10 THE StJOTJAY OK.EGOXrA5T8 POBTiA2rDs PEBBTABT 24, 3895- Kate Leary. Miss STcllla Hazxarff, Miss Bessie Toble. Miss M. Rose. Mr. Chris and Henry Chambers. Mr. E. "Wolf. Mr. I. Kelley. Mr. Fred Woodward, Mr. John Ryan and Mr. B. Conroy. Good Tixue for Veterans. The several Portland posts, G. A. R., celebrated Washington's birthday in a vory enjoyable manner. Many of the vet erans took part In the parade, and at night there was a large assemblage at the hall, corner First rnd Taylor. A short pro gramme was rendered in a highly enter taining manner. Among other things there was the presentation to the hall of a fine portrait of Washington. Judge Ste phens made he presentation speech in such eloquent wonls as to arouse great en thusiasm. The following programme was carried out: Solo and chorus.. ..Mrs. and Miss Jacobs Presentation of a picture of Washing ton Judge T. A. Stephens Holmes' Ode "To Washington's Birth day" Captain Rockwell Lincoln's "Gettysburg Address" Captain R. C. Brant Solo "The Sword of Bunker Hill" E. Drake Address Major T. C. Bell Trio "Ship of State" ..B. Drake, W. N. Morse, M. J. Morse The audience, which was made up of the various G. A. R. posts, relief corps and Sons of Veteran posts in the city, was most appreciative and demanded frequent oneoree. Altogether the occasion was highly successful. A.:feTr Contralto at the Klinsenbere Courscn Concerts. Messrs. Kllngenberg, Coursen, Spitzner and Bracamonte will render the ensemble Numbers at the concert at Arion hall to morrow (Monday) night, while the vocal numbers will be given by Miss Anna Miller Wood, of San Franc'sco, who comes to Portland especially for this concert. Miss Wood, who has Just given a concert In San Francisco, is most enthusiastically spoken of by the entire press of that city. A few short excerpts are given here: "A voice with strong, clear quality, full and resonant-" Chrc nicle. "A rich, mellow and clear contralto." Wasp. "An ideal interpreter of classical music." Town Talk. The programme follows: Quartet for piano and strings Mendelssohn Vocal solo "Summer Night" Thomas Piano solo (a) Berceuse Chopin (b) Ballade No. 4 Vooal solo (a) "Oh, That We Two".Nevin (b) "Morning Dew" Grieg (c) "Is't True?" Schumann Sonata, piano snd violin Beethoven Tickets. 75 cents, for sale by George H. Foss. 2SS Morrison street. The Poor Remembered. Among the many attractions in the city Friday night, none were more successful, socially and financially, than the one given by the lady members of St. Ann's Charitable Society, in order to swell the coffers of this benevolent band. At pre cisely 9 o'clock, the German was led, fol lowed by leading popular dances. For those who did not engage In the "mazy waltz," card tables had been set in the spacious dining hall, and were well filled "by players. At the supper hour, delicate refreshments were served. Early morn had dawned ere the dancers reluctantly left the ballroom. St. Ann's treasury is again replete, and the energetic ladles who so arduously worked to render the affair successful feel the force of the In junction. "They who give to the poor, lend to the Lord." The Unique CInb'H Hop. On Thursday evening last, on the East Side, there was a very fashionable as semblage of Portland's young people. The occasion was the dance given by the Unique Club to its members and friends. There wore about 63 couples present. Ar rangements had been made to have a special car convey the guests to the West Side, so very little inconvenience was suf fered on account of the location. Almost notiaeable feature was the uniform e"le ganoe of the ladles' costumes. Arrange ments are on foot to -give ano'ther party immediately -after Lent, when a much larger and more commodious hall will be secured. Surprine to Mr. and Mrn. Stcrtnrt. A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Stewart gave them a very pleasant surprise at their residence, 973 East Mor rison street, Thursday evening. Whist playing and social converse was the order of the evening. Dainty refreshments were served at 10 o'clock. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Culpan, Mr. and Mrs. S. Haines. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southard, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Mary Bybee, Miss Maytie Peck, Miss Annie Guile. Miss Emma Wright. Mr. F. S. Mc Cullough, Mr. J. II. Stipe. Mr. H. M. Beckwith, Mr. W. E. Jacobs. Surprise to Mis Jones. A number of the friends of Miss Myrtle Jones. gae her a very pleasant surprise at her home, in Mount Tabor, on Wed nesday evening, February 20. The even ing was spent in music and games, after which a lunch was served. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Miss Fanny Bryant, Georgia McKay, Mable Milwaln. Dora Nendel, Pauline Setto, El- vcrda Jones, Messrs. Ed McKay, John Plpos, Harry Palmer, George Nendel, Ed Allen. John Buckler, Al Wells, Arthur Bryant, Wilfred Hunter. The Tuxedo Clnb. The Tuxedo Club gave its third party last Wednesday evening at Parson's hall. About CS couples enjoyed the beautiful strains of Parsons' orchestra until mid night. The club lately organized, with a membership limited to CO members, to give parties during the winter, and excursions and summer amusements during the sum mer. Entertainment at Church. A vory enjoyable entertainment was given by the Young People's Society of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church, of Albina. at Gomez hall, last Friday night. About 300 persons were present to hear s. llnoly arranged programme, which was rendered In the most pleasing manner and met with much enthusiasm. A Surprise. A very pleasant surprise party was glvon Miss Daisy Smith by her school friends last Thursday evening, at the home of her parents, 514 East