Page 12 June 12, 2019 photo CourteSy h oDDiCk p hotoGraphy ‘Equal Value, Different Shades” is the title of Sherri Culver’s creative quilt. ‘On the Edge’ Art Quilts This summer, the Oregon His- torical Society hosts an original exhibit of art quilts developed by local Studio Art Quilt Associates artists titled “On the Edge.” The group invited members to interpret, either in a representa- tional or abstract way, a response to the theme of being on the edge, be it physically, geographically, emotionally, philosophically or in personality Even those unfamiliar with quilting, will appreciate the orig- inal interpretations of the theme as well as the technical skill em- ployed to design the works of art. “The stellar quality of the works are a testament to the skill and creativity of the artists in- volved,” said Karen Sunday Spen- cer, curator of the exhibit. A two-gallery show, the exhibit is now showing through Aug. 15 at the Oregon Historical Society Museum at 1200 S.W. Park Ave. photo CourteSy p uShDon S tuDio A quilt by Judith Quinn Garnett is from a collection of art quilts made in Portland that are on display this summer at the Oregon Historical Society.