Uiiiiiii Jinn t PAGES 1 TO 8 ? iiihii i i i i i An j TOjL. XIHTSTO 53. PORTIiAgTD, OBEGrOIi-T SUNDAY gRDVTG, JAJSTTAJZY 6. 1895. PRICE FIVE CENTS PROTEST BY AUSTRIA Following the Action of Germany, It Causes Much Concern. GRESHAM, CARLISLE AND OLNEY They Met in Conference Yesterday, but Adjourned Without Adopt ing Any Line of Policy. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. The protest of Austria against the American discriminat ing duty of sugar, supplementing, as it 3oc3. similar action by Germany, is giv ing the administration grave concern. An e Hence of this was a conference today, lacung about an hour, between Secretary Gresham, Secretary Carlisle and Attorney General Olney. Sir. Gresham is concerned in the subject from a diplomatic point; Sir Carlisle Is interested in the effect of possible retaliation upon the revenues of the government, and upon Attorney-General Olney devolves the duty of giving an opinion of the legality of the proposed nv cment of the government. The Aus trian minister undertakes to show, in the Ilrst place, that the imposition of the dif ferential duty of one-tenth of one cent per pound on Austrian sugar is. in viola tion of article 3 of the treaty of 1829, be tween the United States and Austria Hungary. It is asserted that the exchange of notes preceding the reciprocity agree ment under the McKinley act has estab lished a basis of commercial relations, and That Austria-Hungary conceded to the I'm led States the same reduction of du ties that it granted to other countries, under what is known as the most favored nation clause. The Austrian minister also shows that the assessment of a bounty Upon sugar produced in Austria is not the r'act of the imperial government, but en tirely a provincial affair, and so corre sponds to the independent action of any of ovr states. Inasmuch as the bounty sys tem of Austria differs from Germany, it was contented that the same construc tion which put the differential tariff on German sugar did not apply to Austrian sugar. But when this question came for mally before Secretary Carlisle, upon an Inquiry from the collector of customs at Baltimore, the secretary disposed of the contention in the words of a letter, dated August last, as follows: "The department Is in receipt of your letter of the 18th inst. In which you re quest to be informed which foreign coun tries grant direct or Indirect bounty on eugar. In reply I have to state that Ger many and Austria-Hungary grant by law direct bounties on sugar, and that under the operations of the laws of France, Bel glum, Denmark and the Netherlands, pro liding for remission of the Internal rev enue taxes on beet sugar in the produc tion of exported sugar, indirect bounties may apparently be earned by the export ers." v n This letter not only disposed of Ger many and Austria, but held subject to ad ditional taste nnsugarB-JComing .ironi four other European countries. It may be more than a coincidence that each of these four countries has begun the application of restrictions upon the importation of American cattle or other food products. The whole situation is made more grave by the belief, which is entertained by the administration, that it Is well-nigh hope less to appeal to congress for aid. If It Is finally held by the administration that the sugar duty is a discrimination duty, thore will probably be another appeal to congress to repeal it, but if It Is held to be a fair tax and not In contravention of the favored nation clause, the case prob ably will be one requiring simple execu tive action. The figures collected by the treasury Ucpartment bearing upon this subject phow that during the past fiscal year the imports of beet-root sugar into the United States from Europe amounted in value to $13,731,000. distributed as follows: Germany $11.0G3,O0f Buglum 2,377,000 Austria 1.412.7U3 France 422.000 The Netherlands 33S.70U All of this sugar came into the United States last year duty free, and it is con tended that the effect of the differential of one-tenth of one per cent per pound, in addition to the duty of 40 per cent leled on all sugar, will be to prohibit the traffic There are, it Is learned, other disturb ing elements entering into our relation with continental European powers, which intil recently have had the effect to stim i late the retaliatory policy ndopted by them. One of these discussed at this learning's conference was the status of the agents of this government stationed In Europe to carry out the quarantine laws hen there seemed to be great dan ger of the introduction of cholera into the United States last summer. Medical officers were placed at the principal European ports, and under the terms of th- act of 1S98, they were required to i '.akc sure that the vessels cleared for the United States were free from all traces cf disease. The French govern ment protested against the presence of cur medical representatives. The Ger nans did not go so far at that time, but they resented the operations on their soil tf agents of foreign governments, not i lothed w ith diplomatic power. In the end they protested strongly and have gone eo far as to intimate that if the provis ions of the pending legislation, which c-rtemplates a still further extension of tha inspection of immigrants principle is arrled out, they will not permit them to orerate. As this threat was to ab- w!tely nullify any effort that the United Stat., s government may make to exclude i "I'srants of the most dangerous class -i 1 also to expose the people of the United States to infection from cholera, t. e matter is regarded as full of gravity. It fa t, the turn affairs have taken makes It cvlunt that our relations with conli netal Europe are likely to be entirely b yond executive control If we once recog : re the rights of these countries to dic tate in matters of legislation. The