The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 13, 1895, Image 1

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    j S.XTEEN PAGES j (j I if 8 I I F 1 1 I 2JI I MW JRI pif I T III TIF J f T j PAGES 1 TO S
"VOL. XIV 1ZO 2.
The Senatorial Contest Excites the
Most Interest
Apparently So One Cnn Command
Sufficient Volet to Elect, and a
Caucus Must Decide.
OLYMPIA, "Wash., Jan. 12. All except
about a dozen members of the legislature,
which convenes Monday at noon, have
reached here. The dozen will come to
morrow. Tonight, there Is a very lively
scene In the Olympla hotel lobby. In ad
dition to legislators, prominent politicians
from all points of the state are present,
and some earnest wire-pulling is being en
gaged in, both In connection with the or
ganization of the different houses and
the faenatorial election. There has never
been a legislative session held here where
members were so completely at sea re
garding the outcome of the different con
tests, two days before convening. The
election of senator excites the most in
terest, although the vote will not be taken
until one week after organization. For
speakership of the house, however, there
Is much quiet wire-pulling, and some little
Interest is shown in the selection of clerk
of the house and secretary of the senate.
There are many candidates for these
places, as well as for the several minor
positions. Nearly every member of the
upper and lower house has a candidate
for some place, and this naturally pre
vents the usual pledges of support In
both the senatorial and speakership fights.
Many arc holding off until the last min
ute, in order to effect a deal in their own
With nearly all of the members pres
ent tonight, some idea of the relative
strength of the candidates for senatorial
honors can be formed, for the first time.
Congressman "Wilson, Levi Ankeny, State
Senator Belknap and Amos Shaw have
been here for several days, and at noon
today Judge Turner and Attorney-General
Jones arrived. Ex-Senator Allen Is ex
pected to shie his castor into the ring to
morrow, and his, arrival is awaited with
come interest The Ankeny and Wilson
headquarters have been thronged with
legislators and lobbyists all day. Tonight
both factions are claiming much addi
tional strength. Shaw, Belknap and
Jones content themselves with the ad
vantages offered for meeting their friends
In the main lobby of the hotel, and each
Is continually surrounded by a group of
interested people. Judge Turner says that
he Is here to argue a case before the su
preme court, and that he Is not a candi
date in any sense of the word. He Is out
spoken as favorable to Jones' candidacy.
Judge Turner's presence, however, is
thought to have considerable significance,
inasmuch as ex-Sanator Allen has an-
.til l wnHA i.Hl. -rTl- T.t.. i. .
win uc uuu iu iuuiw unci 411a llliui Vjlis.
There la no doubt that Ankeny and "Wh
Eon have more support than any other
The legislature, on Joint ballot, will cast
112 votes. Of these there are SO repub
licans, nine democrats and 23 populists.
It takes 57 to elect. Conservatively esti
mated at this time, Ankmy and Wilson
have between 25 and 30 votes each. Ex
Smator Allen has at least 10 or 12 sup
porters, and Jones and Shaw will prob
ably rally from three to seven each to
their stands. Belknap is not considered in
the race. Allen's candidacy has provoked
much uncertainty at the "Wilson and the
Ankeny headquarters. He was not con
sidered an active candidate, but it is now
known he will cut a considerable figure
in the flijht. In case neither Wilson nor
Ankeny can win on the first few ballots,
it Is believed a landslide will inevitably
follow to some other candidate. It may
be Allen, Shaw or Jones. Allen's follow
ers say that he is most popular, and that
there is a feeling among republicans that
he ought to be returned to the senate.
They claim that he was unfairly beaten
ly Judge Turner two years ago. There
is one feature of Allen's candidacy, how
ever, that may cause him considerable
annoyance. It is the fact that he now
resides at Seattle. He left Walla Walla
and took up his residence at Seattle soon
cfter his defeat for re-election two years
ago. Now Allen's opposition claim Seattle
already has one senator In Squire, and
that that city cannot have another. On
th" other hand, Allen's friends say he has
not lost his residence in "Walla Walla, and
that he is at Seattle only to engage In the
practice of his profession.
Henry Van Houten, of Spokane, who Is
manager of Ankeny's campaign, appears
tjUlte confident of success. He admits
that Ankeny has not sufficient strength at
this time to elect him, but adds that all
will be well by election day. Wilson and
Lis most active supporter. Senator Ide. of
Spokane, are certainly doing a great deal
of effective work, and claim to be gain
ing support each day. Wilson claims solid
delegations of 10 votes from the south
Avest counties, and a scattering support
nil over the state. His brother, Harry
Wilson, who is managing his campaign,
says there is no doubt about the result,
and that the congressman has enough
otes to elect him. Ankeny has ardent
support in King county. This seems to
be conceded, and with the votes from
Walla Walla, Spokane and other coun
ties, he feels certain of more strength
than Wilson.
Very llttfe has been said regarding a
caucus for senator. Several republicans
believe that a caucus should be held the
f.rst or second day of the session, and
the selection of a senator disposed of.
They claim that the people of the state
i 111 not have patience with the legislature
if the senatorial conflict is not ended early
in the session, so that much needed
legislation can receive careful attention.
