3DHE STTSTDAX OTLEG03ZIA3S, POBTZiASTD, FEBEITAKY 10, 3895. o TELEPHONES. Editorial Kooms.lCGlEuslaesa OQce... G87 PORATLA5D, SUXDA.Y, FEB. 10. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Parties desiring offices In The Oregon Jan building, may Inquire of Portland Trust Company o Oregon, No. 123 First street, or the superintendent In the build ing. "Mk. Cohen's Statement. Mr. David Cohen, who was recently arrested for vio lation of the alien-contract law. and upon examination yesterday was held to appear before the United States grand Jury, be lieves that he is the victim of misplaced confidence. Mr. Cohen is a ladies' tailor and is very well known in this city, where lie has been In business for years. One lutratH-e branch of his business is among the Japanese of the city, and when a. well-to-do Japanese customer came to him a few days ago, and asked him to take as an apprentice a bright Japanese girl who was desirous of learning the busi ness, he thought that he would give offense if he refused, so, although he really had rco place for the girl, he consented to give her a trial. Mr. Cohen says that he thought that the girl was in Portland, but gave very little attention to the matter, aa he thought It could make no differ ence what section of the globe she came from. As Mr. Cohen cannot write Eng lish, his wife drew up the contract, and he affixed his signature. The customer said that he would soon have the girl on hand, and Mr. Cohen thought no more of the matter, until a United States dep uty marshal placed him under arrest, and told him he had contracted to bring a Japanese girl from her native land. Mr. Cohen feels that he has been imposed up on, and desires to make this explana tion to set himself aright. Cohen was held to answer in 5100 bonds. Failed to Pay as Promised. The fail lire of John O'Leary, a drug clerk, to keep his promise and pay Mrs. Minnie Gusky a stipulated sum on account of re-j-ponsibillty for an accident befalling her. brought him before Justice Gelsler yester day on a charge of assault and battery. In December last O'leary, while driving down Sixth street, ran over Mrs. Gusky, who is employed at the Opera laundry, severely injuring her. O'Leary promised to pay the woman a sum equal to that she had been earning at the laundry, but not only failed to do so, but also abused the woman when reminded of his promise. O'Leary was arrested and placed under 550 bail, which was declared forfeited yesterday. A few moments after the de fendant appeared in court, stating he was ignorant of the time that court met, and seemed greatly depressed over the forfeit ure of the $50, which a friend had fur nished. Regarding his refusal to pay Mrs. Gusky as promised, O'Leary said it had been impossible for him to do so, as he was hardly getting enough wages to support himself. Hearing of the case was Teset for Monday, and a revocation of the forfeiture of ball may be ordered. Police "Well Pleased. Chief of Police Mlnto and members of the city detective force feel well satisfied over the prompt conviction of J. D. Burke and Frank Sel der, the latter best known as "Denver Dutch." Both are ex-convicts, and were hardly out of the penitentiary before again engaged in crooked work. They, with an other pal and ex-convlct named Knapp, robbed an old man named Tiffany, but Knapp escaped by turning Informer. The chief and detectives only hope that the two convicted men will get a term of years that will keep them in close quar ters for a long time to come. Another source of gratification to the police Js the jMTnntarcpnYiciionWbCiiAlbrF"Holly7j .One week ago -today he wa3 arrested for burg larizing the office of Dr. Norris Cox, sine which time he has been Indicted, found guilty, and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary, all within a week, Remember. Tins. If you leave Portland Sunday over the Northern Pacific railroad via St. Paul and the Burlington route, you will arrive In Chicago Thursday morning at 9 o'cloclc If you leave Portland Sun day via the Union Pacific, you will ar llve in Chicago Thursday morning about the same time. But if you leave Portland on the Northern Pacific and Burlington route flyer via Billings, you will arrive in Chicago Thursday morning at 7:55. Or if you are going to any point in Kan sas, Nebraska or Missouri, and take the Northern Pacific and Burlington route flyer, you will reach your destination a number of hours in advance of any other route. For through tickets, sleeping-car accommodations, etc, apply to A. C. Shel don, general agent, Burlington route, No. 150 Washington street. Portland, Or. Who "Wants Bots or Girls? Superin tendent Gardner would like to call the uttentlou of the readers of the Sunday Oregonian to the fact that there are now on hand at the home