THE STOTDAT OEEGONIA3E. PORTUkSD. FEBBTTABY 10. 1S95. 1 CHARTER FAYORED 3HEETIXG CAI.I.ED TO DEXOUXCE RESOLVES TO ISDOHSli Itemariuilile Itexslt of the Call for Citizens to Aem1Ie anil Op pose JjCKlHlattotu Those tvho engineered tbe call for s. tneeting last night at Grand Arms' hall, to protest against charter legislation of any description, must be a disappointed set of men over the results of the gathering. It was given out over the signatures of Closset & Devers, Mason. Ehrman & Co.. J. E. Haseltine & Co., "William Gardner . Co., E. S. Larsen & Co., Beno & Eallis, Crane & Jack Co., Johnson, "Woolsey & Ohphant, John A- Beck. E. L. Aiken "and several hundred others," that the present cltj charter has given satisfaction to all except the ring, and there would be noth ing to gain and much to lose by amend ments of any description. Not one of the above signers were pres ent at the meeting last night- There was not a representative large taxpayer or business man, with one single exception, Jn attendance, but there was a goodly .lumber of honest, intelligent worklngmen there who had come to see who It was that -wanted to perpetuate upon the tax payers of Portland the municipal extrav agances that now obtain. It was given out yesterday afternoon that the meet ing was really instigated by city office holders, who had reasons of their onn for wanting no charter changes, but. if such was the case, none of them put in an ap pearance to justify the claim. Among others who wore there were J. G. Warner; General Shreffler, the Coxeyite; Edward Teesdale; Mrs. Mary Squires, of the Coxey army; W. L Xutting, and several ex-po-Iicemen. During the gathering of the crowd, Mrs. .Woodcock, of Cameron's addition, the ir repressible enemy of all kinds of rings, made several attempts to deliver a speech, but sho was finally called down, and fW. L. Nutting called the meeting to or der and nominated T. F. Osbom as chair man. He emphatically declined the honor, and finally Mr. Frank Clarno was pre- ailed upon to preside. He stated that he did not understand for what purpose the aneeting had been called, and expected to "be present only as an observer. It was disappointing that those who had called the meeting were not present. Presum ing that the city charter was to be the topic of discussion, he would call upon pome one to express himself. Mr. Nut ting was called for, and, promptly taking the platform, modestly stated he had not come for the purpose of making any epeech. He had not given the charter dis cussion much attention, and knew little about it. He knew some little of the inadequacies of the present charter, but She one that Simon proposed to pass was not any better, and likely worse. Mr. Nut ting then referred to the two charters before the legislature for passage that of Simon, and the one presented by the Com mittee of One Hundred. Each might pos sess merits or demerits, but, he continued, "One thing is certain to my mind, and that is, Joe Simon, as a politician, has never undertaken anything for the people iioncstly and well. I do not want to be long to any political organisation led by Joe Simon, and, if I could not follow a better leader, I would follow none." Then in an effort to abuse Mr. Simon he seem ingly forgot all about the charter, and llnally stepped down. Mr. Joseph Teal was the next speaker, and he was attentively listened to throughout. He had not attended the meeting for the purpose of taking any part, unless something should occur where he could be of service. Mr. Teal had been to Salem, and while there discovered that there had been some kind of a fall ing out among the politicians, and he found one lot of men who were trying to hold onto their offices, and another lot who were trying to get in out of the wet. During the campaign of last June lie had supported Mr. Inman for mayor, and. had that man been elected, he would rot have liad a paid lobby at Salem now. trying to control municipal affairs. '"I supported him for mayor because nothing to me is more pernicious, except class legislation, than class nominations. The Committee of One Hundred has faithfully and honestly reported upon different mat ters, and performed conscientious work. Possibly we were worked. The chart-r potten up by this committee will give us an economical and good city government. 