The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 10, 1895, Image 9

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( PAGES 9 TO 16 ?0
Xi i I I I i 1 l-ll i I A W .
Actina will positively and permanently cure every disease known to the eye. In
the very worst form, no matter how long1 standing. The home company
. mmm. v "'"""t""" ?c CURE.
During the past seven years people have come to us with every 'conceivable
eye trouble, and some nearly blind for years have been restored to perfect sight.
Over Twenty-three thousand people in the United States and Canada have been
permanently cured of this troublesome complaint by Actina. If you are suffering,
oon't delay longer. A cure is within your reach.
A Valuable Btek iree on Application Contatas Treatise wi Ihs Human .Systsm,
its Diseasss aid Cure. Thousands of testimonials or Eeferesces.
1. E. BE1H, Jfcfat, Ecca S. Eilrish Die. POETUJD. ORCfiOI.
Vr fT fMTVYl T 1 Wi!lbo Brstvlew dayof Sprin? Novelties.
I UllLi I jjj Thtymoro than merit all the eager ex
r peotations with which thoy'vo been
awaited. 1895 mar lit a new era in
Silk; Stripe fiaijnels
Prettiest we ever opened.
Smallest priced you ever saw.
Tenuis flannels
Show a heretofore unattained
perfection of daintiness and
Outing piar;r;e!s
Are unusually pretty,
Unusually low-priced.
Domestie Qirams
Of new and refined patterns
and improved values.
Seotef? (Jirams
Are of extraordinary fresh
ness. 2o dress will be what it miirht un-fl
less made over a properly-fittins:
corset. Be fitted in a BOYAL" WORCESTER.
Its Value Jteuer
Select your diamonds Trith.
care liny from those who Delect
vrltli care. Even merchants are
mistaken in valne of diamonds.
I Import my diamonds direct
and have made a specialty of
this business for years. Each
srcin yon buy from me is of guar
anteed quality. It Trill be the
best that the price you pay vrill
buy you anyvhere. My prices
on reliable diamonds are ex
tremely close.
Before buying elsewhere in
spect this stock.
"Will remove to 153 Third street,
Golden Rule Bazaar building,
February 1!0. Great reductions
on all eroods -until day of re
moval. Sfyeo.U.j-laQsei
Y on Eatfth
When we sell them so cheap? Mon
day we give away free one of our fine
Pencil Boxes with Boys' and Girls'
Shoes at $1.50 and np.
dry goods.
feu; Silk;s
Are of unexampled beauty, and
unparalleled attractiveness in
Imported Dress (Joods
Could never bs obtained before
at such prices.
features of tr;e Seasor;
Is the favor given
We will show the newest
T!?e Spriijo
Standard Pattern Catalogue,
Standard Patterns,
Standard Fashion Magazine
Free Fashion Sheet
Are just in.
(Notice. All matter designed for the
Sunday social columns must reach The
Oregonian office not later than Friday
night. Personals and reports of society
doings sent in Saturday, except of Friday
night and Saturday occurrences, will not
Mears-Prescott Yesterday afternoon, at
4 o'clock. Miss Antoinette Prcscott, daugh
ter of Mr. C. H. Prescott, was united in
marriage of Mr. Edward Carpentier
Mears, son of the late Colonel Frederick
Mears, United States army, at the resi
dence of the bride's father, corner of
Montgomery and Sixth streets. The dec
orations, "which were entirely arranged by
Miss Atwood, were simply exquisite in de
sign and called forth acclamations of
praise. The drawing-rooms were wreathed
in graceful garlands of smllax depending
from the side walls and entwined about
the pure white Ionic arches that support
the archway that divides the apartment
The large bay-window, where the cere
mony was performed, wan a veritable
bower of beauty. ItTvas filled with flower
ing plants, banked by tall growing palms
and sweet-scented buds, while hanging
from the cornice above and draped back
by a silk ribbon was an artistic curtain
of smllax, on either side being urns filled
with calla lily buds and their own green
foliage, while in place of the usual mar
riage bell was a horn of plenty, filled with
bride roses. The mantel to the side was
filled in with sweet white blossoms and a
profusion of trailing vines. The library
was brightened by innumerable potted
plants, Intermingled with dainty flowers
of delicate tints. The hallway was decked
with palms, ferns and rubber plants,
while the walls were hung witli ivy. The
dining-room was decorated all in tones of a
pinkish hue. The walls were hung with
ivy. while a profusion of woodland greens
filled every conceivable space. Tall flow
ering ping begonias graced the mantel and
a wealth of feathery greens filled the
fireplace below. The table was orna
mented with La France roses, which
filled a cutglass epergne to overflowing.
Stretching from corner to corner were
bands of pink satin ribbons ending in
double French bows, while light was sup
plied by waxen tapers with pink shades.