coherence did rot result in adopt ing any line of policy, and it is believed tre president will feel obliged to lay the matter before congress in a special mes cre to supplement the efforts of the administration in congress to pass the s.gar repeal hill now pending. It may be seated, however, that not all of the mem 1 rs of the cabiiw are confident that the cractraent of this measure will afford the rc'Ief hoped for. and In some quarters th-re Is an abiding belief that the real v.!5ect of the European combine is to tr-ak down the entire sugar schedule and f -re free sugar as the price for the ad-r-. n of American food products. Tcl'er. who was the smwial rhamnln aate of the late W. McGarrahan j ". effort to establish his claim to the j I -" - o Grande grant In California, says r c v. m not ooattnue his labors in behalf of 21 jcrrahan's heirs. He added: i t-jpported Mr. MwGarr&han because I 1c1 ee an injustice had been done him . r.ot because of the money Involved. II v -rranaa took that position himself. and when money was offered he refused to compromise. Xow that his heirs have taken up the contest, they have done so for the sake of the property which is sup posed to be involved, and not for the es tablishment of a principle." The bill. It may be stated, has passed the senate and has been favorably report ed from the committee in the house. It merely provides for submitting McGar rahan's claims to the court of private land claims. Assistant Attorney-General Whitney to day gave notice of a motion that he will submit, Monday next, in the equity court of the District of Columbia. Judge "Wag ner presiding, to advance the hearing of the case of J. C. Moore vs. J. S. Miller, commissioner of internal revenue, seek ing to prevent the collection of the in come tax. Mint Director Preston has contracted with the government of Ecuador to strike off $500,000 in 20-cent pieces. The bullion is furnished by Ecuador, which also pays the expense of the mintage. The work will be done at the Philadelphia mint The law permits thi3 courtesy to foreign governments. Action Taken by Livcstockmen. CHICAGO, Jan. 5. The executive com mittee of the National Livestock Ex change, representing exchanges at South Omaha, Sioux City, St. Louis, East St. Louis, Kansas City, Fort Worth, St. Jos eph and Chicago, held a meeting today at the Chicago Livestock Exchange. Twenty five aclegates -were presented with a state ment of congressional legislation which had caused the retaliation on the part of European countries. A committee was ap pointed to go to Washington and use all honorable means to have the foreign embargo removed by favorable legislation or otherwise. PUT TO THE SWORD. Sixty Young Men Killed and Their Bodies Thrown Into n. "Well. LONDON, Jan. 5. Professor Minas T. Cheras, editor of the Armenia, and pro fessor of Armenian at the university of London, has received the following ad vices from Armenian sources: The number of women and children who were cut down by sabers or bayoneted in 11 villages of the Sassoun district was 750. It is now proven that the people from the Sassoun district, who during the retreat to Mount Andoka, fought brave ly for 19 days, and who gave themselves up to the enemy on August 27, were de ceived by the proclamation of Zekki Pasha, promising them amnesty. The Turks then outraged the women and starved and tortured them for three days. Sixty young men were finally killed by the sword, and their bodies were thrown Into a well. The villages of Shenlk and Gleigouzan have been burned to ashes with their four churches. Thirty-three other villages have been sacked and de stroyed. Khakoko, mayor of Agphi; his brother, Hebo; their sons; a priest named Bagrlel Hourich; the archimandrite of Varlan, Monsignore Dlchlan; Priest Dola ber, of Shenlk, and five companions; the mayor of he village of Geigo Movsien and numbers of mountaineers have been killed. More than 1000 have been wounded anil 23 prisoners have been taken. ZsWci-Pasha, commander ofr the Fourth army corps, had given to him by the sul tan" the medal of husbandry. Chendi, a Kurdish brigand of Poghahazekesen, or dered an Armenian named Apcar to be killed for protesting against Chendl's mis deeds. The Kurds have assassinated two Armenians at Daghvergan. BURIED WHILE ASLEEP. Additional Horrors From Snssonn, In Armenia. BOSTON, Jan. 5. A letter from Athens, dated December 10, from an Armenian native of Sassoun, the scat of the recent massacre, says that everybody knows that the orders for the recent massacie of Armenians were given by the direct councillors of the sultan. The letter, con tinuing, says: There is hardly a man alive in Sassoun. Men. women and children have been sacri ficedby the Turkish soldiers. Of the 25 houses which made up the village of Varfeniss. only 35 are left standing. In the village of Semal, many inhabitants were put to death. The minister of that village, with the sacred chalice in his hands, was bound to a donkey and he and the animal shot to death. The great est hoiTor was in the village of Gely Guse, which was set on fire and totally de stroyed, while the inhabitants were asleep, all perishing. The village of Shcnig suf fered a similar fate. The Turkish soldiers invaded the village of Konlc, gathered all of the women in a church, and then de filed and slew them. THE VIEW OF THE TURK. Armenians Well Coxed for by the Ottoman Government, WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. The Turkish legation tonight received the following official telegram from Consttntinopl. concerning the treatment of Armenians "Certain newspapers, speaking of the Sassoun incident, heve maintained lately that the number of Armenians in Turkey reaches millions, and that they are badly treated. Both assertions are absolutely false. According to most reliable statis tics, the Armenians living in Turkev