The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 06, 1895, Page 16, Image 16

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mr. mm AS ISSDE
Trro Proposed Sew City Charters
Lighting? tlie City Mr. Foley In
dulges in. More "Wild Talk.
Charles K. Henry and James Foley were
responsible for a good deal of the dis
cussion that took place in the meeting of
the Committee of One Hundred yesterdav
afternoon. The former said something
about city charter amendments, when
some one else remarked that Joseph
Simon was getting vp a charter himself.
This statement was sufficient to bring
such an ultra reformer as Henry to his
feet In a tirade, from which even the
committee itself did not escape. The in
troduction of the subject gave Mr. Foley
opportunity to make his usual wild asser
tions concerning the police department,
the police commission and the corrupt
receipt of money. The attendance at the
meeting yesterday was not so large as
usual, only 15 members being present,
but those who were there had plenty to
listen to, if nothing to say.
The first business to be transacted after
reading of the minutes, was the disposal
of a motion by Mr. Henry, submitted at
the previous meeting, regarding the re
vision of the executive committee. It
was Anally agreed that the committee
as now constituted, should continue to act
until further action be taken.
A. report upon the expense of the police
department during the month of Novem
ber, laid over from last meeting, show
ing that while it was claimed that a re
duction of 10 in the number of the force
had been made, there was no correspond
ing decrease in expense, was placed on
Mr. T. X. Strong was satisfied that some
thing should be done to reduce the ex
penses of the police department. He
could not see the expediency of discharg
ing one man and hiring another, as that
was simply a matter of names. He there
fore moved that it was the sense of the
Committee of One Hundred that the ex
pense of the police department should,
by a proper reduction In the pay of of
ficers and detectives, be reduced at least
20 per cent.
Mr. Teesdale It ought to be seen to that
the reduction be made in the proper place.
Ten patrolmen are laid off, but the chiefs
salary is raised, and an extra captain
and detective employed. A proviso should
e made in the resolution that the pay of
the chief, captains and detectives be re
duced. Tyler "Woodward We have a mayor
who has appointed a board of police com
missioners. It is said we were having
the business of the city conducted in a
Imsln ess-like manner. Now. if he ha3 got
a police commission that is not com
petent to run police affairs, we cannot
walk in promiscuously and dictate in de
tail what should be done; but we can ask
the mayor to remove the commissioners,
and appoint men who will be competent.
The motion of Mr. Strong was adopted,
and a copy ordered to be furnished the
mayor and board of police commissioners.
Mr. II. W. Scott, chairman of the ex
ecutive committee, presented the follow
ing report, which adopted, and the
secretary instructed to furnish the mayor
and common council with copies
"To the Committee of One Hundred:
The report of the committee on electric
lights was heretofore referred to the ex
ecutive committee, with directions to con
sider the same and to make to the gen
eral committee such recommendations as
it might deem appropriate. A careful ex
amination of the report leads the execu
tive committee to believe that it contains
some errors. These have been corrected.
"IVe find that the cost of lighting the
cities named below, as near as we can
estimate, is as follows:
Kansas City
Portland ...
Tacoma ....
Oakland ....
X.os Angeles
Spokane ....
1175,0001$ 47,600.00$0.33
132,000 70,
-J5.000 3S,
05,000 75,
19.296.00j 0.771S
"The figures given above show the
amount expended by this city In 1S93. For
the past year the amount expended by the
city for electric lighting was SS3.490 S3, or
51 2S per capita.
'From the foregoing statement it is ap
parent that the city of Portland Is now
paying a much larger sum according to
its population than any of the cities from
which reports have been received. No
complaint is made as to the price paid
for the number or quality of the lights
cctually la use. "We have, however, too
many lights, and the number should be
reduced at least 25 per cent. The con
tract already executed providing for light
ing the city for two years, from April 2,
3S95, contains a clause authorizing a re
duction of 25 per cent from the number
of lights in use on that date, and we
earnestly recommend tnat advantage be
taken of this option."
Mr. Henry here asked to be Informed
j egarding the new city charter, which the
committee had prepered. as it was nearly
time for the legislature to meet, and there
peemed to be nothing done. Secretary
Mulr stated he hud the first proof now
in his hands, and expected to have the
printed copy In a. day or two.
Mr. Strong then gravely announced that
Sir. Joseph Simon, state senator, was also
preparing .a new charter for Portland, a
principal feature of which would be a
board- of public works.
Mr. James Foley (excitedly) "What
right has Joe Simon to make a charter?
I'll keep my eye on Mr. Joe Simon!
Mr. Strong I can only say that I
have an entire distrust in Mr. Simon and
his charter.