They do not want the history of the last
session repeated, when the senatorial con
flict proved a lingering evil to the session.
In the speakership contest, Morrison, of
King county, is the most prominent, and
it is believed he will carry off the honor.
His opponents are Milroy. of Yakima;
Gandy, of Spokane; Cloes, of Pierce, and
Scobey. of Thurston. Who will develope
most strength against Morrison Is not
known. Morrison is for Ankeny for sena
tor, and Soobey is a strong Wilson man.
The senatorial election may have some
influence in the selection of speaker, but
the full force of any faction's strength
will not bo shown by 't.
The oacus of the republican members
will be held either tomorrow or Monday
morning to decide on speaker, chief clerk
cf the house, secretary of the senate and
othrr elective officers. The prominent
candidates are:
For secretary of the senate T. G. Nlck
Ln of Whatcara, Cewk of Thurston.
For sergeant-at-arms M. D. Smith of
Snokane, and Joseph T. Mitchell of
For reading clerk Harry W. Carroll of
For chief clerk of the house C S.
Scott of Jefferson; E. W. Porter of
Douglas, and Edward Finch of Chehalis.
For assistant clerk F. Z. Alexander of
For sergeant-at-arms Don G. Glovell
of Pierce.
There are numerous candidates for
other places. Young men and women
from all parts of the state are using all
influence possible to secure positions.
There has been little talk of legislation
to come before the session. The general
feeling seems to mean that there will be
an effort made to cut down expenses in
all directions, with a special aim at the
numerous commissions.
The A. P. A. and the Legislature.
TACOMA, Jan. 12. The state advisory
council of the A. P. A. met here today
with a number of the members of the leg
islature, to advise regarding the passage
of certain legislation, said to be of a rem
edial nature, and indorse applicants for
clerkships. There was a good attendance.
It is claimed .by some that the A. P. A.
members, with sympathizers, will control
the lower house of the legislature.
In San Francisco- Yesterday Specula
tion Favored Perkins.
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 12. There was
a general exodus from Sacramento yester
day, and the result was that the lobbies
of the principal hotels here today took on
the general appearance of that famed
hunting-ground of all politicians at the
capital city the office of the Golden Eagle.
Everywhere the senatorial fight was nat
urally the chief topic of conversation.
Either because the De Young men were
tactfully silent, or because they were few,
expressions favorable to Perkins were
more frequently heard than anything else.
As the horoscope is cast today among
the politically wise, De Young is credited
with having a total present voting
strength of about SO out of the 120 of both
houses. The Perkins strength, as shown
by the caucus, is 45, but It is a fact that
13 votes beside these have been promised
as soon as the committees of both houses
are named. These promises are chiefly in I
the form of personal letters from the leg
islators. There seems little question that
the delay In the appointment of the com
mittees of the assembly was considerably
influenced by the senatorial fight. Speaker
Lynch now says these committees will be
named Monday afternoon, when the as
sembly will reconvene. Probably the sen
ate committees will be announced at the
same time. The Perkins men are figur
ing on 30 democrats of both houses, mak
ing John Daggett their senatorial nomi
nee, and giving him their complimentary
vote when the great fight begins, a week
from next Tuesday. This complimentary
vote. It Is figured, may hold out for two
or three ballots, but after that there
seems assurance that several democrats
will rally around the Perkins standard.
The Contest in Chicago.
CHICAGO. Jan. 12. Cook county repub
lican senators and representatives held a
caucus here this afternoon to make an at
tempt to unite on a Chicago man for
United States senator, for the purpose of
defeating Senator Cullom. Of the 33 who
compose the delegation, only 23 were pre
ent. The sensation of the meeting oc
curred when Senator Charles H. Craw
foru, of the Hyde Park district, said ha
was prepared to announce, that Joseph
Mcdlll was out of the race; in fact that he
was authorized to "withdraw the name of
the -Chicago editor. This created a gen
eral tumult. Several members jumped to
their feet at once and demanded thai
Crawford show his authority for this
statement. He said he would produce il
later In the meeting, but a little while af
terwards he left without doing so. It was
resolved to adjourn, to meet Tuesday
next in Springfield, when another endeav
or will be made to agree on a candidate.
It is thought that Wm. E. Mason will bo
the choice of the caucus if anybody is
chosen, which is doubtful.
Montana's Next Senator.
HELENA, Mont, Jan. 12. Thomas H.
Carter, who was last night nominated by
the republican caucus to succeed Senator
Power, was born in Scioto county, Ohio,
and Is about 40 years old. He worked on
a farm In Illinois, and was afterward ad
mitted to the bar in Iowa, where he prac
ticed law at Burlington. He came to Hel
ena In 1SS2, where he practiced law till
nominated for congress in 18S8. He was
later elected to congress, and once de
feated, having run three years in suc
cession on account of the admission of
Montana as a state. He was commis
sioner of the general land office under
President Harrison, and was made chair
man of the national republican committee
in 1S92. He is married, and has two chil
dren. The Fight nt Boise.
