'M? 1 V ' VOX L THE -tfREGQNIANy KUCITISK I?, Is vineif?niti!i nwr nrtTfAinrr ninnlh Wa may reasonably expect, 1 think, farther ap propriations by lite Genera! Government, Jor Hie erection oi iigni nouses mid other improvements. I would allude Iq the cause of Education. rThe integrity and perpetuity of our Repub lican iustituiiiins, depends upon the dissem ination of knowledge among the people. (Those whose ;ood lorttine it i to ejijoy an education, value il above nil price, while (hose whose misfortune it is lo bo without : r.I uln.. Iki. JKn..l... . ..... I .. ii, itci jiriiiujia hup iiij.n4iuuu liimw nvr;i-.i ly than all others. IWrer was nn. adage more true than that "kuoujedge is power." Jl invoke your most earnest at u-nlioir lo this fcubjecL The inconvenience experienced by pub- lie functionaries as well as" the people at Urge, for the want ol suitable buildings in .wliich lo iranpnct ihe public business, ren- denl's House in Washington City, on the denUhe permanent location of the seal of ninth day of July of the present year. To Gorernmeul ol no little importance. This attempt a eulogy were vain. Forlv-two subject is well cajcnlated to excite the pub-. years spent in the .service of his country, lie mind, therefore, great pains should be 'with a fidelity, wisdom, and succes, so per laken to meet the just cxpeclnl ions of all. feet, aj to defy criticism: commencing with jiarts of the Territory. . hm humble Lieutenancy n the army,.nud 1 SEfte odnnWige.-tli 'pectmiary point of terminating in the most exalted pnriiiou Hirwvoflhe location, to lbe place selected which il ha evrr been ihe fortune of anv is rather imaginary ihan real. As, there-. 'human being to occupy, and that, too, de fore, there canbe but little individual gain rived-from the uncofroptcd source of a free nr iw63, nt-ouujcbi imo MU ii.ijTM. mute in una . Wnse, but ihe public sfl largo have a deep interest, mai a juuicious selection oe ma tie. .'fKero now in iny bifhdi $5000 for the iyirpose of eroding suitable public build iipfo iihieli may be added" 40,000 ap irbprialel al the late cession of Oongrere. (The want of a secure place of confinement fbr persons convicted of high crimes) rcn iters your .ptompl action in regard to I bo erection of a penitentiary indispensibly ne cessary, to Ihe faithful execu'ion of the land. Oltr cmmtf3'men are now engagml in. the ipalrfolic and laudable enterprise of erecting s national monutneiit al Washington City, 'commemoralivo of ihe illustrious deeds of itlro Father of his countrr. The slates and territories are invited each, to contribute a Mock or slat of stone with suitable inscrip tions thereon, lo form n part of the monu ment. In recommending an immediate 'acceptance of this invitation) I feel sure (that J am expressing (he wishes of every itruo hearted Oregonian. Jn relation to (hat portion of the Indian tribes who are within thesettlcd pari .of the (Territory, a high ond. sacred duty belongs lo the Legislature. The protection of thepe people in Iheir home and persons, the i:iurdianhi'p of their moral being ; the be ptowal upon (hem of t uch cultivation as lh?y. are caiwble of receiving, in a great measure necessacily belongs lo the General Govern- I ttneul. The Govrrnn.eut has appointed !a erson whose especial duty it is to attend to Indian adair, and a Board of Com'mis- 'pioners lo treat wilh ihe lodions for the re- IliuquiFhmenl of IhOlr right lo the soil. On Uv. uarl. oJ li'jLefllsLunr , tJT'V nwrrRffe to timV, olsulh moasdresas lie within its province, calculated to further tho objects of justice and humanity towards this-fading race, should in like manner be kept in view. Among those which appear ttonioTo promote advantageous results, is the ias8ge of an act authorizing the ap 'premising of Indian children to useful I trades and occupations, where the consent of the parents can be obtained, and under jproper safeguards for their good treatment and Education. It is probable, at least in the beginning, their own prejudices willp- pose an oosiacie to ine pian, oui wnn judg ment in managing the system, raiuable re culls may possibly be Obtained. The natu ral traclabilily of the tribrs in this portion ,qI Oregon, their habits of fixed residence, 'and great unwillingness to lean their old grounds, thp ingenuity dnp! ed byjhem in many arlicle of'tnanufacture, indicate the 'direction in uhich Ihey thqidd be-inttrucl-Vd, not ouly as farmer?, but as enrpenters, 'cmilhs, and other mechanical pursuits, (boy tnighl be -made useful- to the community, as well jislo ihcmselves. Should Ihe experi ttent be deemed wortny o trial, -(and as rodh only I suggest,) provision should be caiefully mado ill it, fbr the protection of the apprentice iu his rights, and authority ciwft to the agents of Government to rn force-thV fulfilment of the contract on the barl of the employer, 1 would inoet earnestly invito your im mediate intention to the condition ol the laws ol the Territory. It has been -snid of ftn ancient tyrant, lhat he po.led his laws K high that none of his subjects could read them." No mart'n f, libeyy,or property, should be subjected to ihe operation of laws yf whirl. Jie is wholly iguorant, or of jrhiclt he might r.ot easily ubtaifi informa tion, and ycl, such is essentially the condi- linn nf llrn tMnii! nl lliisc TtTrilnrv ' V t . 