Mr. Henry Which charter will pass
the legislature?
Mr. Strong Joe has the inside track.
Chairman Corbett It may be better
to wait, see the twe charters, and com
pare them. Mr. Simon may be willing to
adopt some of our provisions, and. :f
there are good measures in his bill, we
can Indorse them. Mr. Simon Is under
the impression that it Is better for the
city to have a board of public works,
while in the charter proposed by this
committee full power is vested in the
Mr. H. W. Scott I can say with per
fect confidence that If r.ny member of
this committee can suggest any further
economy to be made, those of "the legis
lative delegation, interested in preparing
a now charter, will be willing to adopt it.
1 am certain that it is the disposition of
the legislative members to place things
In such share regarding the administration
of county and city affairs as to give us
the most economical government possible.
I feel quite prepared to assure this com
mittee that our members of the legislature
will reduce salaries and cut off abuses
now existing. Their opinion entirely co
incides with that e pressed here. There
is no need to attack men or their mo
tives, or to express in advance a distrust
as to their possible action. All are Inter
ested in giving us good government, and
the best way of bringing it about.
Tyler "Woodward I believe three men will
be better than one for a board of public
works. What the motive Is in having such
a board I don't know, and the manner
of forming such a board may be criticised.
The city would be better served to have
the mayor appoint such board, or have
the members elected. I am opposed to al
lowing them to be legislated into office,
as that is not in the Interest of the gen
eral public but more for the purpose
of preserving a political power. The man
ner of organizing a board of public works
Is most Important. I do not think that
the members of such board should be
named in the bill, as some other way
would be preferable. Let the mayor ap
point such a board and let the responsibil
ity rest on him. He cannot shirk it, and
it would be child's play to say otherwise.
If his appointments did not prove satis
factory to him. he could say "Gentlemen,
you have proved recreant to your trust,
and can step out." I do not think the
police commission was appointed In the
best interest of the city, but more in the
interest of one or more individuals.
Mr. Strong That brings the discussion
down to where I want to say something.
It Is evident that the appointments are
made by the police commissioners to pay
political debts. Mr. Joseph Simon may be
a close student of municipal affairs, but
not to the real interest of the city, and
I do not think it safe to let him have
the naming of a board of public works.
I am opposed to all kinds of commissions
and boards of public works. The whole
effort of this Committee of One Hundred
has been to bring this city down to busi
ness principles. I do not believe that this
committee thinks that Abe TIchener was
the best man for a police captain, or that
the appointment of Fitch as harbor police
man was for the good of the city, or that
the best man had been selected for the
place. I am distrustful of this new char
ter. I am willing to accept all that is
good in it They will give to the public
all that the crack of the whip demands.
We are now at the critical point, and we
should closely examine this Joe Simon
charter. If the names of members of the
board of public works are to be named
in this charter, this committee should
have some say In naming the members. It
would even be better for the water com
mittee If Mr. Corbett or Mr. Failing was
at the head of it with power to say, "I
am responsible."
Chairman Corbett I do not think we
ought to indicate that we are cracking
the whip over the head of anyone to make
him do certain things. Mr. Simon and I
had a conversation regarding the provi
sions of the new charter, and he concurred
with me in every measure looking to a
reduction of the public expense. He Is
a taxpayer, and is interested in reducing
taxes. I think we ought to give him, as
a senator, and other members of the legis
lative delegation, an opportunity to exam
ine the provisions of the charter we pro
pose. I want to take the best of the two
charters and make one out of that which
commends itself to our best judgment.
Mr. Foley These'members of a board of
public works are to work without pay. I
know police commissioners who get $500
a month,
Tlyer Woodward Who?
Mr. Foley Never mind. I know.
Chairman Corbett I will have to call
the gentleman to order, unless Mr. Foley
has some proof of what he says. Many
charges have been made before, about the
water committee, which proved to be
Mr. Foley then amended his statement
so as not to reflect on the present police
commissioners, but maintained It was cor
rect In reference to some of their prede
cessors. Mr. Strong It Is thoroughly understood
that some of the past police commission
ers were corrupt men and that their acts
would verify that belief.
Mr. Foley I know what I am talking
about. A friend of mine wanted to be a
policeman. I let him have $140, and that
money went into the pockets of the police
Mr. Strong I think that just now the
police are living on their salaries, but it
is the crack of the whip that does it.