BOISE, Idaho, Jan. 12. The senatorial
situation remains unchanged. Sweet ap
parently has his 19 men solid. This is just
one majority of the republican members.
The others, however, have refused so far
to go into caucus. The Shoup men mani
fest great confidence. The caucus ad
journed last night until Monday night.
To Aid the Destitntc.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 12. In the house
today the subject discussed was how to
aid the destitute. Conway, chairman of
the special committee, reported bills
which had been considered, and the house
went into committee of the whole on the
Lambern bill. This provides that the
counties may issue bonds to the amount of
10 per cent of the assessed valuation, the
proceeds to beused to provide grain for
feed and seed. The committee of the
whole reported back to the house with
the recommendation that the bill be rec
ommended to a special committee for fur
ther amendment.
To Legalise Oklahoma Divorces.
GUTHRIE, O. T., Jan. 12. A bill was
introduced in the legislature today to
legalize the thousands of divorces granted
by Oklahoma probate judges to people
from all over the nation.
Ben Butler's Monument.
CHICAGO. Jan. 12. M. S. Baldwin,
agent for the estate of the late General
B. F. Butler, confirms the report that the
estate will conduct a free sanitarium for
consumptives at Fort Union, N. M. The
estate has S20.000 acres of land, known as
the Mora grant, around okl Fort Union.
Mr. Baldwin said: "Dr. W. D. Gentry, of
this city, who conducts a sanitarium here,
will have charge of the sanitarium at Fort
Union. The estate will repair all the
buildings and tend them free for sani
tarium purposes. Board will be charged,
but that is all. It Is proposed to make
this one of the biggest things of its kind
in the country, and it will be In readiness
in a few months."
Two Killed and One Hurt.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. Three men walk
ing on the New York Central railroad
near Rlverdalo station were struck by a
tram last night. John Goodrich, aged 33.
of Ellzabethport. N. J., and an unknown
man, wore Instantly killed, and a man
named Jack, aged 27, of Ellzabethport.
N. J., was fatally injured. The men
were seeking work.
Churchill Has Another Attack.
LONDON, Jan. 12. Lord Churchill last
night suffered an attack of heart weak
ness. He rallied this morning, but has
not yet regained his strength. ,
Gorman of Maryland Did "Not
Speak, but the Coloradan Did.
For Three Hours the Senator From
Colorado Spoke With. Great Earn
estness and Eloquence.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. Teller ad
dressed the senate today in a speech
marked by force and eloquence of earnest
ness. A large crowd had been
drawn to the galleries by the announce
ment that Gorman would urge a sen
ate resolution for the solution of
the currency problem, and, although
Gorman did not speak, the spectators
"were not disappointed. Teller took the In
come tax as a text, but branched into a
comprehensive review of the present con
dition of the treasury and remedies de
manded. He severely arraigned the admin
istration for alarming tin country by
agitation over the currency bill. The sen
ator urged that the restoration of silver
was the only effective solution, but said
he did not expect it at the present time
from either of the great parties or the
populists. Lodge also spoke, stating that
if the democratic majority would pre
sent a measure raising revenue, instead
of a currency bill that could not pass, the
minority would assist In enacting it.
After the usual routine business
Cockrell called up the urgent deficiency
bill. Presiding Officer Harris explained Its
parliamentary situation coming over from
yesterday. Hill had offered an amendment to
it, appropriating funds for the collection
of the income tax, so that the legality of the
tax might be referred to the courts. The
chairman had ruled out the amendment
on a point of order. Hill appealed from
the decision of the chair, and Morgan
moved to lay the appeal on the table in
order to permit the senators to have a
further discussion of the income tax.
Morgan agreed to withdraw his motion,
and proposed a vote on Hill's appeal.
Teller then addressed the senate In sup
port of the continuance of the Income tax.
He painted to the large treasury deficit,
which had been temporarily met by bond
issues. The gold supply was down to $77,
000,090, and was rapidly disappearing. Any
proposition to do away with the Income
tax, therefore, should be accompanied by
a plan to raise the revenues the govern
ment required. Teller gave It as his opin
ion the income tax would become perma
nent, even though It was limited to five
years by the present law. He believed it
was such an equitable tax that the people
would Insist upon its continuance. Im
port duties, he said, could not be put so
high as to entirely keep out goods, and
without these high duties there was cer
tain to be a deficit in the revenue. It
l" ' I
nnd Acconttal tliarafApa tnfiilA I
come tax was the most just means o
taking this course. Teller- spoke of the
vain and faithless efforts of the execu
tive branch of the government "to do
something to relieve the present distress
of the government and the people," and
"It shows that the executive branch Is
in wrong hands."
He then spoke causticallyof the "scheme
of banking coming from the treasury de
partment." He referred to the current
reports that the bill had been jotted off
In 30 minutes to a stenographer, and said:
"I wish to show all due respect to this
bill, coming rs it dees from such high
sources, but if such a measure came from
and senator or member If it came from
any populist it would be branded as the
height of lunacy."
