2j a OoC l" Xtfe .J - XuyX'r tA " A. -Vt r tl I I M II UI1III) . mm vtl 1 mi it niiiif; 5 PAGES 1 TO S fe Mil M M I Mill Ml S II l"i S SIXTEEH PAGES 'iinii.mi'iiii Inn; X"" 7 ' , . . . , vol. xiv sro 7. QUESTIQPF THE HOUR Another Financial Debate in the United States Senate. CAUSED BY HiLL'S RESOLUTION The Speaker Were ilic Senator "From New York, and Wolcott, Lodge, Stewart rend. Teller. "WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. A storm of financial debate swept over the senate today, exceeding in intensity any discus sion in the upper branch of congress for many days. It was brought on by Hill's advocacy of his resolution denning the policy of the government for bimetalism an 1 for paying: its obligations in the best money in use. The New York senator spoke with his usual vigor, and was close ly followed in his plea for sustaining the national credit by a declaration of policy to the world. But Hill's speech was irfrcly the warning note of the storm. H was followed by Wolcott of Colorado, Lodge of Massachusetts, and later by Tel ler of Colorado in the most scathing de nunciation and arraignment of the admin istration for its recent bond contract with the Rothschilds and other foreign bank ers Wolcott made a direct and personal cnUnsm of the president. Lodge was r ore temperate, but quite as severe in his 1 -rsonal arraignment of the president, de clanng the recent bond contract was the I 'a.' kest act in the history of American firvnte. Teller added to the flood of cntK ism on the recent acts of the admin l?tration. Hill replied briefly and with flJint. He declared that a futile effort v.aj being made to arraign the president's c Iniinistration for its appeal to the Roth t Julds, while as a matter of fact former l "-publican administrations had sold bonds io tnese same roreign bankers. Hill de t "ared the president and secretary of the treasury had secured the best terms pos f .Me. The senator closed by reading the press cablegrams from Berlin, announc--rr; the purpose of Germany to convene mother international monetary confer ence. No action was taken on the Hill r. olution, and a renewal of the financial '-it i u.Mon is expected Monday, Vilas hav ing already given notice of a speech. AVhn the Hill resolution was first taken u; Sherman offered a substitute declaring the policy of the government should be tcward maintaining a parity between rr"tals so that every dollar coined should bo equal to every other dollar. Should there be any disturbance in parity then the bonds should be paid in standard gold coin. Wolcott moved to lay the resolution a?id the substitute on the table. Hill declared himself an earnest bimet als!, and hoped to see the restoration of ' lOr succeed. He wns reinioml to renrl the dispatches from Berlin announcing that rrtlon had been taken looking toward the rehabilitation of silver. "This declaration of tMpoUax-iot the-ffovernment should rive the,' support of evoyj'sejiatQr'v Fiid lie, "unless there sits about this c.relc a gold monometalist or a silver mono mctalisu It is a wise resolution for the present emergency." Hill said the declar ation first announced is the true policy of the government, that our efforts should ho turned to the accomplishment of bi metalism, and added: "1 need not remind both political parties that this is what they profess. It Is of su j rome moment that we should declare to tl tountry and to the world that it is roesary to maintain the single gold tiandard or the single standard of silver. On general financial questions congress is farther apart now than it was six months ago. The provision for gold bonds on one hand is met by the proposition for unlimited silver coinage on the other. "What has become of the proposition to rclecm the greenbacks, and other finan c al plans? But in this condition of in a tion congress can at least take this ce tep that will assure the world that, j 'though we may have our hands tied on t i e various measures, our bonds may 1 1 taken with tlte full assurance that they vwll be pakl by the best money in use. 1 H. ro is a prospect of a further issue of 1 nl. Let us keep down the interest. Y hat can either irty gain by inaction en this subject; by bringing on a panic t! e comlmj summer, ami bringing eon gr i-s back to Washington again for fur h, r legislation?" in'l clotted with an eloquent peroration f r maintaining the national honor. In c "illusion, he said: Vt least wc can say that this congress is i t committed to gold; we will proceed 8' l.iilv toward the realisation of bl i ' tal mil and that we will maintain our r lu nal Itonor and credit by paying our 0 Ms. in the best money in use." Wolcott. who followed, declared that Hill was merely threshing old straw. The present time was, he declared, innppro- 1 -ate for such a resolution coming on the l.c . Is of the monstrous attack which the 1 . "jtlent had mad a upon the currency ami i-clit of two United States in his bar ren to sell our bonds abroad on such t nns as he had made with the European I nkers. This action he pronounced the i est disastrous assault upon the coun try s financial system which had ever been xra ., adding, with growing earnestness: The worst feature of the whole i ret, hod business is that the attack is rale by a man who. because of his po sition, should have stood the foremost It our defense. Our nest has been be fouled by the man who should have stood foremost for our credit." Wolcott orlticifed the recent contract n i le for the sale of the bond In Europe. H- did not believe that the bankers t! rough whom the negotiations had been r-Mle will eer be called upon to advance i-'.T" than 10 per cent of the amount of I -n Is on account of advance in their T-. o. He had been assured that in New " 'k alone. 112 had been tender! for SrOiVOoo worth of bonds, and said he rad the authority of one of the leading 1. 