are a little over 000,000. of whom 100,000 are established in Constantinople itself. Those Armenians who reside in the provinces are scattered all over the country, so that nowhere do they constitute the majority of the population. The fact, acknowl edged even by Turkey's detractors, that the Ottoman Armenians have schools and literature, not only proves that they are not exposed to vexatious treatment, but, on the contrary, that the Turkish government favors their institutions, wishes them to preserve their language end nationality, and has secured their well being." There "Were Xo Corpse.. LONDON, Jan. 5. The story which has been thrilling the world for some time past of the wife of the Armenian leader Grego, who. rather than suffer dishonor at the hands of her Turkish persecutors, threw herself with her child in her arms over an abyss, and was followed by other women until the ravine was filled with corpses, has been exploded. They Were Perfect Doubles. SPRINGFIELD. O., Jan. 5. In the pro bate court yesterday Mrs. Emma Ander son, charged with insanity, -was dismissed. She has been claiming that the Rev. J. C Taylor, pastor of the Second Baptist church, is her husband, and that he left her in 1SSI. In court Mr. Taylor pro duced documentary and oral evidence proving the woman's claim to be untrue. Mrs. Anderson has an old photo of her husband, which, barring disparity of age, is a good picture of Mr. Taylor. It seems that the two men are such perfect doubles that the mistake was an easy one for the woman, who was married ia Williams burg. Pa., In 1SSL Elections at IJlueGeltl. NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 5. Mail advices from Bluenelds, Nicaragua, arc that the election of December IS passed off quiet ly. Samuel Well was chosen chief magis trate, and American Consul Sat district judge. Weil was a former resident of New Orleans. WILL THE BILL PASS? Canvass of the House on the Pending Currency Measure. THE DEBATE CONTINUED YESTERDAY Bonrke Cockran Was the Principal Speaker, Advocating the Adop tion of the Baltimore Plan. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. A rough pre liminary canvass of the house on the pending currency bill has been made. One of the democratic members of the com mittee, who favors the bill, is authority for the statement that the canvass shows a total of 124 votes for the bill, considera ble short of the number necessary to pass it. Springer says that such canvasses as have been made are informal and in exact. He will give no figures, as he says the purpose has not been to learn who will vote for the bill, but who are against it, in order that objections may be met and overcome. Other members interested in the management of the bill profess to know nothing of an exact can vass. It is undoubtedly true, however, that a close count has been made, with the result stated. There are so many propositions, substitutes and amend ments pending that it is probable any canvass would fail to show the vote un der the many varying circumstances which may be presented. The wide mar gin for difference in a canvass is indicated by the estimate of a member, based on a canvass by state delegations, that the bill would pass by a majority of 20. It is also pointed out that a vote of 124, while short of a majority when the full mem bership of the house is present, is a rea sonably strong vote when any members are absent. Tomorrow's Cancas. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. There appears little or no opposition to the democratic caucus on the currency bill to be held Monaay. It was reported today that some Southern members would refuse to enter the caucus, or to be bound by this ac tion. Holman, chairman of the caucus committee, when questioned about this, said: "I think the attendance will be general, even though some members may not en tirely agree with the sentiment of the caucus majority on what should be done. A house caucus is for conference and advice, and does rot bind the members or their votes to action." Chairman Springer, of the currency committee, said he had heard of no op position to the caucus. He thought the feeling was generally in favor of It. Bland said he had not signed the request for a caucus, but he would attend. He said he believed in caucus as tending to bring members together, but not as binding them to a course of action they did not personally approve. When the caucus pe tition was circulated yesterday, several democrats asked, to 'be excused from sign-j ing. xney explained tnat tney wanted to see how the petition turned, out, and asked that it be returned to them. It was re ported today that McLaurin and other South Carolina members would decline to attend. This was not confirmed, for McLaurin has not been in the house since the recess. Talbert and other South Caro lina members expressed a purpose of at tending. A Vote Thursday or Friday. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Speaker Crisp said at a late hour this afternoon that a vote would be taken on the banking bill next week, and the expectation is that it will not be delayed longer than Thursday or Friday at the latest. There is consid erable speculation regarding the fate of the measure. Generally speaking, the Eastern democrats, with few exceptions, will oppose the bill, as will also the ex treme silver men, the populists and the republicans. It is believed that if the re publicans are out in force on the day the vote is taken, the bill will be defeated. YESTERDAY'S DEBATE. Cockran, Boatner, Lacey and Catch ings Were the Speakers. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. Another day in the house was consumed by debate over the Carlisle currency plan, in which Cockran of New York was the most con spicuous figure. Cockran held the floor for more than an hour, and spoke with his accustomed vigor and eloquence, pro voking many questions from the opposi tion and holding the attention of the members and galleries throughout. He opposed the bill and declared in favor of the Baltimore plan. Lacey of Iowa also spoke in opposition, while Boatner and Catchings exhorted the party to unite in support of the measure. Boatner was the first to speak. He ex pressed surprise at the opposition to the measure on the democratic side of the house. He paid a tribute to the abilities of Secretary Carlisle, and dwelt upon the duty of supporting him, which he said rested upon the democrats. Bland Inter rupted with several questions to show that the administration had adopted a gold policy. He finally declared its finan cial platform was a fraud If there was no intention to carry it out, and asserted that a platform should mean something. Boatner asked if Bland had been a sup porter of President Cleveland In the last campaign, whereupon Bland responded that he had supported the platform and had voted for the candidate, and the party had gone down In an Ignominious defeat for its treachery and fraud. Pence brought up Secretary Carlisle's advocacy of silver while a member of the house in supporting Matthews' resolution, and asked if, soon after accepting the treasury portfolio, he had not announced his intention of paying some of the gov ernment's obligations in silver, and if he had not been "called down." Boatner replied that it was useless to revive free silver as a factor of the currency ques tion. Bland retorted: "You can't run the democratic party on republican lines, and no mugwump can change its policy." Boatner continued that it was the mis take of the century when the administra tion failed to pay obligations In silver as well as gold, and then concluded: "We should no longer keep ourselves on exhibition as unable to agree on a sin gle measure that promises relief to the people." Lacey followed, and as stated, spoke in opposition to the bill. Then came Cock ran. There was the usual filling of seats when the Tammanyite rose in the aisle of the democratic sidel He deplored the ten dency to treat the measure as a party one, which was likely to wreck it on the shores of political expediency, and then said: "The vote of confidence in the demo cratic party in KS2 has been reversed, and I do not think the constitutional pro vision, which allowed the parts to retain power until March, was granted for pass ingparty acts. An agitation without re sult which would ruffle restored business tranquility had better be dropped. If this house succeeds in establishing a monetary aystem based on human reason and ex perience of experts Its last days will nnr be without profit, or devoid of honor, i There are in my opinlonSquestlons on which legislators could diviwealong party lines with advantage, bugthis is not one of them. There aremany questions on which mankind has differed from the beginning of civilizatf onaadsthe questions connected with the financesfand political economy are among those 'over which there has been much dispute. Neverthe less, the laws controlllngthese questions are immutable and to pbey.theai is to bring blessings, to ignore'-ttke the re verse. We can no moreaff&t the econ omic laws by our legislatloaStban we can by the same means affecttae laws gov erning the nations. I asjgfthat the ques tion now at issue be considered on the basis of these economIclaws. I think I have seen evidence thatjlhehidsment of the generation has beenwarped by the superabundance of talk ,onthe 'crime of 1S73,' when silver was demonetized, which has involved the use offpEnbat of invec tives and much mysterygbuMhas brought very little practical good to the peo ple generally. The tendency to rate po litical ecenomy as a mysterious science has enabled men to pesetas statesmen, who, if they talked common.-sense, would have been dlscoveredbufwere able to confuse the people by shouting platitudin ous nonsense. Ancient astrology Is no more absurd than the aouble standard, but when we reflected" th'&tgthis genera tion had allowed its daUjgtaffalrs to be affected by the nonsensegot importers, our charity toward thejaaclents broad ened and our sympathy Val touched by the sight of our own-people listening to men who said that the piyjaent of wages in a bad dollar was betteiythan in a good dollar, and that taxatloXWas the hand maid of prosperity.'" t- When Cockran alludedljsarcastically to the free silver fight of Bland, and what he termed the change of attitude of Boatner, who was about to retire to the calmer fields of jurisprudence. Bland interrupted with a question regardlng-Cockran's pre diction that the repeal of lthle purchasing clause of the Sherman actfwotild restore prosperity and Cockran challenged him to produce a word of his to, that effect. He then resumed: , "I am not one who pretends that pros perity can be forged invthis chamber or by the law of the land. yX "believe all the law and gospel on the subject of political economy was revealed to the first man when a just God told hlm'that 'By the sweat of his brow he must earn his bread. Prosperity is in the earthahd the charlat ans who said they had lt-in their clothes or their brains, and who Tiad cured the country for 25 years it was my chief ob ject to oppose." Taking up the banking and currency bill, he spoke briefly of the claims of the committee that it would promote the ends of trade. He claimed that instead of promoting it would prevent, forbid and obstruct the very thing it ;was hoped it would accomplish. For local and domes tic purposes, Cockran said, he would not be afraid of silver as asllver standard of value, but his objection to it was based on the fact that throughout the world everything is measured by gold, and even if we had a national or local.standard, the products of the farmer 'ajfd other pro ducers must ultimately. iVf ter