely dwarf her stature, and pro
duce objectionable Oriental traits of
"I asked what she would suggest In
stead, but she didn't seem to be able to
suggest anything. Mrs. Farley-Haus,
after a season of meditation, said I might
try 'Mlxem's food, at which there was
a perceptible sniff from every mother
present. Patent foods for babies are not
in favor on the 'MIL
"So we dropped the question of feed
ing, and Mrs. McCline proceeded to read
another Installment of leaflets. This time
thev treated of family affection, and
dwelt upon the necessity of the parents
winning the regard and respect of the
child while it was yet an infant, and she
supplemented the leaflets with remarks
of her own, which might have been more
effective but for frequent interruptions.
Every time she got fairly started, Delia's
boy would yell, 'Goo-goo,' and 'Ga-ga-ga.'
This would amuse the twins, and start
them up, and as for my cherub, I never
knew her to be so restless and noisy.
She fussed and fretted and 'Ya-yaad' at
every word Mrs. McCline uttered.
"Delia proposed, at last, that we take
the babies home, but Mrs. Fulton said
no'; it was to be a 'Child-Culture Club,'
and the children surely could not be an
objectionable feature. So we staid4 al
though it was perfectly plain, and grow
ing plainer every minute, that the pro
genitors of the club would be glad to
dispense with the children altogether.
"No mother, Mrs. McCline declared,
should neglect to win and retain her chil
dren's love. She should cultivate the
habit of kissing them good-night and
good-morning If the children exhibited
a carelessness about this demonstration,
they should be compelled to submission,
until the habit became fixed: otherwise
they would grow up cold-hearted and in
different to the claims of parental affec
tion. I want to save you young mothers
from the mistakes I made,' sho added. 'I
would give a great deal if my boys and
girls had formed the habit of kissing me
when they came and went. A mother
misses these things,' and she sighed.
" 'I should think so,1 cried Kitty, and
Delia said, in her impulsive fashion,
'Don't they kiss you, ever? O Mrs. Mc
Cline, how sad!'
Indifferent Fathers.
"And really we all felt sorry for her.
If the meeting had adjourned right there
but it didn't, and Mrs. McCline went on
to say that fathers should bo encour
aged to notice their offspring. Fathers,
particularly young fathers, she thought,
were too prone to indifference. It was
not so much from lack of affection as the
effect of habit, and she urged the moth
ers present to see to It that their hus
bands shared the responsibllty of bring
ing up the family. She further advised
us to be very careful as to how we pro
ceeded in a matter so delicate as this.
Husbands were difficult to manage, and
we must exercise caution, or we might
do more harm than good. Sho thought
the best way to induce the father to take
notice of the baby would be to put It
in his arms when he came home in the
evening, and ask him to hold it while
wo performed some trifling but Impera
tive household duty. This would secure
his attention without exciting suspicion,
and, above all things, we must conceal
our real design in the matter. Men were
naturally obstinate, and if they suspected
that you wanted them to do anything,
they would die sooner than comply with
your wishes.
"Alas, we were never to let the father
see the baby when It was not freshly
dressed and in a good humor. A man
was always more or less aimbyed by a
dirty or a fretful infant. We looked at
each other, smiled faintly and were silent.
Perhaps it was because of our Inexperi
ence that we had never discovered these
masculine traits in our husbands.
"After this, it was Mrs. Farley-Haus'
turn to address the meeting. She prefaced
her remarks with extracts from a house
hold journal, on the proper care of nurs
ing bottles, and went on to say that, to
her certain knowledge and experience, all
children were naturally depraved and in
clined to evil, and only the strictest
watchfulness on the part of the mother
could counteract the inborn tendency,
early manifested, to He and steal. 'Any
one, she said, 'who had much to do with
small children must be convinced of tho
truth of the doctrine of original sin,'
That Settled It.
