TWENTY-FOUR PAGES jbQfr$Qi$$ VOL. XIX. 2sT0. 1. PORTLAND, OKEGON, SUNDAY MORNING, -JANUARY 7, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. BOERS AFTER WHITE Joubert's Army Attacked Lady smith Yesterday Morning. THE BESIEGERS WERE REPULSED Engagement Began Before Daylight, and at 9 in the Mornlns the Fightlne Still Continued. LONDON, Jan- 6. The "war office this evening issued tne following: "From Buller, Prere Camp, Jan. 6: The following telegram was received from Gen eral White January 6, 9 A. M.: 'The en emy attacked Caesar's camp at 2:45 A. M. ln considerable force. The enemy was everywhere repulsed, but the fighting still continues.' " General Buller's telegram caused many later calls at the war office In expecta tion of the receipt of additional news. The officials stated at midnight, however, that nothing further -would be Issued dur ing the night. No news has been received from other sources, though the dispatches Indicate that Important events at the front are Imminent, if not actually progressing at this time. Boers Desert Ladygray. CAPE TOWN, Jan. 6. A dispatch from Herschel, Cape Colony, reports that Lady gray has been deserted by the Boers, -whose families -will go to the Orange Free Elate. The Boers, according to this dis patch, are constructing entrenchments between Ladygray and Barkly West. Another German Steamer Seized. DURBAN, Jan. 6. The German steamer Herzog has been seized by a British war ship and brought to this port. BADEN-POWELL'S DEFEAT. Mafeldng May Not Be Able to Hold Oat Much Longer. LONDON. Jan. 6. The continual bom bardment kept up on the Boer entrench ments on the Tugela and numerous recon nolssances are apparently connected with a well-defined purpose. There are some Indications that the British plan of at tack includes an important movement via Wenen. Baden-Powell's defeat In sorties at Ma feking raises serious doubts of his ability to hold out much longer. Today, however, comes a report that Colonel Plumer reached Mochunld from Fort Tuli about January 1, with the Rhodeslan relief force. As Colonel Plumer had at his dis posal about 2000 men, if the news is cor rect, he ought to be able to- raise the Siege of Mafeklng. The Inconclusive fighting around Coles burg was renewed this morning, the Brit ish artillery opening to ae westward of the town. The dispatches indicate that tJws-jjtAoiip-aoveioplng Into a. jreaeral en Advices from Belmont say that 'two com panies of Canadians, dispatched to cover the return of Colonel Pitcher's column, occupied a pass bIx miles out to prevent any attempt of the Boers to cut off the force. A dispatch from Cape Town relative to release of the steamer Mashona, having a quantity of American flour, says the case arouses less Interest than 'that of the Bundesrath, which it Is claimed has been known for years as a carrier of war ma terials to the Transvaal. Colonel Charles Howard Vincent sailed for South Africa today, although the doc tors have not permitted, him to accompany the London volunteers. Vincent is de termined to gh e his unofficial services at the seat of war. A special dispatch from Cape Town to day says It is rumored there that General French has entered Colesburg. The Morning Post's military critic dis cusses the details of General French's and General Gatacre's skirmishes and opera tions, and declares that both need rein forcements. He adds: "Each side of Modder river (where Me thuen is) wants to be attacked, but neith er cares to attack. The consequence is 4 liKeay io oe a pause until the arrival of reinforcements. These will reach the Brit ish first if General Buller wins a battle in NataL If not they may come first to the Boers, who. In case of their sec ond success at Tugela river, could spare men to go to Magersfontein." Botih the News and the Mail attack the ministry, submitting a series of questions much alike to be propounded In parlia ment when it assembles as to the conduct of the war and the preparations. These questions are aimed at Sir Michael Hicks- Beach, the chancellor of the exchequer; Lord Eansdowne. the war secretary; Lord j Wolseley, the commander of all her maj- esty's forces, and all the members of the war office, both in the civil and military branches. BULLER MAY ADVANCE MONDAY. Probable Plan for Attacking the Boers at the Tngela. NEW YORK, Jan. 6. A dispatch to the Tribune from London tays: While General French's adroit maneu vers and gallant repulse of the enemy's determined attack are of superior Interest as Incidents of actual warfare, public at tentlon cannot be diverted from the -impending battle at the Tugela. - Heavy fighting has been expected from hour to hDUr "by military men, who could not be convinced that Sir Redvers Buller would wait for the single battery and the small force of hussars whch had been dis patched from Cape Town to Durban. But when the official bulletin, dated yes terday, from Frere camp, and containing his thanks, in the name of the army, for the holiday remembrances from home was posted, the Impression prevailed at tho clubs that a decisive battle would be de ferred until Monday, when he could com mand every available man, gun and horse. This opinion was unchanged at midnight. The