't&d Pfe -&km0-- y r j fWK. Ji " &Tt f-shm. kA,. J SIXTEEH PAGES (11 I If gS I 1 I I A 1 .PP, I I HI If lli Hi T AU' Hii U PHQE8 1TO 8 fi y' ,,i' " ' " ay yi' 7r iHHf-rfr tWL! - jJ'-'Wft'WVpIr ' ' ' ' H ' L.1 " " u TO!,. SrV 2STO 6. POBTIiAyD, OBEGOK STTyDAY HOBSTSTG-, ffBBKUART 10, 189S. PBIOE FIVE CEIsTS LASHED TO THE SPARS Fruitless Efforts to Reach the Crew of an Icelocked Vessel. THREE BODIES HUMG HEAD DOWN Two of the Other Cnuslit the Life line, lint Dili Xot Have Sufficient Strength, to Pull It In. NEW YORK, Teb. 0. The Ufesaving .ew froni the Town Hill station, on the Great South branch, opposite Eastport, I.. J , was out at daybreak and down the 1 rar h in the teeth of the storm to make one more attempt to reach the men lashed and frozen in the rigging: of the unknown Looncr. "When the lifesavers left at daybreak, seven men were hanging- in the T'SZlng- As the icy winds did not abate, end as the waves were washing over the grounded, icelocked wreck, the lifesavers f-lt that the men must surely be dead. Captain Baker fixed his glass upon the i '--draped rigging of the wreck. Seven forms hung there, not one having fallen dunng the night, but three of the men were hanging head down. Evidently tLy had lashed their legs when they v nt in the rigging to escape the fury of t'.e gale. During the night they had died, i iid, the fingers relaxing, the bodies had r!Icn, hanging by the knees. The life f crs tried to launch the lifeboat, but t!- hore ice made that effort vain. The .' Luc was then fired into the rigging. r . (( it hung, with a certainty to life for 1 oevtr could reach it, and it was within .. Tew feet of each of the four upright 1 ' ures. Soon the lifesavers saw one man i I rnng. He painfully and slowly dlsen K.'god himself from the lashings and t irtcd toward the line. He took a few , " cp. lmused, hesitated, almost fell, .!.' 1 then climbed back to the surer sup- jj rt he had left. In a few moments an- hrr man began to work himself loose, . 1, iiioceeding, got out in a slow way t" at was painful to see. He crawled a 1 ttlf further down than the first man, j- - 1 then he, too, stopped. He almost lost 1 !- lalance. regained his hold, remounted "' lapped himKelf In the cords of the r rg'ng in the place he had left. The llfe ficrj were in despair. It was clear the !.:en in the rigging were too weak, too t.tt, too nearly frozen, to do anything : re than fasten a line if It fell across t c ir bodies, so the cannon was iired again r J again, but without success. The last 1 "e was fired about midday, and from t' is time until dark the lifesavers, shel t rod by the mounds of ice, watched and tried to think of some way of reaching t! schooner. The lifesavers think they tan rcaoh the wreck if she lasts until Ligh tide. Her Anchor-Chain Parted. CHATHAM, Mass., Feb. 9. An. un known two-masted schooner was struck ry a large piece of moving ice this after noon, causing hor anchor-gliain&loPaEt-, "hS"3janoqnse.atBJgnaIs; mm xne iitosagtRUon4QreAwaunabie'.toi reach her on account of the iccC Wnenv !ast seen, the vessel was drifting help lessly in the direction of Handkerchief Fhoals. THE OVERDl'n VESSELS. Xothius: Heard of La. CiiNcoprne Xor the Hhlnclnml. NEW YORK, Feb. 9. No news has been re -.Ied of Jal Gascogne and the Rhine lind. Hopes that the Teutonic would 1 ring news of La. Gascogne were dashed to earth when the ollicers of the Teutonic reported they neither saw nor heard of tthe missing ship. La Gahcognc left Havre Saturday, January 36. "With her ordinnry f-pocd she should have tied up at her 1 ler in North river last Sunday morning. S'ie is seven das overdue, and the last t-.en days on the Atlantic have been vrked by the most violent storms, gales en 1 hurricanes, accompanied by snow and V i'l. low temperature and winds that s ted their direction frequently but sel dom lessened their speed. Moreover, La O.u -ogne, from all reports that other vessels have brought in. and from data She weather bureau, was buffeted by cy !onio gales with the wind blowing from CO to 100 miles an hour almost from her Vrst da out. None of the ships that have 1 jt '"tti port here, or that have touched at . - y for- Ign jkhI, have seen La Gascogne. r'om I rotuda and Asores, from Queens-i-Ai an J from Havre- the story is the " '" c At first the theory entertained by nts was that La Gascogne had been .iiorarlly disabled thraugh a break in machinery, and was making for the n?. or iHrhais one of her own ports tr reduced t.)cd. A new element has w boen introduced into the mass of v. rjcvtuie and speculation concerning r movements or her fate. La. : xtgne is out of coal. The sugges X 'i that, perhaps. La Gascogne had been uting a hard tight, in the teeth of ter- "" " .scales, w hich other ships avoided by " mg a path 30 or W miles south, be i ---- votne comfort to the French line z i! lors. E. 1?. Dunn, signal officer. . i' he ( of the opinion that she had i n so deeply on her coal supply that a on t-he nnally gave up the contest .,Ai the blluirds she headed for the A re. and h- speed liad to be kept i w n to half a dozen knots an hour. The -irunv's agent, however, was inclined " i-'-it the fchip had coal enough for . - emergency, but he was interested in " c t ry of the torm. r qht bveral rumors were afloat that 3 . Cicoume had been sighted, but in a '-i nation has in each cat proven such t s witbont foundation. At 11:56 P. M. b'jip was sighted oT Fire inland, bound '-1 t lirst it was thought that it might t the long-looked-for French liner, but i iroceeded without dlsplajing sig : " th. thought fell flat. The weather r 'tish Ih tne outer bay tonight, and . ! lake from two to three hours for t fel to reach Sandy Hook. Nl.W YORK. Feb. 1. 