"If she had dropped a dynamite bomb
In the middle of the parlor floor and blown
us all to 'kingdom come' the effect could
not have been more Instantaneously dis-
astrous to the 'Child-Culture Club1.' How
ever, she didn't seem to notice the sud
den change in the local atmosphere, for
she went on explaining to us how we
were to handle these offshoots of evil.
"Delia was the first to 'find voice; indig
nation and horror held the rest- of us
silent, I suppose. But Delia is always
impulsive, and she burst out with: 'Do
you mean to say that children, little chil
dren, like this baby of mine, and like Mrs.
Becksmlth's Johnny, can actually com
mit slnr
" 'Why, yes,' replied Mrs. Farley-Hauu.
'The Inclination to evil is noticeable In
even the youngest Infant. It Is a painful
fact, and that Is just why I wish to im
press you young mothers with the crying
need of beginning early to discipline your
children. A child's education and moral
training begin, or should begin, in the
" 'But,' objected Mrs. Becksmith, a faint
flush dyeing her delicate cheeks and an
ominous flash in her eyes, 'I have been
intimately associated with little children
for the past eight years, and I have never
yet detected, or even suspected, the pres
ence of the depravity you insist upon.'
" 'Nor I.' cried Kitty; 'I think children
are angels, who leave their wings in
heaven for safe keeping when they come
down here to brighten this wicked old
earth. Any woman who thinks babies
are bad doesn't deserve to have them.'
" 'The idea,' put in Delia, 'that this
il r -u.. l.. In
i SWeet, pure, SPOUSE pieco Ul uuuiaiuijf in
tainted with original sin is preposterous.'
and she hugged her boy up against her
flushed face and looked ready to chal
lenge the world In defense of Ms blessed
" 'I know my baby Is next door to an
angel,' cried Mrs. Fulton, smothering Ful
ton, junior, with kisses, 'and I don't
think it is Christian to mention little chil
dren and sin in the same sentence.'
Not Easily Put DoTvn.
"But Mrs. Farley-Haus was not to be
put down In this fashion. She sighed.
'It Is because you are ignorant and inex
perienced that you hold such sentimental
notions,' she said. 'When you are older
you will look at the matter rationally, as
I do.'
" 'Not if the matter happens to be a
baby,' said Kitty, with emphasis.
"Mrs. Farley-Haus looked hurt and of
fended, and Mrs. McCline was rallying
to her support, when we were startled by
a wail from the back parlor that brought
every mother present to her feet and
caused an agonized rush toward the fjold-ing-doors.
"It turned out nothing very serious,
after all. One of Mrs. Becksmlth's boys,
experimenting with the patent rocker,
had smashed my Irma's fingers just
enough to justify a protest But, in the
commotion caused by this lucky accident,
the 'Child-Culture Club' was quite for
gotten. Kitty gathered up her brood and
departed, and the rest of us were not
slow to follow. Of course we bade a cour
teous 'good afternoon' to the projectors
of the club.
"Mrs. McCline assured Mrs. Fulton,
after wo were gone, that she was by no
means discouraged. It would take time,
she said, time and patience, to Impress
us with a due sense of our solemn and
sacred responsibilities as mothers. Still
the second meeting of the 'Child-Culture
Club has not been called, and we are
wondering if it ever will be."
Will Precede General Miles at All
Ofilclal Functions. -
When Admiral Dewey and Major-Genr
eral Miles are present at an official func
tion, the former, by reason of his higher
rank, will, precede the major-general of
the army. The question of the precedence
of Admiral Dewey has been causing the
expenditure of considerable gray matter
among the social leaders of Washington.
It had been supposed tnat the army, be
cause, of Its seniority over tho navy, would
give General Miles precedence, but con
sideration of the army and navy regula
tions bearing on this point shows conclu
sively that General Miles, being of lower
relative rank, must taken second place in
official functions attended also by Admiral
The army regulations' and the "navy reg
ulations, which are identical on this point,
announce, says the New York Herald,
these as the relative ranks of officers of
the two services:
General (vacant).
Major - General Miles,
Mcrritt and Brooke.
(OUb and four
First Lieutenant.
