September 21, 2016 Page 15 It Does Good Things TM This page is sponsored by Oregon Lottery C alendar September 2016 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 19 20 21 22 International Talk Like a Pirate Day Poet John Keats Wrote ‘To Autumn’ in 1819 26 Johnny Appleseed born John Chapman, in 1774 First Railroad Station Opened Magellan started his search for the Spice Islands In 1519 World Gratitude Day International Peace Day H.G. Wells born, 1866 27 28 Crush A Can Day First Steam Locomotive Run (1825) First Airport Opened (1909) William the Conqueror Invaded England, 1066 First Day of Autumn Elephant Appreciation Day U.S. Post Office Opened In 1789 FRIDAY SATURDAY 23 24 California Native American Day Nintendo founded in 1889 - made playing cards 29 The U.S. Army was established in 1789 World Habitat Day Child Health Day SOS Established in 1906 10 Columbus Day Thanksgiving Day in Canada James Marshall born, 1942 17 Black Poetry Day San Francisco Earthquake (1989) 4 Donald Sobol born, 1924 Sputnik I Launched in 1957 (first space vehicle) 5 World Teacher Day Gene Zion born, 1913 11 Eleanor Roosevelt born, 1884 First Steam-Powered Ferryboat began operations, 1811 18 Mason-Dixon Line Established (1767) Puerto Rico Became U.S. Colony, 1898 12 Farmer’s Day Dia de la Raza (Mexico) 13 National Poetry Day (England) Margaret Thatcher born in 1925 19 Thomas Edison Electric Light, 1879 Final Revolutionary War battle (1781) 20 Sir James Chadwick (Discoverer of the Neutron) born, 1891 25 First Toy Store Opened National Bluebird of Happiness Day Supreme Court established, 1789 Good Neighbor Day (4th Sunday) Mary Poppins Debuted in 1964 1 2 Edgar d’Aulaire born, 1898 Safety Pin Invented (1849) Homemade Cookies Day World Vegetarian Day 6 1st Motion Picture, 1889, Thomas Jefferson American Library Association Founded (1876) SUNDAY 30 October 2016 3 R 7 National Denim Day Rose designated as the U.S. National Flower (1986) 14 Dwight D Eisenhower (34th President) born, 1890 21 Guggenheim Museum Opens (1959) International Day of Non-Violence, birthday of Mohandas Ghandi 8 J. Frank Duryea born in 1869 The Great Chicago Fire started (1871) 15 Sweetest Day National Grouch Day 22 National Nut Day 9 First 2-way phone Conversation, 1876 Leif Ericson Day Moldy Cheese Day 16 Dictionary Day World Food Day 23 Mother-in-Law’s Day iPod First Revealed (2001)