censorship was screwed down to the tightest notch, so that only trivial camp incidents were related by the news agen cies. The military writers for the press were divided In their forecasts of the plan of at tack. One group held that Inhlawe moun tain would be the first objective point, and that the southern bank would be cleared before any attempt was made to force the passage of the river. The second group, undismayed by the failure of previous fore casts, assumed that there would be a run ning movement a long distance away, with a front attack at the other end of the line and a vigorous artillery fire at the center, and they cited as proofs of their theory the reports of systematic scouting on the Upper Tugela, near Springfield, the mass ing of Warren's division at Estcourt, whence it could be sent toward Weenen, and the organization of the mule transport system on a large scale. General Buller must have received yes terday strong cavalry reinforcements, con sisting of the South African light horse and the Eighteenth hussars, and when the last battery afloat, with a small force of hussars, arrives, he will be as strong as he can be expected to be, and with nothing to gain by delay. German Steamer Released. BERLIN, Jan. 6. A dispatch received here from Aden says the authorities of that place have .renounced all further search; of the Imperial German mall steamer General detailed there under suspicion of having contraband of war on board. The steamer will resume her voy age in a few days. THE AMERICAN PRISONERS. Lieutenant Glllmore "Was Anions; the- Knmber Released. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. Official confir mation has come from both General Otis and Admiral Watson of the release of American prisoners who have been held by Filipinos for many months. Otis' dis patch reads as -fellows: "Manila. The prisoners-are now en route from Vigan. They arrive tonight, and a list of them will be telegraphed tomor row. Lieutenant Glllmore la among the number." That of Watson follows: "Manila. Colonels Hare and Howze have captured all American prisoners, in cluding Glllmore, now at Vigan." The sweeping statements made In the dispatches to the effect that all American prisoners have been released have aroused, a hope that in the list will appear the names of some officers and privates of the army who are set down on the army rolls as missing. Prominent among the missing army officers is Major Charles M. Rockefeller, of the Ninth infantry. This officer advanced beyond the lines during the fierce fighting early last sum mer. He disappeared completely, and no trace of his body was ever found. It is gathered from Otis' report that the released men have been sent by boat across Lin gay en gulf to Dagupan, at the northern extremity of the railroad, and about a day's journey from Manila, REPORT FROM LEARY. Civilizing tlie Natives and Cleaning Up the Island. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. The secretary of the navy has received a most interest ing report from Captain Leary, governor of Guam, recording his achievements in the matter of civilizing the natives and cleaning up the island. The report begins with the statement that three of the ma rine , guard. Privates 0Rourke, Paul Schoemlg and W. P. Brown, attached to the Guam battalion, died and were burled wittf - military honors. Captain Leory says: "There are other cases of sickness, but every possible care and attention is given them, all precautions being taken to im prove the sanitary condition of the sta tion. "After issuing my proclamation," 6aya Captain Leary, "setting aside a Thanks giving day, according to our national cus tom, g. native priest at Agana Informed me that he would that day celebrate a special Thanksgiving service. In which our station band would participate. "The high esteem in which Padre J. Zpalamo, the native priest, has been held by every jne in the island seems to be Justly merited by him. as he has on all -fetscasiona --shown himself to-b&'a'm&tfof1 extraordinary moral qualities, and it is a Pleasure to state that dn my various local duties and decrees as governor he has promptly and energetically Indorsed the "government'-s action, thereby strengthen ing our influence with, the people for good. "A report of the medical department's service among the inhabitants of Guam has been submitted by Surgeon Philip Leech, United States navy, showing the exoellent work that is being Accomplished by our small corps of medical officers, who have worked with tireless seal and energy, and are deserving of the highest praise." Surgeon Leech, after referring to the various cases under his care, says: "Assistant Surgeon Stone had persuaded the people of Agana, the largest village, to establish a. hospital of 10 beds. So striking have been the results that the authorities of the village ore now build ing and have nearly finished an additional hospital of 20 beds. "The people appear to be grateful for what is being gratuitously done for them, and seem to appreciate the importance of co-operating with us, not only in our med ical work, but in our efforts to make sani tary improvements." QUARANTINE Uf THE PHILIPPINES. Executive Order Relative to Regula tions for Island Ports. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. The president has Issued an executive order relative to quarantine regulations for the ports in the Philippine islands. The order recites that to pre ent the Introduction of epidemic dis eases the act of 1893 and the rules framed thereunder shall have full "force in the islands, with additional regulations. These rvrm$rA im rascale ftntAmnn- on3 nloarfTiiv from any Philippine port shall be examined by officers of the marln hrwnltal service. Details of officers for that purpose have already been made for the ports of Manila and Ilo Ho, and will be made for the remaining ports as rapidly as possible. These officers shall have authority over incoming vessels, including army trans ports and noncombatlve ships of the'navy, and no entries shall be permitted without quarantine certificates. Ships clearing for United States ports shall take out bills of health, after complying with all quaran tine regulations, and said bills may be signed by a collector of customs in the absence of a medical officer. The medical officer at Manila shall be the chief quaran tine officer and .make all appointments sub ject to the approval of the secretary of the treasury. The marine hospital service rules shall apply as far as applicable, and the expenses of the quarantine service shall be charged against the island reve nues, not to exceed 5300 000 per annum The epidemic fund Is to be reimbursed from the island receipts for the cost of disinfecting appliances and material al ready ordered to be forwarded to tha Island. Brutus and Victoria at Manila. MANILA Jan. 6. The collier Biutus has arrived here from Guam, Ladrone islands. The British steamer Victoria, Captain Blakeley, arrived here today In tow. The Victoria left San Francisco October 17 for Honolulu and Manila. She was spoken November 9 in latitude 19 north, longitude 159 east, moving under sail, having broken her shaft. POLITICS IN MANITOBA. Premier Greenvray and His Cabinet Resigned. ST. PAUL, Jan. 6. A Winnipeg (Man itoba) special to the Pioneer Press sajs: Premier Greenway and cabinet resigned office this evening, following their de feat at the polls December 7 last. The lieutenant-governor has called for Hon. Hugh John MacDonald to organize a new cabinet It will probably consist of Mr. MacDphald as premier and attorney-general; R. P. Roblin, minister of public works; James A. Davidson, secretary, and two other members without nnrtfnHr.. The bya-elActJnna will come on at once. I RMS EXCITED Seizures of Steamers Increase the Anti-British Sentiment. REGARDED AS UNWARRANTED They Will Have the Effect of Push- ing the Emperor's Navy Bill Through Parliament. BERLIN, Jan. 6. The excitement occa sioned by the seizures of German steam ers by British cruisers Increases, and overtops everything else. Even the open ing of the Prussian diet the coming Tues day is dwarfed thereby. In spite of the strongest current of popular anti-British sentiment, the German government still honestly tries to continue its course of loyal neutrality, but anxiously awaits fa vorable British action regarding the seiz ures, which the government and nation both regard as unjustified. The govern ment has ascertained without a shadow of doubt that the Bundesrath was seized in strictly neutral Territory within a ra dius belonging by international law to the Portuguese colony. Thereby the ac tion of the British cruiser Maglclenne was clearly wrong, as hero contended. The news that Great Britain has released the steamer General, seized at Aden, is here construed as Great Britain's backing down. In official circles today the hope was expressed to a representative of the Associated Press that Great Britain will L admit that she is wrong, after detailed ana comprehensive proofs are submitted at London. Part of these proofs are the bills of lading of the Bundesrath, the General and the Herzog, showing that the German East African line was most par ticular to exclude all chances of Its ves sels containing contraband. The Bundes rath is shown to have had on board 42 passengers for Delagoa bay, comprising 12 Portuguese, of whom several were gov ernment officials; two ex-Austrian and one ex-German army officer. The rest are civilians. This line is subsidized by Germany to the amount of 900,000 marks annually. The action of the Colonial Society, in further Inflaming public opinion, is con demned by a large part of the press. The Frelssinnlge Zeitung says: "The presi dent of the Colonial Society Is the regent of Mecklenberg-Schwerin. Does he deem it compatible with his position to use such language toward a friendly power?" The Hamburg correspondent doubts whether this is tho right time for indigna tion meetings. The. Magdeburg Zeitung says: "He "who advocates forcible measures does not know that Germany, in such a conflict with England, would be Isolated, since In France everybody awaits the moment Im patiently when a serious quarrel between those two great powers will enable her to act." The Vossische Zeitung says: "All the political parties in Germany will support the government In vigorously protecting be foolish