of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society quite a number of boys ranging In age from 6 to 17; several il, 12 and 13 years of age: also one or two girls 12 to 13 years old. "As we have so many applications for admission," ho says, "I would be glad to place these chil dren out on indenture; that is to say, to work for tueir board and go to school. "We have also under our charge a girl baby aged about 2 months. Applications from respectable persons will be thank fully received and acted on at the city board of charities between the hours of 9 and 10 A. M." Chinatown Breaks Loose. For some miexplainable cause, the Chin faction of the Chinese colony found it necessary to raise a most unearthly din last evening by exploding SOO.000 firecrackers. None of the crowd would explain just why the fupilade was made, other than that the Chinre were having a good time, and the expenditure of $500 for firecrackers was the least part of the outlay. Pon See. tho court interpreter, wanted it understood that It was no celebration for any Japan ese victory, but entirely a Chinese family affair, with no politics in It. I'NivKnsiTr Point, comprising 13 acres,. jxing ociween university building and t e Willamette river, the grandest and most commanding building site in Oregon, has been laid out Into tracts of lVi acres, ca-h having a river frontage of about 123 feet. It is the only high land facing on the Willamette, rising ISO feet above the r.vcr. with no low land In front, and ship channel within stone's throw of the bank. Going to be sold for one-half its value. Call or adress Sherman D. Brown, 2714 Crand avenue. East Side. '" A Large number of Portland's best peo r'e will be pleased to know that Messrs. Bergman, SaHb & Llden, for the past seven years connected with Fullam, have established themselves at 3MH Washington street, where they will be pleased to meet customers, and will make hand-sewed shoes to order from $7 up. These gentlemen have made shoes for Portland's most 1 romlnent lvople. The Northwbst Fjre & Marine In f ranch Compant having gone into the ands of a receiver, the policy-holders of that company can have the same substi tuted for policies in the Fire Association of Philadelphia by presenting same to James E. Davis & Co., agents. No. 247 Stark street. The Complete Line of Knox world-renowned hats, as will be shown In New York city for spring and summer, 1SK, are now on sale at Bttffum & Pendleton's, I"3 First street, sole agents. ' First Spiritual Socibtt,. G. A. R. hall. Firt and Taylor streets. Conference. 11 A. M. Lyceum, l:. Trance lec-tre and tests by Mrs. Prior. 7rfS. Grand Social Dancs at Nenesler's Falmea Garten, corner Eleventh and "Washington streets, this evening. Sherman. Clat & Co.. corner Fifth and TamhllL Most extensive piano-dealers on the toast The Poor Farm's Expenses. Referring to strictures of the last grand jury about the expenses of the poor farm. County Accountant Pope states that there may have been a misapprehension as to what the expenses really are. The average bill Is a little over $700 a month, for keeping 100 inmates, which the poor farm has contained for a long time past. This Is $7 per month for each inmate. This in cludes the hospital, medicine, the salary of the county physician, who also attends prisoners in the county Jail, the salary of Superintendent McBride and assistant, and the boarding of all of the Inmates, who receive three meals a day. The past two months the bill of the poor farm has been a little larger than usual, by rea- f son of bills for building materials, used in building additions to the houses. Directors Elected. The stockholders of the Portland Speed and Driving Asso ciation met last night and elected the following directors for the ensuing year: A. G. Ryan, P. J. Mann, Woodson Scog gin, W. W. McGutre, S. W. Aldrich, Ed. Long and A. C. Lohmlre. The directors will meet Monday and elect officers, and start immediately on preliminary arrange ments for the spring meeting. The pres ence Is expected of noted California and Montana horses. It is the purpose of the association to make the spring meet ing the most notable racing event in the history of the Northwest. The purses will aggregate from $20,000 to $25,000. the largest ever offered. The length of the meeting will be 15 days. Held for Larcent. George C. Leland, a dissolute young man, was found prowl ing about the Coeur d'Alene lodging house yesterday morning, and is now held at the central station on a charge of larceny. When searched several pawn tickets were found on his person, one of them being for clothes stolen from F. Cunningham, one of the lodgers in the house where Leland was found. The clothes were found In'a Third-street pawn shop. Last July Leland forged the name of parties in Portland on a bank check, for which he was indicted, but