anuary 18, 2017 Page 13 J Arts & ENTERTAINMENT c annon ’ s r ib e xpress 5410 NE 33rd Ave, Portland, Or Call to Order: 503-288-3836 Open (hours) Sun-Thurs: 11a-8p Fri-Sat: 11a- 9p Cannon’s, tasty food and friendly neighborhood atmosphere. Black residents facing displacement picket in1973 when plans move forward to teardown houses and existing buildings in north Portland to make room for the expansion of Emanuel Hospital. ‘Left Hook, a new staged reading about the community displacement the project caused opens the week- end of Jan. 20-22. Knocked Out by Gentrification ‘Left Hook’ tells 1970s story of displacement ‘Left Hook’ a new theater work about gentrification in 1970’s Portland will premiere this month as part of the Fertile Ground cele- bration of new theater works. ‘Left Hook,’ is set in a boxing club in the once-thriving Afri- can-American neighborhood of Albina where community mem- bers face loss and anger when their lives are irrevocably disrupt- ed by urban renewal. The backdrop is the construc- tion of a sports arena and then a freeway that has forced many businesses to close and many res- idents to move, but now city plan- ners have a new ambitious project in mind: a major expansion of a local hospital. As scores of addi- tional homes are razed, people in the neighborhood grow increasing angry about the loss of community and their powerlessness in the face of it. The stage reading by Rich Ru- bin is presented by Vanport Mo- saic, the non-profit organization created to tell the history of Van- port, a community of workers, in- cluding a large black population, which came to Portland for jobs during World War II. Rubin wrote Cottonwood in the Flood, a mul- ticultural play about the Vanport Flood. Left Hook will show on Friday, Jan. 20 at 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 21 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, Jan.22 at 2 p.m. at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5240 N. Interstate Ave. Admission is pay what you can or a suggested $10 for adults or $5 for students and seniors. Vanport Mosaic will have a curated con- versation following the Sunday matinee.