December 20, 2017 Page 15 Together, we do good things. TM This page is sponsored by Oregon Lottery R December 2017 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY C alendar 4 National Cookie Day Wear Brown Shoes Day Phonograph Invented (1877) 5 Walter Elias (Walt) Disney’s Birthday born, 1901 Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955) FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 Eat a Red Apple Day Rosa Parks Day World AIDS Day 6 Mitten Tree Day St. Nicholas Day 13th Amendment abolishing slavery, ratified (1865) Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (1941) National Brownie Day Inventor Eli Whitney born, 1765 12 National Noodle Ring Day UNICEF Anniversary Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock (1620) Hanukkah Begins at Sundown 18 19 20 21 22 Eve Bunting born, 1928 Oatmeal Muffin Day Dickens’ A Christmas Carol published, 1843 Games Day Electric Light demon- strated in 1879 First Day of Winter Humbug Day Look at the Bright Side Day National Flashlight Day First Christmas Lights sold in 1882 Mercury Thermome- ter Invented in 1714 26 27 28 29 Wear a Plunger On Your Head Day Baseball great Ty Cobb born, 1886 25 Christmas Boxing Day National Pumpkin Pie Day Kwanzaa Begins National Whiners Day National Cocoa Day Susan B. Anthony dollar coined in 1970 Visit the Zoo Day World Bank created (1945) 14 8 11 Poinsettia Day 13 7 First Miniature Golf Course Opened, 1929 South Pole Discovered in 1911 Card Playing Day National Chocolate Day 15 Bill of Rights Day Underdog Day David McCord born, 1897 Texas became the 28th state (1845) David Macaulay born, 1946 National Fritters Day Artist Georges Seurat born, 1859 9 Ball-Bearing Roller Skates Patented in 1884 First Christmas Seals Issued in 1907 SUNDAY 3 International Day of Persons with Disabilities National Roof-Over- Your-Head Day 10 Human Rights Day Emily Dickinson born, 1830 16 17 Beethoven’s Birthday (1770) Boston Tea Party Anniversary (1773) Las Posadas Ludwig van Beetho- ven baptised (1770) Wright Brother’s First Flight (1903) 23 24 Roots Day Federal Reserve System established (1913) 30 Tiger Woods born, 1975 Author Rudyard Kipling born, 1865 Christmas Eve National Egg Nog Day Apollo 8 reached the moon (1968) 31 New Year’s Eve Artist Henri Matisse born, 1869