for some cause that was the last heard of the mat ter. Just Simply Lett Home. George Wil cox, the 18-year-old son of J. E. Wilcox, a. Mount Scott, who turned loose his mules from his wood wagon and disappeared, the other day, has been heard from. His father has learned where he stopped for the several succeeding nights after he left, and the facts seem to be that he has simply concluded to strike out for pastures new. Probably the young man will turn up some Christmas eve, 40 or 50 years hence, with the load of wood under his arm, and astonish his parents by Inquiring if the mules came home all right. Notice to policy-holders of the North west Fire & Marine Insurance Company. Arrangements have been made with the German-American Insurance Company, of New York, for the protection of policy holders of the Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company. Parties having Northwest policies can have the same re written in the German-American at re duced rates. Credit will be given for the Northwest premium. Morse & Breyman, resident agents, room No. 22, Sherlock building, corner Third and Oak streets. Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company. The efforts of the Northwest Fire Insurance Company to re insure its business was unsuccessful. Mc Farland & Clemens, (273 Stark street, chamber of commerce), are to be com mended for saving their patrons from loss by accepting Northwest pojlcles at full value. They are agents for the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society (assets $50, 000,000). Northwest policy-holders are call ing upon them by the score and are tak ingadvantageof theirmagnanlmous offer. Given a Fine Badge. Mr. G. F. John son, of the police force, acting as jailer at the city prison, was Friday evening presented with a handsome gold past con sul's badge by the members of Multnomah camp,(,No,i 77; Woodmen of the World. The badge Is handsomely gotten up, ap propriately designed and engraved, and will prove a highly-prized souvenir by the recipient. Its presentation was wholly unexpected, the members of the lodge seeking thai way to attest their apprecia tion and regard of a brother craftsman. Cort Bound Over. John Cort, who stopped the United States mall running to Damascus and Sycamore, by seizing for debt a horse belonging to the route agent, Louis Roth, was held to answer yesterday before the United States grand jury, and his bonds were fixed at $200. Before he committed the offense, Cort tried to stop the money coming to Roth, and was told by Deputy United States District Attorney Schnabel that he could not enforce a Hen against the United States. It Will Astonish the ladles of Portland and vicinity when they learn that J. H. Going & Co., MS Third street, will sell for this week only. No. S. copper bot tom teakettles at 45c; No. 8 wash-boilers, copper bottom, for $1; wood frame clothes wringers, $2 25; iron frame. $1 75; flour sifters, 10c; firelighters, 10c; clothespins, 2c dozen; eggbeaters. 5c; Rising Sun stove polish. 5c; mlnclng-knlves, 10c; fire shovels, 5c; new and second-hand stoves, 75c up. Mr. Thompson's Lecture. Mr. D. P. Thompson last evening delivered an Inter esting lecture in the Methodist church at St. John's. His subject was the "Court of Turkey," and the entertaining manner in which Mr. Thompson told of scenes in the diplomatic life of the wily Turks showed he had been an observant person while representing the United States as minis ter to the sublime porte. The Ladies op the Unitarian church will receive their friends at Arion hall February 14. "Vignettes From 'Life' " and other funny papers. Gibson's swellest girls in their swellest gowns. After a short programme, dancing. St. Valentine will be present to deliver messages. Single tickets. $1; two for $1 50. On sale at Stuart & Thompson's. J. K. Gill's. Wood ard. Clarice & Co.'s, and at the door. Teachers' Examination. The third quarterly examination for teachers' cer tificates will be held at the Goodnough building. Third and Yamhill streets, Port land, beginning Wednesday. February 13, at 1 P. M. AH permits expire on that date. Examination for state papers will be held at the same time. J. H. Acker man, county school superintendent. Mr. Thomson's Funeral. The funeral of the late William A. Thomson, the drug gist, will take place today (Sunday), at 2 P. M., from Holman's undertaking es tablishment. By error, it was yesierdav announced in the local columns that ft would take place Saturday. Doubtless many friends will attend. Mr. Edward I. Fairfax, of New York city, has opened a piano studio in The Oregonian building. Mr. Fairfax will be assisted by Carl Aughlenbach. harmony; H. L. Greene, thorough bass; W.' H. Greene, technique; Mrs. E. I. Fairfax, cor rect phrasing. The studio is located on the second floor. For