r - ' "v 14 THE SUNDAY OBEGOMAK, POBTEAOTf, JANUARY 14, 1900. .S0 g - W. Wilbur aY t s 1 "o - Let Me Alone. Leng I haveain la iny narrow led. With day awl jnarble above my head I am 4oae -with love and hate and stnfe, And al tbe fouy that men call life. " "Disturb me not In my rest profound; "Lat lao sleep my sleep here In the ground. "What to me Is jour hne or your hate? Talk not to me of your light with "fate." Onoe you -were mine. Tour llpa and your eyes I kissed with passion; but passion dies "Whi we oteep in the cold and quiet bed, Asa awn to their pride say v e are dead. "Get ate alone. I fain "would sleep; Xove If ymx -will, and laugh or weep. "Why do you trouble me? Xt me be; Tour Sove and your folly are naught to me. Xettg I have lain In my narrow bed. With, clay and marble above my head; I am done -with life, my peace I "would keep; Xefc me alone, I fain -would eleep. -Louts T. Hodges In Atlanta Constitution. irounjr People's Clnl Give a Second Larg-ely Attended and EnjonbIe Friday Mgkt Party. The second dance of the Toung People's Oiufe took place last Friday evening at IP-arsons hall, and like the preceding one, it "was a very smart affair. Tho hall was decorated in a very artistic fashion, tho stage being a mass of palms and ver greens, behind which was stationed the orchestra. Pending from the celling -were garlands of holly, whose crimson berries made a very -pretty effect against the dark green leaves. To carry out the holi day idea, the walls were decorated with evergreens. The patronesses of the occa sion -were: Mrs. J. K. Kollock, Mrs. J. "Wesley Ladd, Mrs. J. K, McCraken and Mrs. Ed Mays. Much taste was displayed in. the decoration of the dining-room. Tho , tete-a-tete taWes -were brightened by &ua6iara, with rosy-tinted shades. At ftie end of the room was a handsomely decked table, at which the patronesses presided. The supper was dainty and de licious, and the service was excellent. The committee Is loud la Its praise of Mrs. KoHock, whose untiring efforts con tributed so largely to the success of the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. 3. K. KoUoclr, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wes ley L&dd, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mays, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McCraken, the Misses Imo gen Stuart, Hattie Tallant, Brentz, Daisy Brewtz, Kathleen Burns, Frances Xrewis, Estelle Klllen, Marion Jackson, Henrietta Elliott, Camille Dosch, Bullock, Gove, Titiow. Bertha Tongue, Lucy Sit ton, Ruth Scott, Fannie Brown, Amy Hedtshu, Linda Mauzey, Bess Barker. Helen Lamson, Rebecca Catlln, Kate SlttoH, Helen. Eastham, Alice Andrews. Carrie Smith, Carrie Flanders, Elsie Smith, M. Louise Flanders, Olga von Des tinon, Malel Macleay, Laurie King, M'llsa McCraken, Julia Sprague, Eliza beth Tongue, Daisy Freeman, Helen Y111 Schuyver, Innis, Thompson; Messrs. Jor dan Zan, Morris Whltehouse, Frank Dekum, Lewis Woodward, Walter Beebe, Carl D. Lewis, Maurice Cheal, Ned Bar rett, George Brown, Clarence Sewall, Frank Freeman, Ed Sterling, Clarence King, Lynn. Baker, George Cherry, Amo Dosoh, J. E. Lumgalr, Irving Rohr, Piatt Randall, SethCatlin, Jack Sprague, Burke Tongue, David Kerr, George Gerllnger, J. Ernest Laidlaw, Robert McCraken, G. Auger, Eugene White, H. A. Futcher, Fred M. Gilmore, Scott Brooke, Bertram Mackay. Lansing Stout, H. B. Tronson, Dr. Thomas Barrett. Dr. George Marshall, Dr. James Zan, Lieutenant P. M. Olm stead, Lieutenant W. A. Sweeney and Captain. C. A. von Egioffstein. CBARMIXG BIRTHDAY EVENT. Miss Van Selmyver Very Pleasantly Entertain ainny Friends. Miss Van Schuyver celebrated the an niversary of her birth in a very charm ing manner last Wednesday, evening by giving a card party at her home, the Hotel Portland. Black Lady" was played, and the successful ones w ere Miss Steele and Mr. Lee. .Mr. Muehe and Mr, Cheal delighted those present with songs and ragtime music, after which delicious refreshments and punch were served. Later in the evening the game of "Mem ory" was played, the prizes beingwon by Mi Shortelie and Mr. Lee. Miss Van Schuyver received some beautiful flowers and a number of presents. The party "was a most delightful one In every respect and continued until the wee sma' hours of the morning. Those who enjoyed Miss Van Schuyver's hospitality were: The Misses Shortelie, Bess Barker. Ivy Barker. Helen Eastman. Steele. Andrews and McCraken, Messrs. J30b