Teller, declared that the currency bill
proposed to inaugurate the old era of
wildcat paper, and violated every prin
ciple of finance in this country or any
other. He ridiculed the talk about "elas
tic" and "flexible" currency, when bank
ing corporations had charge of the elas
ticity, and added:
"There is about six weeks remaining of
this congress. Now, does any person seri
ously believe the revision of the vast cur
rency system can be accomplished in that
Tho senator argued that It was time
the executive authorities stopped what he
characterized as "frantic demonstrations
of fright." He then examined in detail
the bimetallic system of France, under
which that country now enjoyed absolute
Hawley at this point interjected a nar
rative of his personal experience in Paris
the nisht before France raised the vast
sum to pay its war indemnity to Ger
many. When Teller resumed, he argued at
length to prove that the low price of ag
ricultural products today was the direct
result of the demonetization of silver, first
by Germany, then by the United States,
and lastly by the Latin union. In every
country which had kept Its mints open to
silver, prices of staple products had re
mained absolutely stable during the last
23 years. He cited as illustrations of that
fact India, Mexico, China and Japan. It
has been charged, he said, that those who
were In favor of blmetalism were not in
favor of sound money. But if sound
money was to be preserved, he warned
the senate it would be preserved through
the efforts of so-called silver men. If the
gold basis was insisted upon, it would
be found too narrow, and the time would
come when an over-Issue of paper money
could not be resisted. He described the
grownth of socialism and anarchy In this
country since the demonetization of sil
ver, and the bitterness that had grown
up between classes. This condition has
been produced by legislation. This caused
him to ask:
"Are we now to admit we have neither
the wit nor the wisdom to undo what we
have done?"
Although his side was not charged with
the responsibility for the present situa
tion, he, for one, would join with his
political adversaries in any scheme of re
lief that appealed to his judgment. But
he had little hope when he saw the sen
ate of the United States, confronted with
such a situation, supinely waiting to see
what Europe would do. It was deplorable
and disgraceful. A change of administra
tion might aid matters, but he doubted it.
The last republican- administration was
voted out of power, and he believed it de
served defeat. Last fall the people had
overthrown the democratic majority in
the house because the democratic party
had shown itself incapable of dealing with
the problem before it. As to the populist
parts', he did not believe It would ever
be a party in power, and he believed it
would devolve on either the republican or
democratic party to solve the problem
eventually, when the pressure of the peo
ple would at last force logical action
on this monetary problem. Any scheme
to secure his ote must be In line with
what he believed Its solution.
Teller closed with an eloquent appeal
to those on the other side cf the chamber
to present a solution of the existing prob
lem which would not surrender silver, say
ing: "It should be no makeshift, no tempo
rary expedient, but it should be ample
to avert a crisis more dangerous to the
American people than that of even war."
Lodge spoke of the danger of arresting
appropriations, and thus killing the law
by stagnation. He did not, therefore, ap
prove of refusing the appropriation neces
sary to execute the Income tax law. The
Imposition of a direct income tax was the
necessary result of abandoning the pro
tective policy of Indirect taxes. He re
ferred to the present cry for currency leg
islation as a move intended to cover up
the most dismal failure in tariff legislation
the country had ever seen. The first step
to take to overcome the distress of the
treasury was to ralsa mora revenue. None
of these schemes could pass. But if the
one essential thing was the need of more
revenue to he secured for the treasury,
he and his associates would gladly as
sist in passing a measure to accomplish
that end. Such a measure was needed
instead of any more such, as-the one "just
kicked to death" in the house of repre
sentatives. Stewart followed with a .speech urging
the restoration of silver as the only
means of remedying thepresent distress
in the condition of the government. Stew
art finally yielded the floor, to resume
Monday, and the senate at 4:45 P. M. was
The Tax WilL Be Collected.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. Senator Gor
don, of Georgia, In a conversation with
a senator said: "The defeat of the appro
priation will not defeat the collection of
the income tax. Under section 29, all per
sons and corporations with Incomes above
$3500 are required to make returns, ac
cording to the form prescribed by the
revenue department, to the secretary of
the treasury. Those who hope to escape
payment of the Income tax through the
failure of congress to make the appropria
tion asked for, and who are thus led to
neglect making their returns at the time
fixed by law, will find themselves Involved
In 50 per cent heavier taxes and be com
pelled to pay them."
The Senate Finance Committee.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. The meeting
of the senate finance committee today
was devoted to a discussion of the Vest
and McPherson finance bills, presented
yesterday. No action was taken. The
committee adjourned until Monday, when
it is expected Jones will have a bill to
be considered. It was stated that the
prospects of financial legislation had not
been brightened materially by today's
A Compromise Is Now Said to Be As
sured. CHICAGO, Jan. 12. At today's meeting
of the Western passenger agents, an
agreement was practically reached as to
round-trip rates and routes, and a com
promise In the Union Pacific boycott mat
ter is now assured. At Monday's meet-
Inrr fif-TrWr-nl Taf nnniT .uajxtr'"MTtftfnll of
. . J" -. . - " -
canaduui-pacincTrimeet the other
transcontinental, officially and it is ex
pected Chairman Caldwell will be able
to report the intention 'of the Grand
A Xew Colorado Road.
