Page 14 ‘ri’e F o rtian i» (Db scrii er MONDAY J ” TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Holiday Bazaar December 6, 9am-4pm Elks Lodge, 6 N Tillamook St Call 503/413-0709 for Information THURSDAY N o ve m b e r 12, 2014 FRIDAY SATURDAY *Jazz Sunday at the Elks every Sunday this month at the Billy Webb Elks Lodge Electric Light Bulb Patented (1879) N ational Fam ily L iteracy D ay 4 3 Gail Haley bom, 1939 First Wagon Train Reached California (1841) King Tut's Tomb Discovered (1922) National Sandwich Day 10 Sesame Street Debuted in 1969 First iPod Sold in 2001 •C G uy Faw kes Day o 6 Veteran's Day Y oung R eader's D ay Rem em brance Day In Canada • H ug-a-B ear Day James Naismith, Inventor o f Basket­ ball, bom, 1861 Scientist Marie Curie bom in 1867 a Marjorie W. Sharmat bom in 1928 Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Women's Rights Leader, was bom in 1815 Nathaniel Benchley bom in 1915 M om 's and D ad's D ay Vietnam Veterans Memorial was dedicated in 1982 I O Lewis & Clark Reached the Pacific in 1805 Mickey Mouse's Birthday Antarctica discoverea in 1820 T ak e A H ike D ay W illiam T ell D ay x Andrew Carnegie bom in 1835 Crescent Dragonwagon bom in 1952 9 Jazz Sunday at the Elks Holocaust Began in 1938 1 5 1 6 Georgia O'Keefe bom, 1887 Jazz Sunday at the Elks A m erica R ecycles Day Pack Y our M o m ’s L unch D ay Jean Fritz bom, 1915 Fall o f the Inca Empire (1533) M exican Revolution Day Traffic Light Patented in 1923 Leo Politi bom in 1908 Mayflower Compact Signed in 1620 Stop the V iolence D ay Jazz Sunday at the Elks W orld H ello Day John F. Kennedy Assassinated in 1963 (35th Presi­ dent) C Charles Darwin publishes 'The Origin o f Species' in 1859 International Space Station Opened 2000 B utton D ay 21 F Gettysburg Address Delivered in 1863 by Presi­ dent Lincoln Prime Minister Indira Gandhi born in 1917 X-Ray Day X-Ray was discovered on this day in 1895 14 William Steig bom, 1907 Miska Miles bom, 1899 D a y lig h t Savin gs T im e Ends 8 7 N ational N achos D ay 11 I H om em ade Bread Day Jazz Sunday at the Elks* National A uth or's D ay A ll S ain t's D ay b ? SUNDAY Charles Schulz bom in 1922 Thanksgiving Day N ational C ake D ay Pins and Needles Day B lack Friday Tomi Ungerer bom, 1931 Magellan reached the Pacific (1521) N ational C ashew Day 2 Madeline L'Engle bom, 1918 King Tut's Tomb Opened (1922) Jazz Sunday at the Elks Margot Zemach bom, 1931 Mark Twain bom, 1835