Chairman Corbett These wholesale
charges made without proof and by Inuen
does without regard to facts simply in
jure this committee, and leave the peo
ple to feel that we are making charges
that are not reliable. I understood the
remarks of Mr. Foley to Indicate reference
to the present police commissioners. 1
asked him to be particular in his state
ment, so that he need not complain of
being incorrectly reported, as he has be
fore done. We lose influence in this re
spect, and I want to protect the commit
tee so that when a statement is made it
can be sustained; If not, the people will
lose confidence in us and we may as well
abandon the committee. The rule adopt
ed is, in making charges, to present them
In writing and have them referred to the
executive committee for examination.
The remarks of Chairman Corbett ap
parently nettled Mr. Henry, who reviewed
the organization of the Committee of One
Hundred, and he had come to the con
clusion it was simply a farce. Now,
what he was dreading was that the city
would have thrust on it a cut-and-dried
charter. Mr. Henry also referred to the
time of the meeting of the republican
state convention, when Mr. Corbett was
a delegate, and was amazed to see that
he had given Joseph Simon his proxy in
that meeting
Chairman Corbett (with asperity) "I
wish to say that at the time of the hold
ingoftlieconvention.I was ill, and gave Mr.
Simon my proxy. I want to say now that
I consider Mr. Simon one of the ablest
men we have to legislate for us; I want
to say that I think Mr. Simon will use
every effort to reduce our taxation. I do
not say that he Is perfect neither do I
want to say that I am. When It comes to
an election, I do not know any of us who
are perfect. We are liable to be biased in
preference to some men. I think if we
should hold a special meeting next week
for the purpose of comparing the two pro
posed charters, it would be desirable."
Mr. Henry (sarcastically) "If Joe Simon
is so able, so competent to prepare a
charter, what is the use of this commit
tee doing anything. Let's qtilt."
Chairman Corbett "If Mr. Henry thinks
the committee is not accomplishing any
thing he had better not come to the
meetings any more."
Mr. Henry moved that the committee
hold a special meeting next Wednesday
afternoon to consider the two charters.
Mr. Scott explained that the main point
of difference was in the matter of hav
ing a board of public works, as provided
in the charter being prepared by Mr.
Simon; while the committee's charter pro
Aided that all the departments of the city
be operated by the mayor, through one
head to each department. "The charter
being prepared by Mr. Simon will be
found just as economical as ours," said
Mr. Scott, "but if It Is not, he and the
other members of the delegation are will
ing to Insert in their charter anything
that we may deem best to secure needed
reformation. This. I think, can be
Mr. T. N. Strong then introduced the
following resolution, which was unanim
ously adopted:
"Whereas, Doubts have arisen in re
gard to tne canvas of the votes for the
selection of school books, just made, and
"Whereas, It is desirable that time be
given for a full examination of the votes
cast before any binding contract shall
be entered into; be it
"Resolved. That the governor of the
state be requested to postpone the execu
tion of any contract until time be given
for a careful examination of such ballots
and of the legal questions arising In the
canvass thereof.'
Mr. J. N. Teal, introduced the following:
"Be it resolved by the Committee of
One Hundred that the common council
and committees and commissions having
control of public work, be requested to
adopt the following rules in the treat
ment of employes, and the letting of con
tracts for public works:
"L The engagement, retention or dis
charge of employes shall not be for politi
cal reasons, or on account of politics.
No dismissals shall be made except for
"2. The maintenance of public build
ings, places or grounds shall not be let
to contract, but be by labor employed
directly by the city.
"3. Abolish sub-letting and sub-contracting,
except where contracts are taken
involving different kinds of trades and
"4. Require from every contractor bid
ding on public work, a stipulation that
he will pay such rate of wages, and ob
serve such hours of labor, as are gener
ally accepted as fair in the trade or class
of labor to be employed on the contract,
under a sufficient penalty for a breach of
the agreement.
"5. That in every contract let by the
city there be a clause incorporated, to the
effect that men employed under the con
tract will be permitted to board, lodge and
trade where they choose."
The resolution provoked considerable
debate, some portions of it not meeting
the -views of those present. That refer
ring to the maintenance of public build
ings was opposed generally from the fact
that it was cheaper to contract for some
things than to allow the city to do the
work. This was particularly the case in
the matter of heating and lighting the
new city hall, which work had been con
tracted for at a sum far less than that
for which the city could have done the
work. This rule and No. 4 were stricken
out, and the resolution was then adopted
as amended.
Mr. Teesdale spoke in favor of the
adoption of the resolution. He said: "I
do not hesitate one moment to say that
one-half of the workmen in the city have
to put up for their jobs. I could make
some astonishing statements, and I never
say anything but what is true. One man,
a Dutchman, sought employment at the
water works, but was refused. Just then
two Irishmen came along, and, being pro
vided with the proper credentials, were
set to work. The Dutchman went to them
to find out where they had got the mystic
payer so xhat he could buy one, too.