2 do not favor the present charter, as it pays too much for services rendered. "While at Salem I found a lot of office liolders who are trying to defeat the pas sago of this charter, or any other, because, they said, 'our salaries should not be cut down; because we had to put so much in the sack last June.' "If you want the power and influence of the legislature on your side do not way at one meeting that you favor one charter, at the next meeting another, and the third you do not want any char ter at all. For God's sake, what will the legislature think you do want? "Why don't ou stand by the charter of the Committee of One Hundred, as you set forth at one of your meetings? It seems that Simon and McGinn have fallen out with Mayor Frank, and are now telling the truth about each other. There Is an urgent necessity of having a charter to meet the new conditions that confront us. and nothing better could be accom plished than to indorse the charter as originally adopted by the Committee of One Hundred. (Applause.) If we divide now. as our enemies have done, we are Eone." . Mr. C. K. Henry was loudly called for and, appearing on the platform, warmly indorsed the original charter of the Com mittee of One Hundred, and presented numerous statistics showing the debt of the city at present, which amounted to $34 per capita. "And now." he said, "we 2iavo had a new levy. SV mills greater than last year, and God knows it was liard enough upon us then." "The question before us tonight is. "What charter do we want? I believe you will say that of the Committee of One Hun dred, but if not, you will say we would rather keep the one we have than have Joe Simon's charter." Mr. Newton McCoy was the next speak er, and he. also, indoived the charter of the Committee of One Hundred. L A. Ward spoke in a similar strain, saying that charter has not yet been defeated. "Let us not pre-dtspose Its defeat, for to Uo so is to be defeated." Mr. Joseph Teal then introduced the following resolution, which was almost unanimously adopted, there being but few dissenting votes. ' Resolved, by the citizens of Portland in mass meeting assembled. That they be dorse the charter as prepared originally by the Committee of One Hundred and do respectfully ask the legislative assembly of the state of Oregon to enact sW char ter into a law." There were then loud calls for Sidney Dell, who remarked that he regarded it as something of d second-hand honor to be called upon after the real business of the meeting had been, transacted. He then started to discuss the charter and a boird of public works, which he re garded as essential to the city and county. He was al free to say that with such men to vote for as Henry Corbet t, Doh ala Mackay and H. W. Scott, all of whom he knew, he considered them good men and he would vote for them. Then there was a volley of yells, cries of "put him out!" "'shut up!" "traitor!" while Mr. Dell stood the assault smiling ly When he could get in a word, he naki- "I did not ttnlsh my sentence. I Fld If I had a vote these men would get it. but to put a governing power over a free peopie, without their permission, I !nounee as un-Amerioan." Mr. Dell got Jus switch in just in time, and. instead of ordered to "shut up," he was greeted with cries of "go on," which ap parently pleaeed him. He continued by reading what he alleged to be a communi cation rejected by a Portland paper re ferring to H. W. Corbett. Mr. Teesdale wanted a bigger meeting held, so suggested that one be held today at the plaza, but Chairman Clarno did not' put the motion, but simply one to adjourn, and the meeting broke up. A COUPLE ELOPES. Dr. Gaff, of Albion, and Police Jndce Smith's Daughter Disappear. Seventeen-year-old Maggie Smith, eldest daughter of Municipal Judge Smith, nas been missing from her home since last Wednesday, and so has Dr. John V. Gait, a well-known physician of Albina. and it is definitely known that they left Port land together. The police authorities did not give publicity to the story of the elopement until yesterday, as it was thought that the couple might be over hauled before they were out of reach, but the wily doctor Is gone, and no trace of his or the girl's whereabouts can oe found. Dr. Gaff leaves behind him a wife and family, who are now visiting at Shedd, Linn county. The missing girl has been a sufferer from ear trouble for three or four years, and for a year or more has been in the habit of going to Dr. Gaff's office, at the corner of Williams avenue and Russell street, Albina, every day for treatment. As the doctor is a man of family, and had an eminently respectable practice, the girl's parents never dreamed of anything wrong. On Wednesday afternoon last Maggie went to visit the doctor at 1 o'clock, as usual. When she failed to re turn home at 4 o'clock her mother was somewhat