October 16, 2019 Page 9 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views of the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. O PINION MCS Still in Business Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG. $50.00 A small distance/travel charge may be applied CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: 1 small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $50.00 Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area and Hallway Embrace Was Touching but Also Frustrating We can’t hug away injustice t raCey l. r ogers We caught a glimpse of humanity recently when Amber Guyger, a former Dallas police of- ficer convicted of mur- dering Botham Jean, was embraced with com- passion by the victim’s brother. Guyger shot Jean in his own apartment while he was sitting on his couch eating ice cream. Though Guyger lived on an entire- ly different floor, she thought she was entering her own home after a long shift. Guyger’s defense was that she felt “scared she would be killed” upon seeing Jean’s silhouette. In- stead of calling for backup, Guy- ger drew her weapon and fired. She didn’t even attempt to resus- citate Jean after killing him. Yet at her sentencing hearing, Botham’s brother Brandt Jean of- fered Guyger his forgiveness, say- ing he felt no need to see her im- prisoned. He even asked the judge if he could give Guyger a hug, and images of their embrace quickly spread. It was a touching image —and, for many members of the black community, a frustrating one. For many of us, it feels like we’re con- stantly being expected to show by compassion for the perpetrators of violence towards us. Republican Senator Ted Cruz almost said as much directly, when he patronizingly praised the Jean family’s actions as a “demonstration of Christian love” — as though they were meet- ing a divine obligation to embrace Botham’s killer. The shock of what happened in that court- room overshadows the police are involved. Many of us felt a terrible anx- iety that, like the perpetrators in those cases, Guyger would get off scot-free. And for a convicted murderer, Jean’s killer nearly did. Guyger, who was off duty at the time of Jean’s death, received a lenient 10-year sentence, with el- igibility for parole after five. I don’t think this sentence fits the crime. But when black lives don’t matter, what can one expect? From the beginning, America’s Having been on the receiving end of centuries of white terror and racism, we know all too well the costs of not receiving grace or humanity in return. long odds that Guyger was go- ing to be convicted at all. CNN’s headline on the verdict said it all: “Prosecutors Won a Rare Murder Conviction in a Police-Involved Shooting.” It was rare, indeed. Wheth- er you’re Philando Castile at a routine traffic stop, Tamir Rice playing with a toy gun, or one of the countless victims of lynching during the era of Jim Crow, justice for black lives is hard-won when “law and order” meant the surveil- lance of non-white minorities. Policing itself in the United States can be traced back to the 1700s, when “slave patrols” were instituted to monitor and enforce discipline on enslaved Africans. Made up of armed white men, these patrols evolved into state militias and, eventually, mod- ern-day police forces. That’s why the justice system continues to be unjust for people of color — it was designed that way. It’s why many black Americans increasingly feel that black grace isn’t something to be celebrated. And it’s why, after black pa- rishioners of the Emanuel AME Church in Charleston publicly for- gave the neo-Nazi who massacred nine of their members, some of us worried that our “forgiveness” perpetuated a “slave mentality” that absolved our oppressors. Having been on the receiving end of centuries of white terror and racism, we know all too well the costs of not receiving grace or humanity in return. Despite the Jean family’s for- giveness, reports emerged that Joshua Brown — a key witness in the case against Guyger — had been murdered just 10 days after his testimony. Was it retribution? How can we not wonder? “Our lives must move on,” Botham Jean’s mother said af- ter the trial, “but our lives must move on with change.” She called out the Dallas police department, shaming it for its racist biases and corrupt handling of the case. For the Jeans, change not only looks like hugs and forgiveness. Change also looks like ensuring black lives matter in a court of law. Tracey L. Rogers is an en- trepreneur and activist living in Northern Virginia. Distributed by OtherWords.org. Stairs (12-16 stairs - With Other Services) : $30.00 Heavily Soiled Area: $10.00 each area (Requiring Pre-Spray) Area/Oriental Rug Cleaning Regular Area Rugs $25.00 Minimum Wool Oriental Rugs $40.00 Minimum UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa: $70.00 Loveseat: $50.00 Sectional: $110 - $140 Chair or Recliner: $25.00 - $50.00 Throw Pillows (With Other Services) : $5.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning • Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment • Spot & Stain Removal Service • Scotchguard Protection • Minor Water Damage Services Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949