The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 14, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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Here "Were Ifevr Voices.
Here were new voices la these modern days.
Intoning measures filled with prayerful praise.
Composed 1- some old master long 050
"Wiiea this Queer world was oncleat. Quaint and
But In It thrilled and throbbed, or vibrant rang
Celestial music that the angels cane
At the creation in young days of yore.
And tH1 lng when this worla shall be no more.
The yearnings of earth-souls for higher things,
The deathless melodies with soaring -wings,
The stirring trumpet tones In silvery eongs
"Which ner e the right to remedy the wrongs,
The simple melodies which laugh or weep.
The lullabies which soothe the babes to sleep,
Aid grand outbursts of high exultant tone seem to fierce the heavens and reach, the
Rich gems ot eound, pars rubles, sapphires,
Trickling In limpid showers from Up of girl
And tenor tones arising clear and high
Tram manly tongues toward the upper sky;
TMth deep melodious basses of broad sweep
Like strong wave-voices of the mighty deep.
A "wondrous language, to all nations clear.
In which all read deep meanings sweet and dear.
That live In laughter or in trickling tears.
Beads in the rosary of uncounted years.
JTo word too weak, no love or hate too stroag
To find a vital voice and soul in eong.
Sweet music's magic links all space can spas,
A web of silver chords -which by God's plan
Connect heaven's music to that made by man.
J. Edgar Jones in Boston Transcript.
Do P.-icltmann Should Leave Some-
tiling: to the Imagination
Musical Happening!!.
Tt may well be asked If, on the whole,
Da Pachmann's playing is not more satis
SjrS if one listens to him with the eyes
e1 ..t. Hte mannerisms are so aggressive.
Ticy introduce an element of gross real-
m into the fairyland of fancy. And
3ct c'ose observation of him at the piano
? ur3 to bring about the discovery that
'' o mannerisms nre not so irrelevant
tj 'ho theme in hand as the casual spec
tator is apt to thmlc On the contrary,
l1 f seem to be a part of the effervescent
ri ic&l Idea, within him trying to express
Ir.lf as vividly as possible to the audi
ence. Apparently he is not content with
a dressing his heareis through their cars,
but must make their eyes his aides de
camp also. Thus he has invented some
11 rg like a musical pimlomime.
Take, for example, his playing of the
"M ich Funebre" in the Chopin sonata.
As tue last moaning note was heard like
a final death gasp, a look of ghastly ter
ror settled upon his face. Every muscle
b-ramc suddenly rigid. His horror-struck
ecs were turned upon his left hand,
v h ch, as it rose slowly up Into the air,
st med fixed ii its last sjrnsm of pain,
l.kc the cold and stiffened clutch of a
di.J man. Now this was essentially dra
matic, but It was an uncanny sight, and
sc .t a shiver over even the most cheer-fu.-r.ilnded
Tl rn, again, there were the lively, un-m-nareabie
mazmkas. io full of brilliant
cr-'or, Polish spirit, and subtle, d.lllcuit
Xujito effects. Henry FInck asserts that
t- ; are distinctly amorous in charac
ter. An De PachniHnn evidently thinks
so too, if one may judge from his co-qur-ir.s
with the audience during the
p n i. ; of these numbers.
An or.frlual. volatile creature of buoy
ant pcrscriity, an artist 01 keen senEi
b. itis and marve-ous interpreta.Ive pow
ers for all that is romantic in music, more
coly in touch with the bias of Cho
pin s genius, and a. greater master of
ruDato thai ipertiaps any other living
p mist such is De Pachmann. One is
vw i.Eg to forgive him much. But dem
orstraiionis of the sort he gives do not
InLnzse ones enjojment of Chopin's ma-sk-
It is like reading Shelley with botchy
J. Henderson, the capable musical writ
er of the New York Times, is somewhat
Floptical in regard to th genuineness of
the prevailing fashion for music, and
for music should be read for "affection."