all, be measured by the unlversa'nstanaard. Hutchinson, of Texagtjntired if tbes ituica vi. u main, w-ren-aseu upon tne notes of a farmer, whetr was it better than the farmer's note, and Cockran re plied because commerce would'accept it. The hand of government had been dis astrous to commerce, and he was ap pealing to the house to turn back to sound principles where money was based on property. All that banking meant was to increase the capital that could be used in commerce. He said, in reply to a question concerning the 10 per cent on state bank issues: "I am oposed to any tax on currency. It is like taxing blood, like taxing the speed of a locomotive. It would be to tax everything valuable to retard prog ress." As to the pending bill, he said, that so far as it provided that money should be based on property, it was sound, but its provisions would nullify its object. If it became a law it would fall still-born; not one note would be issued under 20 years. It would be a monument to the folly of the congress which followed the Sherman act by another makeshift. While the greenback had its uses and the green backer was unjustly characterized as a crank, these bills had served their proper functions and. should be taken out of our currency system. There was a sharp and amusing ex change of words between Corkran and Boutelle when the former spoke of the McKinley law and a defective financial system as the cause of the panic last year. Cockran's reference to the McKin ley law was greeted with derisive laughter on the republican: side. Boutelle remarked that at the last election the people did not endorse the views of Cockran as to the McKinley law. Cockran replied: '"I Have my own views as to the results of the last election. I do not think the democratic party was in that canvass." In reply to a question Cockran said he favored the Baltimore plan in its en tirety. Then Henderson, of Illinois, asked if the pressing question was not how to pay the running expenses of the gov ernment, and to this Ccckran replied: "That is the question, but not all the question. It is a serious position which makes any trade dependent on the solv ency of the treasury, and what I am seeking is a system that will divorce commerce from the government." In closing Cockran drew a picture of the advancement of business, in dustry, science, and the arts under the regime in which the money of the people was placed on a sound basis. Catchings said the upshot of Cockran's speech was to adopt the Baltimore plan and thus turn his back on the treasury, leaving it to take care of itself. He added: "The purpose of the bill Is to provide the people with more abundant and elastic currency and to relieve the treasury by retiring the large proportion of outstand ing greenbacks." In discussing the probable effect of the Carlisle bill, Catchings said the out standing certificates would be changed for those of smaller denominations to satisfy the needs for small money. It would follow that the bullion In the treas ury would be coined and a smaller per centage of customs duties paid in silver. He continued: "The key to the position is that under the Baltimore plan the government would be made to stand sponsor for the notes o2 the bank, while It would not be under the pending bill. The superiority of the Car lisle plan over the Baltimore plan is that it contemplates the ultimate retirement of government notes, while the latter has no object but the profit of its framenu" Catchings concluded by speaking in sup port of the soundness of state banks. At the close of his speech, the house voted not to concur in the senate amendments to the military appropriation bill, and then, at 5-20, adjourned. Arizona's Escaped Prisoners. PHOENIX, Ariz., Jan. 5. Price, the es caped murderer, and the counterfeiter Young, were caught on the desert near Gila bend by Deputies Prothers and Moore. A fierce fight ensued. Pries was killed and Young's leg was broken. M OF RICH MEN The Will of Eugene Kelly, the Banker, Filed for Probate. MUCH IS GIYEN TO CHARITY The Bulk. However, Is Kept for His Family and Relatives, Though One Son Is Disinherited. NEW YORK. Jan. 5. The will of Eu gene Kelly, the millionaire, was filed for probate today. It bequeaths the entire es tate to members of his family, except $110,000, to be distributed among Catholic orphan asylums and other institutions. The executors are Eugene Kelly, jr., Ed ward Kelly, Thomas H. Kelly, Daniel Sul livan and Paul Miller, the last two named, respectively, secretary and attor ney for the deceased. To the widow, Margaret A. Kelly, is left the residence No. 33 West Fifty-first street, the stable 133 West Fifty-first street, and all the furniture, horses and carriages, together with $200,000 and an annuity of $23,000 dur ing her life. Eight separate funds of $25, 000 each are created for the eight children of Mrs. Eugene Beale, widow of Eugene Beale and daughter of the deceased. Each child will receive the interest on the $23,000 for 20 years, and at the end of that time he v. ill receive the principal. Other bequests are: Thos. Kelly, of Joliet, 111., nephew.. $10,000 Catherine Kelly, of Joliet, niece.... 2.0C0 Bridget Kelly, niece 1O.CO0 Joseph A. Kelly, of Harper county, Kansas, nephew 30,000 Mrs. Thompson, of California, for mer wife of his nephew, J.J. Kelly, and her children 20,000 Children of Edward Kelly, he being a deceased nephew .... 