October I, 2014 Minority & Small Business Week Trades Center Partners with Industry Portland Community College opens Swan Island site Business leaders and Portland Community College officials are celebrating this fall’s opening of a new Swan Island Trades Center at 6400N. Cutter Circle. In front of hundreds of inter­ ested onlookers, PCC President Jer­ emy Brown, PCC Board Chair Deanna Palm, PCC Cascade Cam­ pus President Karin Edwards and Swan Island Business Association Executive Director Sara Angell offi­ cially cut the ribbon in a grand open­ ing celebration on Sept. 17 to open the site for classes. "We have to establish a pipeline to ensure that when the jobs are there we have the people to fill those jobs with the skills that are needed," Brown said. "Our economic strength and vitality depends on an edu­ cated and developed pool of di­ verse and skilled workers who are connected to, and engaged with, our community. PCC is providing the skills and the job training for more than 20 different occupations in the trades. This is significant; this is exciting; and this is our future." This project is part of the college's A welcoming ceremony opens the new Portland Community College Swan Island Trades Center at 6400 N. Cutter Circle. 2008 voter-approved $374 million capital construction bond with $3.6 million going toward the develop­ ment of the Swan Island Trades Center, plus $1 million earmarked from the state of Oregon. The ribbon cutting, open house and luncheon was organized in part­ nership with the Swan Island Busi- ness Association. The primary focus of the new educational facility is PCC’s Trades & Industry Department, which was moved from the nearby Cascade Campus in north Portland over the summer. With a growing enrollment o f700 students, the department now has expanded space, integrated classrooms and upgraded technol­ ogy to enhance training. The department includes Facili­ ties Maintenance/HVAC-R, Fiber Optics, Pre-A pprenticeship and Electrical Trades programs. These offerings add to the training ser­ vices provided by the college through its welding lab at Vigor Industrial, also located on Swan Island. "PCC has been a great partner and has demonstrated its commit­ ment to working with industry to maximize the value of its educational offerings," said Alan Sprott, vice continued on page 13 Contact os .. today and find out how we ..................... ...... .................... ,........... .................. can help build your business. • ~ * « - > •• o ç > z«> ,s ... ♦» --F, ' Procurement Services „»'k^ ' W 1 *S 5 C SSÉ . .', ■ ',■ *'?* Tiffani Penson: 503.823.7785 tiffani.penson@portlandoregon.gov BUILDING PORTLAND BUSINESS SOCfÀt POLITY CONTRACTING w w w .p o rtla n d o re g o n .g o v