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About The Oregonian. (Portland, O.T. [Or.]) 1850-1854 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1850)
J rl 4 n-IK-OEEGOSIACPORTEAKD-. VOL t ccNTiNtT.u nit: rA.'K l. j nu-vre clouded -m the unsts'of tricrcilct Wraith. - , Coac " Not a TouMcji sttrrrdyuol" a fonn ad vanced ' Nay, the. Preacher, with-, the vvhite crn Tit, and routit!,-tiiicJ:o:h fm-c, ot' seen rc tfeatins tlnvm the niilnit j-ler.'ltisaiiullt-tl cr fnli-rnl i:i V.rr. u Mr !-n Jiml : not rerogiiiM-tr wh.'ti rt ran.trom-unitjiinl ! by Uly and ovrrrj,slricU-u form, ' winch now he kiitfvr. out Know ju Irano-" ling-feat' ?CoHCm ' inry came ; yr, Riming P,lp aisieanu , ince.- r.xcejHing, wcjiresumr, uio ujju np the pulpit iti-p--, yes, the ravgfed nod thtsfaccortlic earth, gcuerally known as hungry poor, who- lidri tcf iT'hfildenaway I volcanic eruplions. in lbetl.irk rorner5,nr led naglecU-d'withouL S.ime mischievous wgs one night pulled the door. They came ; here a widow with j down a. lurrrcr's sign, and put it over z law wan features and .fftjd apj-arel ; there an , y it's-door; in the morning it read "All sorts orphan, iiubrutrd hy -neglect into a hideous 0 jnrning andtvilin; done here." image of precocious cri ne ; and (reading at J. "Never put off -till to-morrow what you the orphan's heck a halnakcd-Itntir,whce can do to-day,' said an advising mother to fliiltcriacra'Ak'fJiide,.t!T mira!lo ' her child. 'o.rtilutjiird'by-insea'cc, and blotched with ' Well, then, mamma, let ns cat the his leprosy ' j cranberry pic that's in the safe," was the Th-y Camr ; the po ir.imnanifoJd shapes child' precocious reply. of want, and the Face smiled ou them and &CMJe A long ladder leaning against n nill Z? " , ' -.u ! fcoH, a nigeer at the top, and a hog rub- 1-hc congregation murmured with stir-1 bl,' fj:mscf againl lhe foot of j, G'way, pme-diust. That stnmjjc grpun in the Vay. d maWns mlschief.J, pulpit J i hat Facb encircled b". the hag " ' , ... ,-, , gaYd forms of want, ragsand leprosy; pol The Burlington Free Press thinks (hat eiiv. ind despair spreading around it it hC bcsl 0 Sct uPa "& b " to shone above the marble pulpit. The con , bxiy a S? ham ; trast was wonderful ! "Why is an intoxicated yonng man, who An4 yet, ven a the rich congregation s to become the inheritor of his father's es lookedand hnshed their broili, a change tale, like a certain 4tind of stoye! He is a wonderful came over the scene. The , an "er l&nl (ar li$ht.) Facc shone down npon tht? poverty and . We find the following "arithmetical" -raps, and shone it' all away! Shone the" toast, by a .schoolmaster, in one of our ex suffering from the widow's face, the crinw j change papers: The" air daughters of 'from the orphan's eyes; shone into nothing- . noss me rags ana wo, and bantised forehead with its And all the corner, behold the Preiicher, frightened at ! Ibe'love of that Face, and trying to defend ' fa eye from its light, byurroumling him- sett with a Uarncane ot souhd theoJogica! wmks. He bnilds the With IrantlC haste. How the musty old volumes come frnm 1'ior flulintr 'lilan.c nnii hiitn f n!ra ....... ...t ...w... .v,u..., w 4BUC tMlarier between the Preacher and the light of thatdivine Face. Rare books these, unbounded rays! i iable accomplishments by sweetness' of tern- while, far bark in vonder Der. divide time bv sociarbTHtv and ornnn. 4 uuo, in me rreacner-s nanus iney raise a . j il. n i. .-,.. . ' fbrmidable wall, an iron barrier against the lisjlit of those di-ine eyes. juook, my inenus , me ivian oi tne worid i.l i.;.;n . r.iu.,rl, Tl,... t,,..u the wall,ogcther-the Face frightens them ! ,-lifeh nd higher, pi, g Theology and Xtvttnhysrc on eh other, and 'hlhnV the , mall anpcafwrM with j J he ork is done. in- J'rochex, built ' gloaming even through lb barrier? nd t. .