DENVER, Jan. 12. Articles of incor
poration were filed with the secretary of
state today for the Florence Southern
Railroad Company, with a capital stock
of $1,000,000. W. E. Johnson, James. A.
McCandllsh and W. J. Johnson, of Flor
ence; Cv M. Ladd and J. B. Orman, of
Pueblo; H. H. Tompkins, of West Cliff,
and H. Townsend, of Silver Cliff, are the
incorporators. Their intention is to build
a road from Florence to Silver Cliff,
through Oak creek canyon.
Railroad Notes.
Vic A. Schilling, city ticket agent of
the Oregon Railway & Navigation Com
pany, left last evening for a two-weeks'
trip to San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Superintendent O'Brien, Master Me
chanic Graham and Assistant General
Manager Woodworth, of the Oregon Rail
way & Navigation Company, left yester
day for a tour of inspection over the rail
lines of the company.
Conducted With, Quiet Simplicity.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. The funeral serv
ices over the remains of the late Mrs.
William Waldorf Astor were held this
morning at Trinity chapel. The church
was crowded with the wealth and fashion
of New York and adjacent cities. The
funeral was conducted with quiet sim
plicity, the coffin being, covered with
flowers. The officiating clergymen were
Rev. William H. Vibbert, Rev. Morgan
Dix and Bishop Potter, and the inter
ment was in Trinity cemetery, on "Wash
ington Heights.
Stricken With Paralysis.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. Joseph B. Jones,
who has been a clerk in the subtreasury
for over 15 years, was stricken with par
alysis at his desk today. He suffered from
a sunstroke last summer, and has had
the grip this winter. He was 65 years old.
He was a forty-niner, leading-quite an ad
venturous life In his younger days, having
been a terror to evil-doers as the sheriff
of one of California's counties.
Director Paddock Is 111.
DENVER, Jan. 12. Major James W.
Paddock, of Omaha, government director
of the Union Pacific, Is dangerously 111 of
pneumonia in his private car at the union
depot in this city. He started Thursday
with a party of friends for a trip to La
Junta. He will be taken back to Omaha
A Denver Surgeon and Specialist.
DENVER, Jan. 12. Dr. J. M. Eaton,
the eminent surgeon and specialist, died
in this city last night of congestion of the
brain and peritonitis. Dr. Eaton was once
coroner of San Francisco, and was an in
timate associate and adviser of Chris
Buckley, the democratic leader.
Jndcre Hoar Is Very Low.
CONCORD, Mass., Jan. 12. Judge Hoar
is very low tonight. It does not seem, as
though he can live many hours.
May Tolie Is Lady Hope.
LONDON, Jan. 12. The report that May
Yohe, the American actress, had been
married to Lord Francis Hope, brother of
the Duke of Newcastle, turns out to be
correct. The Hampstead parish register
shows that Miss Yohe and Lord Francis
Hope were married there November 27
last. Lord Francis Hope was born Feb
ruary 3, 1SS3, and Is the only brother of
the Duke of Newcastle. As the duke has
no children, it is said the family of Lord
Francis Hope once offered him $1,000,000
If he wBuld sever all relations with the
American burlesquer.
The Daughter of Crispl Married.
NAPLES, Jan. 12. The daughter of
SIgnor Crispi was married today in the
Church of the Ascension to Prince Ltn-
i guaslossL
The Bill to Extend Its Provisions
to Oleomargarine.
The Debate Was Upon the Merits of
the Oleomargarine Clause and
Its Constitutionality.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. About 20
members crowded into the area In front
of the speaker's stand at the opening of
the house today in the hope of getting
bills of local Importance through by
unanimous consent, but all were unsuc
cessful. Hatch, chairman of the commit
tee on agriculture, called up the bill to
extend the provisions of the Wilson
original-package liquor law to oleomar
garine in original packages. The Wilson
bill covered distilled and fermented
liquors in original packeages, but by a
decision of the supreme court, rendered
by Justice Harlan, December 10. it was
decided that oleomargarine could not be
imported into a state in original packages
and sold frse of tax. This bill was to
make the law uniform as regards dis
tilled liquors and imitation butter. It
completed the effectiveness of the police
powers of the states by authorizing them
to exercise their police powers over
oleomargarine, butterlne. Imitation but
ter, or Imitation cheese imported In orig
inal packages, as if they had been manu
factured in the states where they are
consumed. The bill precipitated a dis
cussion regarding tho merits of the oleo
margarine clause and its constitutional
ity. It was participated in by Williams
of Mississippi, Warner of New York.
Foreman of Illinois and Grout of New
Hampshire. Hatch attempted .to have
the extra hour, to which the bill would be
entitled under the rule when the commit
tee Is again called, granted at this time,
but his request was refused. He then
tried to have the previous question or
dered, but filibustering by Bynum con
sumed the time until the morning hour
expired and the bill went over.
The house then took up the bill to cod
ify the pension laws and the bill was
passed. Just before 2 o'clock public busi
ness was suspended and eulogies were
heard on the late Representative G. B.