1 . ,- T , . une 01 uie uigr.csi compumenis ciue to : ! ' .j"iu.i.ri,r.iju;3uii wk tJje people of Oregon, is his love of good 'rights and privileges for which he never h prderand Iheir strict rrgarij to lhlsrlghtstbore(, Thus the speculator gets improved of each other. Iiut, as the country jopu-nll,t cultivated land at the mear price or laic.-lieu- interests will orise. and the ne-!ncar,y of uncultivated, an act of injus- cessity or well known lules, by which ,ice ot almost daily occurrence j and al these iiitererts can be regulated and prolec f though sales are ollen delayed yeurs be ted, must be obvious to all. Some of the yona theUiine of mnhitig the pre-cmplious, . laws now on the Statute L'ook, arebheved liy many 10 i.ae ueen piaceu mere in vio lation of their chartered rights, whilst oth ers openly refuse obedience to them lor the came reason These difficulties should at utu.e be gotten rid ol, and a code( instituted ' that would command the respeel'of aH our con.-lituents. Thc subject of taxation, alwats a delicate one, demands your early attention. The ference, 1 would recommend the people utll cheeriully pay such taxer, as ngainsi tne mrKing neast and stcaiiny in- ,,ation of notice from the government here tire wants of thc territory require, provided Idian.and encounter the diseases inaiVnt to an( lV(tuIih therefore ure upon voqr con IheV are equitably levied. With greni de-! I,ew countries, away from medical slvill z: sldejaiion the "proprietvol the most liberal of a law by means of which, the value 0f;"us,, l'r'ak "Pi ftnre ami pbnt his land,;;ng llU u,al ,j,e wi5,ini of Congress will each person property, of ewy descrip- '" li5 lliswc!li ani1 provide many otlu'r-jacijnawli-ge the n-cct.ity oruch liberality lian.irrayvbe oscertajued, and impose a things which arc abIutely necessary, so n fa parf antlsome license to their brelh- reasonablcad-torem tax upon it afirr dca ductingrhis in.hflilni-s?u The unexpended balance of five thousand ; poorly supplied, and comforts and luxuries dollar appropriated by Congres for -the j scarcely ever known during his lite purpose ol" purchasing a library, teas placed j Ypt there men nrv the pioneers of the in my hands, and ha been nearly aH ex-illation entering its grandeur, and f.hould pended under my direction. Th? hooki ! hnvp , and arc entitled fo every facility, have been placed in a room ..handsomely J which k is in the power of Ihe central go fittcil on, ami 1 submit to youcwiyJom such refitment to bestow, nnd Cohgre.-s there- ucuon in relation lo iiiem es rou think nrooer. If it is your de.ire fo pro vine" fo'r I heir. use and tale keeping at the Territorial ex pense, they re at your disposal, otherwise win enueavor to see I t Ml I the" law faithfullv 'executed. j Since your last meeting it pleased Al. J mighty God to bring to a close lh long J and useful life of the President of the Uni- ted Slate, Zichary Taylor, whose last words, i were, 1 havu done my duty, M am mil 'afraid to die," breathed hit last at the Pres- nrome, i8 nis ruiogy, anu is glory enough for one "man "I congratulate you upon the safe deliver ance of our glorious Union from the dan gers which appeared lately to surround rt. The admission of California into the Union, the establishment of Territorial governments for Utor and New Mexico, and ihe propo sition to s-ttle the "Texas boundary question which I have no doubt will bo occupied bj' that Slate, has scattered to the winds th oft repealed declaration of monarchists, M thai there is rib capacity in man for self government," and is n timely rebuke lo fanaticism both North and South. I invoke ihe Divine blessing on all your cfTorts to serve Oregon, and lender yoii my hearty Co-operation JOHN P. GAINES. Washington City". ) Doc. 20, 1819. To His lixcrxLCNCY, Tnii PncslDcxT or the Ukitet Statis, Sir ; Previous to my departure for the Territory of Oregon, where I contemplated permanently residing with my family, and over which, by your partiality, I have been called upon to pre.