Oak street. Music and games were the features of the ovoning. after which refreshments were servod. Twenty-three young misses and men were prosont. Itlrihdny Anniversary. A very pleasant party -was tendered Miss Maud Attwood. last Saturday evening, at her home, corner of Grand avenue and Haat Alder street. It being the young lady's 13th birthday anniversary. Music and games were the order of the evening, aad at 9 o'clock a splendid supper was served. Mrs. Zimmerman Surprised. Mrs. E. Zimmerman, of 273 Wheeler street, was surprised Friday evening by a large numebr of her friends. The oeca". sten was Mrs. Zimmerman's birthday. The visiters were soon enjoying themselves with drive whist, singing and dancing. Refreshments were served at intervals. Minn Clark Entertains. Miss J. A. Clark entertained a number of her friends at her residence, on the East SWe, last Tuesday evening. The evening -was .spent in music and games. Miss Ada ItassoM rendered several recitations. De lletetts refrohments were served, and dancing and singing were indulged- in. The llnrrlingr Tournament. The lady members of the M. A. A. C. who have entered the bowling tournament are notified that the game will commence Rt 9 A. M. sharp or Tuesday morning, Fehnwry 26. Ml Dnfnr's I-'arcn-ell Party. A very pleasant farewell party was tendered to Miss Annie Dufur by Miss Frankie Staasteery at the residence of Mr. acd Mrs. J. C. Wendal, corner East Twelfth and East Davis, Wednesday evening-. Miss Dufur has been visiting rela tives and friends In this city for some time, and was about to return to her home at Dufur. Or. Music and games were the principal features of the evening. At 11 o'clock supper was served. Mnnicale. The social committee of the Women's League have arranged for a fine pro gramme to be rendered at the Hassalo street Congregational church next Friday evening. First-class talent has been se cured and a treat is promised. Admis sion 23 cents. Society Personal. Social at Parsons' hall Friday evening. Knox spring hats on sale at Buffum & Pendleton's. Mr. H. B. Tronson has returned from San Francisco. Mrs. Henry E. Jones will give a recep tion on March . Mr. Thomas Rlggs, of Bucoda, is visit ing friends In town. The Misses Eliot gave a "matinee tea" yesterday afternoon. H. A. Webber, teacher of mandolin and guitar, 515-516 Marquam. Mr. R. S. Farrel spent Wednesday and Thursday of last week at Salem. Nicely furnished rooms one block south Hotel Portland, 195 Sixth street. The Misses Julia and Edith Veazle, of Eugene, are spending Sunday in the city. Manhattan and Monarch percale shirts all reduced to $1 50. Buffum & Pendleton. Mr. S. S. Durkhelmer, a merchant of Prairie City, is visiting his parents in this city. Miss Anna Miller Wood will be the guest of Mrs. E. E. Coursen during her stay in Portland. Mr. Wesley Ladd has been confined to his home for the past 10 days, but is now convalescing. Mrs. B. S. Schermerhorn and son Louis have returned from several weeks' stay in the Hawaiian islands. The Misses Marshall, of Vancouver bar racks, have been visiting Mrs. O'Day, at The Curtis, during the past week. Mrs. Heitshu and the Misses Heitshu leave San Francisco for Portland on the steamer Columbia, sailing March 5. The ladies of Calvary Presbyterian church are arranging for a toy symphony March 8, to be conducted by Mr. Ralph Hoyt. Mr. Dean Tatom, of Monmouth, is in the city visiting his sister. Miss Esther Ta tom, who is attending one of the busi ness colleges. Mrs, Foreman has changed the date of Wednesday Club party, making Monday, February 23, a reception party to her even ing classes and clubs. Mrs. S. F. Chadwick, Miss Mary Chad wick and Mrs. W. T. Gray, of Salem, have for several days been guests of Mrs. G. A. Taylor, 777 Kearney street. Mrs. M. A. Shaw, of Woodlawn, left for Detroit, Mich., over the Northern Pacific railroad Saturday morning, to attend the sick bed of her mother and her sister. The next social of the series given by Miss Wilson and Mr. Parsons will be next Friday evening, March L Patronesses, Mrs. Thomas Gray and Mrs. J. E. Wright. The Misses Gates, who have been visit ing Mrs. Zera Snow for the past month, departed for their home in Omaha, Thurs day evening. At the station, to bid them "bon voyage." a large number of friends had gathered, and they were presented with numerous floral offerings. Mrs. Osmon Royal left last evening for Florida, by the way of Denver, where sho will make a short stay. Mrs. Royal in tends spending the winter with her mother and sisters, who are In Florida, and will go home with them in the spring to her old home in New York, before returning to Oregon. Miss Caroline Shindler, the young so prano, who returned from a three years' course, of study in singing last spring, is once ore in Portland. Miss Shindler, since her fetorn, W met wth, great suc cess, especially in San Francisco, where she has sung in the very best concerts and 6een pronounced by competent mu sical critics to be a clever and painstaking artist. As many of her Portland friends will recall. Miss Shindler in the days be fore she departed for that Mecca of all artistic aspirations Paris possessed a sweet and clear soprano voice. She was often heard In public, and always with pleasure If then, more so now, as years of cultivation have teen added to her nat ural gift of song. Miss Shindler has de termined to give her Portland friends of whom she has many an opportunity of hearing her in a concert, which she will give Friday evening. March S, at Arion hall, to be assisted by Miss May Cook. OCT OF TOWS. (Volunteer accounts of social exents In state points will be accepted and printed. If in suita ble form. AH communications must be accom panied by the name of the writer, not