1'ikors in New York for the statement t1 it within SO days the whole issue would be worth 13A. He continued: If i-peaking directly to the resolution sir 1 the desire expressed by it to uphold c r national credit, there were ever any lion who were not entitled to consider -t -n they re the Rothschilds and ttie president, becau they have sought to I' ken oer credit " He asserted that the resolution and the f-ecn ot j hi were in the same direc tion as all other efforts made to discredit fc.ner, and then launched out into a de-fc-se of the silver advocates, declaring t!'0 did not advocate this course because Uh were unpatriotic or because of seif l h purposes, but because thev would re Ke.the suffering of the country, tnd t" did not believe this was possible of - implisameat until the sovernmeat fctai.dard should be estabnshed. There c U W no prosperous times with wheat at - tnts a bushel. He referred to the I--ocvdin iR the German reicostag- of SetTday coaeerntng silver, as an indica t 5ii that thre ws to be a change ia tad Intern Rt of silver. He concluded: W e are working toward It, out if any a"t could serve to irxi-xe cobts in ixat direcUon. it Is the dlssraceful and J dishonorable dicker of the president with the Rothschilds." Lodge said the substantial and Import ant part of the resolution was the half declaring the right of the holder to re ceive his pay in the best money. He would push all the other declarations of the resolution aside as immaterial and let this stand. He did not regard it as necessary to define the question as to who was a, bimetalist, or to pronounce for the parity of all kinds of money, as the latter declaration was already to be found embodied in our statutes. The point was In neither of these directions, but in the sustaining of the credit of the country. He believed that the holder of a govern ment bond should be able to ask for pay ment in the best money, and in gold if that were the best, and he believed It to be a question on which the parties should agree. He agreed with "Wolcott that the president had assailed the credit of the country, but asserted that he had made the attack by his assault upon our coin bonds. For that reason, because of this attack, lie thought that congress should declare itself without equivocation or reservation. Reverting to the contract. he said: "The profits allowed the European bank ers are enormous, gigantic, and the con tract the blackest ever made by an ad ministration in dealing with American se curities. But this fact only renders It more important that the country should make good Its promises. It is not a ques tion of blmetalism, but of the good name of the country. That credit has been im peached and attacked by those who should have defended it, and it therefore be hooves congress to come to the rescue. I hope a vote will be reached, not only on this resolution, but on the entire financial question, believing the country has a right to know whether the senate is a free-coinage body or a body opposed to that policy." Stewart opposed the Hill resolution as a surrender of silver and as binding the gold fetters on the people. Hill was again on his feet as soon as Stewart closed. He said: "At least, the debate has cleared the at mosphere. The true purpose of these pro fessed friends of silver has been laid bare. It wasthat they intended to pay our gov ernment obligations in silver coin, no mat ter how degraded, how depreciated that metal might be. It was for the purpose of securing this disclosure that the reso lution was presented. It was brought forward to have senators disclose their policy and to present a different policy. To the fling of the senator from Colorado that I am a bimetalist on a gold basis, I answer he is a bimetalist on a silver basis. It is a mere play of words. Such men were not for blmetalism at all; they wore for silver, and silver only." Hill turned to the attacks being made on the president, saying: "It is not for me to express approval of the contract with foreign bankers, but the president has not been free to act as he desired. He has been bound hand and foot by the present law. The democratic congress has refused to heln him." Gray Do you mean to sav this senate is at present democratic? No. said Hill, "we no longer have the majority, but Willie we rlid hnw. w nn oflT action and procrastinated until the powar passed out of our hands. JThesenator-ifromiCoIoradoScaiinotaiar- iVralsm, thlSmtinstraUon'TbecaTse has contracted -with the Rothschilds, for in this emergency, where will you look for vast sums of money? Will you get it from the miners of Colorado?" "Wolcott responded: "No, not from the miners of Colorado, for they have been ruined by the legislation of the senator from New Yorlc But there are Americans to take the bonds had they the chance." Hill declared that the only way to se cure such a vast sum as $62,000,000 was in going to the money kings of the world. Republican administrations had appealed to the Rothschilds, and it was useless to raise a party cry against the admin istration's course in going to foreign bankers. At this point Hill took a slin of paper irom his table, saying: "I have here an announcement that I hear with joy. It is a press cable from Berlin announcing that the reichstag has directed the making of efforts to secure international monetary conferences." Hill read the cable in detail and then said: "I rejoice at this news, as much as the senator from Colorado, perhaps more so. I sincerely believe an international agree ment for blmetalism is possible. This res olution announcing the policy of this country on blmetalism would be the an swer of the United States to the action of Germany. I hope the response maygo to Berlin today, and that the world mav know that the credit of the United States is to be maintained at all hazards." A 2 o'clock the agricultural appropri ation bill was taken up. but the financial sentiment was too strong to give way to agriculture, and Teller returned to the Hill resolution. He said it was the most remarkable paper he had ever seen. He would try not to go outside of parliamen tary language in speaking of