-idc. 1 desire lo present to your consideration, such information as 1 have been able lo obtain Iroin leliable sources; of llic wants and wishes of my fel-: low citizens, in oruer mat congress may , anticipate in its action, the lime which ; ai thing., and under all circumstances, he must necessarily intervene before 1 can'Fj,an regard u as his friend and protector communicate any thins from my own ptr w,om h? enn safely rrly, but fbt every sonal obrvalion. gri orfdijIilesfUT"' !u,-HfJ'ly:-.-lrn:nj)i-ji,n. ment by '.ongrefs, the citir.rns ot Oregon, t.fr.'ctinlly to crry liui so denmhle a puli for their mutual 'support nnd protection, ,-y, allow me lo "suggest the Heredity of formed a Provisional Govprumcnt, chosen ,norP strinrnl laws against those who, re by tlu whole people, among whose .acts gartHou of all propriety and humanity, .tf was one donating to .each male citizen or r-ur0 j;v supply h'ini with sjiirituous ifqurrs, eighteen years and upwards, a section of am u;s ;nrtead of striving to elevate h vn land.-and they desire" that Congress may froni barberism to civilization, sink him'1) confirm said act, and farther lo exleiid thc ,he l-Jct of the beast, and il should be ifr same lo all who may hereafter emigrate lo fading aim o( the government that rhe ihe territory -within s reasonable term of hiding chiefs should be made to rompre years, or Until all the land in the territory hend Ihe motive and object of -htselaws, may be selected, provided said citizen shall tj,at u,nv n,jg, aid the conrlhoied aulhor- seiue upon anu.cunivaie ine same. , ijK , bringing such ofTentler? Injustice. It is well known that in all new cnun-; The growing' importance of Oregon and tries under pur present land system, there me great influx or emigration, would lea' are many who are altogether unable lo pay ro .the natural desire that all facilities for their lands aper making tho necessary should be exte'nded lo the people consistent improvements, and providing ijie simplest wj,h ihe magnitude of tho interests con and mnsf economical living for their &m- nt-drd" tlrerewih. Itis therefore rxtremr ilic, and that at thf- regularly established y drsTrable that rhe exlra postage on let publjc sales, numbers of speculators..' arcVr from the Slates to- Orecon should be rouud ready either to advance money toJhe,jspPnst.d with, leaving the rales no higher ......b. w....v ,.. ...(. ....... .. ru.v.uwn. the land outright after tho inability of th'e" settler is cstablUhed, aid-who receive, osi-f Blly, large premiums forHheir atTvances, nnd take mnrlgagea on. Ihe properly, or when more cautious, buy and sell on mortgage to the settler, in order to avoid nay claims for luxurious inierest,which transaclion,though apparently made in good faith, and as n fair business transaction, is' a miserable subter- fuge, decpplionond frAtid ending in the ejection 01 ine. prison wno mauo me loca tion, and concluded the improvements, nnd the installing of a new man of capital in the owneishipof land, Thus he w Ho expends hisliuip, labor, and intelligence, in the noblest of all pursuits, the reclaiming Ihe land aYid making il fruit ful, is ejected with t)is family from t.he home he iud earned by the sweat of his brow, and compelled to beyin the world I anew, whilst the heirilew sifculator who I lil-atf linnn ilia (nit nfAflitiM. uVI..m nil tf... yl numerous arc the trials of the fron tier settler, qnd so senrce and hardly to be obtained is money currency, lhat thousands are found unable to pay for their lands at the time of sale. Persons not accustomed, and unfamiliar to frontier life, can but slightly conceive llje ve.xalion, toil, and labor, iil the deprivations and trials of the pioneer in in i-iviiizauun. lie nas not only unainet! and atone, to guard his flocks and health, ,nal W,J V"nosi care ami unccamg ia 1 .(titniTiiicintr inuring rvfti rtu hsi lAhmM ti . ..! .. w, ." miti.:uiv l - 3,"";u - . lore; in roniirining tne law ol Uie i'rovi j. more rehatile intorinaliyii-Oti llitue iunjrcts fore tne aMticmeal cowincncrd, tben within lhrwiulJ " incoccraaijoi v ar m cau-v me vame i-j nanal GoVtrnmenl of Oregon would t.til Ih.-m I mi-hl o'fnr.