Sale. The line residence and grounds of the late Levi White, situated on Twentieth street, between Gllsan and Hoyt streets. For particulars apply to Russell. McLeod & Blyth, Third and Oak streets. The Complete Link ox Knox world-renowned hats, as will be shown in New York city for spring and summer, 1SS5, are now on sale at Buffum & Pendleton's, 15S First street, sole agents. Nortiiwest Insurance Co Policies will be replaced by policies of strong old-line companies on very favorable terms. Call on James Manner & Co., room 10, Wor cester building. Parties desiring oflksos in The Oregon ian building, may inquire of Portland Trust Company of Oregon. No. 133 First street, or the superintendent in the build ing. All Brother Elks desiring tickets for the opening of the Marqaam theater Mon day evening are requested to call for theln tickets today at Secretary Ockerman's. Do not forget the social hop at G. A. a. anil, on Tuesday. February 12, given by Women's Relief Corps No. 19. The Complete Like of Knox world-renowned hats, as will be shown In New York city for spring and summer, 1S93, are now on sale at Buffum & Pendleton's, 153 First street, sole agents. J. Polivxa & Co. have removed from 213 to 223 Morrison street, between First and Second streets. Don't Forget the letter-carriers' ball at Arion hall St. Valentine's eve, Febru ary 13. Coal and Wood. Dry and clean. Brown & Hicks, foot of Yamhill st. Phone 715. Citt Water Works Office is now in city hall. Fourth and Madison streets. De- Newcastle, dentist. Marquam blk. EAST SIDE AFFAIRS. A Burglar Eaters Gan-Trap Smith's Grocery Store. The grocery store of W. S. Smith", on the northeast corner of East Sixteenth and East Stark streets, was broken Into Fri day night and robbed of about $15 worth of hams, bacon and sugar. Mr. Smith and a friend, a Mr. Ilansil, came to the store yesterday morning- at the usual hour of opening, when they discovered that a window in the door of the annex on the east side of the main building facing on East Stark street had been broken open. Closer examination showed that the door had been forced open by the bolt on the inside being drawn. This could be done very easily by putting an arm through the hole in the window in the door and pulling the bolt upward, when the door w6uld come open. On the inside the glass was scattered over the floor for a dis tance of about 10 feet from the door, showing that in order to break the win dow a sharp blow had been struck. The door leading from the annex into the main store remained locked, and no effort seemed to have been made upon it. Mr. Smith made an inventory of his loss by the burglars, and found four large hams, a side of bacon and a sack of sugar had been taken, the whole being valued at about $15. The store is not occupied and the burglars had everything their own way. A light was burning in the main store, but In the annex, where the robbery was committed, it was perfect ly dark. Mr. Smith stated that before "losing Friday evening he made a tour 3f the entire building, and investigated every portion, as he had the impression in some way that an attempt would be made to rob the premises. This is the third time this store has been robbed. The first time occurred about a year ago, when the annex was entered through a rear window. After that Mr. Smith determined to set a gun trap for the next man who should at tempt to rob him. The gun was set In the main store commanding the door leading into the annex, and set in such a way that whenever the door of the annex was opened it would be discharged. Mr. Smith always contended his object was to frighten or malm whoever broke Into the store for felonious purposes, and killing was an idea furthest from his inten tions and desire. However, the unex pected happened in this case. Mr. Smith expected that any one breaking into the store would enter the annex first and then open the door leading into the main portion of the building. He had pointed the gun so that If it dicharged it could do no harm to any one entering the main store from the annex. It did not occur to him any one would pass from the main portion into the annex. This actually oc curred, only the man never got through into the annex. This attempt was made last summer, and Mr. Smith found when he entered the store in the morning the stiffened corpse of a man named More house lying on the floor. The gun-trap had worked better than was expected. Morehouse had entered the main store first, and In opening the door of the an nex was shot in the leg and bled to death. It will be remembered, that Mr. Smith was bound over to -the grand Jury on a charge of manslaughter, but was after ward exonerated by that body. Whether the burglars who broke Into the store Friday night thought the deadly gun awaited them on the inside of