- -. . i.i fi,2 :i it, . Pw,Zt,..rv ; fhoo'.ing its sudden fire into the Preacher's heart? 4Xbrd, Lord !w he sJirjpks, Vitli 4 frantic ky, A he Iramplcs (he mQs-ty volumes in tfer foot, and fcela the tears rain from his y; ord ot last 1 know thee, and do. oor&ir!" Then, rising above lhe pulpit, his form floalKig oti waves of golden air, appears lhe - Stbancer, his brow bathed-" fn Jight", his eyos of dep, unfirthotnable. beauty, shining love in" every heart, while the voice from )iis lips breaks like mu.-ic from lhe -Throne of Eternity: aTnE Spirit or JeuovAn imton me to rKBACH GOOD TIDWJs TO THE POOR." How liko mirf before the morning breeze the whole eccne rushcsTrora our new ! ' Brother Zebulon passed his hands over his eyes ; he looked around ! There was XhB gorgeous Churrh, glittering with fashion and oeauty; Unrre the crowded pews, pack ed with the forms of wealth ; and in the purpil calm and .erect, no fear on his face, glcoJ the Preacher, the sunset ray upon his brow, all seeming sanctity centered in his round, unctious visage. "Brother Branwell," whipried a Bank Director, who occupid the next pew, you injss'd tho best part of the sermon; yoy've been sleeping; b sad fault in Cfrerch, broth t Branwell!'' TJe apaihetic. wonder impressed on brolh- swell's fare, wes vou ndidulouetd be" wiln.aottd.wilhoul laughter. Wht ! what .H' he gnspvd. Hasn't Iherebern nq p K)r pilgrims here ? Didn'f our Pieochcr build a wall of books in yon der corner 1 Wasn't the Devthal is, a singular Sitanic personage, iiere in mv pew? Hey?- You Jon't mean to say bjolhcr " The Bank Director liughed all o cr his ''You're been dreaming.' Bad in the afiernoon, after a heavy dinner. And you inijsteoMhe besl parttjf the sermon; bull see they are gbing to sing the last hymn." " unite in praise!" -exclaimed the Preacher, standing erect in thelighlof the betting sun. Let us 6ing to the prnise of Cod in the following beautiful" and apjum-j priate h'mn . Asha-nrtl of Jesuccn it he J AibjmeJ, dcu JLord, W lice! " They rang the hyiMfi, and invllow and heavcnly was the btirrt from a full choir of I ho fashionable temple. Bui Urctther Bran- . even ( halblastcd for.m, vded in bluish flame, J 77 .w"-"" "-i'6 --'J !" lch,.tds-lhePreaeheri nervous haste, anO' ?', u ' .S,ub.uentl'lt ? comes gliding over the people's head to ? gSS U,at W" had e a nmlakc, ..:.i ,. .r k...r ii. nL l ,, mcrling pecuharfor pecuniary. The er- ,ir jit,, nr rrnrlc hnri.ehiit 1iittcII nut.lrnm (I,.. K.rM.I lh.. V.f" Hill Irh.b ,1'rri T-nn ! U' l0e mu tliiif mv oTJmiiil' fni'rt "ihe.ilhin! eve. ' orS " .- - i M-".---B .-- . -. w.--7 . weHcoukJ not jmg; his red. round farojloss j ooi-vessci, wnicn he. had so vwsvrij pii; wtiercveruc turueil -htr saw - - "y ""mm uu oanc noLthergmnhcnl cantvalion, incin: ' ht' J-o''''"",d thcunnin lhe hvmn, but the foiw:ol his dream tlrr , cot no1" : 0M nea' Acn ami H ruse forever la hi cars, ihal diinRch?iuiif- TT spirit of Jchorah niv,ii in, to M.'ch.' rood tidings lo Hie Iwe. Wit aad Humor. f-irrxTfos for Debiting Soriritcs. "Docs llio.enrth.cvcr cttl iHcir while in the stt of Tcvolvinj-nn its own iixccsl"' Scno )i.m.sti:r I'tU TcnipUns, wlrat if auwitloul Bill: A vuMcr,tr,hnrn3rrpd tvomnny "llrat hntnt jrot no husband, cause he's.tleatl. Master: Very well. What ha VcitloWCr Hill Awidilrirr is a man that funriwUle wiJuVrs. Master: Weil, Bill l!at is not according to Juhnbonbut you 11 Pa55 J A skilful chcmisL has .prepafj a wash UhnLeiTeclualKvcuntfall eruptions upon Ihe America, may they add virtuo to beauty, my.and reduce scartdal to its lowest denom- inatiotf." Advice. 'If ever yon marrv" said a Pnm3n mncl tn 1m snn. IpI h h Wo. mn whn line Tiiflcrmnnf pnnnnli In timnrin. rfn,rto Mn;n.,f rr.1 rtr?.;o.,oief ,oi " , . ", . .- - enoucrh in !rpj;Tir'KAlf "Kpfhrp hrpntrnct sntl sense enough to hold her toigue when she w nnilnnfr in r "w o j- Mits Mary G. Wi lHs-,.