Workmen are taxed from $10 to $20 each
for a job, and If Messrs. McNeill, Kohler
or Fulton would examine right down into
it they would find what was going on.
I have begged men to tell of this treat
ment, but they don't care to."
Mr. Teesdale was asked if he knew if
his statement was true regarding any one
employed by the city, and he said he
did not refer to them. It was men em
ployed by the railroad corporations. The
committee did not think it had any power
over such matters, and the subject was
The committee then adjourned to meet
next Wednesdeay afternoon, when the
two charters will be under consideration.
The Dale of the Pacific Xortkircst
Convention Is Determined.
The different committees of the Fruit
growers' convention elected lately by the
citizens of Portland, met yesterday after
noon at the rooms of the board of hor
ticulture and talked over the work in
hand. Mr. Ellis G. Hughes presided, and
there was a full attendance. The commit
tees appreciate the importance of having
the members of the American Pomologlcal
Society present to add interest to the con
vention, and it was decided to use all
means to secure that end. That society
will adjourn at Sacramento, January IS,
Dr. J. Guy Louis and Professor E. R.
Lake will attend, being members and
well acquainted with the leading men,
and will ascertain as soon as possible at
what date they can come to Portland. It
was decided to fix the date at January
28, with possibility the convention may be
called sooner. If word Is received from Dr.
Lewis to that effect, In which case the
information will be telegraphed to all
parts of the Pacific Northiyest In time to
give notice of the change. A committee
on finance was appointed to canvass Port
land as soon as possible, to secure means
to give a suitable reception to both the
fruitgrowers of the Northwest and the
Eastern and California visitors. This com
mittee consists of Messrs. Buell Lamber
son, L. M. Spiegl. H. E. Battln, S. A.
Clarke and F. H. Page, and will commence
work next Monday.
It Is considered by the fruitgrowers as
very Important that a fruit exhibit shall
be prepared to do justice to the great ad
vantages Oregon possesses, and make
known the excellence of the state's prod
ucts to those Eastern experts. This ex
hibit should include all dried fruits and
winter fruits and vegetables. Whatever
the country can produce should be here
to speak for itself. This Is regarded as an
opportunity to benefit the country at
large, and fruitgrowers in particular, that
should be made the most of. It is hoped
that very favorable terms can be secured
from the railroad companies to suit the
times, and not exceed the means of fruit
growers, so that they will come here from
the entire Northwest.
Mr. H. B. Wattis, a railroad contractor,
of Astoria, Is In the city.
Judge W. R. Dunbar, of Goldendale, is
registered at the St. Charles.
Mr. H. B. Parker, the veteran Astoria
hotel man and capitalist, is at the Es
mond. Messrs. A. T. and A. G. Gilbert, promi
nent citizens and business men of Salem,
are in the city.
Mr. W. A. Rhea, son of the president
of the First National bank, of Heppner,
Is in the city, accompanied by his wife.
Mr. A. C. Woodcock, a prominent at
torney, of Eugene, and member of the
state board of equalization, is at the
Mr. John Doyle, a well-known Union Pa
cific engineer, returned yesterday from
California, where he has been spending
a vacation of three weeks.
W. H. Hurlburt, general passenger
agent, and B. Campbell, general freight
agent of the Oregon Railway & Naviga
tion Company, will return this morning
from a trip over the line.
Mr. H. V. Gates, of Hlllsboro, representative-elect
from Washington county,
arrived on the delayed O. R. & N. train
last evening, after spending four days in
the snow-drift of the Cascades.
Mr. Robert G. Smith, a prominent at
torney of Grant's Pass, and representative-elect
from Josephine county, is at
the Imperial. He fs a native-born Ore
gonian, and a rising young man. His
friends predict that he will make a record
for himself in the coming session of the
Secretary of State George W. McBride
arrived from the East on the Northern
Pacific train which reached Portland at 1
o'clock yesterday morning, and left on
the evening train for the capital, accom
panied by his brother. Judge T. A. Mc
Bride, of Oregon City. Mr. McBride has
been absent three months on a trip for
his health, and has been greatly im
proved by it. He was very tired from his
long journey yesterday, and but few call
ers were admitted to his apartments at
the St. Charles.
Tonight will be the closing performance
of the well-known and favorite drama,
"Montezuma," presented by Mr. French's
o n dramatic company, at Cordray's new
theater. The house was filled last night
with a well-pleased audience, which
greeted Mr. and Mrs. French with much
applause whenever they appeared on the
stage. The play was well patronized dur
ing the week, despite snow storms, and
Mr. French and his company proved them
selves worthy of the gcod patronage they
received from Portland theater-goers.