for pub lication, but to Insure good faith.) Vancouver. Mr. Louis Sohns left last Sunday for Seattle, where he spent the week. Major and Mrs. W. H. Nash returned from a week's visit in the Puget sound country on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Needham departed last Tuesday for Medford, Or., where they expect to reside in future. The hof. given by the Independent Order of Royal Fellows, at Armory hall, Friday evening, was a success in every particular. About 200 guests were present. Messrs. Merton Darland and Charles Morris, of Goldendale, who have been In attendance at the Willamette university were the guests of Mr. Ed Miller Friday. Last Wednesday evening, company H. N. G. W.. entertained a number of their lady friends at Armory hall. Dancing Was indulged in until a late hour. Good music was furnished and a most delightful even ing was enjoyed by all present. On Saturday evening of last week The Home Whist Club met at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Boehmer. First prizes were won by Mrs. E. C Bellows and Mr. J. H. Elwell, and the boobies were claimed by Mr. McCredln and Mrs. Ransom. Misses Elva Hidden, Cora Rowland, Mabel Hidden and Francis and Floy Brown gave a delightful dancing party to a number of their young friends at the Hotel Columbia last Wednesday evening. Refreshments were served and dancing was Indulged in until midnight. The entertainment given by the members of the Epworth League, at the Methodist church, on the evening of Washington's birthday, was a very enjoyable affair. A large crowd was In attendance, and a most interesting programmeof musical and llt trary exercises appropriate to the day was rendered. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Boehmer very pleas antly entertained a few of their friends at their home on Ninth street, last Wed nesday evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Stephenson, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Whitney, F. Clyde Leathers, Mrs. Albright, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wintler. Miss Courtwright and Miss Kate Steward. The members and a few friends of the As You Like It Club were very pleasantly entertained last Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dan iels. During the early part of the evening the large attic of the dwelling was turned into an impromptu theater and stage, and a few of the members entertained the majority with amateur theatricals very cleverly performed. The remainder of the evening was devoted to progressive whist. Mr. W. H. Metcalf securing the first prize and Mr. W. H. Eddings the booby. Elegant refreshments were served. Orecon City Social. Miss Lena Goldsmith, of Eugene, Is vis iting her sister. Mrs. M. Bollack. Major J. S. Booth, of The Dalles, spent Friday with friends in this city. Miss Maude Upton, of Portland, visited friends here the latter part.of the week. Miss Vera Pllsbury spent a week in Portland visiting Miss Bertha Barin, re- I turning home Friday. She was accom panied by Miss Barin. who is spending a few days with friends hefe. Miss Lucy Lambert, of Portland, Is visiting her sister. Mrs. A. R. Graham. Mr. John F. Clark left Saturday morn ing to spend several days in McMlnnvllle and Dallas. Miss Ora Spangler left last Thursday to remain over Sunday with her parents at Corvallis. Mr. D. P. Bagnell, of South Bend, Wash., was the guest of Mr. Bert Houser during the past week. Miss Mary Mclntyre returned Friday morning from Salem, where she spent a week with Miss Lenora Kay. The Thursday Night Club met at the Armory this week and made dancing the chief feature of entertainment. Mrs. A. S. Dresser has been visiting friends in Turner and is now in McMlnn vllle, a guest of Mrs. D. McDonald. The Rebecka lodge gave a fraternal so cial Friday evening at which refresh ments were served and a good time en joyed by the large number present. The Toung People's Dancing Club gave Its last party of the season at the Armory Friday night. The attendance was large, the music excellent and it was altogether a fitting wind-up of the season's gaiety. A New England dinner was served at the Baptist church Friday evening and afterward an entertainment suitable to Washington's blrhday, was given, the programme being entirely devoted "o patriotic themes. President McClelland, of the Forest Grove university, was In this city the first part of the week. He attended the meet ing of the McLoughlin Chautauqua circle, and was elected a member of the class the 50th member of this circle. Roselmrpr. Miss Echo Gladdis, who has held a clerkship during the legislature, returned home this week. Dr. Fred W. Haynes has returned from Atlanta, Ga., where he has been attending college this winter. Mrs. Dr. Little, of Oakland, spent sev eral days this week visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Fickle, In this city. Mrs. Dr. K. L. Miller and Miss Lizzie Parrott are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Casey, in Sa.em, this week. Miss Mary Ames, who has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. H. W. Miller, in Rose burg, left Friday morning for her home in Napa City, Cal. The entertainment given by the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian church, at Slocum's hall, Wednesday night was largely attended and proved in every way a success. The K. of P. anniversary exercises at the castle hall of Alpha lodge, Wednes day evening, were quite Interesting and everything passed off pleasantly. Knight Thomas Gibson presided and made some appropriate introductory remarks, fol lowed by prayer by Knight J. C. Crutch field. The address of the evening was made by Past Chancellor Fred Page-Tus-tln. A quartet, composed of Messrs. W. T. Wright. Fred