to Join In protest meetings at this stage." The Cologne Gazette says: "It is re grettable that an English cruiser dared to seize the Bundesrath, but German sober opinion disavows purely agitatory meas ures." A fact Interesting to note Is that Cap tain Fry, of the English church In Berlin; British Ambassador Sir Frank C. Las celles and a committee now callor sub scriptions for the sick and wounded In South Africa. A concert Is to the given January 9. the proceeds to go toward the fund. The German Red Cross Society, at the beginning of the war, offeree!? aid to the British wounded, but the proffered as sistance was rejected. c A correspondent here of the Associated Press Interviewed Herr Barth, the frels sinnlge leader, who said: . "The Bundesrath incident will cause the fleet bill to pass with a rush. It will break the centrist opposition. No party, not even the socialists, would risk go ing before the. country now In opposition to the fleet bill, as It would be swept away." The" government Is expected to hurry forward the bill, so as to take advan tage of the monetary situation. With the reconvening of the diet, the canal bill fight will be renewed. The government's chances of passing the new bill have somewhat Improved In the mean while. But the conservatives remain ob durate. In spite of concllatory measures and utterances recently made by Prince Hohenlohe and Dr. von Mlquel. Strong I argumentations have been prepared by the opponents of the bill, including the fact that the newly-opened Dortmund Ems canal must be closed for three months for extensive repairs, showing the unreliability of canals as vehicles of com munication. The jemperor Is said to be de termined this time to dissolve the diet If the bill Is again rejected. The relchstag, after reconvening, will consider a number of Important measures, including the meat-inspectlen bill. There fore, the agrarian press jopens the fight "on American meat The Deutsche Tages Zei tung severely, abuses the Hamburg cham ber of commerce's annual report. In which the hope is expressed that -the anti-meat measures would tie stopped, and that the economic harmony with the United States would be re-established. The correspondent of the Associated Press is reliably informed that the em peror means to reorganize and extend the subsidy theaters in Berlin by the erection of a special Wagner theater here, planned under royal auspices. In addition to the royal, an opera-house will be rebuilt next year and modernized for dramas and smaller operas: the Schausniel-Haus will become a comedy stage and KrolUs will be J enlarged for a popular stage, giving the best performances at the cheapest prices, which Is the special wish of the emperor. 'ihe correspondent of the Associated' Press Is authentically Informed that the report that King Alexander, of Servia, Is married to Princess Marie Louls'e, of Cum berland, or anybody else, is baseless. The American Presbyterian mission at Batanga, Camaroons, has sent the Ger man government a letter of thanks for the efficient protection which the German colonial authorities afforded the mission in 1S99. Plans for the American church In Ber lin, which Mr. Lafarge, of New York, drew up after several modifications, do not find approval on the part of the Ber lin building authorities, who insist that to render the building safer, a German architect will have to change the plans accordingly. Russian Troops LONDON, Jan on Afghan Border. 6. Stock exchange prices were weak atrthe closing, partly due to the stories of Russia's massing tronns nn thft fiwnMpr nf A-fVVxiTitctnn a semi - official explanation of these moves comes today from St. Petersburg to the effect that they were merely to test the capacity of the Central Asian railroads to transport troops. The experiment, it is added, is regarded as highly successful. The explanation Is hardly regarded as entirely satisfactory, but official circles discredit the Idea that Russia's present move In any way threatens Afghanistan or India. B' SANTO DOMINGO'S DEBT. United States Will Not Prevent Fiance's Attempt to Settle Claim. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. The United States government has at this moment no concern in the attempt of the French gov ernment to settle a long-standing claim against the government of Santo Domingo by a naval demonstration, as reported in the press dispatches. What out future at titude may be will depend entirely upon developments; but it may be stated there Is a growing indisposition here to shelter governments from the consequence of their disregard of the rules of honesty and In ternational obligation. It is not positive ly known that in the present instance tur pitude is involved, but from the statement of facts set out in the press dispatches the case appears to bear a strong resem blance to others that have preceded It, and that, In our estimation, justifies the action of foreign governments In adopting summary measures to collect their money. This particular case is said to have been pending about three years, and it is under stood that President Heureaux had finally arranged to settle It, but the agreemens was disregarded by Jimenes, his successor