Precisely at the appointed hour Mr.
Coursen and a splendid orchestra played
"The Bridal Chorus," from "Lohengrin,"
and the wedding party entered the drawing-room
In the following order: First
came the ushers, Mr. "W. B. Mackay and
Mr. A. H. Withington; the groom and his
best man. Lieutenant A. B. Donworth,
followed by the maid of honor. Miss Mac
kay, and last the bride, leaning on the
arm of her father. The service of the
Unitarian church w;ar celebrated" by the"
Rev. T. L. Eliot, D. D assisted by the
Rev. Earl "Wilbur. At the conclusion of
the ceremony the orchestra burst forth
into Mendelssohn's "Wedding March,"
while the friends of the happy couple ex
tended their congratulations and best
wishes, after which the entire company
repaired to the dining-room, where a su
perb banquet was served.
One of the pretty incidents of the occa
sion was the throwing of the bridal bou
quet, which was caught by Miss Mackay.
The bride looked charming in a hand
some tailor-made traveling gown of brown
cloth, with a becoming hat of the same
shade, trimmed with ostrich tips. She
carried a large hand bouquet of exquisite
double Parma violets and lilies of the
valley. Miss Mackay was very pretty in
Eau de Nil silk, trimmed with magenta
velvet and rich lace, carrying a beau
tiful hand bouquet of La France roses.
Mrs. Prescott was richly attired in a
robe of black lace over rose-pink satin.
The corsage was ornamented with trim
mings of cut jet. Ornaments, diamonds.
Mrs. Mears wore a handsome toilet of
deep red.
Miss Mears was prettily attired in a
frock of pale blue crepon, the corsage
ornamented with chiffon.
Miss Atwood wore a gown of rich brown
silk, with trimming of gold.
Those present were: Mrs. E. Mears
and Miss WInnlfred Mears, of Spokane,
mother and sister of groom; Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Prescott, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Max
well, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Eliot, Mrs. At
wood, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Huddleson,
Captain B. B. Tuttle. Mr. "W. B. Mackay,
Dr. C. L. Nichols. Mr. J. Kirkland, Mr.
A. H. "Withington, Mr. C. H. Martin. Mr.
A. B. Donworth. Mr. E. "W. Clark. Miss
Alwood, Miss Eliot, Miss E. Eliot, Miss
Grace Eliot, Miss Mackay, Miss Ruth
Maxwell, .Mr. George B. Maxwell, Mrs. D.
Mackay, Miss Peasley and Mrs. Rose
The happy couple departed the same
evening for San Francisco, and before
returning-to Portland will visit all the
principal points of interest in Southern
Williams Jones On Wednesday even
ing at the residence of Councilman Thom
as J. Jones, 334 East Third street, Dr.
Charles E. Locke officiating. William R,
Williams was -married to Miss Lizzy
Jones. The presents were numerous and
costly. The bride was beautifully attired
In cream French cashmere, trimmed with
orange blossoms. She wore around her
neck a beautiful gold necklace, studded
with pearls, a gift of the groom. The
bridesmaids were Miss Bertha Peterson
and Miss Kate Thomas. Both were fit
tingly attired In Nile-green albatross.
After the ceremony, there was served In
the spacious dining-room a sumptuous re
past. The house was beautifully dec
orated in Ivies and palms; the chandeliers
were entwined in smllax: After supper
all enjoyed a fine entertainment, with
Captain Owens, of the British ship Car
narvon Bay, as chairman of the evening.
Master Arthur Jones played "Lohengrin
Weddlag March" on the piano.
Weatherly-Hawes A happy and unique
wedding- took place at the residence of W.
J. Hawes, on the East Side, Wednesday
afternoon, the contracting parties being
Mr. George W. Wcatherly and Miss Min
nie Hawes, both of Portland. At 2 o'clock
the bride and groom came Into the parlor,
when Rev. G. A. Manshardt, In a pleas
ant and impressive manner, united them
In marriage. Miss Emma Bellinger acted
as bridesmaid, and Mr. J. J. Hawes,
brother of the groom, as groomsman. The
bride was elegantly and tastefully at
tired. After the ceremony the guests sat
down to an ample repast. The new couple
will make their home at 549 East Fifteenth
street, where they will be at home to their
Bourgeois-Wilson. At Trinity church.
Rev. Thomas L. Cole officiating, at 7 P.
M. Thursday, Mr. F. T. Bourgeois and
Miss Hattie O. Wilson were united In
matrimony. After the ceremony the
bride and groom, with their attendants,
repaired to heir future residence, 235
Harrison street, where a reception to their
friends was held, and an enjoyable even
ing1 was spent in songs, music and dancing-,
after which a light repast was served.
! Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. P. J.
j Semler, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gowanlock,
J Mr. and Mrs. T. Maguire, Mrs. W. Smith,
.Mrs. ja. j. wara, .Mrs. r. Gregory, airs.
A. E. Rourke, Misses Agnes Thompson,
Lesta Elsesor, Maudle Ward, Sadie Ward,
May Semler: Mesrs. R. H. Moulton, John
Hannigan, R. B. Jones, W. Clark, B. W.
Fisher, J. H. Morse, Orle Shane. J. J. Mc
Donell, M. J. McGrath, Master Paulle
Sewler, Newtla Smith and Baby Hazel
Cawood-Welch. Dr. Edgar E. Cawood
and Miss Cathryn Welch, eldest daughter
of Dr. and Mrs. Jchn Welch, were mar
ried last Wednesday night at the First
Baptist church. The church was thronged
with the leading society people of this
city, many persons being unable to ob
tain seats long before the opening of the
ceremonies. Fully 1500 were present at S:30
o'clock, when the "Lohengrin" march
was played by Professor W. M. Wilder.
Amidst the inspiring strains of the march
the bridal party entered the church from
the east room in the following order: The
groom and his best man, J. T. Ttate;
the groomsmen, Drs. W. A. Cuznmlng, H.
C. Miller, Charles R. Templeton, E. P.
Mossman, F. E. Ferris and E. L. Lane;
the bridesmaids, the Misses Hilda Wat
son, Josie Newton, Ruth Hoyt and Pearl
Gillespie. Then came the maid of honor.
Miss Annie E. Welch, sister of the bride,
followed by the bride herself on the arm
of her father.
The service, read by Rev. Roland D.
Grant, was very beautiful. It has been
read at a marriage ceremony but once be
fore on this coast. The chancel was or
namented with palms and ferns, and pre
sented a very attractive appearance. Dur
ing the prayer. Professor Wilder played
Wagner's "Prayer of Rlenzl." The cere
mony concluded with Mendelssohn's beau
tiful wedding march by Professor Wilder,
during which the party returned to the
east room, where the bride and groom
remained for half an hour to receive
congratulations and good wishes, with
which they were nearly overwhelmed.
Dr. Cawood is a well-known and popu
lar dentist of this city.
The bride has a very large circle of
friends, and is greatly esteemed and ad
mired for her many excellent qualities
and accomplishments. She wore a white
satin, en train, and tulle veil, a wreath
of orange blossoms with orange blos
soms for ornaments. She presented a very
charming picture.
There were no guests at the house ex
cept a few friends from outside the city.
The presents were many and very beauti
ful. Among them was a beautiful carving
set from the Estomological Club, of which
Dr. Cawood is an active member.
Arnold-Burkhardt- A, Jianpy -weddIng
took place dt the home &-&i."el C. 5. Ar
nold, near Milwaukie. on Thursday even
ing. The contracting parties were Mr.
Arnold and Miss Emille A. Burkhardt, of
St. Paul. Rev. C. A. Priesing In a most
pleasant and Impressive manner tied the
knot and launched the happy couple on the
matrimonial sea. Miss Emma D. Tschar
ner acted as bridesmaid, and Mr. J. H.
Bottemiller as groomsman. The presents
were many and beautiful. After the cere
mony a sumptuous repast was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold will soon go to
housekeeping at their home.
Walsh-Doherty. At nuptial mass, at
the cathedral, at 9 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing, February 5, Rev. J. H. Black, the
celebrant, united in holy wedlock Edwin
Walsh and Miss Winifred Doherty, both
of Portland. The groomsman was John
O'Neill, and the bridesmaid was Miss
Sadie Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Walsh will
live at 489 Flanders street.
Tin "Wedding-.
On last Monday night, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Y. Schuck celebrated the 10th an
niversary of their wedding at their home
827 Kelly street. The house was beauti
fully decorated, a splendid musical
programme had been prepared, and 'for
those so inclined whist was the order of
the hour. Substantial refreshments were
served, and a most enjoyable time was
had. The host and hostess were the re
cipients of a large number- of handsome
presents, and at a late hour the friends
separated and all joined in wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Shuck a long continuance of
their happiness and prosperity. Those
present were: Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Wells,
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Gambell, Mr. and
Mrs. John W. Minto, Mr. and Mrs. George
Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Shuck, Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Lutke, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Butterfield,
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cowgill, Mr. and Mrs.
F. F. Gilham, Mr. and Mrs.' E. W. Crich
ton, Dr. and Mrs. E. N. Wilson. Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Mulholland, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Burr, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kelly, Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Plympton, Mr. and Mrs. M.
W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. F. Y. Schuck,
Mrs. Ben C. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. N. C.
Oviatt, Mrs. C. R. Donohoe, Mrs. Odell.