- " ,oMh frdm this comAeftdcment of uch aeli'e- 'uch imprnveiiiMiu i. be .crHaineJ. an-l tho. fvndcf ,i,hp.e junlceto ihoSe hoha de- Jf in your opinion thi aboe. will - Z? "W, XESZJFJZSJSSi voted Uirir time add mean, in protecting duce lo the prompt action or Congress and (ho" ,irecisc cr trB calfnrj hj thttil tCf. appPruted. J and upholding the honor end intesrily of meet votfr approbation, von will ub!iTt? the t,vtirMv m..! ihi law. dm! in nil mk si IIOWelI, COBD. our common countrl': Undersell a wise, just and salUtnrj? aS rangement, the settler would feel secure .in his knd, which is the first great object of his emigration, hi improvements will be nmre cheerfully nnd rapidly made, for he would then know that no rapacious specu lator could wrench" f he m from him, and the country will grow up with actual tillers of the soil, nnd Oregon will thus be peopled with a strong, hard, and" industriousare, ready in a few years to increase the wealth of the nation, or if necessary lo defend its people and its ohars from the eggr s ibis of cnucije,. It is extremely desirable lhat Congress should as early as possible, mnke an appro priation sufficient lo defray all the expenses incurred by the late Provisional Govern ment, and incident lo the Cayuse war. The circumstances under which that govern ment was called into exisirnce, in the ab sence of all protection by Congress, the ab solute necessity which then existed, for the people to organize, protect, and legislate for themselves, cannot now b denied. The simplicity of their lawp, the prompt ness of (heir action, and the ability and gal lantry of their defence, are known to the world, and as the government would and should have borne the expenses had .they been organized into a territorial "govern ment, and as their action has been the es tablishment of law and order on the Pacific, it is but jut and reasonable that the nation should bear-the burthen of the expenses in curred for the good of Ihe whole, nud in defence ol the integrity of the Union Il would afii-rd roe extreme pleosurp to be authorized at the earliest practicable mo ment, to make tUch treaties with Ihe various peighboring Indian tribes as will he" for the. mutual interest of each. The Indian is the original owner and proprietor ol oil our. lands, and -5 a nation we ow him some- thing more Ihan blow?, and oppression. M- .tw,..M lw tr-i,l ic n.ir fr nnA -iml '" i..- - " , ...... .-.iM , ll,t,.rt,-ri,t niwi rninnrnliMnil. tlvit l though moie nowerful than he, our Very I renl, j.I,0ii ! he his svfelv. and Hurt in jjjjji) inose cuargea ueiwrcn -ais-ani oiaies, -r.d that the maiIB mav oass lo Orecron at j,ail(dS 0len as once joevery Iwo weeks, ami that post roads, routes, and offices, may be.immedialely established in :he I efrilory. It will be greatly to the advantage of the people of Oregon and lo .the mercan tile interests of the nation that suitable and. liberal appropriations should be made for Ihe iu-provenienl of rivers and harbors on the Pacific const, particularly al the mouth of the Columbia and .ip the! ...r,, , , ,' , , vv iiiaineue, anu tnai certain lowna snouiu he designated as port uf entry, the md.J prominent ol which wnulil keem lo be Uie fT l 1 I . IL . ' 1 town 01 roiuann, u Ofinjjme nearesi noun to Oregon City accessible to large veerels. Thv appropriations for ihe capitol, otfi' ce, pemjMitiary, &.c, hou!d.be made as-Jib eral .us possible with a due regard to the .prices of labor and material in lh country. In regard lo ihe defence of thn country too much can hardly be suit! I with a large frontier almost entirely ejcpnsvd it is de sirable that the neonle of Oregon should b idaceil in a position to meet any Ihousli circums'ances may compel him to ncyca mwmp "h '" l , ? .-. i tti , imiiner, and in occordancc with the laws ot the fed his present infeiiorily. we should deal j UnJtcd Statcj wbIch mav bo in forcef thc j;slr5cl wilh Iil in a? I'tir enual. and he should be! nr-n.,rtrtr tvinT tintu-n tl.e sti:nmit of thc Cas- emergency winch- mnv arise, tor ihisl"n, ""'" ' ,uw ": purpose generous aptfropri lions are dt-sireil," " .. lialhMjM lh!. ffran, and lho ireutv.n'J r- ,. : k.. .. 1. iil.. necessary, and for the building of posls, an-l the maintenance of a suitable number of troops. The great extent ol cousi and still mure extended Irnntier con.iantly exposed, the great distance from Washington, and the diflicully -of rapid communication, it will be seen that emergencies mav arise when it-will he necessary for ihe. Territory lo mvel danger, and incur expenses in antici rt.n wj,n are Iocattl on the extreme wc- ior uie u.-iunp ai m roau-s uiui uie con ,,ut mfroiy t0 secure tunra Uie letion, and con struction of such military roads as may be fins them to nsinslc grant of hud. mi30rderoturrriiiurpujjn1c.! 1 have io'.entinuaily.nVoTdetl asking" any 'soever-receive a patent for mora thin cue !o- the anilwriiy o'fihe Preside nt or ilia United .Surtr specific appropriation, in consrqueuce of. nation of lam? h said Territory ife 1i or hrT.furftirM, magazines, arenai,'Kek yards, and other the Vriy Ihuited and itlirfrrl kmiwfoW OWB rjs&,- Pnh'etL. T:ialnorniiK;j-Hnk-sliaH'Vlfulprft'Ufc"tis,iftaH b reserved am! ercfte.1 which 1 Hieor the cnuntrv and Ft K VnteJ wiJcr the ,io-iA,if lUfiooi ih. option oUmncr: Prided, That .J wauls j and hare therefore only cnHi-il your . .