2 A. M. At this I -r no news has been received of La Cts ogne and the Rlnelaud. "Nothing viiunn nt ltcrmudn. ''I'nvrDA, Feb. ?.-lt has been thought 1 .. iai La Gaicotc might have been . . away after a break-down of her i , n ry. and a hrp lookout has been in or any tidings of the steamer. Up : . - evening, however, nothing has I oon of her. and all vessels arriving r rM the satae. An arri-ls here en-v- .tred -erj- bad weather at sea. V,- YORK. Feb. .-The steamer out e .he bar ns the Manitoba, from A POlJkT OVERLOOKED. othiriR to Show That the Elbe -.m Und JJcen Mint off. ". NI :.'. Feb. . In the general dls t ' ti of the circumstances of the Mnk C - o' tae Kibe, a leading ahlpptag Jocr : J neld that an important point has I m overlooked: The IClbe -Bfas probably framing at the rat oC 7t knots an hour. t- 1 there to aatahg to i4ow that her s.'aru was shut on after the collision. If her rate of speed was kept up for a quar ter of an hour after the collision, she must have run three or four miles from the spot where the Crathie struck her. The Crathie was not going In the same direction as the Elbe, and consequently at the time of the actual sinking of the Elbe the ships must have been a consid erable distance apart. The paper con tends that there Is no evidence of lax discipline on board the Elbe, and argues that the event draws attention to the grave defects In the rules of the road at sea, which have not been remedied by the conference at "Washington. Severe on the Crnthle's Crew. BERLIN, Feb. 9. For some time a dis tinct feeling of animosity toward Great Britain has been evinced by a large sec tion of the German press, and the Elbe disaster has been the occasion for quite a display of Anglophobia. The Kreuse Zeitung led the onslaught with a bighly prejudiced article, in which it was claimed that the catastrophe showed that the Eng lish have a brutal disregard for other people's rights, the blame for the collision entirely falling, according to the Kreuse Zeitung, on the British steamer Crathie. Other newspapers followed with severe denunciations of the Crathie, embellished with a shower of abuse against England. The statement appeared in several news papers, and remains uncontradicted, that the emperor, on receiving full particulars of the collision, characterized the conduct of the Crathie's crew as ruffianly and in human. Dlscnsscil in the ReichKtnjy. BERLIN, Feb. 9. The reichstag devoted an hour today to discussing Baron Stumm's interpellation as to measures to lessen the number of disasters on the high seas. The chancellor, in answering the interpellation, spoke of the sinking of the steamship Elbe as an instance of the mis fortune which might overtake any ves sel, no matter how fully manned she might be or how able or well-disciplined her seamen. He took advantage of this occasion, he said, to declare his belief, based on all yet known of the Elbe's dis aster, that the officers and crew did" their duty until the last moment. The accusa tions made by certain newspapers, he said, were without a shadow of foundation. ABOUT OTHER VESSELS. These Are Safe. HALIFAX. Feb. 9. The long -overdue steamer Baracoa, from New York, for which much anxiety has been felt, has been heard from. She is lying at anchor at Cariboo, on the coast of Cape Breton, short of coal. The Carthagenia, from Liv erpool for Philadelphia, arrived tonight, 12 days out. She has seen nothing of La Gascogne. BOSTON. Feb. 9. The Allan steamer Pomeranian arrived tonight from Glas gow. Nothing was seen of La Gascogne. GLASGOW, Feb. 9. The Anchor liner Anchoria. from New York, January 2G. several days overdue, was sighted off Tory island, north of Ireland, at 4:30 o'clock this morning. LONDON, Feb. 9. The steamer Etruria. from New Yorkv arrived a Queanstown "W"" itw&wsjiWrTiiiginiugjgif yiemjLjSL SOUTHAMPTON. Feb. 9. The steamer Berlin arrived this morning. She saw nothing of the La Gascogne. The Pntria Ajyround. SANDY HOOK, Feb. 9. The large four masted steamer Patria, of the Hamburg American lino, while proceeding to sea this afternoon, grounded in the main ship channel near the Southern edge of Pales tine, opposite the "Western Union tele graph observatory. She lies in an easy position, heading east. There is not much ice around her. At high water she was observed making every effort possible to extricate herself, but without avail. She will probably remain aground until to morrow morning's flood tide, and with assistance of tugs she will no doubt float. She is in no immediate danger. Rescued by the Teutonic. NEW YORK, Feb. 9. The steamer Teu tonic, from Liverpool, reached her docks today after having been delayed outside over 12 hours, owing to the blizzard. At 2 P. M. yesterday the Teutonic signtcd the schooner Josie Reeves, of New York, fly ing signals of distress. A lifeboat with five men was lowered, but returned after an hour's unsuccessful effort. At 7:30 P. M. the Teutonic sailed alongside the Reeves, affording lee for the schooner's dories, and nine men were hauled aboard. Other Vcisel Overdue. NEW YORK, Feb. 9. In addition to La Gascogne and the Rhineland, the Bolivia is now 16 days out from Gibraltar, the Llandaff City, 18 dnys out from Swansea; the Manitoba, 15 days out from London: the Wltekind, 13 days out from Bremen, and the Taormina, 16 days out from Hamburg. The Cunnrd liner Umbria, from Liver pool and Queenstown, is due today, but under the existing weather conditions is not likely to reach port until tomorrow. AVnter-LojrKcd Schooner Abandoned. HALIFAX. Feb. 9. A dispatch from Shellbura says the schooner Pnscilla was abandoned in a water-logged condition on the 7th. Her crew was picked up and the vessel towed to that harbor. MUTUAL CONCESSIONS. DifUcuItie Retween Sonthcrn Pnciflc. and Engineer Probably Adjusted. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 9.-Chief Ar thur, of the Brotherhood of Eoeomotive Engineers, was questioned this morning as to the present condition of the nego tiations going on between the Southern Pacific Company and those of its em ployes, who have feared that the new schedule of mileage and wages would work a hardship upon them. He said: "I think I am justified in saying that all chance of any difficulty between the company and the engineers is now at an end. Everything is not yet concluded, but matters are so shaping themselves that a complete agreement is only a matter of a little more time. So much of the ground for dispute has already been gone over and done away with that there is now no reason to fear anything but a mutually satisfactory settlement. 1 cannot say just what the company and the men have agreed to, but I will state that concessions have been made on both sides. I think everything VN be smoothed out early next week, and I hope to start home ward about Thursday. I shall stop on my way back at Los Angeles, in order to visit a couple of divisions which we have there, but cannot delay long, as I have already been here longer than I intended. However, when I go I want to leave peace behind." ProreedIn;rs to Oust Moe Gunsi. SAN FRANCISCO. Fh a PnHmin,n. artruzaAnts in the suit hrmirki tv Cism.'t Mensies to oust Mose Gunst from the omee oi ponce commissioner were heard this iHoraiar before Sarartar .Tiutca c,n. dcrsoa. The ease is in the form of an ap plication tor a writ oc quo warranto eoaa pelHng Gunst to retire in favor of Bvdas appointee. IWYORKISICEBOID A Solid Sea of Ice From the Nar rows to Sandy Hook. COHTlNUflNCEOFTHEGRERT STORM Reports From All Sections of the East and South Are of Exces sive Cold and More Snow. NEW YORK, Feb. 9. Today New York was practically icebound. The bay, from the Narrows to Sandy Hook, is almost a solid field of Ice. The upper bay would" be as bad were it not that a number of tugs are at work breaking the Ice to per met the passage of craft and that small steamers are plying in the North and East rivers. Tugs arc constantly at work clearing a passageway for the Staten Is land ferry-boats. Two boats of the Le high Valley were stalled in the East, river for over an hour and a tug that went to their assistance was also stopped by the ice. Reports from the Interior of the state tell of the continuance of the great storm. Trains on the Central Hudson river are from five to eight hours late. The Dannesburg and Mechanicsville branch of the Delaware &. Hudson canal read have been abandoned, and no ef fort will be made to operate them until the storm abates. The Genesee branch of the Erie is blocked. The Port Jarvis & Montlcello railway and branches are so badly blocked by snow that they can scarcely be opened before next week. The main line of the Erie Western is closed, no through trains having passed since Thursday. All trains on the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg are abandoned. A Lyons telegram says a second bliz zard began at C o'clock this evening, and within a couple of hours it was snowing and blowing harder than at any time since the big storm commenced. Four New York Central engines are off the track in the Lyons yards and traffic there is at a standstill. ThrouKh Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 9. At the Pennsylvania and the Philadelphia & Reading stations all trains are from five to ten hours late. The roads, however, are being cleared up and trains are ex pected to be running tegularly before long. The situation in the country dis tricts is practically unchanged. At Carlisle, at noon, the Cumberland Valley railroad called in all hands and announced all trains would be abandoned. Nothing will be done till the storm abates. The Philadelphia & Reading also aban doned all trains in that section. Four trains and five engines are in the drifts in that neighborhood. At Sunbury the railroads arc still blockaded and the situa tion is not improving. The first mail from Philadelphia since Thursday arrived at Sunbury today. A passenger train and seyen-enginesiaresaowcdJInafc. McGlure SgHeOu'LcwIgton road. " PITTSBURG, Feb. 9. A blizzard swept over this section furiously all ntght caus ing much suffering among the poor. The thermometer registered below zero. Trains arrive from one to four hours late. Throngh Delaware. WILMINGTON, Del., Feb. 9. The situ ation of the Delaware read is serious. A train which left here at 10 yesterday morn ing and a train that left Harrington yes terday mornin? are stalled six miles be low Middletown. A relief train is also stuck in a heavy drift, and a construction train that left Wilmington this morning was held by a drift at Farnhxirst, near here. No trains have been run over this road since Thursday night. Through. Maryland. BALTIMORE. Feb. 9. Annapolis Is snowbound. Reports come from there that seven men and their horses were drowned today in an attempt to cross tho Severn river on the ice. Cumberland, in the west ern part of the state, reports that two passenger coaches and nine engines are fast in a snowdrift on the West Virginia Central railroad at Black Oak bottom. The damage on the Chesapeake bay and tribu taries by the storm is very great. North Point and Kent island shore are strewn with wreckage, and loss of life is feared. The heavy snow and wind was almost unprecedented. Small craft and crews are sUiiering many hardships. A Little Sun.sliiiie