313 AVashinprton Street, Are Sellins:
21 pounds granulated sugar. 51 oo
1-pound can Royal baking powder.... 45
French peas, per can 35
Table peaches, per can 15
Table pears, per can 15
3 cans peas, corn, or tomatoes 25
2 cans St. Charles cream 25
Full-weight soap, per bos 0
Delayed Trains Arrive on AH Roads
Suburban Lines All Open
Storm. Xevrs.
The steady downpour of rain that fol
lowed the great snow storm proved a
blessing in disguise to snowbound Port
land. Friday night and nearly all day
yesterday it came down, honeycombing
the huge drifts that blockaded the streets
and filling the sewers with a flood of
muddy water that tested their capacity.
Avalanches of water-soaked snow came
crashing Into the streets from sloping
roofs, icicles rattled down from under the
eaves, and caked ice from telegraph poles
and wires fell on every side. Southerly
winds and higher temperature helped to
lessen the volume of snow. The thaw was
rapid, but the volume of snow was so
great that even now there is enough left
on the principal streets to make good
sleighing In case of a sudden freeze-up.
But the general paralysis that business
has suffered since Wednesday noon last
Is gradually wearing off, and street traf
fic Is again fast approaching the normal.
The blockade Is lifted from the several
street-car systems, and cars are running
on schedule time to nearly every suburban
An Immense volume of water has been
poured Into the Willamette during the
past few days, causing a rise so rapid
and threatening that business men along
the river front became alarmed and
poured inquiries into the weather bureau
as to the possibility of a freshet. There
is no danger of anything resembling a
flood, they were speedily informed, as the
river was at an extremely low stage when
the storm commenced, and there has not
been enough precipitation, even If it all
found its way into the river within a week,
to cause serious trouble. To ease the pub
lic mind, however, the weather bureau
secured gauge-readings from Important
points on the upper river yesterday, with
the following showing:
Reading Change
4 P. M. in 10 hrs.
Eugene S.2 .4 fall
Albany 17.0 .5 fall
Salem 18.2 .2 rise
Oregon City (above falls).11.3 .3 rise
Oregon City(below falls).19.6 1.6 rise
At Portland the reading was taken at 11
A. M., and was 10.8 feet, or a rise of 3.4
feet during the preceding 24 hours.
The condition of the streets in the busi
ness district was much improved yester
day. The rain and thaw cleared away the
snow much more rapidly than 10,000 shov
elers could have done it, and the shovel
brigade was practically dispensed with.
The vigilance of the police kept the side
walks clear, and travel on foot was pos
sible. Very few accidents in the way of
crushing roofs and awnings were re
ported. Sleighing is practically at an end.
By noon yesterday every street-car line
in the city had been dug from the snow
and was running cars on good time. The
bridges had all been freed from snow,
wires repaired, and everything resumed
its normal condition. The Portland &
Vancouver division of the Portland Con
solidated company is still somewhat out
of order, and cars are being run only as
far as Woodlawn. The trouble is on the
long trestle over Columbia slough, where
14 trolley-wire poles were broken down
under the weight of snow. They are
being replaced as rapidly as possible.
The wires are down to A'ancouver, and It
is impossible to learn whether the Columbia-river
ferryboat is running.
The weather-forecaster predicts cooler
weather for todajv-yith light, occasional
rains. The storm ft,has disappeared into
the Northeast, and a steadily rising bar
ometer seems to Indicate an early return
of fair weather.
The various branches of the City &
Suburban car line on the East Side were
in operation yesterday and the cars prac
tically running on time. Cars were run
ning to Woodlawn, Richmond and Mount
Tabor Villa, and the Alblna system was
fully restored. Usual time was made on
the East Side railway to South Mount
Tabor and to Oregon City.
No further damage was reported to
buildings on the East Side. Disrupted
wires in the business districts are about
all restored. In the suburbs the electric
light service has not yet been restored,
but probably will be next week. Destruc
tion of fruit trees around Mount Tabor
is reported to be considerable. Young
trees, however, are not so badly damaged
as the older ones. The fine prune orchard
of Chauncey Ball, at Mount Tabor, evi
dently has Deen badly damaged.
Quite a number of residents from Pleas
ant Home and vicinity were detained ip
the city by the storm, and yesterday
concluded to start home. They left in the
morning, and hoped to get through by
evening. The roads are very bad, and
their progress would be very slow.
