Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 28, 2019, Page 11, Image 11

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    August 28, 2019
Page 11
Love, your family
Cut, trim, edge,
power washing,
hauling, leaf removal,
cleanup, anything!
Teens on Fringes of Society
Confronting sex, violence and their uncertain futures, Kacie Rogers, Montana Roesch and Alexis
Raich portray high-school girls reconciling a rebellious youth with impending adulthood in “Low Low,”
a new awarding-winning debut feature film by Portland writer/director Nick Richey. Plays Monday,
Sept. 2 at the Salem Cinema, Wednesday, Sept. 4 at Portland’s Living Room Theaters and Thursday,
Sept. 5 at the Kiggins Theater in Vancouver.
Oregon State Fair –
The Oregon State Fair
in Salem has opened its
gates welcoming residents far
and wide with new attractions to
honor the roots of Oregon Industry and the state’s
competitive traditions. The fair also offers old favor-
ites like the Fair Lift, Dog Town and Artisans Vil-
Band – The Nor-
man Sylvester Band plays
Aug.28 at Billy
Blues in Vancouver; Friday, Aug.
30 at the Half Penny in Salem;
Saturday, Aug. 31 at the Vinyl
Tap; Monday, Sept. 2 at noon for
the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic
at Oaks Park; Friday, Sept. 6 at
Restaurant 503 in West Linn; and
Saturday, Sept. 7 at Catfish Lou’s in Beaverton.
Summer at the Square –
This month Pioneer Court-
house Square, downtown,
is offering free weekly
summer events, including
Noon Tunes concerts on
Tuesdays, wellness activ-
ities on Wednesdays and
Catios Tour – Cat lovers and advocates of wildlife Flicks on the Bricks mov-
are sponsoring a Sept. 7 tour of home cat patios, out- ies on Friday evenings.
door cat enclosures to keep cats safe from outdoor Columbia Gorge Express – The Oregon Depart-
hazards while also protecting wildlife from cat pre- ment of Transportation’s Columbia Gorge Express
dation. Funds support the Portland Audubon’s and bus provides transportation to Rooster Rock State
Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon’s “Cats Safe at Home” Park and Multnomah Falls. The bus has proven a
campaign. To sign up for the tour, visit CatsSafeAtH- convenient and popular way to visit the Gorge for
tourists, local residents and regular transit riders. For
Summer Free for All – Portland Parks and Recre- more information, visit columbiagorgeexpress.com
Zoo for All – The Oregon Zoo has launched “Zoo for
Free for All” series
All,” a discount program that provides $5 admission
is back with amaz-
for low income individuals and families. Visitors
ing events all sum-
may purchase up to six of the $5 tickets by brining
mer long for both
a photo ID and documentation showing they partic-
kids and adults,
ipate in low income service, like the Oregon Trial
including movies,
Card, Medicaid, Section 8, Temporary Assistance for
concerts, free lunch
Needy Families, and Head Start.
and play events and
Discount Tickets – Low income families and indi-
more. For details, a
viduals can purchase $5 tickets to classical musical
guide is posted on-
performances in Portland as part of a unique pro-
line at portlandoregon.gov/parks.
gram called Music for All. Participating organiza-
Read for Fun and Prizes – Multnomah County en- tions include the Oregon Symphony, Portland Opera,
courages kids to read for fun and prizes this sum- Oregon Ballet Theater, Chamber Music Northwest,
mer. The annual Summer Reading program is in full Portland Youth Philharmonic, Portland Baroque Or-
swing at all branch libraries. To help grow interest, chestra, Friends of Chamber Music, Portland Cham-
the library also offers dozens of free summer reading ber Orchestra, Portland Piano International, Portland
events, camps and classes to keep youth of all ages Symphonic Choir, Cappella Romana and Portland
playing and learning.
Vocal Consort.
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