and the present occupant of the presi dential office of Santo Domingo. There is a possibility that tho United States may ultimately become involved In this affair through what is known as the San Do minican syndicate, controlled by New YorK capitalists. This concern has a conces sion from the Santo Domingo government by which, In return for defraying the in terest on the public debt and otherwise as sisting the government financially, it is entitled to collect all of the customs reve nues of the Island. The present administration In Santo Do mingo is believed to be so low In tunas that it could scarcely ray the ICO.OOO de manded by the French government in set tlement of the pending claim. If, in this case, the French naval commanders should undertake to seize the customs revenues, international questions might arise. It should be stated, however, that, so far, the state department is not Informed that Jimenes has recognized as still In force tne concession held by the New York syndi cate coming from the late President Heureaux. Santo Domingo Will Pay. NEW YORK, Jan. 6. General Alejandro Whozy Gil, who was consul-general of the Dominican republic In this city for six years, until the assassination of President Heureaux, said last night, when told that the French government had ordered the French Atlantic squadron to sail for Santo Domingo: "I have no doubt whatever that the claim will be settled to the complete satisfaction of the French government, irrespective of the intended visit of the French squadron." French Ship for Santo Domingo. ST. TTTnXTAa -n -rrr t t n fFrebaglblitacein& iu-jjuminsor it is reported she was called there hurriedly by cable. The German schoolshlp Stoschis here. MINERAL PRODUCTION. United States Ahead of Great Britain as a Coalprodncer. s NEW YORK, 6. The Engineering hnd Mining Journal, in its annual statis tical number published today, says the preliminary statement of mineral pro duction in the United States shows that tho total production was valued at the place of production at 5413,738,414, as com pared with $314,255,620 in 1S9S. Of non metallic substances, the total value of the output was $001,872,631, as compared with $483,091,970 in 1898. Deducting certain un avoidable duplications, such as coal used in coke or Iron ore in pig. Iron and so on, the net value of the mineral produc tion reached a total of $891,424,082, show ing an increase of $151,607,332 over 1898. The gold production was valued at $72, 483,055, and the silver production was 61, 179.6S9 ounces. The most Important item was coal, the total of which in 1899 was no less than 244,581,875 tons, the largest quantity ever mined in a year, and putting the United States for the first time ahead of Great Britain as a coal-producer. The pig Iron production was 13,649,453 tons, or 1,878,619 tons more than in 1S9S. The copper pro duction amounted to 592.652,637 pounds, a gain of 11 per cent over the previous year. Other important items were 213,003 tons of lead; 135,796 tons of zinc; 54,048,100 b'arrels of petroleum; 15,194,511 barrels of cement; 19,215.794 barrels of salt; 88,713 flasks of quicksilver, besides a very .great variety of mineral products of import ance. GERMANY AND MONROEISM. Building a Navy to Carry Out South American Expansion Idea. LONDON, Jan. 6 The Spectator today publishes an .article entitled "Germany and the Monroe Doctrine." In which It says: "It Is with America and England that Germany realizes she must struggle for supremacy. We do not say for a moment that Germany (regards America as an en emy, but Germany realizes It is America that at the moment lies across Germany's path, and that, unless she Is able to reckon with America on equal terms, she will not become the world-power of the future that she desires to be." ' The Spectator then goes on to declare that Germany's objective is South Amer ica, but that the Monroe dctrine bars her way. How to get around this is puz zling, but the paper declares Emperor William counts upon the German vote In the United States to hflp him when his new navy Is ready to carry out his South American expansion Idea, especially In Brazil. The Spectator then warns the United States that If "It Intends to uphold the Monroe doctrine in the future, it must not sleep over It now, but prepare to sup port a navy and army equal to the strain of maintaining a policy so tremendous. If not. she 'Is certain to suffer great hu miliation at the hands of "patient, effi cient and persistent Germany," adding: "When the hour comes, Germany won't be bluffed Into respect of Monroeism. She will call America's fleet, and If the fleet Is no higher than her's, Germany will act." i i a a - Shnfcldt Court-Martial. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. Under orders Issued by General Merrltt, commanding tlie department of the East, a general CQurt-martial, of which Colonel F. L. Gueritjier, Fourth artillery, is president, met at Washington barracks, in this city today, for the trial of Captain Robert W. Shufeldt, United States army, retired, on the charge of conduct unbecoming an offi cer and a gentleman. The case is a pecu liar one, in that It Involves the right of military authorities to compel a retired-officer of the army to submit himself to the jurisdiction of a state court for the satis faction of a private obligation HNlCAL SCHOOL J. W. Cook Donates Seven Acres In Albina for a Site. LOCATION AN APPROPRIATE ONE One Condition Is That There Must Be No Distinction of Race, Color or Religious Belief. J. W. Cook, for 45 years a resident of Portland, and one of the pioneers In the salmon-canning Industry on the Columbia river, announced yesterday that ho will donate seven acres in Cook's addition to Albina as a site for a technical and 'n- DONATES A SITE FOR wmmiww J.. W. Cook, who has donated seven Jacrea In Cook's afldltbn-to Albina aa-asitcfora tech nical and Industrial school, has been a 'resident of Portland continuously since January 28, 1835. He was born at Newark, N. J., Aujust , 1S33. For the past 15 years of his residence in Portland ha has been a manufacturer pf bags, tent3 and wagon covers and a speculator In real estate. He was the first to speculate In Portland real estate. Property now worth hundreds of thousands of dollars passed through his hands. One of his earliest purchases was all of the block bounded by Second, Third, Clay and Columbia streets, except the two lots on the southeast corner of Third and Columbia. Forty years ago he paid $300 for this property. He sold the two lots on Third and Clay for but ?300, but more than made his money out of the remainder. Mr. Cook and his 'brother, JVIn, were among the first to engage In salmon can ning on the Columbia river. About 30 years ago they built a cannery at Clifton. "While Mr. Cook Tvae in the"buslness he packed about 600,000 cases of salmon, of an estimated value of over ?3,000,000, JJr. Cook has always given strict attention to business, and has never had any desire to figure In politics. The only office h& eer held was that of councilman in Portland. That was so long ago that he has forgotten thp year of his election. dustrlal school. He attaches two condl- tions to his gift. They are: First The school shall be open to all persons who are residents of Oregon, with out regard to religious belief, race or color. Second The land shall be used only for me uuriiubu ior wnicn n nas Deen ao- nated. If abandoned or put to other uses it shall revert to Mr. Cook or his heirs. .The offer holds good for one year. Mr. Cook expects that a committee of public spirited men and women will now take the project In hand. When tne body has been organized to the satisfaction of Mr. Cook, the site will be formally conveyed. The site which Mr. Cook has donated Is part of a tract of 40 acres which he bought several years ago. The greater part of the tract has been sold as town lots, upon which many cozy homes have been built. In times ot ordinary demand for real estate, the seven acres wquld bo worth $20,000. Even in the present period of low values Mr. Cook would not con sider an offer ot $1000-an acre. So It will be seen that substantial aid has been given for the establishment of a technical and industrial school. The elte is on the high ground northeast of the big O. R. & N. shops, and but little , over a stone's throw from them. Fremont street bounds H on the east and the St. Johns road on the west. Maryland street ' naa collected upon the fire escapes on the runs through the tract, east and West, ' front of tne building, were safely carried and Lincoln street, north and south. In down. speaking of streets, it should be said thaw Raphael PItizzo, who lived on the third while this part of the tract has been . fl00r, took his family of three small chll mapped for Mr. Cook's private use, it 3ren down the rear fire escape to tho sec has never been formally platted. i 0nd floor, where he was cut off by flames. No more appropriate site could be chosen for a site for a technical and industrial school. Here the student, pursuing the studies that are to equip him for the bat tle of life, will be in close touch with In dustry In all its forms, but far enough removed from its noises to be able to carry on his studies in quiet. At the base of a gently sloping hill on the low ground to the southwest are the great railroad shop i of the O. R. & N. Co. Skirting the river front are sawmills, warenouses, wheat docks, flour mills, factories and other in dustrial enterprises. Every .dollar's worth of Portland's ocean commerce, and a great deal of its river trade passes up and down the Willamette In front of the site. All of Portland la within view. The snow clad mountains loom up just as clearly from this place as from any point around Portland. Lower Albina cars of the City & Suburban system run up Mississippi avenue to within four blocks of the lo cation. Mr. Cook made a trip to the property yesterday and found that some one had generously fenced It and converted It into a pasture for a teyr cows. Along the St Johns road a fetfr squatters had settled on small pieces and put up shan ties. Mr Cook measured the land with a tape line and estimated that between two and three acres aire level enougn for building purposes. The remainder is in gentle slopes, which could' be utilized for small buildings or laid out In a lawn. If laid out, It would be one of