The Boston school board has decided to
create the post of director of music Jn
tiO public schools. It may or may not be
that this will fill a long-felt want in Bos
ton, but it certainly has been a good thing
in New lork.
London critics say that Sarasate, the
g-eat violinist, is growing passe. Age is
beginning to tell on him. His G string
was never very good, but It is now posi
tively bad. The rasp with vhich he
brings out the lower notes is quite in
tolerable. But the magnificent command
of the E string and the mellifluous lone
of sustained middle notes still remain
The London fairy extravaganza,. "Lit
tle Red Riding Hood." which has been
brcught over to this country and Ameri
canized as to its libretto, some of its
mutlc and its cast, is now the special
Isew York attraction at the Casino.
Metropolitan opera-goers in Kew York
hae had to wait three weeks until the
Grau songbirds were In .sufficiently good
voice to give a Wagner opera, but at last
this has been accomplished, though not
without a break in the cast, "Die Wal
kure ' being the opera selected to lead the
list. ""It is long since this most popular
of the Ring music-dramas has been given
in so exceedingly satisfactory a fashion,"
fajs the Commercial Advertiser, "and
1'i.s, despite the absence from the -cast
of one who has been one of the most
potent factors in revealing the charm of
th- opera. Mme. Eames was ill, and her
p ace had to be taken by Miss Susan
Ffcng. According to the form, shown by
Mif Strong as Elsa, this change should
hoie had a decided weakening effect on
th cast, but this American singer showed
unexpected strength and ability, and,
tl ough she did not reveal all those en
drunng womanly qualities which are to
b found in the character, "vocally and
d . matlcally her personation was exceed
ingly satisfactory.
an Dyck, who appeared for the first
time never gave so Inspiring an imper
sonation of Siegmund. It has always
hn a powerful piece of work dramat
ically, but wofully weak vocally. How
cer, despite all his vocal vices, he sang
in tune and gave an exhibition of dra
matic declamation which has been equaled
by him only in his superb work as Loge.
Tan Rooy, Nordica and Schumann-Helnk,
all f them added Immensely to the satis
faction of the evening. Perhaps it Is
imagination, but it seemed as if Nordica's
Brunnhildc had decidedly increased In
a'u since last year. She sang with un-w-nted
ease, and seemed to secure an
a"oofness of dignity, especially in the scene
whorf she summons Siegmund. that here
tofore has been missing In her work. The
woman'y charm In which her personation
h-s "hern so strong was still there, but in
a'ditlnn to that there was In her whole
attud a .strong- feeling of the dignified
"un of a divinity. Tan Rooy's Wotan
hrs )o none of it? force or vocal beauty,
and Schumann-Heinle's Frlcka Is yet an
injured goddess and not a querulous scold,
as most women make her."
Descriptive of the modern rise of music
In Russia. Mr. A. E. Keaton writes in
the Contemporary Review: "Where there
Is a Slav there is a song," says a Slavonic
proverb, and jio public ceremony or court
function is ever deemed complete In Rua-
sia -without an outburst ot singing to
heighten Its impresslveness. There Is
besides a marked dramatic Ingredient In
the Slavonic character. The typical Rus
sian loves acting. To discover this, It is
only necessary to visit a Russian village
and witness the unconscious presentments
of lyric drama or of desolate tragedy set
forth by the quaint rites of a country -wedding
or a rustic funeral. Or study a Rus
sian legend. It at once Impresses you
with its "wealth of dramatic situations
most concisely defined. In this the Sla
vonic folk-tale differs radically from its
Celtic neighbor. A comparison of the two
types suggests that the Russian principally
desires a clear statement of facts; a. poetic
idea that must be extracted from clouds
of metaphor conveys but little signifi
cance to his mind. An Innate love of
eong, an innate love of acting, a keen
perception of dramatic unity, combined
with a passionate love of color and a
strong sense of movement here surely,
without any manner of doubt, one has the
basis of a well-nigh perfect school of
Mimical Club Notes.