Second Lieutenaitt.
Admiral (Dewey.)
Rear - Admiral, senior
erade (McNair and
eight others).
Rear-Admlral, Junior
Cromwell and eight
Lieutenant. Junior
At the White House reception on New
Tear's day, Admiral Dewey assumed a
position Immediately after the diplomatic
corps. General Miles, as the head of the
army, followed the admiral, and after the
army contingent had been presented to
the president, the remaining na-val officers
attending extended their felicitations for
the new year to the chief executive.
Freaks of Explosions.
Gunpowder explosions have cne re
markable feature. The bodies of persons
killed in such an accident are always
found without clothing,' but frequently
one foot will have the, shoe -on. This is
true of horses also. If one of the feet is
in the air and another on the ground, the
shoe will be found torn from the foot
that was on the ground, and not from the
other. -
"When men are killed In powder explo
sions the foot that happened to be in the
air when the shock came will be found
wearing tho shoe, while"" the other foot
will be bare.
He Is Not Quite Certain Even That
We Sleep, bnt He Docs'Know
We Don't "Waste Time.
"If a slow-witted and slOYr-moving Eng
lishman desires a liberal education, let
him take a journey on tho steam cars In
the United States. While an Englishman
on a railway journey is generally dressed
in rough and loosely fitting tweeds, sug
gestive of a country life and of sport,
the coat of his American cousin is of dark
material and has not a superflous inch
of cloth. From his collar to his neat lit
tle boot, the American Is prim, spick-and-span,
and looks as if he had come out of
a bandbox and were ready to appear In
the principal room of any office. He Is
dressed, In fact, for business, and looks
like business from tho crown of his head
to the sole of his feet."
Thus writes Ian Maclaren In the North
American Review, and he continues:
"The immense repose of the English trav
eler is quite impossible for this mercurial
man, whose blood and whose brain are
ever In a stir. Very rarely will you see
him reading a book, because he is not ac
customed to read, and the demands of a
book would lessen his time for business
meditation. Boys with newspapers cir
culate through the cars and he buys each
new paper as it appears at the different
towns. Whether It be republican or dem
ocratic, or a family paper, or a yellow
journal, does not matter to him; he
glanoes at the startling headlines, takes
an accident or a political scandal at a
mouthful, skims over the business news,
sees whether anything has happened at
the Philippines, notes that the canard of
the afternoon has been contradicted in
the morning, and flings paper after paper
on the floor.
"Wastes No Time.
Three minutes, or, in some cases of ex
treme interest, five mdnutes suffice for
each paper, and by and by this omnivor
ous reader, who consumes a paper even
more quickly than his food, is knee deep
in printed information or sensation. For
two minutes he is almost quiet and seems
to be digesting some piece of commercial
information. He then rises hurriedly, as
If he had been called on the telephone,
and makes for tho smoking car, where
be will discuss expansion with vivid,
picturesque speech, and get through a
cigar with incredible celerity. Within
16 minutes he is In the sleeper again, and,
a little afterward, wearying of idleness,
ho Is chewing the end of a cigar, which
is a substitute for smoking and saves
him from being wearied with his own
Half, an hour before the train la due
at his station ha is being brushed and
getting ready to alight. Before the train
has reached the outskirts of the town he
has secured his place in the procession
which stands in single file in the narrow
exit passage from tho sleeper. Each man
is ready dressed for business and has his
valise in his hand; he Is counting Iho
minutes before he can alight and is envy
ing the man at the head of the proces
sion, who will have a start of about two
"If he Is obliged to spend two hours do
ing nothing in a hotel, when business is
over, then he rocks himself and smokes,
and It Is a wonderful spectacle for an in
dolent Englishman to look down from
tho gallery that commands the hall of
the hotel to see 50 able-bodied fellow-men
who have worked already 12 hours at
least, and put 18 hours' work into the
time, all In motion. (One wonders why
this motion is not utilized to drive some
thing.) Ho discovers how unlike cousins
may be, for he never moves, unless he
is obliged to, or unless he wants to shoot
something, and these remarkable men
never rest, unless when they are asleep.
