November 12, 2014 _______________________ W ^orHanh (ftb SeWCr_______________________ Page II Vancouver East County Beaverton Alberta North Portland Residents o f Vanport cany some o f their belongings to safety m the moments before the lo m t ia s completely engulfed by floodwaters in 19. The Wake of Vanport New documentary screens Saturday You’re invited to learn more about Portland’s history through a documen­ tary showing the making and destruction of V an port, a lost city of Oregon that once served as a home to thousands of black families before a disastrous flood in 1948. "The Wake of Vanport" honors the death of a city and the viewing of its history through the collection o f Vanport stories as told by the voices o f those that lived there. It is also a celebration of life after loss. The first public screening of "The Wake o f Vanport" takes place Satur­ day, Nov. 15 at 2 p.m. at the V ancouver Avenue First Baptist Church, in the O.B. Williams Fellowship Hall, 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. Admission is free and open to the pub­ lic, and the film will be followed by a discussion with survivors of the Vanport Flood and the producers of the film, the Vanport Multimedia Project. Refresh­ ments will be provided. Overturned cars in Vanport following the flood o f 19 48 that wiped out the tow which housed many workers, including a large African American community.