worried, but said nothing, as she thought that Maggie might have gone to dinner with a school friend. About 8 o'clock a messenger boy came to the house with a note for Mrs. Smith. It was in Maggie's handwriting, and told the story of her shame and elopement with the doctor. It was a pathetic note just such as a confiding school girl would write to her mother. It bore the assurance that while she was nearly heart-broken to part with her parents, she had gone with the "man she loved." "There is no use of worrying about me," it read, "for by the time this reaches you the doctor and I shall be out of reach of railroads and telegraph lines. I will be all right in a few weeks or months, and tlien return home and be a dutiful daugh ter. You can tell people that I have gone East on a visit, and when I return it will be all right." Gaff had evidently not seen the contents of this letter, for he only expected to do absent from the city for a few days, and had made careful preparations to cover up his tracks. Wednesday morning he asked a brother physician. Dr. Hamlltoi, to take charge of his office and practice for a few days, as he wanted to go "into the country" on business. Dr. Hamilton assented, and assumed charge Wednesday evening, and has been in charge ever since. Gaff was seen to meet Maggie Smith on the street in front of 431 Union avenue at 5 o'clock Wednesday evening, and they started down town, walking arm in arm. That is the last trace of the girl. Gaff was seen in Salem Thursday morning, headed toward Portland, and that is the last trace obtainable of him. His driver, a man named Hammond, left home on Thursday at 4 P. M. with the doctor's horse and buggy, and did not return home until late yesterday afternoon. The supposition is that he was to meet Gaff on the railroad somewhere between this city and Salem and the doctor would then drive alone Into town, as if coming in from a business trip. As the story of the elopement had. been noised abroad somewhat before Hammond left the city, the chances are that he learned it in time to warn his employer. Since he first learned of his daughter's disgrace. Judge Smith has been almost night and day on the track of tho vil lainous doctor, but thus far his efforts have proved fruitless. He refused all proffers of assistance from Chief of Po lice Mlnto and the detectives, and after a trip to Salem, secured a horse and bussj and commenced a systematic search in the country, from which he has not yet returned. There is but little doubt but that the girl has been hidden away In some quiet nook, where it was the doctor's intention to visit her at intervals, when his ab sence from home would not be noticed. So neatly and carefully had Gaff laid his plans that his relations with the girl would probably have never been sus pected had she not written the note to her mother explaining the situation. Mrs. Smith is prostrated with grief, and refuses to be comforted. It is commonly reported that Gaff had a similar affair once before. It is said that he was formerly a resident of Den ver, and left a family there to elope with his servant girl. This story cannot be substantiated as yet. Gaff is a suave an! pleasant man of 40, evidently well edu cated and a qualified practitioner. During the "two years he has resided In Albina he has enjoyed a good practice. NEW SIGHTS AT MARQUAM The Theater Is UmlerRroInjr n. Process of Thorough Renovation. Under Mr. Heilig's management, the Marquam theater will soon assume a new and greatly improved guise. It is being renovated throughout, new scenery, new carpets, new decorations, new everything. It will be about six months before the work Is completed, and the total cost of the Improvements will reach about J3300. The new manager's idea is to have every thing about the theater look as fresh and bright as possible. With this end In view the auditorium will be redecorated and finished throughout in white and gold; the carpets in the aisles will be covered with clean -vhite canvas, and sombre tones will be avoided as much as possible in scenery and everything else. A visit to the theater yesterday showed the house-claanlng to be well under way. A force of men was busy scrubbing out the auditorium. All the box chairs for merly in use have been banished. They will be replaced with more comfortable and appropriate furniture. One change which will be gratifying to Portland theater-goers with legs of average length has already been made: All those uncom fortable footboards with little holes for the toes have been removed. Theater-goers will also be gratified