Not Sure We Sleep.
"About that, even, I am not sure, and
I was often, tempted to dTaw aside the
curtain from a berth In a sleeping car,
and, had I done so, I should not have
been at all surprised to find our friend
wide awake, with a cold cigar in his
cheek and rocking his knees, for want of
more extensive accommodation. Ho has
always rebelled against the ancient cus
tom of sleep, which he regards as a loss
of time and an anachronism. All that
he can do is to spend the night in a sleep
ing car, which, as ho will tell you, anni
hilates, time and space.
"No ono, unless be leaves the country,
or becomes a crank, can escape from
this despotism of activity; he Is part of
the regiment and must march with his
fellows. No man goes slow, if he has
tho chance of going fast; no man stops
to talk, if ho can talk walking; no man
walk3, if he can ride In a trolley car;
no one goes In a trolley car, if ho can
get a convenient steam car, and by and
by no one will go in a steam car, If he
can be shot through a pneumatic tube.
No one writes with his own hand, If he
can dictate to a stenographer; no one
dictates, if he can telegraph; no one tele
graphs, If he can telephone, and by and
by, when the spirit of American Inven
tion has brought wireless telegraphy Into
thorough condition, a man will simply
sit with his mouth at one hole and his ear
at another, and do business with the ends
of the earth In a few seconds which the
same machine will copy and preserve in
letter books and ledgers. It is the Amer
ican's regret that at present he can do
nothing with his feat while he is listen
ing a the telephone, but, doubtless, some
employment will be found for them in the
coming age." '
Mr. Bliflcins Died.
Mr. Blifkins had a cold.
It settled In his head.
"Always hlta the weakest epot,"
Funny friends all eald.
Mr. Blifkins coughed and wheezed.
Shivered, sneezed and shook.
Listened to his friends' advice
This la what he took:
Box of antl-kamnla,
Douched his nose with brlne,
Mustard plaoter on his chest,
Camphor balls,
Bottle Dr. KiUem's Cure,( f ,
Onion stew, ' "
Some squills,
Hoarhound tablets, - , -
' Antl-febrlne pilla, , ." ,
-Porous plaster ,on his back, ( -.4
Spirits frumentl,
Menthol Inhalation tube,
Rock and rye,
Bottle of cough syrup,
WhlBky Just a elp,-
Mutton tallow on his neck,
Box of anti-grip,
yapor halh.
Electric shocks,
r Cure for croup,
Emulsion of cod liver oil.
Ugh! , v
Some strong beef soup.
Every remedy they urged
Mr. Bllfklna tried;
Now tfcey say they cured the cold.
But Mr. Blifkins died.
Josh Wink" in Baltimore American.
Knew Her.
"You shall yet confess that you are
Hortense Pottgleser's eyes flashed.
"Never!" she retorted.
"Even," hissed her now thoroughly in
furiated husband, "if I have to confess
that I am wrong myself."
Now her demeanor changed, and she
trembled and stood affhast before this
masterful exhibition of a broad and cor
rect understanding of' the feminine na
ture. Detroit Journal.
-$ l
?v ,
f lKtf-h
A ' I
There will be regular services at the
Sunnyside Methodist church today. The
pastor, Hev. Dr. S. A. Starr, will preach
this morning at 11 o'clock on "The Great
Baptism," and in the evening at 7:30
o'clock his theme will be "Cqmberers."
The Epwortli League will hold its devo
tional service at 6:30 P. M. The theme for
this service will be "In the Far Coun
try," and J. TV. Dunlap will be the leader.
Morning Prelude in A-flat; anthem, "O
Bless the Lord," male quartet; offertory,
"Sweet and Low" (Barnby); solo, se
lected, Professor C. A "Walker; postludo
in G.