The active members of the club have
Just published a tasteful year book for
1899-1900, containing the constitution of the
club and Its list of members, with their
addresses. This list shows the names of
U active, 21 student and 159 associate
Kw ft ii
members, besides the two honorary mem
bers, Mrs. H. D. Bush, of Springfield,
Mass., and Miss Villa Whitney White, of
Providence. R. I. This makes altogether
a total membership of 22G. a very pros
perous showing certainly. This little book
is not only convenient and handy for ref
erence, but it also serves to call attention
to the marked change which has taken
place in the attitude of the community
toward music of the best type, since this
organ'zation began Its work. So quiet
have been the workings of this leaven
that few have realized the potency of the
club's influence toward a higher culture,
but day by day, year by year, this in
fluence is elevating the public taste to
purer ideals and nobler standards.
Mrs. Rathbone Carpenter will give an
Illustrated lecture on Wagner's opera
"Lohengrin" for the February meeting
of the club. Mrs. Carpenter has spent
several years in studying and analyzing
the Wagner operas, studying his litera
ture, singing his songs and Imbuing her
self with his spirit She has visited Bat
reuth, was the guest of his widow, and
now her scholarly lectures, illustrated at
the piano by herself, are creating great
interest whe-rcver heard.
The organ recital to be given for the
club by Clarence Eddy is postponed until
the middle of February. His very long
tour of the United States has made this
The third chamber music evening will
be given at Parsons hall on Wednesday,
January SI, by the Hidden-Coursen string
The numbers for that evening will be
the Haydcn quartet, op, TG No. 1, and the
Grieg quartet in G-minor.
Valnable Violin.
J. C. Perkins, of Puyallup, Wash., says
that he has an old Stradivarius fiddle that
has been in his family 140 years. He has
a complete record of It covering that pe
riod of time. It was made In 1715.
Nest Symphony Concert.
The second symphony concert Is an
nounced for Tuesday evening, February
G. The symphony selected for the occa
sion is Mozart's No. 40, in G-mlnor.
Effort Makinsr by Manager Heilig to
Secure Nevada.
Manager S. Calvin Helllg, of the Mar
quam Grand, announces that efforts are
being made to bring to Portland, late in
January, Mme. Emma Nevada, one of the
greatest of American 'singers, who is at
present touring the country with great
success. In order to ascertain the pulse
of Portland music-lovers, a subscription
list will be opened tomorrow morning, at
the Marquam Grand, where all who are
desirous of hearing Mme. Nevada and
company can register their names for as
many seats as may be desired, and If suf
ficient encouragement is given, arrange
ments with Nevada will be concluded, and
an early date for her appearance here se
cured. The scale of prices for this en
gagement will be the same as In San
Francisco and other cities, viz., JL 52
and $3.
Portland music-lovers should appreciate
this effort of Manager Heillg to bring to
the city perhaps America's most distin
guished crantatrlce. Mme. Nevada has
been away from her native land for nearly
12 years, but the enthusiasm with which
she was at first received has not been for
gotten. She has been called the peer or
PattI, whom she accompanied on the lat
ter's tour of 12 years ago. Her art is
nearly perfect, and the carrying quality
of her voice marvelous.
At Hotel Portlnml Tonicrht.
March "Pride of the Army".... Andrews
Waltz "Italian Nights" Tobani
Selection "Tnnnhauser" Wagner
Concert polka "Dawn of Love"...GeDEst
Overture "Martha" Flotow
Deux Temps "Belle of New York". .Clark
March "City Troop" Jones
Waltz "Skaters" Waldteufel
Overture "Maritana" Wallace
Selection "Serenade" Schubert
Selection "Rob Roy" De Koven
Idyll "Gipsy Life" La Thiero
March "Directorate" Soua
W. H. Kinross, director.
ip&M AW
oimm mis sr
Organ Solos and Violin Nnmbcrs by
Highly Musicians Malce
Up an Interesting; Programme.