McCraken, Harry McCraken, Beeks, Dekura, Cheal, Van Schuyver, C. Van H King, Muehe and Lee, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Van ehtiy'er, Mr. -and Mrs. Allen A. Wright and Da and Mrs. A. E. Mackay. PLEASAXT "HEARTS" PARTY. Tlie 3ises Eliot Give a Very En joyable Entertainment. The Mteses 'Eliot gave a very enjoyable "Hearts" party at the residence of Rev. T. L. Eliot, in honor of Miss Hattie Tal lont, of Astoria, on Wednesday evening. After number of games had been played a delightful supper was served. The luoky prize winners were: Hiss Edwlna Hammond and Mr. Frank Freeman. Among those present were: The MfcseesHammond. Sutherland, Sit ton. Ir ogen Stuart, Rhoda Failing, Julia SpragL Florence Hammond. Rebecca Oa " Frances Lewis, Lucy Sitton, Hattie TJ" Tt and Ace Strong; Mrs. Wilbur: Messrs. Frank Freeman, Herbert Lee, R. eth Catlln, Lewis Woodward, Jack Sprague, Frank "Warren, X Ernest Laidlaw, Robert Strong and Dr. Jefferds-. MATRIMONIAL ALLIANCES. Weddings of llie Weejc in Portland .nd at Other Points. The marriage of Mies Martha Mary Hxon to Mr. Alexander A. Wayne, of San Francisco, CaL, was solenvmzed on Thurs day afternoon, January 4, at 4, o'cloclc, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. H C. Exon, In thfs city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. John Flynn, m the presence, of tho immediate relatives. "Mr. and Mrs. Wayne left the same evening for San Francisco, where they will be at home to their friends after February 1, at 312 Fillmore street Lyontf-Grlsvrolrt. A quiet wedding was solemnized on Sun day evening, January 7, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Porter, In Sellwood, when 3Ir. Edward Lyons, of Lents, and Miss Cora Griswold, of MuliTiomah4county,.wero united In matrimony by Rev. W. S. Wright, pastor of the Presbyterian church of Sellwood, Tho wedding was strictly private, ana the young couple left on Monday morning for a visit to their friends at Lents, after wSich they will make their residence on the Lower Columbia, Thatcher-Ponlsen. A pretty home wedding took placo Wednesday evening, January 10, when Kate, second daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Johan Poulsen, 4S3 Hassalo- street, was united in marriage to Mr. George Wdtson Thatcher, Rev. Dr.. Hill -ofliciating. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Otto Erdmann. The home" wras beautifully decorated with smilax, palms, and cut flowers. Miss Agnete Poulsen -was maid of honor, and Miss Thora Poulsen bridesmaid. Mr. Leonard W. Thatcher was best man. The bride looked charming in white silk, with lace overdress, and carried an arm bouquet of lilies of the valley and ferns. A de licious supper -was served in the dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher wilL be at home after January 20, at East Ninth and Weidler streets. Engagements Announced. The engagement of Mr. William O. Van Schuyver and Miss Helen J. Shortelie is announced. Mrs. J. M. Burgoyne, who is visiting friends In Victoria, B. C, Is reported to be engaged to Mr. Kernan, a mining man from Alaska. The wedding is announced for June. Mrs. Burgoyne "was formerly Mrs. W. K. Scott, "of this city. IN ANDABOIJXT PORTLAND. Social and Other Events Past, Pres ent and Prospective. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Forbes Presbyterian church gave a very success ful reception Monday night to the new members of the church who were received last Sunday. They were made the guests of honor, each receiving a bouquet, as a distinguishing mark, and were seated with the pastor and his wife and the elders and their wives, at a beautifully decorated table, and served with a delicious lunch eon. Rev. Mr. Forbes leaves Tuesday for Moscow, Idaho, to remain two weeks, assisting in special meetings Rev. D. O. Ghormley, D. D., formerly pastor of the Third Presbyterian church of this city. -At the tea given "by the ladles of the Forbes Presbyterian church, at the home of Mrs. J. P. Menefee, the other evening, the following named officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Alice Barchus; secretary, .Mrs. Belle Arm strong; treasurer, Mrs. Johanna Vree land. WEDDED FOR FIFTY YEARS. Wcll-Known Portland Conplc Cele brate the Event In Spokane. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Loomls, of Portland, celebrated their golden wedding anniver sary Wednesday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. J. W. Wentworth, in Spo kane. They were married in Ohio and the state of Minnesota Tvas their home, but they have lived in Portland for many years. u?he Wentworth residence was decorated "with evergreen and cut flowers for the occasion. In large letters of gold the datest 1S5O-190O -were Included in the decorative scheme. Mr. and Mrs. Loomls received their guests, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Went worth and Mr. and Mrs. BIgelow, there being a company of 50 present. PcJems written for the happy event were Tead by J. F. Brown and Mrs. E. P. Galbralth. A musical programme was given during the evening by, the grandchildren of the host and hostess. In the refreshments served tho prevailing colors were yellow and "white. Pleasant "Hop" Arranged. Invitations have been Issued for a re turn "hop," to be given to the officers and cadets of the Bishop Scott academy by some of their women friends, at Parsons hall, on Tuesday evening next The hall will be especially decorated, a fine orches tra Avill be in attendance, and the affair promises to be one of the events of the season. ' Minor Happening. Mrs. R. H. Weeks, assisted by her niece, Miss Ruby Tompkins, entertained a num ber of friends Thursday evening last. Drive whist was tbe order of the evening. Miss Neta ' Cornell and Dr. Wilson won the honors. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore NIcolai were the recipients of a pleasant surprise at their home, 433 Holladay avenue, Thursday evening, tendered by the Larmend Whist Club. Mr. and Mrs. NIcolai being about to take their departure for California on a pleasure tour. A very pleasant evening was spent last Wednesday at the home of Miss Ray Kin, in honor of that young lady's 17th birthday. The features of the, evening were singing, dancing and games, after which a supper was served, Mr. D. Mos sesson acting as toastmaster. The friends of Mrs. A. Worslev assem bled at her rosldence, S55 Harrison street, Friday evening, the occasion being a pleas ant garden party, given by that lady. The rooms were tastefully decorated with ferns and hot-house plants, and the exercises were of a very pleasant nature. A reunion of Mrs. J. T. Hayne's former art students was held, in her honor, at the lovely home of Mrs. P.J". Bannon, on Thursday -last. Mrs. Hayne" exhibited quite a number of Alaskan views, ana "flower personalities" was played, tho prize (a bust of Wagner), "being won -toy Mrs. Hayne. Luncheon wasf served, ' PEOFJLE COMLXG A3YD GOLXG. Ebli and Fiotv of the Social Tide- in antt About Portland. Miss Laura "Siegl has returned from a' visit to San Francisco. Mrs. S. Chaskel and daughters have re turned from a visit to San Francisco. Miss Blanche Sorenson has returned from San Francisco, where she has" been visiting friends. Mr. Joseph C. Raas arrived from San Francisco' yesterday and is visiting his, sister, Mrs.. Charles Rueff, - , Mr. and Mrs. L. ,W. Rivers and their daughter, Hetta, leave fpr Salt Lake City, their future, home, the coming week. Miss Estp. Ramsey, of Salem, who has With1- a vnew floor, new operav chairs, new drop curtain, new scenery and the entire interior completely renovated, tho Metropolitan theater will reopen tonight as practically a new ' house. The work of renovation, was carried out sn a large scale. The new hardwood floor is hand somely stained, and is much neater than tho former painted floor. The nrtw opera chairs are ball-bearing the only chairs of the kind In the city, and are roomy, noiseless and comfortable. They are of maple, with rosewood finish, and aie con sidered much superior to tho upholstered ' chairs that are generally used in theaters. Eight now loges have, been put inland been visiting .Mrs. H. C. Leavitt, at 141 Union avenue, north, has returned to her home. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. A . L. Mills, Miss Sallle Lewis, Mr. Hunt Lewis and Mr. Rpderlck Macleay departed for the Eastern states. Frank J. Meyers, , of Thet Dalles, 'has returned from a trip to San Francisco, and is visiting his sister, Mrs. 1L C. Leavitt, on the East 'Side. Another Pretty Song. "Bird Notes" is the title of avery pret ty song, the -words and music by Mrs. June McMillen Ordway, and dedlaated to Mme. Jennie Norrelli. All lovers of music will bo pleased to learn that Mrs. Ordway has again take up her pen, which -was temporarily stilled by the death of her brave son. A great sorrow has been known to add sweetness to 'the singer, and this last effort of Mis. Ordway -would seem.to bear silent testimony to the truth of this assertion. This talented woman has written a number of beautiful songs, both patriotic and sentimental, but It is safe to say that "Bird Notes" has a sweeter and more sympathetic strain than, is shown In any of lver qther productions. The words and music have bsen published by the "Wright Music Publishing Company, and will be found on sale at all music stores. l Shakespeare Class. By .request, Wednesday, 1:30 P. M.f also King Arthur's class Tuesday, 10' A. M. Membership,' $L per tmonth., Mme. J. H. Bauer, 475 Main street. Telephone, Black 134L . See display of elegant hand-painted china In Feldenheimer's -window. , Messrs. A. Meierancr Ludwig Hirsch; of Meier & Frank Co., leave for the East ern markets this evening. They will be busily 'employed during the next" two months, placing orders i'or stocksof spring and summer goods. , ; f n Mrs. E. J. Oliver, who has recently 'v " ' "1' " . J" . , ' 'IlSfelJB'-;'"'';:: taken charge of the millinery department for Meier & Frank Co., "leaves for New York, thjs evening. She will spend the next "two months studying styles fin tho metropolis and baylng"a millinery? stock for "the coming season. AMONG THE COLLEGES. Events ol the Weelc at tiie State - University Elsc-ivliere. At the state university, college reopened Monday, with all ihe students in their ac customed places. Everybody seems to have enjoyed the' holidays, and all are busy preparing for the final semester "exams," which como early in February. The GleeGlub tour was a most suc cessful one. Nine concerts, mostly in the larger cities of Eastern Oregon, weie given. On Wednesday morning, at assembly, Professor C6ndon offered a resolution ,ot thanks to the glee boys, which, was prompt ly adopted. Next Tuesday evening the lo cal alunlnj association and Dr. and Mrs. Frank Strong will tender a reception to the -club, The affair will be held in Villapd hall... ' , i Mr.""B, iJchwaHzchlld has' presented the university -jvith a bronze cast of "Hcsea," as creafed in Sargenfs fainting, "The Prophets." It will be placed n Villard hall. Last Thursday evening, after the con cert vby" the University of California Glee" Club' the Berkeley boys were given a re ception, at Conser hall. The affair was tendered by tho student body. J. The Sjocietas Quirinalis on Tuesday even PORTLAND'S REMODELED HOME OF NEW METROPOLITAN THEATER. these are provided with elegant oak chairs, as are the boxes. The drop curT tain Js ireally a work of art, and repre sents a scene on the Bosphorus, "with a Moorish castle in the background. Man ager Jones decided, while the work of renovation was going on, to procure an entire new lot of scenery. All "the scen ery is of tho latest and best .designs. The entire interior effects have been al tered. "The -wall's and ceiling are In dark colors, and the interior woodwork in deli cate .light shades. This doe away with the ban,n-llke appearance that formerly suggested Itself to one on entering tlie theater. Tho work of renovation has been carried to the box-ofilce, the stage lng heard an address, by Professor E. K McAllister, who discussed "Mythology of the Stars." Tho Y. M. C. A. delegates whb vlef t for the stato conference at Monmouth Fri day -wero instructed to invite the? conference- to meet in Eugena in 1901. It is quite probable, that the universities of Oregon and Califoni.a will meet In de-J Date this, year, efforts now oeing made to bring the affair about- A call has been Issued for a meeting of those Interested in Indoor baseball. Some desultory practice has been had already, and a strong team should be raised. It is hopetT that games can be arranged with Al bany or Corvallis. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. Events of Interest Occurring Among Faculty sutil Students. At the .last regular meeting of the Gam ma Sigma 'Spcioty, officers-- for the; ensu ing iterm 'were- elected as follows: A. Yoder, '02, president, and W.v' FJetpher, '00, secretary. -Mr. Hanna, traveling secretary of Y. M. C. A. -for the Pacific Northwest, ad dressed the students Sunday afternoon, m Marsh hall. Mrs. Heartford, president of the W. C. T. U. ofOregon, addressed them Tuesday morning. Tuesday night, at Marsh hall, occurred the "try-out" debate for the selection of a debating team, to represent Pacific univer-' slty m the Inter-collegiate debate. The judges selected Messrs? Lancefield, Schock and Fletcher as the teanx They are all members of the senior class "and also of th Gemma Sigma Society!, On Friday, evening the university united with the citizens, of the town in giving a reception to Dr. Brdwn, who has but re' cently returned from the Philippines, where he served as a surgeon In the First Washington regiment. .