(j. Am jj, fvthfr PnaPl , Tfotbo Prudent, to lnclrjv into ocb Narration attention to Uie llWKl pron.llienl nit Jinmc oiaie, oeiieviog inai uie iiepar.mem liavo I remain, your nnrdient &rrv-uit, J.VO. P. GAI.NES. Ororon Land Bill. AN ACT to create ttieplfiee of Furrcr-Geneta! oi me ruoiic j-anuyn urr-joii, auu w jiroTjuei fur (be aurvey, and in make tlonittims to settlers otUie said public land--. Be it "enacted b the Spnate and House bf Representatives of die United Stales -of Amer ica, in Centres! sucniMe.O, Thalra-Srveyo.' Gen ertlsMfl ue BpTnorBT'fbr'nis'.Tewujjy'oriJrrn-" jron, who shall 'bave the came aqtborii, erArro llt umo dutiea respecting thcpublie landa ami privato land claim, jn the Tcrritoiy of Oregon, at are- vested in and .required of .the aurveyor of the bnds of the United SSiatcs northwest ot the Ohio, except as hereinafter provided. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That tho said Surveyor General shall rstabliih his office at.such place within tho said Territory as the Preo. idenl of the United States may from time to time direct ; he shall be allowed .an, annual ralary of two mousanu nvc:nunureu uouaii 10 oc paiu quar ter yearly, and to commence at uch time as ho r-hall enter into bond, with competent security, for the faithful discharge of tho duties of his office. There shall be, and" hereby Is, appropriated the earn of four thousand dollars, or as much thereof as is necessary for clerk hire in his office; and the further sum of xno thousand dollars per ansum for office rent, fuel, books, stationery, nd other in cidental expenses of bis office, to be paid out of the appropriation-for surveying the public lands. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Thai, if in the opinion of the Secretary of thp Interior, it be preferable the surveys in said Teirrtory shall be made alter what is known as tho godelie method under such regulations, and upon such terms, as may be provided by the Secretary of the Interior or other departments having charge of the surveys of the public Iandisi and that said godetic surveys shall be followed by topographical surveys as Con- 1 btvn may from time to lime authorize and direct huiif ihe present mode of survey be adhered to, ,!.4mUbe theduty of sold surveyor to cause a !mf line nnd meridian to be urrcTcd. marked and established, in ihe mual manner, at or near the Willamette river : and he shall also cause to bo - . .u ,nm,i,tair mi the Pacific ocean, and smth and north of the Columbia river : Provided, bow- errr. I nni none omcr man lownsmu nncs uun be run wbrrc the land is deemed until for cultiva tion. That no deputy surveyor shall charge for any line except such a may be aclua'Jy run and marked, or for any line not necciary 'o be run ; -,1 .t4-4hggw4n'tHLiae:n3Li.rj.ulC,y ' - J rent tha .ate w- .olubt doller.ncf mile lor every mile nnd part of mile actually surveyed ind mark- Sec. 4. And'be it further endcldj That thrreshall beand hereby is, granted to every ect Urror occunant of the public lands, Amerisan hjlf breed Indiana included, ubove the o;c of eighteen years, being a ciuztn ot thc United States, or having made a declaration according to law, of his inlention lo become a citizen, or wno shall m'ikc such declaration on or before tho Cm day of December, eighteen Loudrcd and fifty, end who shall have. resided upoji and cultivated Uie same for four consecutive years and shall other wise conform to the provisions of tins act, the quan tity of one-half section or three hundred and twenty acres ofland, if a single man, and if a mar lied man, or if he shall become married within onetjea: fnm the first day of December, eighteen hundred and fifiy, the quantity of one section, or six hundred and forty acres, one half lo himself, and tho other half to his wife, to be held by her in her own right, and Uie Surveyor General shall des'gncta the pirt inuring to tho husband nnd that to the wife, and entef thc aatne on the rec ord nf his ofTico; and in all cases where such married persons have complied withthc provisioni of this act, so & to entitle them to thc grant as "above provided, whether under the Tate Provisional Gov. ernment of Orrgup, or since, and either shall hove Jied before patont issues, tho survivor and children, or heir, of tho deceased shall bo enti Ucd to the sharo or interest of the deceased in equal proportion, except,whcn thc deceased shall otherwise dispose of it by testament duly nnd properly executed according to the laws of Ore gon : Provided lhat 1:0 alien shall be entitled to a patent to land, granted by this act, until he shall produce la the Surveyor General of Orcjon, re cord evidence that Ins natuuhzaUun as a citizen of the United Slate has been complete!; but it any i nlien navinz mauc 111s ucturauun 01 iiiicimuu , , . ,-. .i.., ; e : : hmB n ..: of tho Unil.j Sutca aflCr the pas- MS)J 0f this act, ahull die before his naturalization liall b eo.npiote-i.tna possessory ngnt scqmreu oy lL!. . -1...k flta nvAttijSnna ..T ti rtd fin ft 1 1 lift i uu,-s ,u i vwM' w v -r. , . scend to his heirs at- la, or pa to hi. devisees, tn whom. .. the case mav be. the patent shall jay uc, iuc r,.. ., . ...... .. . , . - - "t ... ...