On "Wednesday of this week there will be
an evening of sacred music at Trinity
church. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector of
the church, who for many years past has
been a potent factor in oratorio work In
New York city, will give the great bass
solos from "Elijah."
This will be a rare opportunity for
Portland people to familiarize themselves
with one of the noblest of the world's
great oratorios; while for unalloyed musi
cal enjoyment It will take rank with the
highest forms of the art that local music
lovers have been privileged to hear, since
Dr. Morrison's voice Is a rich baritone of
exceptional sweetness and power.
The organist, Mr. Lighter, will give a
(From a recent pliotogrnpli.)
number of organ solos, and Gustav
Mueller, formery of Thomas' orchestra,
who has played under Wagner, Brahms,
Liszt, Strauss and other of the world's
great masters of music, will contribute
several numbers on the violin.
Tickets of admission may be obtained
free of charge by all, whether members
of the cnurch or not, who are sufficiently
interested in the cause of good music to
a.pply for them at the vestry-room of the
church. But no one will be admitted
without a ticket. The programme, which
will begin promptly at S o'clock, is as
Largo ("Xerxes") Handel
"It Is Enough" ("Elijah").... Mendelssohn
a, "Serenata" Moszkowski
b. "Hymn of the Nuns" Wely
a. "O Rest In the Lord" ("Elijah")
b. "Is Not His Word Like a Fire ?".... 4.
"Legende Wleniawski
"How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me. O
Lord" MIetzko
"Intermezzo" ("Cavallerla Rusticana")
by request Mascagnl
"Cavatina" Raff
a. "Lord God of Abraham" ("Elijah")
b. "For the Mountains Shall Depart"
("Elijah") Mendelssohn
Offertoire (C minor) Batiste
Brief Slcctclt o "Elijah."
Mendelssohn In "Elijah" employs an epic
power which finds Its equal nowhere since
Bach and Handel. Grove claims, Indeed,
that this oratorio Is now almost, If not
quite, on a level with the "Messiah" in
public favor. Its music is essentially
modern and dramatic In style, yet at the
same time lofty in character.
The text was compiled mainly from the
first book of Kings. The prominent
scenes treated are the drought prophecy,
the raising of the widow's son, the rival
sacrifices, the appearance of the rain in
answer to Elijah's appeal, Jezabel's per
secution of Elijah, the4 sojourn In the
desert, his return, his 'disappearance in
the fiery chariot, and the finale which re
flects upon the meaning of the sacred
Elijah's great solo, "Lord God of Abra
ham," is a calm and dignified prayer for
rain, in strong contrast to the stirring
double chorus. of the rival priests of Baal
which precedes it, and which Upton de
scribes as fairly sensual and heathenish
in its rugged, abrupt melodies, full of bar
baric energy and angry expostulation
with their god for not sending rain to the
thirsty earth. Elijah's prayer is the mo
ment of quiet before the storm which Is to
come. He calls for the fire to descend
upon the altar, and a chorus of passionate
energy replies "The Fire Descends From
Heaven." In fierce recitative Elijah
dooms the priests of Baal to destruc
tion, and after a short choral reply sings
the bass aria, "Is Not His Word Like a
Fire?" a song of extraordinary difficulty,
and requiring a voice of exceptional accu
racy and power for Its proper perform
ance. In answer to Elijah's prayer the
floodgates of heaven are opened and the
rains descend, passionate shouts of de
light being heard from the people even
above the rush and swirl of the storm in
the orchestra.
In the "Wilderness.