- , K t r Monmonth 2Votja. The annual convent'on of.' the Y.'M. C. A. of Oregon is' in session -at the Mon- V " mouth school. Delegates, are present from all the principal schools of the state. -Students are preparing for the February i examinations. - Professor R. C. French spent a few days this .week in Portland purchasing appa ratus for tho tralning-3chooi library and office. "Willamette University. On Wednesday evening, in the society halls, occurred the local try-out for places on the debating team. The Willamette team has chosen the English side in the Pacific-Willamette contest, which occurs In February. The Salem Chqral Society was x reor ganized xon Tuesday evening, under the leadership of Professor Seley. The soci ety will take up the study of the "Crea tion," in preparation for the May fes tival of the Willamette. Valley Choral Union, which vvlll be held in Salem next -spring. . NORTH OF THE COLUMBIA. Various Events of. tbe Weelc in the sWe of Washington. Vjineonver. Mrs. Anna WIntlen gave a very enjoy able evening party to a few friends last Tues"day, evening, in honor b the Misses Gordon, of Forest Grove. A "Cobweb Social" was given by tHe la dles and young people of the Presbyterian church, at the residence of the Rev, Hugh Lamont last Friday evening. Miss. Gordon and Miss Stella Gordon, of - THE DRAMA and the dressing-rooms, where many im provements have been made. Elegant new carpets have been placed In all parts of, the house, anew coat of paint put on the woodwork, and the frescoing re touched. In fact, there is nothing old about the Metropolitan but the building and Its name. A large sign, 45 feet long, has been erected in frontf of the theater, extending, entirely across Third street, with "the words, "Metropolitan Theater," formed of incandescent lights in frosted globes on It. The opening of the house under the new regime occurs tonight, when tho first performance In Portland of the comedy, "A Cheerful Liar, wilfi be given. Forest Grove, Or,, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. ,H. Steward for two "weeks returned home on Wednesday. ' The Vancouver High Five Club met with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Marsh on Thursday evening of this week. Last week the cIud met at the residence q Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sutton. , Mr. and Mrs. Phil Caples were given a very oleasant surprise at their home last Friday evening, by a number of their friends, the occasion being the anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Caples. Walla Walla. ' Mrs. John B. Catron has gone to Yakima to visit relatives. Harry Jtiffle- and wife have returned from a trip to Philadelphia. The.High Five Club met at the home ot Mrs. D. McGillivary, Friday afternoon. James Dacres, who has been on an ex tended visit to San Francisco,' Is home. Miss Louisa Louga has returned from Portland, where she has been visiting her sister. , Edward Parker, son of Colonel -F. J. Parker, has gone to Calif ornia' to enter d naval school. Professor Edgar S. Fischer, the new violinist of Whitman college, has arrived from Philadelphia. Dr. W. B. Clowe and wife, who left here" for Oakland, Cal., some months ago, have returned to remain In Walla Walla. Thomas Mosgrove, receiver of the land office, and family, have moved into tne elegant new home he has built' on Nob hilL Mrs. William J. Dyer, of Salem, who spent the holidays with Hon. B. L. Sharp- stein and family, has returned home, with her young son. The 19th annual ball was a great- suc cess, socially and financially. The addi tion to -the coffers of the Ladles' Relief Society w,as ?320. Thursday evening a large party of young ladles and gentlemen "surprised" Mrs. "Albert Goldman and her nieces, the Misses Koshland, of Portland, and had a J jpjly time with dancing in the- lacge, new-dining-room, cardplayins and refresh ments. Mrs. Duncan McGillivary, assisted by her daughters, Mrs. Edward Garland and Mrs. Henry B. Kershaw, and her sister, Miss fielle Durry, entertained" a