August 21, 2019 Page 9 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views of the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to O PINION Guns Lethalize Hatred, Anger, Despair Speak out, organize and vote by m arian W right e Delman On Aug. 2, I wrote about the relentless scourge of gun violence and the two children killed in Gilroy, Calif. and asked: Why does gun violence remain a uniquely horrible American epidemic and why does it go on and on and on and on? Two days later a new shooting made na- tional headlines when an employ- ee killed two people and injured a police officer at a Mississippi Walmart. Then came El Paso. 22 died. 24 injured. Then came Dayton. 9 died. 27 injured. In one week 36 people died and more than 60 were injured not including the dozens of oth- ers killed by daily gun violence. A child or teen is killed by gunfire every two hours and 34 minutes in our nation. People of all ages are killed with guns every 14 minutes. None of this is normal and should not continue to be nor- malized in the United States of America. In fact it is absurd and morally intolerable in a purport- ed democratic nation where our pledge of allegiance declares lib- erty and justice for all. The FBI has opened domes- tic terror investigations into the Gilroy and El Paso shootings. The El Paso shooter’s manifes- to echoed the same hateful and racist language permeating our nation, beginning in the Oval Office. We must band together to fight resurging racism and white supremacy with urgency and per- sistence at every level and in ev- ery institution in our national life. A kindergartener and third grader have shown us the way with their words. They created the slogan behind “Hate Has No Home Here,” an awareness cam- paign that began in a Chicago neighborhood. These children’s message of love, nonviolence and insistence that hate has no home here must spread across our na- tion and world. I urge families, neighbors, businesses, congrega- tions, schools, city halls, commu- nities and all who oppose hate and violence to take up this cause. If you believe everyone in America should be safe from violence and hate, then act! Visit HateHasNo- to download the free artwork uplifting this simple expression of human decency in a number of languages, and display it on posters, yard signs, bumper stickers, buttons and everywhere you can hang a banner or sign. Everyone should want and work to ensure that our children, grandchildren, friends, neigh- bors, worshippers, communities, nation and world are safe from terror. But making children feel welcome and valued is hollow if we cannot protect them from the guns that make hate uniquely dangerous in our nation. Guns lethalize hatred, anger, domestic disputes, mental ill- ness and despair. Easy access to guns—including military-style weapons that should have no place in civilian hands—has made expressions of hate and violence devastating. The shoot- er in Dayton had an AR-15-style assault rifle with 100-round drum magazines. Police responded and stopped him in 32 seconds. But it took only 32 seconds for him to ALBINA MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE COALITION FOR JUSTICE AND POLICE REFORM TO HOST COMMUNITY FORUM ON POLICE ASSOCIATION CONTRACT Monday, August 26, 2019 6:00-8:00 PM Maranatha Church • 4222 NE 12th at Skidmore • Why is it so difficult to fire officers? • Why doesn’t Portland’s civilian oversight body have the ability to investigate use of deadly force or to compel officer testimony? We want to hear from the community about what you want to see included in the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Portland Police Association (PPA) and the City. We will pass your ideas on to City Council. The PPA contract expires on June 30, 2020 and the City is expected to begin negotiations early this fall. For more information see or call 503-288-7242. kill nine people and injure more than two dozen others. The Gil- roy and El Paso shooters used similar semiautomatic weapons. What a difference moral po- litical leadership at the highest levels of government makes. In New Zealand, less than a week after the horrific mass shooting in March 2019 that snuffed out the lives of 51 people of Mus- lim faith, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern proposed a national ban on all military-style semiauto- matic weapons and assault rifles, high-capacity ammunition maga- zines and parts that allow weap- ons to be modified into semiau- tomatic guns and a government funded buyback of existing as- sault weapons. Within weeks, New Zealand’s Parliament enact- ed her proposed assault weapons ban. Between 1994 and 2004 our federal government banned civil- ian ownership of semiautomatic assault weapons and large-capac- ity ammunition magazines. In the fifteen years since this ban ex- pired, most members of Congress have refused to renew this urgent- ly needed ban or pass any other common-sense gun legislation. So here we are again with a rash of tragedies and a groundswell of voices demanding Congress and governors do something right now. What will it take to end the indifference to the lives and safe- ty of our children? Please speak out, organize and vote to save child lives and do not stop until all our children are safe. The House of Repre- sentatives has passed several measures to keep guns out of the hands of those who might harm children and communities but the Senate has refused to act on these measures. Demand Senate Majority Leader Mitch McCon- nell end the slaughter of children in Kentucky and throughout the nation and urge him to recon- vene the Senate immediately to pass effective gun violence pre- vention legislation. All of us must disarm hate and violence in America. We must drown out voices of hate and White supremacy with love and action and end our national gun violence epidemic. We don’t have another moment—or life— to waste. Marian Wright Edelman is founder and president emerita of the Children’s Defense Fund.