The Portland Observer wishes each o f you a happy and safe Thanksgiving! QR code for Portland Observer Online ‘City o/'Roses’ ks5fcir Volume XLIV Number 47 g J | U IS bseruer44 — www e ww U l 3 w e Wednesday d n i • November 26, . . ............................ ™ Established in 1970 2014 Committed to Cultural Diversity Xomnu^tvs^vice Lesley McSpadden, mother o f Michael Brown, is escorted away from in front of the Ferguson police department after a grand jury's decision was delivered Monday night in Ferguson, Mo. The St. Louis County grand jury decided not to indict Ferguson police Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of Brown. (AP/Getty photo) Decision Ignites Protests Activists in solidarity after Ferguson officer walks free B y O livia O livia T he P ortland O bserver Portland civil rights activists joined voices across the country in response to a grand jury’s decision not to indict a white police officer for the shooting of an unarmed black teen in Ferguson, Missouri. Their names, now synonymous with issues of racial injus­ tice and police brutality are Darren Wilson, the officer who fired the fatal shots, and Mike Brown, the young man killed Aug. 9 and whose death inflamed deep racial tensions be­ tween many black Americans and police. Protests erupted Monday night when the verdict was announced in Missouri and across the country as the deci­ sion was broadcast on live TV, although Portland’s response was relatively small and peaceful. Community members gathered in front of the Portland Justice Center, with protesters vowing to regroup in front of the same location late Tuesday afternoon, in solidarity with the protestors in Ferguson. The Portland rally came with the support of the Albina Ministerial Alliance Coalition for Justice and Police Reform, along with the All African People’s Revolutionary Party of Portland, Portland Copwatch, Jewish Voices for Peace, and the Iraq Veterans Against the War, among other organiza­ tions. At Portland State University, students gathered Monday afternoon and into the night waiting to hear the grand ju ry ’s decision, many expressing hope there would be justice for Brown. Another protest occurred at the University Place Hotel as PSU was hearing a proposal to arm campus security, turning the department into a full fledge police force. A group of professors and students united to object to the proposal, continued on page 4