February 26, 2020 Page 3 INSIDE L O C A L N E W S The Week in Review page 2 Edwards to Lead Clark College PCC Cascade leader hired for new post The Clark College Board of Trustees Friday named Dr. Karin Edwards, the current president of the Cascade Campus of Portland Community College in north Port- land and a member of Portland’s African American community, as the next president of Clark Col- lege in Vancouver. “Dr. Edwards is an incredible leader,” said Trustee Paul Speer. “Her ability to help close achieve- ment gaps between student pop- ulations, her work in equity, her work in partnerships in workforce development, and her previous experience in a presidential role were certainly very influential in the board’s decision.” Edwards will be the college’s 15th leader in its 87-year history. “I’m excited to begin a new B LACK H ISTORY O PINION C LASSIFIED /B IDS inside pages 9 pages 10 Established 1970 ------------------- USPS 959 680 --------------------- 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 © 2020 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER; ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The Portland Observer is the oldest continuous African- American owned newspaper in Oregon. Member of the National Newspaper Publishers Association serving the Black Press, and the West Coast Black Publishers Association. Mark Washington, Sr. p ublisher : e ditOr : Michael Leighton a dvertising M anager : Leonard Latin Office Manager/Classifieds: Lucinda Baldwin C reative d ireCtOr : Paul Neufeldt r epOrter /W eb e ditOr : Beverly Corbell p ubliC r elatiOns : Mark Washington Jr. O ffiCe a ssistant /s ales : CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 news@portlandobserver.com ads@portlandobserver.com subscription@portlandobserver.com Postmaster: Send address changes to Portland Observer , PO Box 3137 , Portland, OR 97208 chapter as President of Clark Col- lege and grateful to everyone at Portland Community College who has walked with me these past six years,” she said in a statement. “We have a great deal to be proud of, developing programs and sup- port services that help our students succeed.” A More Inclusive Women’s March Sunday rally will be call for action Thousands of women, children and their allies are expected to gather on the streets of Portland Sunday for an annual march and rally to build so- cial, political, organizational and economic pow- er. “We’re advocating for women’s interests. We’re remembering whose shoulders we stand on. We’re remembering whose land we’re on and paying that forward to rise up, to do better,” said Della Rae, the organizer for this year’s march and a Portland native and longtime women’s advocate. A rally will kick off the family-friendly event on Sunday, March 1 at 12 p.m. in the park blocks near the Portland State University campus at Southwest Montgomery and where a 17-block march will begin at 1 p.m. Rae says this year marks a new commitment to including communities of color and nonbinary and transgender individuals in the organizing, and among the roster of speakers at the rally. Portland was one of the first cities to break its ties to the nationally run Women’s March because of con- cerns about a lack of diversity. Rae is the director and owner of the Oregon Women’s Health Network, a former KBOO-FM Shawntell Washington As we are a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business, we pledge to uphold BBB’s Code of Business Practices and demonstrate an unwavering commitment to our cus- tomers. If a dispute arises with something that we have printed, you have access to BBB’s Alternative Dispute Resolution program for legally binding mediation and arbi- tration services with a neutral, third-party professional to resolve consumer complaints for free. Arbitration is a fast and inexpensive way to settle a problem and keep it out of court. For additional information, including rules and regulations, please call the Accredited Business Services 888-948-2227 or email BBB.Engagement@thebbb.org. Dr. Karin Edwards Dr. Sandra Fowler-Hill, who has served as Interim Clark Col- lege President while the college conducted a presidential search, will continue in her current role until Edwards is able to join the college this summer. Edwards has a 36-year career at community colleges, Her com- munity service includes serving on the board of Portland Com- munity Reinvestment Initiatives and on the advisory board of the Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs, as well as being an active member of the Partners in Diversity Leadership Council and the Oregon Presidents Council of the Oregon Community College Association. Edwards earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology and her mas- ter’s degree in higher education administration at State University of New York at Albany, and her doctorate degree in educational leadership at Johnson and Wales University in Providence, R.I. Della Rae is organizer of the annual Women’s March and Rally coming Sunday, March 1 to the Portland State University Park Blocks, downtown. radio host, and the former founding director of two Portland area nonprofits that helped low-in- come people get access to resources from com- munity members. Subscribe ! 503-288-0033 Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $125.00 for 1 year Name: Telephone: Address: Fill Out & Send To: (please include check with this subscription form) or email subscriptions@portlandobserver.com