The Western Union wires are up again
and all points are now reached by tele
graph, except Astoria, and a few small
towns north and southwest. In one or
two places, near to Portland, the tele
graph Instruments, which are very deli
cately constructed, have been burned out
by foreign currents of great power com
ing in contact with the telegraph wires.
Such points will be open for business as
rapidly as new instruments can be fur
nished, such time only depending on the
ability of the railroads to transport the
necessary supplies to replace those burned
During the snow storm of the last few
days the Postal Telegraph Company has
managed to keep up communication in
all directions. At no time has it been en
tirely cut off from the outside world.
Sleet is the cause of more trouble on
telegraph wires than any other phase of
bad weather, and a large force of line
men has been out in all directions shak
ing the wires to keep them free from
The blockade on the Oregon Railway &
Navigation line has been raised, and trains
today will be running on schedule time.
The snowbound through train, with two
days' mail, passengers and express, from
the East, arrived at the central passenger
station at 7 o'clock last evening. This
was the first train to come in over this
line since Wednesday. A train following
it will arrive at S o'clock this morning,
with Saturday's and Sunday's passengers
and mail. All trains have been arriving
and departing from points east of, and
including The Dalles, on schedule time.
The conductor on last night's train re
ported the snow was from S to 30 feet
deep between The Dalles and Troutdale.
There were six feet on a level at Bonne
ville, and four feet at The Dalles. Two
large rotary snow plows were used in
opening the line, and In some Instances,
on account of wet snow and ice, six large
engines were necessary to push the plows.
The second plow was sent from La Grande
on a special train. Superintendent O'Brien
and Mr. T. W. Lee personally superintend
ed the work of clearing the track west
of The Dalles. The passengers on the
delayed train were properly fed and cared
J for at the company's expense. All re
ported excellent treatment, and were loud
in their praises of the company's officials.
The steamer Harvest Queen, which left
Portland ot 5 o'clock yesterday morning, to
go to the relief of the snowbound passen
gers, had an unusually hard time In get
ting up the river. At times the steamer s
crew were obliged to get off and dig the
ice away from the boat. The steamer
reached Oneonta at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon, a trip that ordinarily consumes
about four hours. She tied up there, and
will return to this city this morning.
The plows did such excellent work that
i the train, was released earlier than Super
intendent O'Brien anticipated. No. 2, the
eastbound through train, left last night
at 11 o'clock, with a rotary plow In ad
vance, and no further trouble Is antici
pated. The wire along the Jlne was down
last night, but it is expected it will be
entirely repaired today.
The Southern Pacific's through train
from California, which should nave been
here Friday morning, came in at S:20 yes
terday morning. She could have been
brought In before daylight, but was held
back to run according to the regular
card. The train due yesterday morning
came in at 11 last night, and today's
train will be here about neon. Locals
on all Southern Pacific lines arrived and
left on time. Superintendent Fields says
tha; the greatest trouble was in the Sls
klyous, where the storm was the worst
known in years. There is still some trou
ble on the line in California, caused by
high water, but the track is -not washed
out at any place.
The Northern Pacific local train from
Tacoma arrived on time last evening,
but the through train will not be in until
early this morning. This road is in good
condition, the delay being caused by
lack cf telegraphic communication.
"Why the Sonthetn Pacific Overland
Expresses Are ItcUind.
The Southern Pacific train which ar
rived yesterday morning was just 21
hours late. The delay was caused by one
of the severest snow storms in years.
The train was blockaded by a huge drift
a few miles south from Edgewood, Cal.,
where it remained stalled about 12 hours,
from 3:30 P. M. Thursday to about 4:30
A. M. Friday. According to F. J. Hutch
ins, of San Francisco, a passenger on
the train, it seems that a rotary plow had
been pushed through some distance in
advance of the train, and fresh snow had
drifted in at the point mentioned to such
a depth that the train was brought to a
"It was intensely cold," said Mr.
Hutchins, "andthe wind was blowing at
a fearful rate; in fact, it was a perfect
blizzard, the worst I ever experienced,
and I have been in several snow block
ades. There were four engines on our
train, and although the train was no
larger than usuil, those engines couldn't
budge it an incn. The blockade was not
in a cut, at least not a cut of any im
portance, but appeared to be at a point
where the wind found it convenient to
drop a lot of snow. The snow piled up
fully as high as the tops of the cars,
while on a level the depth was between
three and four feet.
"It looked as though we were in for a
long siege, but a relief train arrived at
about 10 o'clock that night with 60 men
armed with shovels. For a time, the
snow semed to drift in faster than the
men could shovel it out, but by degrees
a trench was formed about each car, and
at last, early Friday morning, we man
aged to pull out, to the great relief of
everybody. We encountered no difilculty
at any other point, although there were
numerous other places where a blockade
would have seemed more probable than
where we were stopped.