to learn that they will not be obliged on many more occasions to gase at the Impossible land scape depicted on the Marquam drop curtain. This drop has never been changed since the theater was first opened, but Mr. Hellig says there will be a new one soon. nOTEIi ARRIVALS. THE PORTLAND. G K Burton. S F !CJ Curtis, Astoria C F Kretchmer.L Verdin, Everett Chicago IJ E Ransom, Chicago G G Guild. Seattle Hon O B Smith, Ea C B Watson, Ash-1 gle Creek land )A R Price. Weston J R Cardwell. city II W Hope. Vail J A Bennett, St Jo- E W Clarke. U S A seph IT J Kelly. X Y V Conn. Parsley ) J G Day, jr. Cascade J D Daly. Toledo 'C Parmenter, Salem E J Davis. Milton J J A Burleigh, Joseph J E Blundell. Can- T L Mlntie. Oswego yonville A W Gowan. Burns J H Fannin, Phlla- G T Myers. Multno- delphia I mah county C A Sehlbrede and P Shulse. Tacoma wife. Roseburg !H Low. N Y W W Stenole, Salem, T Springer, Chicago C B Moores, Salem' M S Klauber. Madi L X Wright. S F ' son J Barrett, Chicago W A Templeton, G L Veatch, do Linn county Hotel Butler, Seattle. European, rooms with or without bath, fl per day up. Restaurant and GrlU room. Occidental Hotel. Seattle. Rates reduced from 53 50 to $2 per day. o Slocum's medicines cure catarrh, fe- I male troubles, rheumatism, expels worms. KELLTNOWA'-UFER" SATKES MURDERER SENTENCED BY JUDGE STEPHENS. Motion for a. Xevr Trial on the Ground of Xevly-DIscovered Eri- dence Cliurcli Suit. "Bunco" Kelly was yesterday sentenced by Judge Stephens to the penitentiary for the balance of his natural life. Pre vious to his sentence. Judge Caples, at torney for Kelly, argued a motion for a new trial, which was overruled. Judge Caples, as a ground for a new trial, said the defense had newly-discovered evidence, which they were not then prepared to submit and did not know of at the time of the trial. It had since been ascertained that Kelly was not at Fulton Park on the night of September 25, the, date of the murder, but it was on the night of September 23 that he went out to Fulton. Kelly had made a mistake when he said it was on the night of Sep tember 26 that he made this trip, and they had evidence to this effect. Besides, the jurymen were prejudiced. The news papers had given the case a great deal of prominence, and made much adverse crit icism of Kelly, and Kelly's interests were thereby prejudiced. In regard to the claim of Kelly that he did not go to Fulton on September 2$. Judge Caples introduced an affidavit from Scott Beebe, the lawyer, that Kelly was at his house at Seventh and Alder streets on the evening of September 26, to see about collecting a note for $150 he held against a Chinese firm in Oregon City. Judge Hayes, of Oregon City, now has this note. Kelly remained from 7:30 until 9:20 P. M. Beebe fixed the date because two contractors from Yakima had bus iness with him that same evening when Kelly called. Mrs. Wickham, Beebe s landlady, had signed an affidavit that Kelly was at her house September 26 between 7:30 and 9: 30 P. M. Judge Caples faaid that the evidence at the trial was that Mr. Leech, of Fulton, heard the cries of distress coming from the river at a quarter to 10 o'clock on the night of Sep tember 26. Kelly could not have been at Fulton at this hour, according to the af fidavit of Beebe. D. McKenzle, of Fulton, would also tes tify that he was mistaken about the date, and that it was September 25 instead of 26, that he saw Kelly by the engine-house at Fulton. When asked If he had anything to say why sentence should not be pronounced, Kelly stood up, and, addressing the court, spoke as follows: "This whole thing is a job of Detective Welch and Larry Sullivan. I had nothing whatever to do with killing George W. Sayrcs. Sailor Burns lied about it. Sailor Burns, In his confession to Chief Mlnto, told him that on the night they say the murder occurred, he saw me in a wagon with Bob Garthorne and Powers. District Attorney Hume heard him make this statement. Your honor treated me fairly, and I have no fault to find with you, but the district attorney is prejudiced against me, and the jury was prejudiced against me." Judge Stephens, at the conclusion of these remarks, pronounced sentence, when Kelly said: "Judge, I would rather you would sen tence me to be hanged. I would rather be hanged." Judge Stephens answered: "That is all, Kelly." Kelly was led away to jail by Deputy, Sheriff Wheeler. As he was passing from the courtroom, he ground his eth to gether and became very red In the face. He did not weaken, but looked and acted as if he was wrought up with paslson. Kelly was seen