In the second part Jezebel fiercely
accuses Elijah of conspiring against Is
rael, and the people, in sharp, impetuous
phrases declare, "He Shall Perish," lead
ing to the chorus, "Woe to Him!" After
a few bars for the instruments, Obadiah,
In a beautiful recitative, counsels him to
fly to the wilderness. In the next scene
Elijah is alone, and In a feeble but in
finitely tender plaint resigns himself. It
Is hard to conceive anything grander and
yet more pathetic than this aria. "It Is
Enough," in which the prophet prays for
death. He then fails asleep beneath a
juniper tree in the wilderness, and the
dream music from angel voices is full of
tender charm. When he awakes his pa
thetic complaint. "O Lord. I have labored
In vain: oh, that I now might die!" is an
swered by an aria of celestial beauty, sung
by an angel, 'O Rest in the Lord!" Thus
strengthened. Elijah no longer prays for
dpath. but longs for the divine presence,
which is granted him. Not In the earth-
Cutting Down Stocks
of Corded Satms
Mulls, Gauze
Flouncing, Etc.
A fine chance for fancy waist, party
dress or dress trimming at greatly re
duced prices.
Corded Satin
Heavy faced, G different
colors, beautiful for
waists or trimmings; or
?2.50 grade, at
Small Lines of
Fancy Silk, Mull
and Gauze
A variety of colors and
black, swell for party 0 g
dresses, etc.; 50c and 75c zLjC,
values, to close at
Silk Net Flouncing
$!5 Grades
at $4J5 Yard
To close the line. Elegant things,
full length, with effective headings In
cut jet and steel.
Don't judge the quality by the price
in this instance.
More Veilings at
12c Yard
We have added about 25 more pieces
to this line. Colors and black, fancy
mesh and chenille dots. Our 2oc S5c
and 50c veilings, only 12c yard.
Best double-faced satin, ribbons,
black and colors, all widths.
75c values, ait 62c yard.
60c values at 50c yard.
40c values at 32c yard.
These are the wide widths. Narrower
ones at proportionate prices.
Striking Reductions
In Fancy Ribbons
40c and 50c Values
at 24c Yard
AH silk 5-lnch widths, fancy Scotch
plaids, plain or ombre, and basket
weaves. Dark, light and bright colors;
suitable for any number of purposes,
and extremely cheap, at 24c yard.
Ladies' Gloves Special
$3 Values at
$1.75 Pair
12-button lengths in creamor white
for party or evening wear. '
Our Accumulation -of
Damaged Gloves
at Half Price
All have been mended. Some have
but ellght Imperfections, and will wear
as well as any. The prices are:
$1.00 glovos at 50c pair.
$1.50 glaves at 75c pair.
?2.00 gloves at $1.00 pair.
Footwear Bargains
for Women
and Children
The sale of small lines in
- 9c pr
ladles shoes, will con
tinue this week, at
"Vici kid and kangaroo calf
Spring heels, sizes 2& to 5, values to
$3.50 pair.
With heels, sizes 2& to 4, values to
$5.00 pair.
New Storm Shoes
Just received, a line of 10-
inoh top storm boots for
women; best vici kid,
welt soles, and new coin
toes Our $3.50 grade at
The "Princess"
Our Famous
$3 Shoes for Women
Dress, street and storm styles, at a
discount of 10 per cent.
Best $3.00 shoe In the market.
That's why the discount is not great
er. Children's ,
School Shoes
for Winter Wear
Button or lace styles in vici kid, don
gola or kangaroo calf
Sizes 5 to 8, at 85c pair.
Sizes SA to 10 nt $1.05 pair.
Sizes 11 to 2 at $1.25 pair.
quake, not yet In the fire was the Lord,
but in the still, small voice. After this
revelation and the succeeding song of the
seraphim, Elijah is no longer dejected,
but clothed with "the strength of the
Lord." His aria, "For the Mountains
Shall Depart," leads up to the final cli
max. In strong accents the chorus an
nounces, "Then did Elijah the prophet
break forth like a fire"; his words were
like "burning torches": he overturned
kings; he stood on Sinai and heard the
vengeance of the future on Horeb. Then
comes a significant pause. The basses
begin. "And when the Lord would take
him away"; another brief pause, and the
full chorus pictures In vivid color the
coming of the fiery chariot and the whirl
wind by which he was caught up to
Stransi Scandalized Them.