Zigler, David Clements and J. C. Aiken, sang a splendid selection. Miss Julia Bradley recited in her usual pleasing manner and Miss Thompson gave a well-executed violin solo. In addition to these the K. of P. band rendered several excellent selections, and the knights and their guests indulged in social games un til a late hour. The Babes In the Woods held their closing party, until after Lent, Friday evening, February 15. A most enjoyable time was passed. Many charming favors were conferred during the cotillion, which was admirably led by Mr. Mllus Park hurst, assisted by Miss Gertrude Stephens, after which dainty refreshments were served. Among those present were: Mrs. A. H. Mackay, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. de France, Mrs. Gladding. Mrs. Breeden, Miss Eva Albright, Miss Inez Barrett, Miss Blanche Breeden, Miss Laura Bull ock, Miss Fannie Brown, Miss Emma Blagen, Miss Edna Cannon, Miss Grace Clagett, Miss Cornelia Drake, Miss Lilian de France, Miss Mamie de France; 'Miss Fellows, Miss Mamie Gladding, Mfas Annie Holmes, Miss Emily Holbrook, Miss Francis Jeffrey, Miss Edna Jeffrey, Miss Frankie Martin, Miss Margaret McGinn, Miss Helen Nur, Miss Daisy O'Connor, Miss May O'Connor, Miss Madge O'Con nor, Miss Fannie Osborn, Miss Eva Rob inson, Miss Lottie Robinson, Miss Ethel Sterns, Miss Violet Stevens, Miss Gert rude Stephens, Miss Lila Southerland, Miss Pearl Williams; Messrs. George and Ned Barrett, Lynn Baker, Horace Clag ett, Alex, de France, Frank Freeman, Fred Forbes, Harry Gaylord, Howard Gaylord,, Walter Honeyman, James and Harry Holmes, Earn Hamilton, Will Hol brook, Louis Harlow, Bert Irwin, Will Lawler, Charles Lathrop, Ed Lyons, Earn Mackay, Jess Morgan, Ed Morgan, Charles McGinn, Will Northup, Joes Con nor, Piatt Randall, Ed Sterling, Ruy Spaulding. Ed Spauldlng. Will Wheelan, Frank Watklns, C. D. A. Mackay, M. W. Parkhurst. Engcne. A serenade was given Mayor S. H. Grjndly on Thursday evening In honor of his appointment and confirmation as one of the regents of the state university. The young ladles of St. Mary's Episcopal church gave a pink tea Saturday evening; it being the last of a series before Lent. Misses Matlock, Dickinson, Page, Huff, Loveridge. Stewart, Stone and Straight were the reception committee. Company C gave another dancing party at their armory Friday evening, which passed off in a very agreeable manner. The dances of this popular military com pany are looked forward to with a great deal of pleasure by the devotees of the dance. The Laurean society of the university elected the following officers last Satur day evening: "President, C. A. Eastland; vice-president, F. R. Hedges; secretary. D. V. Kuykendall; assistant secretary, J. B. Overton; treasurer, W. C. Smith; censor, B. B. Richards; sergeant-at-arms, F. W. Mulkey. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Snodgrass enter tained a number of their friends at their home last Friday evening. The princi pal entertainment of the evening was the game of floral transposition, which is a little cut of the ordinary, and which was highly enjoyed. Several prizes were given to winners of the game, and the boobies were not forgotten. Last Saturday was the anniversary of Mrs. R. McMurphey's advent upon this earth, and his wife prepared a very agree able surprise for him by inviting in a number of their friends to spend the evening with them. The surprise was complete, and the evening throughout was one of the most delightful the social slr cles of this city have witnessed this sea son. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Young gave a de lightful progressive whist party at their home on Olive street Wednesday evening. After playing for a couple of hours the points were counted and the prizes award ed to the players having the highest and lowest number of points. The game was followed by a delicious lunch, and it was a late hour when the guests departed with the highest commendation of Mr. and Mrs. Young as entertainers. One of the most enjoyable events of the season thus far In Eugene society was the reception given by the ladies of J. W. Geary Relief Corps to one of Uscir mem bers. Mrs. Llvermore, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. Ladies present were: Mesdames Ware, Frazler, Straight, Durant, Pratt, Abrams, Parsons. Delano, Rowland, Patterson, Loomls, Adam, Mc Call. Anderson. Wllioughby, Holloway. Mrs. Miller, of Portland: Mesdames Yar rington. Gray, Norton, Hlggins and Mrs. Philip Miller. Mrs. Llvermore. Misses Rowland, Llvermore. Lomls, Delano and Russell. Monday was the 31st anniversary of the order of Knights pf Pythias, and In the evening the knightn In this city gave a social at their hail. The Knights have a reputation for doing things just about right In this line, and the attendance was large. An Interesting programme was given at the" opening. The guests were then invited, fo enjoy themselves as best they could In social chats, card playing; and otheramusements, and a few spent a pleasant hour or two In dancing, excellent music being 'famished by the Mandolin Club. There were over 100 peo ple present, and all" enjoyed themselves until a late hour., La Grande. On Tuesday afternoon the Ladies' Neigh borhood Club met at the spacious home of Mayor Bryan and discussed "The Profes sional Woman; Is She Rendered Less Womanly?" Instructive essays were read by Mrs. Louise Ellis, Mrs. R. E. Bryan, Mrs. T. H. Cox. Mrs.' W. G. Masterton. The masque ball given on Washington's birthday at Steward's opera-house, by the La Grande Athletic Club, was the social success of the season. Five hundred in vitations were Issued. To the Inspiring music of the Blue Mountain band of 14 pieces. 