it. He con tinued: "This interest of the senator from New York for silver by proposing a resolution for gold, shows his regard for bimetalism. For the last 90 days a prearranged effort had been made to put the country on a gold basis, so it could not get away from it. The senator from New York has taken part in that effort. This effort has been in the direction of putting gold to a pre mium. There has virtually been a con spiracy to this purpose, and with this ac complished, the plan would be to require payment alone in that money. Indeed, as a matter of fact, gold is even now at a premium, for it has appreciated when everything else has depreciated. Of course, the sliver dollar will depreciate at this discrimination against it." He denounced as cant the assertion of interest in maintaining the parity and paying "the best dollar." and asserted: "The best dollar which they want is the dollar which It will take the most sweat blood to get. Referring to Hill's profession ot wmet alism. Teller said Hill would be welcomed to the ranks when he should show him self to be honestly in favor of bimetalism. but. he added. If this resolution contains his sentiments, he will be of no assistance to us or to the world. He went on: "The senator from New York Is noted for his courage, but It takes a higher de cree of courage than he has shown In anything else to stand out in defense of a transaction which puts our securities at a lower rate than thnu n.r w-.nt j - ... .. (,,1, OJJU when he savs that no senninr ar. I cently criticise that transaction. I want to say that his idea and mine differ as to what decency is." Hill interrupted to repeat what he had said, whereupon. Teller said: "The senator has a right to make any statement he sees fit." Hill replied: "He has no right to put words into my mouth which I did not utter." Continuing. Teller declared that, as a senator, he construed it to be his duty to protect the reputation and the Interest of the United States, and he declared he would not be frightened out of his pollcv of putting the bond transaction before the country In Its true light. He declared It waa the most scandalous transaction he had known since his entry into public life, and said: "It te the first time in the history of the iConduded on Second Page.) POHTLA3STP, OBEGpy APPROPRIATION BILLS Last of the Regular Measures Re . ported to the House. CARRIES SIX AND A HALF MILLIONS This 3ralej the Total Amount of De ficiency Appropriations This Ses sion Close to Nine millions. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. The house committee on appropriations today re ported the general deficiency bill, the last of the regular appropriation bills of this congress. The bill appropriates $G,51S,571, of which the principal appropriations are as follows: Treasury department ?1,150,415 War department - "sosw) I Navy department l,15o!415 Department of justice 2.3&1.430 Postofllce department L2S2.148 government printing office 40,000 Judgment of court claims 71G.033 Audited claims 76,703 In addition to the sum recommended in this bill, appropriations have been made during the present session of congress to supply deficiencies in appropriations for the support of the government during the current and prior fiscal years, as follows: December 21, ISM, printing 5 100.000 December 24, 1S34, census 400,000 January 25, 1S95, urgent deficiency. 1.SC4.421 The total amount of deficiency appro priations for this session is, therefore, $8. S82.E95. The recommendation of Secretary Gres ham for an appropriation of $425,000 for the payment of all claims bv firpnt Britain growing out of the seizure of fur-sealing vessels in Behring sea, was called up In the committee for the first time, and the members declined to recommend any ac tion upon it because they had not been able to look into the matter sufficiently to take action upon it immediately. Breckinridge was authorized to offer an amendment in the house for the payment of these claims without any recommenda tion from the committee for or against it, and the members reserved the right to vote as they see fit on. the question. No action was taken by the full commit tee on the subcommittee's recommenda tion that 5200,000 be appropriated for a government exhibit at the Tennessee ex position of 1S9G, bat the item will be taken up in committee Monday, and if approved, will be embodied in a separate bill. Under the department of state is a clause, "that the disbursements made to members and attaches of the Behring sea tribunal of arbitration at Paris by Major E. W. Hal fcrd and John W. Foster, dishnrsinp- nrti. cers of said commission, under the au thority and with the approval of the sec retary of state, out of moneys heretofore appropriated, shall be allowed by" the con troller or tne treasury. This settles treasury, For the commercial bureau of the Amer ican republics, there is an item of $5000; for the enforcement of the Chinese ex clusion act, $50,000. The following sums are provided for completing public build ings already under way: Fort Dodge, Iowa $ 1,300 Paris, Texas 4000 Richmond, Ky. "-coo Springfield, Mo 5,090 For collecting the internal revenue, in cluding expenses under the oleomargarine act, and for the inspection of tobacco ex ported. $75,000 is allotted, and for the cus toms service, $600,000. The office of the eleventh census, it 13 provided, shall be abolished March 4, 1S95, and the terms of all employes cease, with the exception of a force not to exceed 90 to complete the work under the direction of the secretary of the interior. The Snndry Civil Bill. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. The subcom mittee of the senate committee which has charge of the sundry civil appropria tion bill concluded its labors late today and sent the bill to the public printer, in order to have it ready for the full com mittee, which meets Monday. The bill as It will go to the full committee will contain an amendment providing for the issuance of time certificates of indebted ness to the amount of 5100,000,000, to draw 3 per cent and to run for three years. It is distinctly understood that thosA nr t be used only for the purpose of meeting the treasury deficit, and are not to be of a character to be used as bank reserves. There is some difference of opinion in the full committee as to whether the secre tary of the treasury has sufficiently indi cated that the certificates are needed, but there is little doubt the full committee will accept the recommendation of the subcommittee. It Is believed the full committee will dispose of the bill at one sitting. ROUTINE OF CONGRESS. Agricultural Bill Under Considera tion When the House Adjourned. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. In the senate toaay Dubois presented a telegram from Phoenix. Ariz., which recited that at a meeting of republicans in Arizona it was unanimously resolved that the republican sentiment of the territory was "unequiv ocally in favor of the admission of Ar izona to statehood at the present session of congress." Senator Allen presented a resolution, which was agreed to. calling on the sec retary of the treasury for a list of na tional banks which had been depositories of public funds during the last 10 years, the Interest paid, terms of contract, etc At 2 o'clock consideration of the agri cultural appropriation was resumed, but laid aside to permit Teller to talk on Hill's bimetallic resolution. When ho had finished, the appropriation bill was again taken up. The committee amendment for an inspection of live cattle, the meat of which, fresh, salted, canned, narked. ft is to be exported, was agreed to. The bill was then laid aside without final ac tion, and the senate at 5:20 went into ex ecutive session, after which it adjourned. In the Hon.tc. WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. The house to day concluded the general debate on the naval appropriation bill. The increase of the navy authorized in the bill, consisting of three battle-ships and twelve torpedo boats, was supported by Adams, Milllken, Bartlett, Coombs and Talbot, and was op posed by Washington. Washington ar gued that it was bad policy for the American republic to attempt to con struct and maintain an immense naval equipment. Adams reproached Washing ton for his sentiments. He had never ex pected to hear them from the lips of a man bearing the name of Washington. If the Monroe doctrine were to be pre served, a navy was absolutely essential. Bartlett, speaking for the metropolis, ap pealed to his democratic colleagues not to abandon the policy first advocated by William C. Whitney in 1SS5. when he was made secretary of the navy. After some Jbott. in ch.rge of the measure? clos I turuier aeoaie in ravor of the bill. Tal- SUyDAYORyiKG-, the general debateWlth a resume of the arguments adduced support of the In crease of the navysThe committee then rose- fi The senate bill wasspassed granting two condemned-cannothe Iowa Historical Society, at Des MSjaes. The senate amendments to the postofflce appropriation bilis?t?ere disagreed to and the bill sent to conference. The house agreep the senate amend ments for the salegSf. isolated tracts of public lands, reducing the minimum prices for such lands fromj2 50 to $1 25 per acre. The 12 pension bills reported at last night's session werejpassed, as was alao a bill to place Warren C Beach, on the retired list as captain." . The remainder ofthe day was devoted to eulogies on thelUe and character of the late Senator Colquitt of Georgia. THE PACIFIC UAIIiRO ADS. Reilly'a FnndinsBlH to Be Reported Baclr toThe' House. . WASHINGTON, Jgeb.. lC.-Rellly's Pa cific railroad fundlngbill will be reported back to the house .next' Monday by Chair man Rellly, with atrong minority re port filed by Representative Boatner. Catchlngs, who represents Speaker Crisp on the committee qjjSuIes, said to a cor respondent today tfiathe did not see how his committee couldjposslbly give further time for cocslderationtpf the Pacific rail road bill this sesslpnlHe said that at the present rate ofirogrcss the naval appropriation bill-wouIdTtake up the time of the house until nSTuesday, and that the remaining appropriation bills would occupy the rest ct' tSessessIon. Camlnctti SeelSSlnformntlon. WASHINGTON, Ff. 16.-Caminctti of California today intgo&uced a resolution In the house calllngjupon the secretary of the treasury, attorney-general and "the commissioner of railroads for the follow ing information respecting the Pacific railroads: ja "First The amountjgiow deposited in the United States treasury bv thi vnriniw bond-aided rallroadsJwjth the accumula tion applicable to th&demption of out standing bonds underJtRe Thurman act. "Second The amountf now in the re spective funds of sa5fconipanies appli cable to the payment' the first and sec ond mortgages Issuedjpy said companies. "Third The amountdue now from the United States to eacfijoC said companies for transportation ofmalIs, troops, etc. "Fourth Tha amoulft? of the first and second mortgage bonos1 issued by said companies payable lnJS95 and 1S03, with the date on which installment was made payable. S "Fifth From whatjjjiuhd was the first installment due January, 1895, on bonds issued by the Central jgaclflc railroad and aid by the United States." A Tallc "With. MlIuntinKton. WASHINGTON. Febl6.-C. P. Hunting ton is quoted as having'.said to a senator yesterday: "I am not here to propose any particular bill. I have become soslck of the worry and tedium of trying- to'show congress the Dest way out of the railroad difficulty that I have now concluded to let congress settle the Jjill for itse'C,?-! m nniv br iSS'Uaff rJbfcHthlnsi "" u-c" Keuxieu TK?t lar too long. ,it grows worse every yeah The longer you delay, the worse muddle the th!nr win ho in. YOU must do semethin"- nnl ttiot of once. There is no time better than at the close of the short session, for then all useless bugaboo debate Is cut off and the thing Is done in a businesslike manner." THE MINERAL LANDS. Secretary Smith's Reply to the House Resolution. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. Secretary Smith sent to the house today informa tion as to the amount of land patented to the land-grant railroad companies since May, 1S04, the means taken to determine its non-mineral character, and whether any lands patented were before or since claimed as mineral. The commissioner of the general land office, who compiled the information, says that prior to July, 1894, there were no specific regulations for de termining the non-mineral character of lands listed and selected by land-grant railroads, and that the examination was made from books in the department, and the land shown by the records to be clear were submitted with a recommendation that they be approved for patent. Since 1S94, if upon examination by the mineral division any mineral claim was discov ered, the tract was eliminated and the proper steps taken to determine its char acter. It has not come to the attention of the office that any of the patented lands, before patented or since, have been claimed as minerals. Recardinc the list of nendintr KPloottnnc awaiting approval, the commissioner says that it Is utterly impracticable for the force of his office to prepare such a list, even for the states of California, Oregon, Arizona, Idaho and Montana. There are pending about 30,000,000 acres, spread over more than 3000 lists, some of them cover ing more than 1,000,000 acres each, and the impracticability of furnishing the lists can be seen. Schedules submitted showing the lands by districts patented since May, 1804, give, in acres: Idaho 91,414Oregon 229,913 Montana S03,201iCalifornia 973,250 The resolution requesting this informa tion asked the secretary to suspend the issue of further patents until additional legislation by congress. To this the com missioner says that no further lists con taining lands in the mineral states above named will be submitted to the interior department for approval for patent until directions from that department shall be received. Has Passed the Sennte. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. The senate and house conferees on the bill for the examination and classification of mineral lands in the states of Montana and Idaho have reached an agreement practically on the basis of the bill as It passed the senate. The bill was reported to the sen ate today, the amendments accepted and the bill passed. It is understood that like action will be taken In the house Monday. The bill has been before congress for the past four years. The Lands in California. WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. r,,iTnir.otn California introduced a resolution today calling upon the secretary of the Interior to suspend action until all selections filed by land-grant railroads for lands in Cali fornia until January 1, 1S96, unless legis lation providing for examination of min eral lands within the limits of said selec tions shall be enacted previous to that date. OTHER. CONGRESSIONAL NEWS. Friendly Arbitration Sujcjjestcd. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. Among the miscellaneous business transacted by the house today was the passage of a bill declaring It to be the sense of congress that Great Britain and Venezuela should settle by friendly arbitration the Guiana boundary dispute, which has been in ex istence since 1S37. The Olympin. Torpedo Outfit. NEWPORT. R, L, Feb. 15.-The torpedo edToe "LSKS FEBHTJABY 17. 1895. SILVER i GERMANY International Monetary Congress Voted On in the Reichstag. BIMETALISM UNDER DISCUSSION Resolutions Adopted Instructing: the Federal Government to Issue In vitations to Other Nations. BERLIN, Feb. 16. The silver question in the United States and Europe has been the subject on which the political and financial worlds In Berlin have been chief ly occupied during the past week. The financial troubles in the United States are followed here with the closest attention and the National Zeitung, Cline's Journal, and other newspapers have commented at various lengths upon the situation at Washington. Wednesday night, during the subscrip tion ball at the Royal opera-house, the emperor showed the interest he felt In the matter by engaging in a lengthy conversa tion with Mr. Runyon, the American am bassador, on American financial affairs. The conversation touched on the tariff and political questions, but his majesty asked to be informed more especially about the financial crisis, the coinage troubles and the gold reserve in the national treas ury. On receiving the information sought, he expressed a hope that financial mat ters in Mr. Runyon's country would be soon straightened out again. He also took occasion to refer to the close commercial relations between Germany and the United States, An important phase of the silver ques tion was reached today, when the reichs tag declared in favor of the resolution submitted yesterday by Count von Mlr bach, an agrarian leader, summoning an other international conference on the cur rency question. Mlrbach's resolution in structed the federal government to issue invitations for an international monetary congress, to take action for th rehabili tation of silver as a circulating medium, j previous to its adoption, Count von Posa-dowsky-Wegner, secretary of state for the Imperial treasury, in behalf of the govern ment, declared its sympathy with the ob ject aimed at by the resolution. The reso lution, which was submitted to the reichs tag by Mirbach, had received the signa tures of an unusually large number of tho 210 members of that body, comprising con servatives, national liberals, ultra-mon-talnes, and members of other parties. Among the signers were to be found not only the names of professed bimetalists, but other members who have heretofore maintained a more or less neutral atti tude on the question of bimetalism. One of the signers was the son of Prince Ho henlohe, the imperial chancellor. The bimetalists who slmpf! th mnllnn