in his quarters in the county jail yesterday afternoon. He had recovered somewhat from the shock his nerves received in the morning, and was in his usual good spirits. He was perfect ly willing to talk about his case, but had nothing new In the way of a story to of fer. He reiterated his statements that Larry Sullivan and others had conspired to drive him out of the sailor boarding house business, so as to have it all their own way. Burns, Shorty Carroll and Powers, men he had helped in every way for years, he said, went on the witness stand against him just to swear his life away. The reference by Kelly in his speech in court to the confession of Burns to Chief Minto, in which a wagon ride with Gar thorne and Powers was mentioned, was not explained by Kelly. It was meant by him to show that Burns had told dif ferent stories, and that there was no tes timony offered at the trial from Burns about this wagon ride, but, on the other hand, an entirely different character of evidence. TUB CHURCH "WINS ITS SUIT. Contractors Lien on Centenary Meth odist Removed. The report of Referee Thomas O'Day in the suit of Godfrey & Stockford vs. the Centenary M. E. church, of East Portland, was confirmed yesterday by Judge Shattuck. Godfrey & Stockford ac cordingly lost their suit. The case has been pending a long time, and the number of papers filed in it would fill a clothes basket. About August 1. 1S90, Godfrey & Stock ford took a contract" to build the new Centenary M. E. church for $16,985. They assert that changes were made to the building, and so forth, which put them to additional expense, and they charged up a total bill of 522,263 50. Of this they ad mitted the receipt of $13,330 and of other payments made for them by the church for material, making the aggregate re ceived 516.932 60. They claimed a balance due of 55331. and, as it was not forthcom ing, they filed a lien on the church prop erty. Referee O'Day, after taking much testimony, decided that Godfrey & Stock ford had already been paid In excess of their contract, and taxed them with the costs, and decided that there was nothing due to them from the church. The costs In the case will be large. Two Divorces Grunted. Judge Stearns yesterday divorced Pauline Sonnichsen from August Son nichsen. They were wedded in Dallas, Tex., January 7, 1S22, and have one child, Pauline Elizabeth M. Sonnichsen, which the mother is to have the custody of. Mrs. Sonnichsen gave evidence to cruel treatment, and also that since the mar riage her husband became addicted to the too free indulgence in the intoxicating cup. There was no defense to the suit. Benjamin Peterson was yesterday grant ed a divorce from Augustine Peterson. According to his story on the witness stand, they were married in Clackamas county March 17, 1SS1, and have no chil dren. Soon after marriage his wife began a system of abuse, which was unbearable, and made his life burdensome. At sun dry times, so he stated, she used harsh words and misnamed and maltreated him and accused him of conduct of which he was not guilty. There was also no defense in this suit. A Bequest for the Sister. The last will and testament of Timothy W. McCormlck was filed In the office of County Clerk Smith yesterday. The de ceased left personal property of the value of JSCO, a farm of 160 acres in Umatilla county, worth 51600, and the right to pur chase 168 acres of land from the United States government at 51 25 per acre. By the terms of the will the debts of deceased are first to be paid, and all remaining property is devised to the sisters of char ity of Providence. St. Vincent's hospital. Malpractice Case Bcins; Argrued. The taking of testimony In the 510,000 damage action of Willis Fisher and wife vs. Dr. W. H. Boyd, was finished yester day before Judge Shattuck, and the ar gument of counsel was begun. A. E. Reams, la behalf of -the plaintiffs, made a plea to the jury, alleging that they had amply sustained thei'c-claim for damages. Judge Bronaugh followed Mr. Reams, in the interest of Dr. Boyd. Judge Shat tuck adjourned court before Judge Bron augh had finished speaking, and he will conclude his argument Monday. C M. Idleman tvIU close the case for Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, and Judge L. L. McArthur for Dr. Boyd. Jndgo Stephens Hears the 3Ieyer Case An appeal from the police court of the case of H. Meyer, charged with maintain ing and conducting a slaughter-house within the city limits, was heard by Judge Stephens yesterday. Meyer was convict ed in the lower court His attorneys, in their argument yesterday