Page 8 October 23, 2019 Arts & ENTERTAINMENT ‘Day of the Dead’ Movie Two brothers launch a ghost-hunting business in “The Brothers Paranormal,” co-produced by Portland’s CoHo Productions and Theatre Diaspora showing Friday, Oct. 25 through Nov. 16 at CoHo Theater, 2257 N.W. Raleigh. The Hollywood Theater in northeast Portland presents a screening of the 2019 animated film “Day of the Dead” on Sunday, Oct. 27 at 2 p.m. The movie directed by Carlos Gutierrez is a tribute to the annual holiday celebrated in Mexico and other parts of the world. This new film is centered on the little town of Santa Clara, Mexico, where the spirits return once a year for the Day of the Dead, and Salma, a 16-year-old orphan who has never met her biological parents. Salma has spent most of her life dedicated to searching out clues for her parents’ identity and their whereabouts. But without any memories or keepsakes to put on their altar on the Day of the Dead, Salma is lost with how to bring them back to meet her. Discover the Shocking Truth Two brothers launch a ghost-hunting business to capi- talize on a nationwide increase in sightings of “Asian-looking ghosts” in “The Brothers Paranor- mal.” The play has the siblings in- vestigating the home of an Afri- can-American couple displaced by Hurricane Katrina and haunted by a terrifying spirit. Everyone involved must reevaluate their no- tions of sanity and superstition to discover the shocking truth. The spooky and heartfelt story is from award-winning Los Angeles playwright Prince Gomolvilas and shows Friday, Oct. 25 through Nov. 16 at Coho Theater, 2257 N.W. Ra- leigh. The play is co-produced by Portland’s CoHo Productions and Theatre Diaspora, Oregon’s only Asian American and Pacific Island- er theater company. State Farm R A Clash of Cultures Michael E Harper Agent Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomingon, Illinois 61710 We are located at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 • Fax 503-227-8757 Join the “Team” Economic 6 Empowerment Movement 5 om 4 s.c p e st he 3 wt 2 1 $25 S $10,000/Mo. Residual Income lo fol : e e Call/Listen Mon, Tues, Thurs 5pm (PST) 319.527.9660 Discover how a “One-Time” (No Monthly) Start of $25 ($27.03 incl. Processing) can move you and your team to over $10,000 per month within 6-9 months, by following a 6-steps plan. Get started today at Travel & save at ?s call Coach John at 503-358-9655 • PEOPLE NEEDING EXTRA INCOME BUSINESS OWNERS • RETIRED PEOPLE • C O LLEG E ST U D E N T S • AT H L E T E S • PA STO R S • M O M S A powerful opera that forces American audiences to consider our history, culture and the unknown victims of our past foreign poli- cy opens at Keller Auditorium this weekend thanks to Portland Opera’s production of “Madama Butterfly.” The Giacomo Puccini master- piece is one of the most powerful operas of all time and stars interna- tionally acclaimed soprano Hiromi Omura in the title role. “Madama Butterfly” tells the story of a young wife and mother named Cio-Cio-San, in Nagasaki, Japan, in 1904. She waits for the re- turn of her beloved B.F. Pinkerton, a lieutenant in the United States Navy. When his ship comes in, her dreams for the future meet his – with tragic and heartbreaking results. “Madama Butterfly” has four per- formances, Oct. 25, Oct. 26, Oct. 31 and Nov. 2. For more information, and to purchase tickets, visit port- or call 503-241-1802. PhoTo CourTesy P orTland o Pera Internationally acclaimed soprano Hiromi Umura in the title role of Portland Opera’s “Madama Butterfly.”