-of Concord, lately advertised fdr iiusband In the advertise ment it was slated that tlie 'ldy was in a "ppcuuar condinpn," rencuyjing eariy ,pro "iU,""8 pw-uiidr ior pecuniary S v rec,.ed' W wc cel .'"' oe mwjied. Advcr.ismg ,s rfreal &mA& to all ofpersons. . ".- ," ;n"" -.,. .u.- " '"" V. i- J " , r , . nr i .wir.t A TV ntn ninini ri lo .vn i tTm j u u. Jiiuuiiit lM"v" g iJ una uu luiii- baby alnnglQe floor, plays a hand with a -whiiile and rattle "allach- JVVaT ",, ,n iV ' . t J hf l e little pet" until it roars witn laughter, J , n,.rfnri, 15llu i,il4oS, -' . -, .l :.i.i .l ! J .!. U..', about the baby's person which can be btllcr ....--.....-. , ... -.. v ,--,- imagined thpn. explained. Take, the ma chine to the great IoduslrialFair," by all means. Tlipre is a hymn in one of the "New Eng land -Puritan collections," commencing "Purge, me with hyssop, and make me clean," Which was given out on Sunday morning. The clerk set the hymn to lhe rong tunc, which. he did not discover un til ht had Iwice.or th'rice endeavored lo execute t be-first sentence, "Purge me with hyssop," etc. At length, out of all" pa tience, an old maid wno led the treble, whined out";Hadat you belter take some other yarb, Mr. B V It will be remembered, by those who read the report oHhe late "Bights of Wo men" Convention in Ohio, that a Mrs. Til den was among the foremost of the peticoat prattlers of that interesting . assemblage, The lady's husband, Hon. p. R. Tilden has been nominated by the freo-soilers Df thai stajeas their candidate for Governor.' W.e should like to know whether "Mr. Tilden considers the married slato- a free state or a slave state, "and what are his views on the will not proviso., Wellehissts. "Teeth insprled here," as the bull dog said when he bit ot the loafer. " Tis false," as the girl said when her ueau told her she had beautifril hair. "Bevnre," as lhe potior eaid to-4lw lump of clay, "Licking lasses," as the man Tsaid when hhe whipped the girls. "Well, it' no use lalLing, as the boy said lo bis deaf daddy. Gettino insured, The Boston Post re lates a 'good one of Jacob Barker, the (Jun ker, who hearing ql the loas of one of hs vessels which be.had omitted, to gt insured, wrote lo a broker With whom he bad spok en on lhe subject, ai follows z Dear friend. If thee has not filled up lhe policy which I bespoke on Saturday, thee need npt, as I .have heard from the vessel." The broker ioacl had not filled up-tlie Jolicy, bol presuming from the tenor of acol' note thai his vessel was safe, and tempted by wh'alsreincd a cood' chance to to clutch his per cmtag without rudr, he nned u up lortjiwith and sent il to Jacob with the asurance that it had been made a11 na".v for h,rn on Saturday. On Mon- "V "nprn'ng " hrst thing that met his J''' on "lining bis newjpiper, was the i?y. i nen aiso, ambiguity ofja- rora the vessel!" i A Innnr cortcsnondent of ours desires lo know what woujd ! the consequence -of an 1 irresistible force coining m contact with an I every ; sublraci envy Irom friendship, multmlvam. iroroovablr body. SAfi FRANCISCO BUSINESS CARDS. v " o . WUOLCsAl.n AD ITAIL DEALER IN 0?-S, GLASS, ARTISTS' COLORS, &c &c. Montgomery St., San Francwoo, Cat. 0 "hno ADAMS AND CO.'S EXPRESS. r old dust ron. ITWARD& INetlKUD. t&Kcw Yotk, and thence transmitted -to any part of iho UniteJ Slates. Small packages also forwarJctl, ami Bill of Ex change given in any sums to suit purchasers. A. U, Jcvc thu only arransemorU'W an ex press on the mail train between New ctkuiul Philadelphia, thereby insuring a eooner'chvery at the mint than by any other conveyance. ADAMS &TCo. tfUzsa Montgomery, near California s1.y,fi!r lMinK purposes, or fot shippine to tho San Franchco, Dec, 4; 1810. tf JAMES -KING OF-WILLIAM, 5D&SN3'QS33 a0Q&a3 Corner Montgomery & Commercial sis. EXCHANGE ON Nrw York, Philadelphia, Waabingten