want nothing more nor less thai! blmetal ism. But they have been prevented front ffvrTrninr n rirHn-.i.K nff An. ... v.. the opposition of their mdderale"fc"oneague.? wno aia not desire an alteration of the gold currency. There is a suspicion afloat! that the support of the latter is not entire ly genuine, but has as its motive a desire to bring about an international conference, "whose decision, they believe, would be ad verse to the reinstatement of silver, and thus settle the question for some time to come. The result of the debate was fore shadowed yesterday, when Prince Hohen lohe indicated the attitude of the govern ment in a carefully-worded declaration, which he read, as follows: "Without prejudicing our imperial cur rency, one must confess that the difference in the value of gold and silver continues to react upon our commercial life. Follow ing, therefore, the tendencies which lead to the appointment of a civil commission. I am ready to consider, in conjunction with the federal government, whether we can not enter upon a friendly interchange of opinion, as to common remedial meas ures, with the other states that are chief ly Interested in maintaining the value of silver." When Mlrbach's motion came up In the reichstag this afternoon in its regular or der, the discussion was resumed by Siegel, a national liberal. He opposed the reso lution, and urged that the impression should not be created abroad that the reichstag considered the existing mone tary system unsuited to the interests of Germany. He was convinced that Great Britain would take no part in any inter national agreement for the introduction of a double standard. Leuschner, of the reichspartie, declared he was in favor of an international conference, which, he was fully persuaded, would adopt the principle of bimetalism. Richter, of the people's party, said that Hohenlohe was temporizing. His attitude indicated a de sire on the part of the government to bow before the agrarians. This vacillation was a danger in such an important matter. The present resolution was an agrarian intermezzo, preceding the principal act by the protectionist resolution of Count von Kanitz. If he got nothing, the agrarians would stir up such discontent as would not be allayed by 10 anti-revolution bills. Count von Posadowsky-Wegncr, who fol lowed Richter, said that it was not denied that the ever-falling price of silver was prejudicial to industry and to the Ger man silver mines. Consequently the de cline tended to deprive a large body of workingmen of their means of subsist ence. Even monometalists admitted that the depreciation in the price of silver was hurtful. Continuing, he added: "The premier and minister of finance of France had stated that France must revert to the double standard and that Germany was responsible, because she first began the use of the silver standard. The rural nomilation believed that the fnll in the price of silver was answerable for the fall in the value of the product. This opinion was shared, moreover, by many manufacturers. Therefore, it was the duty of the government to return a be nevolent answer to the question which had been put by a majority of the reich stag." This utterance was greeted with much conservative cheering. Von Kardoff, a well-known champion of the law, de scribed blmetalism as a protection to the German peasant classes as a sure bul wark against socialism. This remark was greeted with derisive laughter from the socialistic benches. The chief opposition against a double standard came from the privy councilors in the ministerial de partments. Count Wcgner here arose from his seat and declared that the chiefs of the departments were responsible for the policy of the departments. After a speech by Meyer, which elicited a reply from Von Kardoff, the motion of Mirbach was put to the house and carried, amid loud atmlause from the members of th right. The motion was carried by the united vote3 of the conservatives and centrists, and, with a few exceptions, the national liberals. The recently formed German bimetalist league will meet soon. Speeches will be delivered by Von Kardoff, Count Mirbach, Arendt and two well-known manufactur- In the lobbies this evening, the chief I topic wo3 Chancellor Prince Kohenlohe's cautious statement that he had no objec tion to opening negotiations for a mone tary conference. The practical signifi cance of bis assurance seems to be in doubt. The bimetalists. however, certain ly expect an early decision from the fed eral government, empowering the Imperial chancellor to take steps toward summon ing a conference. Privately, the chancel lor is said to be without bias in the mat ter, and both monometalists and bimetal ists regard him as a rather slippery trim mer In the conflict of the standards. The bimetalists feel that they cannot rely upon his taking the initiative, and therefore are determined to seize every opportunity in the reichstag to strengthen their de mands for international action. They will also organize a series of mass meetings in Leipsic, Frankfort, Cologne, Dresden and other centers. The first of the meet ings will be held here next Tuesday. THE SEALING QUESTION. This Government to Invite England, Ru&sin. and Japan to a Conference. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. Important ac tion upon the seal fisheries in Behring sea was taken today by the house ways and means committee. It was agreed to authorize the president to invite the gov ernments of Great Britain, Russia and Japan to unite with the United States in sending a joint commission to investigate the seal fisheries of the North Pacific and Behring sea. The president will be au thorized to arrange modus vivendi wit'i these powers for the protection of sea.'