December 11, 2019 Page 11 NAACP Greet and Meet – The Salem NAACP invites the com- munity to join them for a Holi- day Greet and Meet on Thursday, Dec. 12 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at of his new work in a solo exhib- Bentley’s Grill, 291 Liberty St. it ‘2 Up and 2 Back,’ now show- ing through Feb. 2 at the Disjecta Refreshments will be served. Contemporary Arts Center, 8371 N. Interstate Ave. 503-730-1156 On Site Printing 4x6 5x7 Fighting for the Right to Fight: African American Experienc- es in World War II – On loan from the National WWII Muse- um through Jan. 12, The Oregon Historical Society, downtown, presents exhibit on the African American experience in World War II and in the Civil Rights era following the war. Zoo for All – The Oregon Zoo has launched “Zoo for All,” a discount program that provides $5 admis- sion for low income individuals and families. Visitors may pur- chase up to six of the $5 tickets by brining a photo ID and documen- tation showing they participate in low income service, like the Or- egon Trial Card, Medicaid, Sec- Shopping and Cultural Ex- tion 8, Temporary Assistance for change – Beaverton is welcom- Needy Families, and Head Start. ing a new multicultural shopping Discount Tickets – Low income experience. The Beaverton Night families and individuals can pur- Market Bazaar at 4500 S.W. chase $5 tickets to classical mu- Watson Ave. is a unique shop- sical performances in Portland as ping destination held on Fridays, part of a unique program called Saturdays and Sundays through Music for All. Participating or- Dec. 22. One-of-a-kind arts and ganizations include the Oregon craft merchandise from nearly 30 Symphony, Portland Opera, Or- emerging small business owners egon Ballet Theater, Chamber representing cultures across the Music Northwest, Portland Youth world are featured. Philharmonic, Portland Baroque Gospel Christmas – The Oregon Orchestra, Friends of Chamber Symphony’s annual Gospel Christ- Music, Portland Chamber Orches- mas show features premier gospel tra, Portland Piano International, singers and the Northwest Com- Portland Symphonic Choir, Cap- munity Gospel Chorus. Shows take pella Romana and Portland Vocal place at the Arlene Schnitzer Con- Consort. cert Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 12 and Saturday, Dec. 14; and at 4 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 15. For tickets, visit or call 503-228-1353. 4545 N.E. MLK 97211 • C O L L E G E ST U D E N T S • AT H L E T E S • PA STOR S • M O M S Join the “Team” Economic 6 Empowerment Movement 5 om 4 s.c p ste he 3 wt 2 1 $25 e: Se $10,000/Mo. Residual Income lo fol Call/Listen Mon, Tues, Thurs 5pm (PST) 319.527.9660 Discover how a “One-Time” (No Monthly) Start of $25 ($27.03 incl. Processing) can move you and your team to over $10,000 per month within 6-9 months, by following a 6-steps plan. Get started today at Travel & save at ?s call Coach John at 503-358-9655 Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Norman Sylvester Band – “Boo- Black Experience on Canvas gie Cat” Norman Sylvester and – Portland artist Arvie Smith, a his Band plays Friday, Dec. 13 renowned painter of the black at the Hillsboro Elks Lodge for experience, will showcase some Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent $5.00 TEES Obituaries or 8x10 BUSINESS OWNERS • RETIRED PEOPLE Black Nativity Gospel Play – Port- land’s African American producing theater company PassinArt pres- ents Black Nativity by Langston Hughes, a special holiday gospel play that retells the famous nativ- ity story. Now showing through Sunday, Dec. 15 at Bethel AME Church, 5828 N.E. Eighth Ave. For tickets, visit Harris Photography CLUBS FAMILY REUNIONS SCHOOL CLUBS BUSINESSES SCREEN PRINTING 971-570-8214 311 NE Killingsworth St, Portland, OR 97211 503 286 1103 Fax 503 286 1146 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service R State Farm R YOU CALL, WE HAUL Johnny Huff In Loving Memory (owner/operator) Louise Wedge Sunrise: March 1, 1941 Sunset: Dec. 1, 2019 Funeral services for Louise Wedge, also known as “Mother Wedge” and by some as “Zodia” will be held Saturday, Dec. 14 at 11 a.m. at Highland Christian Cen- ter, 7600 N.E. Glisan St. 5010 NE 9th Ave Portland, Or 97211 Phone: 503 284-2989 Scrapping Metal & Landscape Meintenance Cell: (971) 263-5516 We specialize in a variety of cuts for men and women, hot towel razor shaves, braiding, hair extension, Shampoo, blow dryer and Platinum fade. Call Today or Walk in !!! • PEOPLE NEEDING EXTRA INCOME All Things Being Equal – A thought-provoking look at how art can show how modern culture perpetuates discrimination, titled “All Things Being Equal” by Af- rican American artist Hank Willis Thomas, runs through Jan. 12 at the Portland Art Museum. Features more than 90 works, including sculptures based on archival pho- tographs, quilts constructed from sports jerseys and prison uniforms, video installations, and more. members & guests; Saturday, Dec. 14 at the Spare Room; Saturday, Dec. 21 at 9 a.m. for the AFL- CIO holiday party at the Elsinore Theatre in Salem; Friday, Dec. 27 at Clyde’s; Saturday, Dec. 28 at the Vinyl Tap; and Tuesday, Dec. 31 at 7 p.m. for the New Year’s Eve party at Catfish Lou’s