October 30, 2019 Page 9 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views of the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. O PINION MCS Still in Business Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG. $50.00 A small distance/travel charge may be applied CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: 1 small Hallway) Code Change Badly Needed for Equity, Diversity Proposal a response to structural racism l ew C hurCh I read with interest Diallo Brooks’ insightful column (Feeling pressure to talk about structural racism, Port- land Observer, Oct. 2 issue) -- par- ticularly in light of the recent racist violence by the Proud Boys-Patriot Prayer contingent here in Portland, along with the current dispute to lessen the power of neighborhood associations regarding a proposal by City Commissioner Chloe Eudaly and Suk Rhee of the Office of Civic Life, which seems to center on the question, ‘Who would oppose di- versity and equity?’ Apparently, a May 2020 Prima- ry challenger for Chloe’s seat on the Portland City Council, Min- gus Mapps is one, per the Portland Observer’s cover story (“Candi- date opposes former boss and code change push, Oct. 9 issue.) To be fair, Mapps doesn’t say he oppos- es diversity and equity per se, but that the code change process and product are bad and a start-over is needed. Our PSU-based chapter of Portland Gray Panthers, however, heartily disagrees. The proposed code changes are badly needed to increase diversity and equity. To that end, Panthers have scheduled a series of five community forums to address the ‘structural racism’ and social justice issues that Diallo Brooks rightly raises. Gray Panthers believe we need to be ‘more intentional’ in creating by needed change. At Portland State, for example, fall term has seen a fight between the chair of the PSU College Republicans, Philip Arola and activist and anti-racist students who have objected to his involve- ment in a group photo taken at a lo- cal bar with Trump organizer Roger Stone and local Patriot Prayer orga- nizer Joey Gibson, along with other far right white men, all giving the racist ‘okay’ hand signal. A tie-vote to remove Arola from PSU’s student fee committee failed. The student body group helps de- cide how to spend as much as $14 million in campus funds and student judicial board members sought to oust him as someone who was not ‘neutral’ in allocating the funds. For his part, Arola insisted he was nev- er a member of the Proud Boys, but remains chair of the PSU College Republicans. Eudaly and Rhee have encoun- tered a good deal of resistance to their attempt to add nonprofit groups like Kayse Jama’s Unite Or- egon, the Latino Network, IRCO, and Momentum Alliance, under the Civic Life umbrella of stakeholders in its decision making. In ‘liberal’ Portland, who would possibly ob- ject to such inclusionary measures? Gray Panther organizers have found that attempts to limit the voic- es of people in poverty -- along with race -- fit into the calculation by some of those opposing greater in- clusion. The activists, for example, noted some of the attacks against diversity this year in relatively more conservative Yamhill County, where former KATU-2 on-air per- sonality Mary Starett, now a county commissioner, vigorously opposed diversity and equity training for Yamhill County workers, but her opposition failed on a 2-to-1 vote, and the workers will be getting such training. Libertarian and PSU economics teacher Eric Fruits, who was both chair of the Laurelhurst Neighbor- hood Association for five years and a frequent spokesperson for the free market Cascade Policy Institute, is another example. He has opposed the code changes calling them an attack on democracy. How so? Is this the ‘structural racism’ that Di- allo Brooks pinpoints in his article? Felicia Williams, a white activist who ran for City Council in 2018 and former chair of the downtown neighborhood association, thought that “considerations of color were irrelevant” in her contest against a diverse field of candidates also running. As we know, the two Af- rican-American women in the race, Loretta Smith and JoAnn Hardesty advanced from the primary to face each other in the general election, and now Hardesty is the first black woman to ever sit on the Portland City Council. A much needed im- provement for equity and inclu- sion! Some opponents of the code change cite Eudaly for simply want- ing to “use the race card” to amass power in some fashion. A local neighborhood paper, the N.W. Ex- aminer, for a year has featured car- toons which lambast the commis- sioner for being the “wrong size” (not slender enough, evidently, for the cartoonist!) and “acting like a queen” with a crown on her head, etc. I recently spoke with current Downtown Neighborhood Asso- ciation president Walt Weyler who told me he found the cartoons lam- basting Eudaly hilarious and fitting, given his opposition to the proposed code changes. The current attempt by business- men like Homer Williams and Jor- dan Schnitzer to turn the never used Wapato Jail in north Portland into a homeless shelter—in opposition to local government officials like Deb- orah Kafoury and Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler, seems relevant. So far, those who represent houseless com- munities are also opposed, insist that “hiding” or “sequestering” peo- ple who are sleeping on sidewalks by shipping them off to north Port- land -- fails to solve the problem! Has a houseless person, for ex- ample, ever been elected as presi- dent of one of the 94 neighborhood associations? At the Downtown Neighborhood Association sever- al of us voted for Bobby, a home- less African-American man, to be the chair of the group-- but Bobby didn’t get enough votes to win that election. Are the elders and others sleeping outside or in tents who have been priced out of housing or foreclosed still our “neighbors” or are they simply persona non grata? Community members are invited and encouraged to participate and ask sharp questions at the upcom- ing Portland Gray Panthers forums. They will all be held Wednesday nights at the PSU Chit Chat Café, 1907 S.W. Sixth Ave., from Oct. 30 through Nov. 27. Lew Church is coordinator of Portland Gray Panthers and found- ing publisher and editor of two ac- tivist papers, the PSU Rearguard and PSU Agitator. 1 Cleaning Area (only) $50.00 Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area and Hallway Stairs (12-16 stairs - With Other Services) : $30.00 Heavily Soiled Area: $10.00 each area (Requiring Pre-Spray) Area/Oriental Rug Cleaning Regular Area Rugs $25.00 Minimum Wool Oriental Rugs $40.00 Minimum UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa: $70.00 Loveseat: $50.00 Sectional: $110 - $140 Chair or Recliner: $25.00 - $50.00 Throw Pillows (With Other Services) : $5.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning • Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment • Spot & Stain Removal Service • Scotchguard Protection • Minor Water Damage Services Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949