"The first heavy snow we struck was
just south of Sisson, but there was very
little this side of Edgewood until we
reached the Slsklyous, where there was
a lot of it. The railroad people deserve
a great deal of credit for the prompt and
vigorous measures they took to get us out
of the difficulty."
That Is AVIiat Has Delayed the Trains
on the O. It. fc X.
One delayed train pulled into Portland
at 7:30 P. M. yesterday, being a little over
a day behind schedule time. This was,
however, the first train to arrive -over the
ifne since Wednesday. It was cent ahead
of 'others. The delay was caused by a
blockade of snow near Oneonta, a small
station about 35 miles east of Portland.
One of the passengers on the train, Mr.
H. V. Gates, of Hlllsboro, gave the fol
lowing account of the delay to a reportcr
of this paper last evening:
"We had three engines pulling our train
and pushing a rotary plow all the w.iy
from The Dalles, and made good time
until we reached Oneonta, about 2 P. M.
Friday. In a deep cut at this ppint we
encountered a wall of snow SO feet in
depth. It was packed solidly, as the snow
was thawing, and contained a lot of roots
and iccks, so that the rotary could make
no impression on it whatever. Our train
backed up to Bonneville, while an extra
engine went to Cascade Locks for food.
The train was crowded, there b'eing some
250 passengers on board, but we had
plenty to eat, and the railroad company
made us feel as comfortable as possible.
Almost the whole train turned out men,
women and children and enjoyed an old
fashioned snowball. The snow was about
four feet deep on level ground at Bonne
ville. "The railroad people had arranged for
a steamboat to take us down the river
from Cascade Locks, but they managed
to cut through the big drift meanwhile,
and so we came on the train, leaving
Bonneville at 5 P. M. today. There ae
now two rotaries in operation between this
city and The Dalles, and there is no dan
ger of another blockade for the present.
There was about 15 inches of snow at
Heppner last Thursday, and about 30
Inches at The Dalles, and it was still
snowing at both places. The farmers in
Eastern Oregon are jubilant, cs this
heavy fall of snow will be an excellent
thing for crops this year."
Of Portland appreciate a good thing, as
the large crowd at the Brownsville $10 45
suit sale, yesterday, attests.
The Largest Manufacturers of
On thii Continent, have received
fcrca the greet
Industrial and Food
In Europe and America.
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No More Back Ache
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Many Toted Men Who Have Been Taking the Treatment Now
Bearing Witness to the Matchless Skill of the Cope
land Specialists Ju3t What It Means.
Many very prominent people have lately i
been DUbllclv extolllnsr the merit?! of rh
Copeland medical system. Men of emi
nence and reputation in the ministry, in
the law. In politics and in commerce
men and women of distinguished position
in all the higher walks of life have been
speaking as personal witnesses to the
exceptionally able and excellent work of
the Copeland specialists.
Not that it requires any more learning
to handle the allment3 of distinguished
people than it does to handle the ailments
of people who are not distinguished. There
is a sense in which a grateful or com
mendatory expression coming from a rich
or learned or saintly person has no more
force than the same thing coming out of
the heart of a poor and plain and very
common person. The diseases of the "up
per classes" are Identical with those of
the "lower classes." A king coughs or
spits blood just like a hired man. A states
man slnk3 under the same catarrhal rot
that undermines a butcher. The lady of
wealth and ease, who has no harder du
ties to perform than those of reading
poetry and feeling sorry for the poor,
has the' same headache that tires a pale
girl in the laundry.
Quite true, the diagnosis, the remedy
and the skill to cure are not dependent
on the patient's station in life. And yet
there is one feature of the Copeland spe
cialty system in view of which these
praises from persons of wealth and learn
ing and high social station have not only
a meaning, but a big meaning, and not
only a point, but the point of a blade.
Attention cannot be too often called to
the fact that the Copeland system of spe
cialty services involves but a very small
fraction of the expense usually Incident
to the treatment of chronic infirmities.
The fee is less than one-fifth that usually
exacted. In fact, anything In excess of a
rate of $5 for one month's continuous
treatment, including all the medicines,
is never under any circumstances ac
cepted. Hence, when so many people of com
manding position in society unite in com
mending the Copeland system the effect
Is to rip open a nasty medical fallacy
and let out a good deal of foolish pus.
It cuts from the heart of man that
wretched and rotten notion that medical
treatment, to be highly meritorious, must
be correspondingly expensive. It shows
that all the true help and all the genuine
benefits of modern medical science are
being provided by Drs. Copeland & Mont
gomery at less than one-fifth the aver
age charges of the profession.
