Page 2 Minority & Small Business Week The in Week Review Danielle Outlaw of Oakland, Calif., was sworn in Monday as the new Chief of Police for the Portland Police Bureau. She is the third woman to be police chief in Portland history and the first African-American woman to hold the position. Outlaw was hired in August by Mayor Ted Wheeler following a national search. Established 1970 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs USPS 959 680 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 should be clearly labeled and will be returned CALL 503-288-0033 • FAX 503-288-0015 property of the newspaper and cannot be used Mark Washington, Sr. e ditor : Michael Leighton e xecutive d irector : Rakeem Washington A dvertising M AnAger : Leonard Latin Office Manager/Classifieds: Lucinda Baldwin c reAtive d irector : Paul Neufeldt P ublisher : PO QR code if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, un- less the client has purchased the composition of such ad. © 2008 THE PORTLAND OBSERV- ER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUC- TION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. The Portland Observer--Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Pub- lication--is a member of the National News- paper Association--Founded Christa McIntyre r ePorter /W eb e ditor : Danny Peterson in 1885, and The National P ublic r elAtions : Mark Inc, New York, NY, and The r ePorter /W eb e ditor : Washington Jr. o ffice A ssistAnt /s Ales : Shawntell Washington Advertising Amalgamated Representative Publishers, West Coast Black Publishers Association. • ads@portlandobserver.comn • Postmaster: Send address changes to Portland Observer , PO Box 3137 , Portland, OR 97208 jail. Distracted driving leading to a crash approximately every three hours on Or- egon roads, the Oregon Department of Transportation said. Smith Points to ‘Entrenched Bias’ After serving nine years for a fumbled ho- tel room heist in Las Vegas trying to obtain his own memorabilia, former football star and acquitted murder suspect OJ Simpson was released from prison on parole in the dead of night Sunday. He plans on staying in Vegas for a while then moving to Florida where some of his family are, a prospect that has generated oppo- sition by Florida officials. In press conference last week, Multnomah County Commis- sioner Loretta Smith called for an independent investigation into Multnomah Coun- ty’s “entrenched bias.” The com- ments come on the heels of the firing of former public health director Tricia Tillman, who said she was let go unfairly and pointed to sys- temic racism as the culprit. Richardson calls Gay Immoral Russians Targeted Election Ads Simpson Free after 9 Years Chief Outlaw Takes the Oath October 4, 2017 Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Rich- ardson has come under fire for answering “yes” to the question of whether or not it is “immoral” to be gay. Democratic Party of Oregon Chair Jeanne Atkins said Rich- ardson’s comment, made during an OPB interview, “flies in the face of Oregon’s values” and called for prominent Oregon Republicans Greg Walden and Knute Bue- hler to condemn the statement Driving Ban for all Hand Devices A new law went into effect Sunday that bans all cellphone and electronic use for driv- ers, not just talking or texting but anything “hands on,” with repeat offenders facing steeper fines and up to a year in The Russian government used a so-called troll farm to distribute Facebook ads during the 2016 presidential campaign to target audiences in Ferguson, Mo., and Baltimore with references to Black Lives Matter, two locations where black men were killed in police shootings, Facebook revealed last week. Schools Hit with Racist Graffiti Two men are suspected of scrawling rac- ist graffiti and vandalism across multiple elementary schools in the David Douglas School District according to police and multiple reports. Last week Menlo Park Elementary School was marked with ra- cial slurs and similar graffiti was found Monday morning by administrators at Mill Park, Ventura Park and Lincoln Park ele- mentary schools.