City, New Orleans, Richmond, -v Alexandria, I ... . Winchester, VirS,nt3 Lecsburgb, ) Boston, Baltimore, St I.onW Charleston,' i Norfolk, Pctrrsburgh, Fredericksburg. Charlcbtovrn. Bills on London, and remittances made to any part ot England, Ireland and Scotland, in sums to suit, Collections made in Sacramento City, deci tf GEO. R. PARBURT, ATTORNEY" AKD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office iu tlie El Dorado, dec2tf SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. COMMERCIAL STREET, BET WEEJOIONTGOMERY k KEARNY Sis ATHIS NDWIIOUSE has been filled up y t-iijuiij iu zuy simitar E.;iauiiipicni III can. , Francico. The Lrwlging Ajiaitrnenis aro ns)- fortsble, well-ventilated and properly furnuTitp The Tabic will be supplied tilh cjt the marltct alDrd. meaj.s at AtL nouns. Boarding ty the Week, Day, or Ideal. . A tbarc of public patronage is solicited by JOAN MITCHELL; ADAM CAN.VOK, THOMAS 2-P00NElt. Son Francisco, Dec-4n .Ima TUMBULL & WKLTO And V,'hoiCato Dealers in Ccneral Mcrthandise- 231 JIOXTCOMCRV "STfcCnT, San Francis", Gul. nrrcrt to DuncovN:& Co. Danker, San Ivnurisco ijtarkw, Bros , & Co., do. 3mo 'I'. J. Dryer, Esij., Portland. 0. T. , SHIPPING. KEGUioAEt Linrle, BETWEEN ' rorllant! and San Francisco. BRK.ANN SMITH, Drcw,from Portland l.rith December. Brig TARQHIN A, Molthrop, from Portland 1st January. Freight will be taken by tills line at the lowest rates. Goods will be received by the agent and for- waiucu wila despatch, free of commission. COLCH & CO., Agents, Portland, Oregoni STARK & CO., Agents d4tf. San Francisco, (fal. FOR SALE, FREIGHT CHAKTER. OR t THE A 1 coppered aud Conner fastened. fast sailing brig EMMA PRESTON, 132 8o-9j tons bmden. nearly new. in perlect order, and can be sent to sea without ex pense. , For further particulars apply to Htf COUCH & CO, REGULAR STEAM PACKET, "t&yaoa & spaas BETWEEN ASTORIA AND WILLAMETTE. AT THE rCCT OF CLACKAMAS RAPIDS. THE STEAMER COL- -ZJMJJJA fpn.Fipet.wiU rtm HeguiAT ,iwri. ch week, leaving-M'lllaweiife on Wednesday and Saturday, reluming, vill leave jisiuua oa-munuuT bbu rriaay, loucnmg at aim wauEie, i'ortland, Vancouvtr a"nd St Helen s. For Freight or Passage, apply io A. P. pENNIS'ON, Agent, Portland, doc4lf Or to the CaDt. on Board. REGULAR LINE betweIjn PORTLAND AND OREGON CLTY. THE "SkukBra Chuck." and the "Tumwata," ("apt, James Cuburo, will ran regular between the above places. Freight and Passengers ta les at law rales. COUCH &. CO., Agents.'Portland. ALLAN, McKlNLY & COM Agentisj d4tf-. Oregon City. HOUSE CARPENTERING p4r AND SHIP BUILDING. 1 "".I lA M... ....I.M. ,rttllir j.l,' .MJ UlWftO " VU.U -.MVfc.IJ "v i jntorm the citizens of Portland and rcinilY, ! that they arc prepared to design and execute ev ery description of work, tn Iho most approved bsstcrn. style of buildtor. Thankful for pwl favors they respectfully, solicit a continuance ol tao saino. Z. ft. WEBBER, A. U. HALLOClU. U. B. They bavo tn their cnnloy comjictent. Ship Joioeis, una will twrepairinc on txnnl ves cl, iilf Z.H.W.."CU. .5ZS2Si' J&&&&Sstt Business Notices. STOKE. PROPOSALS will bo tiered try tr on.lcr wjned, for thodolWerr of a sutlicient quau tity f jrootl buiUintr siotto to conjunct tha walls ol cellar, innasnnng 17U fret in lensth", 7 fret high, aihJ 18 inchcK in width. The i tone to be delivered t the fot of Washington street, in Port- ana, niuuu tuiny uays Hif STEPHr.N COFFIN. PICKLES. I'miNOit Br.Ns, , Cauliflower, Piccalilli, Cbeilcin, Onion, fend Mexico PieMc, U4 tl ror Mle by STKPllK. COFFIN, $X LUDTBER. gvv J Mr. al)crilier i constantly raanU' &!& farturins. and offers for said afhia Saw mill at Oswcffo. 7 miles above I ortfrnil rawed Lumber, of ell description suita Brushes. n AIH, Shaving, (-lothes. 