Miss Margaret Kelly, Miss Georgia Mar
shall, Miss May Wallace, Miss K. L.
Schuck, Miss H. Sinshcimer, Miss G. La
Kamp, Miss Hazel Bonner, Miss Grace
Cowgill, Mr. R. L. Ball, Mr. Harry Cow
gill. Three Decades Celebrated.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glen's beautiful
home, at 487 East Ankeny street, was
the scene of a memorable event last Sat
urday, the 2d inst. This estimable couple
reached on that day the 30-mile post of
their matrimonial journey. The drawing
room and dining-room, were tastefully dec
orated with symbolic ivy garlands, with
here and there shining red berries, which
enhanced the richness of the whole. A
j dinner fit for the palate of the most fas
tidious follower of Epicure had been pre
pared. Immediate members of the family
alone were present, and covers were laid
for 20. The absence of Mr. Robert Glen,
jr., the popular night editor of the Spokesman-Review,
of Spokane, was the only
cause of regret. Congratulatory mes
sages were, however, received from htm,
read at dinner and received with cheers.
Many choice and handsome gifts were re
ceived. Arlon Society's Concert.
The second concert of the season of the
Arion society was given last Thursday
night at Arion hall before a large audi
ence. An Interesting programme had been
arranged by Mr. Hans Saro, the popular
director of the society, and the concert
was a success in all respects. The open
ing number was a song "Sang- an Aegir"
by the male choir. The words and mu
sic of this song were written by Emperor
William of Germany. The following songs
were also rendered by the maletcholr dur
ing the evening: "Air- Ammersee," by F.
Langer; "Waldemsamkeit," by Pache, and
the "Prayer Before Battle," by V. Becker.
The last rong is considered very difficult
and is seldom attempted except by singers
of unusual merit, but it was carried very
successfully by the choir and received
much applause. Mr. Paul Wesslnger sang
the baritone solo parts In the male choir
with great credit. Mrs. Helen Parish
Hinges, the well-known soprano singer, of
this city, rendered several solos, whlch
were encored. Mrs. Hinges was in good
voice, as usual, and sang with much ef
fect "I Love Thee," by Tito Mattel, and
Shelley's "Love's Sorrow." Mr. A. Leiske,
who is a violinist of some note, rendered
several violin solos which received much
favor. This cccasion was the first In
which Mr. Lieske has had a part with the
Arion society. One of the enjoyable fea
tures of the programme was a flute solo
by Mr. G. Oechsle. The society is now re
hearsing for a comic opera, which will be
given some time about the last of March
next. All the musical affairs of the so
ciety are by Invitation, and are always
largely attend3L
ZUs Edinnnds' Farewell Purtj-.
A very pleasant farewell party was ten
dered to Miss Hattie Edmunds, at her
home on Thirty-eighth and East Haw
thorne streets, last Wednesday evening;
Miss Edmunds, accompanied by her
father, is about to take her departure for
Michigan, where she will remain for some
time. Music, cards and dancing were the
principal features of the evening, and at
11 o'clock a fine lunch was served, after
which games and dancinsr were indulged
in. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. A.
C. Edmunds. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, Mrs.
Goldstone, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Price, Miss
Annie Sheppell, Miss Winnie McGuire,
Miss Ida Cowins, Miss Georgia McKay,
Miss Mabel Milwain, Miss Maggie Demp
sey. Miss Florence Henderson, Miss An
nie Corton, Miss Frances Whitcomb. Miss
Hattie Enmunds, Miss Agnes Henderson,
Miss Mattle Black, Messrs. Frank Gately,
James Brady, John Donaugh, Dan Brun
ner, Orvil Reed, Hunt, Frank. Finger,
Herman Rubenstine, Charles Mautz,
Henry Oleson, Denlver Edmunds, Ed
Krlnick, Earl Hunter, C. C. Call, Al Bry
ant, Willis Edmunds. Ed-McKay, Clark.
Musicnle on the Columbine.
The lighthouse tender Columbine was
the scene of a most enjoyable Impromptu
musicale on Thursday evening. The cho
rus of the M. A. A. C, under the leader
ship of Professor Boyer, gave Captain
Richardson a pleasant surprise by seizing
the good ship. This was at 9 P. M., and
just as the fun began a second surprise
came in the form of the Ashland ladles'
quartet, accompanied by Messrs. Sander
son, Wallihan and Elliott. The ladies
were greeted with song, and in response
gave a choice selection from their own
repertoire. They then looked over the
large collection of curios and photo
graphs gathered by Captain Richardson,
after which a musical good night wa3
sung by the chorus, and carriages con
veyed the ladies to the Portland. Before
departing- from the cabin, however, they
left their autographs underneath the fol
lowing lines, dedicated to Captain Rich
ardson: "From Ashland's vale, o'er hill and dale,
We came to see the Columbine;
Long may her prow the ocean plow,
And this may be her valentine."