in. AVn-tliinfcton. WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. The intensely cold weather continued today, but its se verity was somewhat lrcdlfied by the sun shine. Navigation of the Potomac river for about 50 miles down is practically closed. For about 40 miles, between Alex andria, Va., and Maryland point, there is a gorge in the channel to a height of from. 10 to 20 feet. The running of steamers between Washington and Norfolk has been suspended until the channel opens. At the Pennsylvania railroad station officials re port that the situation shows little or no encouragement, and fray but limited suc cess attends their efforts to move trains. Trains from all points are belated from six to 12 hours. Jame.i River Frozen Over. RICHMOND. Va.. Feb. 9. The James river is closed from shore to shore, for the first time in 20 years. The monitors at anchor in mid-stream three miles below are in the midst of an acre of ice. No trains from the north by any route have passed here since Thursday. THE DAMAGE IX FLORIDA. Hard to Estimate, lint In. Excess of That of December. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., FeD. 9. The full extent of the damage by the cold wave throughout Florida will be hard to esti mate for some days, because reports will be slow in coming in from all points, and much will depend upon the weather that follows during the next week. After the freeze in December the weather moder ated gradually, and It was fully 10 days before the normal temperature was reached. This possibly saved a large amount of damage to oranges, which might have been done by a sudden warm ing of the air and exposure to the hot sun. Advices from different sections cite the effect of this freeze, and state that the damage is equal to if not greater than that of December. The area of low tem perature has extended as far south as before, and vegetation was not in as strong a condition to stand the cold as be fore. To recoup the losses of the orange crop many orange-planters planted veg etables. They had started a vigorous growth, and were developing to the point where they could be most damaged by a severe cold. Then came the second freeze. It appears now that the vegetable crop of Florid is an entire loss. The older orange trees throughout the state had already shown signs -of putting out a new growth, and along the Halifax and Indian rivers and in the southern portion of the orange belt they had come to bloom. As far as can be learned, this bloom and new growth has been destroyed. The following are the lowest tempera tures registered at the various places named during the freezerof the past -week: Jacksonville, 14; Titusvllle, 18; Tampa, 22; Jupiter. 26; Key West, 4S; Pensacola, 12; BorJfax. 12; Gainesvilhv IS; Reddick. 16; Rochelle, 13; Ancloe,28rSllver-Springs Park, IS; Callahan, lS;Sevine, 19, and Phoenix, 16. - Advices .from Palm .Beach and Lake Worth tonight are that-thedamage done is very slight. The latest indications for Florida are that therewlll. he a slight frost intthe northern PorUon tonight, fol lowed by warmer weather! FROZEX TO -SSEATJEI. 'iii Many People AVere Cangjht Unpre pared and Perished.- PARKERSBURG, WTVa., Feb. 9. The suffering among the poor 3s Intense. The body of James Wick was found this morn ing on the road below Elizabeth, frozen stilt. The telephone reports say two men have been frozen to death near Burning Spring. R, C. Arthur, machinist, of this city, was so badly frozen white going to his shop yesterday morning that he fell and was carried to his-home, where he lies in a critical condition. v G. W. John son, an old citizen, becameparalyzed with the cold last night onHlsSway home, ahd fell and froze to deatlf-wlthln. sight of his house. John- Weed, while riding for a. physician, had his arm,' hands and ears so badly frozen that hiaicondition is seri ous. ' SAVANNAH, Ga., FetpgTwo iromen, one while and one colored.Tb"ave died from exposure In Florida. RS BIRMINGHAM, AlafSFeb. 9. An un known man was fountMrozen to death in the outskirts of the cltyjlast night.' OX THE COXTMSEXT. ar The Rhine, the Xeckarand the Main. Frozen Over.. BERLIN, Feb. 9. Throughout Germany during the past week tHecoId has been intense, and in several Tpiaces the ther mometers have registered -20 deg. below zero, Fahrenheit. The RfTine, Neckar and the Main are frozen over for long dis tances, and the southerriygart of the Cat tegat is also frozen. Hesyy snow drifts have completely stoppedltrafflc about the Eiffel mountains and theHtilneland, where the snow is six feet dee Great misery has been caused in manj parts of Ger many and numbers of .people have been frozen in the countryand -even hear Berlin. Railroad traffic-dS especially dis organized. There have been several cases in which the tires of wfieels vhave been broken on account of thjejcold and have thus caused the derailment of trains. From Alsace It is reported that the wolves, In some cases, driyen by extreme cold, have come to villages to seek food, and in other provincc-slOfc same Is re corded. Steamers have , experienced diffi culty in forcing their way through the great belt of ice along tlie coast, and the maii service from Kiel tdjKorso, Iceland, was suspended today. 