Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 12, 2014, Page 8, Image 8

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November 12. 2014
New Prices
May 1 ,2 0 1 0
Carpet & Upholstery
Residential &
Commercial Services
Minimum Service CHG.
A sm all distance/travel charge
m ay be applied
2 Cleaning Areas or
more $30.00 Each Area
Pre-Spray Traffic Areas
(Includes: I small Hallway)
1 Cleaning Area (only)
Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area
(Hallway Extra)
Stairs (12-16 stairs - With
O ther Services)-. $25.00
Area/Oriental Rugs.
$25.00 Minimum
Area/Oriental Rugs (Wool):
Heavily Soiled Area:
Additional $10.00 each area
(Requiring Extensive Pre-Spraying)
Sofa: $69.00
Loveseat: $49.00
Sectional: $109 - $139
Chair or Recliner
$25 - $49
Throw Pillows (With
Other Services): $5.00
• Area & Oriental Rug
• Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning
• Deodorizing & Pet '"x
Odor Treatment
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• Scotchguard Protection
• Minor Water Damage
Call for Appointment
(503) 281-3949
Parents Supporting Equitable Common Core
Dispelling the
myths and
by M arc
H. M orial
T he N ational U rban
L e a g u e has ju s t re ­
leased a new survey
th a t s h o w s o v e r ­
w h e lm in g s u p p o r t
from one o f the m ost
im portant, but rarely heard voices in
the roiling and often distorted d e­
bate o v er C om m on C ore State Stan­
dards - A frican A m erican parents.
O u r survey o f 1,600 A frican
A m erican pu b lic school p aren ts
found that 60 percent o f resp o n ­
dents have a favorable im pression
o f the new C om m on C ore State Stan­
dards in E nglish language arts and
m ath that have now been adopted
by 43 states, including O regon
and the D istrict o f C olum bia.
Sixty-eight p ercent o f su r­
v ey ed p aren ts b eliev e that
C om m on C ore w ill im prove
student achievem ent, and 66
p ercent believe it w ill b etter
prepare their children fo r c o l­
lege o r the w orkforce.
T he survey also show s that a
m ajority o f parents believe w hat the
N ational U rban L eague believes as
w ell - that C om m on C ore standards
offer great potential fo r tran sfo rm a­
tive educational excellence, but only
if parents are pro-actively engaged,
il!‘ JJnrtlanb (Dbsmier
Established 1970 -
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Mark Washington, Sr.
M ich a el L eighton
E xecutive D irector : Rakeem Washington
C reative D irector : P aul N e u fe ld t
O ffice M anager /C iassifieds : Lucinda Baldwin
A dvertising M anager : Leonard Latin
R eporter /P hotographfr Olivia Olivia
4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Bivd., Portland, OR 97211
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teachers are adequately trained and
resources fo r schools and students
are eq uitably disbursed.
G iven the history and current
s ta te o f u n e q u a l e d u c a tio n in
A m erica, m any A frican A m erican
parents are rightly co ncerned that
their ch ild ren not be sh ort-changed
by an inequitable im plem entation o f
C om m on Core.
A m ajority o f respondents (58
percent) agree that the school their
ch ild attends lacks the resources
and facilities to effectiv ely teach
C o m m on C ore State Standards, and
54 percent agree that teachers are
not prepared to teach the standards.
T hose num bers ju m p e d to 6 4 p e r­
cent and 62 percent, respectively,
fo r parents w ith children en ro lled in
p red o m in ately A frican A m erican
schools. T h is underscores the im ­
portance o f ongoing efforts to e n ­
sure that students in all schools
hav e th e reso u rces to learn and
teachers have the resources to e f­
fectively teach the C om m on C ore.
W hile the N ational U rban League
has taken a leading role in educating
parents about this issue via o u r Put
O ur C hildren First: C om m on C ore
for C om m on G oals cam paign, o ur
survey suggests that efforts w ill be
necessary m oving forw ard as well
to dispel the m yths and deliberate
d istortions that have been touted
by m any o f C om m on C o re ’s p o liti­
cally -m o tiv a te d o p p o n en ts. S e v ­
enty-six p ercent o f the parents su r­
v ey ed u n d ersto o d that C o m m on
C ore State S tandards are a state-led
effo rt that establishes a single set o f
educational standards, but 70 p e r­
cent are u n d er the m isconception
that the federal governm ent w as
involved in their creation. This dem ­
onstrates the im portance o f c o n tin ­
ued w ork to ensure the d issem in a­
tion o f accurate inform ation about
the Standards.
N othing is m ore im portant in a
c h ild ’s ed u catio n than parental in ­
volvem ent. A s I said in announcing
the survey results last w eek, “O u r
survey o f A frican A m erican p a r­
ents on C om m on C ore State S tan ­
dards, strongly indicates that w hen
parents are fully inform ed - void o f
distortion, m yth and political ag en ­
das, they tend to support C om m on
C ore and its potential to transform
public ed u catio n and help ensure
that all o f o ur children - regardless
o f th eir fam ily incom e, zip code or
eth n icity - are prepared for college
o r career.
W hen parents are em pow ered
and know ledgeable about the e x ­
pectations and goals o f C om m on
C ore, they are able to tune out the
political r h e to ric -a n d tune in to the
potential for th eir ch ild ren.”
For m ore on o ur survey findings
and to learn m ore about the N ational
U rban L eag u e’s “ Put O ur C hildren
F irst” parent education cam paign,
visit PutO urC hildren 1 st.org .
Marc H. Morial is president and
chief executive officer o f the Na­
tional Urban League.