The teacher who influence' Stnus most
waa one Joseph Drcshler, the cho'rmaster
of St. Steven's church in Vienna, who
tried to get the waltzes out of the boy's
head and put In their place anthems and j
Is rapidly speeding away Almost half gone now. As every day lessens the assort
ments, we sound another note of warning against dclajing your purchasing. Big
ger and better bargains were never offered in Portland. A visit here will show
them to you in every department of our immense store.
Record-breaking prices on small lines and others that are to be closed quickly.
Prices below even our Clearance Sale reductions. We mention some of them today.
Has been a success from the first day of its inauguration. This year's saving in
undermusllns means more than the usual, as no later orders can be duplicated at
the prices paid for these.
Ladies Gowns
Some at special reductions
are dainty creations of
fine muslin, square front, 9 f
lace trimmed. Our $1 val- Uf 2
lie; now a S
Fine muslin gowns, high or
V-shaped necks, embroid- (J aq
ery and ribbon trimmings. vDj. vfO
?2.75, $3.00 and $3 Z5 values,
Ladies' and Children's Underwear
A department replete with the bsst values the market affords
Women's Vests
Wool plated soft angora T o
fleecing, correctly shaped Otr. (?.
and finished; SI grade, a:. v -''
Pants to match at same price.
Women's -Union Suits
ieavy, cotton, ecru, ribbed, rh
well fleeced, very elastic. OZC eS
Ladies' Petticoats
Well made, serviceable and attractive.
Excellent for stormy weather.
Of fine gray Melton cloth, oa
double Spanish flounce; O vC C3
$1.25 value, now '
All - Wcol Melton cloth tfo a
skirts, red, plum, black, J0Z..IV
gray and navy; ?3 value
A Silk Petticoat Special
$!0 Value at $6 Each
Plain colored taffeta, double Spanish
flounce, three narrow ruffles, eight rows
cording above. Only $6.00.
Fine white flannel, beautifully embroi
dered edges, silk stitched seamfa:
$2.50 skirts at $1.93 each.
$3.00 skirts at $2.23 each.
The Famous
Royal Worcester
Are made in styles to suit every corset
need of women.
Special Reductions on
Small Lines
Firm black sateen corsets,
heavily boned, watch
spring front ard side
steels; our $2 25 and ?J.50
Fine lep silk corset; pure
whalebones. Our 4.50
crade. to close
Special Attractions
in Art Department
Fine linen center pieces and doilies,
round or square, partly worked, with
enough silk to finish.
$1,25 pieces at S9c each.
$1.50 pieces at 93c each .
$1.75 and $2.00 pieces at $1.09 each.
$2 50 and $2.75 pieces at $1.38 each.
$3.00 pieces at $1.S3 each.
$3.50 pieces at $2 07 each.
Many fancy and unique patterns.
Something New in
Table Mats
A protection for pollsned
tables Asbestos nonheat
able mats, covers of fine
embroidered linen
Olds & King
Equal to any $50 00 machine in the
Solid oak table and 5 drawers, $25.73,
now $23 25.
With 5 drawers and drop-head, $29.35.
now $25 50.
Our written guarantee for 5 years with
every one.
chorals. In this undertaking he met with
indifferent success, for the worshipers 5n
one of the Vienna churches were startled
on a Sunday morning when there poured
forth from the organ, fillling the gloomy
building by its enchanting notes, a waltz,
instead of the solemn Gregorian chant to
which they were accustomed.
It was Johann Strauss, jr.. who had
taken the organist'a place, and substituted
his own favorite selection for the usual
sacred music, much to the dismay of the
pious folk and the amusement of the
younger people in the congregation.
Stock Companies Educate Plnysroers,
FlaywrlsrlitM nnd rinyers.
The stock companies that have sprung
up all over the country at popular prices
within the last few years, have been or
inestimable benefit, in spite of the fact
that there are many who sneer at them, or
elso pa3 them by in silence.