Commends the Copeland System
From His Own Pexsojinl Ex
perience. Mr. Vr. H. Heimbach, who has recently
undergone a course of treatment with the
Copeland specialists for chronic trouble of
a catarrhal nature, is sexton of the First
Presbyterian church, corner Twelfth and
Alder streets, and who lives at No. 151
North Eleventh street. Mr. Heimbach
"After taking a short course of treat
ment with Drs. Copeland c Montgomery
for a severe chronic catarrh, I feel that I
must give their treatment my endorse-
ment as the only prompt and effective
method of conquering the disease. My
trouble was catarrh of the head and
throat, brought on a number of years
ago by repeated colds. At that time I be
longed to a civil engineer corps in Penn
sylvania, and was often subjected to great
exposure. At first my trouble seemed to
be a cold In the head, but did not pass
away, as colds usually do. On the other
hand, It seemed to grow worse, or as If I
was taking a new cold each day, and
soon my head was In such a condition that
I could not breathe through my nose, first
on one side and then the other. This, of
course, was very anncylng, and I would
suffer with a dull, heavy headache, or,
rather, ant aching through my temples and
above my eyes.
"In summer my trouble seemed to get
a little better, but again, on the approach
of winter weather, my suffering would re
turn with greater severity than ever,
vrithln the last two years the trouble
seemed to extend to my throat. My
throat would feel raw and sore, and I
would cough constantly. Then, again, I
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would have sharp, shooting pains In ray
chest and lungs. I felt It was only a
matter of time until my lungs would be
involved the same as my nose and throat.
I was troubled a great deal with Indiges
tion, and my appetite was very poor. The
condition of my head and throat, of
course, caused my sleep to be broken and
unrefreshlng. In fact, I would get up in
the morning feeling worse than when I
went to bed.
"A few months agro I placed myself
under the care of Drs. Copeland & Mont
gomery, and I found their treatment to
be exactly what I needed. It brought me
almost immediate relief. I can breathe
free and easy through my head. I have
not been troubled any thlswlnterwithsore
throat. My health has been very greatly
improved, and I believe my cure will be
permanent and complete. From my own
individual experience, I regard the sys
tem of treatment practiced by the Cope
land specialists in chrcnic maladies to be
worthy of commendation to all suffering
as I have."
Its Q oleic and Complete Mastery by
the Copeliuul Treatment.
Mr. John Ashmead, whose home is at
Rocky Point, Oregon, is one of the pio
neer settlers of the state, and has lived
in Oregon for nearly fifty years. In fact,
there are few men who are better ac-
Sir. John. Aihmead, Itoclcy Point, Or.
qualnted with the growth and development
of the state than Mr. Ashmead.
At this time, Mr. Ashmead is stopping
at Turner Station. Oregon, and when
speaking to the writer a few days ago
of his good health at this time, spoke
very enthusiastically of the Copeland
treatment. He said:
"For a number of years I was greatly
annoyed with a severe case of catarrh
affecting my head and throat. I have been
subjected to a great deal of exposure dur
ing my time, and I suppose that was the
cauie of my. trouble. The trouble came
on me the way catarrh always comes,
from a bad cold in the head. First, I
noticed that my nose was always stopped
up, on one side or the other, then both
sides at times, giving my head an un
comfortable, stuffed-up. smothered feel
ing. The natural drain of the head through
the nose was interfered with, and almost
completely destroyed. The nasal matter
was discharged backward, dropping In my
throat and causing that endless and tire
some hawking, coughing, straining and
spitting that catarrh sufferers nearly al
ways complain of. Then came the very
miserable headaches and a very annoying
ringing in the right ear. Often I would
be troubled with great dizziness of the
head, nervousness and general bodily
weariness and exhaustion.
"I had tried a number of simple rem
edies for my trouble, but they seemed to
have little or no effect. In fact, I was
growing gradually worse until I was in
duced to try a course of the Copeland
expert treatment. The results have been
more than I expected. My symptoms
have disappeared one by one; I am eat
ing better, and feel stronger. In fact, I
am in better condition than I have been
for year3."
Dr. Copelnnd & Montgomery faarre
no perfected tlielr system of mall
treatment tlmt they succeed uultc aa
Tveli In thin way as tiiey do in their
ofllce practice. All vrlio reside at a
distance from the city should write
for a symptom blank. Questions
auont all chronic troubles cheerfully
$5 Per Month.
All patients will be treated until
cured at the rate ot $5 a month. This
applies to all diseases. Medicine
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