the main store can only bo conjectured, but they appeared to have no inclination to find out this fact by opening the door. Mr. Smith states, however, they could have entered the store through the door with perfect safety as the gun-trap was per manently laid aside after Its first suc cessful operation. A Small Blaze. A spark from the chimney started a small blaze on the roof of the buildings of Mr. J. D. Lee, on Union avenue and Belmont street yesterday afternoon. The department responded very promptly to an alarm, but the fire was extinguished without its aid. The building is occu pied by Mrs. Gladding. It was a lucky excape from a fire. Miscellaneous 'Solon. The Centenary church has been annoyed for some time by the presence of a lot of young fellows who persist In hanging around the entrance, making remarks about people entering. Captain James has detailed Officer Jackson to look for them and put a stop to the annoyance. Chief Buchtel states the new truck house on Holladay avenue will be ready for the truck company by the first of the month. There is considerable work to be done before it will be ready. The plas tering is badly cracked and will have to be repaired, and, in fact, a good many changes inside of the building will have to be made to get it ready. Work is in progress on the addition in the rear of tho building. The Holladay & Irvington Women's Social Club will give an entertainment at the residence of Mrs. Theodore Nicolal, 4f5 Holladav avenue, on Tuesday evening, February 12, 1S93. The evening will be de voted to music, games and dancing. A cordial Invitation to all. Proceeds to be applied in furnishing a room in the Pat ton home for the friendless. Admission, 25 cents. LIVING IN THE CELLAR OR THE GARRET. Two years ago we were In the garret and pn the roof now we're in the cellar and in a year or so will be on the roof again. Somehow we can't seem to under stand when It is storming that it will ever do anything but storm, and when the sun is shining no thought is ever given that perennial sunshine will not last always. One-hnlf the time we are down in the pit with the bears gnawing our vitals, and the other half we are' on the mountain top being hoisted in mld-alr by the elevating horns of the bulls. This is always so in a growing community; it advances, then recedes, and then advances again, and each time it reaches higher stages, than ever before. We have just had our fever and are nowexperiencing the reaction. Then we were all millionaires; now we are all paupers, so to speak. But good will come out of it; all the while our growth and general prosperity are going forward. Even now the general tone of public ex pression is exercising Its influence by daily salutations more and more encourag ing. This is an omen that always pre cedes better times, and it is a condition precedent to them. Better feelings make better times. Our aim is to make better feelings. DeLASHMUTT & SON. GAZE OX TIUS. You can save many hours to Chicago from Portland by taking the Union Pacific system. Best service, no change of cars en route. Fast time. Call at 135 Third street for inforaa tlea as to rates, time of trains, etc Ladieo. attention Dr. Henley's cele brated Oregon Kidney Tea is guaranteed to cure leucorrhoea; $100 forfeit will be paid If It falls. For sale by all druggists. c Sufferers from general debility can And Immediate relief by using Dr. Henley's Celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Every package Is sold on a positive guarantee. 1 Emerson Pianos Shenncn, Clay . Co. PHARAOH'S DAUGHTER. An Attendance of Over OOO of Port land's Representative Ladles and Gentlemen. Yesterday. It Is Indeed gratifying to the manage ment of "Pharaoh's Daug-Mer" to know that their efforts in the amusement line have met with such public favor. The at tendance has been far In excess of their expectations, and the class of patrons has consisted of the best people of the city. To those who have not as yet witnessed the performance, we wish to state that it is strictly moral and essentially respect able, and an entertainment that appeals to the ladies in particular. Imagine, if ybu can, seeing a full-size marble statue trans formed into a beautiful young lady before your very eyes. She descends from the stage, renders a pathetic ballad In a beau tiful and artistic manner, again returns to her pedestal, and Is once more trans formed Into the statue of marble. It is next to Impossible to ably describe this wonderful Illusion: it must be seen to be appreciated. We have a year's lease on the premises we now occupy, and it Is our purpose to from time to time change our programme so as to have new and novel attractions to meet the demands of our patrons. However, it might be well here to call attention to the fact that the transformation of "Pharaoh's