3r Cold in England. LONDON, Feb. 9. The tcold weather continues. The Braemer.bservatory in struments registered 12deJL below, zero yesterday. Bell Cote'sMSonpert company has been snowed Up forihourpbetween Edinburgh and tavernega? Mthoutjlood or .m? i. - .T-m TROOPS TOTHE "FRONTIER Mexico and Guatemala Still Continue Warlike Preparations. CITY OF MEXICO, Feb. 9. There is no change in the Guatemalan matter. The Mexican officials "will not give any in formation, despite all reports to the con trary. However, it is learned on good authority that Guatemala has not re ceded from her original answer to Mex ico, and is still rushing troops to the frontier. The Mexican warship Zaragosa, which is the best of the Mexican navy, Is waiting orders at Acapulco, with steam up. Mexico is still sending trcops to the front, and is also perfecting- a telegraph line. It is reported that she is buying arms and ammunition abroad and in the United States. From the present out look the delay is on the part of Mexico for the time needed to make preparations for possible war. Raisincr. Fnndn for Revolution. TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 9. Gonzales de Que sada, secretary of the Cuban revolutionary party, was given a royal welcome here last evening when he arrived from Ha vana. Quesada says there will be suc cessful revolution in Cuba within six months. He claims there is plenty of money to back the scheme, the cigar makers of Tampa alone having given, he says, $60,000 to the cause. He will visit all of the large cities of the United States and then go to South America to raise funds for the cause. Quesada says Cuba pays $30,000,000 yearly to Spain, and only one-tenth is spent on the island govern ment. General dissatisfaction is the re sult. Poor prices, bad crops, high taxes and constant preying by bandits has made the life of Cubans almost unbearable. Rebels Defeated in Colombia. COLON, Feb. 9. The rebel general, Salmiontie, has surrendered to General Hayes, the commander of the government troops in the state, of Tolom. Fifteen hundred men surrendered at the same time. Communication with Bogota, the capital, Is now opened. The rebels have been defeated at Corozal and are being pursued. General Ruiz was taken pris oner at Mompox. Five hundred Reming ton rifles and other munitions of war have been seized. THE OLD AND THE NEW Roots of the Family Tree?- of Miss Anna Gould's Fiance. NEW YORK. Feb. 9. The Sun's Paris cable says: Comte de Castellane, whose engagement to Anna Gould is announced, belongs to one of the oldest families in France, his parents dating back to the 10th century. Prior to that time the heads of the family were princes of Prov ence and vassals of Charlemagne. The family succession includes many chev aliers of the order of Saint Esprit The count's grandfather was Marshal de Cas tellane, who was a famous soldier during the First empire, and his grandfather was a deputy in the reign of Louis Phillippe. His father, the present Marquis de Cas tellane. was a monarchist deputy In 1S71, and since that time "has been well known in literature. His works on modsrn French history rank among classic writ ings. Marquise de Castellane, the mother of the count, is a niece of the Comte de Joigne, whose family name is of the best. The Paris residence of the marquis and that of the Comte de Castellane is on the Boulevard de la Tour Maubourg, and their country residence is the chateau de Rochesette, in Lorraine, where the great Talleyrand, who was an uncle of the present marquis, lived for 20 years. The fortune of the marquis consists of land valued at 7,000,000 francs. Comte de Cas tellane is a member of the Cercle de l'Unlen. He is a good horseman, and clever draughtsman. trara Khan RepulKed. CALCUTTA. Feb. 9. Latest advices from Ksshgar say the Chltralese repulsed Umra Khan, of Jandol, pursued him. and killed over 100 of hi3 Bajanl troops. The Chltralese also suffered severe loss. --. - , ' ONTRIALFORTREASON Charges and Specifications Against Ex-Queen Liliuokalani. SIX SENTENCED TO BE" HANGED Willis Asked Thnt Execution 'of Americans Be Stayed Until He Can. Commnnicate "With Home. VICTORIA. B. C, Feb. 9. Hawaiian advices by the steamer Warrimoo, to February 2, were brought tonight, and are as follows: "There is a lull in the affairs here and quietness -will probably reign until the military court now sitting will have fin ished its work. A large number of con spiracy cases are yet to be tried, and the probabilities are that the court will sit for two or three -weeks at least. Great Interest is attached to the forthcoming trial of the queen. The government claims to have more than sufficient evi dence to convict her. What her punish ment will be in case of conviction is hard to conjecture. Her case will probably come up next Monday. She is charged with treason. The charge reads: " 'Treason, by engaging in open re bellion against the republic of Hawaii; by attempting, by force of arms, to over throw and destroy the same; by levying war against the same by adhering to the enemies of the republic of Hawaii, giving them aid and comfort within the Ha waiian islands and elsewhere. " 'Second Treason by aiding, abetting, procuring, counseling, inciting, counte nancing and encouraging others to com mit treason and to engage in open rebel lion against the republic of Hawaii, and to attempt by force of arms to overthrow the same, and to adhere to the enemies of the republic of Hawaii, giving them aid and comfort in the Hawaiian islands and elsewhere.' "There are six specifications in the charge. The military commission has brought in findings in 24 cases. Those in whose cases verdicts were found are: "R. W. Wilcox, S. Nowlein, K. F. Ber telman, Carl Widemann, W. H. C. Greig, Louis Marshall, W. C. Lane. J. C. June, C. T. Gulick, W. H. Rickard, W. T. Se ward, T. B. Walker, Solomon ICauia, Pelahua, Lot Lane. Thomas Poole, J. Kalakukoa, Robert Palau, J. W. Klpl kane, Klliona, Joseph Clark, D. Januha, W. Widdlfield, Joea Kiakahi. "Of the foregoing, D. Januha and J. Kalakukoa -were acquitted. The others were