Page 6 August 1, 2018 Your Local News Source for 48 Years The Portland Observer Newspaper C alendar August 2018 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 5 6 American Family Day Neil Armstrong born in Ohio in 1930. Robert Bright born, 1902 Australia Picnic Day Wiggle Your Toes Day 12 13 IBM PC made, 1981 Middle Children’s Day Hawaii Annexed to the U.S. (1898) 19 National Aviation Day Bill Clinton Born in Hope, Arkansas in 1946. Potato Day 27 Mother Teresa Baptised in 1910 (Her self ascribed birthdate) International Left- Hander’s Day National Filet Mi- gnon Day 20 National Radio Day Mosquito Day Vitus Bering dis- covered Alaska in 1741. 28 Dream Day Martin Luther King Jr. gave the ‘I Have a Dream’ speech in 1963 7 Sea Serpent Day 14 National Creamsicle Day Japan Surrendered in World War II, 1945 21 Wilt Chamberlain Born in 1936 in Philadelphia, PA First Lincoln-Doug- las Debate, 1858 29 First Scout Camp Opened In 1934 Michael Jackson Born in Gary, Indi- ana in 1958 1 2 MTV Debuted, 1981 Respect for Parents’ Day Sport’s Day First Income Tax, Congress enacts first income tax in 1861. National Ice Cream Sandwich Day 8 9 Dollar Day; US dollar was created, 1786 Thomas Edison pat- ented mimeograph machine in 1876 National Rice Pud- ding Day Smokey Bear’s Birth- day (1944) 15 16 National Relaxation Day Transcontinental Railroad complet- ed, 1869 National Tell a Joke Day Roller Coaster Day Roller coaster patented, 1898 FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 National Watermel- on Day Mary Calhoun 10 S’Mores Day 4 National Mustard Day Coast Guard Day Barack Obama born, 1961 (44th U.S. President) 11 Play in the Sand Day The last total solar eclipse of the mil- lennium (1999) 17 Myra Cohn Living- ston born, 1926 23 24 25 First Photograph of Earth From the Moon Taken, 1966. First National Wom- en’s Rights Conven- tion, 1850 National Peach Pie Day International Strange Music Day National Waffle Day Kiss and Make Up Day National Banana Split Day National Park Service Established 1916 30 31 National Toasted Marshmallow Day Thurgood Marshall took a seat on the Supreme Court, 1967 National Trail Mix Day Educator Maria Montessori’s Birth- day, 1870 18 International Home- less Animals Day Bad Poetry Day Wizard of Oz Pre- miered In 1939 26 Women’s Equality Day