"In the first place," eays F. E. McKay,
ra . $1
Ladies' Skirts
Superior muslin, cambric,
Spanish flounce, embroid- f o
ery, lace and insertion C Q,
trimmirgs; 11.50 value......
Ladies' Drawers
Firm murlin. double ruffle, PA
embroidery trimmed; 73s jJ, Di
grade; only y s
Ladies' Hose
Black wool, full finished
Black cashmere," full f?sh
loned, only
20c pr
29c pr
Extra Special in Boys' Drawers
White cashmere wool, ages or
to 15 years: our "t5!i ZDC Dl
grade, at T
Prices Down in
Upholstery Dept.
Elegant Tapestries
Reduced to 20?, SSc, 50c, 72c, 85c, $1.03
and $1.25 yard.
Silk Broc.itelle, at $1.90 and $2.50 yard.
Satin Damask, $100 value, at $1.4S yard.
Chenille Portieres
Three styles, different col- t r
ors, all our patterns; spe- .B1.M!
cial at '
Small Lines of Lace Curtains
ICO pairs ecru, full size, T" i'f
dainty patterns; values to JjZ,.!
$3.50 pair, for.
Silk Stripe Curtains
20 pairs ecru ground, fancy
silk stripes, very effect
ive for lambrequins also.
Our $S.50 values, at
Genuine Downaline
Best light-weight covering made; sale
prices, $1.63, $1.SS. $2.10, $2.50, 52.75 and
$2.33 each.
Oregon Blankels
Now is the time to buy. Future In
voices will feel the increase In cost of
material and labor. Sale prices In white,
$1.25, $5.10, $5.85 and $7.10 pair.
Sec Our
Jumbo Grey Blankets
$12 Grades at $8.75 pr
Iron Beds
Double and three-quarter sizes, white
enameled, with gold laquered brass fin
ishings. Positively will not tarnish. Re
duced prices, $4.fa5, $5.00, $o.S5, $8.25 to
$21.00 each.
All kinds, all sizes. Combination wool,
cotton, moss, floss and hair fillings. At
lowest prices.
Extra Good Values in
Men's Underwear
Natural wool, fleece lined Jj 5jCT
and derby ribbed vests and J) j J
drawers; an excellent $1.50
grade, at Each.
Natural gray vests and
drawers, medium and win- QC. rt
ter weights; our $1 grade; OOC S3
Odd Lines of Vests
Plain or ribbed, natural
gray, blue gray and cam-els'-hair;
50c and. 75c
grades, to close at.
37c ea
The celebrated Stuttgarter High-grade
Underwear, now at low-grade prices.
in the New York Mall and Express, "they
help to educate the middle classes to an
intelligent appreciation of the drama, for
the plays presented are nearly all stano
ard successes of what are termed tne
palmy days. Then, again, our Incipient
playwrights have the opportunity, for
merly denied them, of scrutinizing tne
masterpieces of the famous playwrights
of a previous generation, and Incidentally
of noting how much more subtle in plot
and swift in action are some of the plays
written by modern writers, for instance.
Pinero, Gillette, Jones and Carton. But
the principal artistic benefit, after all, ac
crues to the actors themselves, who are
drilled in a season in a large reoertoiro
of diverse pieces. In which they are casr
for all kinds and conditions of parts, in
this connection an item from Chicago is
pertinent. A Miss May Hosmer has been
for seven years leading woman of Hop
kin's stock company, which gives two per
formances a day, practically continuous,
and within that time she has played 4W
characters, ranging from Camttle to th
lunch girl in Hoyfs "A Hole In the
A Sweeping Clearance
Of Suits and Jackets
A genuine tidal wave which swsepa
everything before it. to lessen th steek
in this mammoth department. You to
reap the benefits.
Some Reefer Suits "
Navy blue, gray and
brown mixed. Jacket
double breast and silk
lined. Our $15.90 suits at
$12.50 each.
Suit of fine navy or black
broadcloth, jacket sttk
lined. $20.00 value only
$15.0fc each.