before Judge Stephens, contended that the common, council of the city of Portland exceeded its authority under the charter in passing the ordinance under which Meyer was adjudged guilty; also that the ordinance is unconstitutional. -few Trial Asked for Steevcs. A motion for a new trial in the X. N. Steeves case was filed by Rufus Mallory yesterday, and will be argued next Sat urday. General grounds are set out to substantiate the motion. Numerous al leged wrong rulings by the court are charged, and j-cme new points will doubt less be brought out during the argument. Court Notes. The O. C. Hansen Manufacturing Com pany filed suit in the state circuit court yesterday against Currier & Co. to re ccver 5267. Articles of incorporation have been filed with the county clerk of Hoge & Swift; business, manufacturers' agents and brok ers; capital, 53000. An order of default for want of an an swer by John W. Angel to the com plaint of his wife, Hattie Angel, who is suing for a divorce, was made yesterday in Judge Stearns' court. Judge Stearns yesterday made a decree foreclosing a mortgage for $1620 on lots IT and 18, block 7. Albina. in favor of the Alliance Trust Company, limited, and against Henry Grelle -and wife. Licenses to wed were issued yesterday by County Clerk Smith to Max Benjamin, aged 30. Miss Lizzie McLeran, 28; James Horigan, 27, Mary Maxwell, 23; Edward Thompson, 31. Agnes M. Patterson, 30. A motion for a new trial was filed yes terday in Judge Stephens' court by Dr. S. N. A. Downing, recently convicted cf allowing John Nelson, an unregistered pharmacist, to dispense drugs in his store. Judge Stephens yesterday overruled a motion for a new trial in the case of John Snyder, convicted of robbing the dwelling-house of E. Quackenbush. Sny der is already in the penitentiary, serving out his sentence of two years. Articles of incorporation of the Cumber land Presbyterian church were filed in the office of the county clerk yesterday by G. A. Blair, W. R. Bishop, and T. J. Allen. The church is to be located n Portland, and the value of all church property is 57300. Cleveland Rockwell, the newly-appointed .guardian of Laura M. McKinnie, and of Gilman McKinnie, minors, has reported to the county court that the Captain Gilman estate is not at present earning sufficient to pay the wards their allow ance as provided for by the will. The al lowance, if paid, will have to come out of the principal of the estate at the pres ent time. Owing to the depression, the rents received from the property of the esiuie are small. An Excltlns now. Yesterday morning, about S o'clock, the neighborhood at East Davis and Grand avenue was treated to a slugging match between H. D. Winters and G. Schmidt and family. It seems that Winters under took to eject the family from his building. In which they had-apartments, on account of alleged, ,However, at S o'clock the "whole familj.and Winters were seen engaged in. .a general fight, in which Winters appeared to be getting the worst of it. Schmidt and his wife got him down In the gutter and were pum mellng him at a lively rate, with their children around yelling at the top of their voices. At this interesting point Officer Blanchard happened along and brought Winters and the Schmidt family to the East Side police station. Captain James called for the patrol wagon, and while waiting for its arrival he had hard work to prevent the woman from getting at Winters again. She repeatedly accused him of having insulted her. While on the way over the patrol wagon picked up a drunk on the BurnsiJe bridge. The case will be settled in the municipal court Monday. They Ruild Flrci. A number of small boys built a large fire on a vacant lot north of the Catholic church in Upper Albina, on Williams ave nue, yesterday afternoon. The wind was blowing directly from the fire, endanger ing the nearest buildings, and causing considerable alarm. Ofiicer Qulnton heard what the youngsters "had been doing and went out there, where he found a dan gerous fire. The boys all took lo their heels when they sawhlm coming, all es caping but one, whom the officer caught. The boy's parents lived a short distance Rabbet Belting. Packing and 4ose JIUUE YOUR CHOICE F2?OFI THE FOItUOWirlO BRHJ1DS: STANDARD $ EXTRA QUALITY $ Al SUPERIOR i GOLD SEAL Is a Goad Grade '!v Is a Better Grade BE SURE THE HOSE YOtf PURCHASE HAS OUR JtHjaE Oft ,, JIHUFACICRED BY GOODYEAR RUBBER CO. R. H. PEASE, Yice-Presi-ant and Manager. 