The Multnomah A. A. Club's glee club
Messrs. W. H. Boyer, Anson Weeks, H. C.
Lohman, W. L. Murray, J. B. Wood, F.
R, Patterson, F. R. Smith, James White,
Sam Luders, C E. McDonell, Ed
Estes, M. H. Insley. F. O. Burck
hardt, B. F. Holman. V. E.
Karne, W. K. Scott. W. H. Wallace, M. S.
Eads, Harry Idleman and J. H. Murphy
and Messrs. George H. Strowbridge, C. H.
Brown, Theodore Barker and! Sir.. Lamber
son, were members of the party ou" the
Minn Snnderlnnd Surprised.
Last Saturday evening, at the residence
of Mr. M. Sunderland, 5S1 East Pine street,
a very pleasant party was given by the
young people of the Degree of Honor No.
ii, xo Aiiss lva sunaeriana, on tne oc
casion of her ISth birthday. A beautiful
bound copy of "Lady of the Lake" was
presented to the hostess, Miss Mary Stev
ens making the presentation speech. The
evening was spent in music and games,
after which a delicious lunch was served.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M.
Sunderland, Mrs. "A. M. Stansberry. Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Sunderland, Misses Mary
Stevens, Nellie Halfpenny, Grace and Etta
Clark, Miss McFaddan, Anna Kneldmark,
Mammie and Lillie Kerr, Emma Broyon,
Margaret Crandall, Frances Stansberry,
Lorene Morgan, Anna Dufur, Anna Gile,
Mary, lva and Bertha Sunderland,
Messrs. Charles Brandon, Frank Stevens,
Frank Halfpenny, George Nottage, Ward
Klndorf. Van Dunning, Mr. Hanson,
James Gergegthy, H. Humphrey, William
Stansberry, H. Beckwith and M. Zeller.
Mr. Morris Surprised.
On Thursday evening a pleasant sur
prise was tendered Mr. Alf. Morris by his
measculine friends at the rooms of the A.
T. M. Social Club. The occasion was the 2Jd
anniversary of lis birth. Prominent among j
the features or the evening were tne senti
mental singing of Messrs. Melcher and
Hewitt, the club-swinging of J. McNich
ols, skirt dancing of Professor E. Pinaud,
specialties by Mr. Charles Dillon, recita
tion. "She Took My Heart and Kept it,"
by Mr. H. Bartlett, and the discourse by
Mr. F. Gately, entitled the "Monetary
Evll, and Its Remedy." The music was
furnished through the courtesy of Messrs.
Walker, Mills, Horner and Plymale. Those
present were: Messrs. Alf. Morris, H.
Plymale. F. Plymale, L. Thibau, A. Mills,
F. Gately, N. Hewitt, Charles Dillon, J.
McNichoIs, Professor Pinaud, F. Melcher,
H. Bartlett, Professor Walker, C. Horner,
W. Buckman, T. Hogan, J. Taylor, C.
Mis Stunrt'a "Whist Tarty.
Miss Annetta Stuart gave a delightful
whist party Wednesday evening, at the
home of her parents, Captain and Mrs. A.
B. Stuart, 3S9 Lownsdale street. The
happy couple that carried off the first
prize was Miss Hennecy and Mr. W.
Scare. Mrs. Earnest Hobbs and Mrs. F.
A- French triumphantly won the booby
prize. At 10:30 lunch was served, and
dancing and games was indulged in till
late. Those present were: Captain and
Mrs. A. B. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. H. F.
Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. E. Hobbs. Mrs. Ma
terar, Mrs. King, Miss Annetta Stuart,
Miss Billing, Miss Hennecy, Mrs. Mar
shall, Miss Alida Billing, Miss Lottie
Drew, Mr. George Sears, Mr. French, Mr.
Lovejoy, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. W. Scare, Mr.
H. A. Farringion, William Stuart, F. G.
Stuart, Fred. Stuart
The ZIr-Zuk Social CInh.
The Zig-Zag Social Club held a very en
joyable gathering last Monday evening, at
the home of Miss Lottie Sloper, in Lincoln
Park annex. The evening was passed
very pleasantly in whist, music, singing
and games, after which refreshments were
served. Among those present were: Mrs.
N. Sloper, Misses Lottie Sloper, Rosa Du
bois, Elvira Hubbard, Bessie Tobey,
Aimee Rankin, Ona Sloper, Messrs. Will
Miller, George Dubois, Osber Doxsle,
Earle N. Tomlinson, Frank Rankin, Clin
ton Hayward, Adolph Miller, Roy Sloper,
A. W. Young and others.
Mrs. Hinklc's Card Party.