Shaw, of Wisconsin. Tributes were paid
by Shaw's successor, Griffin, by Lynch,
Copper, Babcock and Somers of Wiscon
sin, Baker of New Hampshire, Cousins
of Iowa, Ellis of Oregon, Henderson of
Iowa, Cannon of Illinois, and Haughen
of Wisconsin. Then, as a further mark
of respect, the house, at 355, adjourned.
Investigating Charges Made Against
the Nominee for n. Jndgship.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. Hill and Piatt,
sitting as a subcommittee of the senate
committee on judiciary, today heard the
statements" of Mr. "McAdoo" in substantia
tion, of his charges against the Hon. C.
D. Clark, the nominee for the office of
district judge in the eastern and middle
districts of Tennessee; and also state
ments by W. H. Barr, who Is McAdoo's
law partner, and Attorney McClure, of
New York, partner of the law firm of
Turner, McClure & Ralston, who appeared
for the Farmers' Loan & Trust Com
pany. These witnesses were all opposed
to Mr. Clark, who was represented at the
hearing by his law partner, the Hon. Fos
ter V. Brown, and by other friends,
though not present himself. The charge
made is that of unprofessional conduct
growing out of the case of W. D. Davis
vs. the Fanners' Loan & Trust Company
and the Chattanooga Union Railway Com
pany, In which the firm of Clark & Brown
is alleged to have appeared for both sides
of the controversy. There was an allow
ance to the firm in this matter, which is
criticised by the parties making the
charges as a gross fraud which no court
of conscience would countenance, and the
conduct of the firm is characterized as a
breach of professional ethics which can
not be too severely condemned. The
friends of Judge Clark, who were present,
presented the members of the committee
with copies of the opinions of Judges Lur
ton and Key, before whom these charges
were officially made, entirely exonerating
the firm and making Its defense entirely
upon the line upon which the defense was
made In court. Mr. McAdoo's friends are
directing their plea especially toward pre
vailing upon the committee to accept new
testimony, and not to depend entirely upon
the record of the Tennessee court pro
ceedings against Judge Clark. They as
sert that if the case Is reopened, they
will be able to add important testimony.
B.B. Forest, J. E. Humphreys and H. W.
McAdams addressed the house committee
on territories today In favor of the ad
mission of Oklahoma to statehood. Thom
as Norwell, of Alaska, requested the com
mittee to recommend the passage of a
bill allowing the territory of Alaska a
delegate in congress.
Such. a. Division of the House Among
the Probabilities.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12. What may re
sult In a division of the house on strictly
sectional lines, will be an order from the
committee on rules next week, fixing the
time for the consideration of a bill to pay
certain Southern war claims. A bill pro
viding for the settlement of the claims
offcltlzens In both Ncrthern and Southern
states was reported some time ago from
the committee on war claims, and is now
on the house calendar. Some of the mem
bers of this committee learned yesterday
that another bill, which looks only to the
payment of Southern claims, and which
did not originate with their committee, is
the one of which the committee on rules
will take cognizance. The war claims
committee members are considerably ex
ercised over the matter, and an effprt will
be made when the rule is reported, as It is
expected It will be on Monday or Tuesday
of next week, to defeat it, their argument
being that the bill reported from their
committee Is fairly and Impartially drawn,
and the only measure that ought to pass
the house. Some quiet missionary work
was done on the floor of the house yester
day by certain members of the war claims
committee looking to the presence In their
seats next week, when the order is re
ported, of as many Northern men both
republicans and democrats as can be
counted upon to antagonize the action of
the committee on rules.
To Prevent Collisions at Sea.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. Secretary Car
lisle today sent to the senate the draft cf
a bill amending the laws for preventing
collisions at sea. The general purpose
of the bill Is to establish regulations for
preventing collisions In harbors, rivers,
lakes and inland waters of the United
States, to accord, as far as possible, with
the International regulations, which will
; go into effect March L next, and also in
accord with certain regulations now in
torce upon these waters. The secretary,
therefore, urges the passage of the bill
before the date mentioned. Harris subse
quently introduced the bill in the senate.
Seed Asked for Xebraakn. Formers.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. In the house
today Kem of Nebraska presented a reso
lution asking the secretary of agriculture
to give to the drought-stricken regions
of the Northwest as much as possible of
the quota of seeds allowed to him, the
distribution to be made through the regu
larly appointed relief committees of the
several states, but objection was made to
its present consideration, and it was re
ferred. The Fortification Bill.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. The fortifica
tion bill, as reported back to the senate to
day, made a net Increase of only $56,500
over the house bill. The estimate called
for almost $1,500,000 and the house granted
The Miners Xcnr Gloucester
Nuked and Hungry.
COLUMBUS. O., Jan. 12. Despite the
low temperature and blinding snow, the
mass meeting at Gloucester this after
noon, for the purpose of devising means
to provide for the destitute miners, was
well attended by people from all of tho
surrounding distrlcts.who knr w the condi
tions and realize that the time for prompt
action is at hand. Oakdale, Hollister,
Mine No. 10, Mud Fork, Trimble, Jackson
ville and numerous other districts were
well represented. The following plaintive
plea to the public, which was read at the
meeting, graphically describes the situa
tion: "The people are naked and hungry, and
it is your place to see that they have
shelter and food. It Is your place to do for
them all that within your power lies.
