® lft Page 6 Jarliani» QObscrtier November 12, 2014 H onoring BROOKS STAFFING A Division o f S. Brooks & Associates, Inc. - ■: J O b & Your Full Service Staffing Company Local & Federal S ta ffin g T e m p o ra ry S ta ffin g Services E m ployee R ecruitm ent & Executive Searches C onsulting A p p ly & Test O n lin e MEMBER: A P O R TLA N D 6 U 6 IN « » » A L L IA N C E S. Brooks & Associates is an Oregon-based, minority-owned staffing agency with deep roots in the Portland community. It is our mission to provide ongoing employment solutions to employers and applicants that enhance and diversify the workforce. We hope to always provide the highest level of service to our employer clients and job seeking associates. We pride ourselves in being a vital part of the Portland, Oregon community, supporting local businesses, along with minority entrepreneurial endeavors. Think Jobs, Think Brooks OAMf GSA Schedule Contract Holder i Commitment to Diversity Staffing B R O O K S S T A F F IN G R E SP O N SIBLE , C O L L A B O R A T IV E , DIVERSE 1130 NE Alberta Street • Portland, OR 97211 sbrooks.com • jobs@brooks.com • 800.540.7930 503.284.7930 [o] • 503.284.7977 [ f ] SERVING THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST FOR 3 0 YEARS “Boogie Cat’’ Norman Sylvester and his band will perform for a ‘Voices for Veterans' benefit dinner and dance on Saturday evening, Nov. 15, at the North Portland Eagles Lodge. Bluesand Barbecue for Veterans The Oregon Military Support Network invites the community to attend a “Voices for Veterans” bar­ becue and dance party to benefit our local veterans. The festivities are scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 15 from 7 p.m.to 11 p.m. at the North Portland Eagles Lodge, 7611 N. Exeter Ave. and L om bard S treet. B oogie C a t” It’s a career that takes people where they want to go. TriMet is hiring bus drivers. Have you ever thought about becoming a bus driver? Because now is a great time to consider a career with TriMet: Wednesday, November 19, Noon-5 p.m. 28 th ANNUAL NEIGHBORHOOD • No experience needed; includes paid training to acquire CDL Worksource Portland Metro 7916 SE Foster, Portland HEALTHY FAMILIES, HEALTHY HOMES • Starts at a living wage that doubles in three years. Served by the bus lines: 10,14 and 72 • Full benefits and more than 20 different career paths. Pre-employment orientations: 1-2 p.m. and 3-4 p.m. • Stable and structured employment. At TriMet hiring events you can submit applications, participate in a pre-employment orientation and be interviewed on the spot by hiring managers. So come to our next hiring event and find out why TriMet is a great career for people who like to move forward. as - r n W ,'s an equal opportunity employer, comm itted to developing an organization that is reflective o f and sensitive to the needs of the diverse com m unity we serve, including veterans, the elderly and individuals with disabilities TR l i ^ M E T FIX-IT FAIR Giving Thanks and Prayers EXHIBITS & WORKSHOPS GREAT GIVEAWAYS LURCH & CHILOCARE PROVIDED SATURDAYS 9 :3 0 A .H .-3 P.M. •WE H IR E - Norman Sylvester and his band will headline the entertainment. There will also be prizes and an auction. Admission is $15 and will sup­ port the Oregon Military Support Network (www.omsn.info) to assist Oregon veterans and their families with various services and needs. For tic k e ts, v isit tickettomato.corn or call 503-789- 5164. • NOVEMBER 2 2 , 2 0 1 4 PARKR6SE HIGH SCHOOL 1 2 0 0 3 NE SHAVER ST JANUARY 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 ROSA PARKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 8 9 6 0 N WOOLSEY AVE r—...—.I iClase, en eapaftoil»—------- FEBRUARY 21. 2 0 1 5 BAVIft 0006LAS HIGH SCHOOL <001 SE I35TH AVE WWW.P0RrLANB0RE60N.60V.BPS FIF 5 0 3 -0 2 3 -4 3 0 9 Presented by the C. Ity o f Pot Hand Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Portland city Commissioner Nick Fish and his office have reached out to thank current and former mem­ bers of the military in observance of Veterans Day. “We all need to give thanks and prayers for the men and women who serve so bravely in our Armed Forces to preserve our freedom and the freedom of those being op­ pressed in foreign lands. May God Bless them,” said Fish’s public ad­ vocate, George E. Hocker Jr.