73 and 75 First St., Portland, Or. Full Particulars and 2rrice - Lists Furnished on Application BOOTS Special Prices This Week. The Entire Stock J&asfc Be Sold. LOT 1. Ladies' Fine French. Kid, hand turns, C. S. and opera lasts, Edwin C. Burt & Co.'s, Garside & Son's and vCans" French makes, all sizes and widths, reduced irorn $6, $7; Fire Sale Price $2.50 LOT 2. Ladies' Fine XX French Dongola, hand turns, latest pointed and narrow square toes, cloth and plain tops, all sizes and widths, reduced Irom $6 to Fire Sale Price $3.00 Qur Bargain Racks contain Ladies' Fine Shoes, sold formerly at $3, $4; - Fire Sale Price.. $1.25 LOT 3. Economize while you have th.e chance Men's Fine Calf and Cordovan Bals and Congress, narrow square toes, Stacy, Adams & Co., JNettleton & Co., Edwin Clapp makes, all sizes and widths, reduced from $6 and $7 to Fire Sale Price $4.00 Our Bargain Racks contain Men's Fine Shoes, sold formerly at from $3 to $6; Fire Sale Price $1 . BO Remember water. It is or JJIOtIS ?IH.rKS (FortheU from the fire, but Officer Qulnton made him carry water from his home and ex tinguish, the blaze all alone. His experi ence in this Instance will doubtless keep him out of similar trouble in future. Con siderable annoyance has been experienced by boys building fires on cant lots, and the -officers are instructed to make ar rests in every case. LOOKS LIKE A MURDER. How Did Joseph Odell Get That Stab in the Neclcf Grave suspicions are entertained by Cor oner Cornelius that a murder was com mitted in the case of Joseph Odell. who was found Friday afternoon by the side of the Cornell road, with a deep cut in the side of his neck, and in a dazed condi tion. Odell's actions, when found, gave rise to a belief that he was suffering from the effects of narcotics, but an autopsy made since his death discloses the fact that there was no poison in his stomach. The wound in the neck is a straight stab into the right side of the neck, which Cor oner Cornelius said would not be found, provided Odell inflicted it himself. If Odell had cut himself In the neck for the pur pose of suicide, he would either havedrawn the knife from the throat backwards, or from the side of his neck forward across the throat. A deep stab straight into the center of the side of the neck. Coroner Cornelius thinks, would be very difficult for a man to make himself. Still another circumstance which lends strength to the murder theory Is that the friends of Odell claim they can assign no motive why he should suicide. He did not appear at all despondent, and was generally of a seemingly happy and con tented disposition. As one of them re marked, "he was one of the best boys you ever me.t, and, while sociable, was a quiet sort of a person." Odell was discovered about one-half mile west from the city, on the Cornell road, by two boys, Charlie Raybor and George Ernest. He was lying alongside of a log a short distance from the road, and was conscious. The bojs spoke to him, and in quired what had happened, but received no satisfactory response. They noticed a pool of blood and a fire of brush burning- near where the man was lyingk which he had evidently kindled. Tlie pool of blood was some yards from the fire, and this demonstrated to the boys that Odell had moved from his first position to where they found him. The boys asked Odell if they should have him taken to the Good Samaritan hospital. He said, "No, I will get down town to a lodging house by night, and will be all right." Notwithstanding the unwillingness of Odell, the boys went to the hospital and informed the gardener of the occurrence. The police were called into requisition, with tlie patrol wagon, and Odell was soon at the hospital, and was attended by Dr. Wheeler. He told his name, but de clined to say how the affair happened. Odell stopped at the National hotel for the past six weeks, coming from Eastern Oregon, where he worked upon a ranch. ' His home is in Clay county, Missouri. He came to Oregon a year ago. j L. Chambers, clerk of the National hotel, states that Odell borrowed a dollar from him Thursday night, between 9 and 10 o'clock, saying he would go out for a while. Just prior to this Odell and Cham bers were talking pleasantly, and Cham bers says Odell was in his usual cheerful mood. He loaned him money several times before, which he always repaid. Odell, Chambers says, drank but little. The only clue thus far obtained is that Odell met a woman of the town at dances which he attended at the Telephone sa loon, and she became much taken up with him, and caused the jealousy of her lover, who swore vengeance upon Odell, should he become too intimate with the woman. The police are now aj. work upon this