.s until the report of the commission has been made and acted upon. The secretary of the treasury will be empowered to take steps to kill seals under the terms of the Dingley bill in case the nations refuse to join the United States in an investigation. The plan which the committee agreed upon was recommended by Assistant Sec retary Hamlin, of the treasury depart ment, who'visited the Alaskan waters last year and looked into the seal Interests there, and by Chairman Wilson. Each government that decides to become a party to the agreement will be invited to desig nate three commisricners and to arrange that the commission shall begin its work without delay. There has been much discussion in the committee of the piopriety of reopening the seal Question, in view of th relations adopted as a result of the findings of the .fans tribunal, and the question was sub- mitteu to De one which afforded grounds for a difference of opinion. The members were unanimously of the opinion the reg ulations had fallen shcrt of accomplishing their purpose, and it was contended that Great Britain could have no reason for uissatisfaction, if representations are made to her that the speedy extermina tion of the seal herd is inevitable unless further measures of protection shall be adopted, and If she Is invited to co-operate with the ether governments which are Interested in the seal Industry. The commission takes the view that rules should be adopted to govern seal fishing in all the Northern waters, those under the jurisdiction of Russia and Japan, as well as those of Great Britain and the United States. The establish ment of the present mile limit is held to be entirely insufficient for protection. The !;JInitedJ3fates5shouldproceed to kill the, SealStf thVrtilPr TliTnTPrlrlwMntt-tn tnlri steps for additional restrictions, seemed at first a rather startling- one, but after consideration the commission was brought to its support, and holds that this govern ment has power to do whatever it thinks best with the seals in its terriory and in the waters under its jurisdiction. Whether the senate will take the same view of the question involved in this new plan is a subject of debate, for Senator Morgan has argued that the work of the Paris tribunal was entirely effective. THE SCHOONER AVAIILBDRG. No Action Taken So Far by the Gov ernment OJHcisilM. SAN DIEGO, Feb. 16. Collector Fisher has been exchanging telegrams since Wed nesday with the department" at Washing ton concerning the departure of the schooner H. C. Wahlberg. but so far no orders of a public nature have been issued. The delay is supposed to be due to the magnitude of the case. Collector Fisher reported, of course, to the treasury de partment, but it is probable that the de partment would refer It to the secretary of state, and perhaps to the attorney-general, as international questions are involved. Captain Martin has asked permission to clean his boat, and the request has been granted. It is, therefore, expected she will be beached for that purpose. An offi cial search of the vessel disclosed the fact that she had about a ton of salt on board,, presumably for curing otter skins, but there were no skins, and few If any of the tools necessarv for handling otter. The fact was developed today that pre vious to Captain Martin's departure from San Francisco, November 23, he was in correspondence -with Captain Hayward, of this city, for the charter of the schooner yacht San Diego. Martin wanted to char ter her, without captain or crew, a condi tion which Hayward would not accept. Later Martin purchased the Wahlberg of the United States government at San Francisco, the boat having come into pos session of the government after a libel proceeding, on account of delinquent sail ors wages. THE COAL TESTS. Reports of the Secretary of the Navy to the Senate. WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. In response to a senate resolution, the secretary of the navy yesterday afternoon sent to the senate a statement showing the reports of various tests of coal made within the past 12 months on board of vessels of the navy and at the navy-yards. The report also gives the constituents of coal as far as they have been chemically tested. The points at which vessels load coal most ad vantageously are as follows: The Atlan tic ocean Norfolk and adjacent waters. Port Royal. Gulf of Mexico Key West. New Orleans, Pensacola and Mobile. The Caribbean sea St. Luclen, St, Thomas and Cartagena. Pacific ocean San Fran cisco, the ports of Vancouver Island and Puget sound, Honolulu, the Australian and New Zealand coal ports, Nagasaki in Japan, and Talcahuana, Chili. IN FAVOR OF RANSOM. Gray Circulating a Petition In the Senate ANkiiifr His Appointment. WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. Senator Gray is engaged in circulating in the senate a recommendation to the president that Senator Ransom, of North Carolina, be appointed minister to Mexico, to succeed the Hon. I. P. Gray. He has so far pre sented it only to democrats. All of those to whom it has been shown have signed, except Senator Hill, and he has asked to be excused on the ground, not of oppo siton to Mr. Ransom, but because he says he is not making recommendations to the president. Many of the republicans have expressed a desire to slim the document and It will be prtsented when the members scan nave seen canvassed completely. To Be Combined With Oregon's Malls WASHINGTON, Feb. 16. The postofflce department has Issued an order that here after all lines and postoffices east of the Missouri river, making a separation of mail for California, will combine mall for oGces In Del Norte county. CaL. with mails for Oregon. PEICE FIVE CETS THE GOLD DEPOSITED Twenty-two Millions and But One Million Omside New York. SMALL PORTION OF BONDS SOLD The Banks Desire to Rctnln Their Bond as Bnsis for New Circula tion. "When Money Hardens. NEW YORK, Feb. 16. Of the $22,000,000 gold deposited in New York and other cities, $1,000,000 has been deposited out of town, at San Francisco and Baltimore. The $10,000,000 deposited in the legal de positories, the First, Park and City Na tional banks and the Bank of Commerce, today represent principally the gold hold ings of these banks, which were taken