all found guilty and their sentences were fixed by the commission, subject to review by President Dole. The sentences vary much, all the way from sentences of death to imprisonment for five years with fines. The lowest sentence for trea son by the Hawaiian statute is imprison ment for five years and a fine of not less.. han. 55000. ' -i-v ,f ; "The six leaders "were aIi "sentenced to' be hung. They are: "Charles T. Gulick, William H. Rickard, William T. Seward, Robert W. Wilcox, Sam Nowlein and Henry Bertelman. Sen tences in the last two cases will be com muted, as both men have furnished valu able evidence for the government. Gulick was born in this country, and Rickard is an Englishman. Wilcox is a Hawaiian. The only one of the four who is entitled to the protection of the United States is William T. Seward. As yet no date has been set for the executions. The only im portant case tried before the military court since the departure of the Australia was that of V. V. Ashford. He is charged with misprision of treason. A batch of 20 native rebels, charged with treason, is now occupying the attention of the court. "United States Minister Willis has changed his attitude somewhat since last advices. He is not so belligerent in his demands. His latest communication to the government is a request that, if the death penalty is imposed in the cases of any Americans, the executions be post poned until he can communicate with his government. The British minister has made a similar request. "Thus far, but two men who claim American protection have been tried. They are Louis Marshall, charged with open rebellion, and Thomas Walker, who pleaded guilty to the charge of treason. The government has decided to banish three persons from the islands for com plicity in the rebellion. They are J. F. Cranston and A. Muller, for conspiracy to use dynamite, and J. B. Johnstone, a spe cial police officer, who turned traitor. The men will be sent in the Warrimoo leav ing for Victoria. Cranston and Muller were ta blow up the Central Union church on the night when the rebellion broke out." Of the three exiles -who arrived, John stone is a British subject, Cranston an American and 'Muller a German. They say they do not know what they were ar rested for. They were given no trial, were kept confined without communication, and did not know they were to leave until the Warrimoo whistled to leave. Johnstone will remain at Vancouver, but the others say they will not leave the steamship, but will return on her to Honolulu when she goes back. They claim that they have been the victims of a gross outrage. The schooner Norma arrived at Honolu lu January 20 with a cargo of salmon, 56 days from Claxton. No trace of opium or arms was found, and another sensation was spoiled. . The steamer Daisy Kimball, recently purchased by an Hawaiian firm, was wrecked on the coast of Hawaii on Jan uary 25, and proved to be a total loss. She was insured for $35,000. F. M. Hatch, minister of foreign af fairs, may resign soon and leave for San Francisco to reside. His successor will probably be W. N. Armstrong, formerly of the New York bar. To obtain a decision of his exact status, P. C. Jones, a prominent property-holder under the . republic, wrote to Minister Willis yesterday to learn just what posi tion he occupied in the United States, whether he is still subject to the Income tax and at the same time cannot look to the American government for protection. Xo Interest in Rikard's Fate. LONDON, Feb. 9. The news that the Englishman Rickard had been sentenced at Honolulu to death, for his. part in the last revolution, does not seem to have excited the slightest interest at the Brit ish foreign office. Most of the chiefs of divisions in the office were absent from their posts today, and will not return until Monday. The officials on duty this afternoon apparently had not heard that Rickard was in trouble. Malls tt Go Via. Tacoma. 'WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. The withdrawal of the steamer Rio Janeiro, scheduled to leave San Francisco the 21st with mails for China and Japan, has been announced at the po3toffice department. Accordingly notlce was given today that after the sailing of the Qceanic there would be no sailing from that port for China and Japan until March 5. Mails ordinarily for warded from San Francisco will be taken from Tacoma, to connect with the Vic toria, scheduled to leave the 26th for the two countries. a 1 THE MASTER'S REPORT. Earnings of the Union Pacific Lines for Eigrht Months. OMAHA, Feb. 9. Special Master In Chancery Cornish, of the Union Pacific, has filed a report on the receivers' re port of business for the months of Novem ber and-December, 1S3S, and January. Feb ruary, March, April, May and June, of 1S94, in the office of the clerk of the cir- j cult court. The report of the master has a saving clause, wherein he explains that, whereas the results of the opera tions, as shown by the statements of the receivers, are a correct accounting of the several months reported upon, the meth ods of distribution of the various charges, deficits, etc., may be so altered by the sub sequent decrees of the court as to ma terially affect succeeding statements, such changes or alterations necessarily appear ing in the later accountings of the several properties.. The earnings of the Union Pacific proper, the constituent lines and miscellaneous companies, which gives an Idea of what business has been done for the eight months, from November, 1S93, is as follows: Deficit! Surplus December ....512.V50'November ....