Page 8 December 11, 2019 Best Christmas Pageant Ever Part 20 It’s Just Your Nerves: Chiropractic’s answer to an age old answer Q: I have been to see a number of doctors about my headaches. The most recent one said it was, “just nerves” Can Chiropractic help? A: Your doctor was probably right. Chances are it is your nerves. An in-dependent research team recently announced that between 90% and 95% of all head-aches were due to pressure on the nerves. Your doctor was probably talking about emotional nerves. The research team, of course, was talking about the nervous system. When pressure or irritation gets on nerves (scientifically known as subluxation), tension in muscles will result. In the neck, this tension will work its way up to the skull. Nest, blood flow will be altered. Before you know it, you will have another throbbing headache. In Chiropractic, we work with reducing subluxations, releasing the irritation from the Dr. Billy R. Flowers nerve fibers. Muscles can relax. The body will no longer send a message of pain and your headaches will be gone for good! If you’re tired of hearing that your problem is “just nerves,” call us today. We’ve got the answer to the “just nerves” answer. To find out how Chiropractic might be able to help you or for answers to any questions you might have about your health, please feel free to call us at the phone number shown below. Flowers’ Chiropractic Office 2027 Lloyd Center Mall, Portland Oregon 97232 Phone: (503) 287-5504 Some disruptive kids are transformed in the Best Christmas Pageant Ever, a delightful family story about the true meaning of Christmas, opening for its 23rd year at the Lakewood Theatre Company, 368 S. State St. in Lake Oswego, on Friday, Dec. 13 with evening and matinee shows through Dec. 22. Tickets are $12 for adults and $12 for students. Call 503-635- 3901 or visit Hollywood Star for Chevy Suburban The Chevrolet Suburban has became the first vehicle ever awarded a star for excellence on Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles. Presented by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and unveiled at a ceremony Friday, the award recognizes the Suburban for its 67-year career as a vehicle appearing in Hollywood film and television.