Evening Prelude, "Andante" (Bap
tiste); anthem, "O Give Thanks," male
quartet; offertory, "Invocation" (Gou
nod); cornet duet, "Sweet Sabbath"
(Franz Abt), Miss P. Hipp and Mr. Carey
Howo; postlude (Baptiste). Professor U.
A. Walker, choir director; H. D. Crockett,
First Baptist.
At tho First Baptist church, Rev. Alex
ander Blackburn, D. D., the pastor, will
preach at 10:30 A M. and 7:30 P. M. Morn
ing subject, "Riches of Grace." Evening,
"The Christian Business Man," as Illus
trated in the life of Daniel S. Ford, editor
of The Youth's Companion. Music, Pro
fessor "W. M. Wilder, organist ana ai-r
rector; quartet, Mrs. Lois MacMahon.
Mrs. Berta Grimes, Messrs. J. F. Whlta
and C. S. Edwards:
Morning Preludlum, "Largo" (Handel)i;
quartet, "God Be Merciful" (Thomas); of
fertdlre, "Elevation" (L. Wcly); quartest.
hymn-anthem (Stebblns) ; postludium, "Al
legro Moderate" (Leybach).
Evening Preludlum, "Adagio Anafin
tlno" (Mozart); quartet, "I Was GKad
When They Said Unto Me" (Jolley); of-fertoire,-
"At Evening" (Buck); duet,
"Love Divine" (Stalner), Mrs. MacMa
hon and Mr. White; postludium, march
In E-flat (Th. Salome); hymns old and
new, by the congregation.
Grace Metbodist EpiacopnL.
At Grace M. E. church the services will
be as usual. The pastor, Rev. H. D.
Atchison,, will preach both mornSng and
evening. The choir under the direction of
Mrs. Max M. Shillock, with Mrs. W. M.
Bergen at the organ, will reader the fol
lowing programme:
Morning Organ voluntary, "Cantabile
(Lemalgne); anthem, "Jubilate Deo F"
(Pabist); offertory, "Song Wlthcurt Words'
(Deshayes); bass solo, "God Moves in a
Mysterious Way" (Chambers). Mrs. Dell
Wheoler; postlude (Batiste).
Evening Organ voluntary, "Allegretto
Graaioso" (Tours); anthem, 'From Every
Stormy Wind That Blows" (Noyes), so
prano solo1; soprano and alto duet; offer
tory, "Traumerei" (Schumann); postlude,
"Offertorle" (Read).
First Unitarian.
At ihe Unitarian church, corner of
'Yamhill and Seventh streets, at the
morning service, at 11 o'clock, the minis
ter, Rev. Mr. Lord, will conduct wor
ship and will speak upon "Prayer." The
following selections will be rendered Jy
the choir: Anthem. "God Shall Crown
S5r Work at Last" (Bailey); "Gloria"
(Hart); offertory, "As the Hart With
Eager Looks" (Perclval); response. In
cline Thy Ear" (Hart); "Nunc Dimittls
Otner scnjfca.
At the Forbes Presbyterian church to
rimr the oastor. Rev. W. A. Forbes, will
preach, morning and- evening. Morning
theme: "A Sound an me jmuuen -",
or the Earnest of a Revival." Evening
theme: "From Sheepooto to Throne; or
Lessons From the Life of Moody. Spe
cial music by quartet choir, morning and
Evening. t , . . ..
At the First Congregational ciiuxi-u, .
.pastor Rev. Arthur W. Ackerman, will
.begin in the morning a series of ssrmon3
on "The Fourfold Gospel," the first of
'which will be on "The Gospel According to
Matthew." and In 'the evening a series of
mid-winter lectures on "Herod, the
Great," the first of whicb wilt be: 'The
Idhumean Upstart." The evenmiT services
will bo for the special benefit ol Sunday
school scholars and students of the New
Testament and young men and women who
have their way in life to make.