from the banks' accounts and credited on the books to the government account, subject to the disposition of the treasury department. It was reported in Wall street, although the managers of the syn dicate decline to confirm the report, that the syndicate has sold $30,000,000 worth of bonds at 111, Ieavin? only 52,500,000 more bonds to be placed in this country. How ever, a member of the syndicate stated today that only a comparatively small portion of the bonds would be offered for sale, as the banks desire to retain their bonds to anarge extent as a basis for new circulation when money begins to harden later in the year, as is anticipated. The savings banks are also desirous of ob taining a proportion of the bonds for in vestment. Bids at 115 were made today to members of the syndicate, but were not considered. The managers of the syn dicate intend to offer the bonds at a price which will Insure a quick absorption of the amount to be sold, and will not base their judgment on any such isolated bids as have been made for small scattered lots. Russell Sage, who withdrew $350,000 in gold from the subtreasury yesterday, is not and will not be a member of the syndicate, and none of the syndicate mem bers will take any of this gold from him. All the members of the last syndicate who withdrew- gold from the subtreasury have been carefully excluded from the Belmont-Morgan syndicate. Comment of English. Editors. LONDON. Feb. 16. The Statis. com menting on the new gold loan, says: "Three and one-half per cent bonds are a good investment, and will be eagerly sought, but they will not end the crisis. Gold will go to a premium, but the United States will pay its credit ors gold, though its domestic currency ia silver, the same as Russia and India pay gold." The Economist says it is absurd to pretend that the United States Is under obligations to pay gold. The case, the paper says, is identical with that of India, whichtJdf itfcelectsi'a"gold'loanf' can bor wfcataralessratethangperAcgnt.'fcbut has to -pas a"a,dd!fl6nslTercentfor a rupee loan. ALONG THE MEXICAN BORDER. What Civil Service Commissioner; Lyman Learned, on His Trip. WASHINGTON. Feb. 16.-Civll Servica Commissioner Lyman, who recently in spected the custom-houses along the Mexican border, today submitted to tho commission a report of his investigations there. It deals largely with smuggling carried on along the line, and shows that under the existing conditions on the Mexican side of the Rip Grande this un lawful industry is very profitable. Lyman submits his views in relation to an im provement of the service. He says: "Eagle Pass is now the most important point in the Gulf district, being tho northern terminus of the Mexican Inter national railways which connects with the Southern Pacific and other railway systems in the United States. It is the function of the mounted inspectors of police to guard the 500 and odd miles of territory bordering on the Rio Grande. They also have duties in connection with import and export of merchandise. With the small force of inspectors employed, this policing is not effectively done. It i3 probable, however, that smuggling on a large scale, of bulky articles or of cattle, is to a considerable extent prevented. These inspectors all carry Winchesters or other reneatinsr rifles and revolvers. and are made the targets of smugglers and olher desperate characters. It Is probable that some practical tests will have to be applied in order to secure men of the right stamp for this class of service." The commissioner visited the Corpus Christi and El Paso districts, and says that with rare exceptions only one kintl of regular customs examinations will bo required in these districts, namely the clerk - inspection examination. Whilo studying the situation from the American, side the commissioner also visited all tho Mexican ports along the border to ascer tain the practice of the Mexican customs officials. One of the principal difficulties which our customs officials have to deal with on the whole frontier, he says, la the constant and persistent smuggling of goods of European manufacture from Mexico Into the United States. THE INCOME TAX. Another Snit Bronprlit to Test XtM Constitutionality. COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 16. C. D. Rogera, jr., has brought suit against the Columbus Carriage Manufacturing Company, W. S. Rodgers, A. D. Rodgers, Beal and Hamil ton Poste, to test the income tax law Plaintiff says he owns 147 shares of stock in the above company, which is engaged in manufacturing and dealing in buggies. The company for the year 1S94 earned a. large amount of money aBove its expenses, and declared a dividend. The above-named defendants are a majority of the board of directors, and by virtue of the income tax law intend to pay the United States a tax of 2 per cent upon the company's net prof its, for the year ended December 21, 1834. Plaintiff allesres that said tax is unconsti tutional, null and void, and that It is a direct tax In respect to the real estate owned by the company, and likewise a direct tax upon Ihe rents, issue and profits of said real estate, and also upon its per sonal property, which direct taxes are not in and by said act apportioned among tho several states as required by section 2 of the article of the constitution of the United States. Said tax is imposed on such cor porations, although individuals transacting similar business under like conditions and having like property, etc., and income, are exempted from the payment of said taxes! Plaintiff also alleges that persons holding stock in such corporations and receiving dividends therefrom, and having other sources of income are exempt from the tax, if their net Income Is less than $4000 per annum. The effect of such company's being compelled to pay the tax would tend to lessen the value of the shares and divi dends, and compel such persons holding said shares, although their incomes are less than $4000, to virtually pay such in come tax.