200 couples participated in the grand march. Wednesday evening Misses Jeanette Mc Comas. Ella Wethers and Hattle Dwlght gave a pleasant euchre party to 70 ladies and jrsntlemen at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. McComas. Mrs. E. W. Bart lett won the card battle, and Miss Ida Slater sang a charming vocal solo. A tasteful lunch was served at 11 o'clock. On Thursday, from noon till 10 o'clock, a very successful public dinner, including chicken served in all styles of the culin ary art, was given at Sommer hall. The feast was under the auspices of the ladles of the Methodist church, whose pastor. Rev. A. Thompson, B. D., has converted 100 people since coming from Portland a few months ago. Some 400 people attended the dinner, and 40 graceful young ladies acted as waiters. Wednesday afternoon Mrs. J. C. Gulling, assisted by Miss Minnie Gllham and Miss Callie Beck, delightfully entertained 50 lady friends by a card party, followed by a delicious luncheon. In the ladles' card contest of progressive hearts, Mrs. F. S. Stanley was victor,- while defeat was gracefully accepted by Mrs. E. D. Stein camp. Pleasing vocal and Instrumental music was rendered,byMesdames Robert Smith and T. N. 'Murphy. Pendleton. Miss Llllle Jett 13 visiting Miss Grace Howard. Mrs. William Carnlne Is visiting In Boise City. The last chrysanthemum party will be held Monday evening. The Knights of Pythias gave a success ful ball Tuesday evening. Will Castleman, of Portland, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Furnish. Superintendent and Mrs. A. J. Borie, Colonel and Mrs. L. F. Cook and Miss Mc Cann went to Baker City In Mr. Borie's private car to spend Friday. Miss Maud Shulthis entertained guests at her home Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Mr. Shulthis family remove to Tacoma within a few weeks. Mr. W. J. Furnish entertained the fol lowing ladies at luncheon Wednesday: Mrs. S. P. Sturgis, Mrs. William Carvlns, Mrs. James A. Fee, Mrs. F. W. Vincent, Mrs. Jesse Failing, 'Mrs. Haldane, Dick son, Miss Guyer, Mrs. John Halley, Mrs. Lee Moorehouse. Miss Mellis, Miss Garrlsh and Miss Ca hoon entertained the-Young People's Whist Club Wednesday .evening at the Hotel Pendleton. Prizes- for the season were awarded to Miss Shulthis, Miss Waffle, Mr. Cohen and Mr Ferguson, this being the last meeting. Music and cha rades were entertaining features of the evening. The .guests, were Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Borie, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Borie, Misses Frazier, Waffle, Welch, Halsey. Shulthis, Hexter; Messrs. Judd, Fell? "Cohen, Ash, Lathrop, Frazler, Hexter, Mellis and others. tr THE CANTATA OF NATIONS A . Fine EnterHiiJment at the First inErcgYUttnul Church. . . COHKrcg" The annbun-ierTetti ofrthd Cantata. Bf Nations" for Friday evening in. the Con gregational churqli attracted a large at tendance. The entertainment consisted of the rendering off airs of patriotism and sentiment of leading nations. The opening number, an crga solo, "American Pa trol," executed In" a spirited manner by Miss Frances P. Jonts, organist and di rector, at once aroused the enthusiasm of the audience. Miss Bloch, Mr. Wessin ger and chorus tendered "Rule Britannia" in a manner that stirred every English hearer, as well as all his American cous ins. Mrs. C. R. Fay's solo, "O. Sing "to Me the Auld Scotch , Sorgs," sung with a sweetness that brought out tender memo ries of "Auld Lang Syne," which was echoed by concealed singers, was received with a persistent demand for an encore that would take no refusal, and was re sponded to with "Comin' Thro the Rye," which added still further to the singer's laurels. The "Marseillaise" was rendered In a fine and spirited manner by Mr. Winter and a male chorus and accorded most hearty applause. The artistic rendering of the baritone solo from Tannnauser, "Gesnag auden Ab endstern," by Mr. Paul Wessinger, won an enthusiastic encore, and in response the audience was favored with "Au Rose" (Curschman), In voice and style which won ringing applause. Germany's war song, "Watch on the Rhine," by the male chorus, wa3 rendered with the musical rythm and energy which makes that inspiriting air so dear to the German nation. The soprano solo by Miss Rose Bloch, "La Foletta" (Marchesi), sung In her fine style and splendid voice, aroused intense enthusiasm. "Verlasscn" (Koschat) fol lowed and the applause Increased, and when to this succeeded "Schlaffe Wohl" (Abt), the applause was continuous until rafter three Tecalls. Miss Bloch sang "Home, Sweet Home" in a manner which proved that her magnificent voice was equally responsive to the chords or sweet and tender pathos. With the "Star Spangled Banner," the solo so grandly Tendered by Miss Susie Gambcll, and the chorus, sung with much spirit by the choir, the musical programme closed. Most of the audience repaired to the parlors below, where a Martha Wash ington tea was served by young ladies In colonial costume, Mr. C. H. Gaylord and Miss Nellie Jones personating George and Martha Washington. The affair proved a pleasant and profita ble entertainment, and was the first so cial event In the new church. THE CENTURY WAR BOOK The Lait Opportunity to Get This Worli in Portfolio Form. The Century War Book, in portfolio form, which The Oregonlan has been handling for the past six months, has had a wonderful sale. The supply now on hand is about exhausted, and when these are gone there will not be any way by which they can be had through The Ore gonlan. No doubt there will be a good many who will fail to complete their sets. If so it will be their fault for delay ing so long. To those who wish to com plete their sets, and thereby have a com plete history of the late war. The Orego nian gives them