If one drop of the mild milk of human
kindness courses through your veins, you
will open your heart and purse to these
distressed brethren. Sympathy Is not what
they need and must have it is food and
The merchants at Gloucester, as in many
other districts, have exhausted their re
sources. They can do nothing more in the
way of relieving the distress, and are com
pelled to listen to touching appeals of the
hungry without being able to respond. The
local missionaries and religious organiza
tions have exhausted all their resources,
and say it Is absolutely impossible for
them to do more, but they say, without
hesitation, that the miners must have re
lief at once. Phoenix Mine No. 2, employ
ing 300 miners, is dividing its work so that
each man Is given four days a month,
which nets him about -$8 to provide for
himself and family. A visit to these
homes brings to light cases of the most
extreme poverty imaginable, and strong
men have broken down and wept at the
scenes encountered there.
Before the meeting adjourned appropri
ate action was taken, and It it believed
that the needy will now be cared for. At
Gloucester last night, at a meeting in the
Methodist church, during prayers, a
scene was enacted which was pathetic In
the extreme. The occupants of a. j?ew had
knelt in prayer, and one woman -was rest
ing her head 'on the, pew seat, apparent
ly in communion after prayers. When the
congregation arose, she remained silent.
A short time elapsed and she still re
mained in the same position. An exam
ination was made by the other occupants
of the seat, when it was discovered that
she had fainted from hunger. Tender
hands earned her to her home, and her
wants were looked after.
In the vicinity of Readville there are
about 200 families who have barely enough
food to keep them alive, and unless they
receive relief soon, this poverty will lead
to dire distress, which the business men
say they will not be responsible for, be
cause they are unable themselves to af
ford any relief. They even claim they are
in almost as desperate straits as the starv
ing miners, one miner declares that his
family has been subsisting on cornbread
made of corn mashed with flatirons. The
miners there are only making $7 or $S
per month. A committee will call upon
the governor Monday and appeal for aid.
The carload of provisions sent by Govern
or McKinley to Nelsonvllle has been
nearly exhausted. Delegations from other
points have been given a portion of these
supplies. The Hocking Valley road has
agreed to transport all contributions of
supplies free of charge.
Town of Wlieatlond, in California,
Badly Damaged.
WHEATLAND, Cal., Jan. 12. Fire
cleaned out a large pcrtion of the town to
night. The postoffice, the Wheatland
hotel, the Central hotel, the Gem saloon,
Duplex's barber shop and residence were
entirely consumed. The loss is estimated
at about $15,0C0 or $20,000. There Is little
Insurance. The fire originated In a board
er's room in the Central hotel, but just
how is not known. There was no injury
to persons, but the loss to the lady post
mistress and William Amick in property
was heavy. The new depot and the block
opposite were saved by the heroic work
of the citizens. The Odd Fellows were
holding a banquet at the time of the fire,
and everybody worked in his Sunday
A Tourist Sleeper Burned.
OMAHA, Jan. 12. A tourist sleeper on
the Union Pacific's through passenger
train was burned last night near Lex
ington. The fire spread with remarkable
rapidity, and the seven passengers had
little time to escape. Nearly every article
of hand baggage was destroyed, as well
as the bedding and furniture. It Is be
lieved the fire was caused by the heater'
or by a small cookstove.
Business Houses Burned.
KAUKANA. Wis.. Jan. 12. This city
was visited by a $35,000 fire this morning,
that cut a big swath in the business
blocks of Second street. Llndauer, Falack
& Rupert's thiee blocks were destroyed,
together with considerable of their con
tents. An Ohio Town Burning.
WHEELING, W. Va., Jan. 12. Mayor
Caldwell has received a telegram from
Barnesville, O., stating that the business
part of the town is burning, and asking
for aid from the fire department.
They Don't Want McKenzlc.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. The West Pres
byterian church committee, appointed to
select a pulpit successor to the Rev. Dr.
John R. Paxton, has passed on the merits
of Rev. Dr. McKenzie, of San Francisco,
who preached two Sundays on trial. Dr.
McKenzie, it is stated, will not be called.
The Rev. Mr. Gunsaulus, of Chicago,
whose congregation is one of the largest
in that city, is now being discussed as a
A Victim of tliff Tunnel Collision.
OAKLAND, Cal., Jan. 12. Miss Nellie
Wilson, of New York, who was a. passen
ger on the Los Angeles express while In
collision at Altamont tunnel a week ago,
Is now lying at Berkeley In a cntlcal con
dition, resulting from the shock to her
: nerves through the collision.
Thousands Attend the San Fran
cisco Citizens' Meeting.
They Are Forcible and to the Point,
Showing the Teople Have Been
Thoroughly Aroused.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12. Citizens re
sponded by thousands to Sutro's call for
a mass meeting to protest against the
appointment of Mose Gunst as police com
missioner, to denounce United States At
torney Knight for his refusal to issue
a warrant for the arrest of C. P. Hunt
ington for a violation of the interstate
commerce law, and to denounce the frauds
that were committed at the last election.
