Pase6______________ Minority & Small Business Week____________ ^ 3 October>,2014 Celebrate Minority- owned Businesses BROOKS STAFFING A Division o f S. Brooks & Associates, Inc. MBE conference kicks off this week Your Full Service Staffing Company ■ Local & Federal Staffing ■ Temporary Staffing Services ■ Employee Recruitment & Executive Searches ■ Consulting ■ A pply & Test Online MEMBER: S. Brooks & Associates is an Oregon-based, minority-owned staffing agency with deep roots in the Portland community. It is our mission to provide ongoing employment solutions to employers and applicants that enhance and diversify the workforce. We hope to always provide the highest level of service to our employer clients and job seeking associates. We pride ourselves in being a vital part of the Portland, Oregon community, supporting local •businesses, along with minority entrepreneurial endeavors. Think Jobs, Think Brooks. A A LLIA N C E 0AM£ GSA Schedule Amenutn Stiffing A Commitment to Diversity Contact Holder moum C k « B R O O K S S T A F F IN G R E S P O N S IB L E , C O L L A B O R A T IV E , D IV E R S E 1130 NE Alberta Street • Portland, OR 97211 • ¡ • 800.540.7930 503.284.7930 [o] • 503.284.7977 [ f] SERVING THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST FOR 30 YEARS C h a se & Weil, LLP Salutes Brandon Neal m any top executives and p ro fes­ sionals in attendance to bring e x ­ pert persp ectiv es and a fresh look at som e o f the b iggest ch allenges fac­ ing sm all b u sin esses.” 2014 M E D W eek w ill offer the o p p o rtu n ity fo r sm all businesses and diversity p ractitio ners to e n ­ gage in three days o f b uilding re la ­ tionships, learning and celebrating w ith each other! F o r m ore inform ation about 2014 M E D W e e k , v is it b d iw e b .o rg / about-m ed-w eek.php o r to purchase t ic k e ts go to 2014m edw . Portland Fire Chief: ‘Come Join Us’ Diversity embraced in hiring effort Minority Itili Gerald M. C hase Richard L. Weil A ttorneys at L aw 621 SW Alder St., Portland O regon 9 7 2 0 5 -3 6 2 1 P h o n e 503-294-1414 • F ax :5 0 3 -2 9 4 -1 4 5 5 £ T he B usiness D iversity Institute w ill host its annual M in o rity E n ter­ prise D evelopm ent W eek c o n fer­ ence at the S entinel H otel on T h u rs­ day, O ct. 2 and O ct. 7 and 9. T he co n feren ce has b eco m e a highly anticipated ev en t celeb rat­ ing the acco m p lish m en ts o f m in o r­ ity -o w n e d sm all b u sin esses and d iv ersity p ractitio n ers w h o have d em o n strated m easu rab le grow th an d /o r introduced innovations in the O regon and S o u th w est W ash ­ ing to n com m unity. T his year's event features a se ­ ries o f w orkshops fo r sm all b u si­ ness and diversity practitio n ers o f­ fering the latest strategies, best prac­ tices, success stories and takeaw ay toolkits. 2 0 14M ED W eek will culm i­ nate w ith an aw ards lu n ch eo n on T h u rsd ay , O ct 9, h ig h lig h ted by k ey n o te sp eak er B ran d o n N eal, d i­ recto r o f the O ffice o f Sm all and D isadvantaged B usiness U tilization in the U .S. D epartm ent o f T ran sp o r­ tation. “W ith a p ack ed ag en d a and a new w o rkshop lineup, 2 0 1 4 M ED W eek is heating up to b e o u r m ost successful ev en t to d ate,” said K im ­ berly M itchell-Phillips, Sm all B usi­ ness D ev elo p m en t P ro g ram M an ­ ager, Port o f Portland and B D I B oard C hair. “W e are h o n o red to have T he follow ing is an invitation to start a career as a firefighter from Portland Fire & R escue C h ief Erin Janssens: “C o m e jo in u s; b eco m e a firefighter! W e ’re dedicated m en and w om en o f every race and ethnicity. N o m atter our background, w e can all clim b 10 stories with a tank o f air strapped to our backs. Every day w e save lives, property, and the environ­ m ent. W e save people from heart attacks, chem ical spills, car pin-ins, and yes, w e also fight fires. W e are a team , and w e’d like for you to jo in us and becom e a firefighter. Portland Fire and R escue will be accepting applications online, Oct. 13 through Oct. 26h to take our firefighter entrance exam, which will be adminis­ tered Dec. 17. W hat does it take to becom e a firefighter? Com passion. Resource- Portland Fire and Rescue Chief Erin Janssens fulness. Skills. Adaptability. Strength. A nd m ost important: a desire to help others. If that describes you, I en­ courage you to contact o ur recruiter to learn m ore about our testing pro­ cess; call 503-823-3811 o r em ail fire fig h te r @ p o rtla n d o re g o n . g o v . Sign up to be notified about the de­ ta ils o f o u r te stin g p ro c e ss at: w w w .p o r tla n d o r e g o n .g o v /f ir e / getnotified.”