notice now that this will be their last chance to do so. HOTEL ARRIVALS. PORTLAND. I V Weiskopf, SF1PT Barlow, S F k u aunson, seaiue F P Atkinson, St P J S Marks. S F F E Whitney. S F a. Li ieii. umana IW H Bagley, S F IE L Abrams, Phila L Juda, S F R A Graham, Marshfield W B Glidden. S F Miss iJarj' Graham, Woodlawn D J Hanna, St Joe, .Mo F Newland, La G J T Boyle. St Paul ,D Mail lot. City T K Stateler, S F IC S Huffman. St L H B Goldsmith, CtyiD I Johnson, Cincln M P Goldsmith. City C P Warner, Chi W H Fisk. Chicago !r K Keller, St Paul G B Gray. Salem IW N Couch, St Paul G C Brown, S F Occidental Hotel. Seattle. Rates reduced from $3 50 to $2 per day. LEIWIN CHARACTER THE REPORT OF THE.GRASD JURY OF ALAMEDA. COUSTY. Affairs of the County Conducted by tlie Supervisors in a. Very r&- bnsinessliUe Character. OAKLAND. Cal., Feb. 23. The grand jury reported today. It severely scorches the county supervisors for unbusinesslike methods, and says they have let contracts practically without competition. One bridge, costing 56000, was built upon a mere verbal contract. One supervisor sold a lot of old material for 50, which after wards sold again for 10 times that amount. Several supervisors were called upon to refund mileage fees illegally collected, and did so. Blankets have been furnished to the county hospital which fell to pieces as soon as they were washed. Tea was bought at 20 cents a pound, which is worth only 4 cents. It is recommended that the present contractors for supplies be not allowed to bid any more. The county is being robbed by justices and constables, who arrest tramps merely to get the fees. The condition of the Oak land city jail is denominated a disgrace. Justice Shaw, of Berkeley, Is accused of keeping a shotgun taken from a hunter who was arrested for violating the law. 'ROAST" FOR "ROAST." Exchange of Amenities Between Pri vate Secretary nnd Editor. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Feb. 23. In an In terview E. L. Colnon, private secretary to the governor and harbor commissioner, took decided exception to an article which appeared in this week's issue of Arthur McEwen's Letter. The article In question referred to him as the editor of a railroad paper. Colnon said: "ilcEwen is always talking of himself as a journalist and a model of purity, but he is a d, n Hessian, and everybody knows it. When the Mall printed Gov ernor Stoneman's portrait, with the word 'fraud' on his forehead, and kept It stand ing: because he had betrayed the people on the railroad question, McEwen, who was then in San Francisco, fresh from the failure of the San Franciscan, wrote me and advised me that it was useless as well as Indiscreet to continue the fight for the people against the railroad. Mc Ewen, In that letter, said, al30, that he had found out the people and he had found out the railroad, and he could say that the people were worse than the rail road. He told me on another occasion that he had gone on the pay roll of the South ern Pacific Company for the purpose of bringing his wife's relatives from Nevada to San Francisco." Say It Is a. Case of Blackmail. PEORIA, 111., Feb. 23.-Judge Worthlng ton, In the circuit court tcday, called to the bar John W. Colbertson, a prominent lawyer, and gave him until Monday to show cause why he should not be attached for contempt in approaching a juror in a damage suit against an electric street-car line and urging him to hang the jury. Culbertson says it is a case of blackmail. Two jurors have made affidavits against him. ctv York Symphony Concert. NEW YORK, Feb. 23. While it present ed nothing in the way of novelty, the programme of the fifth afternoon concert of the Symphony Society at Carnegie music hall yesterday was more or less an attractive one. Particularly admir able from an artistic standpoint was the rendering, of "Plaisir d Amour" and Schumann's "Waldesgespracht," given with much dramatic color and feeling, while "Twankydill," if a little unsym phonlc, was as good a specimen of popu lar singing of a refined type as one could Wish. COLT OR FrLLY? Turfmen Anxionsly Await the Birth, of a. Foal. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 23 W. O'B. McDonough, who paid $150,000 for the stal lion Ormonde, was a little nervous today. The arrival of a colt by Ormonde Is daily;, expected, and a matter of $23,000 hangs upon the sex of the youngster. Some time ago, McDonough made a contract with the Stanford estate, whereby Ormonde was to be bred to some of the Palo Alto mares. The fillies are to go to Mrs. Stanford, and McDonough is to keep the colts. Fairy Ross, the famous Palo Alto brood mare, is in foal to Ormonde, and If the offspring is a male, it will be worth $23,000 to Mc Donough the moment It Is born. He has already been offered that amount for it, but to him such a colt would be priceless, and no amount of money would buy it. If it is a filly, then Mrs. Stanford will be the owner of the best bred filly in the world. The colt or filly will be the first of Or monde's get in California this year, and as there are only six mares in foal to him his progeny will be high-priced. The Race "Winners. Six races wera on. San Francisco's card yesterday, and they were all good ones. Eight horses started in the fir3t race, and when they finished tinder the wire there was not more than a length between the first and seventh horses. Kowalski won the Pacific stakes, worth $1500, for 2-year-olds, in a style that showed him to be a crack youngster. In the hurdle race Ra vine, 5 to 1, threw his jockey at the second jump. These were winners: At San Fransisco Six furlongs. Sue Ab bott, in 1:20; five fuilcngs, selling, Sligo, In 1:01; Pacific stakes for two-year-olds, half-mile, Kowilskl, in 0:51-3i: mile