-11 1-1 -j -..1. :-.-.! i. ih- ... ,k P IrriLT fi,X Tt ml all luiure settler ihcremi: Provided farther. J hat all luiure eonu.ei.Vany i,er or person, cutitted 10 thc benefit of this net, for the nlo of the land to which he or the may be entitled und.-r this act b h i SJhTJ Reived . paicnt therefor, : ii,.n h void i-haj this section shall not 'J " - f . . -' Sec. 5'. And be it further enacted, lliat to all white male ciuzena of the United States, or, persons Vino snail nava niaue a uccinrauon 01 inlention to become s'urh, above ihe age of twenty one years, emigraUng to and eetUiug insaid'Trrt torv .between the 1st day of Decende,l83U,nnd ihe 1st day of' DecemW, 1833, and to nil white-inaleJ American citizens, not hrrciiibi'i"ro provided lor, becoming 21 vr-ara of age in said Territory and sculing thero lietweeu tho times last aforesaid, who j ly with the foregoing! of this law there khall ' sau in omer rcqiccu comply section and Uie provisions be, and heroby is, grunu-d tho quantity I tho quantity uf one- quMter secthm or lt0 acres of land, if a single ,nnn;or if married, or if he hall become roamed Jpr-nhinona vmr from the ime of arriviutf in said Tetdury, or within one mr wfter becoming 21 yraw of age as nfuriwaiu, ihcn the quantity oT one-bait seetion or o'in acres, ono-hu 10 tuo nus baitd and Uie other lulf 19 the wile irV brr own right, to be designalcd by the-Purveyor Oeneral periple whose interest J draire to aeive, ball lc in a compact forms and whem it u prats by cOiumunicatin" ihe same. : double lodoi tho faml aoctatinoj slut! be m With sentimei.Ts Ul re.pvcl nnd Vsteetn, ' .nrarI '? ),7e,ief' b? W'ff; 1 hut where that erf unit be dnno it r.iall be did I'mvided. further, however. be eoniliue.1 ns lo .now , ; ,, ' . nr n,rm.n. ' II The eunnesina in business i aforwjivlX l'rovdWalwjixTliai gevsoajrf 6a pablic: littJt m be Jc.:gnatcd e.d Vinnn three months afW the eurvcy . hat been; mWci or nbtfc the Burrcr harboeo itmSe b&- dntv of ibo wtij Suivevni Cracrut lo -.unrey anil . matk each cljtftri with th buumfarirs cluime.1.41 the rrqund drij expense oTthc clatnfanl. (He c!taf'& fur thd tUme in kuc!i cue not ro exceed the prk-o paid for surveying the public! larfdi; The Sur veyor General fhall enter a de-scripiiori of such cja-mJ jn tt u,, ,0 he-ke'-Jt by h?rH fofthat pur p0 aniI noU, temporarily on t the township plate the tract or tracts so designated, with he boun daries; and whenever a c'orifllcl of boundaries shall arise prior to issuing the patent, tho same' shall bo determined by- tha Surveyor Ochefal : Provided, That a.Qrr,thc Asj oT DeccnJwT next, rflrchlins ahaU'townOetTby line rulmincast and went, and north and south : And provided further, Thrt after the. survey is made, all claims .shall be made. in conformity to the same, and in compact form. Sec. 7. And be il further enacted, Thai within twelve months a'fterlhe survey have been made, or where the survey has been maie before! uie sememes;, men wtioin twelve monins irom ihe time tha'scttlement was" commenced, each per son claiming a donation right under this act, shall prove" to tho naUsfaetion of the Survejoj- General, or bf such other officer as may be appointed by law for Uial pprpow, that ihe settlement and cul tivation required br thh act had been commenced, specifying the lime ot tho commencement ; "and nt any lime after the expiration offour years from the -date of such settlement, whether mxJe under the laws of the lalo Provisional Government or not, shall prove, in like manner, by two disinterested witnesses, th'c fact of enntiaued residence and cul-J iivauon required, uy tne lounn section oi m:s ac. ; and upon auch proof being made, ihe Surveybr General, or other ofllccr appented by law rr tnat purp03C,sha!I issue crtificalc,uni?crsach rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Comuiis. sioner of tho General Lifni Officer seltina' forth the facts in the case, and specifying the land td which tho parties are entitled. And the" said Surveyor General shall return the proof co taken lo tho office of iba Comnmsioner of the General Lend Office, and if the. said Commissioner shall find no valid objection thereto, palonts shall issue for the fcwdi according to the certificates aforesaid. updn tho surrender thereof. Sec. 8i And be it lurflier enacled, That, uporl the death of any sctttsr before the expiration of ihe four years' continued poifctMon, required by this act, all the rights of thc deceased under this act, shall descend to tho heirs at law of such seMler, including the widow, whoro one is left, in cqusl pirti ; and proof of compliance with tho conditions of this act op to the t"ine of the death of auch settler shall be sufficient to cntitlo them to tne patent. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That no claim- to a donation right under tho provisions of .his net. upon sections etxtecn or thnty-six shall be valid, or allowed, i.Cj'Se residence andcul- iiTuuuii upon wuicn 1 11c bsditi3 luunucu minu iiDvn commenced alter the" survey .of Jthe sSnie ; nor snail sucn claim cimen 10 3117 uaci or parcel 01 land cclccled for n ratlitary hV of within one mile thereof, or io any other linJ reserved for governmental purposes, unless thc residence or cultivation thereof shall have commenced previous lo the selection or reservation of thc same for such purposes. Sec. 10. Ard be it further enacted, Thai, thero b"e,and hereby is.grautrdto tho Territory o! Oregon, the quantity of .two townships of land in said Territory, west of thc Cascado mountains, and to bo solected in Jcgil suir-divisions after the same has been surveyed, by tht Legislative Awem- uiy Ol SS1U 1 Cllliury, ill out" uiuuci as il utj deem proper, one to be located north, and tho other south of thS Columbia river, tjiaiJ in the estab lishment of a University in thc Territory of Oregon, in such manner as the said Legislative Asrembly may direct, the selection to be approved by the surveyor General, Sec. 11. And be il further enacted, That wjnt is known as the." Oregon City claim," ex cepting tho Abcrnethy Uland-, which n hereby confirmed to the legal assigns of the Willamette milling and trading company, shall beset apart and bo at tho disposal of tha Legislative Assembly, to the establishment aotl endowment ot a liniver aity,.to be located, at such place in the Territory as .ho Lcgid'.ativn Assembly nUy designate : Pro - vided. however. That nil lots and Darts of lots In Slid claim, sold or granted by Dr. John McLaugh lin, previous to the fourth day of March, eighreeu hundred and forty-nine, hatl beconfirmed to iho purchaser or donoe. or thrir assigns, In be certified lo the Commi&tsoner of the Ocnc.ral Lin-1 Office .by the Surveyor General, and patent to mue nn said certificate as in other ewea: Provided, fur- j ilicr,Tlm nothing in this act cont lined shall be so cousiruru or execuieu ait in any way to urcvov or elfect any right l-j land in said rcrrito'ry, holJon or claimed under UV prov'tKious of the treaty or jjrjIa ti cities existing bclneen this country and ureal 1 g And be il further enacted That 1 P"0 minj .anu unuer any or ,nc pro, wn? . v rtuc ofrsettlemcnt and c .!- ,....v ', ... -. .... -.., f ,, i:tuiiuimcum'nra'c;i luwruucu'u-iio ui-iui u i shalKfirst mako affidavit befure fhc buvdyor. I Gn. '' hfby aulborixed to adminutcr j 1 ! cams or aiiirmauon., or ocu c soma. pnurmn orgvnt.emen can By nppiy. "" impetent officer, thu the land claimed by j- in Ht fuo Astor House ohtim BoJ hJir8l, then. U hr their own use and cuIl.vaUon ; lhal'by paying .eight dollar, per week. they arcnot acting dirccil, or imirecUy as agent ,U ,f JOHN D. Wff P. . lur or in u.e employment 01 otnera in maK.nj j,r ., ti.r ...r-n. a.1ii .rri.i,:i. ruoml by'thu act shall be enured on rcco.d by Ibej Surveyor General hi a book to kept b7 hi.n for Uut purpovj; and on proof befurs a Court of. competent jurisdiclion, lhat any of such oaths ot Ifirmalions are faUc or fraudulent, tin: peTsous making such false or Tranduleut nalhs or stRrtiwi tions slia'lt be subject Ui nil the pains and penal ties of perjury. Sec. J 3. And he il further enacled, That all questions arwsisr under thi- act shall lie d- I indeed by ihe Surveyor Gcnrfal, as preliminary t0 a ,ina' decision according to taw; and iishallj e lit duty of Ibo Surveyor General, undr tho ' n-cuon ol tne Commissioner ol the ucneral L Lrtinl Odiee. to caii proper tract books lobe opcueJ , ? hdi Oregon, nnd to do ond perform I iirh t alma n,l Ihl lkv hitv tnjilA nn an It "-w(aw ngnu unuer ineireuy 7; ; v ? , between tho imdcrs-rfuo.l. un. . I,. tl, flrornn Trrrlla-I D,1J ir.nr,-unua;cr, m jjiiiuoiuiu ui uir. aihd, u, --.,,... .,..u..v,' - bvi 11 1.11 inn biii it.ii'1 nni innrp wr will. I irTnK.il -" ,. .u- -;, , u-, 1 .