Handsome navy broad
cloth suit, elegantly tai
lored and silk braMed-:
full silk lined. Our $38.00
value, now $16. aaeh.
Same in black but with tight-flttinaf
Great Coat Sale
Our Entire Line of
Colored Jackets
Greatly Reduced
Many at less than half price.
Jackets to $5.00, now $2.82 each. .
Jackets to $8.00, now $4.25 each.
Jackets to $12.50, now 5(5 84 each.
Jackets to $17.00. now $8.35 each.
And all new stock.
Elegant Oxford gray jack
et, double-breast, largo
pearl buttons, colored
satin lining; $15.00 grade
Black "Vicuna cloth jacket,
double-breast, velvet col
1 $12.50
lar, twill satin lining; $20
grade, at
Grand Bargain
Assemblage in Millinery
Ready-to-Wear Street Hats
at Half Price
Fine felt walking hats felt and sarin,
crown sailors, crushers. Tarns and
many other styles, marked to close
at ISc, 25c and 20c each.
Values to 73c, $1.00 and $2.00 each.
Every Article
Reduced in Our
Crockery Section
Dinner Sets. Cut Glass, Havikind.
China, Rogers Bros. Silverware, etc,
Odd Pieces Silverware
Half Price to Close
Meriden Satin Chased Creamer... .$1.75
Meriden Satin Chased SpoonhoklF 1.75
Meriden Breakfast Castor ..,1.50
Meriden Cake Basket ..-ILIB
Meriden Fruit Stand 0.80
Meriden Covered Butter 1.75
Closing Odd Lines
1847 Rogers Bros.
Al and XII Silverware
Teaspoons 75c set
Dessert Spoons $1.3st
Tablespoons 1.3set
Dessert Forks 1.3sat
Table Forks 1.56 set
Closing Odd Lines
Haviland White China
Marseilles Chocolate Cup and Sau
cer, set $1.00
Marseilles Asparagus Plate, each.. 25c
Fruit Saucera. set 38o
Sugars, each 45cr
Creamers, each -...... 25c
Chocolate pots, each 50c
Three-pint Pitcher, each 45o
After-dinner Coffees, set 75o ,
House Linen
Richardson's famous make. Agate TO
advise replenishing at our present low '
prices. Delay means much, hishep
High Grade
Large Dinner Napkins
$14.00 and $15.00 napkins at....$10.50 doa,
17.00 napkins at 12.50 doz.
18.00 napkins at 13.75 doz.
18.50 napkins at ... 14.00'doz.
Linen Sheets
All handsomely hemstitched.
$ 7.50 grades at $5.25 pair
9.00 grades at 7.00 pair
10.00 grades at 7.50 pals
Linen Pillow Cases
to Match
22x3G Inches; special.. $1.43 and $1.90 pair
27x35 Inches; special.. 2.10 and 2.50 pair
Bath Towels
A full line just received In bleached
and unbleached, all at reduced prices,
12e. 14c, 21c, 5c, 29c, SSc, 42c, 80c to
$1.05 each. '
Ground." Think of that, and than of Jo
seph Jefferson, who has played seareery
anything else than Rip Van Wlnkl ana
Bob Acres for close on to 20 years."
PrnLte Tlmt Is Praise.
Viola Allen, during her recent engage
ment in Philadelphia, Invited the old play
ers of the Edwin Fcrrest Home to witness
a performance of "The Chr.stian." Nearly
all of the guests of the home attended
the "Wednesday matinee and were gener
ous in their praises of Miss AMen and Jwr
I company. One of the- old aetora satos
"ine tears we wept over Miss Alton's
emotional scenes were warm tributes to
her art since they fell from eye Hong
familiar with stage art and "artWiea."
Knew the Symptom.
Servant Shall I leave the ball lamp
burning, ma'am?
Mrs. Jaggrby No; Mr. Jaggsby vflMi not
be home until daylight. He kissed m five
times before he left thi3 morning; and
cava me $20 for a, new bowaet. CMeaso
i Xews.