Mrs. Perry Hinkle gave a card party
Thursday evening at her home. Sixteenth
and Kearney streets, which was a very
pleasant affair. Progressive hearts was
the game, and at its conclusion the prizes
were awarded, Miss Rohr and Mr. Mc
Kenzie carrying off the first prize, while
Mrs. Lyons and Mr. Browne secured the
booby. About midnight a delightful hot
lunch was served, followed by some good
music and singing. Among those present,
besides Mr. and Mrs. Hinkle, were: Mr.
and Mrs. O. Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
McMahon. Mrs. L. Q. Swetland, Mr. and
Mrs. Mclnnls, Mrs. C. F. Patterson, Mr.
and "Mrs. F. D. Simmons, Mr. and Mrs.
Goodman. Mrs. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Cl3pp, Mrs. A. Grif
fin, Mrs. C. M. Crothers, Misses Lillie
Rohr, Anderson, Sargent. L. Qulmby, Blu
mauer, Messrs. Worth, J. Burke and llr.
Mrs. Raleigh Stott's Ten.
Yesterday afternoon between the hours
of 5 and 7 Mrs. Raleigh Stott gave a
"matinee tea" in honor of Miss Dela Don
elson. The decorations and colorings were
to a large extent harmoniously carried
out In tones of red, and while they were
simple In the extreme, they were marked
with the exquisite taste cf the artistic dec
orator. Daylight was excluded and arti
ficial light was supplied by lamps and
candles, which tent forth a mellow glow
from beneath crimson shades. Pretty con
celts of soft greens were effectively ar
ranged on the stde walls, while cordons
of smilax adorned the chandeliers. In the
dining-room stood a large tea table, which
was presided ever by Mrs. C. E. Ladd,
Miss Schuyler. Mis3 Anderson and Mrs.
Walter V. Smith, who served dainty cups
of tea and coffee, while from a buffet at
the side delicious refreshments were served
by Mrs. J. Roberts Mead. The table was
most effectively embellished. The center
ornament was a golden bronze lamp,
while about the festive board were smaller
lamps and sliver candelabra, all shedding
forth soft light from beneath shades of
a ruby tint. A silken cloth stretching
from side to side, relieved with sprays of
smilax and glass jars of carnations, were
the other ornamentations. Mrs. Stott
was assisted in receiving by her daughter,
Miss Mary, and the guest of honor, Miss
Donelson. During the first portion of the
reception the callers were principally la
dies, but soon after 6 gentlemen began ar
riving, and "from then until the close of
the entertainment the house was crowd
ed with a merry throng.
G. A. R. Veterans Entertained.
On Tuesday evening, January 29, the
ladies of Lincoln-Garfield post, Woman's
Relief corps, tendered a reception and en
tertainment to Lincoln-Garfield post, G.
A. R., at Grand Army hall. Second and
Taylor streets. A committee of three
ladles received the veterans and provided
them with a most sumptuous collation.
The tables were handsomely and artisti
cally decorated. An address of welcome
was delivered by the president, Mrs.
Laura E. Brooks, and addresses were also
given by Past-Presidents Mrs. Belle E.
Hyde and Julia A. Lawton. A toast in
honor of the occasion was given by Com
mander Shipley, and was responded to by
Judge Northup, who made some very ap
propriate remarks eulogizing the great
work of the Woman's Relief corps and of
the benefits that they give to the destitute,
depressed and sick of the G. A. R,, and
encouraged the women to keep up their
good and charitable work. Misses Anna
Herrall and Hattie Smith rendered several
beautiful selections on the piano, and ac
companied the whole company In sinsing
old war songs. A most pleasant and
agreeable time was spent, and the party
did not break up until a late hour.
A Pleasant Surprise.
A very pleasant farewell surprise party
was tendered Mrs. Alta G. Countryman
by friends and members of the Y. P. A.
of the Evangelical Association, at the
residence of Mrs. E. E. Offerle, 449 Haw
thorne avenue, Friday evening. Mrs.
Countryman is about to take her depart
ure for her future home In California. A
handsome silver card receiver was pre
sented to her by the Y. P. A., of which
she was president. Music and games were
indulged in until a late hour, after which
refreshments were served. Those presnt
were: Rev. T. T. Vincent, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Offerle, Mrs. Thompson Mrs. Alta
Countryman, Misses Mollie Hummel, So
phia Lautenschlaeger, Anna Wolff, Rosa
Wolff, Mary Lautenschlaeger, Fanny Fer
rell, Louise Behrenz, Edna Offerle, Messrs.
D. F. Speigl, W. M. Keller. E, C. Gunther,
Fred G. Oster, Lester Offerle, Gustave
Keller, H. Purvis, W. Ingle.
Ashland Ladies Entertained.