20,000 Michael Hughes and wife, of Cali fornia 20,000 William J. Powell, of St. Louis 10,000 Concerning his friend, Joseph Donohoe, of San Francisco, Mr. Kelly in his will says: "During our long association his kindly character, ever the same, has so endeared him to me that I cannot rest satisfied to part from him without giving utter ance to this testimony. His ample for tune would make it idle for me to attest my feelings by legacies, but I trust he may receive from my wife some per sonal article of mine which will remain to him a reminder of -my affection." The will asks that $10,000 be given to the Hebrew institutions, and says: "I make this expression of preference in favor of the Catholic and Hebrew insti tutions solely because other denomina tions are wealthier and better able to care for their poor." The deceased appoints his son, Eugene Kelly, jr., to all the privileges or rights he may have in the American college at Rome, and his son Edward is given his interest as a patron in perpetuity in the Metropolitan museum of art. The resi due is to be held in five parts in trust for Eugenie Beale, Eugene Kelly, jr., Ed ward Kelly, Thomas Kelly and Margaret Kelly, widow. The trust Is to last two years, at the end of which the benefi ciaries shall receive the principals of the legacy. Robert J. Kelly is not mentioned in the will, and no reason is apparent for disinheriting the son, but he has united with the other children and the widow in waiving all objections to the probate of the will. The Fair Estate. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 5. The exe cutors of the will of James G. Fair peti tioned today to probate the document. They allege that at the time of the exe cution of the will the testator was of sound and disposing mind, and not acting under duress, menaqe, undue influence or fraud, and was in every respect competent to make his will. The petition has been set for hearing before Judge Slack on Thursday, January 17. The Dally Report this afternoon pub lished an inside statement of the affairs of the late ex-Senator James G. Fair. It presented figures showing that the estate, which at the time of Fair's death was estimated to be valued at 40,000,000, would realize not more than $12,000,000 to $15,000. 000, Fair having sustained some very heavy losses recently, notably in the late wheat deal. Large quantities of wheat are stored in various warehouses, on which Fair owed about $3,000,000 for ad vances made. To pay off this indebted ness It would take the entire income of the estate for nearly five years. The ar ticle goes on to state that it was chagrin at his losses in wheat, after having ridi culed the Nevada bank venture in this di rection, that hastened the late million aire's death. There being no prospect for the heirs of the estate to derive any ben efit from it for several years, the claim is made that they have decided upon a contest, and that arrangements to that end are now being perfected. After the publication of the above, a reporter was informed authoritatively that all statements that the children had decided upon a contest were without foun dation. The matter of contest, it was stated, was under consideration by the heirs and their attorneys, but no deter mination had yet been reached. A Pecnlinr Will Contest. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 5. A most pe culiar will contest is in progress over the settlement of the estate of Jennie Parsons, who was an actress here 36 years ago. She left a sum In the Hibernia bank, which was unclaimed, and a year and a half ago was turned over to the public administrator. It amounted to over $-1700. Several claimants then appeared. One of them was Minnie Adams Brooks, of Chicago. Her claim is based on a will found floating in a bottle, a few weeks after the loss of the steamer Pacific off Flattery in IS75. Jennie Parsons perished in that wreck. Beaten hy Time. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 5. The supreme court has sustained the superior court's decision for the defendants in the case of the executors of William Burling's es tate against the trustees of the Sharon estate. Burling was a stockbroker, and claimed $200,000 with interest from 1S75, on notes assigned to him against the Ralston estate. The action was barred by the statute of limitations. TEXAS AXTT-TRUST LAW. Why the Warrant for Flagler's Re quisition Wns Revoked. TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Jan. 5. Governor Mitchell has given out the following statement In regard to the Flagler case: "The requisition made upon me by the governor of Texas for Henry M. Flagler was, in conformity with the act of con gress in such cases In every respect. The copy of the indictment found by the grand jury of Texas, charging that on a certain day in McCIennan county. In raid state, Mr. Flagler and certain other parties, naming them, conspired against trade, was attached. The affidavit ac companying the requisition stated that Mr. Flagler was a fugitive from justice, and that he had fled from said state upon these allegations. The requisition was honored, and the warrant of extradition Issued; but subsequently, and before any service of the wanant, Mr. Flagler filed in this office his affidavit averring that he had never been in the state of Texas in his life, and that he had never had any business transaction whatever in the state of Texas, and asked to be heard in the case; whereupon the warrant was revoked In order to give him a hearing in opposition to the honoring of the requisi tion. A day will be set for a hearing In this case, and the state of Texas and Mr. Flagler duly notified to appear. My reason for this course was simply that justice might be done to all parties in terested." FIXAXCES OF RAILROADS. Management of the Cleveland, Akron Canton Short Line. CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 5. The experts employed by the reorganization committee representing the first mortgage holders of the Valley railroad, to untangle prob lems In the management of that road oy the Baltimore & Ohio, have made some sensational disclosures, through members of the committee. A conference was held today, and it was decided to have an other member of the committee go to New York at once. Colonel J. J. Sullivan, of the