$5o7.S20 January 4T2.15SI April 165,330 February 120,0S4May 132,457 March 46602June 63,780 These several items of deficit and sur plus include the fixed charges, such as taxes and Interest, paid during the months reported upon. STATE AXD COUXTY DEBTS. South Dakota's Outstanding War rants to Be Pnld in Cash. PIERRE. S. D., Feb. 9. The state treasurer will on Monday begjn paying cash for all outstanding warrants. There will be no trouble now In maintaining cash payments until August, when a deficiency tax fully equal to the defalca tion of the fugitive state treasurer will be made. The money will come from Chicago bankers who have taken a large block of the warrants. County's Troubles With Its BanUcrs. SIOUX CITY, Feb. 9. At Hay Springs, Neb., the county and its bankers got into trouble over the county deposits, and the banks turned the cash over to the county. There was $18,000 in silver dollars, which made such an immense heap that the vaults in the county building would not hold it. The banks refused to take it back on the terms the county would make, and it is being guarded by an armed force in the courthouse. w OTHER FINANCIAL XEWS. More of the Whisky Trust's Affairs. CHICAGO, Feb. 9.-nJudge Grosscup to day removed the name of Helnsheimer and Wormser from the list of complainants in the original whisky trust receivership pe tition and entered a rule for President Greenhut to show cause why he be not punished for affixing the names to the petition ....without authority. -"Affidavits were read in support of the claim of the two men that their names were used with out their consent or the consent of their employer. The Associated Banks. NEW YORK, Feb. 9. Following is the weekly bank statement of the associated banks: Reserve, decrease $ 2,9S5,275 Loans, decrease b,J7is,S0O Specie, increase 70S,40O Legal tenders, decrease 6,746,300 Deposits, decrease 12,120,300 Circulation, increase 133,400 The banks now hold $33,756,223 in exces3 of the requirements of the 25-per-cent law. TORPEDO BOATS SUNK. Two Sent to the Bottom, and Ten. Cnpturcd by the Japanese. CHE FOO, Feb. 10. Ten Chinese torpedo boats have just been captured by the Jap anese. Two boats were also sunk and one escaped to the southward. LONDON, Feb. 9. A Hiroshima dis patch says the official report of the Japan ese admiral says the Japanese lost no boats or men during the night attack at Wei-Hai-Wei on February 5, but on Feb ruary 4 the enemy struck and sunk a tor pedo boat, killingall on board. Another boat, after having exploded a torpedo against a Chinese ship, ran into some obstructions and was practically sunk under the ene my's fire. A Japanese lieutenant and two men were frozen to death February 4. LONDON, Feb. 9. A Che-Foo dispatch says the Liu-Kung Tao forts are still making some resistance to the assaults of the Japanese. WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. The secretary of the navy has received the following from Admiral Carpenter, dated Che-Foo, February 7: "The Japanese have taken possession of Wei-Hal-Wei today. Three vessels of the Chinese fleet were sunk in the harbor by torpedoes. The Charleston left today for the purpose of assisting dis tressed persons at Teng Chow." . Tho Foundation, of the Concord Story. SHANGHAI, Feb. 9. The United States consul at Chin-Kiang, in his report to tho consul-general here, confirms the United Press dispatch of the detention of several members of the crewjof the cruiser Con cord by Chinese authorities near Chin Kiang. The report says that the whole trouble arose from the accidental wound ing of a Chinese boy by one of the Con cord's apprentices, and that the matter was settled by the payment of a small sum to the wounded boy. Chlncie EnVoys to Remain in Japan. SHANGHAI, Feb. 9. The Chinese peace envoys have applied for permission to re turn to China, but their government has ordered them to remain in Japan until the document clothing them with full power can reach them. THE FIRE RECORD A General Alnrm Tnracu in for a. Louisville Fire This Morningr. LOUISVILLE. Feb. 10. 3 A. M. Rey & Co.'s large tobacco warehouse, located in the wholesale district, is burning. A gen eral alarm has just been turned in. Jumped to Her Death. CHICAGO, Feb. 9. A fashionable flat building at 395 La Salle avenue took fire this afternoon. Augusta Castornlt, the maid of Mrs. Leopold Proskaure, was probably fatally injured by jumping from the second-story window. The building was a handsome five-story structure, oc cupied by about 40 families. The fire was got under control with a loss of $25,000. Union Depot Burned nt St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH, Feb. 9. Fire broke out in the United States express department at the union depot this evening. The flames ate their way through the floor into the Union Depot hotel, and in an hour the structure was in ruins. The hotel was crowded with guests, -who had nar row escapes. The total loss of the depot and hotel will aggregate $400,000. LAWMAKERS FEASTED Ex-Senator Corbett's Banquejr to Members of the Legislature.' ECONOMIC MEASURES DISCUSSED Freely Expressed Opinions of Busi ness Men on Municipal nnd County Affairs. Ex-Senator Corbett banqueted the mem bers of the legislature and prominent business men of this city at the Hotel Portland last evening. In order to afford an opportunity for the discussion of legis lation relating to Multnomah county and the city of Portland. Manager Bowers had the affair in charge, and covers were laid for 100. The great dining-room In banquet hall dress had a very cozy and inviting appearance. The windows and doorways were draped in silken Hags and I bunting, and pillars were masked be hind huge spreading palms, ferns and tropical plants. The table