Page 14 December 4, 2019 C LASSIFIED /B IDS SUB BIDS/SUPPLIER QUOTES REQUESTED Medford Hotel Upgrades 3 Story Occupied URM Building with Lightwells 506 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Trades Out for Bid ONLY: Final Clean, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Masonry, Roofing, Windows, Flooring (Carpet), Finish Carpentry, Scaffolding/Swing-Stage, Siding, WRB, Insulation & Sheetmetal & Trim. Bid on 12/19/19 at Noon Job Walk/Outreach Pre-Bid Meeting (Non-Mandatory): on 12/10/19 @ 9:00AM – 11:00AM @ Medford Hotel Plans available Electronically on 11/26/19 at: Walsh Construction Co., Oregon Contractor Plan Center, iSqFt, Builder’s Exchange of Washington, Inc, OAME, MCIP, DJC Special Notes: BOLI Prevailing Wage Rates, Workforce Training, Certified Payroll, Section 3, MWESB Subcontractor Participation Goal 30% 2905 SW First Ave • Portland, OR 97201 (503) 222-4375 FAX (866) 446-0681 Contact: Matt Godt ORCCB # 147267/WALSHCC962LD Walsh Construction Co. is an equal opportunity employer and requests sub-bids from Minority, women, disadvantaged and emerging small business enterprises. Steeped in African Consciousness C ontinued from p age 2 with this week’s concert staging of her Pulitzer-prize-winning play, “Ruined.” Part of the inspiration for that play is “Mother Courage and Her Children,” an anti-war play writ- ten in 1939 by German playwright Bertolt Brecht. Set in the Euro- pean Thirty Years’ war of 1618- 1648, Mother Courage focuses on a canteen woman with the Swed- ish army who stops at nothing to make a profit from the war and loses her own children in the pro- cess. Where Brecht’s approach is purposefully stylized, distancing the audience from emotions so that they can make critical judg- ments, Nottage sought to grapple with similar material in a way that navigates the characters’ emotion- al lives and uses emotion to help us see. Drawing from time spent in Uganda, Nottage sets “Ruined” in current times and tells the sto- ry of Mama Nadi, whose brothel serves soldiers and includes wom- en brutalized by the Congolese war. Profile seeks to illuminate the work of specific playwrights and, in this instance, promotes under- standing of Nottage’s work by also exploring its origins. Audi- ences will have the opportunity to see staged readings of both plays featuring the same talented cast of mostly African American actors. “Ruined” is directed by Portland’s La’Tevin Alexander, and “Moth- er Courage” is directed by Jamie M. Rea, and concert stagings are paired-down productions with book in hand, allowing a focus on the actors and the text. This is the first time that audi- ences will have the opportunity to experience “Ruined” here in Portland. It’s a devastating play, steeped in African consciousness and also deeply universal in the questions it explores about suf- fering, exploitation, and survival. Pairing this staged reading with Brecht’s work, interpreted by the same cast, offers a particularly rich opportunity to experience this ma- terial in a way that does not prior- itize the white gaze. And audience members of color have the oppor- tunity to see “Ruined” in an affinity space as well; Profile invites peo- ple of color and allies to meet for drinks, snacks and music an hour before the performance on Sun- day, Dec. 8 and offers discounted tickets that night. The two shows will play in alternating repetitions, Wednesday, Dec. 4 through Dec. 8. What happens when we be- come acclimated to strife and vi- olence? What will we do to sur- vive? When does courage become exploitation? These two shows of- fer an opportunity to sit with these questions, as explored by talented artists of color. Darleen Ortega is a judge on the Oregon Court of Appeals and the first woman of color to serve in that capacity. Her movie and theater review column Opinion- ated Judge appears regularly in The Portland Observer. Find her review blog at opinionatedjudge. Funerals ~ Memorial Services ~ Cremation ~ Preplanning Subscribe ! Fill Out & Send To: 503-288-0033 Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 mo. • $125.00 for 1 year (please include check with this subscription form) Name: Telephone: Address: or email “Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care of your loved one” Funeral Home staff available 24 hours 503-249-1788 Terry Family Funeral Home 2337 N Williams Ave, Portland, Or 97227