At the-Sunnyside Congregational church
the pastor, Rev. J. J. Staub, will preach
in the morning on "The Voice Worthy of
Supreme Attention." The subject In the
evening will be: "The Irretrievable Loss
Both services will be of an evangelistic
character, and will appropriately close the
week of prayer. There will be music by
the choir, in harmony with the spirit of
the services. M'ss Elsie Harper will lead
tha young people's meeting, at 6:30, with
the topic: "In the Far Country."
Regular morning service will be held at
the St. Jtames Evangelical English Luth
eran church at 11 o'clock, by the Rev.
Charles 'S. Rahu; Sunday school at 12:15
P. M. Hereafter services will bo held
regularly at this church.
Special revival services begin today at
the Second Baptist church. After today
Pastor Palmer expects to have ministerial
help. There will be baptism this even
ing. This morning the pastor will preach
nr "TVi Tjitrht of the World." The theme
, for the evening sermon will be; ''The Open
Must make room for new goods which will
arrive in March.
Best assortment :ii& the city from which
to make selections.
Red Btfock 172 and 174
Door." There will t preaching every
evening during tho coaling wee, excepi
There will bo xio moning or evening
service at the Second UiHed Evangelical
church, Uipper Alblna, todiy. At 3 o'clock
the pulpit win be occupleei by Rev. C. T.
Hurd. who tfill preach oiv the subject:
"Abiding In Christ."
Servict. at the First United Evangelical
church as usual today. The pastor's
morning subject will be: "Rnowing the
Truth." His evening thenaa will be:
"Ashamed of Christ."
On account of a serious accld. ent to the
pastox. Rev. G". A Blair, of tbo Cumber
land Presbyterian church, he will not be
able to occupy his pulpit today. He has
sufficiently recovered, however, to attend
services next Sunday. Today's dervlces
will be in charge of a substitute.
At tho Third Presbyterian chuich, the
pasOar, Rev. Robert McLean, will speak
in the morning on "Laboring With God,"
and in the evening on "The Royal Battle."
Ownng to lack of time, the children's
seumon was omitted last Sunday, conse
mientlir the tonic: "Maklntr Diamonds,"
.will be taken for tho sermon this mom-
Today will be the first anniversary of Mr.
McLean's pastorate in the Third church,
and at the morning service there wUl
hp. a review of the work of the year. Thw
Twenty-eighth-street mission (formerly
the Sandv Road) will meet at 2:30, and the-
I Riverside mission at 3 P. M.
Kev. J. Jfct. Alien, superuuenueuu vm
preach at Shiloh mission at 10:30 and 7:30.
The protracted meeting will bo continued
every evening during the week, except
At tho Centenary Methodist church. Rev.
L. E. Rockwell, tho pastor, will preach
this evening on "The Elements of Success
in tho Life of D. L. Moody." In the morn
ing, Dr. J. J. Walter, superintendent of
Alaskan missions, will occupy tho pulpU.
At St. David's Episcopal church, at the
11 o'clock service, the rector's topic will
be: "The Atonement"; the evening sub
ject, "Our Gifts."
There will be preaching at the Bible In
stitute. 353 Yamhill street, today at 3 P.
M. Topic: "The Jew First." H. F. Tyler,
At the German Trinity Lutheran church,
tho pastor. Rev. Theodore Fleckensteln,
will prqach on "The Importance of Early
Religious Training of the Young." A spe
cial address to the young people will fol
low the evening service.
This afternoon at 3:30 o'clock a special
service for men will be held In the Young
Men's Christian Association. Subject for
consideration: "Qualifications for a Young
Man of Today."
First Church of Christ (Scientist), 317
Dekum building Services at 11 A. M. and
8 P. M. Subject of sermon, "Truth." Chil
dren's Suntlay school, 12; Wednesday meet
ing. S P. M.
Universal Brotherhood, roomi 410 Mar
quam building Sunday evening 'discussion
on "Man's Place in Nature"; Lotus group
at 10:30 A. M.; study class, Tuesday even
ing. Home of Truth, 269 Thirteenth street
Services at 11 A M. and. j$ P. M. Tuesday
evening, demonstration meeting.
Information for the Rellslonsly In
clined of All Denominations.