was in the form of a hollow square. At the head wera two crescents filled with lilies of the val- ley, ferns and red carnations, while the center piece was a huge vase In basket form, laden with calla-lilles, ferns and pansies. Scattered along the table here .and there were vases of hothouse flowers, while the snowy linen was almost hidden beneath lovely cuts of smllax. Dainty violets, half wilted, but emitting perfume that filled the hall, were scattered over the smllax in profusion, -while richly col ored fairy lamps shed a glow over all that Was charming. The guests assembled early in the ho tel parlors, and at S:30, after a chat with their host, proceeded to the banquet hall. There Manager Bowers very soon proved to them that his cuisine is all that haa been boasted of it. From shellfish to cof fee, the dainties spread before the guests were choice and palatable, and the serv ice was elegant. Following was the menu: Shoalwater bay oysters. Westmoreland soup. Anchovies. Celery. Queen olives. Boiled Boyal Chinook salmon, lobster sauce. Spring chicken, Maryland style. Green Peas. Corn fritters. Tenderloin of beef, Bordelaise. Asparagus. Potato croquette. Legislation punch. Roast Denny Pheasant, with truffles. The Portland salad. Savarin pudding. Mousse praline. Assorted cakes. Coffee. Fruit. Haut sauterne. Pontet canet. Clicquot yellow label. Cigars. For nearly two hours senators and rep resentatives and common every-day busi ness men knocked elbows and chatted about ordinary affairs while they exam ined minutely into the various savory Y gars lighted and champagne was sparkling" In dainty glasses a genial glow had spread over the company. Every banqueter, hav ing become acquainted with his immediate neighbors, felt at his ease, and all leaned back in their chairs, with expectant glances toward the host, ready for the discussion which tho occasion promised. The venerable ex-senator, when he arose to address the assembly, was greeted with applause. "Hospitality is not a monopoly," he said. "Every man has the right to call upon his friends and neighbors, or the citizens of his city or state to join him about the banquet board and to entertain them in a hospitable manner. I have been severely criticised for inviting the members of the legislature to meet with me tonight. But being a representative taxpayer of the city of Portland, and chairman of the Committee of One Hun dred, whose aim has been to secure leg islation in favor of stricter economy In the affairs of this municipality. I con sider it eminently proper that I should ex tend to the legislature an invitation to dine with me and to discuss questions of the day, which principally relate to economy in state and local affairs. Being a private citizen I am proud to be chairman of the Committee of One Hundred. Though more becom ing to me, perhaps, than to some others in the city, I can assure the gentlemen within reach of my voice that all Portland business men are glad to have an opportunity of talking with you out side of legislative hails. "You will notice that I have omitted to invite to be present here any prospective candidate for the United States senate. It is because I desire to eliminate that from any discussion of local matters. We have, locally, many Important matters to bring before the legislature. Many hard things have been said because a dif ference of opinion exists in regard to -whether certain powers ought to be lodged In a board of public works, or in the mayor. The plan for a board of public works as arranged by Mr. Simon has been, advocated by many business men and tax payers as the most economic way of managing local affairs. It is really the only feature that is objected to in Mr. Simon's proposed charter, and then, for the greater part, because it provides for the appointment by the legislature of the members of the board. This is the only material difference between the so called Simon charter and the one pre pared by the Committee of One Hun dred." Here Mr. Corbett explained at length the plan of the proposed board of public works, and showed how it would tend to economy and better government in mu nicipal affairs. Mr. Corbett said that his name had been mentioned in connection with the personnel of the board, but that he desired very much to be relieved of its necessarily arduous duties and respon sibilities, and had requested that his name be withdrawn. He stated that Mr. Scott had also been mentioned, but would much prefer to remain a private citizen, that in his position as editor of a newspaper he might always be In a position to criti cise. "Other charters have been proposed as substitutes for the one .prepared by Mr. Simon," continued Mr. Corbett, "and much opposition has been shown to this one, but when it comes right down to facts, it is clearly seen that these op ponents of the Simon charter do not want any charter at all. Two councilmen came to a gentleman of my acquaintance the other day and asked him to sign a pe tition opposing the Simon charter. V.'hcn he came to question them he found that they were really not acquainted with its provisions; and yet they opposed it, be cause it meant a cut in salaries." Mr. Corbett then discussed at some length the bill now under consideration in the legislature to reduce the compen sation of certain Multnomah county of ficials. He called attention to the fact that the district attorney has had an income of $23,000 a year, half as much as the president of the United States re ceives. He said that to do away with tha fee system in that office was to get rid of much unnecessary litigation and to j make a great saving to the county. fcTlioi.o