Metropolitan hall was crowded to the
doors and thousands of people were
turned away. The meeting was very
business-like. Representative citizens
were there; speeches were made by promi
nent men, and appropriate resolutions
were adopted. The resolutions adopted
denounce C. P. Huntington as a self-confessed
briber, and acuse him of taking
$56,000,000 from English Stockholders In
the Central Pacific. A solemn protest is
entered against the passage of the fund
ing bill, and the speaker of the house is
appealed to to protect the people of Cali
fornia by refusing to give a special order
for a day to the Pacific railroad commit
tee. Each Individual member of congress
is appealed to not to overlook 200,000 pro
tests against this bill filed by inhabitants
of the Pacific coast. The resolutions de
mand that the legal authorities of the
United States in this judicial district
shall issue a warrant for the arrest o
Huntington. The president Is appealed to
to see that justice is done and that he
demand that Attorney Knight and Com
missioner Heacock do their full duty
under the law, or that they be removed
from the offices that they are disgracing
and degrading. The other resolutions de
nounce ex-Governor Markham as the tool
of the Southern Pacific, and the anoint
ment of Mose Gunst as police commis
sioner Is characterized as a burning shama
and disgrace to the respectable portion o
the community. It was resolved that a
committee of three be appointed to wait
upon Gunst and request him to resign
the office of police commissioner; also,
that a committee of 11 be appointed to
effect a permanent organization to act
with other organizations of like character
in securing the reforms so earnestly desired-
Gnnst Asks ai Trial.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan.12.-M. A. Gunst,
recently appointed police commissioner of
this city, in reply to criticisms on his ap
pointment, says he feels confident those
who now criticise him will shortly see
they are mistaken, and that many promi
nent citizens have already come forward
and personally testified their good-will
toward him.
The Various Clubs and Committees
"Will Continue Their Work.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. The members o
the legislative committee of the City Club
met last night to consider reform meas
ures. They remained In session four
hours. A resolution was adopted to ap
point a committee of five to consider legis
lation affecting the police department. The
question of the proposed plan of the com
mittee of 70, for reorganizing the minor
criminal courts, was referred to a com
mittee of three. State Senator O'Connor,
president pro tem. of the senate, called
on Mayor Strong yesterday. While he was
with the mayor, Speaker Hamilton Fish,
of the assembly, came in. Mr. Fish had
never met Golonel Strong before and the
senator accordingly introduced the two
distinguished republicans to each other.
When they were leaving, Speaker Fish
said of his visit:
"I called to pay my respects to the
mayor, and to say to him that the legis
lature will uphold his administration. Wo
did not discuss any particulars. The
power of removal bill will be sent to
Mayor Strong as soon as it is pre
pared, and I have no doubt that, if he ap
proves it, it will be passed without de
lay." John J. Ryan, president of the board of
police justices, with Corporation Counsel
Clark, had a long conference with the
mayor yesterday. Corporation Counsel
Clark said they discussed ordinances for
the care of streets. The mayor directed
Justice Ryan to notify the justices to
be stringent in punishing offenders.
Oklolioma Xeeds n Lexow.
GUTHRIE, O. T., Jan. 12. The presi
dent of the Oklahoma agricultural and
mechanical college has tendered his resig
nation to the governor, declaring he could
not stay with the institution because of
corruption in the management. The re
gents, he says, have drawn thousands of
dollars apiece for mileage and expenses.
Incompetent and Ignorant political work
ers have been put on the faculty at high
salaries, useless offices created for friend3
and relatives, and fully $50,000 squandered
In three years. The president was elected
only a few months ago, coming from the
Maryland college.
A. Voice, Apparently HI Own,
rounds Him to Murder.
BINGHAMTON, N. Y., Jan. 12. The po
lice authorities of this city are somewhat
puzzled over a case of alleged hypnotic
influence. Daniel Mesklll, who lives with
his wife at 31 Robinson street, appeared
before Recorder Roberts and asked to be
locked up, fearing that he would kill him
self or some one else. Mesklll says he
came to this city from Ware, Mass., about
18 months ago, to escape a hypnotic influ
ence which has controlled him for the
past two years. At times he could dis
tinctly hear a voice, seemingly his own,
commanding him to do something against
his will. Once, he says, he was told to
commit murder. Coming to this city, he
succeeded In shaking off the influence for
a few days, but soon, he says, the terri
ble hypnotic influence was again exerted
over him. After describing his case to
the recorder and the chief of police, he
was placed In a cell. He had about $160
on his person, and claims to have $4000 In
Blnghamton banks. He wishes no ex
pense spared for his welfare. Meskill'3
wife, who is away on a visit, will return
tomorrow, and he says he Intends to sail
with her for Ireland, where his mother 13
living, in the hope of shaking off his evil
Over Two Millions More Gone.
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. The expected
shipment of $500,000 In gold by Hoskier,
Wood & Co. today was reduced to $500,
000. Lazard Freres shipped $1,000,000, mak-
1 ing a total of $2,100,000.