3nd Tooth Brushes, roraalo by SrKPHBN COFFIN. d;tf. mill Irons. O IX setts Saw Mill Irons, of a superior finish, for sale low "by STEPHEN COFFIN. dl-tf. MEDICINE CHESTS, containing a good vsorlment of DRUGS and MEDICINES, tbr ssle by STEPHEN COFFIN. d4rtf. WILIiAMETTE. AlBE subscribers, proprietors of this Town, nil g uated at the foot of the Clackamas Rapids. ion tnc west side ol tho Willamette Hucr, having just completed a survey and plan of the place, wouU call the attention ot Ihe public to this lo cation, as one of importance, and possessing un- doubtrd natural advantages as q point for bus;ncss. They natter themselves that all disinterested per. sons will be struck with iu prospects of speedily becoming a place of importance. With the pros pect of having a PlanK Koad.or n Kill Koad, to go by horses lo the head of tile Falls, they feel! confident that persons wishing to take an interest will not be disappointed in its ultimate success A plan of the place can bo seen at Willamette, ilh G. WWValling, or at lha oIDce of 4The Oregnnian, Portland. S. M. HOLDERNESS, .- G. W WALLING, A. G. W.ALL1NG, C. W. SAVAGE. 'Portland, Dec , 1850. tf MANILLA SUGAR, J$l A Miprior article ; none belter in the Territory For sale by STEPHEN COFFIN. d4-tf. ror iVintlovrs. rpnDS. 'iArr.i.-9, i..i rUI.LtYS, , 1initM. fer b!p htf . jStf SrUPilEN COFFIN, ESmUh nittl Mitlioiiery. i " SLM.L assortment for elle. by XV, STEPHEN COFFIN. c?. BRASS CLOCKS, K i GOOD, for ale by -jf STEPJiEN COFFIN. Wriiin? laTrcr. G P AND LETTER for'sale by f. STKPHBK UOFf liS. tTORAGE Received at low rates, by STEPHEN COFFIN, Indian Trade. j DEADS, Hair Tins, W Mcdal5, TrinkeU, and !)V Jewelry, euitcblje for the Indian tiado, for sale by STEPHEN COFFIN. "John H. Covcir. COUC-H Benj. Staiik. &. CO., BANKERS, Whojsale and Retail merchants, Dec. 2. t PORTLAND, OCTX'ON Benj. Stark. Jno. H. Couch. Jno. S.Sberinan i1tf San Francisco, Cal. John S. Siicrman. Benj? Stark. SHERHIAN & STARK, coramissKo: raEBCjaasTs?, :to 2?orfc eftn, 29 South Strf.ct. aTEPHEN COFFFIN, COMMISSION MERCHAiXT, PORTLAND, OREGGrHERITQRY. EZ G. MONTGOMERY; BOOT AND--SHOE MANUPAGHJRER, rsoirr, detwuen morkiscn & yashiill srs.- rORTCANU. C7. M. warrants his Boots and Sbocs Waterproof. J OH. W. W, IVloCAY, I Wholesale tad JTtetail DraVr in .CLQTHIWG, BOOTS, SH0S, iwj,, Front, b. Pine, and Ash Sxicets. - J. WWMcC wiU lKj,jirej aied tcaccornodatt- bis cuUoiucrs, out of a heavy Stock for Spring trade. Portion J; Dec. A. 180. tf STOR-'AGK Mr.-RUlIANDfaE wnl nrodooc received WI barsoe'-KiWIedatfriw. " i?r.. ., v vw . .o-"""- " Portland,!). TnDee. 4, IftiO. George -H- fland3i-s, YHOLESALE & REttlLIMMHAW. Goods receho ou cuii.-ijtunriit, Jiid foi aU)iage, al lu nix. P j Q P F O T II S 0F ItrpTrTJ' f T) "17 ft A 1T T AT ' J JLLJ! U Lb l!i V.T U IN lillN - n. ..-.t..:...i .: ....1.I..I. : .... .u.- town of Pbitlaml, Orcson Territory, a Jmirual to . be called -THK ORKGON1AN," to be publish ed weekly. While the F.ditor wilt rcrnnrnend a'ul idvocttc . - I . b r he will exercise an independent ludcmrnt urmn hA acts. N eonnLlemtioD cnnld tempt hira toU vocate ineaBurc luch ho brlicxrd uncortitotsoti al and detrimental lo tho interest, of the co m.ry. Blind aubsrrviencr to parlv U the bo.ct:ini; doIh.i ica! sin of our times, lie who pr.perly catinnle the high vocation and influential poMtiin of an editirr, otight to regard him only as the cuirJuii nf fit ! llttf t in Ami irluilf til trfa l Ij atil s . .. - . " . 