- .1.. . -oi .Mill 1 u.t tx. ur.AA su.i. li in f.r; all , ! oilier ads and things nece.iTr Mid proper to carry j""."" i -' v w ' P'J DC " luriner fnncled, Thai mi inincr.il lands, norland rrenr.I for valine, shall be hablo lo any cLmn.undt.ranJ by virtue tlio pf ovwioiKiof thii at; ami llwt ru.'i jiioi i l'e improvement f anreiltcf mmlc j.rriou u "ie iwwsw i.,ui-a:i iaucncae,io Speaker of die IIoue of Rrprcxent ilnre WIi.i.AM 1:. Kt't;, P.fMidMt tft 'ihe Scmuo pro tempore, Apptdved Septmber $Tt 18U. MIM.AUD FtLLMOKF. as??? &Saa?a-!4 ' AFKRSiU stock of goods dicec't fJtfi.l tha States, consixfitig irf pari ef- CLOTHlNGt DOO'l-S, SHOES", AHO U 1 O G A K S , , liailleVnifjchiklren shoes, sheeting and drill. dncd peaches and apples, hcxrucliCaUy sealed pro- u ions, consisting of freshTomatos, Uearu, Green peas and Lobster, fine; l.erpool Salt, keg rWa powJer.fine brandies aHJfti .JiXMlaJQast la-iff'-Afe, win Jow ntJlTjoorr-Siia "BKt WmtrJ sash, window frames and GXQuldirir rcJy tub put together, and window blinds to fit ihe'aSove. Merchants aro requested to call and onmina bpfore purchaiing elsewhere as the subscri'icr is determined to sell alt snult profit. JAMESI..LOntNO. PorlLind. Pec. 4th IS 10. tf, METALIC HUB13ER GbODS.. TrfB subscriber His just received a mU invoice of India Robber Goods .direct from the mariufctory, comprising Ru!ber Ponchos, Tarpaulins, Hiding' Ciitrrj, Rubber BofiUi, Rub ber Blankets, Rubber Saddlo Bag-, &ct NOKRI3 & CQ. Portland, December 4, 1830. 3) PlIXOW & IUiiV. WATt'H MAKERS AND JEWELERS, phont'Stjiket. Sv WATCH IDS' and Clocks Gleaned and &.:-& RepaircJ in a workmanlike manner, and warrrsnted. Rings and Pins mads to order, out of -California gold. Portland, Drc4, 1S50. tf. Ilotjcrt Tlioiupsoia, WHO.LrlSALE ANU RETAIL --JcaIer in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. HARD Ware, provisions, &c. ALSO AGENT for CLEnca ?t Wubelbii, mannfacturers "of Furniture and Cabinet work of all descrip'ions all of which will always be found at my store, or made to order, PoriliEd.Doc, 1850. tf. Shubrick Norris. JdUriI Winter! B. G. Littimct. NORRJS & CO., GROCERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. TORTLANn. N&. CO. fire constantly rcct-Iving aupptiet of fresh and desirable Goods by almost every arrival from Crtl'irni-i, and havo made ar rangement fur rcgr U supplies. Jirr-i fxaiab HaslerA StMes, by w."nica"lJioy will be enabled tj Yurnih tbeir fricrrfa and cujtoincrs the (rest goods at low hSir Dy Ihe steamer Sea Gull, daily expectrd from 9tn Francisco, they wiR i celve it fine supply of at which they invite the country trade to lake t look before purchasing eUe where. Norris & Co. having responsible connection" i.i both California and tho East, are enabled It draw drafts on all tho principal cities of tha Union ; also to forward Gold Dust to tho East-, ern Slates on most favorable terms. Money received on deposit. Exchange on Uaa ' Francisco, Cat..' d4 2n TANNJNG AND CURRYING. TjpnE tsubicribers aro now prepared to fumlik , I, all kinds of Leathotof the best qxalily at.tbeij near Portland, at tho lowest possible rate. Cash paid for Hides. ING, FL'LLEU & CO. PorUand, dee. 4, 1850. if. DRUG STORE. THANKFUL for past favors, wa would inform 'our friends and ihs public that wo are daily expecting ft large supplv of Dnrrs. Medicine.. &c and would ba hnppy to servo them in our line. -On hand. Sands' SaraappaTilla, Baiemsns' drops, Godfrey's conlil. Hoaspman's cough drops U.iilcy's tonic, DaileyV nyrnp of wild, cherry, Scidlia ponders, Brilitb oil, iJorllngton'a balsa, S;oah ton's blttijra. sto-Jisch bill en, lemon sa car, CooVs pills, rc's. pills, copavla capsules Perry Davis'aTpafnkillei.and many fancy artictec and drus generally. Flnue (rive us a call. WELSH & KAYfc. Physicians and SurgMhN PRIVATB HOARDING HOUSE. AYING mmle an addition tn my Loose,! rtm prepared to take a few more boardcra Individuals wuhinx rood board aud lt0iiix.' -nill please call on Mrs. J. G, Apperson, on street between WaahtMton -and Suirlt-sUscts . MRS. 4fG. APPERSON Portlanrl dec 4- tr. . GOOD FOR YOl ' AH ANTIDOTE. '..nMRrNBRHHiP.. heretifdre tt' ler trie nairl I is djv discofr. eu ny muiuu conwuu ftn ino oitsibr-h 01 ui tJrm will MadmataOst tbtf old stand on th. Levetf.b, Z C. NllR 1 ON, wHo afne la author. rl imi tn u ,h nnma nf iIyi. firm 111 ftMt!fnnt Z.C. NORTON. A. P. DENN1SON. Portlanl.Pfor. I). I8:0. 13tr Sp4!int Xottcc A I'L Persons indebted to tho Iatoilrm of NOTN h TOX & DP.NN1SON. are called upon w ' make immediate pnjrnieat to the undrrstgneii, and ' those having bills jigainit the mio will pnrseitt them fir sell lemeni. Tha subscriber will continue in-CJuiy on ot hi spacious New Warehouse 0 " the I.cvee, the Harcantlle ani Commission Buslnew ' iu various bm'iichfs. We now olfer for aalo al t,e Jowert. rates,-2 ,t awoTtmeirt of lip ona r.ins.y uowu; aiJ, Jioiasses. ougar , &yrup. Salt, Pork, Butler. Fiuur, itico, Uunuui Sji and Gltn, Doors, and osbrr articles In n. of merous to lUJiiu'un. Dualurs and other will iM wll id ive IniQ e cja., .. U, nOUTU." r- dJu hH