The Ashland Ladles' quartet, which ap
peared in Portland during the sessions of
the fruitgrowers the past week, has
been the subject of much social attention.
Many persons have made It their mission
to see that the ladies thoroughly enjoyed
themselves during their stay in this city,
and there is probably no prominent object
of interest they have not seen. The quar
tet is made up of Miss Carolyn D. Roper,
first soprano; Miss Mary Silsby, second
soprano; Mrs. E. L. Chrlsman, first alto;
Miss Esther Silsby, second alto. The
various selections rendered by the quartet
in this city show them to possess pure,
harmonious and thoroughly trained voices.
The soprano. Miss Roper, made a partic
ularly good impression. She has had the
advantage of complete musical culture,
and possesses a fine voice, of excellent
compass and sweet quality.
A Pleasant Surprise.
Mr. C. Minsinger, of Holladay addition,
was surprised on the evening of February
1, at his residence, Thirteenth and Weid
ler street. A lively party started from
the courthouse about 8 1. M. in a large
conveyance drawn by four horses. Going
to Albina, theye were welcomed cordially.
The evening was spent in songs, recita
tions and dancing. At midnight a sump
tuous lunch was spread. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. C. Minsinger, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Long, Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Beavis,
Mrs. Short, Miss E. C. Turner, Miss E.
Minsinger, Miss T. Webster, Miss E.
Oliver, Mr. Bunting, Mr. Shaffer, Mr. G.
W. Caldwell, Mr. W. Minsinger, Mr. R.
Taylor, Mr. M. Hunter, Mr. W. Pickard,
Mr. H. Oliver.
Sirs. Geary's Luncheon.
Mrs. William L. Geary gave a delightful
luncheon party Friday afternoon to a
number of her lady friends. The luncheon
table was decorated all in tones of green
with dashes of yellow here and there.
The chief ornamentation was a large
basket filled with fine ferns and dwarfed
palms. The favors for the ladies were
tiny Japanese baskets decorated with
green ribbons and filled with woodland
moss and maiden-hair ferns, while scat
tered about the table were bunches of
yellow jonquils. Those who enjoyed Mrs.
Geary's hospitality were: Mrs. Ilarry
Allen, Mrs. J. R. Mead, Mrs. E. H. Pal
mer, Mrs. James McCraken, Mrs. Mc
Cune, Mrs. L. L. McArthur, Mrs. J. G.
Gaulr, Mrs. Evcril Palmer and Mrs. H.
Misses Xest Surprised.
A very pleasant surprise party was ten
dered the Misses Nest at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Kadderly, of East Portland,
last Thursday evening. The hospitality
extended was greatly appreciated by the
invited guests. Dancing, music and gen
eral evening pastimes were Indulged in,
and bountiful refreshments were served.
Those present were: Doctors Charlos E.
and Sarah Marquam Hill, Mrs. B, Harp,
Misses Blancharfe Smith, Minnie Smith,
Gabhart, Niekham, Blakely, Ryan, Gless
ner, Harrison, Baird, Smith, Messrs. Rid
dell. Cox, Bayer, Armstrong, Smith, O.
Niekham, Hyde, A. Niekham, Matthews,
Holgate, Kadderly.
Mr. "WatUIns' Luncheon.
A most enjoyable luncheon party was
given by Mrs. Watkins at her residence
on East Third and Mill streets, la3t
Thursday. The time passed quickly and
pleasantly- in conversation until the
luncheon hour. A number of delicious
courses were served, and all enjoyed them
selves immensely. Thdse present were:
Rev. Mr. B. C. Sanderson, Mrs. Sander
son," Mrs. Crounse, Mrs. Roberts, Mra.
Landess, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Bessto
Meserve. Mrs. Bochecr, Mrs. Philips, Mrs.
Hoopengarner, Mrs. Hunsaker, Mrs. Mad
dux, Miss Edna Maddux. Miss Vera San
derson, Miss Hasel Hoopengarner, Mrs.
Missionary Society Entertained.
Mrs. G. M. Settlemier entertained the
Ladles Missionary Society of the Third
Presbyterian church at her residence, C5
East Tenth street, Wednesday afternoon
from 2 to 4, The meeting was led by Miss
Rose Travis, after which light refresh
ments were served. Those present were:
Mrs. Settlemier, Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Lange,
Mrs. Moreland, Mrs. Wait. Mrs. Morgan,
Mrs. Cauthome. Mrs. McArdle, Mrs. Wil
son, Mrs. West, Mrs. Housten, Mrs. Mark3,
Mrs. Kerr. Mrs, Mount, Mrs. Hamblln,
Mrs. White. Mrs. Keely. Mrs, Klnsey,
Mrs. T. N. Stoppenbach, Mrs; Fuller, Mrs.