1 I and not the mercenary agent of cliques and fie- V-r T. ?lht?? may ! ' ? XTn tton. Wc hare a country to serve, a well a a'"a,,,c '", f""' ,of ' hrrc f,Me ,he -"idence o party to oley. JoarmliUs arc teachers of great political truth, or should !v oml ought tn m.iKe the "general welfare" and the blessinjs of liberty to ourselves and posterity, the polar star of their editorial labors. He who make theae secondary or subservient to personal sejtuh con-.titerjtions, k a wronj: dijer of the highest grade, and ought to be avoided as onc'whose lilc is evil, and lliat con tinually. No party can long preserve it honor ond integ rity, and its bold upon the confidence of the pro pie, which wilt wink ot the leat appearance of i ... . . : ' . corruDiion. n 11 nas t. ncnstoncti Dreas. tvnai j moostrostues may it not in Unit) perpetuate I i he party lor wuose incoming and success wo gave the most unrcscned co-operation and labor, if It expects to be uselul and preserve its honor and integrity untarnished, ought to so act as to in vito an intelligent and impartial judgment upon its acts and policy both from its friends and foes. The people may sometimes be misleu, and do wrong, oat ineir eooer seconu inougui wiu always be n.ihl and eraoienf. The present adipinistration came Into power as the advocates of five and liberal lasislation as iho friends of peace, progress, and home induilry. If it will practice what it professes, it will be wen with it : if not, tho sooner it is overthrown and annihilated, the better it will bo for us and our successors. Hut we have an abiding confidence that our present chief magistrate, who has in times pat given an earnest cf bis patriotism and devo tion to the country which baa so signally hoiioced him, will so administer our Government as to en title lum to the gratitude of tho present aud coming- generations. ' Iho most important consideration, however, with the people of this territory, ia the principles upon which they are to calahbah their government and institutions, and not only to thorn, but to the whole Union, ot which they constitute a part. ucllenng honestly that the principles or the Whig party are the principles of the founders of the Government and of the Constitution, wo shall, with all deference to those who differ with us, ad vocate and recommend them with all the zeal and ability T7e possess to the acceptance and support ol the pcotilc of Orccon Separate and apart, however, from if political character, it wjlFbeja faithful chronicle of all im portant e tents which may occur in tbw pari of our country. To Merchants. Manufacturers, ond Earmcrs, who have a deep stake in the prosperity of ibis dfttaiit portion of the country, tlie Orogo ninn oushtto be of interest. ' i The OTcgoniurirntll be paM(iId weekly, ooa' fiDoubJe Medium shecl.viitb new ypend will com JPare Uio'aijlv WUirint v-.k ... i .14 Cay. . TERMS Single copy, -g7 per'arwmn; clubs cf five, to one addrw. $ 0 ; ten, CO ; lftcnty 100 invariably m cdv neo Wc shall publish a rrgulalr monthly Steamer Edition for the United btatca, California, and Jbu rnpe, in. wbicU will tc embodied all tbc Saiislical, Polmcal. Commercial. Agricultural and .Local i cws of the day, whirh wilp t c regularly mailed to any part of tho United States or Europe at $6 per annum. Wc are alo prepared fo execute all kinds of- Hook end Job Printing, a a superior style, on wiort notice, oru upon ubcral lerms- THOMASJ. DRYCR. Portland, O.T., Dec. 4st, 1850. SPECIAI. AGENCY. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT,. - 1'OR.Tl.AND, INOV. iiOjlSoQ. SEALED Propolis will Ire received at this . sas&Sofficc, until tbe55ih day of Decern- ber next, at 8 A. M., for transporting the United States Mails, on the following routes, lor the term of one year, commencing on the 1st or January next. . From Astoria,. Clatsop county, on the 1 st and 10th, at 8 A. M.,""! arrive at Oregon City on 4th and 18th "9. M., via at. Helens, Portland Milwaukie. ami bock leaving Oregon City on 12th and 22d. 8 A- M. arrive al Astoria Hlh and 24th, 8 P. M. Bcmi-moabry, (by act. of Con- ?7cs3i via. Bules. 1. From Qrcson City, leaving Mondays 8 A M and arrive at Salem on' Tuesdays 8. A. M., nod back Salu.rdy 6.A. M., antT arrive ai Oregon City same day 9 P. M., (weekly.) 2. From Sdlem TueBdaya 9 A,-Jf w via Sra- kuse, Lynn-county, Keys, Lynn .county-, Spal ding's, Lynn county, Jacob Sporc Lynn county, Im . ,,;n T . ..