large number of ladles Thursday afternoon with progressive euchre. The prizes were won by Mrs. Captain B. H. Cheever. U. S. A., Mrs. Harrie Burford and Mrs. George W. Whltehouse. Cliehalli. Lewis and A. F. Schere started Friday for Dawson City. Miss Annabel Donahoe entertained the Young People's Card Club Friday evening. The Hillside Card Club was entertained Wednesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. H. Stuchell. . " Mrs. A. ,C. St. John returned this week xrom a. visit to ner parents in Qlympia. Her sister, Miss Rose Marr, accompanied her. '. Mr. and Mrs, Ed Sloan, of Townsend,' Mont., and Wirt Cournyer, of CHestnut, Mont,, are visiting Chehalis friends and relatives. , . .The Woodmen of the World had a pub lic Installation Wednesday 'night, with the Circle as guests. , A spread, dancing and other features followed. Mrs. J. 'G. Startup, of Seattle and Mrs. M. E. "Van Aelstyn, of Chehalis, started Wednesday for California, where they will remain about four months. Rev, W.J. Dickson returned this week from Orcas island, where he and Mrs. Dickson were called last week by the ill ness of Mrs. Dickson's aged1 father. Mr. , and Mrs. A. Donahoe entertained a company of friends at "high five" Thursday evening, in honor of the" Misses -Smith, , sisters o Mra. D,onahoe, who stoppe'd, here on their way to Seattle. Ccnalia. , ' Professor 'D. MTDaum, after a short visit, witli friends-' In this city, has re-. turned to Elma. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Campbell will leave in ashort time for Tapoma, where they will make theilr home. " Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Robinson, who have been visiting relatives in this city, have returned to Olympla. Harry Gilchrist, after spending the holi days, with his parents, has returned to Portland, where he Is attending school. .,, SOUTH OF COLUMBIA. VarlonnrXvents or the Week in the s State ot Oregon. SIcMlnnville. Miss Faye Martin returned last week from Portland. Miss Clara Irvine is visiting relatives awl friends in Corvallis. Miss Jennie Snyder and William Gilbert have returned from a visit to Dallas. Carl Shortridge has returned to his home at Dolphr after spending several weeks with friends in McMInnVille. - Clifford Daniels gave a merry party to a number of his young friends at the home of his parents, "Wednesday evening. The social given at the jlecture-room of the Cumberland, Presbyterian church Thursday evening by the Y. P.tS. C. E. was very much enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. William De Haven pfeas antlyrentertalned at whixt in honor of Mr. and Mrs. B. Dresser, who axe to leave soon,, to make their home in Portland. The entertainment given at the opera house Friday evening. January '5, by the Christian Endeavor of. the -Christian church, was largely attended and proved a very successful" affair. Mrs. J. W. Hdbbs entertained 'a number of friends Friday evening. Whist was the principal feature, and it was folttmed by several musical selection.;. Refresh ments were served. Misses Elsie and Maude Hobb3 and Ethel Harris received, and assisted in entertaining the guests. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Fenton, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Hodson, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Apperson,Mr. and Mrs. W. D. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bakar, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Heath. Mr. and Mrs: Jacob Wortman, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Con-nei-, Mr and Mrs. E. M. Brledwell and Mrs. Evenden. Baker City. Colonel J. T. Grayson returned from New York Monday. Mra. Ruckman, of Anatone, Wash., is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Moore. Hon. D. J Thompson and ex-United States Senator Mitchell, of Portland, were in this city during the week. President F. P. Hayes and P. A. Gil bert, of the Bonanza Mining Company, re turned Monday from Warren, Pa. On Wednesday evening. Rebekah lodge. No. S, I. O. O. F., Installed new officers, a lunch following the closed-door cere monies. C. C. Goodspeed- and his mother, Mrs. D. F. Moore, of Carson, Union county, are guests of Mrs. Moore's daughter, Mrs. A. P. Weller. The High Five Club was entertained on Tuesday evening at the Fourth-street home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Robblns. Lunch was served. On Tuesday evening the new Iodgerooms of Baker lodge, No. 33S, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. In the Haskell building, were dedicated by Deputy Grand Exalted Rulor R. E. Moody and Exalted Ruler H. E. Griffin, of Portland ledge, No. 142, assisted by the local lodge. A banquet was seryed. . , Pendleton- Miss Fannie Day has returned from a visit. .C. , Jackson has gone East for a month. At dinner on Tuesday evening. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Vincent entertained the fol lowing - named people- Mr. and Mrs. ,Leon Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. M. Baruh, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Johnson. A very enjoyable coaching: party and pro gressive dinner was given ifrlday evening, by a number of Pendleton .society people. At 6 o'clo'ck oysters were srved by Mr. and Mrs, C. S. Jackson. The party then proceeded by coach to the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Johnson, for. the soup course, and thence to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen, for the .fish. At the Vincent home. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Guernsey served turkey, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Judd gave the salad course and the finale was reached at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Roosevelt, .where dessert was served. The Dalles. Miss Bessie" Lang Is In Portland for a few days. Mrs.' Thornbury, of Portland, Is visiting her daughters, Mrs. O. KInersly and Mrs. T. A. Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Carey Jenkins, who visited relatives at The Dalles during the holi days, returned to Portland Monday. Mr. and Mrs, Frank, Sommerville ar rived here yesterday from the south. Mr. Sommerville will go to Montana, and Mrs. Sommerville will visit at Tho Dalles and Portland a few weeks before joining him. Mr. and Mrs.'H. W. French left Sunday for Portland, from which place 'they will go' to San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Russell Sewall. They will spend most of the winter with Mrs. A. M. Williams, of that city. , Oregon City. - Mrs. L. L. Porter returned Wednesday from Corvallis. Mrs. Willis Kramer and daughter, of Myrtle Creek, wrho visited relatives h?re for three weeks, returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stevens and daugh ter, Miss Muriel, left Friday for a month's visit to Mr. and Mrs. Harley Stevens, at San Francisco. Mrs., C. D. Latourette entertained the members of the Ladles' Aid Society of .the .Congregational church, at her home, Wed- nesday afternoon, the occasion being fa annual nveetlng and eleeMon of the soci ety. The .following-named were re-elected: President. Mrs. J. M. Mark. ,cc president, Mrs. C. D. Latourette. spce tary, Mrs. H. C. SUvana; tseaaurer, M-s. C. H. Caufieidi, Mrs. L&t&urette waa as sisted in receriataS and entertaining Irr guests by Mra se McKean, M -3 Scott, of Portland: Mrs. C. W. Pope, aru. Mrs. T. W. Pope,, ilrs. Feutsr. Lunch waa srved. Saltern. Mrs. Rosa Bernard! and children have gone to California for Jt six months' vis't. It is announced that oa nxt Wednesd iy evening Miss Stella. G esaer. of this c-t. , will be married to Mr. Arthttr Hodges o Prlnavllle. Tha wedding of Miss Ftaraaee Wells to Mr. S. B. Davis Is announead for the fl'st of February. Both wtra formerly con nected with the Chemaifva. Indian school, but are now teachers Jit Warm Springs agency. The largest and best dauKdmr party gven by the "44" Club this son was th.V which took place in Tio-ga hall last Wednesday evening. It wo the last of a series of flvet dances, but the members of the club contemplate giviag smother series this winter." The "Friday Night Club"" ba been re organized by the election of Dr. W. T. Williamson, president; WJHtam, Brown, secretary, and Claud Gatth, traaaurer. Tiie club save its second dan.ee lass. Friua evening, and will give bl-weekiy dances the remainder of the season. Th is Salem's- oldest social organisation, an 1 '3 composed exclusively of mart led people. Its dances begin early and end about U o'clock P. M. " RoMebnrg. Mrs. A. L. Khlder has ratwened from a trip to San Francisco. G. R. Child and wife have returrel from an extended visit to San Fraoicsco. Mrs. E. P. Long and steter. Lillte Gil lette, have returnd from a. visit to their parents In Pendteton. A.- T. Morian left this week for Fre donln, N. Y., where he was ealled by the sickness of his father. WednesSay night. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wol lenberg gave a party to their numerous friends; the house being beautifully deco rated for the occasion. Miss Lulu Willis and Tt R,. Sheridan were the winners of the whist prizes'. Refreshments wen servedV after whuch dancing was indulged in. Astoria. Miss Harriet Tallant is th guest of Mi3 Eliot, of Portland. Miss Nan Reed has returned from a visit td frientte in Portland. Miss Celena Bloch, of Portland, has- been visiting at the homo of Mayor Bergman. Miss Young has gone to Eugene for t 0 purpose of pursuing some special atud.es at the university. Mrs. Elizabeth. Ogden Maloney, of Wash ington, D. C, wife of th Uto Dr. J. A. Maloney, many years president of tha ex Confederate Association of the District of Columbia, accompanied by her daughter, Marie, is visiting her daughter, Mr. Ar thur D. Marshall, at Astoria. CorvaRH. Mrs.. G. R. Farra entertained the Ladles' Whist Club. Tirorsdoy afternoon. A pleasant box party waa given at tha home of 'Mrs. PyjpaK, Friday evening. T,. F. Langiey and family, of Taylorvi'le, III., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. JoKa Young. MIiis Leona Smith, who has been in San Francisco for tb past few months, ar rived home Sunday night. At the jofcit installation of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. lust Saturday evening, a meat enjoyable time was had by theso present. Songs were sung, addresses wera made and a bountiful lunch waa served. AVoodburn. M. J. Matson is visiting relatives in Oafcsdale, Wash- Miss Dorsey, of Dayton, is visiting her sister. Mrs. L. F. Belknap. F. A. Ford, of Por,tlnnd. vteltsd Wood burn friends Frkhty and Satucday. , Miss Mngj-ie McNaroara, of Butte, .none, is ine guest ot .wwws otwuo vaacj. Mrs. Hawkins, of Totede, Or., was a guest of Mrs. W. L. Tooze Tuesday ar.d Wednesday. Forest Grove. J. B. Martin has returned from Portland. O. Brown has returned, after a year 3 absence In Tillamook. Mrs. W. A. Cole, of Portland, is spend ing several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Martin, in this city. HOW TO MANAGE BORES. Device of Nctv Orleans Man to RliI Himself of Them. "The time 01X almost every man In active life is terribly taxed by useless visitors," said a busy Ne-w Orteaag shipper to tha Times-Democrat of that city. "I mean people who como on foolish errands; tedious friends wlio drop In to chat and don't know when to go, and the small army of agents, canvassers, solicitors and the like, who, "in th aggregate, coqsuma many precious hours jsvery day I have a scheme for disposing of such bores that works to a charm. "The whole secret lies- in that chair be side my roll-top desk. It Is innocent-looking, as you will observe, but it has soma marked peculiarities. To begin with, It ia firmly attached to the floor, and is bo placed that whoever sits in it face3 a flood of light, while I myielf am In tho shadow. Then, aain, the back is straight and narrow; It has- no arms, and the seat pitchea slightly forward., the front pelnjr. half an inch lower than the rear. "It is utterly impossible for any boro to sit in that chair four consecutive minutes. With female book agents it la peculiarly efficacious, for tha simple rea son that such callers are generally C3 or over, and no woman of that age can sit quiet In Che glaring daylight under the calm scrutiny of a marn in the shadow. The coolest of them lose their self-poa-sesslon, twist, wriggle antl soon fly tho spot. Then, again, the strafght back and the absence of arms prevents the occu pant from assuming that graceful side long attitude without which no woman 13 able to converse. "With male bores It Is equally deadly. All garruluos men either tilt toack whn they are talking or lean forwaid impas sively with elbows on the arms of tho chair. The two poses seem to be essen tial to a flow of language, and neither ot them is possible here. When thy find that the legs are attached to th floor and search in vain for a rest for their elbows, they lose the thread of their story, look miserable for a moment and then bent a retreat." r riME : j Is Passing Quickly. Clearance Sale will soon be over. Don't delay, get bargains while you can. BIG REDUCTIONS On Black and colored waists. Up to date and all this season's styles; sizes 38. 40, 43, 44 $1.75K $2 and $2.25 waists 5L50 52.60. ?2.75 and $3 waisfy 2.00 $3.50, $3.75 and $4 walsta. 3.CO 272 Washington Si. A ,