O ctober I, 2014 Minority & Small Business Week Page 27 Curt’s Ultimate Fitness and Fighting Arts continued from page 17 i ö •/ ‘ , ? - • i me to help him put his gloves 1 I on, but I think I hindered more than helped as I fum bled with the straps. Curt tells me that B arrera and Shelton are two o f his top prospects today. B arrera, a 170 pound light heavyw eight from L ong B each. C alif, m oved to Portland tw o years ago and is com ing o ff a trium ­ phant debut at a USA Boxing event held at The B litz in south­ east Portland this past June. Shelton, a 145 pound m ixed m artial artist is com ing o ff a dominating July win in Salem at C aged W ars w here he sub­ m itted his opponent w ith a third round arm bar. Boxing and mixed martial arts are not all C urt’s has to offer. The gym is affiliated with Caveirinha Jiu-Jitsu and offers gi and no-gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes. Crawford, while pri­ marily known as a kickboxing specialist and two-time am a­ teur champion in 1984-85, is a purple belt and no slouch on the ground. He also offers personal — ------------------------ . • • . ,, _ „ photo by M ike B ivins /P ortland O bserver contributor training services, as well as ac- Curt Crawford (left), owner o f the Curt’s Ultimate Fitness and Fighting Arts, trains one o f his top prospects, Isaac Shelton who has migrated from the boxing ring to the cage. cess to free-weights and other miscellaneous workout equip­ ment C u rt’s U ltim ate is open to those o f any level, athletic set or gender. D uring a co-ed class, the ow ner was con­ stantly buzzing around to make sure his students were on task and absorbing the instruction for the technique, based on their skill level, assigned. The atm osphere was serious, yet w elcom ing, as Curt and his students could rarely be seen without a smile on their faces. Your Budget is our mission" BUDGET INSURANCE E N T E R P R IS E S .L L C AUTO HOME DANNY CHAN DURAN BEASLEY At Budget we work with many insurance companies to find the best fit for your needs and to fit your Budget. Call today for a free quote I photo by M ike B ivins /P ortland O bserver contributor Curt Crawford and photos from some o f the fighters he has trained at his Ultimate Fitness and Fighting Arts facility in northeast Portland, including a picture Ultimate Fighting Championship Middleweight Champion Evan Tanner, holding his title belt from 2 0 0 5 while under Crawford’s tutelage. LIFE BUSINESS HEALTH 503 515 4377 Fax 503 610 7011 Office 503 254 7188 1710 NE 82nd Ave Portland, OR 97220 Independent agents serving Oregon & Washington