Marsh, Mrs. Stoppenbach of Tacoraa,
Wash., Misses Rose Travis, Lela McCol
lough, Delia Marks, Frances Barnes and
Blanche Settlemier.
Mr. and Mrs. Voile Surprised.
On last Friday evening a most pleasant
surprise was tendered Mr; and Mrs. Voile
at their home, 323 Ross street, East Side.
Progressive whist was the order of amuse
ment, and the happy merry-makers kept
the cards going until the early hours in
the morning. The first prizes were won
by Miss Kate Howell and Fred. L. Olsen.
Mr. H. S. Donnell, after a hard struggl,
succeeded in capturing the booby prize.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M.
Volk. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Donnell. Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Jaskulek, Mrs. John H. Quinton, Miss
Newbury, Miss Falkensteln, Miss Kato
Howell. Mr. E. S. Phillips, Mr. G. W.
Donnell, Mr. A. I. Donnel and Fred. L.
Cnntnta. of Nations.
The Congregational ladies are actively
engaged in preparing for their entertain
ment of February 22, which will be of a
national character. The choir of the
church, assisted by .Miss Bloch, Mr. Wes
singer and others, will render patriotic
songs of leading nations in a manner to
stir the souls of all who love their na
tive land. This will be the first entertain
ment in the new church, and at the con
clusion of the musical programme Wash
ington's birthday will be celebrated by a
reception in the parlors and a Martha
Washington tea served by young ladies in
Colonial costume.
Mr. Clute Remembered.
Mr. Charles W. White, past exalted
ruler of the Portland Elks, and now dis
trict deputy of the order, was the recipi
ent of a genuine surprise Tuesdav night.
It was the anniversary of hiis 40th birth
day, and a number of the prominent Elks,
with their lady friends, took advantage
of the opportunity and stormed his home,
and devoted the evening to a jolly good
time. Mr. Clute Was also presented with,
an elegant silver-mounted banjo, suitably
inscribed, as a memento of the occasion,
and the birthday gift will be cherished as
a souvenir of his friends remembrance.
Surprise to Miss Downing.
A number of friends of Miss Edna
Downing gave her a pleasant surprise at
her home, 148 East Thirty-fourth street,
Sunnyside, Tuesday evening. Music,
games and social converse were the order
of the evening, after which refreshments
were served. Among those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Downing, Misses Golda
Davenport, Elsie Nendel, Grace Rout
ledge, Mary Robinson, Dora Nendel, Myr
tle Janes, llessrs. Ralph Routledge, Ira
Routledge, John Nendel, George Nendel,
Al. Wells, Fred. Routledge.
An Enjoyable Party.
Miss Katharine Wilson gave a party to
her pupils and friends last Friday even
ing at Parsons' hall. Each pupil was
given the privilege of Inviting two friends.
There were present about 200 couples, and,
although the room was quite crowded, the
bright and happy faces showed that aV
were enjoying themselves. During the
evening- some of the younger pupils danced
a number of their dances, which added
much to the enjoyment of the evening
and were greatly admired by the lookers
on. Surprise Party for Mr. Johnson.
Last Monday evening friends and rela
tives of Mr. Elof Johnson surprised him
at his home at 391 Clifton street. The oc
casion was Mrs. Johnson's 2Gth birthday.
The evening was taken up in games,
music and recitations. Lunch was served.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Nel
son, Mr. and Mrs. Carlson, Mr. and Mrs.
Waldemar Seton, Miss Amelia Winek
ring, Mr. Rudstrom, Mr. Peterson, Mr.
Edward Boise, Mr. Hyland, and Charles,
Arthur and Elmer Carlson.
A Farewell Party.
A very pleasant farewell party was ten
dered to Mrs. J. M. Smith by Mrs. P. Lee,
at 253 Jackson street, last Wednesday
evening. The rooms were tastefully dec
orated. The fore part of the evening was
spent in whist, when the guests repaired
to the dining-room where they did justice
to a well-laid table. Those present were:
J. C. Logan and wife, P. Lee and wife,
Charles Lapslcy and wife, Mrs. Brown,
Mrs. Cobin, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. W. P. Lan
don, Mr. Payne. Mr. Perry and Mr. Lee.
Knlprhts and Ladies of Honor.
Prospect lodge. No. 1881, gave an enter
tainment and dance last Thursday even
ing at the G. A. R. hall. It was a great
success. The programme was rendered
by Miss Susie Lemon Miss Rena Lucas,
Miss Rena Terry and Dr. Walker. Com
mittee on arrangements was: Miss Ober,
Mrs. Jackson, Mr. S. Wolf. Floor com
mittee: Mr. S. Wolf, Mr. L. Young, Mrs.
Surprise to Mis Ethel Bird.
A pleasant birthday surprise party was
given to Miss Ethel Bird, at her home in
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