Daughter" is our best attraction; for that reason we exhibited it as our opening card, 'so as to gain the confidence of the public, as it undoubtedly is the most wonderful Illusion ever presented to the world. As an extra attraction in connection with "Pharaoh's Daughter," we will, commenc ing Tuesday, give a series of living pic tures, having engaged Mr. Paul Saroni, the celebrated living-picture artist of New York, to arrange and put on for us some of his best studies. Mr. Saronl's pictures were visited by swelldom of the East, and the most conservative of his audiences indorsed his exhibitions to the extent that they attended frequently with their fami lies. In truth, it is an art exhibition in real life. The price of admission, notwith standing the extra attraction, will remain the same 10 cents. The prizewinners for children in the word contest will be an nounced In Monday's paper. Washington street, opposite Olds & King's. 9 BUSINESS PROPERTY IN LA GRANDE, OR. Free of incumbrance, to trade for Port land property. It is in the very best por tion of the city and rented to permanent tenants. La Grande is in the Grand Ronde valley, on the railroad, and is one of the most prosperous towng in the state. The owner wishes to exchange for property worth from $8000 to $10,000. Party will be at our office for a few days, where people wishing to trade will find him. DeLASHMUTT & SON, 207-200 Stark street. A CARD. We have completed our Inventory and closed our books for 1834. We wish to thank our friends for their kind patronage, and take pride in stating that our trade, since removing to our new store, corner Third and Oak streets, has been far ahead of our most sanguine expectations. It proves that the publlo appreciates honest values and fair dealing. Our aim has been and will be to give good, reliable clothing at reasonable prices. We are making at our mill In Albany lines of neat, desirable patterns in cheviots, cassl meres and tweeds for spring and summer trade. Wo have also placed our advance orders for the latest effects In imported fabrics. These, as well as our own make of goods, will be made In regular, short and stout, long and slim, and extra sizes, enabling us to fit any one. Our country order trade by samples has Increased so that we were obliged to open a separate depart.-nent for same,, and we send sam ples and cuts of all lir.es, with plain rules for measurement, fre to any address. This coming season we Intend to devote more attention to our boys' and children's department: and 6h&llsrry full lines of novelties and slapIe&aCmr unlorra de partment has been a great success. We equipped the Oregon National Guard, Port land military band, Oregon Soldiers' Home, American District Telegraph Com pany, Pacific Postal Telegraph Company, reform school, United States llfesavlng service and many others. We are pre pared to submit bids for uniforms for any organization, as our electric factory is complete In every respect. We employ white labor at both factory and mill, and the money paid us for clothing remains on the coast. To make room for cur spring stock, we have decided to allow a discount of 10 per cent on every article In our stock, Includ ing four lines of Steln-Bloch Co.'s blue and black extra-long kersey overcoats, which were delayed In transit. As our prices were reasonable before the cut. an extraordinary opportunity Is offered for a short time. For the same reason we offer in our custom-tailoring department to make suits to order in cheviots, tweeds and cassimeres for $18, and pants for $4 60. J. M. MOYER & CO.. Wholesale and Retail Clothiers, 'Agents Albany Woclen Mills. Nos. 81 and S3 Third st.. Cor. Oak. Emerson Pianos Sherman, Clay & Co. We will show Newest s Marabout Lawns and VfC Irish Lawns, 39 inches i.ij Wide, in colored grounds, AND Neat designs, llC Very pretty. YARD. The new Turkish Crepe, Very latest effects in Ail the Desirable colorings I8C YAKD, I2lC I5C AD YARD. India Dimity, White and tinted grounds, In an endless variety of Choice and dainty colored Figures, spots, dots and Dresden eliects Real French Organdy (Koschlin Freres) in Elegant floral effects 45C YARD. Embroidered Swisses Figured and dotted, white And colored grounds, In a grest variety cf Pretty effects I2iC TO YARD. New things arriving daily. Having been appointed for the, . ortfa-aicst Fise and laarine Insurance Company it will be expedient for its policy-holders to transfer their insur ance to companies whose contracts guarantee Security and Pi?ofceetion i Northwest policies will be exchang ed for those of other companies on very favorable terms, if applied for immediately, at the office of PftilklP S. BSTES 246 Stark Street" Portland, Or. . I VKfLT ED UCATIONAX. Fifth and Yamhill Streets. A. P. Armstrong, Prin. J.A.AVesco, Secretary Open