the pret tiest lawns around Portland. It would make the place look like the home of a wealthy retired merchant. Mr. Cook has had the project In mind for over a year. Being a practical busi ness man, and a very successful one, he has realized the need of a technical and industrial school In a great city such as Portland has come to be. The banquet to D. A. Sinclair, general sec retary of the Y. M. C. A. of Davto.n, O, the other night, at which technical edu cation was discussed, influenced him to take the first step and offer a suitable site. "Portland needs an Industrial and tech nical "school for Its young people," said Mr. Cook yesterday, "and I sincerely hope that the movement in that direc tion which has been Inaugurated will be successful. I make no conditions about the size of the buildings or their cost. Doubtless those who will undertake the enterprise will find It for the best to begin on a small scale and gradually enlarge their scope. Whether the Insti tution should be for boys alone, or for both sexes. Is a matter which I shall leave to the management. It seems to me that there should bo a small charge for tuition, In order to cover expenses. The only conditions upon which I insist are that the land shall be used for the purpose for which I donate It, and that the school shall be open to all citizens of Oregon, without distinction of race, color or religion. Young men and young women from whom prejudice as to re ligious belief, race or color is absent make our best citizens, and it should j be the aim of the new Institution to fit A TECHNICAL SCHOOL wfcomz! , Its students for the best and healthiest i thero is in American citizenship. ' TENEMENT-HOUSE FIRE. I j. Persons Killed and Seven In- jnred In New Yorhr. NEW YORK, Jan. 6. A tenement-house fire in East Ninety-second street early to day resulted in three deaths and seven persons being badly Injured. The dead are: Mrs. Mary Sutherly, a widow. Frank Sutherly, 9 years old. James Sutherly, 22 months old, both sons of Mrs Sutherly. The Injured are: Harry Sutherly, 5 years, critical; Raphael PItizzo, bruised; Fire Lieutenant Stone, M. A. Dean, Michael Sullivan, Charles McCarthy and Martin O'Leary, overcome by gaa and smoke. The fire, which started In the cellar, had gained much headway before the firemen arrived. A policeman aroused the tenants. Harry Sutherly was found lying uncon scious In the hallway on the second floor. Tho boy had made hjs way from the top flnnr hut nmilrt pft Tin further. Ha had inhaled flames, arid it is thought he will aie. Ladders were raised by the firemen, nA number of women and children, who while clinging to the fire escape he was compelled to pass his children over a 12 foot fence surmounted with spikes, which separated the tenement from the adjoin ing house. His arms were cut by the spikes, and when he saw the children all in safety he collapsed and fell, sus taining bruises. When the firemen were about to enter the building they found the dead body of Mrs. Sutherly, lying face down, with her baby dead In her arms. A few feet from her, on the floor, lay the half-burned body of her boy Frank. The damage to the property Is trivial. Another New York Fire. NEW YORK. Jan. 7 Fire this morrnnjr destroyed a six-story brick factory build ing at Fifty-ninth street and First 'ave nue, occupied by Frank M. Wise, alumi num and metal; Brown & Smlthson, or ! namental plasterers, and E. S. Levy 5c Co., cigars. Chief Croker estimates the damage at JCO.OOO. 3 a , j Railroad Name Changed. BISMARCK, N. D Jan. 6. General W. D. Washburn, president of the Bismarck, , Washburn & Fort Buford Railroad Com pany, has filed with the secretary of state ' notice of a change of name to the Bis marck, Washburn & Great Falls railroad, the intention being to make the line more extensive than at first expected, and to build to Great Falls, Mont, through the Judith basin. Ernest J. Lehman. WHITE PLAINS. N. Y.. Jan. 6. Ernest J, Lehman, founder ot The Fair depart ment store In Chicago, and the first to put Into execution in Chicago the department store Idea, died here last night, at a pri vate sanitarium, where he had long been a Hoar Criticised for His Speech in Favor of Quay. MILES SNUBBED BY H'KINLEY Culberson Called Down by the Dem ocratio Leaders Alger Wrltlns a Boole on Army Beef. WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. Senator Hoar Is being quite severely criticised on ac count of his speech in favor of the seat ing of Senator Quay. Those who aro opposed to Quay, and especially a large number of senators, think the Massachu setts man went outside his position as a senator In declaring himself, and that It was unwarranted to make a statement and partial argument In favor of seating Quay before the case actually came be fore the senate. The excuse which he made to get hl9 remarks before the peo ple la said to be altogether too lame, as petitions upon one side or the other have been pouring In upon senators ever since Quay was appointed. Miles Refused Consideration. General Miles, commander-in-chief of tha army, is still refused consideration, and" the belief is general that the prejudica must exist with President McKlniey, a3 well as with