-i- .-WE vjM V. ricayani xim, ucuion cuuiiij, wu.-i . jbhiikji-s. Ccntnncounty, al 8-P. M on Wednesdays,, and back. Thursdays 8 A.M., arriving 'at Satan on Tridava 9 P. M., weekly. 3. From Syracuse Tuesday tl. M,, vuAL bsny.Xynn county,-to ftjarysville Denton county, Wednesilay noon, andruacK'same day tr.Jl and arrivemf Syracuse 1 P. M., weekly. 4. From" Portlau'd 6 A. M.- Saturdays, via HarruV-Ecrryr "vVabmgtbtr county, t Ehfayctte, Yam HilL county, same day 9'F.y..-. and back On Endaya-6 A. M.,.andaintoiame day y-r-M. wevklyi ..Erom Portland-Saturdays- A.M., via Xfills- baroujih, "VVjsbington counlj-,. North Yam Hril, Yam-Hril county, South Yam lllll, Xani-Hill county to Nesmilhts mill-s in Pe Ik cuiinty, Man daysI3 noon, aird back on Thursday 6. A -Si. ar-. riling ut Postrand -Friday 9 P;."! 0. From Po'rtland 8 A.AL, via. Mihvaukie Jo Oregon City U noon", and luck J. P. ;M arriving at Vortljnd"-saiac djy seini-uionlhly inlermcdiato, alternate ;o (he tups on the route from Astoria toJ I Oregon Ciry , "on- lhe I lu ana. Z.ith of each-month, ijnuK jno King, wiui uie sciui iijuuuy inps, ivur , Irij -pvr tnunt'i. m . . 7. From St: IltIin'-on "th and H)lh 8 A.M.. '" via mouth of Cowuiz Iticr. Cowluz. to. 'soirif- lliiy Mb aud -J2d 8 P." M anjl back 9th and 3dJ IB A. Mn -and -nrric 12th aud 2tlh,8 P. M ol ;eih nioiuu, scmi-muUlily. ..hit.,. ,.jikli..t.,.l ,hn !..... i...i.t.v . ... . t.m-lcs wnW,.,l lf'A 3, 4. -., 6, 7-iu two cL,cs, age cia"bly to- the (ructions uf tltcnlepaumiiit. I, A; and b, will Iu ol the tiiU ctas, and will be l.t iu-ths lowct bi.ldii, if it i.ome wnluu lhe luuiu of m inslrurtiuii. at a i:ii-n rauo foi. mic. bait the Mip. vemi iimiiililj ', ihe nuwi rUlf,.utid tlitjte 2, a, 5, 7,' Mhtr SfrnmU laa xo the 1.xvcji indtbi. i.rori 'cd .tb a:'I COaic isUhin the-fauit of bt e.t protJed.- of tut I on",rCH 'npi,,'c,l i all case, however, reserving Jthe lihjl if dircon'.ir.uiiijr any contract, at any jlmieby onlir ot the Jqcrinrcni.or theaijentU ll"'"u,'1 lnc ,3c may be nCrtary, by comph- ancc beinj; nude with the rorlracl pro rata. f.r .for all vfivtu-s a'nJcroil. All proposal shouIJ ivocif the of cunvevance per week and rj. 1... ...4... mm.I .l..tnA ...K tl. ... nf snrcly to die jK-rformence. of the services to la' pf'tforineil. thi bein reiiuired by law, N. U. IJmU en any of tl c econd clasi of tern pjirary roulcit will be considered, if they btzin or ti....,trtitr ttf itllilf n.I .if ill, tri n.1,.1 "" . r , , , . . . rrZ ? Pa,t f lhe ?Ic '"""I W, ofl!f Th? (icenuinaiion ot me uti-rpiru uuk win oc ai c-ck l ' M- on Mh Uc'b": - H. I.OWNSDM.E, r. .-t. T-. y-. .. ...... rpcciai vgeni r-u. uepaiimem. u. J FORM OF A DID. here write tbp or res idence, hereby proposb to cirry the U. S,MaiJ on number fcom tn as often as the advertisement rdiuirrs, in the tune htatcd iTi tbc schcdulra, and on horseback, cr olhcrui. here state the mode of conveyance, for the sum ut dollar. FORM OF A GUAkANTY. The undersigned, here insert the guaraqtoili name or names in fall' guarantees bcrc in sert narne of bidiler in full'" if his bid for carrying tho mail be accepted by the special 4igent, shall enter into an obligation, prior tatho l" diy of January, with good and sufficient surely to pre form the services proposed. Dated daj Deccmlier, ISoOi. FORM OF A ClRTIFICATK. The undersigned, Postmaster of 'or Justice of Peaco offc &c certify thai the gnsf antor above named fc able and sufficient to m.ikrf goqd bis guaranty. Dated - day of Deccrulier 18")0. . A.B Justice of tho-1'caco. d-ttf or A. B Potmnster. '"I , JOHN RICKETSON "" ' "TTTTOULD inform his friend and tho putdto f V in gcncial, that he has taken the new Htnr on Front street, lately occupied, by May 3c (o where be has by recent arrivals from Sun Fran cico and the Stales, a large stock