all the Year. Students admitted at any time. College Journal free. 53" Our Business Course includes Spell ing, Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic, Corres pondence. Commercial Law, Bookkeeping, Banking, Business Forms, Business Practice. The Shorthand Course is equally complete A scholarship, valid for two years, may be paidforin easy installments. Cor. 1 ltri and "Yamhilll A school of thorouEh practical business training. Business improving; and we are beginning to find employment for our students. Indeoendent.of all FiraJnsiirancB Combinations. Eleven years of unparalleled prosperity. A dividend paid to Its stockholders annually since organization. STATE INSUBANGE GOHPANY OF SALEM, OHEGOX. A flattering Increase in assets and net surplus during 3831. The only Oregon fire insurance company ever managed on scientific lire insurance principles. Portland policyholders contemplating a change In companies will consult their best interests by applying for special rates at the agency, 014 Chamber of Commerce. E. L. KEED.. .Agent JESo policies lsud on mills, factories or extra hazardous risk. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Superfluous hair, moles, pigmentary naevl, port-wine marks, etc., perma nently removed by Electric-Needle operation, without pain or scars. I also guarantee to remove wrinkles and lilt out hollow cheeks with my Hydro Massage and Derma Skin ! Food, in combination with Electricitv. Per sonal references furnished from the most prom inent socieiy taaics wno nave Deen cured in tills city, l graduated in J SHU from the In stitute Dermathclog!;ue of Dr. Th. Leclanche. of Paris. France, and am also a certilied pupil of Dr. I. H. Woodbury, the world-renowned dermatologist, of New York. Jly diplomas can be seen at my parlors. Terms reasonable. Office hours, 9 to Vi. A. M.; 2 to 6 P. M. Tel. 530. The Paris and New Tork Electrolysis Institute. 1S3 10th st, cor. Alder. We will show Latest In an endless variety Of pretty elfects, rich All at Color combinations and Q ( Newest weaves, just the "OpUlar Thing for Waists, ! Siouses and Costumes. Prices Also Correct st3'Ies of Tailor Made Costumes Single Skirts New Silk Waists and ! Blouses Royal Piques, Tiuted grounds, Striped and Figured effects YARD. iTadras Cloth, Woven chpcks and Stripes, fast colors i5e YARD. A grand line of Domestic and Eagiish Percales in a Great variety Ofdesijrns AND YAED. See our 9 windows. ONE MORE WEEK OF BARGAINS! 0Jl CI earance -TnLLCLCSE- SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 16 As this is the last week, and we still-have many medium and heavyweight Suits and Over coats on hand, we will give the elothing-buyers "wonderful bargains. We have a line of medium-weight Over coats suitable for spring wear which we will, during this week, sell at Clearance Sale Prices. R3iu ember, It (s Hie Lait Week - - - Take Adrantap, M9 "" W- v',jZ . -pmJLAROAE PRICE Cor. First and. COTTON DRESS GOODS Galatea Cloth In plain and stidpes Figured and Plain Ctdmpaline ; something Very handsome. Fine line of Petfeales Fast eolops; suitable fotf Ltadies' Waists. Ne-wr Laces, Veilings, FROM THE WHOLE CLOTH. That's the way a good many tales are manufactured out of nothing; but our suits are made from the very best mate rialsheep's clothing-. Tou are fleeced like a sheep when you wear one of our all wool suits, but you'll be fleeced the wrong way if you go somewhere else and pay all-wool prices for a worthless, shoddy mixture that'll look seedy In no time. The material and make-up of our clothing are both above par. That's just the reason why it always pays to get in side one of our all-wool examples of the current style, that offer unequaled value In quality and wear. A. B. CROASfrlAN, 165 TH1RDST. NET, STRONG. BEAUTIFUL, Combination Celluloid and Aluminum Plates for Artificial Teeth. Call and see sample. Vitalized air anil a new process for painless extracting. AH work at lowest rates. Dr. Chas. T. Frehn. Dentist. Hamilton bulldinc 131 Third at. JLS2, KjZhiffD.ETfzssr TOMORROW . MORNING InEB lnILL -IN how Windows Spt-incj Styles 5j?e Blue Qonjer GRHND Sale HATTFRS&ni othu Morrison Streets. Best Quality Seoteh Ginghams, fast colons tffomie Ctfepe In JSed, Blaek Blue, Pink Vellotxt and all shades Stidped and Figured Duek, Piques and Drillings. Embroideries and Gloves. WE SELL 100 lbs. Dry Granulated Sugar. W.75 ZJ Best Family Flour. bbL . . . $2.15 Sugar-Cured Hams, lb, . . . lOJic Fresh Sweat Butter, rolls 30c SATE HONEY. GET OUP. PKICES. Country Orders Promptly Filled L GOHN & CO. Grocers. 146 Front St Nest Esmond Hotol U$IO$ JffERT CO. Wssile Butsbers and Paokars OF THE Siiielij Brand of Hams, Bacon AND Strictly Pure. Kettle-Kea-dered Lard. FOURTH tfPGLISAN STREETS DISPLKY OUR- in Faney Shipfcs Cpr Second and i Uorrisoi? PORTLAND,ORE.