clue. It is thought perhaps that Odell may have been drugged, and then taken to where he was found, and stabbed and left for dead. A 'bus driver of the St. Charles hotel reports having seen a man picked up in front of a blacksmith shop near the Quimby house, Thursday night, and placed in an express wagon and driven off. YOU DOVT HAVE TO Go many miles out of your way when going to Chicago and other Eastern cities via the Union Pacific. It is conceded that It is the most direct line to the East. Then again its through car service and fast ime make it the most popular line. City ticket office 135 Third street, corner Alder. REMOVAL. Remember, the city ticket office of the Union Pacific is now located at No. 135 Third street, corner of Alder, where full information about the roure can be ob tained. City ticket office. No. 125 Third street, corner of Alder. $100 forfeit will be paid by the proprie tors of Dr. Henley's Celebrated Oregon Tea for any case of diabetes, pain in the back, painful or suppressed menstruation, brick-dust deposit, inflammation of the bladder, leucorrhoea or any disease of the kidneys that cannot be cured by its use. Slocum's medicines cure catarrh, fe male troubles, rheumatism, expels worms. Emerson Pianos Sherman, Clay &. Co. 1 ir rr Is a Very Good Grade the Best Made JMMMSW0&S oil the above goods arc perfect and not even damaged by mo':e just like giving- them away. No goos exchanged; 6trict!y cash. - dsrwriters), Xo. 109 Fisfc St., An Immense Showing of Novelties iNcrroxjixo Jaquard Batiste 1ST ewp ort ellre 3?lisse Crepons "VicroU.re8lU.X Beiges Gismonda Cloth.s Kad a Complete Iiine or Henriettas Series Crepon, Etc., Etc. N. B. This weet will end our to mako a clean sweep ot all ends still on hand,, wo have reductions in all prices. MEER&FRANKC0 fire You Isolated; Rnd fa Ivota you druggist? Remember; tue fill mail orders cuith scrupulous caps and at once. Vctt can save money by ordering your prescript tlons, drugs, patent medioines and toilet articles direct from us. dust address MOODHRD, GLKRKE S: CO., Chemists, FOETLAND, OSEGON. The board of Directors of the NORTH WEST FIRE AlD, MAIIINE, INSURANCE COMPANY.Jb.ave made favorable arteafige ments with, the ' . . " - MAN'S FOND INSURANCE COMPANY For the protection of policy-holders of the for mer company. Please call on Henry Hewett & Co., Agts. ROOM 27, SHERLOCK BLDG, For partlclo-f Onrniannre?urpoliciesalons OUR CUTLERY. SALE G Plated knives 5 -DO G Roger Bros.' plated knives !-' 6 Ivory-handle and fine steel blades 4X0 6 Celluloid-handle and fine steel blades 2.23 C Rubber-handle and fine steel blades 1.50 6 "White bone handles and fine steel blades 3.30 6 Iron-handle knives and 6 forks fi 6 "Wood-handle knives and 6 forks 83 6 Bone-handle knives and 6 forks 1-23 6 Bone-handle knives and 6 forks extra sooa 2.00 Tea spoons, 15 cents dozen; table spoons, SO cents dozen. Extra reductions in granite ironware, also -woodenware. Fine line of new and useful household novelties arriving daily. Our line is now complete, and one of the largest to select from on this coast A few specialties left in Onyx Table, Piano and Banquet lamps. OLDS X SUMMERS, 189 AND 191 FIRST STREET th-Tsott qlow opl Ths tea rose is Ecqnired by ladies "who tssj Pos-om's Complexion Powder. 1 ry it. SHOES Befc. Statk and Wash. "3 Sp ecial . Just Received. By Expresss a fec Dress P-atterns in Exclusive 3Desig:ns "Very handsome; rjo sure you. sec tricxn. Prices Buyers -will notice that our x prices on all Dress Fabrics "arc from lo to 35 per cent lower than last year's prices on the same erade of jroods. KemnantSalc, and in order the remnants and odds and made material additional -0 3 L KEELEY INSTITUTE For ths Cere of Liqw arid Opsi Habits The only Keeley Institute in Oregon. Patients cared for on the premises. Every convenience. Strict privacy. Cor respondence solicited. THE I!EI.EY INSTITUTE, SALEM, OHECO.V. RUPTURE KB-ASEhTLY CURED FOFc: $.25 In from three to six weeks, without operation, knits or detention from business, no itaS ! t, matter how long: standing: or -$ smS1 'wnat jour age may be. A periectly painless treatment. The Portland offices now have patients cured who live In or near all of the towns in Ort- jrnn. "Wsmhmrtnn. Montana and Idaho. If you are suffering with a rupture, call or wr.te at once Connultat'on and examination Free. THE O. E. MILLER COMPANY. Har i duarn building. Portland. Or. ATHOLEAXEJ?n:CGISTS. ' BLUUBlCrFRANI. DRUG CO.. CORXEIi I l'ourtb and Morrison ats., Portland. Or. ' SMELL. IIEITSHU Si WOODARD CO.. E3 J tabliulied in 1S31. Portland. Or. i t