Central National bank, was selected for the mission. Colonel Sullivan told a reporter before leaving that gross mis management of the Valley affairs has been reported to the committee, which, in turn, has forwarded the report to New York. Colonel Sullivan's visit to New York will be for the purpose of consulta tion with some of the bondholders. The experts are still at work, and further dis closures are anticipated. Sale of the Toledo & Ann Arl.or. CLEVELAND, O., Jan. 5. United States Judge A. J. Ricks issued a decree this afternoon ordering the sale of the Toledo & Ann Arbor road. The decree was agreed upon here by the various attorneys and others interested, and will be formally entered at Toledo Jenuary 15. after the approval of the circuit judge in Cincin nati and the United States district judges of Michigan, through whose territory the road runs. There are five mortgages and a blanket mortgage on the road, aggre gating in round numbers $7,200,000. SOME AVEEKLY FIGURES. The Statement of the Xew York As sociated Banks. NEW YORK, Jan. 5. The weekly state ment of the associated banks shows the following changes: Reserve, increase $ 593,200 Loans, increase 743,000 Specie, increase 2,105,400 Legal tenders, decrease 624,100 Deposits, increase 3,556,400 Circulation, increase 110,400 The banks now hold $35,882,050 in excess of the requirements of the 25 per cent rule. Exports and Imports at Jfcvr York. NEW YORK, Jan. 5. The exports of specie from the port of New York for the week were $4,417,335 in gold, and $502,603 in silver. The imports for the week were: Gold $ 66.S3S Silver 95,962 Drygoods 1,100,961 General merchandise 8,394,571 OTHER FINANCIAL NEWS. AaotherJll Combine. ""LOS ANGELESrSan. 5. There Is an other oil combine in the field besides the producers' company", just organized, and there is, consequently, likely to be a lively competition in the marketing of oil for some time to come. The producers company did not get all the producers in the field In this city. It Is understood the Turner Bros., who are extensive produc ers, and a number of other smaller pro ducers, have organized a combine distinct from the producers' company. It is also stated that the Union Oil Company has agreed to take their output and dispose of it at a fair price. Solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. i A special, sent from here this afternoon and printed abroad, stated that the Atlanta exposi tion was in the hands of a receiver and had been sold out for $16,000. This is an error and originated in the fact that the Augusta exposition was sold out for $16,000. The Atlanta exposition is, finan cially, as solid as the rock of Gibraltar, with a large amount of cash and a heavy subscription list of gilt-edged persons, col lectable each month. Great Dnmnge to the Orange Crop. NEW YORK, Jan. 5. The Fruit Ex change has advices that the or ange crop of Florida is a com plete failure, owing to the freeze of the last few days. The temperature has been the lowest in 12 years. Fully 2,500,000 cases of oranges are reported frozen. Early vegetables have also been frozen. Oranges have risen in price here from about $1 50 a case to $4 50. For a. New Building. NEWPORT, R. I., Jan. 4. The local Young Men's Christian Association today received as a gift a deed of trust from George W. Gibbs, of California, a native and former resident of Newport, of two bonds for $1000 each, with interest, to be held until the association shall accumu late a fund of $25,000 for the purchase of a site for the erection of a building for its permanent use. There Is an End to All Things. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 5. The supreme court today handed down a decision in the Blythe case as follows: "Motion denying diminution of record denied." This decision precludes the reopening of the contest and is a triumph for Florence Blythe Hinckley; Many Persons Lost Money. PEORIA, 111., Jan. 5. Peoria capitalists lost $1,000,000 in the Arizona ditch scheme. The list of stockholders included some of the most prominent men in the city, but it is impossible to state accurately what the Individual losses are. President Greenhut, of tha whisky trust, is supposed to have sunk $100,000. AMihsouri Bank Assigns. BROOKFIELD, Mo., Jan. 5. The "Bank of Brookfield assigned today. Its assets are $48,000, and its liabilities $21,000. The assignment was caused by overdrafts from solvent customers. A Bad Debtor. VISALIA, Cal., Jan. 5. As a result of a shooting affray on the street this after noon, Frank Storer is dead and Frank Gribble is in Jail for his murder. A dis pute over a debt due to Storer by Grib ble culminated in Gribble firing three times at Storer. The latter followed his assailant, at whom he also fired. Ten shots were interchanged. Storer was picked up mortally wounded, dying half an hour later. The Judge Wanted to Shoot. FRANKLIN, Pa., Jan. 5. Presiding Judge Charles Elias Taylor, who served 16 yeare on the Chenango county bench, attempted to shoot Deputy Sheriff 31. XI. Shoemaker today. The deputy and two other men overpowered him and tcok away his revolver. Judge Taylor is 74 years of age, and lately has been under the delusion that Sheriff Shaner, Deputy Shoemaker and other officials had been spying upon him. A MODERN REFORMER Mr. Phillips' Bill for a National Labor Commission. TO 30LYE MANY GREAT PROBLEMS He Would Willingly Pay for the Sola. tions of All of These Questions If He Were Able. WASHINGTON, Jan. 5. It was report ed today that Representative Phillips, of Pennsylvania, has expressed his willing ness to pay a quarter of a million dollars out of his own pocket to meet the expense of a labor commission, in accordance with the terms of a bill he has presented. This show of earnestness has drawn such fa vorable attention to the- merits of Mr. Phillips bill, that Chairman McGann, of the labor