and a quarter, handicap, Mary S., in 2:151s; mile and a half, hurrdle. selling, Rampalgo, In 3:32; six furlongs, for all ages, Ferrier, In l:17vl. At New Orleans Five furlongs, Holly wood in laXPs; seven furlongs, Francis Pnno In 1:M; six furlongs. Ludlow In 1:2214 1 handicap, five furlongs, Tramp in ltDf" one mile, Bedford in l:o&u. - COLLEGE ATHLETES. The Intcrcollesiate Association in. ScHMlon in JTew York. j NEW YORK, Feb. 23. At the meeting. of the Intercollegiate Athletic Associationj in the Fifth-Avenue hotel this afternoon the University of Vermont and Hobart- college were expelled for non-payment of dues, and the University of Michigan was given until April 1 to pay what it owes. The following colleges were admitted to membership: Syracuse, California, Dart mouth and University of Iowa. The treas urer's report showed: Receipts $3,2S5 Expenditures 2,023 Balance S1.SS0 The executive committee recommended that an alliance be entered Into with the Amateur Athletic Union. The proposition has not been decided. Eighteen colleges are represented at the meeting. OTHER ICIXDS OF SrORT. Sullivan Still on. His Spree. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Feb. 23. John L. Sullivan is today repeating his pro gramme of yesterday, and is now very much intoxicated and taking in the town in a carriage. Members of his company are still hustling to get out of the city, but the only arrangement so far made for them is the purchase of tickets to New York for the two children who traveled with the troupe. John L.s friends are almost in despair. A Very Fnnt Quarter. MANCHESTER. Feb. 23.-J. Bates skated near here today a quarter of a mile In 33 2-5 seconds. This is said to beat the record. He Died From Fright. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 23. Henry Qulnn, col ored, was suffering: from Intermittent fever when a case of smallpox was found near his home. The doctors of the health department called to examine him, which convinced Qulnn he had taken the dis ease. He became delirious, and died Thursday night of fright. A burial cer tificate, .giving- the cause of his death as hook from fear of smallpox, was" Issued. INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE iHqulry Into the Clinrses Judge- Lnngnorne. Asm Inst SOUTH BEND, Wash., Feb. 23. Repre sentatives W. A. Halteman. A. J. Goddard, J. C. Taylor, Moses Bull and Neal Cheat ham, the committee appointed by Speaker Morrison to Investigate the charges brought against Superior Judge Lang hbrne by ex-Judge Hunter, arrived here this evening and immediately convened in secret session in the parlors of the Hotel Allbee. Several witnesses were ex amined this evening, and the examination will continue tomorrow, as there are a large number of witnesses to be sub- penaed. One of the main witnesses for L the prosecution has been called away on. important business, and is now without the borders of the state. The Ellenshurir onual School. "eLLENSBURG. Wash., Feb. 23. The legislative committee to investigate the charges against the normal school began Its session this morning at the normal school building. The Investigation Is con ducted on the grand jury system, one witness being examined at a time, and his testimony taken by a stenographer. A large number of witnesses has been called from the city, but positively nothing Is known as to what is transpiring. A night session was held. PAN-AMERICAN NEWS. The Sitnntion in Peru. NEW YORK, Feb. 23. The Herald's Panama correspondent sends news of stirring events in Peru. Victor Mantilla. Peruvian charge d'affaires in Bolivia, has deserted President Cacerist and gone over to the revolutionists, Arequlpa, Peru, Is reported to have been captured by revolutionists who were com manded by Colonel Yessup. The city was willing to be taken, being disaffected. Lima is also dissatisfied with the. gov ernment. Its citizens are being perse cuted by press gangs. In a riot in St. Sebastian street, government soldiers were driven off by showers of stones. Ladles and children have been thrown into prison. Intrenchments have been made some distance from the city for the repulse of expected revolutionists. Wealthy citizens having been tricked into visiting officials have been held prisoner? until they purchased large amounts of government bonds. Moquega has been seized, and business is much disturbed. Xo Opposition in Xewfoundlnnd. ST. JOHN'S. N. F., Feb. 23. The opposi tion party decided last night to publish a letter, informing the public that the party does not intend to contest the pend ing bye elections. Mr. Morrison, ex-attorney-general, and leader of the opposition, says that the reason for this course Is a desire not to add to the present troubles ..'s.'.cn. mJBL.!J!jmiiAi',:::??-s"I llPPgoOOOOoggpil' rrEkilzSfVv es-'i-- Zf r t ri - - jirrarw LU Ote7S;F 0 vftiM Wikj, is bound to be an attractive face a face that will make friends. The face tells the story of the whole body. The face can't lie much about the condition of the body. " Murder will out" and so will "female weakness" and nervousness and other dis orders peculiar to women. If there is a drain on the system and strength, the record of it will show in the face. If there is nerve nagging "bearing-down" pains, dragging and pulling at the most sensitive organs in a woman's body, the face will show it. Abused nerves draw lines of care and worry on the face. Nervous prostration writes its warning on the face long before it comes. Sleeplessness, nervousness and debilitating drains make more wrinkles than age. Nine-tenths of the sickness of women comes from some derangement of organs distinctly feminine. Nine-tenths of this sickness can be cured and avoided by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. There