October I, 2014 Minority & Small Business Week Page 25 A rts IMIIIIISMIM V I Ml I I Andre 3000 Finds a New Rhythm Entertainer stars as Hendrix in new biopic (AP) - Andre Benjamin was uniquely qualified to play Jimi Hendrix in the film "Jimi: All Is By My Side," and not just be­ cause his colorfully cosmic style has long owed something to the '60s icon. • The film, written and directed by "12 Years a Slave" screen­ writer John Ridley, is a portrait of Hendrix in 1966 - a then some­ what aimless 24-year-old play­ ing backup guitar - finding him­ self as a frontman and being elevated by the blues-rock scene of Swinging London. As the of­ ten reticent half of hip-hop duo Outkast, Benjamin, too, knows something about the psychology of a performer discovering his onstage swagger. "I had to grow into being an entertainer and Jimi had to grow into being an entertainer, too," Benjamin said in a recent inter­ view. "I can say from being an entertainer and a star, my very first shows were horrible. The shyness. You're put on stage in front of all o f these people, and you're kind of in your head a lot. It takes the confidence of know ­ ing, 'Hey, people dig this.’" 1 Mi /S Andre B enjam in portrays Jimi Hendrix in th e film "Jimi: All Is By My S id e ." (AP photo) "All Is By My Side," w hich opens in theaters Friday, es­ chew s the usual cradle-to-the- grave biopic trajectory, focus­ ing instead on H endrix's dis­ covery by Linda Keith (Imogen Platinum Fade Salon Back 2 School Special Poots), his form ation o f The E x p e rie n c e and his b re a k ­ through in a town dom inated by th e B e a tle s an d E ric C lapton. M ade w ithout the cooperation or approval o f the All Hair Types J cumaiumis «muon Ph.: (503) 705-2587 ■a www.alore9on.com a Grout Cleaning | 1 5 0 3 - 7 0 5 - 2 5 8