Calvary Rev. Even M. Bliss, pastor.
Services, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school,
11:43; B. Y. P. U., 6:30; prayer, Thursday,
Grace (Montavilla) Rev. N. S. Holl
croft, pastor. Services, 7:30 P. M.; Sun
day school, 10; prayer, Thursday, 8.
Second Rev. Ray Palmer, pastor. Serv
lcest 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12;
young people's meeting. 6:30; junior
union, 3:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30.
Park Place (University Park) Rev. N.
S. Hollcroft, pastor. Services, 11; Sunday
school, 10; junior meeting, 3.
First Rev. J. F. Ghormley, pastor.
Services, 10:45 and 7:40; Y. P. S. C. E.,
Rodney-avenue Rev. A. D. Skaggs, pas
tor. Services. 11 and 7:20; Sunday school,
9:45; Junior Y. P. S. C. E.. 3; Y. P. S. a
E., 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30.
Woodlawn (Madrona) Rev. A. D.
Skaggs, pastor. Services, 3 P. M.
First Rev. Arthur W. Ackerman, pas
tor. Services, 10:30 and 7:3Q; Sunday
school, 12:15; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30.
German Rev. John Koch, pastor. Serv
ices, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30;
Y. P. S. C. E., Tuesday, 7:30; prayer,
Wednesday, 7:30.
Hassalo-street Rev. R. W. Farquhar.
pastor. Services, 10:30 and 7:20: Sunday
school, 12; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30; prayer,
Thursday, 7:30.
Mississippi-avenue Rev. George A. Tag
gart, pastor Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday
school, 10; juniors, 3; Y. P. S. C. E., 6:30;
prayer, Thursday, 7:30.
Sunnyside Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor.
Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10;
young people's meeting and boys' brigade
prayer meeting, 6:30; prayer, Thursday,
St. Stephen's chapel Rev. Thomas Nell
Wilson, clergyman in charge. Morning
First St.
prayer and sermon 11; evening- srvtes,
7:30; Sunday school, 9:45k holy communJeo,
after morning services on first Sunday in
the month.
Church of the Good Shepherd Services
at 11, by Mr. Nickelson.
Trinity Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rc
tor. Holy communion, S; Sunday school.
9:30; morning prayer and Hrmon, 11;
evening prayer and sermon. 7:30.
St. Mark's Rev. John E. Staipson, rector.-
Holy communion. 7:30; Sundn-s
school, 10; morning; prayer and sermon.
11; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30.
St. David's Rev. George B. "Van. Wai
ters, rector. Holy communion, 7; Sunday
school. 9:45; morntag prayer and sermon,
7:30; Friday evening service, 7:30.
St. Matthew's CRev. J. W. Weather
don, clergyman in charge. Services, 11 and
7:30; holy communion, 8; Sunday -school.
St. Andrew's Sermon, 3:15, by Dr. Jutkl;
subject, "The Peninsular."
Emanuel (German) Rev. E. D. Hrn
schuch, poston. Services, 11 and 7:30;
Sunday school, 10; prayer, Wdasdtiy,
7:30; Y. P. A. Friday, 7:30.
First Rev. F. T. Harder, pastor. Srv
ices, 10:45 and 8; Sunday school. 30: Y. P.
A., 7; Junior Y. P. A, 3; prayer,
Wednesday, 7:30.
Memorial Rev. R. D. Streyfelter, pas
tor. Sunday services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday
school, 1Q; Yl P. A., 6:30; Junior Y. P. A..
3; prayer meeting, Wednesday. 7:38; yug
people's prayer, Thursday, 7:30.
Bvangellcal (United).
East Yamhill mission Rev. Peter Bltt-
ner, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30: Sunday
school, 10; K. L. C. E., 6:30; prayer, Thurs
day, 7:30; Junior League. Saturday, 2:30.
First United Rev. C. T. Hurd, paator.