committee, has appointed a special subcommittee, with Representa tive Erdman, of Pennsylvania, at Us head, to consider the measure. The attention of Labor Commissioner Wright has also been directed to it, together with Mr. Phillips assurance of protecting the gov ernment against the expense of the com mission. As a result, the bill for na tional arbitration of labor difficulties is, for the time being, in obeyance, while tho merits o. the Phillips bill are belrg con sidered. Mr. Phillips is one of the wealth iest men In congress. The plan of a labor commission Is the result of the careful study that Mr. Phil lips has given the subject. His idea that the country is not yet ready for a law on the many industrial issues, as the best form or remedy, is not yet apperent. He therefore proposes, in his bill, that a commission of experts shall consider the many plans of reforms proposed, sifting the good from the bad and ascertaining the most feasible legislation to be recom mended to congress. The commission is to be non-partisan and Is to consider leg islation to meet the problems of labor, agriculture and capital. The bill author izes the appointment by the president of five commissioners, representing labor, five representatives of agriculture and five business men. Each group of five is to choose two more members, making seven in each group and 21 in all. The commission is to meet in Washington and elect Its officers, and each group is to have the services of a lawyer and a secretary. The bill provides that: "It shall be the duty of the commission to investigate questions pertaining to im migration, to labor, to agriculture and to business, and recommend to congress such legislation as it may deem best upon the subjects. It shall furnish such Infor mation and suggest such laws as may bo made the basis for uniform legislation by the various states, in order to harmonize conflicting interests and to be equitable to the laborer, the employer, the pro ducer and the consumer. The commission, shall receive petitions and grant reai sonable time for hearing on subjects pertaining to its duties, and, if deemed necessary, it shall appoint a subcommit tee or commission to make investiga tion in any part of the United States, and shall be allowed expenses for the same." The expenses of the large number of commissioners, clerks, stenographers, law yers, etc., proposed in the bill, has raised a question against it, and has brought out Mr. Phillips offer to protect the government to tho extent of $250,000 out of his pocket against these expenses. The special committee having the bill in charge expects to consider the bill, and perhaps trrant hearings on it at any early day. Mr. jt'Mllips was seen this evening concerning the offer which he was said to have made to contribute $250,000 toward the cost to the government of carrying" out the provisions of his bill. Mr. Phil lips says that he was misunderstood in this matter. He said: "I did not make the statement as re ported; but, in conversation with a friend in regard to the bill, the expense of the commission was mentioned. Then I al luded to the great cost attending the re cent coke and the more recent railroad strikes, not only the loss of property and many millions of dollars in money, but also the loss of life, and stating the cost of the bill should not be considered; that, in fact, if I were able, I would be willing to pay the salaries of the commission proposed, which would amount to $240,000, or, in round figures, a quarter of a million dollars, and that I would be willing to pay such a sum, provided the commission proposed would be the beginning of a so lution of this great problem. I should bo very sorry to hold out such an inducement as to pay money for the passage of this bill or any other one, and would not con sider such an argument for the bill in ita favor." THE TAILORS' CIRCULAR. Manufacturers Not Expected to Com ply With Its Demand. NEW YORK, Jan. 5. The executive board of the United Garment-Workers of America today issued to the clothing manufacturers of the city a circular, in which they say: "The unions of clothing-fitters and trim mers have long felt the same necessity for the eight-heur work day, and have made this their chief object in their dec laration of principles. Notwithstanding the regulations in reference to appren tices, we find the number of Idle workmen in our branch of the trade ever increasing. We, therefore, make the request of your firm to pledge yourself in favor of grant ing the eight-hour work day on and after January 21, 1893, and, if you are in accoici with this purpose, we respectfully await an early reply, not later than January 14, 1895." An officer high in the councils of the garment-workers said today that he did not believe the demands wouia be grant ed, and a strike of between 15,000 and 20, 000 would result. APPELMAN'S CASE. The Prosecution Has Not Finished Its Rebuttal Testimony. WOODLAND, Cal., Jan. 5. The prose cution did not finish its testimony in re buttal in the Appelman case today, as was expected. The chief witness was Sheriff Parker, of Modoc, who, when on the stand, contradicted Appelman in many particulars, and Mrs. Annie McClure, who had charge of the American Railway Union kitchen during the strike. She said that she had not seen Appelman in the restaurant at any time during the day of the wreck, and that, if he had been there, she would have seen him. She also tes tified that New Year's day Judge Bright and the defendant's brother had called on her and tried to dissuade her from tes tifying for the prosecution. The cross examination did not shake her testimony. The case went over until Monday. Strike of Shoemakers. HAVERHILL. Mass., Jan. 5. Three hundred men employed in the shoe factory of Ruddock & Son struck today because the firm refused to arbitrate difficulties.