Corbin, for Secretary Root Is supposed to be fair enough to give con sideration to the position which General Miles holds. Friends of General Mlle3 say that recommendations which he makes are pigeon-holed and are sometimes not even brought to tho attention of the sec retary, no matter of how much importance they may be. Second Place on Presidential TIclcet. Delegate Flynn, of Oklahoma, asked tho president whom he wanted for second placo on the ticket, and the president got around the question by saying that that was a matter for the convention to decide, and his only wish was that whom soever It might be should be a man big enough to be president. Of course, it is not supposed that tho president would tell a delegate in congress, or any other person who was not entirely In his confi dence, whom he preferred as a running mate. The "hunch" will be given to tha republican delegates at Philadelphia, and will come from Hanna just as It came In regard to the selection of Philadelphia for the national convention, and the defeat of tho Payne proposition to reduce South ern representation in the convention. The president is not telling the Flynna of Oklahoma his opinions on Important po litical questions like the selection ot vice president for transmission to tho republi can managers. Culberson Called Down. Tho democratic leaders of the senate, composed mostly of old senators, have given Culberson of Texas to understand that for a new man In the body to aspire to displace an old-timer like Jones, even Qn a political position outside the senate. is equivalent to placing himself outside tha pale of senatorial courtesy. Culberson, desiring to have a prosperous career In the senate, has hastened to announce that he will not ba a candidate for the demo cratic chairmanship In place of Jones. Alger Writing a. Boole. Considerable interest Is manifested here, in the announcement that ex-Secretary Alger Is to publish a book defending hla administration of the war department dur ing the Spanish war. It Is asserted that his private secretary was Instructed by Alger to collect and secure photographic copies of all the big beef and other con tracts with the commissary and quarter master departments, and that It wa3 only after these had been obtained that Alger resigned. These features, it Is aald, will form an Interesting part of the book, but to just what use the ex-secretary will as sign them, is not known. Talcu Chief in Washington Chief Johnson, of Juneau, Alaska, head of the Taku tribe, has arrived in Wash ington, and Intends to pay his respects to the president. He will also call on a num ber of senators and representatives, and urge upon them tho necessity for better provisions for his home people. SENSATION IN MICHIGAN. More State Officials Indicted Bribery and Embezzlement. "LANSING, Mich., Jan 6. The Ingham county grand jury, which created a series of sensations by bringing bills of indict ment charging several state officers with flagrant criminal offenses, adjourned to day, tho term of ufflce of Circuit Judgo Parson, who summoned the Jury, having expired. In their final report to the court, the jurors said: "Our entire session has been de-voted to Investigation of state and legislative de partments. Certain offenses against the laws have been discovered and indictments found. Other misdemeanors partially ex amined Into have not been fully Investi gated, for the reason that to have done so would have required the abandonment of the case In hand." The following are the persons who hava been Indicted and the offenses alleged: Edgar J. Adams, speaker of the house of representatives, two Indictments for bribery. William A. French, state land commis sioner, offering bribes. Charles H. Pratt, agent for a law-book concern, offering bribes. Representative S. J. Hammond, solicit ing bribes. Fred A. Maynard, ex-attorney-general, misdemeanor in retaining part of his chief clerk's salary. W. L. White, state quartermaster-general; Colonel Harold A. Smith, assistant quartermaster; Arthur F. Marsh, adjutant-general, and chairman of the stato republican central committee, and Ell R. Sutton, regent of the university of Mich igan, and a member of Governor Pln gree's military staff, charged with alleged fraud and embezzlement n connection with the sale and alleged repurchase of military supplies. All appeared for arraignment, excepting General White, who has departed. All the military men Indicted were appointees of the governor, but it is regarded as set tled that the governor had no knowledgo of the alleged frauds. 3 The French Conspirators. PARIS, Jan. 6. M. Guerfn, who hag' been, sentenced to 10 years' confinement in a fortified place, has arrived at Clatrvaux, where he will undergo his sentence. Thero was no demonstration anywhere during Guerin's journey. Buffet, who was con demned to 10 years' banishment, remains in Brussels. Deroulede. who has also been banished for 1Q years. Is on his way to Milan, whence he proceeds to Spain, having decided to take up his residence at San Sebastian. a Jnlla Marlowc-Taher Divorced. HYDE PARK, N. H.. Jan. 6. JuHa Marlowe-Taber. the octrees, has beea granted a divorce from her husband, Rob ert Taber.