of merchandize. consisUng ot a general assortment ol- DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS,' SHOES, INDIA RUBBER " GOODS, Stc r'j which be will oell'ot the lowest prices m urty quantity to .suit puicliasers. Merchants of Purl-! land and country arc requested te giio him-ji calls' d4tf. " " PDKIP AKD ACQUIDUCT BUHJ3ER. nAS Located jiinvielf permanently In Tort land, Oregon, and is now prepurtd uH ecutc all calls in the above line , ALSO H.1NUFACTUKES AND W2ETS ON 11AKU . WIOMLD CANDLES, AfReasonablc Pricrs, It. D. AOII JrA.m J'CWt T,l.LO. Water, between JcflciMin and Columbia Su Dee. 4, 18-jO. tf United States Laws. PU1JLIC ACTS the First Session Congress. PunLic No. G. Passed ai Th-rU Fual AN ACT antliorfiiug lite neotiilion of Tinih j with the Indian trite in lhe Territory of Ure gon. for the oxtiiiguMirrte nl of itwir daiitw to lands lying west of die Cascade mountains, and for other purposes. Be iti enacted by tbc Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United State of Amrrica m Congress- Ufeuablnf, Tlict the Preaidrrif be aulhoi 2ed to oppoint one or nwe ctnnmi'iinncw to lis colialc treaties tvith the vndien tribes ia ihe Territory f Orcjoo, for tbecxfrospuTSmeTrt ot tneir claims to innus ying vrrsi wie vascsm. mountains ; and, if found expedient aud practica ble, for their removal cast of said mountains : Ao9 for obtaining their auont ond rfmissioii tQtIr existing laws regolatmntradeand intercoura'wifli the Indian tribes in the other Territories -oJi United States, so far as thoy may be applicable' to the tribes In the said territory of Oregon ; the cow, pensalio'n to such commissioner or commissioner not to exceed the role faerctoibn' allowed fot aimi lar scrvioes. . Sec 2. Ant) be it further exacted, ThJt rh Pro'i'denl be autlmriscd. by am! with tho rvtci iand;eoftsent of tho s-'enatc, to appint a qubw lendenl'df Indian AlTutrs f r Wre Ternlory of Ot gon, who shall receive an salary f twn lyaD hundred dollar-, ami whoso duty it khaft-be to exorcise, a gcnrrjl fiu-eritendcTK over all III Indian-tribes in Oregon, and to exercise and per Turin all the powers aud duties .drngncd by law pthor superintendent of Indian ArKiirs. See. 3. Aud be it furtljcrea.etnl,'natJHiuch of the act tacstablisb the TvrrUnriaT -Grvpriuni'i fof Orcgonfapprovwl tlrelltii August, I8-I3fis ir quires the G"torni uf ml 1 erniory to pvt form the'dutios of SuperintendcnroTrndiao 'AtTrrs,AmJ authorizes him-to receive a i!y tlieiefofin WK tioctu the'salary allowed for brs serviaja a (for. .ernor,-bc-repealed ; and tlutjhe Governor 'of mJ Territory holI hereafter reciivti oq. annual rfalar ofnhrce thofisand dollars. See.4. .And be"it furtber enactetL That"tlio President be outhortzwJ,.by and with lh advice and. consent of the Senate, to-appoint one or toots Indian a,-ctusr not cxcctcding .tlirce," as jib shall deem, expedient, each. of whom xhall receive aa (annual salary of lifluu hundred-dollars, give bout! la now required byfawyand Jtcrlctrm all the-dutrc ot aenvto iui.n irioc or inucs-oi inaians m ioi TctnUy of Oregon, ai siluilue asmgueu lo nrm ly . ihcJupcriiilcudctiUto be ajipututed by-tbo prccvi. tons of this act, under -the direction of the Prcsi dent. S.c. o And bo it further nncted, That the Ian rczul.iuiig.traMe'aiidMnU'rt'cursc with tils' Inular tribe of thi Ricky ALiuiiUius, or.anch. pro viaiptu of the amo.3 may bo aiulicaWe,ie cx- 1 over thu Indiau tubed in UC Territory ol Ongoit, tc b. thl-be: it further euactod,-! hal lh -um ufAweiiiy live thousand, dollars Ic auptopria u-d iu; ot'any monojk ui the'trcasury nut otbr. vvhsc .ipj rojinVted, in carry mto clicct- the provia lulls -oLlhis act. HDWEI.l. COIIB. rfe4ktr uf tbeHoux ut Keprcseul&uVe. M LLVIiD-KiLLMOKLV Vice' rtrftdcul of the Unilod States,- - and-I'rv.nJent of the Sensw, Arj)fOved,Junif 7-t,'-ru- 5SACJJAIIY TAYLCrJt A ?J?