is nothing miraculous about the "Favorite Prescription" nothing super natural. It is the result of rational thought and study applied to medi cine. It has been prescribed by Dr. Pierce for over 30 years. It has made thousands of women healthy and happy, and has brought joy to thousands of homes. It makes healthy children possible and taken properly during pregnancy, it robs childbirth of its terrors by preparing: the system for delivery thereby shortening labor, lessening pain and abbreviatiner the period of confinement. In "female weakness " it acts directlv and strongly in healing most severely tried. It clears out at all times. World's Ten cents with this Coupon sent to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. will bring a large book, of :63 pages, full of information and particulars, or, better still, the complete People's Medical Adviser (over 1,000 pages and 300 illustrations) in paper covers will be mailed Tree ou receipt of 25 cents it stamps, to pay for packing and postage only. yttV " cf the colony by private warfare, and that men or all political shades should stand shoulder to shoulder to extricate the col ony from Its present unhappy condition. The decision meets general approval, the best elements among the people feeling that bitter contests at this juncture would be fatal to the colony's future. Rebels Defeated in Colombo. COLON, Colombia. Feb. 23. Rebel Gen eral Tuge, with 3E0 followers, eneountere government troops February 20. at San tero. The fight lasted two hours. The rebels were repulsed. Tea of them were killed; Tnany wounded ami a number cap tured. Three men were killed and two wounded on the government side. A por tion of the rebel forces, which fled in the direction of Togu, a seaport in the stato of Magdatena. was pursued by the go ernment forces. FOR THE FUNERAL. To Be a Xotilble Demonstration ia Honor oC Douslais. WASHINGTON. Feb. 23. The arrange ments for the funeral of the late Freder ick Douglass have been practically com pleted, and it will be a notable demonstra tion of the respect and esteem felt for the man. Early Monday morning the re mains will be removed from the Douglass residence. In Anacostia, to the Metropoli tan African Methodist Episcopal church. In this city. There the remains will lie in state from 9 A. M. until 2 P. M. The services will be conducted by the pastor of the church, Rev. Mr. Jenifer, assisted by other clergymen. The list of honorary pall-bearers Is as follows: B. K. Bruce. W. H. Wormerly, J. R. Lynch. John F. Cook, Professor E. F. Messer, P. B. S. Pinchback. Captain D. L. Picher, Representative G. H. Murphy, Dr. Purvis and L. C. Bailey. The active pall-bearers will be composed of negro letter-carriers of the District. The remains will be sent to Rochester Monday. The colored people of the Dis trict of Columbia are providing various forms of manifestations of respect, and the colored public schools have been closed. WHISKY IN THE FIRE. Front-Street Saloon Gnttcd Thin Morn in jr. Early "" Fire broke out in the Telephone saloon, on Front street, between Morrison and Alder, about 2:20 o'clock this morning, and, before the arrival of the department, had burned through the second floor and roof. The department had a hard 30 min utes struggle with the flames, owing to the fact that the entrances to the build ing were narrow, the walls difficult to scale and the several engine and hose companies greatly handicapped by lact of sufficient men to handle the apparatus! The roof of an adjoining building, occiin pled by P. J. Cronln, saddler, was burned to some extent, but the interior of J building escaped injury. The saloon, which is owned by Charles Powley, was badly damaged by smoke, fire and water, and the damage will amount to ?700. There "is some insurance. The upper floor of the saloon building is occupied by a dance hall. The build ing sustained $300 damages. It is insured. The alarm was turned in from box 12 by. Special Officer Nash. .'J.J" eaiitv Features don't matter -so much. MostTanyfedtufesfwilLd.o iDtrie com plexion is clear, the eyes bright and the lips rosy. Hearty, healthy whole someness is better than mere beauty of features. A face full of the glow of good health full of the kindliness and good humor that health brings, and strengthening the parts that are impurities and promotes regularity Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors. of He mm g eye ey electricity The Electro-Medical Co. Have made some astonishing cures with their combined electrical and medical sys tem of treatment. They have cured sev eral bad cases of rheumatism, lumbago and nervous debility: these patients live In the city and can be seen. They are treating a large number of dif ferent troubles successfully at their of fices. They employ qualined physicians to treat all cases. Consultation and trial treatment free. Charges very low and payments easy. This cut shows the Electro-Medical Co.'s New Body Battery and a few of the many different applications that can be maJe with It to the human body. It gives a strong and steady current, under full con trol, and can be applied locally or gen eral, which is highly important in treating diseases with electricity. Patients can now be successfully treated and cured at their homes. This Perfect Battery and their Combined Electro-Medical Treatment cures after all others have failed. This battery and treatment costs no more than inferior ap nllanees alone. Their offices are nerfectlv eaulDDed th treatment of diseases bv electricl Call or write for full description of th "Ratterv and Combined Treatment. Si cial attention given to diseases of wom and children. THE ELECTRO-MEDICAL CO, Rooms ZT and '27 The Dekum, Thj nd Washington. Sts., Portland,