Services. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10;
K. L. C E.. 6:30; prayer. Thursday. 7:30.
Second Rev. H. A. Deck, pastor. Serv
ices, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; Key
stone League, 6:30; prayer, Wednesday,
Friends (Q.nalcera).
Friends Rev. A. M Bray, pastor. Serv
ices, 10:45 and 7:30; Sunday school. 12; Y.
jP. S. C. E., 6:30; prayer, Wednesday, 7-3.
German Trinity, Alblna Rev. Theodore
Fleckensteln, pastor. Preaching, 10:30 ana
7:D0; Sunday school, 9:30.
Immanuel (Swedish) Rev. John W.
Skans, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 and 3.
St. Paul's Evangelical (German) .Rev.
August Krause, pastor. Preaching,. l&M
and 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30; Bible stucy,
Thursday, 7:20.
ZIon's (German) Services 10 and 7:3,
Sunday school, 9:30; Christian day schoot,
Monday to Friday.
HethodJst Episcopal.
Centenary Rev. L. E. Rockwell, pas toe
Services, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12;
Epworth League, 6:30; prayer, Thursday,
Central Rev. W. T. Kerr, paator. Serv
ices, 10:45 and 7:J0; Sunday school, 12:13;
Epworth League, 6:30; prayer, Thursday,
t 7:20.
! Mount Tabor Rev. A. S. Mulligan, pas
tor. Services, 11 and 7:30; 'BSpwertn
League, 6:30; Junior Epworth League, 3;
prayer, Thursday, 7:30.
Second German Rev. Charles Pratetn;?,
pastor. Services, 10:45 and 7:30; Sunday
school, 9:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:30.
Sunnyside Rev. S. A. Starr, pester.
Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, mi;
general elass, 12:15; Epworth League, 6:30;
prayer, Thursday, 7:30.
Trinity Rev. A. L. Hawley, pastor.
Services, 10:40 and 7:30; Sunday school.
9:40; Epworth League, 6:30; prayer, Thurs
day, 7:30.
Mizpah Rev. W. T. Wardte, pastor.
Services, 11 and 8; Sunday school, 9:48,
Y. P. S. C. E., 7; Junior Y. P. S. a E..
3:30; prayer, Thursday. 8.
Third Rev. Robert McLean, pastor.
Services. 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school,
' 22; boys' brigade, 5:30; young people's
meeting, 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:48.
Cumberland Rev. G. A. Blair, paator.
1 Services, 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school.
12; Junior Y. P. S. C. E., 3:30; Y. B. S.
j C. E., 6:30; prayer, Tnursday, 7:30.
I Grand-avenue (United) Rev. John Hen
ry Gibbson, D. D., pastor. Srvka. H
and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; Y. P. S. C.
E., 6:30; prayer, Thursday, 7:46.
Calvary Rev. W. S. Gilbert, praetor.
Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12:39;
Y. P. S. C. E 6:30. Mrs. Mann. sojFcane
1 soloist and director of chorus; Mtes Sinker,
j- organist. ,
I United Brethren.
First Rev. F. E. Del, paatoc Serv-
I ices, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 10; Ji.
, ior Y. P. S. C. E., 3; Y. P. S. C. E.. 8:30;
prayer, Thursday, 7:20.
First Rev. William R. Lord, pastor.
Rev. Thomas L. Eliot, minister emeritus.
j Services. 11; Sunday school, 12:30; Yeua
People'3 Fraternity, 7.
First Rev. T. L. Eliot, officiating. Serv-,
ices at 11; Sunday school, 12:15; Y. P, C
V., 6:30.
Vain Experiment.
"Pa, why do you let the furnace go out
every evening Mr. Bildad comes to sea
"I'm trying to freeze out the mlcrs
of love, my deluded child." Cleveland
f Plain Dealer.
An Unfashionable Creed.
"Uncle Christopher, what was the prim
itive church?"
"Well, it was a church which vahiedi its
poor members as mueh as it did hs rHea
ones." Indianapolis Journal.
The value eC tho impsrte of potaeeai into
-England yearly Is estimated at about 0O,8.