Page 4 January 31, 2018 Dream Center Opens C ontinued from P age 3 Oregon community college or university officially opened Jan. 22, made possible through a $50,000 grant from the Mey- er Memorial Trust. Liliana Luna, Rock Creek Multicultural Center coordi- nator and a DACA recipient, said PCC has long recognized that undocumented and DACA students face unique barriers that require additional mental, emotional and financial sup- port. The idea for the new re- source came from the students. They wanted to ease pressures on DACA recipients by tak- ing down barriers to financial assistance and the navigation of college resources. Under the supervision of the cam- pus’ Multicultural Center, the students came up with a plan, did exhaustive research, and presented their final concept to college leadership. “They met with me in my of- fice two years ago and told me, ‘This will happen,’” recalled Rock Creek President Sandra Fowler-Hill of the students’ de- termination. “I’m so proud of their work.” The opening of the center fits into PCC’s mission. Last year, the college’s Board of Directors declared the institu- tion a “sanctuary college” to aid and protect undocumented students. President Mark Mitsui em- phasized concerns about the impact of potential changes in federal immigration policy on PCC’s undocumented students as the reason for the decision. The students and their new resource center coordinator -- Jhoana Monroy -- appreciated the symbolism of the center’s opening. “It’s something big and unique we are going through,” said Monroy. “This is an hon- or for me to be serving these students, who strive for suc- cess, education, advocacy and, above all else, to further their dreams.” Subscribe! 503-288-0033 Fill Out & Send To: Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 $45.00 for 3 months • $80.00 for 6 months $125.00 for 1 year (please include check with this subscription form) Advertise with diversity in The Portland Observer - Call 503-288-0033 or email Name: Telephone: Address: or email