Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 01, 2014, special coverage issue, Page 23, Image 23

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    October I. 2014
Minority & Small Business Week
Page 23
Providing Dental Care for 38 Years
Dr. Ward on the
importance of
healthy teeth
and gums
Dr. Edward W ard has some
important tips to understand the
overall importance o f caring for
your teeth and gums. Dr. W ard
and his Interstate Dental Clinic
staff have been serving the den­
tal needs of Portland for over 38
According to the Academy of
G eneral D entistry, a healthy
mouth also has a connection to
good heart health.
Studies have shown that there
is a link between cardiovascular
disease and periodontal (gum)
disease, the chronic inflamma­
tion and infection o f the gums
and surrounding tissue. Forms
of gum disease, such as gingivi­
tis (gum inflammation)and peri­
odontitis (bone loss) can be indi­
cators for cardiovascular prob­
lems, which is why it is important
on page 31
Dr. Edward Ward and his Interstate Dental Clinic staff have been serving the dental needs of Portland over 38 years.
To Place Your
Classified Advertisement
Mental Health Practice Opened
p e o p le o f c o lo r and o th e r people ju st m oving to here and
m arginalized groups. As some- people who have lived here
me K erlee started her p n - one who grew up in Portland, forever, and how this both im-
va e practice PDX T raum a she understands the experi-
. .
F ree” to fill a gap in service for e nces. o f race and racism for
continued V
B y O livia O liva
he P ortland O bserver
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.corn
An ongoing series of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession.
Part 17. Understanding Pain:
Why do you have it? How can you get rid of it?
: M y frie n d c o n sta n tly but will do nothing to take the stress off treated can cause ill-health in other
takes pills. I’ve tried to convince the spine and nervous system. When the areas of the body as well. Our spe­
her to see a Chiropractor. Can you
body yells, “Fire!” and you experience cialty is finding the cause o f your
make any suggestions?
pain; it is trying to get your attention that problem and taking care o f it, pain­
: You m ig h t try ask in g it is being injured. When there is stress in lessly, without drugs...Just as nature
your friend this: “If you heard a the nervous system, this is a serious intended. If you suffer from pain, stop
fire alarm going off in the middle of problem.
pulling the alarm wires from the walls.
night, would you call the Fire Depart­
The nervous system controls every Together, we can put the fire o u t.. .for
ment or would you
other function o f the body and left un­ good!
Yank the wires out of the wall and
calmly go back to sleep?” You see,
pain is your nervous system ’s fire
2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 • P h o n e : ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4
alarm. Pain pills may alleviate the pain
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
Dr. Billy R. Flowers